Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ...

Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ... Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ...


MILESTONES TIMEFRAMES RESPONSIBILITIES & DECISION POINTS INDICATORS3(d)Engage with federal and provincial governments to prepare the implementation plan and strike the tripartite implementation committee• Appoint ImplementationCommittee• Prepare Implementation PlanTarget:December 2011Target:February 2012to June 2012(5 months)• FNHC Decision Makingo Make appointment to ImplementationCommittee• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Make appointment to ImplementationCommittee• FNHC Decision-Makingo Establish process for development of theImplementation Plano Provide guidance to the content of theImplementation Plano Provide approval to final Implementation Plan• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Provide advice and recommendations relatedto the implementation plano Provide drafting and logistical support toImplementation Committeeo Provide approval to final Implementation Plan• EstablishedImplementationCommittee• CompletedImplementation Plan12 DRAFT- Resolution 2011-01 Workplan

MILESTONES TIMEFRAMES RESPONSIBILITIES & DECISION POINTS INDICATORS3(e)Develop models and options for a First Nations Health Authority• First Nations Health GovernanceStructure Workbook Processo Roll out First NationsHealth GovernanceStructure Workbook,including models andoptions for a First NationsHealth Authorityo First Nations providefeedback on Workbooko Develop RegionalSummaries of feedbackinto Workbook and buildconsensus within regionso Develop provincewideConsensus Paper:First Nations HealthGovernance Structurefor consideration of FirstNations at GatheringWisdom VJanuary 2011 toMay 2012(5 Months)• Regional Caucus Leadership and Adviceo First Nations provide feedback throughWorkbook and Regional Caucus sessionso First Nations build consensus within regionsand across BC on the First Nations HealthGovernance Structure• FNHC Leadership, Oversight & Advocacyo FNHC provides leadership and guidance toWorkbook processo FNHC members attend and provide leadershipto Regional Caucus sessions• FNHDA / First Nations Health Directors TechnicalAdviceo Health Directors attend Regional Caucussessions and provide advice and support toFirst Nations leaders• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Development of models and options for theFirst Nations Health Governance Structure,including the First Nations Health Authorityo Drafting of Workbook, regional summaries,Consensus Papero Coordinate logistics for Regional Caucussessions• First NationsHealth GovernanceStructure Workbookincluding modelsand options for aFirst Nations HealthAuthority• Number ofcompletedworkbooks and/orfeedback capturedthrough RegionalCaucus and othermeeting summaries• Number of FirstNations participatingthrough Workbookprocess• Regional Summariesof Feedback• Province-wideConsensus Paper:First NationsHealth GovernanceStructureDRAFT- Resolution 2011-01 Workplan13

MILESTONES TIMEFRAMES RESPONSIBILITIES & DECISION POINTS INDICATORS3(d)Engage with federal and provincial governments to prepare the implementation plan and strike the tripartite implementation committee• Appoint ImplementationCommittee• Prepare Implementation PlanTarget:December <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>Target:February 2<strong>01</strong>2to June 2<strong>01</strong>2(5 months)• FNHC Decision Makingo Make appointment to ImplementationCommittee• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Make appointment to ImplementationCommittee• FNHC Decision-Makingo Establish process for development of theImplementation Plano Provide guidance to the content of theImplementation Plano Provide approval to final Implementation Plan• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Provide advice and recommendations relatedto the implementation plano Provide drafting and logistical support toImplementation Committeeo Provide approval to final Implementation Plan• EstablishedImplementationCommittee• CompletedImplementation Plan12 <strong>DRAFT</strong>- <strong>Resolution</strong> <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>-<strong>01</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong>

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