1970 - Prabhupada

1970 - Prabhupada

1970 - Prabhupada


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#36-1 .· ..:v ..md--2 LA-1-70 Lecture on Buddhaand still 1the Vaisnav they are offering their respectful prayers Lord Visnu.Why? Because the Vaisnava knows how the God is actingfor his different purposes. Others ,they do not know.The next9-avatar, incarnation, is Kalki. jhat is yet to take place. Ka.lkiavatajlill appear at the end f this age, Kali-yuga. The age ofKali-yuga, _duration of this age,is still to be\r mean to say,fulfilleOO, OOOs of years. So at the end of Kali,that meansat the last stage after about 400,000s of years )the incarnationof Kali will appear. That is predicted in the Vedic literaturesas Lord Buddha's appearance was also predicted in the Srimad-Bhagavatam.j srimad-Bhagavatam( was compiled five thousand years ago Jand LordBuddha appeared about 2, 500 years ago. Therefore about Lord Buddha'sappearance it is predicted that at the beginning of Kali-yuga LordBuddha will appear. There was prediction and that has actually come tobe true. Similarly 7there is prediction about Kalki avatar and thatwill also come to be true. So at that time Lord Kalki's businesswill be simply to kill. No instruct.Just like Bhagavad-gita,Lord Krsna gave instruction in the shape of Bhagavad-gita )but at theend of Kali-yuga people will be so much degraded that there is nomore possibility to give any instruction. They'll not be able toJWeA-.junderstand At thaltime the only weapon will be to kill them. Andone who is killed by the Lord,he also gets salvation. That is God'sall-merciful quality. Either He protects or He kills, the\esult isthe same. So that wi be the last stage of this Kali a.fnd afterthat)again Satya yuga,he age of religiosity 7will begin.\hese are thes.tatements of Vedic literature.(end)

-·'\':"",,----125-2md--2·.;., .... ': .... -.,.LA-1-70•: '," ·. ·:SB-6:1:6, ·: ·-·· ......·,·f;.' t·: ... . . .punislimen.)f Just like lere you have got the magistrate who t'if;esthe criminals and gives punisuent according to thegravity ofcri1ality ;;'imilarly 1there is no reason to disbelieve that inthis vast kingdom of God 1why here shall not be a magistratelike that? If in a small state, say this California state bhereare so many magistrates, so many courts 1 in different towns,and if you calculate 1in comparison to this universe, what is thisCalifornia state? You can see at night there are millions andbillions of planets glittering in the skand this earthly planetis one of them. That's all.,And in this earthly planet there areso many countries America, Canada, United States, Mexico, India,I • IChin There are so many count=ies ,and there are so many cities.And each and every city 1there are so many courts and magistrates.Just think that this planet is only a spot in comparison to theuniversal construction. So how we can think that there is nocontrol, there is no government )jverything has come out of itsown course ·rhis theory is foolish theory. There iscontroller. There is controlle and He is called lsvara. Isvarameans God. There is management of God. It is very common}enseunderstanding. so about that description of that hellish planethas been described in the previous chapter. Now 1 you should alwaysremember that this Bhagavatam is being spoken by Sukadeva Gosvamito King Pariksit. Maharaja Pariksit was to cie within seven daysand he immediately left his kingdom and family and went to thebank of the Ganges, sat down tere tightly without taking evena drop of \'later );imply with gre seriousness he heard Sr imad­Bhagavatam and he got salvationJwithin seven days. There arenine different process of executing Krsna consciousness. Severaltimes I have described that nine processes. The first process is------ --

. .. .,_ ·, .. ,,.125-2 LA-1-70 SB-6:1:6md--5only one son of God. Now according to Bhagavad-gita, every livingentity is son of God. Now how to adjus A Bible says that/l /LOrd Jesus Christ is the only one son, then how so many ,innumerable sons can be adjusted? There is adjustment.There isvry nice adjustment. One should know it. He is the only oneson means one who can sacrifice his life for God,he is real son.And one who is simply taking from father: "Oh, God, give us ourdaily bread," and He is supplying and eating and enjoying senseenjoyement } he is not real son.The real sor. is he who sacrificeshis life for glorifying his father.Similarly 1anyone who willsacrifice his life Of course • • • 1it is not required that everyoneshall be crucified like LOrd Jesus Christ,but he should sacrificehis energy for the Supreme Lord.And that person who has devotedhis energy for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord,he is calledKrsna conscious person.\ve have got a limited )measured amount ofenergy throughout our life..We are not going to live forever.But we have got some energy by which we can create so many things.Everyone is coming as a small child. As he grows up,oy his energyhe is becoming Ford, he is becoming Rockefeller,he is becomingCarnagie, or in our CQQtry just like Birla, so many things. Itis simply energy. One has got sufficient energy, intelligence, he(('l-is utilizing, he is becoming Rockefeller, Ford, or Birla1 Sb:nethingAlike that. Another man, he has got energy. He cannot utilize hisenergy. He remains a poor man, a loafer class. It is all ( question.A--0of energy. So long we have got this energy in our control, thatAmeams so long we live, vle have got a certain amount of .. Jhat should)be employed for Krsna, for God\That is Krsna consciousness. Krsnaconsciousness does not mean anything wonderful. It is not . • .

.... '125-2md--6LA-l-70SB-6:1:6A ;v'ry simple thing. Simply you have to employ your energy for Krsna.That is expected by Krsna. And what will be the result? The resultwill be, at least individually you shall be peaceful, you shallbe happy. If everyone becomes like that, in Krsna consciousness,or everyone tries to apply his energy for the service of the Lord,then this world bec,mes kingdom of God actually. But that is notpossible. Here there is another opposing element which is calledmaya iorSatan, who is acting against this principle. So wecannot expect that cent percent people will be God conscious orKrsna conscious. That is not possible because here in this materialworld . . • J'is material world means it is a place where maya ispredominant. Maya is predominant means the forgetfulness of Godis predominant . .t-taya means nothing. Maya is not a ghost. Hayais a condition of consciousness. That's all. When you forgetGod ,or Krsna, that is calld in thehagavad-gita it isvery nicely explained in theChapter that daivi hy esa gunamayiIImarna maya duratyaya: The influence of maya is so strong that it is,,very difficult to surmount. Yes. Maya is energy of God also. Soas your energy can produce so much wonderful thing, why not rsna's'7energy 1or God's energy 1is very strong. Yes. It is very strong. Justlike you are also energy, but why you are not strong? Just likewhen you are criminal, when you are in the custody of police energya..Q_Q_ Iof the government, you are weaker. You are one of the energiesAof this governmen-t:. The whole population is the energy of thegovernment, producing. This is an example. But one energy iscivilpopulation, another energy is criminal population, and anotherenergy, the government. So the criminal population means against the

125-2 LA-1-70 SB-6:1:6md--7principles of government. And civil population means law-abidingprinciple of government. And the law orderenergy means topunish the criminals. So this ma¥a is law and order energy ofGod. And we, those who have come to this material world, weare all criminal energy now. We are not actually criminal. Justlike a man born is not criminal, but by association he becomesa criminal. Or by association he becomes a godly man. It is aquestion of association. Similarly 1the spirit soul ; as son of God 1 is pure. He is as pure as anything. As God is pure, similarly ,the son of God is also pure. But as soon as he forgets God andwants to become free, or wants to become imitation Go Here inthis material world everyone s trying to become an imitation God.God is one. God cannot be two. But here the struggle for existencemeans that these, I mean to say,living entities who are put intothis material world, everbne ofthem is trying to become an, . ,imitation God. Therefore there is struggle. I am trying to) ithercollectively or individually, everyone is trying to become acertain type of God. What is that God? God means, I have severaltimes explained that God means the richest man, the richest, famousman, the most famous man, the strongest man, the beautiful man, thelearned man, and the renounced man. You just find out who is God.That is defined in the Vedic literaure, that the person who has gotthe utmost opulence, utmost strength, utmost beauty, utmost knowledge,and utmost renunciation, He is God. This is the definition of God.You can find out some rich man 1 but you cannot find out the< richestman. Every day you willfind so many competitors.So as soon asyou find the richest man,nobdBy can surpasshim,then He is God.so these are some of theexamples. So it isto be understood that

-." ·• ,· ..'125-2 LA-1-70 SB-6:1:6md--8all living entities who have come to this material existence . . •This material existence means this is a life which is not permanent.Why it is not permanent? It is not permanent for this reason, thatwe are given a chance. This material manifestation,creation ofthis material world, and let loose the living entities. Theseare all statement inthe Bhagavad-gita. Mama yoniahad-brahmatasmin garbham dadamy aham. Th history of creation, as learn.;t;L;v i-from the Vedic literature ,Aifter cr:ion of this material world 1the living entities are imp ate Just like a man constructsa nice house or takes a very apartment and begets children in theAwomb of his wife T;limilarly 1the material nature is the motherand the father is God, and we are all children. These are theVedic literature description.So who are these children? Thesechildren are all criminals. All criminals. Beginning from Brahma,cvthe highest living creature, down to the ant, small insignificantAant J'ore ;or less we are criminal 1 and we are suffering theconsequences. w e ca nnot deny. If we are sincere, if we actually-believein the sastras, in the Vedic literature, our sufferingsare due to our mischievous activitie/.1 So according to the mischievousactivities )there are different kinds of suffering and there aredifferent kinds of species of life. But maya,the spell of mayais so strong that one cannot understand that he is suffering. Weunderstand that we are trying to be happy.Actually 1this materialworld 1there is no happiness,but to counteract the agency of· ndistress ) we accep that is happiness. That is happiness. Justlike I have no apartment, but to counteract this inconvenience ;II Dh Jif I try my utmost to get a good apartment I fee now I am happy.I am happy ' What is this happiness? How long you shall remain,1\U'(lo..l ,-'L-in this apartment? suppose you I ;fifow long you

'• ··::..•,·:• ·•·:·.;,:•!.:: .. ·,!· :.:..125-2 LA-1-70 SB-6:1:6md--9will live?So here happiness mean to counteract the force ofdistress is called happiness.Actually ,there is no happiness.This is called maya. Just like I am in distressed condition,puzzled, I take some intoxict This is called happiness.AI remain in the Game conditioniAfter my intoxication is over )I come back again into the same condition 1but I am thinkingII It( :\h""ya means this. 'You are thinking like this but it is not this.JI am,happy. This is called maya. Maya mean a means not,This called maya. You are thinking that you arc happy ,but...you are not happy. So we are seeing that a criminal is arrestedby the police and he is put into the prisonhouse. 1-Je know thatheis put into trouble but still 1in spite of seeing that his1kind of criminality will put me also into such kind of distres ' 1but still1 I commit that thing.fhis is the influence of maya.This is the influence of maya. So these all description of hellishdescript:i:on has been given in the previous chapter. NO\'o'J Pariksit....{,...R.... AVo..,Maharaja is 1. A a Vaisnava. Vaisnava feeling ... Vaisnava means he isf\always feeling for the distress of the others. Just like LordJesus Christ. What is the necessity of being crucified? Becuuse__;{;L__he was a Vaisnava. Vaisnava means servant of God or the devoteeof God. Vaisnava. Visnu means Lord }and Vaisnava means one \oJhois devotee of visn u, he is called Vaisnava. Godly. Godly person.Vaisnava means godly person. So every godly person,he thinksfor others: "Oh, people are suffering for want of knowledge, for{)>hIwant of God consciousness, for want of Krsna consciousness. y etAme do some service. Let me enlighten them so that they may behappy. Therefore we offer our obeisances to the Vaisnavas ancha-kalpatarubhyas ca krpa-sindhubhya eva ca. Va:..'lcha·-kalpa-taru

125-2 LA-1-70 SB-6:1:6md--10means that "My dear devotee, you are just like a desire tree.Whatever I desire from you,ca krpa-sindhubhya eva ca.you fulfill ' vancha-kalpa-tarubhyasItKrpa means mercy. You are the ocean\' 1/of mercy. And patitanam pavanebhyo; nd you are deliverer ofthe fallen souls.IITherefore I offer my obeisances unto you.It is very nice to offer respect to a godly person is described ;( -;.ic) No1v 1 t., Ait is very/\nice\ J,.Ẉhy?11,Yatitanam pavanebhy.godly person'sbusiness is to reclaim the fallen souls. They cannot se A godly.. .person sees that nere s my brother. He s son of God I am sonh , ,of God. Without enlightenment,without knowledge of God ) he issuffering. So let me give him some knm'lledge of God. 11This isgodly persods business. He has no other business. He has nobusin8ss to find out where to eat, where to sleep. Oh, that Godprovides for hini''. If God can provide food and shelter for catsand dogs,do you think God will not provide food and shelterfor his confidential devotee?Is God so blind or ingratitude orunable? If He is able to feed innumerable living entitieswithin this universe,does it mean that one who has sacrificedhis life for God's service,he will starve? No. In the Bhagavadgitait is said,kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhakt ipranasyati"My dear Kaunteya, Arjuna, you declare it to the world that Hydevotee will never be vanquished." Never be vanquished. Anot herplace1 it is said,tesam nityabhiyuktanam yogs·-ksemam vahamy aham:"Those who are constantly engaged in Hy service,fO!fthem 1I personallycarry all the necessities to his home."So rest assured that ifyou become Krsna conscious,if you become God conscious Jthere will/(....,be no scarcity of happiness. Don't think that j.f I devote my lifeonly for Krsna consciousness1 I will be starving ' No.So this

125-2md--11LA-1-70SB-6:1:6enlightenment is given by godly persons. So here Maharaja Pariksit,he was very godly person. He was so great devotee that there isC)k .;\a. ...no comparison. ASo he is asking, after hearing the hellish punishmentof the criminals, he is asking, adhuneha maha-bhaga yathaivanarakan narah 1 nanogra-yatanan neyat tan me vyakhyatum arhasi.He is addressing Sukadeva Gosvami. He has accepted Sukadeva Gosvami1/as his spiritual master. Therefore he says, maha-bhaga, the mostfortunatell 0 0man. You have to select a spl.rl.tual master, the mostfortunate man.,And who is most fortunate man? One who has understoodKrsna, he is most fortunate man. Not that one who has got dozensof motor cars, he is most fortunate man. You do not know where heis going after this body. You se;( He may be enjoying very nicelyin this life, but he is not preparing for the next life. This lifeis preparation for the next life. The modern civilization does notknow that every living entity is eternal. He is changing sulplydifferent phases of life. So if one is ignorant how he is changinghistheOnedifferent phases of life, what is his next life, what he was in·?• 4 past life How one can know. One can know, sastra-oaksusAcan know from the scriptures, from the authorized books, asyou know so many things. How you know that the moon planet or sunplanet or this planet or that planet have got s many things Jthisor that? It is from the books. You have never gone to the moonplanet )but you learn it from the books, authorized books. Simplyyou have to consult authorized books, you get learned yourself.So the Vaisnava, I mean to say, Maharaja Pariksit, he was verymuch distressed when he heard about the hellish punishment of)N«-- I - "Q ,,the criminals. So he's askin mahfhaga l,tfY dear fortunate. He's

,;:·;•:125-2md--12LA-1-70asking Sukadeva Gosvamikadeva Gosvami was naked. He was sorenounced that after his birth, he left his home he wasAdtraveling, wandering )1_.d when he met Maharaja Pariksit , hewas only sixteen years old and naked, but he is accepted asthe spiritual master of this great king because he was full ofknowledge. It is a question of knowledge. It is not the questionof age. He was only sixteen years old and he was not even properlydressed, but God kindly sent him for instructing this king. So he-ilis asking, ahhaga, can you explain how these suffering men\can be delivered from this hellish suffering. So he was feeling.This is the sentiment of Vaisnava. They cannot see the sufferingCJA...humanity. They always try to reform them and to get them ... Not;\only the devotees );lhe Lord also, He is so compassionate, HeI) -sends His son, His most confidential son,Jesus Christ, He comesHimself, He sends His incarnation, He sends His knowledge. Justlike this Bhagavad-gita is knowledge. He speaks Himself aboutthis knowledgeHis representatives are there by disciplic succession.So we can take advantage of all these things. Still Jthere is Krsna.still 1 there is speaking Krsna and His repr,esentative 1 and everythingis there. Simply we have to take advantage. That's all.ut thespell of maya is so strong th•t it does not allow. Daivi hy esagunamayi mama maya duratyaya )mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etantaranti te. So if you know the secret of success, that is not_,Vf-_...:a .. •very difficult. The statement is given by Lord Krsna Himself11-r.Athat the spel ? !. ma J}s very srong undoubtedly. It is insurmountable.

.,··.r-:·!'.. '·".':Wf!f.T:;:;-;.• !? ::.,-··:r.;:r: ::::T:..·f· ·· . ...., . -,.;.·....,.; -125-2 LA-1-70 SB-6:1:6,):. ·md--13You haven't got to pay for it, you haven't got to lose anything.But if you simply chant Hare Krsna whenever you get opportunity • • .You have got so much opportunity. Instead of talking nonsenseand wasting your time, if you please chant Hare Krsna J your life()will be successful. Thank you very much. Any question?AYes.There are stages of Krsna consciousness. According to time,circumstances, and people, Krsna consciousness is understoodin different measure. Actually1 Krsna consciousness is that oneshould understand that God is great and we are minute particlesof God.Just like the sun globe and the sunshine. The sunshineis thefombination of brilliant molecular atoms, sunshine Similarly )•we are molecular sparks, spiritual sparks, but the quality ofthe molecule of the sunshine and the sun is the sam Alight.Similarly, we, although very minute particle of the SupremePersonality of Godhead, but qualitatively we are one. Quantitativelywe aredifferent. So i£ one understands that we are small particlesof the Supreme Lord and our business is to dovetail our consciousnesswith His consciousness, that is perfect Krsna consciousness. Butit is not very easy also at the same time. To immediately acceptthat my consciousness may be dovetailed with Krsna's consciousness,then I become almost like Krsna. The example I have given here in\.::t1 this class many times, that a car, motor car, is running at vrmiles speed, but if a cyclist catches the motor car, he can also, ..run on the same spee although the cyclist is small}. Similarly 1although we are small particle • • . Just like in the fire, thesesparks, fue particle sparks, we can see they are very small incomparison to the fire )J'ut when the fire and the sparks aretogether, everything is beautiful. Everything is beautiful. Thesparks also looks very beautifu and the fire also looks very

·\··, ... ,.·,::···: ..125-2 LA-1-70 SB-6:1:6md--1 4beautiful. So God has become many. Eko bahyama. Why? Becauseas it is stated in the Vedanta-sutra, anandmayo 1 bhyasat. He,-...is by nature ananda maya, joyful. c::__ ________...--_)

:•' . :. : .Acid Free Copy. ' ,,, . ····: ·•'' ·. ... ·:.·...dd--1LA-1-70Srimad-Bhagavatam Lecture 6:1:19Tape #9<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:sakrn manah krsna-padaravindayornivesitam tad-guna-ragi yair ihana te yamam pasa-bhrtas ca tad-bhatansvapne 'pi pasyanti hi cirna-niskrtnhWe have been discussing sinful activities and their reactionfor the last three weeks.So here, Sukadeva Gosvami says thatthere are many different processes for counteracting our sinfulactivities, but he summarizes that sakrn krsna-padaravindayornivesitam tad-guna-ragi yair iha.Anyone who has fixed up his mindon the lotus feet of Krsna, krsna-padaravinda . • . Padaravinda meansthe lotus feet of Krsna.Aravinda means lotus flower, and padameans feet.Someway or other, if anybody fixes his mind on thelotus feet of Krsna, then he says, na te yamam pasa-bhrtas ca tadbhatansvapne 'pi pasyanti.It is, according to Vedic scripture,the sinful persons are taken to the superintendent of death, andthere, according to his different volumes or proportion of sinfulactivities, a living entity is punished.The spirit soul is takenin that planet where the Yamaraja is there, and in the subtle form • • •Subtle form means the spirit coveredin the subtle form of mind, intelligenceand false ego, he is put into various trouble.Sometimes,just like we are also, even in this life, we are put into suchtroublesome position in dream. That is our experience. Suppose we

'1 ,, .•••t9 SB 6:1:19dd--2LA-1-70are put into some narrow space, and I am just going to be suffocated,or I am in the face of some dangerous animal, or deep into the ocean.Sometimes we dream like that.A similar punishment is given afterdeath and when the living being or the living entity becomes accustomedto such habit, then he is put into the womb of a certain typeof animal or man where that suffering will continue.He is madeinto practice. Maya has got two things. Avaranatmika and praksepatmika.Avaranatmika means just like a dog or a hog, he is in a,encaged in a body, eating stool, living in a very filthy place,but still, the hog is feeling himself that he is happy, he's happy.This is called avaranatmika sakti.Any abominable condition we maylive, but maya will cover our intelligence and we will think thatwe are living very nice. This is called avaranatmika sakti. Otherwisehe cannot live.If an animal or a dog or hog thinks that he'sin most abominable condition of life, then he cannot live.But heenjoys.A dog is chained up by the master but he thinks that he'svery happy.He does not think that "I am completely dependent andI am chained up, I have no independence, I cannot freely move."Even his chain is taken away, he wants to be chained.This is maya.In any condition of life everyone thinks that he's happy.Butactually he does not know what is happiness.This is called maya.But here it is said that a person, for a short period, if he becomesKrsna conscious, sakrt, manah, if his mind is somehow orother placed on the lotus feet of Krsna, then, even in dream he'llnever see what is the punishment in the planet of Yamaraja.Thatmeans a Krsna conscious person is guaranteed not to be touched bythe Yamaraja or his attendants or his police force or constables.

i9 SB 6:1:19LA-1-70dd--3They • . • A living entity is taken away. After his death, if he'ssinful man, then his soul is taken away by force.He doesn't wantto • • • Through a desert. These things are described. You may believeor not believe, but we believe.Because we believe in Vedicliterature.So these descriptions are there, and practically weexperience also in our this life, sometimes in dream we are put intogreat troublesome position and we suffer.Although when we wake upwe do not see anything like that, but still, the consequence of thedream we suffer.So here, Sukadeva Gosvarni gives gurantee that aKrsna conscious person is never to be troubled by the Yamaraja orhis agents.Atra codaharanti imam itihasarn puratanam, dutanamvisnu-yarnayoh sarnvadan tarn nibodha me.Now, Sukadeva Gosvarni isgiving one historical examples.Example is better than precept.Generally, common men, if they see one example, they understandbetter.So how, one's mind being fixed up in the lotus feet ofKrsna, even for a moment, he can get relief from the greatest danger,Sukadeva Gosvarni is narrating one story.This fact is corroboratedin the Bhagavad-gita. Those who have read, you know. LordKrsna said, svalparn apy hi dharrnasya trayate mahato bhayat.ThisKrsna conscious, you call it a culture or religion, whatever youcall, if one executes this process of Krsna consciousness even verylittle. then there is chance of his being saved from the greatestdanger. Svalparn apy asya dharmasya. Asya, this devotional service,or Krsna consciousness, is so nice that even very little done,it can save one from the greatest danger.Now, that example isbeing narrated by a practical historical reference.Here it issaid that itihasarn, codaharanti.It is exemplified from the his-

t9 ' SB 6 : 1 : 19 LA-1-70dd--4torical reference.So all the narretions or stories that are mentionedin the Puranas and Vedic literature, they are historicalreferences. They are not manufactured. Actual fact. Just likehistory, you know the historical facts are facts, they are not Inanufactured.So here this very word is used, itihasam. Itihasammeans history. Itihasam puratanam. But it is very old. All thesePuranas • • • This purana means, purana means "very old." Very oldhistory. Purana, this word very, word means "old." So there areeighteen Puranas in Vedic literature.Because there are three kindsof living entities • . • Some of them are in goodness, some of themare in passion, and some of them are in ignorance.For all people,there are different kinds of Puranas.Tose who are in the modesof passion and ignorance, they cannot generally understand the historicalreferences made in the sattvic Purana.Just like thisBhagavat, Srimad-Bhagavatam is also one of the Puranas, essence ofhistory. Whole history. Similarly, Brahmanda Purana, Visnu Purana,these are Puranas in the modes of goodness.There are differenttypes of people.The example is given just like there are differenttypes of birds. A pigeon class • • . Birds of the same feather flockstogether. You see? That is natural. The pigeons will flock together.And the crows will flock together. The swans will flocktogether.The swans will never go to the crow or the crow willnever go to the swan.In human society also the same natural tendencyis there. Of course, now we are becoming more liberal. Otherwise,formerly, the white people will not mix with black people.So this is not new. It is by nature. Everyone has got a particulartype of society, environment.So literatures also, there are

19 SB 6:1:19 LA-1-70dd--5different kinds of literature.different kinds of literature.different kinds of literature.From nature's study you can see.For the crow-like men there areAnd for the swan-like men there areSo swan-like men, swan means hamsa.The swans, they have got a specialqualification. What is that? If you give a swan milk mixed withwater, the swan will take out only the milk portion, and the waterportion will remain.That means those who are swan-like men, theytake the essence, not the adulteration.Similarly, there are elevatedpersons who are also called paramahamsa. Paramahamsa. Thesame example of the hamsa, swan.Paramahamsa means they are interestedwith the essence of this world.Not with the adulteration.What is the adulteration?The adulteration is matter and theessence is spirit. Just like this body. What is this body? Thisbody is that I am a spirit soul, living entity, I am encaged inthis material body. Everything. Even in the atom there is someactive principle. A drug, there is some active principle. Sosimilarly, in this body, my body, your body, or uny body, whatis the active priaciple?The active principle is that living soul.As soon as the active principle is gone, then it is useless.Dustthou art, dust thou be-est.and it again becomes earth.Then this body is made of this earth,Either as stool or as earth or asashes. These are the our experience. Just like Hindus, they burnthis body. So this body become ashes. And there are communities,they throw out the body for being eaten up by birds and beasts.So it becomes stool.Because after eating they will pass stool.So the aftereffects of this beautiful body will be stool or ashes.We are now soaping so nicely, dressing so nicely this body, but the

i9 SB 6:1:19 LA-1-70dcl--6(laughs) aftereffects will be stool or ashes. Or earth. In yourcountry you bury the body.So after few days it will be moth-eaten,and it will be turned into earth. So we have to utilize. Theparamahamsa means they take the essence.What is the essence ofthis body? The essence of this body is the spirit soul. So oneshould try to understand what is science of that spirit soul.Theyare not interested with the adulteration.Just like the exampleis given: the swan. The swan takes out the active principle. Theswans, they live in a very nice place where there is very clear water,nice garden, nice fruits, flowers, birds chirping.You will find,these white swans are there.When I was in London I saw there wasa, there is a nice Regent Park. There are many swans. The park ismostly flower, rose flower, nice park.So they are living there.And the crows, where they live?They'll go where you throw awayall nasty things. They will go and enjoy there. You see. Thecrows. Why? Why the crows does not do like the swans, and the whiteswans do not do like these crows.These are the different qualities.The whole world is moving in different qualities.Therefore thequality of goodness, that has to be acquired in human form of life.This temple is meant for the persons who are in the quality of goodness.Those who are after the essence of the world. Paramahamsa.And this, our Krsna consciousness movement is also meant for theparamahamsas.Not for the crows-like men, but swans-like men,those who are white swans, trying to live in a very nice place,clear water, nice tree, nice fruits.So in the Srimad-Bhagavatamin the beginning you'll find in the introduction, paramo nirmatsaranamsatam. Dharmah projjhita-kaitavah atra. Atra means "in this book,

#9 SB 6:1:19dd--7--··..... ,. : . ·.. ' ·LA-1-70·•.;J..· ... : .. :::'•in this transcendental literature," dharmah projjhita-kaitavo 'tra ...Kaitavah means cheating. Dharmah means religiosity. Religiosityor the cheating type of religiosity is not here.nirmatsaranam, for persons who are not envious.It is for paramoThe crow-like birdsor crow-like men or karmis, they're envious.You'll find. And even,without any offense • • .Just like dog. You pass on. Without nyoffense, he'll bark, ow, ow, ow, ow. (laughter) You have no offense.You have no offense, but it will try to pick up some quarrel with you.Sometime it will come to bite you unless you have got sufficientstick to show. (laughter) So, similar ... There are dogs and catsand hogs. There are similar men also. They will simply pick upquarrel unnecessarilY· Sometimes political leaders. Just like inEurope, Hitler.unnecessarily picked up some war, and there wasdevastation all over the world. You see. There was no gain. TheGermany become defeated and bifurcated.So this leader could notdo anything good to the nation, but unnecessarily picked up somequarrel.So that is the cause of world trouble, the crow-like men,the dog-like men, the hog-like men.so we have to create paramahamsas.Good men. Then you can expect peace and prosperity. Ifyou create cats and dogs, then how can you expect that there willbe peace, there will be no war, there will be no disturbance?No.Paramo nirmatsaranam satam vastava vastu vedyam atra.So this Krsnaconsciousness movement is trying to create a population of paramahamsa.That is our propaganda. We are not trying to create a classof men like crows or cats and dogs, but like the hamsas.Of course,it is very difficult.When you try to create some M.A. pass boysand girls, their number will be very little.Because anything valu-

#9 SB 6:1:19dd--8LA:.l-70able, the customer is very little.If you want to sell jewel, inthe jewelry shop hardly you will find one customer in a day.Ortwo customer in a day.But in a beef shop or a meat shop you willfind hundreds of . . • You see? so as soon as a thing is valuable,the number of customer will be less.So don't consider the qualityof the good by estimation of the number of customers.The customermay be very little, but you should try to understand what is thequality of the thing.So in our Krsna consciousness movement youwill please try to understand what kind of things we are going todeliver.Don't try to understand that these people have no verymany customers.The customers will be less because we have so manyrestriction. so people do not like it. Everyone thinks why I shallbe restricted. I shall be free. But actually, he is not free.Just like the dog thinks that he is very free, but he is chainedup.Similarly, every one of us are chained up by the laws of materialnature.We cannot go even a inch beyond the laws of materialnature. You cannot eat more what you can digest. The law of natureimmediately will try to inflict punishment upon you.This is practicalexperience. You have to eat as much as you require. If youeat more, then you get indigestion, and if you eat less, then youbecome weak. You have to eat exactly what you require. That isthe law of nature.Similarly, these Krsna consciousness boys andgirls, they're being taught not to eat more, not to eat less, not toenjoy senses more, not to enjoy less.Similarly, the paramahamsalife is a regulated life.So here, how the person of whose historyis mentioned here became irregulated and how he was to be punished,this story is narrated. Kindly hear. He says, kanyakubje dvijahkascid dasi-patih ajamilah, namna nasta-sadacarah dasyah samsarga-

. ,LA-1-70#9 SB 6:1:19dd--9'. /''> • "dusitah. Just try to understand. Here it is said that in aKanyakubja city . . • There is a city, now it is called, by the Britishperiod, it is now known as Kanauj, a city in the northern Indianear Kanpur city ...So that is very old city, because it is mentionedin the Srimad-Bhagavat, and Bhagavat was written five thousandyears ago.So it means that city is famous since five thousandyears ago, and it was inhabited by learned brahmanas.So here it issaid, kanyakubje dvijah kascid.Dvijah, dvijah means brahmanas,ksatriyas and vaisyas.Especially it is meant the brahmanas and theVaisnavas.Just like in this m'rning we had ceremony, initiation.The second ceremony will be for offering sacred thread.So one whohas got this sacred thread, he is called dvijah, twice-born. Twiceborn.Once born by the father and mother, and the next birth isgiven by the spiritual master and Vedic literature.Vedic literatureis the mother and the spiritual master is the father.As inevery birth the necessity of father and mother is there, similarly,in this birth also, spiritual rebirth, there is necessity of motherand father.The mother is this Vedic knowledge, and the father isthe spiritual master.So there was a dvijah, dvijah means he wasborn in the family of a brahmana. And he was sanctified also. Fromthe life history of this man we understand that in his early agewhen he was up to his youthful life, sixteen or seventeen or up totwenty years, he was very well behaved boy.He was under the careof his father and mother, and how by bad association he became adebauch, that is stated here.It is stated that, kanyak ubje dvijahkascid asit dasi-patir ajamilah.Ajamilah, his name was Ajamila,and he was a brahmana.But he contacted some woman which is called

;·. ·SB 6:1:19LA-1-70,cid--10dasi, or prostitute, and he remained with her. Dasi-patih. In.India also, still, the practice is that if anyone, any person, wantscontact of more woman than his wife, then he cannot disturb in thesociety. He has to search out this dasi or some prostitute. Sofrom time, very long, long ago, even in Krsna's time we find thatthere was a prostitute class.When Krsna entered Dwaraka, these,some of the • . . They were still devotee. Although their professionwas prostitute, prostitution. Still, they were devotee. So we findfrom this narration of Srimad-Bhagavatam that many devotee prosti-.tutes also went to receive Lord Krsna.So it does not matter evenif one is prostitute, she cannot be devotee.She can be devoteealso. So this man, Ajamila, contacted a prostitute. Dasi-patihajamilah namna nasta-sadacarah dasyah samsarga-dusitah.And because,although he was born in a nice family, he contacted theassociation of a prostitute, his sadacarah, his well behaved life,became lost. Well behaved life • . . Sadacarah and duracarah.Sadacarah means those who are following the regulative principles,they are called sadacarah.And those who are not following theregulative principles, they are called duracarah.So here it issaid that dasyah samsarga-dusitah.Being contaminated by the associationof the prostitute, he lost his life of well behavior.Andwhat is that? How diu he lose his well behavior? Bandy-aksaihkaitavais cauryair garhitam vrttim asthitah.He accepted the professionof cheating, gambling. Bandy-aksaih kaitavais. Stealing.Cauryaih, and garhitam vrttim.Those are condemned profession.Now these condemned professions have become ordinary professionin the civilized society.But according to the Vedic civilization,

#9 SB 6:1:19... ,- '·"···· . . .:••:>':·.··: ., • .,."!':···-··· . ,... ,,,. '· . ··?·•·;•w·,•"-!''''·'.:;:'···::•:··':,'?)f:l!jLA-1.;,.70dd--11these things are condemned things.Cheating or gambling, cheatingand speaking lie. Bandy-aksaih kaitavais. And stealing. Theseare condemned profession.But he adopted all these things becausehe was associated with a woman for illicit sex.So illicit sex isso bad thing. This is the example. If we indulge in illicit sexlife, then we won't care for all these abominable actions.Thatwas the example by Ajamila.We shall come to understand later onthat he was married, but he left his legal wife, and he contacteda prostitute, and the association of this prostitute, he became athief, a cheater, a gambler, a liar and so many nice things simplyfor maintaining the family.So we shall not take much of your time.This is a long story. We shall narrate again next week. Pleasecome.Thank you very much.(end)

. ""'l' ··' . : \": ,, ·

His Divine GraceA.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADATRANSCRIPTIONSFEBRUARY <strong>1970</strong>THE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.** Where actual dates are missing, transcripts are placed in sequential order.

#27 -2Varaha Appearance Day LectureDasavatar.a-stotra PurportLA-2-18-70Prabhupad:... lifted the world when it was submerged within the waterof GAilBlloDAKSI\ Garbhodaka Ocean. The universe which we are seeing,it is only half.The other half is filled with wate and in thatwater is Garbhodi Visnu lying. So one demon, Hiranyaksa, hepushed this earthly planet within that wate and Lord Krsna deliveredthis earthly planet from water in the shape of a boar. So that auspiciousday is today, Varahvadasi. This is called Varahvadasi. So on thisday it is better to sing,to glorify the different incarnation5rfLord within this universe. The first incarnation is the fish form.srayers were offered by Jayadew/Gosvami. One Vaisnava poetadvented about 700 years before Lord Caitanya's appearance. He wasa great devotee ;and his specific poetry, Gita-govinda, is very famousall over the world. Gita-govinda. Gita-govinda is the subject matterof Krsna playing on flute about Radharani.That is the subject matterof Gita-govinda. The same poet, Jayadev/Gosvami has offered thisprayer, pralaya-payodhi-jale-dhrtavar. asi vedam. He says, "My dearLord, when there was devastation within this universe, everythingwas filled with water. At that time You saved the Vedas,stacked ina boat. And you held the boat fom being drowned in the water 7in theshape of a big fish. " This FISH first of all was caught in the waterpotjust like a small fish. Then it enlarged )and the fish was keptin a bigger water reservoir. In this way the fish was increasing.IIThen the fish informed that devastation is coming. You just saveitall the Vedas on a boat JayadeGosvami is,and I shall protect

......... ,.#27-'lLA-2-18-70Varaha's App. Lect.md-- 2offering prayer, "My Lord,You saved the Vedas when there was devastao--tion in the shape of fish." The next is Kurmavatar. There was churningAof the ocean. One side all the demigods and one side all the demons.And the churning rod was a great hill called Mandara-parvat: And theAresting place was on the back of the Lord appeared as a tortoise. Sohe • s offering his prayer that ''You appeared as a toise just to becomethe resting place. And this happened because You were feeling someitching sensation on your back so You accepted this big rod, MandaraHill, to itch, as the itching instrument." Then the next incacnationis this Varaha, boar or hog. He delivered this earthly planet by thetusk )and he kept the whole world on is tusk. We can just imtgine--how big he appeared. And the world at that time appeared jusl likethe moon disc with some marks on it. So kesava-dhrta-varaha-s.:rira.He says, "My dear Lord, You have appeared as the great boar. So letme offer my respectful obeisances unto You." The fourth incanationis Nrsimhade\a. Nrsimhadevaappeared to save Prahlada r-taharaja ) who wasfive years old boy he was being tortured by his atheistic father.0-So He appeared from the pillar of the palace as half-man halt:-lion.ASecause this Hiranyakasipu took benediction from Brahma that he'llnot be killed by any man or any animal\o the Lord appeared neitherman nor animal. This is the difference between the Lord's intelligenceand our intelligence. We are thinking that we can cheat the Lord byour intelligenc but the Lord is more intelligent than us. ThisHiranyakasipu wanted to cheat Brahma by indirect definition. Firstof all he wanted to become immortal. Brahma said, "That is not possiblebecause even I am notimmortal. That is notare very intelligent.immortal. Nobody in this material world is_),.c,possible. ' A Hiranyakasipu, the demon. . . The demons(IHe thought that ound about way I shall become,,immortal. He prayed to Brahma that "Please give me the benediction that

· ..',,'#27-2md--3L.-2-18-70Varaha's App. Lect.I shall not be killed by any man or any animal." Brahma said, "Yes,that is all right."" shall not be killedin the sky, on the >Tatersaid, "OhK.s." "Ior on land." Brahma shall not be killed byany mafade weapons. ""That's all right." In this way he utilizedhis intelligence in so many ways just to come to the conclusion ofbeing immortal. But the Lord is so cunning that He kept intact allthe benediction given jy Brahma, still he was killed. He said thatI( \1"I'll not be killed e:her during daytime or night." Brahma said yes.So he was killed just in the evening ,st in the junction of da andnight. You cannot say it is day or night. He took the benediction that1((I shall not be }illed n the sky, on the water, on the land So heAtN newas killed on His lap. He took the benediction that I shall be killedAby any mafade or any c-ofade weapo 11 That was given, 1 11 right' So hewas killed by the nails. Inthis wa all the benedictior6/were keptintact,\still he was ki:led. Similar! we may make plan, we may makevery advancement in scientific knowledgbut the killing process ofnature will be there. :obody can escape. By our intelligence we cannotescape\(he four princi?les of material existence means birth, death,old a g.= and disease. \'l'e can manufacture many medicines, many weapons,many means, many metho::s, but you cannot escape these four principlesof material existence owever 1great you may be. That was proved byHiranyakasipu. Hiranyaasipu was one of the stalwart materialisticand he wanted to live orever, enjoy, but he also could not live.Everything was finishe:':.Then next incarnation is Vamana, the dwarf.Lord Vamana appeared before Bali Maharaja. That was also anothercheating. Bali Maharaja conquered all the universal planets and thedemigods were ·too much disturbed so Vamana Maharaja ... Vamanadeve7.\went to Bali Maharaja -:hat "You give me some alms. I am brahmana.

#27-2.LA-2-18-70Varaha's App. Lecturemd--4I have come to beg from you." So Bali Maharaja said, "Yes. I'll giveyou." So He wanted three feet land only.So by one feet the wholeuniverse was covere upside ;and another feet the other half wasc0vered.Then the third feet Bali Maharaja said, "Yes, now thereis no place. Please keep Your feet on my head. Still my head isthere." So Vamanadev was very much pleased by the sacrificeofBali Maharaja. He gave up everything for the ord. So he is one ofthe great authorities. Out of the twelve authorities ) Bali Mahar.:ja.is one of the authorities because he sacrificed everything to satisfythe Lord is Parasurama. Parasurama Jtwenty-one times he manea massacre propaganda for killing all the ksatriya kings. The ksatriyakings were very much dishonest dt that tim so he killed them for,)twenty-one times. They fled from here and there. And from the historyof Mahabharata it is understood ; at that time some of he ksatriyasfled and took shelter in the European side. And f; :do-European,/, ..,,stock is from those ksatriyas. That is history, historicalinformation from Mahabharata. Then next incarnation is Lord Rama.so He fought with Ravana who had ten heads. SJ.\nd the next incarnationis Balarama. Balarama is the elder brother of Krsna. He isincarnation of Sankarsana, next expansion of Krsna. So He was verywhite in complexion } and He was wearing blue garments/and with Hisplow He was ; sometimes He was angry with Yamuna River )and He triedto dry up the Yamuna River. That description is given here. AndYamuna ;out of His fear, he agreed to the proposal of Balarama.Qe next incarnation is Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha ;he decried the Vedic/ principles. Therefore He is calculated as atheist. Anyone who does\ 00not agree w th t h e Ve d c prncp 1./W..: e5As\ 0 0 0 0cons d ere d as a th eLst. Justlike one who does not believe in the Bible )they .=-.re called heathens,

#27-2 LA-2-18-70 Varaha's App. Lecturemd--5similarly ;those who do not accept the Vedic principl they are calledatheist!. So Lord Buddha although incarnation of Krsna, said that"I do not believe in Vedas." What was the reason? The reason was tosave the poor animals. At that time people were sacrificingthepoor animals under the plea of Vedic sacrifice. So demonic persons 7they want to do something under the protection of authority. Just likea big lawyer takes the protection of the lawbook and he makes the lawunlawful.Similarly 7the demons are so intelligent that they takeadvantage of scriptural injunction and do all nonsense. So thesethings were going on. In the name or Vedic sacrifice ;they werekilling animals like anything. So Lord became very much compassionatethese poor animals/and /e appeared as Lord Buddha ;ands philosophywas nonviolence. His philosophy was atheist because he said thatl t ere is no God. This combination of matter is a manifestation; andyou dismantle the material elements }there will be void and therewill be no sense of pleasure and pain. That is the nirvana>ultimategoal of life. ' That wasfs philosophy. But actually yls mission wasto stop animal killing ,f stop the men from so much sinful activities.So Lord Buddha is alsoprayed herewith. So people will be surprisedthat Lord Buddha is designated as atheist and still the Vaisnav.:61they/(A(r31A..)are offering their r6spectful prayers;fLord Visn . tvhy? Because theVaisnava knmvs how the God is acting for His different purposes. Others ;they do not know. The next avatar incarnation is Kalki. That is yetto take place. Kalki avatar will appear at the end of this age, Kaliyuqa. . The age of Kali,yuga, duration of this age is still to be, I.).#' ,oFmean to say, fulfilled 400,000Ayears. So at te end of Kali, that1/l !\ 400,000 \

,. " . . - - ; •·•.t;.#27-2. LA-2-18-70 Varaha's App. Lecturemd--6Lord Buddha's appearance was also predicted in the Srimad-Bhagavatam.Srimad-Bhagavatam was compLled five thousand years ago 1and LordBuddha appeared about 2,50 0 years ago. Therefore about Lord Buddha'sappearance it is predicted that at the beginning of Kali yuga LordBuddha will appear.There was prediction )and that has actually cometo be true. Similarly )there is prediction about Kalki avatar and thatLowill also come to be true. So at that time Ki's business-will be simply to kill. No instruction. Just likj{ Bhagavad-gitaLore. Krsna gave instruction in the shape of Bhagavad-gita. But atthe end of Kali yuga 1people will be so much degraded that there isno more possibility to give any instruction. They will not be ableto understand even. At that time the only weapon will be to killthem. And one who is killed by the Lord, he also gets salvation.That is God's all-merciful quality. Either He protects or He kills,the result is the same. So that will be the last stage of this Kaliyuga Jand after that )again Satya yuga, the age of religiosit willbegin.These are the statements of Vedic literature.(end)

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Acid Free Copy#25-3Sannyasa InitiationLos Angeles, February, <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Anyad ahur ... What is the next sloka?Devotees: Vidyam cavidyam ca yas tad vedobhayam saha, (<strong>Prabhupada</strong>with devotees) avidyaya mrtyum tirtva vidyayamrtam asnute. Andhamtamah pravisanti ye 'sambhutim upasate, tato bhuya iva te tamo yau sambhutyam ratah.Anyad evahuh sambhavad anyad ahur asambhavat,iti susruma dhiranam ye nas tad vicacaksire.So today is a specialfunction day.Some of our advanced students, they're accepting therenounced order of life.First of all, one of our students, KirtananandaBrahmacari, he was offered when I was in India, Vrndavana,in Janmastami day he was offered this sannyasa order in the Radha­Damodara temple.Similarly, here we have got also Radha-Krsna temple.There is no difference betv1een Radha-Damodara temple and Radha-Krsnatemple.So we postponed this to be held on the Janmastami day atNew Vrndavana, but by some reason we are now postponing to go there,and we have decided to perform this L:nction here.And I am veryglad that we are all present.Now, this sannyasa mantra should bestudied very seriously and we shall chant this mantra after the regularfunction.Especially those who are accepting the sannyasa order,they should try to understand the import of this important mantra.The import of this important mantra especially is that, as we ?rohibitseveral things during ordinary initiation, just like no illicitsex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling, similarly thereare many no's in accepting the sannyasa order. Especially meat ...not meat-eating, mating. And politics. If we remain in the material-

#25-3 Sannyasa Initiation LA-2-70dd--2istic order of life, then this sannyasa order will be a facilityfor cheating. That responsibility you must have. That is the meaningof the sannyasa order. San, sat-nyas. Renounced order meansone has to renounce everything for Krsna's sake.So this mantrawill be chanted after these formal mantras, apavitrah pavitro va,and then you'll change your dress, and then yajna will ake place,then sankirtan movement, your business.So you have got all these?Now chant Hare Krsna. You all chant. (devotees chant japa) Namaapavitrah pavitro va sarvavastham gato 'pi va.You know all thisor I shall have to repeat? Or you say. (devotees repeat: ) Namaapavitrah pavitro va sarva vastham gato api va yah smaret pundarikaksamsa bahya abhyantara sucih sri visnu sri visnu sri visnu.Again take.Nama apavitrah pavitro va sarva vastham gato api va yah smaretpundarikaksam sa bahya abhyantara sucih sri visnu sri visnu sri visnu.Again. Hare Krsna. Nama apavitrah (repeats again) . Vande 'ham(recites Mangalacarana prayers, devotees repeating) . Now take your ...Yes. Hare Krsna. And chant Hare Krsna. Open your dress. Later onwhen you come.Visnujana (?) :The mantra's here on this sheet?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No. That's all right. You first of all dress. t-Jhy ..?For others there is no garland?Karandhar (?) : Yes. Arati. Should we have arati?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Oh, all right. Finish arati. In the meantime, you dress.Take that garland. So I shall give you. Give me that cloth. No, no.That ... First of all cloth give me. This cloth I'll deliver you.No, no. This cloth. Yes. This is your cloth?Visnujana (?) :Shall we put the garlands on now, <strong>Prabhupada</strong>?

#25-3· Sannyasa Initiation LA-2-70dd--3<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. Bring it and ... No. Garland I shall give lateron when you will dress, come out. I will give you. Like this. Yes.Dress yourself and come. Brahmananda? You come. There shall beno shirt. Open. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, HareRarna Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.Now you can perform your dailyprogram. Yes. (break)Dayananda:Should we offer the garland?(Karandhara leading Mangalacarana prayers and doing fire sacrifice)Dayananda:<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:upasitam.You can read the translation.Dayananda: "Translation: I shall cross over the insurmountable oceanof darkness of ignorance simply by taking shelter of the lotus feetof Lord Mukunda who gives all kinds of liberations and who is worshipedby many great previous acaryas. Purport: There are sixtyfourkinds of rendering service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead,out of which to accept the uniform dress of a tridandi sannyasi isalso an important item.One who accepts this order of life, surelyby rendering service unto the Supreme Lord becomes eligible to crossover the insurmountable ocean of ignorance.All previous sages usedto accept such order of life, and later acarya, Visnu Swami, adoptedthis order of life and specifically stressed on this procedure inorder to achieve firm conviction in the matter of devotional service.Those who are unalloyed devotees, they add one more staff along withthe original three.This extra one is representation of the livingentity.There is another sect who are known as ekandi (sic) sect.They misunderstand the purpose of tridanda and by such deviation,sivaswami sannyasis, who claim to belong to the Visnu Swami sect,

#25-3Sannyasa InitiationLA-2-70dd--4turn to be impersonalists and follow the footsteps of Sankaracarya,accepting only the ek•da. (sic) Instead of naming themselves outof the 108 names of Vaisnava sannyasis,this Sivaswami sect acceptsten names of the sannyasi, following Sankaracarya. Lord Caitanya,although in terms of te then practice accepted ekandi (sic) sannyasaorder, but His acceptace of tridandi sannyasa is understood. Thismantra was first chanted by a learned brahmana of Avantipura afterbeing very much disgusted in this materialistic way of life.Thishappened long,long years ago because it is mentioned in the Bhagavatamwhich was composed by ·.7yasadeva at least five thousand years ago.So it is to be concluded therefore that this tridandi sannyasi orderis coming down since a long time. Since a time long, long years ago.And within five hundre= years of time,Lord Caitanya adopted thisorder of life. In the latest years, His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhantasarasvati Thakur Prabh1.:padaadopted it personally and made many ofhis disciples tridandi sannyasis.we are also following his footsteps.In the purport of this mantra, is that the ekandi (sic)sannyasi is devoid of ?aratmanista, which is explained above. Inother words, impersonalists ... " On the first page it says, anexplanation of paratma is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.Thisis given in the Englis:-. synonyms. So it says, "We are also followinghis footsteps.An= the purport of this mantra is that the ekandi(sic) sannyasi is devoid of paratmanista, which is explained above."So that is right, Prabupada, that the impersonalist is devoid oftheSupreme Personalit::' of Godhead?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: They have ::10 idea. They say that we can imagine an idea.According to impersonalists,they say sadhakanam hitarthaya brahmano

#25-3Sannyasa InitiationLA-2-70dd--5rupa kalpanah.Because we cannot concentrate our mind in impersonaltherefore they say, "Imagine some form." They think that Krsna isimaginat ion. Yes. (laughter) That is their Mayavada. Krsna waspersonally present and He killed all the demons. Still, these demonssays imagination. That is demonic. Therefore we do not agree withthem.Dayananda: "In other words, impersonalists cannot have any faithin the Supreme Personality of Godhead and they prefer to merge intothe impersonal Brahman effulgence.In the Srimad-Bhagavatam we donot find any mention of ekanda (sic) sannyasa. This tridanda sannyasais accepted therefore as standard.Bhagavatam as the supreme authority.Lord Caitanya accepts Srimad­Under these circumstances,persons wh o accept Lord Caitanya as ekandi (sic) sannyasi are mistaken.So following the footsteps of Lord Caitanya still the tridandisannyasis are in existence.Keeping the sacred thread and sikhaintact, distinct from the Mayavadi sannyasis, Mayavadi ekandi sannyasis,who give up the sacred thread and sikha.They have no inclinationto render service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead.Beingvery much disgusted by the materialistic way of life,they do notunderstand the purpose of the sannyasa order.strictly followers of the Vaisnava principles,But those who arethey do not acceptthe Hayavadi way of sannyasa. In the sect of Lord Caitanya, themost venerable learned scholar known as Gadadhara Pandit Gosvfuiaccepted this tridandi sannyasa order and he offered this facilityto his disciple known as Sri Madhva-upadhyaya. This t-iadhvacaryais the origi n of the Vallabhacarya sect.One of the Six Gosvamis,Gopal Bhatta Gosvami,who is the authority of Vaisnava regulations,

#25-3Sannyasa InitiationLA-2-70dd--6was initiated by another tridandi sannyasi known as PrabhodanandaSarasvati.Therefore this sannyasi order is completely in pursuanceof Vaisnava authority."<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: So that danda you can take. Your danda take. You cantake, come on. His name is there? No.No.Visnujana:You know which one is which?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No. According to the size we have made. So which sizehe is I do not know. I ... That's your?Visnujana:Yes.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: That's your. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna ... Hare Krsna HareKrsna. Now chant Hare Krsna. Dance.{break--prema-dhvani)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: So, this is now formal accepting of sannyasa, but realsannyasa purpose will be fulfilled when you'll be able to induce thepeople of the world dancing like you. That is real sannyasa. Thisformal dress is not sannyasa.Real sannyasa is when you can induceother people to become Krsna conscious and they dance in Krsna consciousness.Devotees: Jay a!<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: If you can turn one man to become Krsna conscious, thenyour going back to Godhead, back to home, guaranteed. That is realpurpose of sannyasa.Thank you very much.{end)

' His Divine Grace.. · ·.,. A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADA· , .TRANSCRIPTIONSMARCH <strong>1970</strong>THE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. ,* Where actual dates are missing, transcripts are placed in sequential order.

400-1Bhagavad-gita 7.1Los Angeles,March, 197 0Devotee (!) : "Now hear, 0 son of Prtha Arjuna, how by practicingyoga in full consciousness of Me, 't!ith mind attached to Me, youcan know Me in full,free from doubt." Purport.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Arjuna's mother was known as Prtha. Prtha. Herfather's name was Maharaja Prthu. Therefore Arjuna is known asPartha. Sometimes Arjuna is addressed as Partha. It comes fromthe meaning, root meaning of Arjuna's mother's father,grandfather.Go on.1: Purport: "In the first six chapters of the Bhagavad-gita, theliving entity has been described as nonmaterial spirit soul whoiscapable of elevating himself to self-realization by differenttypes of yogas. At the end of the Sixth Chapter it has beenclearly stated that the steady concentration of the mind uponKrsna, or in other words, Krsna consciousness,is the highestform of all yoga. By concentrating one's mind upon Krsna one isable to know the Absolute Truth completely, but not otherwise.The impersonal brahmajyoti or localjzed Paramatma is not perfectknowledge of the Absolute Truth because it is partial."<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. Impersnal • •• Just like sunshine and the sundisc and the inhabitants of the sun globe. In one sense,they areone unit. You cannot separate sunshine from the sun disc or thesun disc from the inhabitants or the predominating deity of sunplanet. They are all in light, but still there is difference.Sunshine is coming within your room. Although the sun disc and1

400-1LA-3-70BG-7:1the sunshine is notdifferent, still, when you realize what issunshine,that does not mean you realize what is the sun disc.This is very practical. To understand what is sunshine does notmean to understand what is sun disc. You can have some idea:"Thesun disc is also light,These ideas you can get,and it has got heat. It is illuminating."but not exactly what is the temperatureof that sun disc, how you can live there. There are so manythings to learn. Therefore, impersonal Brahman, understanding ofimpersonal Brahman, is not perfect knowledge. Exactly • • •Knowledge of sunshine is not perfect knowledge of sun. That youcan understand very easily. Suppose daily you are having sunshinewithin your room. Does it mean you know what is sun disc or whatis the inhabitants of the sun globe? No. Nobody knows.Similarly, impersonal knowledge of the Absolute Truth is likethat. That is not complete knowledge. Although it is light,sunshine is also light, sun disc is also light and theinhabitants there, they also must be light. Otherwise, how canthey live? They also must be fiery. Because the inhabitantsthere, they are also fiery, without being fire how you can livein fire? Sun is fire; everyone knows it. The temperature is veryhigh. So one,without having a body suitable to that temperature,how they can live there? But there are living entities. That wehave got. Because you cannot live in the water, that does notmean there is no living entity in the water. This is nonsense.So if we similarly conclude,"Because we cannot live in the fire,therefore there is no living entity in the fire, " that isnonsense. The exact knowledge is at least to accept this2

400-1 LA-3-70 BG-7:1reasoning, that I cannot live in the water, but if you count thenumber of living entities within the water, oh, it is far morethan living entities on the land. Because the water is threefourthof the globe,so how many living entities can live on theone-fourth? Naturally the number of living entities is fargreater. But if you conclude, "Oh, I cannot •••If I put into thewater I shall die, so there is no living entity within thewater," this is nonsense. You don't compare with your situationwith others. That is the mistake of civilization. We thinkeverything in our own standard. Atmavat manyate jagat. That isthe nature, that atmavat, what he is thinking of himself,therefore, others must be like that. No. Others may be differentfrom you. So, similarly, you will find so many differences in somany planets. Their habits, their mode of living, civilization,standard of living is completely different.Even in this planet,if \'le find, the standard of living in America is different fromthe standard of living in South America or Africa or India. Sowhy not in other planets. So everything ••• In the Brahma-samhita,we understand, every planet has a different situation, not thateverything of this nature. So it is •••It is not complete idea."Because you can know what is sunshine, therefore you can knowwhat is sun-god or sun disc"- -no, that can (not) be done.Similarly, because you have some spiritual light, impersonallight • • • What is tha t impersonal light? The whole Buddhaphilosophy, impersonal philosophy, is looking to that impersonal.What is that?That "Because here in this material world I havegot bad experience of this personal existence, therefore Iconclude that there must be something impersonal.That is nice."3

...400-1 LA-3-70 BG-7: 1That is thinking in the opposite way.But that is not actualfact. Just like a diseased person. Lying in one sider he isgetting pain. He thinks, "If I lie down on the other side I willbe relieved." That he is thinking, but so long he is diseased,there is no question of relief. He is thinking like that, thisway or that way. Just like in the materialistic way they are.,,.Their last point of happiness is sex life. That's all.So theyhave enjoyed sex life in this way; now they are trying to enjoysex life in that way. But the enjoyment is the same. There is nomore enjoyment. That is finished. You can eschew in so many ways,but the result is the same. Similarly, unless you have gotperfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth, if you think of theAbsolute Truth as something opposite of your present status, thatis not perfect knowledge.The impersonal knowledge is like that,something opposite of this material world. Go on.1: "Full in scientific knowledge is Krsna, and everything isrevealed to the person in Krsna consciousness.In complete Krsnaconsciousness, one knows that Krsna is the ultimate knowledgebeyond any doubts."P: Now, here somebody may say that "This is too much sec tar ian,that knowing simply Krsna, everything is known." Somebody may saylike that.But actually this is the fact. The Vedic statementsays like that. Tasmin vijnate sarvam evam vijnatam bhavanti. Ifyou can understand the origin, person, the original person ••• TheUpanisad does not say directly, "the original person is Krsna,"simply because there are so many impersonalists.But the Upanisadgives hint that if you can understand the original person,4

!'· .... · •• :r··:.fJ"' : . . ·. ... ,.. . · . . , ··:··400-1 LA-3-70 BG-7:1tasmin • • • This is person. Tasmin vijnate: "If one is able tounderstand the Supreme Person, sarvam evam vijnatam bhavanti,"then everything becomes known." How?Suppose you want to know • ••say I am a foreigner. If I want to know how this Americangovernment is going on, oh, I will have to study so many things.But somehow or other, if I made friendship with Mr. Nixon, thepresident, and if I sit down with him a few days, oh, everythingis known. Is it not? Yes. He will disclose everything, that "Mygovernment is going on like this." You know. So this is a fact.If you try to understand or if you some way or other understandthe original person Krsna, then you understand everything. Thatwill be explained here. Simply by knowing Krsna you willunderstand everything. This wonderful thing is in Krsnaconsciousness. Simply try to understand what is Krsna and youwill gradually understand everything. This is the secret of Krsnaconsciousness. And that's a fact.Go on.1: "Different types of yogas are only stepping stones on the pathof Krsna consciousness. One who takes directly to Krsnaconsciousess automatically knows about brahmajyoti and Paramatmain full."P: Yes. S'Jppose... The same example. If you can understand thesun disc,then automatically you understand what is sunshine. Butunderstanding sunshine, you cannot understand the sun disc. Thatis not possible. Therefore the origin should be understood. Rootshould be understood. Then everything will be under • • • That isknowledge.That will be explained in this chapter. Go on.1: "By practice of Krsna consciousness yoga one can knoweverything in full, namely the Asolute Truth, the living5

400-1LA-3-70BG-7:1entities, the material nature, and their manfestations withparaphernalia. "P: What you have to learn? What is knowledge? Five things youhave to learn. What is your experience within this world?Youhave experience,this material nature. You are seeing this.That's a fact. And you are seeing also • • • Thank you. come on. Youare experiencing also the living entities, so many livingentities. That's a fact. So material nature is a fact, the livingentities, they are also fact, and there is some controller ofthis material nature and the living entities. That is also fact.You cannot say that you are the controller or material nature iscontroller. There is a supreme controller. That is God. That isalso another fact. And time. The • • • Everything is done withintime. Time is also a different,relative measure according tothe...Your time is different from the time of another animal oranother living entity. Just like Brahma's time. You cannotcalculate one day of Brahma because your time and his time isdifferent. Similarly, a small microbic animal, his time and yourtime is different. So he cannot calculate your time. So time isrelative. So time, living entity, this material world, and thesupreme controller,and activities. Every living entities areengaged in some activities.So you have to understand these fivethings which you are experiencing daily.So if you understandKrsna, these five things will be automatically understood, andyou will understand everything. By understanding one, Krsna, youunderstand these five items.And by understanding these fiveitems, you understand the whole thing. That's all. That means you6

400-1LA-3-70 BG-7: 1have complete knowledge.So Bhagavad-gita explains like that.Tasmin vijnate sarvam vijnatam bhavanti. Everything becomes knownby understanding the supn:mP..That is our program. Go on.1: "One should therefore begin yoga practice as directed in thelast verse of the sixth chapter. Concentration of the mind uponKrsna, the Supreme, is made possible by prescribed devotionalservice in nine different forms."P: Yes. The instruction is that "How by practicing yoga in fullconsciousness of Me"--thisis Krsna consciousness--"with mindattached to Me, you can know Me in full. " And if you know Krsnain full, you know everything. And you can know Krsna simply byour concentrating mind upon Krsna.And as soon as you know Krsna,you know everything. Therefore your knowledge is perfect.Is thatargument fallacious? You can understand Krsna simply byconcentrating upon Him. That you can do. Everyone can do that.And as soon as you understand Krsna you know everything. So whynot take this path? Simple. That is full knowledge. That meanseternity. Here it is said, the exact word in Sanskrit is mayyasak ta-manah partha yogam yunjan mad-asrayah. Mayy asak ta: "Ifyou simply become attached to Me, " mayy asakta-manah • ••"Yourmind should be so trained that you become attached to Me. " Thisis yoga, because yoga means training the mind.To concentrate themental focus on Visnu or Krsna, that is the yoga practice. Thepressing of nose or making your head down and legs up,these aremeans to come to the point of samadhi,Krsna consciousness. Butthey are not yoga itself or end. They are means to the end. Buthere is the end. If you can concentrate your mind on Krsna, thenyou come to the utimate point. Therefore Krsna said, "Simply by7

400-1 L.ll .•-3-70 BG-7: 1concentrating your mind on Me, you will understand Me perfectly.And as soon as you understand Me perfectly • • •" Of course, wecannot understand God perfectly. That is not possible. He isunlimited. We are not ••• Still, so far our capacity is concerned,if we can understand Krsna, then everything is known to us. Janmakarma me divyam yo janati tattvatah tyaktva deham punar janmanaiti mam eti kaunteya. In the Fourth Chapter it is said that "Myappearance, disappearance, and activities are all transcendental.Anyone who can understand this transcendental nature of Myactivities, appearance, disappearance, the result is, " tyaktvadeham, "after leaving this body, " punar janma naiti, "he does nottake birth again in this material world." That is stated in theFourth Chapter. That means immediately liberation achieved. Thisis a fact. This is Bhagavad-gita study, not that to interpret inyour own way. Bhagavad-gita says like that. Therefore we presentBhagavad-gita as it is without any nonsense interpretation. Therecannot be any chance of nonsense interpretation.You have to takefact as it is; then you study. But they are not inclined to studyBhagavad-gita as it is.They want to study Bhagavad-gita as theyare. So how you can study Bhagavad-gita? Your mentality, yoursituation, is completely different. So according to his ownnature •• • That is also explained, that everyone creates his God,religion, according to his own nature. There are three kinds ofmen: goodness, passion,and ignorance. So those who are in themodes of ignorance,they create their own religion of ignorance,those who are in the passion, they create a kind of religion ofpassion, and those who are in the modes of goodness, they create8

400-1LA-3-70 BG-7: 1their own. But this syste m, Krsna consciousness, istranscendental. It is above ignorance, passion or goodness.Goodness is also material. A material good man does not mean hewill be Krsna conscious. No. A man may be very pious, moralist,but that does not mean he will be able to become Krsna conscious.Krsna conscious person is above goodness.Yesam anta-gatam papamjananam punya-karmanam. But goodness is a qualification to getpromoted on the platform of Krsna consciousness.But goodness isnot a means to become Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness,to become Krsna conscious, the means is Krsna only. That's all,nothing else. To become Krsna conscious means we have to adoptthe Krsna means, no other means. The Krsna means is beinginstructed in this chapter,that "How by practicing yoga in fullconsciousness of Me ••• " That is Krsna con •••The means and theend, the same. If you want to come to the end of Krsnaconsiousness, then you have to become Krsna conscious. The firststage is Krsna consciousness,and the last stage is also Krsnaconsciousness. The difference is one stage is immature, and theother stage is mature. When it is mature, then you taste itnicely. Just like mango. In the unripe stage it is mango, and theripe stage, it is mango. But in the ripe stage you taste nicely.In the unripe stage the taste is different.But if you give timefor ripening, then you will taste. So Krsna consciousness is themeans of Krsna consciousness. No other means can be adopted forKrsna consciousness.We should know. Therefore it is being taughthere that "How by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me ••• "You have to think of Krsna always. So, therefore, our process ishow one can think of Krsna always. We have so many departments.9

400-1LA-3-70BG-7:1The idea is how to think of Krsna. That's all. That is the yoga.Even in taking prasadam, you are thinking of Krsna, "Oh, it isvery nice. Krna has tasted. It is very nice." That is Krsnaconsciousness. That is yoga. Is there any yoga system in theworld that you can become a yogi simply by eating? Is there anyyoga system?Just try to understand. Is there any yoga systemsimply by digging earth for gardening one can become a yogi? Isthere any yoga system?Here the boys, when they dig earth forplanting rose flower for Krsna, he is thinking, "Oh, the flowerwill be nice.It will be offered to Krsna." There is immediatelyyoga. Just try to understand how nice it is. Whatever you do, ifit is done for Krsna, then you are in the highest perfectionalstage of yoga. And anyone can do it. If Mr. Darwin orChandramukhi is asked, "All right, you also dig, " oh, she willimitate and become yogi immediately. Immediately yogi. Just tryto understand. Is there any process of yoga system which canteach even a small child to practice and become yogi?No. If youask a child or even the father does, "You sit down like me.Meditate. Press your nose, " or this, that, oh, she'll be not,cannot do. Unable. Is there any •••If I say a child, "Oh, my deargirl, my dear boy, please do like this. Chant Hare Krsna, " heimmediately does. You see?So this simple method and the highestmethod...Not that we are advertising our Krsna consciousnessmovement. Here the authority, the supreme authority, Krsna, says,"Practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me." Butif you makeyour own manufactured meaning of these words and cheat public,that is your business. Our business is not to cheat. We have to10

400-1 LA-31-70 BG-7: 1say frankly, " This is the fact," that's all.But you can cheat."Oh, it is not Krsna. It is this and that, so many things. This•me' means I. I means you are also I. I am also I." They explainin that way. The "me, " the word is me. So me is coming from I. Soyou are 'I', I am 'I'. Therefore it is meant, 'me' means youthink of yourself; I think of myself. Then you become yogi.That's all." And rascal persons will catch this very ••, "Oh, thenI am always thinking of me. That's all right. I am a yogi. That'sall." Because the demons and the rascals, they are simply tryingto avoid God. So if somebody teaches, "Oh,why you are thinkingof Krsna? This 'me' means you, I, I, you. That's all," "Oh,that's nice, very nice." The demonic nature is that. "I am God. Iam everything." so we have to become very cautious, you see,because my material existence means I have got the tinge ofdemonic nature. And as soon as I get some impetus from anotherdemon, I become again demon. Again I become demon. And then outof Krsna consciousness. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu hasdistinctly forbidden. Mayavadi bhasya sunile haya sarva nasa: "Ifyou hear the commentary of the impersonalist demons, then yourwhole thing is spoiled. Your life is spoiled." Go on.Mayavadibhasya sunile haya sarva nasa. sarva nasa means you loseeverything. And because we do not explain demonic explanationthat "I am God,you are God," people do not like. Just like theother day the question was... They explained in different... Theylike that explanation because demonic. People are generallydemonic, more or less. One may be fifty percent demon, anothermay be eighty percent demon,but everyone in this material worldis a demon. Materialistic means demon. Don't you see the example11

400-1LA-3-70BG-7: 1: . ··': ,.__,. '',

·· :::400-1LA-3-70 BG-7: 1are bearing so many things daily.They are going to the college,schools, and meetings and assembly and association. They are allbearing, sravanam. They are practicing yoga?" No. Sravanamkirtanam visnob:You have to hear and preach and chant of Krsna,nothing more.Not that simply by bearing any nonsense things youbecome yogi. Here it is said, "Practicing yoga in full (sic: )conscious of Me, Krsna." So you have to hear Qf Krsna; you haveto speak Qf Krsna. Then your yoga practice is nice. It clearlysays, sravanam kirtanam visnoh. Not any other way. There are somany rascals, they say, "You can hear of any demigod, any man.That's all right." No. Any man, any demigod, is not Krsna. Thatis are misunderstanding.Kamais tais tair hrta- jnana ya janteanya-devatah. If any person goes to worship any other demigod, heis persuaded by lust. But those who are worshiper of Krsna, theyare not persuaded by lust. They are persuaded by love. That isthe difference. Therefore those who have got lust within theirmind, they can worship many other demigods. But those who arefreed from all lusty desires, simply wants to love Krsna, theycan attain this sravanam kirtanam,chanting and hearing.sravanam, hearing. Then? Sravanam is the first important part.That is the • ••If one simply hears, simply by hearing sincerely,seriously, he becomes perfect. It is so nice. If simply peoplecome here and simply hear Bhagavad-gita and try to understand it,he becomes perfect. But they will not come. As soon as they willhear, "Oh, s wamiji is preaching that I am not God. God isdifferent," "Oh, don't come here." Finish. I have to flatter himthat "You are God." Then he will come. His hearing is disturbedbecause there is no flattering words.But if he sticks to hearing13

LA-3-70 BG-7: 1only,he becomes perfect. But maya will not allow him to hear:"Oh, please vacate out. Don't come here." Even our students. Theyremain here for some time, go away. Maya dictates, "Oh, why youare spoiling your time?" But the process is very simple,hearing.But maya will not allow him to accept this simple process. So onehas to become very strong.Mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etantaranti te. One who determines, "Yes, I will hear of Krsna,nothing," then maya cannot do anything. Man has defeated. Ifsimply one decides that "I simply hearing •• , simply I will hearof Krsna and nothing more, " then he defeats the maya, simply bydetermination, that's all. Yes. Next.1: "The Lord therefore says to Ar juna, tac chrnu, or 'Hear fromMe. InP: Yes. "Bear from Me." And hearing from whom? From a loafer? No.From Krsna or Krsna's representative. That will effect. Hearing,there must be hear1ng process also from the authorized person.Just like if you take electricity. You should take electricitywhere the electric point is there. Electric is everwhere, that'snice. Everyone accepts there is electricity. But you have to takeelectricity from the plug where the electricity current is goingon. Then you get electricity. Therefore sravanam,hearing fromwhom'? From Krsna or His representative. Then it is perfect. notfrom Dr. Radhakrishnan and any other nonsense because they arenot devotee. They are not representative of Krsna. What you willderive? You cannot derive any benefit because there is noelectricity. It is simply plug, looking like plug. If you takesome white lime water, lime, just like whitewash, it looks like14

400-1 LA-3-70 BG-7: 1milk. Is that milk because it is white? "All is not gold thatglitters." Therefore you have to seek person,from where you haveto bear. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. Therefore youhave to select person, from where to hear. That is the • ••Eitheryou search or by K rsna's grace you get a person who isauthorized. Then your life is successful. Some way or other, youhave to come. Just like Maharaja Pariksit. He was devotee ofKrsna from the beginning of his life. Krsna sent him, Pariksit • •,sukadeva Gosvami."Now Maharaja Pariksit is going to die withinseven days. He is very anxious what to do. Please go there."Because Krsna is sitting within yourself. As soon as Krsna findsthat you are very sincere, seeking Krsna, Krsna will immediatelygive you chance:"Here is chance. Here is chance." So we have toutilize in that way.sravanam kirtanam visnoh. "Hear frol'n Me."Nobody. E ither you hear from K rsna or from K rsna'srepresentative. Just like Arjuna is hearing from Krsna, and youbear from Arjuna. Then you get the perfect instruction. If yousay, "Where is Arjuna? Where is Krsna?" but Arjuna's words arethere in the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna's words are there. So if youtake the words as it is,then you hear Bhagavad-gita. If youchange,then you don't hear Bhagavad-gita. You hear somethingnonsense. These are very simple things. So hearing is veryimportant.So "Hear from Me." Nobody can be a great authoritythan Krsna. And therefore, by hearing from Him, one receives thegreatest opportunity for progress in Krsna consciousness. Youhear from Krsna as He is speaking.He says that "Practice yoga infull consciousness of Me." If you do that, then you hear Him. Butif you do something nonsense, that is not hearing. That is not15

400-1LA-3-70BG-7:1hearing. But they will do something nonsense which is notapproved by Krsna or His representative. That is theirdisease.Yes .Devotee:"One has therefore to learn from Krsna directly or froma pure devotee of Krsna and not from a nondevotee upstart, puffedup with academic education."P: Yes. If somebody says, "Oh, I am very good scholar in Sanskritand English and this language, that language. I can explain. Ihave read so many books, and I can comment. I can give footnoteand waste your time," then "Oh he is very nice." Simply forwasting time and energy,everyone is ready. And as soon as theright thing is given • •• Right thing ••• If you say, "Oh, youhaven't got to go through so many,I mean to say, process. Yousimply chant Hare Krsna," "Oh," they'll say, "this is allnonsense. Simply by chanting?" They will not accept. You see?There are many stories in this connecion,how people are notaccustomed to take things very simply. They want somethingbombastic. Yes. You see? Go on.1: "In the Srimad-Bhagavatam this process of understanding Krsna,the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, isdescribed in the third chapter of the First Canto as follows:'Tohear about Krsna from the Vedic literature or to hear from Himdirectly through theBhagavad-gita is itself righteous activity.And for one who hears about Krsna, Lord Krsna, who is dwelling ineveryone's heart acts as a well-wishing friend and purifies thedevotee .'"P: This is very important. The Bhagavata statement is there.16

f" ·· ...... .400-1LA-3-70 BG7: 1Srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah punya-sravana-kirtanah. If somebodyeven does not understand the philosophy ofBhagavad-gita--simplyhe sticks to the hearing process--then there is the result.srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah. Bhagavata says, "One who is •••" Justlike these children. Our • • • We have got so many children,devotees here. It is not possible that they are understanding thesubtle philosophical statements of Bhagavad-gita, but becausethey are sitting and hearing, they are writing. You see?Butwhatever he writes, it is right. Just take by a practicalexample. So this is confirmed in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Simply ifone sticks to hearing, he may be a child, he may be a boy, he maybe a woman or he may be some illiterate man, or anything, lessintelligent--it doesn't matter, simply if he hears. Srnvatam svakathahkrsnah. And Krsna is there within your heart. As soon asKrsna sees, "Oh, this, this is very nice. He is hearing aboutMe," He will help you. He will cleanse your heart. (break)••Because Therefore to hear of Krsna kirtana is also anotherpious activity. so these boys, when they are going in th streetchanting Hare Krsna,automatically they are giving chance to thepeople to become pious. Hearing is so important. They arebecoming pious. They are purchasing one copy, Back to Godhead.They are nodding: "Yes, these boys are very nice." They ; reaccumulating something spiritual. It is so nice. Srnvatan· svc ·kathah krsnah punya-sravana- kirtanah. Simply by he: 1rchanting, it is pious activities. so one who is engaged ir' t · . ..pious activity, hrdy antah-stho hy abhadrani. • • (child crying}That one who hears that... Krsna, understanding that this personis hearing, He cleanses. The chanting process we have many times17

400-1 LA-3-70.:;·- -\-

400-1 LA-3-70 BG-7:11: "When these impurities are wiped away, the candidate remainssteady in his position of pure goodness and becom€a enlivened bydevotional service and understands the science of God perfectly.Thus bhakti-yoga severs the hard knot of material affectionandone at once comes to the stage of asamsayam samagram,understanding of the Supreme Absolute Personality of Godhead."P: Asamsayam samagram. By bhakti-yoga you can understand theAbsolute Truth as He is and samagram, in full. That is stated inthe Bhagavad-gita. These words are used in... Asamsayam samagrammam yatha jnasyasi tac chrnu: "You will understand Me in full andwithout any doubt." so one who is in Krsna consciousness, heknows God in full and without any doubt. Then the • • • "Thereforeonly by hearing from Krsna or from His devotees in Krsnaconsciousness can one understand the science of Krsna." That'sall. Thank you.Devotees: Hare Krsna.Tarnal Krsna: <strong>Prabhupada</strong>? You mentioned that we must know •• , if weknow Krsna,then we will know these other five things. And if weknow those five things, then our lives will become perfect. Canyou explain to us what time is?P: Hm?TK: Explain time?P: That I have already explained. Time is relative. (break) Timeis eternal. Eternal. But it is ••• Just like Brahma's duration oftime. That is • ••According to our calculation, that is eternal,many, many millions of years. But Brahma is also subjected tobirth and death. Although time is eternal, but within thismaterial world we are not eternal on account of material19

:·· ... , .· .400-1LA-3-70BG-7:1contamination. But time is eternal. Time is eternal; God iseternal; you are also eternal, living entity. Simply our work isnot eternal. That can be changed. That we are ••• Changing ourwork • • • Suppose in this life you are American. Your work isdifferent from the China. But next time, when you change yourbody to something else, your work changes. In this body you arehuman being.Next time, if you become a dog or a demigod, thenyour work changes. So we are changing our work according to thechange of the body. Therefore work is not eternal. So our wholematerial existence is due to different kinds of work.So if wemake the work also eternal, that is Krsna consciousnessactivities. Then we come to the eternal. But in the materialexistence our work is not eternal. We have understood that "I amnot this body." Theoretically. If not practically, theoreticallybecausewe have heard from Bhagavad-gita that dehino 'smin yathadebe kaumaram yauvanam jara. "As the soul is changing the bodyevery moment ••• • And I am not this body. The body is changing. Sobody is not et ernal, but actually every materialistic person isengaged in the bodily activities. He is acting as American. Why?Because his body is American. He is acting as Indian. Why?Because his body is Indian. He is acting as husband because hisbody is male. He is acting as wife because the body is female.You take all activities--it is due to this body. But if the soulis etE:rnal, then one should seek: "Then what is my eternalactivities. The body is not eternal, therefore these activitiesalso not eternal. Then what is my real activity, eternalactivity?" That is Krsna consciousness, bhakti. So this work is20

400-l LA-3-70 BG-7:1not eternal, but if you take to Krsna consciousness, Krsnaconscious activity is eternal. Therefore there is no loss. Evenif you cannot complete Krsna consciousness activity--that we havealready discussed in the last chapter--still, you are not inloss. Whatever you do... Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayatemahato bhayat. Even it is little done, you get some asset. Thatwill never be lost. Therefore you have to stick to this activity,Krsna consciousness activity. Whatever you do, if we cancomplete, it is very nice. If not, whatever we do, that is notlost. That is eternal.(end)21

Hs Divine GraceA.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADATRANSCRIPTIONSAPRIL <strong>1970</strong>THE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.,'(* Where actual dates are missing, transcripts are placed in sequential order.

... -- . ... :: .·"''l'l(fLA-4-16-70#79-3Lecture(Day after Lord Rama's appearance day)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:• . . the incarnation()..beginning. Then Kurma avatar.11of God in the form of tortoise.of Godhead in the form of fish,KurmaThenavata/means thevaraha avatr Jincarnationthe incarnationof Godhead in the form of boar. Then Nrsingha avatar incar­/fnation of Godhead 1half lion and half man. Then incarnation of0-Vamanadev, dwarf brahmana. ANext incarnation is Parasuama. Andthe next incarnation, Lord Ramacandra.You have heard the story ofRamayana. That is the activities of Lord Ramacandra. Last ) yesterdayJwe observed the birth ceremony of Lord Ramacandra.And thenincarnation of Balarama. And the next incarnation is Lord Buddha.a;\And we are awaiting another incarnation the last stage of thisKali-yug -rhis age is called Kali-yuga.'have got a nice prayer.So about Lord Buddha we,o-Nindasi yajna-vidher ah sruti-jatam,sadaya-hrdaya-darsita-pasu-ghatam, kesava-dhrta-buddha-sarira 1 jayajagadisa hare. This song was sung by a great Vaisnava poet, JayadevaGoswami.So the purport of this verse, Sanskrit verse is, kesavadhrta-buddha-sarira."My dear Krsna, " £esava means Krsna, "You haveassumed the form of Lord Buddha. And what is Your function? Nindasiyajna-vidher ahaha sruti-jatam.In the Vedic literature there arenumerous prescription of sacrifice.animal sacrifice is also recommended.And in some of the sacrificesSoat animal sacrificedoes not mean to kill the animal.Animal sacrifice means to provethe strength of Vedic hymns so that one old animal is put into thefire and he's given again a new life, renewed life.Just to showthe potency of the hymns, Vedic hymns.But in this age, Kali-yuga,

'.((./',,· '. '179-3 Lecture LA-4-16-70dd--2those sacrifices are forbidden.So Lord Buddha ,when he saw thatpeople are sacrificing animals in the nameof religious ritualswithout any pity for them, at that time Lord Buddha appeared.Thereforeit is stated sadaya-hrdaya-darsita-pasu-ghatam."My dear Lord,You have appeared as Lord Buddha just being compassionate to the pooranimals. "Lord Buddha preached, ahimsa /paramo dharrn "The bestreligious principle is to become non-violent. "He preached thisilphilosophy that 1f somebody hurts you, you feel pain, then why shouldyou kill other animald . f 1. ' t'and put it into painful condition?So don'to s1n u act1v1 1es. That was his main principle of philosophythat he preached.He was Hindu, ksatriya, Hindu prince Jborn in aksatriya family )and he was prince, a very luxurious life.So asyoung man Jwhen he saw an old man and he · traveling, walking ,,.i thgreat difficulty, he asked his servant, "What is this? Why thisman is walking in this way?"He was explained that, "This is oldage )and in old age everyone has to become like this. "So he at onceleft home and sat down in Gayapradesh, a province in Bihar in India.And he began to meditate how to make solution of this old age.Sothere are four problems.In the Bhagavad-gita it is mentioned thatjanma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam.If you are actuallyintelligent,then you must keep these four problems before you.Donot think that the problems of life are solved by material advancement.Do not think that by building, constructing skyscraperhouses r the problems of life are solved. No. The problems of lifeare these four principles: rth, death, old age, and disease. Ifyou cannot solve these problems, then your problems of life remainthe same.The solution of the proble . -st like our bodily demands,

i79-3 Lecture LA-4-16-70dd--3namel eating, sleeping, defending and mating.Ahara-nidra-bhayamaithunamcamanyam etat pasubhir naranam.The problems of eating,problems of sleeping, problems of defending, and problems of mating >or sex life, these problems are there in the animal life or amongstthe living entities lower than the human beings.But those problemsare solved automatically by laws of nature.The birds, beasts, theyare also eating. They have no economic problem. hey are alsosleeping and they are having their mates and sex life.And they arealso defending in their own way.Human form of life, the mostdeveloped consciousness, intelligence, if we are also busy in solvingthese problems of life, namely eating, sleeping, defending, andmating, then we are not very much advanced than the animals.Becausethey have got these problems and they are trying to solve the.Sowhat advancement we have made, we human beings?We claim to besuperior, to possess superior consciousness, and how we are uilizingour consciousness and superior intelligence?Simply just likeanimals? That requires meditation. That requires meditation, what,., 7 ' 1is actually the problem. So the meditation mean at I am. Ifstand that "I am not this body."• ..If you thinust to see, seeyour hand, " A.rn I this hand? Am I this finger? Am I this leg? AmI this body? Am I this head?" Every point you analyze ) you'll say,"It is my hand, it is my finger, it is my head, it is my ... "you think, meditate )that"am I this body?"?en you-;-11 come to under-Every-It nthing mine. And where is "I"? That you have to find out by neditation,where is "I"? That is answered jn the Bhagavad-gita. Eow itis answered?It is said that avinasi tu tad viddhi yena sarvam idamtatam. One thing, avinasij and another Jvinasi. Avinasi means eternal )and vinasi means perishable.So this body is perishable, everyone

179-3 Lecture LA-4-16-70dd--4knows.Either it is young body or old body or child's body or boy'sbody, anyone's body, today, tomorrow or 100 years after or 50 yearsafter , it is perishable. There is no doubt about it. But what is thatthing imperishable? That imperishable is described in the Bhagavad-gita 1yena sarvam idam tatam. " That thing is imperishable which is spreadh . lall over your body. T at J.s very easy to understan'}._hat is that.If you pinch your bod any part of your body )you feel pain.That"e¢'means your conscious Your consciousness is imperishable. The body-is changing.When you took your birth from the mother's wombu a small child.But perhaps you may remember your childhood activities.The consciousness is the same1but the body has changed.The bodyhas changed.If you have got sharp memory you can remember so manythings of your past life and that means the consciousness is thesame but body is changing.Therefore in the Bhagavad-gita it is saidthat dehino'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara, tatha dehantarapraptirdhiras tatra na muhyati.Asmin dehe, in this body there isone thing which is the proprietor of the body.And that proprietorof the body, due to the presence of the proprietor of the body, thebody is changing from childhood to boyhood, from boyhood to youthhood,from youthhood to old age.And when it is too old, when it is notuseful any more, you have to change another body, that is calleddeath. So dhiras tatra na muhyati. One who is intelligent, onewho is in the knowledge, he is not bewildered.He sees that everysecond, every moment, the body is changing and the last phase ofchange is called death.So these answers are there in the Bhagavadgita.The problems of life is that how to stop these changes of body.Because it has been spoken that that thing which is not changing,unchangeable, that is soul and eternal. Avinasi tu tad viddhi. IThat

#79-3 LectuJeLA-4-16-70dd--5is eternal. Now >if there is any possibility of getting eternal body?also4 es, there is possibility. That is answered in the Bhagavadgita;rw you can get eternal, blissful, all-knowledge body.Saccid-ananda-vigraha.This body is not eternal, neither it is blissful,neither it is full of knowledge.temporary, and always miserable.It is full of ignorance, it isif you say, "Now we are veryhappily living," that is maya, that is illusion.Lord Buddha'steaching is that he was prince and there was no want in his life.He was luxuriously living. But he left home for meditation. Thereforehe understood that "I am not living comfortably."This understanding,when can understand that this life, this material life,is not at all comtortable, it is full of misery );that is calledddha life, intelligent. Buddha means intelligent. And if we arethinking that "I am living very comfortably, I am very happy," thatis called maya, illusion.Actual! we are always in miserable conition.In the vedic language the miserable conditions have beendescribed in three wayadhyatmika, adhibhautika, and adhidaivika,miseries due to the condition of this body and due to the conditionof the mind.sometimes you feel headache, this is due to the body,gross body. And sometimes you feel morose. This is due to the mind.The mind is not in quite order.I • ISimilarlthis is called adhyatmika.Then adhibhautika. Misery inflicted by others, other living entities.some of your enemies. Just like somebody murders somebody. This ismisery inflicted by other living entity.The mosquito bite, the bugbit £r the tiger attacks you.So many living entities there are,they're always busy to inflict misery.This is called adhibhautika.And there is another misery which is called adhidaivika )ture'sdisturbance.All of a sudden there is earthquake, there is famine,

t79-3 Lecture LA-4-16-70dd--6there is pestilence. So many, in which you have no control. Inevery misery, there is no control.Ultimately, all the miseries are. . . I I fsummarized in four things /he misery of birth .7;e do ,tfno have:-::forgotten how much miserable condition we passed during our stay inthe womb of mother. In a suffocated condition. You just imagine.some of you might have seen the picture how the child remains withinthe womb of the mother.It is air-tight nd ther-: are manygerms who are biting the delicate skin of the child.And when thechild is little grown up, at 7 months, it feels too much pain.Thereforethe mother can feel that the child is moving.It wants to comeout.And prays, one who is fortunate, he can pray to God, "Pleasegive me relief from this condition.This time I shall try my bestnot to come again in this pos.. H.i9IL.9.f __ _ J,j,.;f._E!_ .•. ''. _____ §Q ___ th.J:.:--- i _s____ !:;"'."---p·--n. _______ _of birth. Similarly 1there is severe pain during death. And fordisease and old age, everyone has got experience.diseased, simple, if you have got some headache ...When you areSo these miseriesare there always.If we forget and if we think that we are livingvery comfortably, this is called illusion.So we have to preparefor eternal life, blissful life, and life full of knowledge.If wedo not do that, then our this human form of life is missing, is misused.That is the philosophy not only of Lord Buddha)but Lord Caitanya,sankaracarya, or Lord Jesus Chris yone you take, nobody willrecommend that you make your plan and live in this material worldvery happily. Nobody has recommended. Everyone has said that thislife is the preparation stage of your next best life.If you donot believe in that, if you think thas life an make thisworld happy by arrangement, by scientific advancement, that is notpossible.That is not possibl Jlt is plainly and very staightlyI

.I;:J' ' ''. ,.#79-3 Lecture LA-4-16-70·:II·dd--7in the Bhagavad-gita, daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya,mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te.It is very difficultto surmount the stringent laws of materi even children,they- -also take, they also chant, they also dance. So we request you thaton this great auspicious day of Lord Buddha's birthday, there shouldbe ... Lord Buddha laid down the basic principle of meditation ,rat people should not forget the ultimate goal of life j shouldmeditate upon what is the mission of my life, what is theof mylife, not that just like animals we shall -1. u r life simply byeating, sleeping or sex life or so-called We may discoverso many defending instruments or weapons,but there is no defensefrom the cruel hands of death.However you may be advanced in manufacturingso many nice things, you cannot manufacture anything whichcan save you from death, or from disease or from old age.Theseprimary principles of life should be undertood )and if there is anypossibility to make a solution of these four things, then it is said

#79-3dd--8LectureLA-4-16-70in the Bhagavad-gita, mam upetya kaunteya duhkhalayam assvatam ,napnuvanti mahatmanah samsiddhim paramam gatah.The Lord says that"One who comes to Me," mam upetya, "he hasn't got to come back tothis condition of miserable life." Duhkhalayam asasvatam. And ifanyone agrees, "Aliright, let it be miserable or pleasant, I don'tmind, I want ·to remain here."JJevrces (?) ,,Just like there are many scholarsand many new 0\.0'- · •J It holder, they say that e want to remain in-. ths world happy. But who is going to allow you to remain in this1world? You'll not be allowed. Even if you agree that Jrn spite of\1all miserable conditions )! shall be happy to live in this world )the nature will not allow you to live.there isImmediately ) as soon as" ,,.. . .that _xou have to leave this place immediatel "Oh,I have manufactured these things so nicely, I have got this goodIIapartment, dress, and my wife and children, how can I leave?" Yes,you must leave.There is no timbmmediately you leave.So who isgoing to allow you to live even ifIIyou think that I shall live inspite of all miseries Thereforeasasvatam.This place is full ofBhagavad-gita says, duhkhalayammisery the sa::e time J it isnot allowed to remain here permanently.So the solution is, asBhagavad··gi ta says, jamnapnuvanti mahatmanah.Mahata means the personwho isbroad-minded.upetya kaunteya duhkhalayam asasvatam •./ .Mahatmanah means ..._A.Q. )Broad-minded meanhis intelligence isnot teeny,that he is satisfied with this material world full ofmisery. He wants to go to the life of eternal. Just like the Vedassay, tamasi rna jyotir gama. Jyotir gama, don't remain in this dark­\1ness. Come out for the light. So one who wants to go out to the/Ilight, he is called mahatma.And in Bhagavad-gita there are so manyinstances, so many instructions about this and the last instruction

·•· ····.,.. .__ ·:.:.

'•··,··.-·:· '"''" .. ,: .. ·-·LA-4-17-70#79-5Lecture<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:... all these planets, all the suns, and moons, the skyand everything, they have come from the original source, the AbsoluteTruth.Now, in the material world we av so many contradictions.. . a}.A.c....M...But that contradcton is there Absolute Truth. Justlike fighting. Fighting is not very good thing, but still the fightingspirit is there in the Absolute Truth.Otherwise how fightingcan be existent? So the theory }non-violence ... The non-violence-is not absolute . Non-violence and violence, everything is therein the Absolute Truth.But in the Absolute Truth, either non-violenceor violence, they are absolute.Here we have got bad effect ofviolence, but when the violence is performed by the Absolute,it hasno bad effect, it has good effect.Just like in the Bhagavad-gita.The Bhagavad-gita is spoken in the battlefield.And Arjuna wasdenying to fight. But Krsna was asking him to fight. So the fightingwas good bP.cause it was the will of the Absolute Personality ofGodhead.Therefore at the end of understanding Bhagavad Jita, Arjunaagreed, "Yes, I shall fight."So fighting for the matter of executingthe desire of the upreme irit is also absolute.It is not=-different from Absolute Truth. So sometimes it is ... Just likewe sometimes do mock fighting because that fighting spirit is there.The father and son, the little son is fighting with the father.That is not fighting; that is mock fighting.But the fighting spiritis there, you cannot deny it.Similarly, the fighting spirit isthere sometimes exhibited by the Supreme Personality of Godhead andHe wanted to exhibit some fighting spirit.So who will fight withHim? Ordinary living being cannot fight with the Supreme Lord.

'\''#79-5 Lecture LA-4-17-70dd--2Therefore some of His devotees, some of His associates must fightwith Him.Just like in the Bhagavad-gita it is said that Arjunawas inquiring from Krsna that, "You said that millions of yearsbefore You spoke this Bhagavad-gita yoga to the sun-god. "Imamvivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam. The Lord says that, "Many,many, many, many millions of years before 1 ago, I explained thisscience of Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god. "Now, to eliminate anydoubin the mind of ordinary persons like us Arjuna inquired that,"Krsna, You are my friend. We are almost of the same age. How do?1\-You say that You explained this Bhagavad-gita millions and millions'of years ago to the sun-god? How can I believeIn answer tothe question, Krsna said that,"Both you and I descended on thismaterial world many, many times 1 but you have forgotten, I have not. "That is the nature of ordinary living entities; their nature isforgetfulness. But God does not forget. He knows past, present,/(kt:l..and future. That is difference between Arjuna and So the4 • tfighting spiri t ,A'this is to be understoo the fighting spirit isthere in the Supreme Personality of Godhead 1and it is exhibitedt .. ·at a cer a1n period JUSt to teach us when .1g t1ng s h ou ld be taken.Fighting is not very good thing. But if there is necessity ... Justlike in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, the Battlefield of Kuruksetrah.was organized by two rival parties.One party was pious, anotherparty was impious.So Krsna took side of Arjuna and he was victorious.That is the history of Kuruksetra fiht. So the Lord wanted towho exhibit His fighting spirit ) and I fight with Him? Therefore twoAof His devotees were desiring that they should go in the materialworld and fight with the Supreme Personality of Godhead.in the Vaikuntha world there is no question of fighting.BecauseThere is

#79-5 Lecture LA-4-17-70·,dd--3no enemy.Everyone accepts the Supreme Personality of Godhead asthe protector, as the master, as the Lord, and they serve faithfully.So there is no question of fighting.In the material world everyonewants to be the Lord, everyone wants to be God. So therefore9f\..A-there is fight. fighting here takes place because everyone wantsto lord it over the material nature.So there is difference ofinterest. I want to be lord, you want to be lord. Now there mustbe fight.servitors.But in the Vaikuntha worlq there is one Lord and all others... That is)lrherefore peace So fighting was notpossible inthe Vaikuntha worlo.Therefore> these two doorkeeperswere sent to the material world by the plan of the Supreme Lord sothat they could fight as Hiranyakasipu and Hiranyaksa with the Lord.That is stated in the Srirnad-Bhagavatarn.Now)the spiritual sparkis entering into the material world, penetrating seven layers. Thisis called avyakta, non-manifested. Just like in t te-Jnon-manifested and manifested things. If you go high, soL.-J_.,e; 'OYGO 1/'-rniles up, you'll simply find the sky, nothing manifested. Butif you go still higher, higher, higher, you'll find some other planetexisting. So the part which is non-manifested is called avyakt ;rJ:kand the part which is rnanifested is called vyakta. So these two1souls from Vaikuntha they corning into this material wor. So···• .they penetrating the non-manifested matter. JV/1 [ive/1 arelements, earth, water, fire, air, ether. And thAlhese/grosselements.and then spiritual.And there are subtle elements;Our body is composed..1-lmind, intelligence, eg .of things thespirit sou and it is covered by subtle body--mind, intelligence, ego--and then gross body--fire, water, ... earth, water, fire, air, ether.So th1s•jL. ,,is universe is only one universe 1 but there

#79-5 Lecture LA-4-17-70dd--4are millions of universes and they covered with the gross andsubtle elements. And penetrating gross and subtle elements ;wherein one comes to this sky, there are innumerable planets, theplanets are seen, the sun and the stars, like that. So these twosouls, Jaya and Vijaya, they coming on this earth. That is Of·J SCIE.NCE.ha.J to fight with the Supreme.'?), Now ,they came as demons bec.:1use theyLord. The devotees noL fight.The devotees are servitor jJ'ut the atheist demons, thy are alwaysinimical to the Personality of Godhead. That is the nature ... Demonicnature means they do not believe in God. "Oh, what nonsense God? ION-1am God." Although he's a dog, he thinks himself 1 I God . 1 1 That is_ ....

.,,,.'," ":'''.''.t,::-#79-5 Lecture LA-4-17-70dd--5at the time of their birth,.So when the.. ,demons became full-fledged human beingjr he bod emnd • . .There are two classes of men.One is called demon; an other iscalled demigod ) or god.The difference between demons and demigodsis that the demigods, they are also human being,but they obey theSupreme Personality of Godhead and they believe in the supremacy ofthe Supreme Lord }J'ut the dmons, they do not believe in the existenceof God or they obey the supremacy of the Lord.That is the differencebetween demons and demigods.In the Bhagavad-gita also and otherscriptures also you'll find that dvau bhuta-sargau lake daiva asura&- .ev There are two classes of Ame en living entitie either. - ' -in this planet or any other planet. But in this planet the numberof demons are great, not in other planets.So there are two classesof men.One class is called demon aher class c:::M.L.- p(,..p..vecJ.Ademigod And what is the difference between them? tf'lAw, vt.sl'\"'- b ha-tkvAl.· 11The godly persons , who are devoted to the Lord, they are calleddemigods. And asura.s -v; pa.('yo..ya.k,/ Asura means demons, theyare just opposite number.They are very much against anything God.. / --{. '!'hey want simply, cheaply to become God. That is demonicprinciple. So there was fight- And the demons are always very muchinimical to the gods. An you ... There are many me ;au have gotexperience ; some of you, that is you speak something about God, they Wt...a..:t-·become very angry. "What nonsense.. I am God. Everyone is God_. /'' . ·This is demonic principle.is " special of God?"So there is always, not no 1here is always a fighting between thegods and the demons.So when these demons grew up with full-fledgedstrength, by the grace of the Lord.So they fought with tk)(end)

, ..... ••• • • lo •• ···. ··· -:···"? :: ·.:r..::'··l{·.·":·':·:::_r;• ·f.'Sri Isopanisad, Mantra OneLos Angeles April, <strong>1970</strong>Gargamuni: Mantra One: Isavasyam idam sarvam yat kinca jagatyamjagatJtena tyaktena bhun jitha rna grdhah kasya svid dhanam.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: tvord meanings.Gargamuni: The translation • • •Prabhupad: No. First of all word meaning.Isa--by the Lord;avasyam--controlled; idam--this; sarvam--all; yat--whatever;kim--it is; ca--and; jagatyam--within the universe; jagat--all that is animate or inanimate; tena--by Him; tyaktena--seta..apart quot ; bhun)t '' ha h --must you accept; rna--do not; gr dha h --( e ;,+,makuse; kasya svid--whom does it belong; dhanam--thingsnecessary.So read the transltion.Gargamuni: H Translation: Everything animate or inanimate that iswithin the universe iscontrolled and owned by the Lord. Oneshould therefore accept only those things necessary for himself,which are set aside as his quota, and one must not accept other,,things )knowing well to whom they belong.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Now)here is a statement that everything animate orinanimate that is within the universe is controlled and ownedby the Lord. What you are, inanimate or animate?devotees: Animate.Prabhupad: Animate. Do you think you are controlled or not controlled?devotees: Controlled.Prabhupad: Is there any person her.e who is not controlled)\ Or:·rto.f-

,·, '••).-·· '115-5md--2LA-4-70; '.:. :.11 ., .ISOP. 1•• :: 7_ :r:.:::;.. :!.'"';!· ..•:: :.· :·.·-:'. tt ·;;. .:.:-:·!"W. . ;.i>::··t:i 'ianywhere within this universe who is not controlled? Can anyonesay that "I am not controlled"? Nobody can say. So if you arecontrolled ) then why you are going to declare yourself bhat 1' I amuncontrolled, I am independent, I am GoWhy this nonsense?If you are controlled . . • Is God, does it mean that He is controlled?,,fore t s Mayavadi philosophy that everyone is God, I am God,They are claiming that "I am God." Is the.re any meaning? If I am

' . •. -. '115-5 LA-4-70 ISOP. 1 'imd--3skyscraper buildings. With all this load it is floating in theair just like a swab of cotton. Who is controlling? Can youfloat even a small piece of grain in the space? You can say lawof gravity and so many other things,bUt you cannot utilize it.. . .Or you can put it iur machine }J'irplane 7 is running on thespace.But so long the machine is working. As soon as yourpetrol is finished, immediately it will fall down. Immediately.But big } big planets . . • This is only one of the small. Thesun planet is fourteen hundred thousand times bigger than this• 4•planet. So that is als can see the sun is floating in onecorner of this big space.So how you can say that it is notcontrolled, it is floating out of its own self? No. The answeris there in the Bhagavad-gita that "I enter into this materialplanets / and then I keep it floating." @.t\1. o..vi'syt.... aha:tl'l) drt1-yantrjlt.a.n, Ja.sa.... ])Jutro-yal'ltty At ·like you floatthis airplane ; so somebody has entered within it, that driveror pilot. So actually 1he is keeping this airplane floating, notthe machine. This is simple truth. So if you take this analogy,r· ­then this planet is floating, there must be somebody ente1;\a-u-.Somebody must have entered. So Krsna saysJ "I have entered."So what is the difficulty to understand how it is keepingfloating? The analogy is there.Everyone can understand that thisbig airplane is floating in the :sky because the pilot has enteredwithin it. Similalry 1if this planet is floating 1then somebody,either you or somebody, has entered it. And that answer is"t h ere 1n . h e Bhagava d -g1ta . I enter 1n . t o t h ese planets an d t h ere-;:;{/...R.fore I keep them floating ; ' That is our answer. And. scientists,/1.... ..···they say tr.e. law of gratitationit is true Ab'ut we

llS-5 LA-4-70 ISOP. 1md--4have to take knowledge from Krsna. Our process is that. We don'taccept any other process of knowledge. Our knowledge is to receivethe knowledge from the authority, and that is fact. That is firstclassknowledge. If you get one authority who can speak on thesubject matter, and if you take that knowledge, tha{is perfect • • •There are three kinds of processes to receive knowledge. Theyfirs1 we believe direct sense perception. Pra;aks a. Justlike somebody says, "Can you show me God?" That means theyyare prataks avadi. They want to see everything direct, experience=-"'everything directly. This class of men·says that "Can you showme God?" But this is not first-class knowledge. Suppose youask me, "Can you show me God?" I say, "Yes, I can show you God.""Show me." "I'll show you. So this is God." Will you believe it?Suppose you are asking me, "Can you show me God?" I say, "Yes,I can show you.""What is that God?" "Here is God, " I say. Sowill you accept it that this microphone is God? What is theanswer? Huh?Why no?Visnujana: Doesn't have the qualifications.Prabhupad: No. If you ask me, "Can you show me God," I show anything,whatever I like, "Yes, here it is1God." Or why God? Supposeyou go to a store. So you ask something, "Can you give me gold?"He'll give you a scrap of iron, "Yes, here it is gold. Take it."so what you say? What will be the answer? Huh? If you ask • . .You go to a storekeeper, you do not know where to purchase gold,but you are in need of some gold 1and you go to a storekeeper andask him, "Have you got gold in stock?" So he'll immediately understandthat here is a rascal number one because he has come topurchase gold in a store, ordinary store.If one has to purchase

'l,•·• . ,"t ·,, 115-5· ::1·'"'····: .. .. ,:··,,'.-.... · · ....,..:.,,1···:-r-s:; .... rr ·1 . . md--5LA-4-70 ISOP. 1gold, he must go where gold is sold. But he has come to ordinarystore to purchase. Therefore he's a first-class rascal. So6-therefore he'll try to cheat him, "Here is gold." He gives a "piece of iron. Then what he say? He accept that iron asgold? Huh? Why no? He does not know what is gold)and he has goneto a st ore to purchase it Jand he gives }.one piece or iron, "Hereis gold." So he'll purchase it. He'll be cheated. Similarly , thoserascals who say that "Can you show me God?" So they must knowwhat is God; otherwise he'll be cheated. That is being done.so if you want to purchase gold, at least you must have somepreliminary knowledge what is gold. Characteristics. Just likein the chemical laboratory theest. Suppose in the pharmacyor • • . This is the government law, that whenever you accept somechemicals or some drug1you must test it )and the testing characteristicsare stated there. Just like soda bicarb. The color is like this,the constitution is like this, the reaction is like this, thetaste is like this. So a chemist in the laboratory corroboratethe charactertistic, thenaccept it, "Yes, it is soda bicarb."similarly 7if you want to know God )or if you wantto see God, thenfirst thing is that you must know what is the characteristicsof God. Otherwise ) if you go to another rascal and you ask him J"Can you show me God, " and he shows you something nonsense, youaccept it God, is that very nice thing? This is going on.Iwant to see God What qualification you have got to see God?/IHe does not consider his qualification that hether I can see? ' 'God. So we do not teach such cheap things. That is our program.Krsna consciousness movement is not to present something nonsenseand present something cheap. If you want to see Godst faceto face )Jfot fiction );tJhen you must follow the rules and regulation,

., :., .::.."': _.tr:,.".:·'" : . ·. · ;- . ."ff!1;·7-;:1•'-' -':.. .... ·115-5LA-4-70 ISOP. 1md--6you must chant, you must purify youself. Then gradually 1svayameva sphuraty adah. You must wait. The t will comen youare purified 1 you'll see God. Not that immediately , in your presentposition ASut God is so kind, Krsna is so kind, even in yourpresent osition is presen arca-vigraha. He's open to}be seen by everyone, whether he knows and whether he does notknow what is God. This arca-vigraha is not idol; it is notimagination. They are . • • The knowledge is received from thesuperior acaryas. Brahma-samhita. Venumkvanantam aravindadalayataksam.The description is there. So God realization,ifollow tha·· lmmediately 1by yuur blunt senses, either:::-God, His form, His name, His quality, His paraphernaliacannot be perceived. The present senses are blunt. Thereforein the present situation or the civilization they have becomeGodless 1 because naturdlly they have no power to understandGod, neither they are guided by some persons who can makethem understand what is God. Therefore people are becomingGodless, atheist. But if you read all these Vedic literaturesunder superior guidance, i£ you follow the rules and regulation,then svayam eva sphuraty adah. God will be revealed unto you.You cannot see God or understand God by your own endeavor. Youhave bo surrender to the process by which God can be known. -Then will be Otherwise not. He is supreme controller.You are being controlled. Sohow you can controlGod? " Oh , God ,please come here.I will see11-o, Iyou. · God is not socheap thingthat by your order God will come and become seen by you. No.That is not possible. You must always know that '' He's the supremecontroller and I am also controlled. So if I can please God by

115-5 LA-4-70ISOP. 1md--7my service, then He'll reveal to • Thank you very much.,,me. That is the processeJ1O

?!':;:.. ·.. ·""'

. .. ' .Sri Isopanisad 1, page 9 PurportLos Angeles April, <strong>1970</strong>G"AI'GAI'>'I," '"'"' 8\lACIIV.O·G

--- ---_.._:;;;.. ·:;;· .... ,-,:-·--,-,..--,:::-:::-;. ·;-··."1_ ••.• •. . . t'- -::t#29 LA-4-70 ISOP. 1md--2of understanding q what I am, what is God, what is this world, whatis my relationship;"/nless these questions come into one's heart }and there is no proper answe he continues to be foolish like animal,and he is subjected to different species of life, transmigration fromone body to another. This is ignorance. So this is a very riskycivilization. I may feel very comfortable that '' r am a spiritual {master )or you may think very comfortable, ' ! am born of a very rich\1nation, America , but this status of my life is temporary. I willIIhave to change. I'll have to change. so if I do not change for thebettethen my life is very risky. Suppose a healthy man, if he isin the society of contaminationJ not his life is very risky?He may be contaminated and infected by disease any moment. So thisignorance should be dissipated. Here it is said that such a devoteecan properly discharge his duty of human life. Those who do not doso are eating only sins. Bhunjrte te tv agham papamye pacanty1\atma-karanat. Anyone who is cooking for himself. The differenceof cooking here in this temple and in ordinary house is that inordinary house they're cooking sins. The cooking, it appears thatII 11the same, These people are also cooking. But this cooking and thatcooking is different. Here there is no sin. Because it is beingcooked for Krsna. Yajnarth e Yajnarth e karmafanyatra. Beyond thisfield of activities, Krsna consciousness, everything you are doingpious or impious, you are becoming implicated with the laws ofnature. Generall you are being implicated in sinful activities,generally. And those who are little more cautious, they avoid sinfulactivities, they act pious activities. But even there is piousactivitiesJhe is implicated :AI have explained several times 1that ifa man is piou he has to take his birth in rich family. Janmaisvarya-

'(· ... .,.·r..·!:.: ;;··· ....;,:,,;'''. 'ft29 .md--3LA-4-70 ISOP. 1;· .. . ... .... '' .sruta, in very aristocratic family, rich family. may become nextlife very learned scholar, very beautiful. These are the results ofpious activities. But pious or impious )you have to enter into thewomb of some mother. That tribulation is very severe. That we haveforgotten. That we have forgotten. Either you take birth in a veryrich family, aristocratic family, or you take birth in the animalwomb ) the pangs of birth, death, disease and old age will continue.So Krsna consciousness movement means to make a solution of thesefour things; birth, death, old age, and disease. So if we actsinfully and if \·Te eat sinfully )then this life of birth, death, oldage, will continue. Otherwise )you can make a solution )and ) as it isstated in the Bhagavad-gita, tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mameti kaunteya _tr After leaving this body ,\1 tyaktva deham punar janmanaiti, 11 he does not takebirth again in this material world ' Thenwhere does he go? He's finished? Just like voidist? No. Mam eti.' 1 Hecomes to Me 1 Mam eti. 11 He comes to Me. \1 And what is the benefit ofgoing there ;to You? Mam upetya kaunteya duhkhalayam asasvatam ;/Inapnuvanti mahatmanah samsiddhim paramam gatah. To come back toMe, that is the highest perfection of life. He does not come to• • '1ths mserable world. So we should be care f u 1 not to eat anythingwhich is not offered to Krsna, prasadam. That should be deternation.We cannot purchase things from the market and eat. No. That is notpossible. We cannot eat. We can simply eat such things which areoffered to the Deity, Krsna. That is yajna sistasinah. Even if wehave committed some sin, by eating this prasadam we counteract it.Mucyante sarva-kilbisaih. Yajna-sista. Asista means the remnantsof foodstuff after offering yajna. If onekilbisaih. Because our life is sinful, soeats, then mucyante sarva­ 1-o/we becom7 freed from the

#29LA-4-70: ''c'.'l'"':.' .._ •·11"" .r. •·, ·:. - •ISOP. 1md--4sinful activities. How it is? That is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita.k .. ,, fAham tvam sarva-papebhyo mo saysyam. Iyou surrender unto e)thenI'll give you protection from all sinful reactions 1 So if you makeit a vow that i/ I shall not ea anything which is not offered to Krsna, '1that means it is a surrender. You surrender to KrsnMy dear Lord,I shallnot eat anything whic1is not offered to You. That's vow.That vow is surrender. And because there is surrendes you areprdected from the sinful reaction. All right. All right.

·.,' : . ' '1.Los Angeles, April, <strong>1970</strong>Sri Isopanisad Lecture, Verse 2,(After chantinr:: mantras) ',·.':1n will explain? !\arandharPrabhu, you will exlain? First or second. Hare Krsna.(Pause)Which one?arandhar:SEcond verse?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes, any one, if you can ... Whatever you haverealized, you can say without seein the book. Isavasyanidam sarvan. yes ...Karandhar:Everythin animate or tnaminate in this worldis controlled and owned by Krsna. In the Ehaavad-r,ita itis described that there are two tyes of eneries ofKrsna, para prakrti and a n a ra prakrti, the superior enervand the inferior enerr,y. The inferior energy is made upof the gross elements, earth, air, fire, water, and thesubtle enery or the subtle material elements are thesky, excuse me, mind, intellience and false ere. Thesemake up the para prakrti,or the inferior enerFoy of theLord. 3ut the livinr entities, they are the superior enerr,yor the Lord. They are anara nrakrti, and henceforth. dueto their illusion, their misconception, they are tryin?to lord it over the para orakrti, uh, uh, anara prakrti,the inferior enerv or the Lord. And they have becomeentanled. hey have become coverea bv the rross elements.So when one is reallzin who the source of the eneries,of all these enrgies ar•e, who are the pronrietor, whoare the controller o the enerv. then by the Lord'smercy,the Lord bein the controller of all these ener,ie;,,

..._LA-4-70 ISOP. 22.that entity can become free from the covering, from theinfluence of the material energy and can resune his naturalconstitutional osition as sunerior energy andfunctionon that platform in realization of both energies and hisrelationship with the Sunreme Enery of the Supreme LordKrsna. One should not, one should only accept that whichis set aside for him that which is needed. The lustydesire to ain more, for acquirinG more, this lust, thisnerversion, this misunderstandin is exactly whatenamors the livinr. entity, para prakrti, in the inferiorenergy, apara nrarti. So when one can come to thisunderstanding, that everything is controlled, everythlnis owned by the Sunreme Lord,and that he has notorship, then he can e;ive up this false of minepropri_and I and realize that the Supreme Lord, Krsna, He isthe controller. e is the owner. And can once aainregain his natural, blissf ul state, sac-cid-anandavigraha.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: ':Thy a li vin;:::: entity is superior enercy?Can anyone explain? Why living ... ? Yes? Stand up.Devotee: Well, it is s tated that theiving entity,orthe jiva soul, belongs to the jiva tattva, that cateoristlc,falls into that cateoristic of the Lord's enery. He is ...snark ...Prabhunada: No, t!,e nuestion is why the livin;c- entityis called superior enery? That is the question. The material,matter, earth, water, air, fire, sky, the inerior enery.and why the li vinp: is called superior energy?:·lho cane

·· ,· "'LA-4-70 ISOP. 23.explain ? Yes? Stand up .Devotee : We ll , the ind iVidual living entities are all partand parcel of the Supreme Lord . . .Prabhuada : The rart and oarcel , this material energy also ,part and p arcel. 3e cause enerr,y . . .Devotee : It 's sepera ted . Material energy 's seperatedwhereas the superior enerv . . .?rabhunada : Seoerated and this also , livin ent ities alsoserera ted . In this sense . One sense , nothing isseera ted . But at the same time , seperated . 3ut thequestion is why t he living entity 's called superiorenerr:v ?Devotee : The livinF, entities are conscious and thematerial enery 's not .Prabhunada : Ye s, that is also one of the reasons . Livinentity ' s conscious , wh ereas the raterial enerv is notc onscious . Th is i s one of the . . . Yes?Devotee : The living entity is also eternal , unchanr:in ,whereas the material eneryis subj e ct to chaner epeatedly .?rabhupada: Y es , that is also . And the most important isthat living entityis sunerior in this sense that theliving entity can contro l over the naterial enery . Justlike in this temnle all this parapherna lia wh ich you haveot , this i s made of matter , earth , water , fire , wa ter ,and fire , air . Bu t the livinr ent ity has nolded forhis purnose . And it can utilize the material enersv jus tlike modern scient ists , they are utilizin . . . Just like

LA-4 -70 ISOP. 2 4.you American eople , this land of Aerica , beforeyourcoming from European countries , it was vacant land . Th epeonle who lived here , they could not utilize , but youhave develoned b y your intellience a very nice countrywith industry , with nice roads . So this is superiorenery . that the livin entity can have soe control overthe material enert Y . That is exnlained in the 3ha,avad ­gita : y ayedam dharyate jagat . The , the iMportance ofthis mat erial world is due to the livin entities .THisLo s Aneles City is valuab le so lone the livin entitiesare there . The body 's valuab le so lon the living entity ,soul , is there. There fore it is suoerior . But thatsuperiority is being mis u.se..d . THat is conditione d life .Weare conditioned because our suoerior nosition thanthe matter , we are misusing . How we are misus ing? Wehave forotten that, althourh I an superior energvthan the matter , b ut still , I am subordinate to God .That he is foretting . The modern civilization . they donot care for God because p eople aresuperior than ma tter.Th ey aresimply tryinr. to exploit matter in differentway . 3ut they are foretting that we , either we maybe American or Russian or China o r India , we are allsubordinate to G o d. This is the Mistake . ?-rsna bhul iyajiva bhoavancha kare . They have orr-etten Krsna ,and they want to enjoy this material world . Th is is theirdisease . Now our duty is to invoke the ir Krsna consciousn ess ,that you are superior , that 's all riht . But you are

LA-4-70 ISOP. 25.subordinate to Krsna . You cannot enjoy, but you can . . . Justlike we have decorated this temp le not for our sense r.ratification. Hh at is the di fference between our students andord inary man? They are also decoratin their aoartment veryni cely . We are also doin the same . But the ourpo9e isdi fferent . We are doinr. it for Krsna , and they are rl oinrtheir for their . . . So our superiority is that , eitherI am trying for decoratin my oersonal apartment , I amtryinp: to decorate this te::ple , my s u:Jer i o r ity is thereb ecause I am utilizinp: mat ter for m:v purpose. ut whenit is utilized , his intellience is applied to utilizedthis matter ror Krsna then his life is successful . Thesup ior intelliEence should be utilized for the bene fi tof Krsna . Krsnarthe akhila cesta. Then y our li fe issuccessful . Then the same superior ener:v . if you anplv itfor your sense rat ification , you'll be entanleu andanxiety . And then you 'll have to chane your body , oneafter another. That is p:o inr on . So the superior , :-'ul' remeController is Krsna, either on this inferior enerv . orsuper ior enercy . So superior eneTSY means thu t we cancontrol over the material l·l orld . :iot cor.1pletely . Th at i::;also under condition . 3ut we have got some cont rol overthis material world . But Krsna has control over us alsn .e cannot do an:vthin out of our own whims . Just likewe are manufacturinr, this nice microphone with intelllence .Just like you American oeonle , :v ou are manufac turinr somany nice thinRS and whv other neople . they cannot manu facture'? What is the reason? YOu are also superior

- ... ··:\· .LA- 4 -70 ISOP . 2 6.enery . and before you , the Red Indians , they are alsosuerior enery . The anial , he 's also superior energy . Thecow , for examp le . that is also livin entity , superiorenerrY · And a man , he 's also living entity , superiorenerFY · But the man is sending the cow to the slaur.h t erhouse. It is heirless . And the man is po1-.rerfu l. How thi ndistinction? How thi::; distinction? That distinction in dr1eto the superior controller, Krsna . Krsna has riven mansuperior intelllence ,superior intelligence . . . In the3haavad-gita , Fifteenth Chanter, Fi fteenth verse , y ou 'llfind that sarvasya caham hrdi sannivistho . "-:- am sittinrwithin the heart of everyone ... !-ia ttah srtir ,j nanam apohan;l::.ca . "One can memorize or forget on accou-nt of ·ie . · ·here fore the superior energyis givin intellirencc tothe human form of b ody that "'!ou do this ." "You do thi:;"me ans not wh imsically . He wanted to do it , but sometinenhe for%ets and Krsna reminds : "You wanted to do this . Youcan do this ." Here is an oonortunity . So althouc;h I haveotsuperior intelligence, that is also contro lled byKrsna . If Krsna gives you intellience , then vou cananufact ure this ni ce mi crophone . Otherwise , y ou c annot .There fore isavasyam ida sarvarn . In every snhere of li fe ,tere is control of K rsna . Yat kincit jaatyan . Anythinwh ich is oin on wi thin this world . Jaat . Jaat neansthis world , which is makin proress . ena t:vaktenabhunj itha . There fore we shall have to voluntari l y aocent:!is suneriori ty ? ,.,d accent only prasadaM . ':lho,.tever ::ekindly allows , you can take this . All rir,ht , :Jir. That 's

,._,'!"····· .. '· ..... . .....LA-4-70 ISOP. 27.al l. You cannot encroach uon others .That is superiorcontrol . But the people are encroaching . The re forethey are becomin entangled . If they accet what is offeredby Krsna , then there is no trouble . But if they enc roach .then there is troub le . So you read every sloka , every nantra .Whenever vou ret time , you read the n urnort , you read theneanin . he whole nh ilosophy is there . Now y ou are row ln .There will be so many questio ns , so many philsosphers . Buour philosophy is so sound , and solid , that we can mee tany philosonher of the world . Any philosonher . 3ut you haveto learn it . The books are there , your intellience isthere , the Euidance is there. 3ecause you are preach1nsometimes we have to meet onposinr, elements. So if youcannot answer nronerly that will be disqualification .oeveryone of you should learn this ohilosophy . As soon nsyou are ab le to , I mean to say , guide yourself, or s nveyourself from the attack of the opposing eleent ,thenyou 'll know that you are makin progress . Otherwise , . . .Of course , there are different staes of devotional 11r0.3ut so far o,.r e are concerned , we have to preach . T!{at I:the second n lat form of devotional life .In the secondnlatorm , not only to love God , hut to ::Jake friendsh ipwi th devotees who is lovinP; G o d . ":'hat is society . Ou1·Society is devotees. eshould not only practice to lovenod , but we should make friendshin and love the devot eesalso . And then those who are inno cent , those who do notunderstand what is Krsna , we shall preach . And thosewho are atheist , a[ainst God , we shall avoid . So this is

'"'"""':: ··· ,· ·LA-4-70 ISOP . 28.second stage . And on the highest stage , of course , thereis no . . . He is paramahamsa. So that . don ' t try to imitac eparamahamsa. THat is VP-ry topmost stae of devotionallife. Even if y ou are on this topmost stage ,when you arep reacher you have come to the second plat form . Th is stage .So you hve to ra Se yourself from the lower stae to thesPond staee , and if you are in the hihest staf,e eventhen y ou have come to the second stae for oreachingwork . So preachin work , four vision . Isvare tad adh inesubalisesu dvisatsu ca . nod , Krsna , His devotee , innoecentand the atheist . So we are concerned with three , with'7\God , the devotees and the in· ocent . To love God , to makefriendship with devotees and to teach the innocent .And those who are atheist , a gainst God , avoid. Don 'ttalk . Useless waste of time . vlhatever he wants : " All rir.ht ,sir, 1 ou are very great .'' That 's all right ." Don 't talkwith them. Simply waste of time . But if one is inqui sit ive . . . .Just like this chi ld , he ·..r ants to learn . AS I sa;r , "Oh.offer your obeisan cr:s . ·• He does it . Oh , he should betaken care , verv much devel oped . 3ut that is also one ofthe ofenees , out or the ten o ffe nses . One who is dislnclinento unde rstand what is this chant ln . you shouldnot bother y ourself to convince hi . That ' s all. Justlike in hospit a l , especially in , in the warfield , thereare many wounded soldiers are comin[ . 3ut the doctorssee that the solier wh i ch has otthe chance of livinrtake care orefor the. And the soldier wh ich isimm i diately p:oinp: to die , they do not take care much .

LA-4-70 ISOP. 2Be cause it is useless . He 'll not live . Similarly the atheist .the atheistwill h ave to suffe r. They'll have to me et Godln the form of death in so many ways . So by sufferin ,sufferin , suffering , suffering , suffe rin . when a daywill come that he 'll understand God , at that time ,nreachinf to him i s better . So you do not expect that ournreachin will be appeal to everyone . It will be usefu lfor the devotees , for the innocent . Not for the atheist .So try to understand the philosophy very nicely becauseyou are goin to p reach . So many opposing elements willcome . So you have to defend yoursel. The more you cande fend yourself from the opposing elements, the rHo reyou are advancing . You should know . . . That is the test .That is the test . Because you are preacher, so y ou haveto test yourself,how you are making advance. Don 't beself-comnlacent : "Oh, I am very , I have advanced verymuch ." Your advancement will be tested when you can meetopposine elements .Not that when the onposing elementscome , "Oh , let him talk •.-lith G uru l•1ahara.j a, or S!Jiritualmaster ." Hhy ? Hhat for you are beinp; taught ? So you shouldbe verv care ful to understand the nhilosonhy . Otherwise ,you are not mak ing proress . Proress means you shallde fend yourself fr om the onnosinF element s. That isreuired . Thank you . Chant are Krsna .

"His Divine GraceC. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAM PRABHUPADATRANSCRIPTIONSMAY <strong>1970</strong>ING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.'(...actual dates are missing, transcripts are placed in sequntial order.

#40Sri IsopanisadLos Angeles May , 19 70Invocation PurportGargamuni :paragraph .It's on page twelve , almost in the middle. The second"The universe has its own time , fixed by the energy ofthe complete whole nd when that time is complete , this temporarymanifestation wi ll be annihilated by the complete arrangement ofthe complete ."<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Yes. Everything in this material world , it has got afixed time. And within that fixed time there are six kinds of changes.First birth ,then growth , then to stay , then to produce by-product,then dwindling, then va nish. This is the law of material nature.This flower takes birth , just like a bud, then grows , then staysfor two , three days, then it produces a seed , by-product, then driesup gradually, then finish. You sit down like this. So this is calledsarovikar (?) ,six kinds of changes. So you cannot stop this by yourso-called material science . No . This is avidya. People are tryingto save themselves, and sometimes talking foolishly that byscientific knowledge man will be immortal . The Russians say likethat. So this is avidya , ignorance. You cannot stop the processof the material laws . Therefore in the Bhagavad-gita it is saiddaivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya . The process of materialnature, which is composed of three qualities; sattva-guna , rajo-guna ,tamo-guna;-h--i--;lr

#40md--2Invocation PurportLA-5-70they produce some by-product, again mixed up, again mixed up . Inthis way eighty-one times they 're twisted . So gunamayi maya , binding )10more and more. So you canno t get out of this binding of this materialworld . Binding . So therefore it is called apavarga .This processof Kr sna consc iousness means nullifying the pavarga process.Yesterday I wa s explaining what is this pavarga to Gargamuni.This pavarga means the line of the alphabet pa . You know , thosewho have stud ied this devanagari . There are devanagari alphabets ,/:.Jka kha ga gha i'1 OJ ca cha ja jha h( , in this way fiveset one lirie. Then("'tr '::::"the fifth set comes pa pha va bha rna . Sothis pavarga means pa . First of all pa . Pa means parava , defeat.Everyone is trying , struggling very hard to survive , but defeated .First pavarga . Pa means parava. And then pha . Pha means feeling. (?)Just like horse, when working very hard , you'll find some foamscoming out of the mouth. We sometimes also when we are very tiredafter working very hard , the tongue becomes dry and some foam comes .So everyone is working very hard for sen se gratification , bu t defeated .The pa pha , and va . va means this bondage . So first pa , second pha ,the bondage third , then va , bha . Bha means beating , fearfulness.And then rna . Ma means mrtyu or death . So this Krsnaronsciousprocess is apavarga , apa . A means none .Pavarga , these are thesymptoms of this material world . And when you add this word a,apavarga , that means it is nullified . so . .. You can sit down . Thisapavarga vartmani. our Kr sna consc iousness movement isthe pathof apavarga , nullifying these pavargas .satam prasangan mamavirya samvido bhavanti hrt karna rasayanah kathah ta j jo sanad asvapavarga vartmani sraddha bhaktir anukramisyati. Satam prasangan .This discussion, this is called satam prasangan. Discussion . Just

# 40Invocation Purport LA- 5-70md --3like there are many conferences, assembly, they have got differenttypes of talks. Just likewe were discussing last week , srotavyadinira jendra . . • apasyatam atma-tattvam grhesu grha-medhinam . Discussion .Those who are blind for self-realization , they do not take care ,they have got many things to discuss. But so far Krsna cc.)nsciouspeople are concerned , their subject matter of discussion is one .Apavarga vartmani, the path of disintegration.How it,is happen?C:.lSatam prasangan. When you form this society , Krsn contus sccio..;t:y ,and you discuss about this apavarga from the authoritative literature ,just we are doing , then it becomes relishable . You cannot discus sall these thing with a storekeeper . That will be not relishable.Satam prasangan , amongst the devotees. If you take this Isopanisadand you ask one butcher or a man like that, "Come one . We shalldiscuss. " He 'll throw away. The other day we were coming on thisvenice Blvd.Gargamuni gave one card to a boy . You remember? (laughs)He immediately threw away . They have no ta ste . Soyou cannot discussall this transcendental knowledge with these demons . Satam prasangan .Therefore you have to discuss ... Therefore we are opening so manycenters, that people may take advantage of this society . Becauseanywhere else he 'll not have the opportunity . His life is beingspoiled . The modern civilization is like that. It is a killingcivilization. Atmaha . Atmahano jana . All these people are killingthemselves because they do not know what is life. Simply like animalor living. The animal does not know what is life, but he is underthe laws of nature , evolution, going on. But when you get thishuman form of life there is responsibility . You have to chalk out.

#40 Invocation Purport LA-5-70md--4Here is a chance you can become Krsna conscious and make your lifeso lve all problems. If not, then again go to the cycle of birthand death again. 8,4 00,000 . It will take many many millions ofyears again to come back. Just like the sunshine you will seeafter twelve hours, twenty-four hours, mornjng. Everything isa process . Process. So if you lose this opportunity of elevatingyourself hen again you come to the process. Nature 's law is verystrong. Daivi hy esa gunamayi. Te sooner you surrender to Krsna,'""'mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etan taranti te. Such person is ableto overcome this process of material nature. So here it is saidthe universe has its own time, fix ed by the energy of the completewhole . Universe is also big gigantic body, material body. That 's all .Just like your body. Everything is relative . Modern sc ience, thelaw of relativity. An atom, a small particle, small ant . So it hasgot a relative life. You have got relative life . Similarly thisgigantic body,it may be many millions of years this universe willexist, but it will no t exist forever. That is a fact.Because itis very gigantic, therefore it may remain for some millions ofyears, but it will end . That is the law of nature. And when thattime is complete,this temporary manifestation wi ll be annihilatedby the complete arrangement of the complete . The Supreme Complete.When your time will be complete, no more sir, in this body. Nobodycan check . The arrangement is so strong. You cannot say, "Let meremain ." Actudlly it happens. When I was in India, Allahabad, oneof our, an old friend, he was very rich man. So he was dying .Sohe was request ing the doctor,"Can you no t give me at least fouryears to live? I haveit . " You see. Asapa sagot some plan, you see.r b"rl d a.hsataThis isI could not finishdemonic . Everyone

#40 Invocation Purport LA-5-70rnd--5thinks that "Oh, I have to do this.I have to do this." No . Thelldoctors or doctors ' fathers or his father , no scientist can check ....,

· ': ..• •••'j' ( .,. •·•:•,> 'I'I

Los Angeles, May, <strong>1970</strong> Purport Mantra OneSri Isonanisad Lecture, Pae 1Srila Prabhuoada:?ae?Disciple: Pae 1. in the middle, almost the niddle ofthe f'irs t parar,raph. ( Reads: ) "The Verlas are not knoil'n11\.

LA -5-70Purport Mantra One2.also, son's son. In this way , 3rahma distributed thisVedic knowledse son to the sons, some to the ... Vyasactevaalso. He distributed knowledge some to this sons, some tohis disciples. Hat is exlained in the Srir! haavatam.hat is the process of disseminatinE Vedic knowlede. noon.uisci!Jle: "The Lord, being !)urnaM, or all-per-f"t=>ct, there isno chance of His being subjuf.ated to the law" of materialnature, while the livinE entities and inaminate obJect"are all controlled by the laws of nature. And thus, ultimately,by the potency of the Lor-d. The Isopantsarl isa oart of' the Yajur Veda."<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: There are four VEdas, Sama VEda, Yajur- VEdA,Rg Veda andAtharva Veda. Or-icinally there was on e Vda.3ut later on Vyasadeva divided ther!l into four.o Ya.lur· Vedais one of the Vedas, and the Isonanisad is stated there.All the Unanisads are stated in the different 1-:inrls of Ve.dn.The:::>efore UD an i s a c! is acce!Jterl c.s 'te::'!1c stu·1::. r;o on.Disci!Jle: " 7:1e Isonanisad is a nrt of t:;.e ':'a.iU!' .rL,:Ja :J:l1. assuch. it contains information as to the nroprietorshin nf 11t:,inP:s t!-1 at exist \'li thinthe universe.··?r'!b h:.1nad.q : .Tu:::; t 1g:e evidence. :::vide:1ce ... ( :;s lc!e: ) :;,y,·:,au can sit d0w:1. Evidence, whenever we want to iveevidence ... Just like in law cout the evience, you have tocite the section, or the nreamble of the las. 1llali:1 o:.: !':lan civilization this evidence is Veda.I" .':ouf:!.!'l'l soethin;:- stated in t!-:e Vedas, that ;;ou have to acce:1t.?t's all. Axioatic truth. And because the Vedas wre

···"t.. :···'8'\!'. 'olLA-5-70Purport MantraOne3.particularly studied by the brahmanas.hih-class.nualified brahmanas. therefore they are also accepted asauthority. Just like Cai tanya !·lahaprabhu, \'lhen ::e was at?uri, the kine; of the ;-:'lace, i'·1ahara.l q !'ratararw!:--a, hein'luired !'rom Sarvabhouna :1hattacar·::?.: "Oh, whCJ.': .is ;.•ou:·opinion about this Caltan;.ra v1ho has co!'le her·e?"::e >aid.that "1e is the Supre!1e ?ersonallty of i";orl:1ead." o the i:l ni!:".!':iedi.··telyaccepted it. i·anr; said: "Oh, :ie';, .;J:-·reme?ersonality of Gocthead?" 2o He .accePted it .hr::e·HCJ.tely.There was no question of experimentin. ecaus an authorltlike Sarvabhouma Bhattacarya is statlnr, R brahana. andhe >'las very learned scholar. You :no·I.Sarvabhou:a :Jhattacarvq'sname.So because he said that e's Supreme ?ronality hedid not ask any storekeeper. 3ut he asked a learned brahrnanawho knows things. So similarly we have to accent in that way.In each and every case, if we want to research, it is notpossible. Secause our senses are blunt senses. hat you cando? Acintya kalide bhava na tas tarkena vojayet. he sastrasays that "'l'hi-rgs v:hich are beyond :.rour concentior.. be:·/Onc!your mental speculation, avan manasa ocara, ne\ther vou caexpress by \'lords, neither you can think of, a van :-1anasa .•ocara,so such thins, it is useless try to unrle:--stan byarguments. That is simply nonsense. Vou can, of coure,inquire. But that inoulr is not chRllene. I yo inqul:--efro you spiitual aster by challene. then it s curMisortune. You have to in \.lire fro:;, t!1t: spiritual !"'lastei·.':'hat is indicated: seva:1a, by service, b:: :-mldr:;- :lir:;satisfied. Tad viddhi praninatena nariprasnena sevava.

LA-5-70 Purport Mantra One 4.First of all, you have to surrender and then ou have toplease him by service. Yasya nrasadad bhagavat prnsado.If you can please him,then naturally Krsna is pleasedunon .rou. ':'hat is the !.n.lunction. So this nrasn8. . .. Firstof all ou should find out gornehod here vou cnn surrender.If there is dunlicitv in surrender, that i! useless.?irst of all see •..: :1ether ·ou can surrender the::-e. Thenaccept hi:-1 sp i ri tu:::l r:1nster. And then rlease hi:n by you:>servie ant in(!uir:·.r. 7at i;, Vedic Drinciple. ?::ank :rouver'! much.

[t>Acid Free Copy#40-1Sri Isopanisad Purport Hantra OneLos Angeles , May , <strong>1970</strong>(Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> and devotees chant Invocation and Mantras 1-14)<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Hare Krsna . Read .Gargamuni : Fourteen .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Yes .Gargamuni : The last sentence . "This poi nt is con firmed by theBhagavad-gita in the Seventh Chapter , where para and npara prakrtiare discussed . The elements of nature , earth , fire , wa ter, air,sky , mind, intell igence , and ego , all belong to the inferior ormaterial energy of the Lord , whereas the living being , the organicenergy , is the superior energy , the para prakrti of the Lord .Boththe prakrtis , or energies , are emanations from the Lord, and ultimatelyHe is the controller of everything that exists .There is nothing inthis universe which does not belong either to the para or aparaprakrti, and therefore everything is under the . .. "<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : " ... proprietary right of the Supreme Beinr]. " So ::.ere ,in the Isopan isad also, the same thing is explained ,that isaasyamidam sarvam .T'lliatever we are seeing, animate or inanimate , thereis control of the Supreme Lord .The same thing is explained i theBhagavad-gita , that His energies are working.In the Visnu Puranait is said ,just like fire stay ing in one place distribu tes its heatand light . .. Eka-desa-sthitasyagner jyotsna vistarina yatha . Agni,agni means fire. Fire is ... Just like the sun. Sun is also fire ,very high temperature fire .So it is staying in one place , bu t it

# 40-1dd--2Isopanisad PurportMantra OneLA-5-70is distributing its light and heat all over the universe.Eka-desasthitasyagnerjyotsna yatha vistarina , tathaiva parasya brahmanasaktih.Similarly , two energies from the Supreme Lord is beingdistributed all over the creation .One kind of energy is calledmaterial energy and the other kind of energy is called the spiritualenergy .So in this world, in this temporary material world , thespiritual energy is there . That is prominent . But it is coveredby th8 material energy . Just like there is sunsh ine . Sunshine nobodycan check. But it is sometimes covered by cloud . l·vhen it is coveredby the cloud , the sunshine is dim. The more it is covered .. . Justlike in \vest ern countries , in the northern countries , it is very muchcovered . Practically, there is no sunshine . In London I saw thesunshine is very rare . At ten o'clock it is early in the morning .And at ha lf past three again evening , so long I was there .So thiscovering of the sunsh ine is temporary .Actually , sunshine cannot becovered . The whole sunshine cannot be covered . That is not po ssible .An insignificant portion of the sunshine may be covered , or iscovered sometimes by the cloud .Similarly , this material wor ldis an insignificant portion of the spiritual world , covered by thismateria l energy . That 's all. And what is the position of ma terialenergy?The material energy is also another form of the spiritualenergy . That means absence of spiritual activity . That is ma terial .That 's all. Just like what is this cloud? Th is cloud is aothertra nsformation of the sunshine .the sea , and the cloud is formed .The sunshine evaporates water fromTherefore sunshine is the causeof the cloud .Similarly , this material energy is also caused by theSupreme Lord because it is His energy .So two energies are working

dd--3Isopanisad PurportMantra OneLA-5- 70in this ma terial world: the spiritual energy and the ma terial energy .The material energy means these eight kinds of material elements .Bhumir apo nalo vayuh .Earth , water , fire , air, sky , mind , intelligence, and ego . These are all ma terial. And similarly , finer , finer,finer, finer . And grosser , grosser , grosser . Just like water isfiner than the earth . Then fire is finer than the water . Then airis finer than the fire . Then sky , or ether, is finer than the air .Similar ly ,intelligence is finer than the ether , or mind is finerthen the ether . The mind ... You know , I have given several timesexample : the speed of mind . Many thousands of miles within a second .You can go . So the finer it becomes , it is powerful . Simi larly ,ultimately , when you come to the spiritual part , finer , from whicheverything is emanating, oh , that is very powerful , that spiritualenergy . That is given in the Bhagavad-gita . What is that spiritualenergy? That spiritual energy is this living entity . Apareyam itastu viddhi me prakrtim para . Krsna says , "These are material energies ,beyond this there is another spiritua l energy ." Apareyam . Aparameans inferior . Apareyam, "All these described material elements ,they are inferior energy . And beyond this there is superior energy ,My dear Arj una ." What is that? Ji va bhuta maha-baho . "These livingentiti es ." They are also energy . We living entities , we arealso energy , but superior energy . How superior? Becaus e yayedamdharyate jagat .The superior energy is controlling the inferiorenergy . Matter has no power . The big airplane , nice ma chine, isflying in the sky , made of material things .But unless the spiritualenergy , pilot, is there, it is useless . It is useless . Thousandsof years the jet p lane will stand on the airport ;it will not be

i40-ldd--4Isopanisad PurportHantra OneLA-5-70flying unles s the small particle spiritual energy , that pilot , comesand touches it. So what is the difficulty to understand God? Soplain th ing that if this huge machine • . . There are so many hugemachineries they cannot move without the touch of the spiritualenergy , a human being or a living bei ngi how can you expect thatthis whole material energy is working out of automatically or withoutany control ? How you can put your arguments in that way? Thatis no t possible. Therefore less intelligent class of men , they cannotunderstand how this material energy is being contro lled by theSupreme Lord .The godless men , those who are of opinions that thisma terial energy is working automatically, they are fools .Tha t isthe explanation of Isopanisad . Isavasyam idam sarvam . Everythingis being controlled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead .Andtherefore , because He is the Supreme Controller , therefore He isth e Supr eme Proprietor . We can see in our practical experience,the man who controls the whole establishment , he is pro prietor , orthe pres ident . Similarly, if it is being controlled by some superiorperson, rhen He is God . That is confir.med in the Bhagavad-gita .Mayadhyaks ena prakrtih suyate sacaracaram . Krsna says , "Under r-1-ysuperintendence, this material energy is working and all thes eanimate and inanimate objects are being produced."Mayadhyaksenaprakrtih suyate sacaracaram, hetunanena kaunteya jagad viparivartate .So unless there is some living force , energy , behind any materialmani festation , it cannot work . If we simply understand this fact ,that everywhere there is control of the Supreme Lord, that is Krsnaconsciou sness .Krsna cons ciousness means to understand things asit is. That 's all . Thank you very much .(end)

Acid Free Copy#29-2Sri Isopanisad, Mantra Purport OneLos Angeles, May , <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami . Adi-purusam,the original Personality of Godhead. So , when we speak of Govinda ,Govinda is not alone . Just like when we speak of king , it is to beunderstood that king is not alone . He has got many other fo llowers ,secretaries, ministers , soldiers . Who le state . Simi larly, when wespeak of Govindam, behind Govinda , with Govinda, all living entities ,all creation, everything . .. Govindam . So you can st . .. (break)Gargamuni :"It is also wrong to consider that simply by becoming avegetarian one can save himself from transgressing the laws of nature .Vegetables also have life .One life is meant to feed another livingbeing, and that is the law of nature . One should not be proud ofbe ing a strict vegetarian .The point is to recognize the SupremeLord.The animals have no developed consciousness to recogni ze theLord , but a human be ing ..."<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : That is the main point . Just like there are the Buddhists ,they are also vegetarian . According to Buddhist principle ... Nowadayseverything has deteriorated, but Lord Buddha 's propaganda was to makethe rascals at least to stop animal killing . Ahimsa paramo dharma .Lord Buddha 's appearance is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam andmany Vedic literatures. Sura-dvisam. He came to cheat the demons.The demons ... He made such a policy that the demons were cheated .How he has cheated? The demons , they are against God. They don 'tbeli eve in God. So Lord Buddha propagated , "Yes, there is no God .But what I say you follow. " "Yes sir. " But he is God . This is

#29-2 Isopanisad Purport Mantra One LA-5-70dd--2cheating . Yes. They do not believe in God, but they believe inBuddha , and Buddha is God .Kesava-dhrta buddha-sarira jaya jagadisahare . So that is the difference beb1een a demon and a devotee . Adevotee sees that hm'l Krsna , Kesava, is cheating these rascals.Thedevotee can understand. But the demons , they think , "Oh, we havegot a nice leader. He does not believe in God. " (laughter) Yousee? Sammohaya sura-dvisam . The exact Sanskrit word is stated inthe srimad-Bhagavatam . You have seen , tho se who have read . Sammohaya,for bewildering, sura-dvisam.Sura-dvisam means persons who areenvious of the Vaisnavas .The atheist class , demons , the are alwaysenvious of the devotees . That is the law of nature . You see thisfather . Father became an enemy of a five years old son. Wh at washis f ault? He was a devotee . That 's al l. Innocent boy . Simplyhe was, I mean to say , attracted with chanting Hare Krsna mantra .The father himself, he became a staunch enemy : "Kill this boy. "so if a father can become enemy , what to speak of others .So youshould always expect that as soon as you become a devotee the wholeworld becomes your enemy . That's all. But you have to deal wi ththem . Because you are appointed servants of God . Your mission isto enlighten them . So you cannot be . Ju st like Lord Ni tyananda ,He was injured , but still He delivered Jagai-Madhai .That shou ldbe your principle. sometimes we have to cheat , sometime s we haveto be injured. So many things. The only device is how people canbe come Krsna conscious . That is our mission . Some way or otherthese rascals should be converted to Krsna consciousne ss , either thisway or that way . So Lord Buddha, he cheated the demons . Why hecheated? Sadaya-hrdaya-darsita-pasu-ghatam. He was very compassionate .

U9-2dd-- 3Isopanisad PurportManl:ra One·.•:,':t:'--·-:;.:;1:(:·i-':.;.i_t,,·.·-.·.\:.:-·. ; ·.; :-\.t'r--,,0::1'·'1..,.·J-·, LA-5-70 ... . '/······-···., God is always sympathetic to all living entities because everyone isHis son .So these rascals were kill ing unrestrictedly , simplyanimal killing . • • And if you say, "Oh, why you are animal killing?"They will immediately say, "Oh, it is i n the Vedas."Pasavo vadhayasrsta.The animal killing is there in the Vedas , but what the purpose?That is to test the Vedic mantra. An animal will be put into the fire ,and by Vedic mantra he 'll be rej uvenated .That is sacri fice , animalsacri fice. Not that for eating purpose. Therefore in th is age ofKali , Caitanya Mahaprabhu has forbidden any kind of yajna becausethere is no , I mean to say, expert brahmana who can chant the mantrasand make experiment of the Vedic mantras that "Here is coming out."That is ...Before performing yajna, how the mantra is potent , thatwas tested by sacrificing animal and again giving new life .Thenit is to be understood that the priests who were chanting that mantra ,that is right . That was a test . Not for animal killing . But theserascals, for eating animals they cited,"Here , there is animal killing."Just like in Calcutta . .. You have been in Calcutta? Andthere is a street, College Street . Now it is differently named. Ithink it is named Vidhan Raya. (?) Just like . .. Anyway , so thereare some slaughterhouses .So slaughterhouses means the Hindus , theydo not purchase meat from Muslims ' shop . That is impure . (laughter)The same thing. Stool this side and that side . They are eatingmeat , and Hindu shop is pure , Mu slim shop is impure .These are mentalconcoction. Religion is going on like that . Therefore . .. Thereforefi.,;ntin.; . "I am Hindu." "I am Muslim." "I am Christian ." Nobodyknows religion. You see? They have given up religion, these rascals.There is no religion .The real religion is this, Krsna consciousness,

#29-2dd--5Isopanisad PurportMantra OneLA-5-70·:: .1. ,,_>.-.rr.want You. " That ' s all . Then there is no question of checking .In any condition you'll increase your love , increase your love .Ahaituki apra • . • And why this? Yayatma suprasidati . If you attainthat state , then you will feel fully satisfied. Otherwise not .otherwise not .If you can develop your love for God or Krsna withoutbeing checked, without any cause, then you will feel fully satisfied.otherwise not . It is for your interest. And • . . It is not for God'sinterest that He wants you . It is for your interest. If you doo therwise, you will never be happy. This is the only way . Sarvadharmanparityajya mam ekam saranam vraja.Therefore here it iss tated , simply to become vegetarian is not the last word . Thereare many vegetarians . The monkey is vegetarian . He's naked andlives in a jungle . Just like there are so many so-called sages ,that "I live naked. I live in the jungle .I have given up the society."so monkey is doing that . Huh? {laughter) Naked , vegetarian , nohome . But the rascal has got at least two dozen wives . That ismonkey . So it is called markata-vairagya . He has become a sannyasi ,vairagi , and , but,so much thing , but privately he has go t so manyconnections . That is called markata-vairagya . Monkey 's renunciation.Monkey has renounced, naked, but at heart there is sense grati f ication .So markata-vai ragya is no good.So simply to become vegetarian isno good . You mu st develop l0ve of Godhead . That is real thing .Thank you very much .{end )

,,.:.·. Y:"t -\ J •• · :r-.: :_;.

• /.':4J:1A::.: . ,:::... )Isopanisad , Mantra 1Los Angeles May , <strong>1970</strong>(<strong>Prabhupada</strong> and devotees chant Invocation and verses 1-8)<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Who will explain? Karandhar prabhu? You will explain?First verse again . Hare Kr sna . Which one?/(4r91dv: Second verse?<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Yes. Any one which you can. Whatever you have realizedyou can say , without seeing the book . Isavasyam idam sarvam . Yes .(Karandhar lectures on verse one--break)?<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Why ar e living entities superior energy . Can anyoneexplain? Why living . • . Yes . Stand up .: Well, it is stated that the living entity, or the jiva soul ,. ../-_ ,'.belongs to the jiva-tattva , that (ttfr:fic·...-- .-:, :c., falls into thatC r:t-fe;or ,s f , of the Lo rd 's energy . fk is /j"r-/c· '<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : No . The question is why the living entity is calledsuperior energy . That is the qu estion . (break ) '!4atter , earth ,water , air, fire, sky , they 're inferior energy . And why the livingentity is called superior energy . Who can explain? Yes , stand up .: The individual living entities are all part and parcel of theSupreme Lord.<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : The part and parcel this material energy also . Part andparcel . Because the energy ...: It 's separated ma terial .. . The material has been separated{#k·c.; j r:.· • I •<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Separated ,this also. Living entity is also separated in

.;"·':' . '·'#31md--2LA-5-70ISOP. 1this sense. One sense no thing is separated . But at the same timeseparated . The question is why the living entity is called superiorenergy . Yes?not.: The living entities are conscious and the material energy isPrabhupad : Yes, that is also one of the reasons . Living entity isconscious whereas the material energy is not conscious . This is oneof the . .. Yes?: The living entity is also eternal and unchanging, whereas thematerial energy is subject to changeO"'YY\.ffJ: JeJ...Prabhupad : Yes , that is also . And the most important is that livingentity is superior in this sense, that the living entity can controlover the material energy . Just like in this temple all this paraphernaliawhich you have got, this is made of matter . Earth, water , fire , air .But the living entity has molded for his purpose .It can utilize thematerial energy . Just like modern scientists , they are utilizing . Justlike you American people ,this land of America before your coming fromEuropean countries, it was vacant land . The people who lived here,they could not utilize. But you have developed by your in telligence,a very nice country ,with industry, with nice roads . So this issuperiority . That the living entity can have some control over thematerial energy . That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita. Yayedamdharyate jagat. The importance of this material world is due to theliving entities. This Los Angeles city is valuable so long the livingentities are there. The body is valuable so long the living entity ,soul , is there . Therefore it is superior . But that superiority isbeing misused . That is conditioned li fe. We are conditioned becauseour superior position than the matter , we are misusing . How we aremisusing? We have forgotten/(lthough I am superior energy than the

' -.. -.··· . . .. . ' .. ' . . .·' .. ':.: ... ... ... . ·. .:,.#31LA-5-70ISOP. 1md--3matter, but still I am subordinate to God . That he is forgetting .The modern civilization they do no t care for God because people aresupe rior than matter. They 're simply trying to exploit matter indifferent ways . But they are forgetting that we , either we may beAmerican or Russian or China or India , we are all subordinate toGod· This is the mistake. Krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga vancha kare .They have forgotten Krsna , and they want to enjoy this material world.This is their disease . Now our duty is to invoke their Krsna consciousness.That you are superior , that 's all right. But you are subordinateto Krsna . You cannot en joy, but you can . .. Ju st like we have decoratedthiS temple not for our sense gratification . What is the differencecube tween our students and ordinary m n? They are also decorating theira parw1ent very nicely . We are also doing the same . But the purposeis different . we are doing it for Kr sna and they are doing for their • . •so our superiority is that either I am trying for decorating my personalapartment, I am trying to decorate this temple . My superiority is therebecause I am utilizing matter for my purpose. But when it is utilized ,hi s intelligence is applied to utilize this matter for Krsna , then hislife is succe ssful . The superior intelligence should be utilized forthe benefit of Krsna . Krsnarthe akhila cestah. (?) Then your life issuccessful .q,..,Jthe s ame superior energy , if you apply it for yours ense gratification you 'll be entangled and anxiety . Then you wi llhave to change your body one after another . That is going on. So theupreme Controller is Krsna, either on this inferior energy ors uperior energy . so superior energy means that we can control overthe material world. Not completely. That is also under condition.But we have got some control over this material world .But Krsnahas control over us also. We cannot do anything out of our own whims.

';-'•\_'-:·-· ·#31LA-5-70 ISOP. 1md--4Ju st like we are manufacturing this nice microphone with intelligence .Just l ike you American people, you are manu facturing so many nicethings . And why other people, they cannot manu facture? What is thereason? You are also superior energy , and before you the red Indians,they are also superior energy . The animal , he is also superior energy .The cow for example, that is also living entity , superior energy . Anda man, he is also living entity ,superior energy . But the man issending the cow to the slaughterhouse . It is helpless and the manis powerful . How this distinction? How this distinction? Thatdistinction is due to the superior controller , Krsna. Krsna hasgiven man superior intelligence . Superior intelligence. In theBhagavad-gita, Fifteenth Chapter , fifteenth verse we 'll find thatltsarvasya caham hrdi sannivistho . I am sitting within the heart ofllI'everyone. Mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca . One can memorize or\1forget on account of Me . Therefore the superior energy i s givingintelligence to the human form of body , that you do this . You dothis means not whimsically. You wanted to do it. But sometimes heforgets and Krsna reminds. "You wanted to do this , you can do this .Here is an opportunity. " So although I have got superior intelligence,that is also controlled by Kr sna . If Krsna giues you intelligence ,then you can manufacture this nice microphone . Otherwise you cannot .Therefore isavasya idam sarvam . In every sphere of life there iscontrol of Krsna . Yat kincid jagatyam . Anything which is going onwithin this world ,jagat. Jagat means this world which is makingprogressing. Tena tyaktena bhunj itha . Therefore we shall have tovoluntarily accept His superior ity and acc ept only prasadam. WhateverHe kindly allows , you can take this. All right sir. That's all .

·.,.#31 LA-5-70 ISOP . 1md--5You cannot encroach upon others . That i s superior control . Butpeople are encroaching, berefore they are becoming entangled . Ifthey accept what is offered by Krsna, then there is no trouble . Buti f they encroach, then there is trouble . So you read every sloka ,every mantra. Whenever you get time you read the purport,you readthe meaning . The whole philosophy is there . Now as you are growing ,there wi ll be so many questions,so many philosophers . But ourphilosophy is so sound and solid that we can meet any philosopherof the world. Any philosopher . But you have to learn it . The booksare there, your intelligence is there, the guidance is there . Becausewe are preaching , sometimes we have to meet opposing elements . So ifyou cannot answer properly, that wi ll bo disqualification . So everyoneof you should learn this philosophy . As soon as you are able to,I mean to say, guide yourself, or save yourself from the attack ofthe oppo sing element , then you will know that you are making progress .Otherwi se . . • Of cour.se there are different stages of devo tiona l life .But so far we are concerned , we have to preach . That is the secondplatform of devotional life . In the second platform , not only to loveGod , but to make friendship with devotees who is loving God . That issociety. Our society i s devotees. We should not only practice to loveGod , but we shall make friendship and love the devotees also. hndthen tho se who are innocent , those who do not understand wha t is Krsna ,we shall preach. And those who are atheist, against God , we shallavoid. So this is second stage. And on the higher stage of course,there is no ... He 's paramahamsa. That don 't try to imita te paramaham7a.1.5That is very topmost stage of devotional life. Even if you are on thtopmost stage, when you are preacher you have come to the second platform.This stage. So you have to raise yourself from the lower stageto the second stage. And if you are in the highest stage even , then

LA-5- 70 ISOP . 1IJIO>' k have come to the second stage for preaching preaching work,vision .Isvare tad adhinesu balisesu dvisatsu ca . God , Krsna,devotee , innocent, and the atheist. So we are concerned with three .With God , the devotees , and the innocent . To love God , to makefriendship wi th devotees , and to teach the innocent . And those whoare atheist, against God , avoid. Don' t talk . Useless waste of time .Whatever he wants , "All right sir. You are very great .That 's allright ." (laughter) Don 't talk with them. Simply waste of time .But if one is inquisitive , just like this child. He wants to learn .olv)I say , (Slffer your obeisances." He does it. Oh , he should be takencare , very muc h developed . But that is al so one of the offenses, outof the ten offenses . One who is disinc l ined to understand wha t isthis chanting ,you should not botRer yourself to convince him. Justlike in hospital. Especial ly in the war field. There are many woundedsold iers are coming , but the doctors see that the soldier which hasgot the chance of living, take care more for them. And the soldierwhich isimmed iately going to die, they do not take care much.Because it is useless. He ' ll not live.Similarly the atheist , atheistwill have to suffer. They will have to meet God in the form of deathin so many ways . So by suf fering , suffering, suffering , suffering , 5ufJwhen a day will come that he ' ll unders tand God , at that timepreac hing to him is / 1sf'?' so we do no t expect that our preaching·will be appeal to everyone . It will be useful for the devotees,for the innocent.No t for the atheist . So try to understand thephilosophy very nicely , because you are going to preach. So manyopposing elements will come. So you have to defend yourself. Themore you can defend yourself from the opposing elements, the moreyou are advancing.You should know that is the test . That is the test.

.-W::·: .. ,.,. . , .. . :; -#31 LA-5-:70 ISOP. 1md--7Because you are preacher ,so you have to test yourself how you aremaking advance. Don't be self-complacent."Oh, I have advanced verymuch. " Your advancement will be tested when you can meet opposingelements . No t that when the opposing elements come, "Oh, let himtalk with Guru Maharaja, our spiritual master ." Why? What for youare being taught? So you should be very careful to understand thisphilosphy . Otherwise you are not making progress. Progress meansyou shall defend your self from the opposing elements . That is progress.Thank you . Chant.

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Acid Free Copy· . ., .· · ···i·#31-1Sri Isopanisad, Mantras 2-4Los Angeles,-S-70(devotees chant Invocation and first two mantras)<strong>Prabhupada</strong> :Again from the beginning.(devotees repeat)<strong>Prabhupada</strong> :Again.(devotees repeat)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: This is very important verse . Evam tvayi nanyathe . ..nanyatha ato asti na karma lipyate nare .If you know it that everythingbelongs to Krsna,in this way if you live for hundreds of yearsand do your duties, there wi ll be no reaction .The very thing isconfirmed in the Bhagavad-gita .Yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yamkarma-bandhanah . Except working for Krsna , any work will bind you .Good or bad.I f you do good work , you'll have to enjoy, so-calledenjoyment . And if you do bad work , then you have to suf fer . But ifyou work fo r Krsna , there is no such reaction. Na karma lipyate nare .All right . Then next verse . (devotees repeat word for word ) Asuryanama te loka andhena tamasavrtah , tams te pretyabhigacchanti ye kecatma-hano janah .(repeats) Now you try it .(devotees chant)Yes.Again.Devotees: Asurya nama te loka . ..<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: The first ... ro rd is asurya . This y-a. Asurya .Devotees:Asurya nama te loka andhena tamasavrtah tams te pretyabhigacchantiye ke catma hano janah .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> :"The killer of the soul , whoever he may be , must enterinto the planets known as the worlds of the faithless , full of dark-

#31-1dd--2Isopanisad 2-4LA-5-70ness and ignorance . " (<strong>Prabhupada</strong> leads devotees in sloka) Nowrepeat again . Thank you. Again from the beginning . (devoteeschant Invocation and verses 1-3) Thank you. (break) Again .Devotees :Anejad ekam manaso javiyo nainad deva apnuvan purvarnarsat , tad dhavato 'nyan atyeti tisthat tasminn apo matarisva dadhati .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : "The Personality of Godhead, although fixed in His abode ,is more swi ft than the mind and can overcome all others running .Thepowerful demigods cannot approach Him, although in one place He hascontrol over those who supply the air , rain, He surpasses all inexcellence . " This is also confirmed in Brahma-samhita. Go loka evanivasaty akhilatma-bhutah.Krsna , although He is always in Go lokaVrndavana, He has nothing to do , He is simply enjoying in the companyof His associates, the gopis and the cowherds boy, His mother , H isfather . Free, completely free. And those who are associates , theyare still more free .Because when the associates are in danger , Krsnahas got some anxiety how to save them, but the associates they haveno anxie·t.y. "Oh, there is Krsna . " Just see . (chuckles) Theassociate s, they have no anxiety .Any, anything happening , youwi ll read in the Krsna Book . So many dangers . The boys , alongwith Krsna, they used to go every day with their calves and cowsand play in the forest on the bank of the Yamuna . And Kamsa wi llsend some demon to destroy them . So you have seen , you will seealso pictures.So they'll enjoy simply because they are so muchconfident . That is spiritual life . Avasya raksibe krsna visvasapala.This strong faith, that "Any dangerous condition, Krsna willsave me ," this is surrender . There are six phases of surrender .The first thing is that we shou ld accept which is favorable fo r

\ ·,, "'-l"._••.:,•i 31-ldd--3Isopanisad 2-4LA-5-70devotional service .We shall rej ect anything which is unfavorableto devotional service .And the next is that to intro duce oneselfwith the associates of the Lord .Just like Krsna has got so manyassociates , you can ... That will , of course • . . Not arti fi cially .when you are advanced you'll understand what is your relationshipwith Krsna. Then if you introduce yourself with that association ,then the next stage is confidence, that "Krsna will give me protection." Actually, He is giving protection to everyone . That is afact .But in maya we think that we are protecti ng ourself, \.,.e arefeeding ourse lf. No . That's not the fact . Prakrteh kriyamananigunaih karmani sarvasah , ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham iti manyate .To the devotees, Krsna takes charge Himself .living entities , the charge is taken by maya.And to the ordinaryMaya is also Krsna 'sagent.Just like good citizens , they are taken care of by the governmentdirectly , and the criminals , they are taken care of by thegovernment through the prison departme nt , through the criminaldepartment . They are also taken care of. In the prisonhouse thegovernment takes care that the prisoners not in uncomfortable , theyget sufficient food , if they 're diseased they give hospital treatment. Every care is there , but under puni shment . Simi larly , we inthis material world, there is care certainly , but in , in a punishmentway . I f you do this , then slap . If you do this , then kick .If you do this , then this ... This is going on . Th is is cal ledthreefold miseries .But under the spell of maya we are thinkingthat this kicking of maya , this slapping of maya , th is th rashingof maya is very nice. You see? This is called maya . And as soonas you get into Krsna consciousness, then Krsna takes care of you .

. ·1· . '131- 1dd--4Isopanisad 2-4LA-5-70Aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami rna sucah .Krsna , as soon asyou surrender, Krsna ' s immediate word is "I take care of you .Isave you from all, from all sinful reaction."There are heaps ofsinful reaction in our life, for so many life after life in thismaterial world .And as soon as you surrender to Krsna , immediatelyKrsna takes care of you and He manages how to adjust all the sinfulreactions . Aham tvam sarva-papebhyo rna sucah . Krsna says , "Don 'thesitate . "If you think that "Oh , I have committed so many sinfulactivities . How Krsna will save me ?" No . Krsna is al l-powerful.He ca n save you .Your busi ness is to surrender unto Him, and withoutany reservation dedicate your life for His service, and thus you 'llbecome saved . Now kindly chant Hare Krsna. Chant .(k irtan)(end )


182-6LA-5-70md--2depend for payingdollars bills without any arrangement?ey will have no sleep at night . And we are freely rnovingausewe are sure that Krsna will provide , and He is providing . Goanywhere in the karrni 's world . Find out such nice place , just likeour temple . There is none . Who le Lo s Angeles city 1you cannot find .Such be autiful faces , such bright faces1 you cannot find anywhere .so fuis is complete facility . If you want to take advantage of..;:::-your life, Krsna consciousness, then there is complete facility .Corne to the practical point. There is no theoretical . It ised.· Mpractical , eperi rne nt . Jherefore there is complete facilityfor the small complete uni ts . We are complete units , small . Godh ...is great and we are small . small just like a big machine ,and there is a small screw. So the comp lete facility , completenessof that small screw 1is to become fitted iarticular place .Then it has got value . And if it is out of touch of:the machine ,falls down , it has no value . So complete fac ility is th ere . Justyourself dovetail into that hole and the screw is placed there .Oh , it has value . When a screw is lost )you have to pu rchase fromthe store at the cost of two do llars . And when it is fallen down )()it is not even worth one cent. The same screw . So we are con;pleteAun its so long we are attached to Krsna . Otherwise useless . Yayesarns+-k.pur us am saksad atrna-y.>rabka.vaM isvararn na bhaj ante anad bhrn..s 1-r:i.ltp"'--fnV\7 o..dh . 1Why India is fallen down? Becaus e the so-calledrascalf they are claiming that "I am brahrnana ." But what;tis youroccupation }sir? "Oh, I am serving as a coolie ." Is that brahrnana 'sbusiness? Actually I have seen 1India, a person , feia. i / {?)born of a brahrnana farnily 1and and he 's pulling hand cart with greatlabor .And some foolish person also offering re spect 1and he is.·,V\..5Soffering bless whi le drawing the cart. {laughter) I have seen it.

182-6md--3LA- 5-70··:• ·rt:'.' ····-.:.; •ISOP . 3l.\ These things are going on . He does not know that ow I am fallen .Why should I claim as brahmana? I am cheating So one should keepin his own position. If you want to become a brahmana )then youkeep your position as the mouth of the Lord. Simply if you takeuthread ceremony and become something e lse ,no ))rhen you don ' ttake the advantage , facility . Mouth of the Lord is wh en Krsnaspeaks from His mouth . He spoke the Bhagavad-gita from His mouth .So if you keep yourse lf to the bus iness of His mouth ,then yo ubo..V\.1.\_ Lt ('(Ahave to preach . Then you are brahmana . Mukh- -pad.e ht.tya As we have got divisions in this body , this mouth , the arm , thebe lly , and the leg ,.similarly the gigantic body of 1Krsna , virata-purusa , His mouth 1s . br_ahmanas ..H1s arms are t he ksa t ·r1yas ' .His be lly is the vaisyas . And the legs are the sudras . Or thea..brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha , sannyas . So they have gotfdifferent position in the different parts of the body of thewhole,complete whole. So if you keep to your position and actlike that , take the facility , then you are complete . Othe rwise ,like the screw 1you are thrown awey . You have no value . So here1t 1s stated, there 1s complete facility for the small complete. • 11..,-: .,,un its , name ly the living being , to real ize the comp lete . 'l'orealize the complete what is my relationsh ip with the complete .11And all forms of inc;mp leteness are experienced only on accountof incomp lete knowledge of the complete . We are\thinking thatuI am equal t o G o d I am God .\I T h 1s ' 1s . 1ncomplete ' know 1 e d ge . Butif you know that11I am part and parce l of God , 11 that is complete .The Mayavadi philosophers , the atheists , they are claiming that{< ·" Who is God? I am God ." That is incomp lete.J. "The human form oflife is a complete ma.nifestation of the consciousness ." Now 1this complete consciousness you can revive in this humanform of life.

• ·:, · .·· '· , , ·'. ·· •:•:··.f.:":.' 1'·i· . --:.:.r,,: .'?·".:·"t>ntt1_:-,:::*f ;'i':: ·'-.·•··:·'·: • -. -J"/·::·: ·>· · ,"?;, ... '•182-6md-- 4LA-5-70ISOP . '32The cats and dogs, they cannot U , So if you don 't takethe facility , then you are atmahana jana . You are kill ing yourself,commiting suicide . As it is said , atma andhena tamasavrtah 1tams tepretyabhigacchanti ye ke catama hano janah . After death , prefya.biti . . ..pre tya means after death . So don 't be atrna-hano janah . Utilizeyour life in complete facility . That is our business . Thank you .(end)


Acid Free Copy#31-5Sri Isopanisad, Mantra 5Los Angeles , 5-<strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami . Where isHayagriva prabhu? Oh , that 's all right . So you have to constructa temple th ere like this .Hayagriva:<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Hayagriva:<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:By August , <strong>Prabhupada</strong>.Eh?By August, <strong>Prabhupada</strong> .Thank you . So you like this? This chandelier? Srigurave prana sadece goura sampad setuce . (?)This is , this is asong by Bhaktivinoda Thakura .He says that one who has dedicatedh is life for Lord Caitanya, he sees everyth ing belongs to LordCaitanya . Hare Krsna. Now mantra. (devotees chant Isopanisad ,!-1antra 5 ) Thank you. . "The Supreme Lord walks and does not \'lia lk .He is far away , but He is very near as we ll.He is within everythingand again He is outside of everything."This is the process of understandingKrsna consciousness. He walks and does not walk . Just likecrude example I give you , that the sun and , at noontime , it is onyour head and somebody walking eastern side or western side , he alsosees the sun is also walking with him .Long ago , about forty yearsago, when I \vas householder , my second son, he was four years old.He was walk ing with me , and he said:"Oh, father , why the moon iscoming wi th us?" This is very intelligent . Yes . So simi larly , ifa material obj ect can walk so swi ft . .. You have seen . You are goingon aeroplane or train . You ' 11 see the moon or sun is goi ng \.;ith you .So how it is not possible that Krsna cannot \valk?Although He 's

#31-5Isopanisad 5 LA -5-70dd--2situated. .. But you ask your friend : "Where is the sun? '\'There isthe moon?" He 'll say, "Oh, it is on my head." Simi larly , golokaeva nivasaty akhilatma-bhutah . Krsna, although He is in Vrndavana,Go loka Vrndavana, enjoying pastimes wi th the associates ,He is every-where , according to the position , shape , form, activities . Everywhere .Therefore it is said here that Supreme Lord walks and does not \.,ralk.He does not go from His abode . He is fully enjoying . Bu t at th esame time , everywhere He is. Everywhere walking . Just like we offerfoodstuff. So do not think that Krsna is- not accepting . Krsna isaccepting.Because He can spr.ead His hand immediately if you offersomething with devotion. Taya bhakty·" wahrtam as nami . I

#31-5 LA-5-70Isopanisad 5dd--3These are axiomatic truths . Similarly the Vedas , they are truth .we have to accept. Jus t like I've given example in my book . Theconchshell is the bone of an animal .So Vedic inj unction is if youtouch .the bone of an animal,immediately you become impure and youhave to take your bath . But here is a bone which is used in theDeity room. But you cannot argue , "Oh , you said that bone is impure .As soon as you touch it, you become impure .And you are pu tting intothe Deity room? " No argument . You have to accept it . Th is is Veda .You cannot argue. Simi larly, spiritual mas ter 's order , you have toaccept. There is no argument. In this way you can make progress .Sadhu sastra guru vakya tinete kariya aikya . If we argue . .. Na tastarkena yoj ayet . Acintya khalu ye bhava na tas tarkena yo jayet .Things which are inconceivable by you, you cannot argue .Then itwi ll be a failure . You have to accept that axiomatic truth . It isnot dogmatic . It is not do atic in this sense , because our predecessoracaryas, they accepted. What you are that you are arguing?So that is the proof . Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah . Tarko'pratisthah srutayor vibhinna. If you argue , there is no co nclusion.The argument wi ll go on . You put some argumet . I put some argument.That is not the process . Srutayor vibhinna . Scriptures , in differentcountries, different circ11mstances , di f ferent scriptures , they 'realso di fferent. Then tarko 'pratisthah srutayor vi bhinna nasau muniryasya matam na bhinnam . And so far phi losophical speculation is concerned, one philosopher is putting some theory , another phi losopherpu tting some theory . There is contradiction. And unless you defyanother philosopher, you cannot be a famous philosopher . That isthe way of philo sophical. .. 'L'hen where , how to get real information?

.·1.'i 31-5 Isopanisad 5 LA-5-70dd--4That is stated , th at dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam . The secretof religious process is lying in the cave or wi thin the heart. Sohow to realize it? Maha jano yena gatah sa panthah . You have tofollow great personalities. There fore we are trying to fol low LordI.Krsna or Lord Caitanya . That is perfection . You have to ta keevidences from the Vedas . You have to follow the instruction . Thesuccess is sure . That's al l. Thank you very mnr:h. Chant Hnre Krsna .(end)

. ':" , .. , .. . ·-:·· .. . . .LA-5-70 1.Sri Isop anisad Le cture , Verse 6, · /1riJ/)"A person who sees everythinr; in relation to the SupremesLord , and sees all enti ties as H is parts and parce andwho sees the Sunree Lord w ithin everything never hatesanything , nor any being . " This is the stage of,..,. A ... 6r'" V(' ' .,__In devotional service , there are three stages . In thebeGinninr, it is called neophyte stae , beginners . Thebeginners -' concentrated in the Deity worship . Thatis very important thin . to purify . Arcayam eva harayeyas tu sraddhay ahate nattad bhak'\esu candesu sa bhaktaprakrta smrtah . Prakrta ·means , from laf!Jtqr al plat form ,- . . .11 """ .one is comin to the s niritual nlatform .at stae oneis taught or trained to · woshin the Deity with €reatfai th and devotion under refulative nrincipleJ .3ut-f .in the neophy e stae,- na tad bhaktesu candesu , he ,the neonhyte devotee ,cannot understand who is hifhlyelevated or devotee or what is his interest with otherpeople . !le cannot discriminate . Na tad bhaktesb candesusa bhakta prakrta 3rtah .That neor hyte devotee is almostmaterial . The next stage is to make friendafuin . to loveG od , and to make friendship with devotees . And to bec((;{f;

ISOP . -62.h opeless . For a person who is not very much elevated , forrh im it is hopeless . But when one is on the highe stageof devotional serv ice , that system is explained here .Yas tu sarvani bhutani atmany eva anupasyati , sarvadb hutesu catmanam tate na vijugunsate . He has no iscrimina-.Jtion , who is de otee , who is nondevotee , who is atheist1fii..or theist, or who is . . . In this way , he sees eve ryone ,part and parcel of the Supreme Lord . And everyone isengaged . . . One who is sufferin , he 's also e nrared . 3ecause. . . Just like the prisoner . The nrisoner , he 's aloserving the government , by force . There fore one who ise levated , even those who are in abominab le stae ofli:'e , the maha-bhap:avat sees : "Oh , he 's also obey t nv, . ''Actually , ,it is obeyinp; . The orisoners , they are ob eyitwthe government , although by force , but .they 're obeyin .Similarly , those wh o are materialists , they are alsoobeying .Caitanya !'.ahan rabhu ' s his philosonhythatjivera svarupa haya nitya krsna dasa . A livinentity '5eternally servant of Krsna , either he admits or not admi t.That doesn 't matter . Ee 's a servant . . :rust liJ.:e anv citi:enis law ab ider or subservient to the state. He rnav saythat I don't care for the state but by the noli ce , bythe military , he 'll be forced to acce)Jt . So one is bein1forced to acce!Jt Krsna a s the mas ter , and the othe r isvoluntarily offering service . That is the difference .3ut nohody 's free from the servi ce of Krsna . ?hat isnot possible.There fore Caitanya Mahanrabhu 's phi losophythat eternal servant . E ither you accept or not accet .

LA -5-70 ISOP.-6 3.you are servant . You are never equal or greater than God .So this Krsna cons ciousness ovement is for that purpose ,that peop le should be taught that "You are seterna l servantof God . Don 't fa lsely im that you are God . You don 'tcare for God . You have to care . " ,J u st like this Eiranyakasipu .ne didn 't care for G od . But God came and , at the time?of his last moment . You see . Similarly God is visible toatheist as death . And to the theist as lover . That isn- • . erence.,eryone sees 1ro. no o y can sayt . "" di "f' "t:':j" d "' b d"Ido not see G od . " Everyone sees G od . :Sut one sees asdeath , and one sees as lover . at is the di ffe rence .Chant Hare Krsna .

Los Angeles , May , <strong>1970</strong>Sri Isopanisad Lecture , Mantra 7,. l/tf f'>'l lr.. ?q vv7"1; t54 (- "Y t;f>?tjtVct6{vci vt'l"'c;Tt'fl...l_;q;n.. I; a """4tt4 ..fiJf S"t' :..t'a e.f'l!f l""?--. f?·l'q.)y"f. -h I"One wh o always sees all living entities as S!Jiritualsparks ,in quality one with the Lord , becomes a trueknower of thinp:s .Hhat is there as illusion or anxietyror him? 'ls realization is Krsna consciousness .are different kinds of realization , but ekatvam ,Therea qualitativelyoneness , is alway s there . The brahmavadi , imersonalist,they think that we are cent per cent one withthe Lord or the Supreme Ab solute Truth , but that is nota fact. If one is cent per cent one with the Supreme Lord ,then how he has come under the control of maya? Thisquestion ,they cannot answer. So real identity is in theVedic literature we find that just like the fire , bir, fi re ,and the sparks of the fire , they are of the same quality .But the small spark , when he goes out of the fire andfalls elsewhere , then , Rt that time , its fiery qualitybecomes covered .So this coverin becomes mani fe stac cording to different qualities . .J ust like the fire .If a fire snark , if it drons on the water , then it is ,jit assumes comoleely extingquis1. ?imilarlv the livinentity , althouh qualitatively the fire , with God ,when it contacts the modes of ignorance , his sniritualouali ty becomes almost extinct .'1!h en he is on theland , not on the water , then there is sornethinr, . heat .Similarly when the living entity is in the raj o-una .the ualitv of passion , there is some hope . And whenthe livin entitv is in r,oodness . . .. Tust like the same

.... : ..; t .:.:-;r. ":-;;:::-: :··.::· . ,.·t-:r.···· 1.'."-'. ··.· •LA- 5 - 70 ISOP . 7 2.··. ·i ... . ·:·,. .'l:.f'i·.:·':; ... ·:.?:,:.r;·y-\'.t··:-:::··!.7i1' .)spark , if it drops on the r.rass , dry r.rass, then the samespark of fire ignites another fire , another blazin fire .Simi larly if one is in goodness , then he can create aspiritual as sociation . Just like the same example , thatthe small spark of fi re , if it fa lls in favorab le circumstances , or in dry rass , then it can inite r:re . Soone has to come , there fore , to te nlat form of oodnessin this material world . If one does not come to thenlat form of goodness . . . 7he nlat formor ooctneRs :s thebrahinical q ualification . 7hat we are preachinr . Our!\rsna cons cmousness \ovement is to bring some men onthe platform o f g oodness. The world requires it now .The world is need of some brahmanas , qualified brahmanas .Not t hat . . . You are being trained up to become quali fiedbrahmanas . So be alway s care ful that you may not contactc:vthe quality of p sion and ignorance . Passion and :r·norancewill induce y ou . . . Kama lobha . Lust and greedinss . 7hatis the sin of passion and inorance. And when you arein oodness , then you can see thins as they are . h enyou can see yourself, that you are not ma tter . You aresr,{i t soul . Ar .. : if' you make further advance , then :t ouunders tand that I am eternal nart and oarcel of' the SunreneLord , the fiery spark . So that ekatvam anunasyatah , inthis vers e , ekatvam, tha ualitatively one , not qunt itativelyYou are one with God , qualitatively . Youcannot be e qual with G od quant itatively . That ekat vam .Th ank you . Go on . Chant . Hare Krsna .

Sri Isopanisad Lecbbre , Mantra 7, LA/if/)))ISOP . 7 1.Now this vers e, verse numb e r 7, y asmin sarvani bhutaniatmaivabhud vijanatah , tatra ko mohah ka sokah ekatvqmanunasyatah . . . This is the perfect on of Krsna consciousness .IEkatvam anupasyatah . A Krsna conscious person sees oneness;all living entities , they see one . Just like fire nndthe spar, althouv,h there are di fferent types of 1llumlna -tin properties , the whole thing is seen as one . imi larlyL ?th se diversities in unity . Divers i ties means the ex ans ionof di fferent energies of Krsna . That is diversity . Otherwise ,the one , Krsna , only Krsna . P arasya brahmanah saktihtathaiva akhilam j agat . The whole universe , prasyabrahmanah s akti . . . Parasya , the Sunreme Brahman , Paramesvara, isvara p aramah krsna , His energy . The exampleis just like fire. Fire has got many eneries, esneciallyheat and lip,ht . 1.'lh erever there is fire , there is heatand there is li[';h t . How this heat is not different fromthe fire , and the l lF.ht is not different from the fire .3ut still h eat and light is not fire . The . . . From the fire ,there is heat . So if you are heated, if you are p,e ttinwarnth , from the fire , fir0place , that does not meant vouare sittinP. on the fire . But at the same time that warnthof the fire , the heat of the fire , is not different fromthe f ire . I n this way you have to understand the wholeuni verse . Noth ing is different from Krsna , but , still ,Krsna is not ever,£Bere . Th is r hilosoph;l . . . There forethis very word is used here , vij anatah . Vij anatah means

LA- 5-70 !SOP . 7 2.one who knows , knower of things , how they are manifested .When one understands that things are manifested in thissystem , exactly like the fire , heat and light . . . . Fireis the oriinal cause of heat and lif,ht . Similarly ,wh atever we see within this universe, within ma terial-pwo rld anrt spiritual world , the s niri tual world is ex nsianof Y.sna ' s internal energ . And this material worldis Krsna ' s expans ion of ex· -nal energy . And we livinEentities , we are e xpansion of marFina l energy . Sothree energies. He has ?;Ot multi-enere;ies .multi-ener?;ies rouped in three headine;s .All theAntaranr,asak ti , bahiranga sakti, tatastha sakti. Antarangasakti means internal enerEY · 3ahirane;a sakt i meanse xternal energy .And tatastha sakti me ans these livin[entities . e are sakt i , we are energy . We are not theenergetic .sThe Mayavadi philosopher sa that becausethe energies are not outside Brahman ,therefore the 'reiSall the same. Th is monism . our Va isnava philo­-:::sonhy is that enerp;;t simu ltaneous! 1e and different .',vhen you perceive heat , \'le understandthere is fire .But that does not :nean th ' at because I aM rettinr:: someheat , I a on the fire . Try to understand thisphilosophy . Therefo re here it is said : vij anatah . Sotheir ekatvam , ayavad philosonh y's ekatvam , oneness ,andsayour e J..:atvam of oneness , a little di fferent . The v ,. that the ener,sy ' s false . The Brahman is r eal: He say.(lqr-.- ;,,1/Jci"'- .JKr•J'"' ·· >ct j"-'"· . J Ithat because Brahman is truth ,the re His energy 's alsotruth . That is the di fferenc e b etween Vai snava philosophy

LA-5- 70 ISOP . 7·· :··;' ····:-·- · ..... - ;.·-1-r:;-· · ·::.·i·t-3.·.}:Iand Haya,v ad philos9phy . We cannot say that . energy false .ISISEnergy t emporary; this external energy!\ temporary ,not false . Although . . . Suppose we have got some trouble .There are so many k inds of troub les pertaining to the body ,mind , externa l a ffairs . But that troub le comes... and go Buttwhen the troub le is there i is true . We feel the consequence.We cannot say it is f al se . The Mayavadi ph ilosopherssay that it is fa lse. But when he 's troubled , why he ' sso much disturb ed? So that is not false . There fore thisvery word is used : vij anatah , one who know s. Perfectknowledge must be there . ViJ a natah . Wh en one is actualknower of the things , tatra ko mohah , then there is noillusion. Illusion is for him who does not know thlngs .But one wh o know s, there is no illusion. Tatra ko mohahka sokah . No laentation. When you are perfectly inconviction that t here is nothin excent Krsna , an Krsna 'senergy , the same , then there i s no mohah . . . Mohah meansillusion Rnd sokah . Y.•lohah and sokah. This is alsoexpliined i n the 3ha£avad-git a : b rahma bhutah prasanntamana socati na kank sati . ·!e .,., ere very mu ch anxious to .etthins which y ou haven 't ot .That is kanksat i, hankerinafter. And when thins are lost , we lament . But if we k nowthat Krsna is the central point , so anything rec ived ,ai ned , nro f ited . that is Krsna 's desire. Krsna has F-iven ./,ll l", fAccent it . A nd i f it is taken away by Krsna , then is..ftc::'Y'I fYo2...,the lamentationAKrs na l iked to take it away . Oh , whyshould I lament ? Because ekatvam . The Supreme One , He 'sthe cause of all causes . He 's taking . He 's also giving ·

--- ": - ·...,.,.. ':.; . .. . ... . ..·-, ..... . ;!:;:·"''''.' ..... · ·.;·., . ·LA- 5-70 ISOP . 7 4....'(;·. ·, .So when you have got somethin engage it in Krsna ' s service .And we have no , nothing to offer Krsna , then whateveryou p;et , pat ram puspam phalam toy am , Krsna is satisfiedin every way . This is the meaninp: of vij anatah . One mus tbe in the fu ll know ledge . '!'!len there ·..: ill be no morelamentation and no more hankering . That is the s tae ofspiritual platform. Brahma bhutah pra sannatma na socatina kanksati samah sarvesu bhutesu . Then you can see everyoneon the same plat form, that everyone is a spiritualspark . Na vi,1 Uf,upsate . Then you do pot say: '' Oh he 's low er ,he 's hir,her . He ' s intelli>

_,. . ·1··.' ..• "İ.·', . : 0)'''.· ..,Jj ;4

Acid Free Copy#31-3Isopanisad, Mantra 8Los Angeles , r-1ay , <strong>1970</strong>(<strong>Prabhupada</strong> and devotees chant Invo cation and verses 1-7)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Aga in, from the beginning . (repeats) Thank you verymuch . (break) Apapa-vi ddharn . Th is is mo st important part of th i3ve rse . No sin can pollute Krsna . There is nothing sinfu l for Krsna .How it is? The example is given generally , just like the sun. Thereis no contamination for the sun .There is no possibility of th e sunbeing contami na ted, or the sun being dark . This is a material th ing .So how Krsna ,the Supreme Lord, He can be contaminated by any kindof sinful action? God is good . There cannot be any si nful action.Sometimes less intel ligent class of men , they criticize Krsna , "WhyKrsna did it?" Yes , Krsna is God. He can do anything , whatever Helikes. Your laws canno t res trict Krsna . You may . .. Fo r you theremay be so many restrictive laws ,but for Krsna there is no re strictivelaw. He can surpass al l re strictive regulations . Th is questionwas put to Pariksit Maharaja after rasa-lila, that "Krsna came toes tab lish the pr inciples of moral and religious life .11 0\., He enjoyedthe company of so many young girls who were not . . ?They \.,e re \.,i vesof other perso ns . So hm., it is so? " So the answer was given th atKrsna canno t be contaminated. Rathe r, anything comes to Krsna , evenwith contaminated mind , becomes puri fied. The same example : the sun".1;cannot be contaminate d, but anything contaminated ,if you put intothe sunshine , it becomes purified . So you approach Krsna with anydes i re . . . Akama sarva kama va. Ti e gopis . . . Of course , that is notth is material th ing. Still, as young girls , they were captivated by

.· ·, ·:ri31-3Isopanisad 8dd--2the beau ty of Krsna .So they approached Krsna with a view to acceptHim as paramour . But actually , they became purified . So some wayor other , if we can develop our Krsna consciousness , then immedi atelywe become purified. That is the pro cess . Krsna gives chance toeveryone . Just like Kamsa . Kams a was think ing of Krsna . lie wa salso Krsna conscious , always thinking of Krsna. "Oh, how shall Ifind out Krsna? I shall k ill Him. " That was his business . Thatis the asuric mentality . Asurim bhavam asritah . But he also be camepuri fied. He got salvation. The same example again : somehow orother, if you come to the sunlight ,you become puri fied and you getwarmth . Not that sun becomes co nta!T'inated by yo u. No . Thut is no tpossible . Sun is so powerful that even you are contami na te d . . . Youcannot co ntaminate the sun. Te j iyasam na do sayah . Wh en one is verypowerful, there is no co ntamination . Therefore here it is said ,apapa-vi ddham suddham . Always purified , Krsna . This is also explainedin th e Bhagavad-gita whe n Ar juna : accepted Krsna ,param dh ama pavitramparamam bhavan, "You are the supreme pure ." Pavitram pat·amam . Sosame thing is here . The Vedic literature is not contradicto ry .Whatever you find in Brahma-samhita, the same thing you ' ll finiinIsopanisad , the same thing you 'll find Bhagavad-gita , same th i::gyou ' ll find in othe r Vedic li te rature . It is our misundc rsta::iingthat we , sometimes we cannot understand . Otherwi se , it i s a b: :;.· s th esame truth spoken everywhere . Thank you . Hare Krsna . Ch ant .(kirtan)(end )

. .·· ·; ,.., . :-.LA-5-70Sri Isooanisad Lecture , Mantra 8, .(P." !v (' J ,h, fs Is,. ,.,. " f '"- ,.. f .1, It,. ly .,;, M II; J '"!,,,. JSo you try to understand the meaning . Sa , that person ,paryagac , must know in fact , sukram , the omnipotent , akayam ,unembodied , avranam , without any reproach , asnaviram , withoutan veins , suddham , antiseptic , aoapa-viddham , prophylac tic ,kavih , omniscient , manisi, phi losopher , pribhuh , theP:reatest of all , sva:ramb huh , self-suffic(e'l9nt , vathatathiiatah ,just in oursuan ce of, arthan , desirab les , vyadadhat , awards .sasvatibhyah , immemorial , sanabhyah , time . So this ve rs e ,you ' 11 read what is imnortant . " :>uch person :-1c.: st •. 'OW inac t the ;

' · ;;'.'.:::; .LA-5-70 ISOP . 8 2.It sleeps or it is inactive . But as I am , I work , I dream ,I go somewhere, I fly , or I go , I create another kingdom ,en\J iYc..., .,.,...,"+another body , another . This we experience everyday , every night . It is not difficult to understand . Simil-rl:v, in every life , we create a different environment .In this life Imay think I am Indian . Y\u may think youare American . Or next life , a different position . Next life ,I may not be American , or I may not be Indian . And if I,e ven I , I become American , I may not he a an . Ime be a cow or bull . Then I am s ent to the slauht erhouse.QYou see . Ti s is min on . This is the nrob lem . Alwa:v'schanvin bodies. Bhutva bhutv a nraliyate .It is seriousnosition . We should verv take t h i s life very seriousl .hat I'm chnin my body life after life . I have noffi xerJ. oosi t on . I do not know ·,;h er-e I an nut within thest>e iht m illion ,fo ur hunred t h ou3anrl snecies or life.:o : :-- .1JSt !lke a solution . And t:::::t t solution s . . . : rs n:1savs : vq atva na ni vartante ta han nara .:·3 :'"". -. '!1::. C:: 'JS:. : .. . ·.- .. -. - -,'"'· Mr . -: ::r!-" • •. ·! rl ·. .. t .. ··- . . :-...· ,""l ... 1 :t -•• r, :'"" •"" . •

-5- 70 ISOP . 8 3.has no ·other business .But unfortunately we have created somany engagements so that we forget Krsna consciousnes . . Th isis called may a. Tis is called maya . le are forgettinr; ourreal busin es . We are enfaed in diffe r e nt , so manysbusiness A. !1!isleaders. l·.n dhah r athandhair upaniyamanah .'\ "'j>f5t:VThe rascal , blind leaders are l eadinf to hell . Te 'I.{'V"' . 1...tantr uru-damn i badah All o f them are tied uD bythe strinent rules and reulations of the materialnature . And they have becoe lead er . They 1o not l ike anyauthority . This s c a l le d ma ya . 7hi is called aya . Theyare bein misled . Sti ll they are followin that . Th is i scal l e d maya . S o t ry , soe ay or o ther , yo have coe i ncontact with K rs na . So catch him very t i Fh tlv. am evave nrapadyante mavm etam taranti te . If y0u catch verytL-htl :; K r s n a ' s lotus fe e t , V1e:-1 :"'.ava will :1ot be q!• le

Acid Free Copy#31-4Sri Isopanisad, Mantra 9Los Ange les , May , <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong> : (chanting with devotees :) Andham tamah pravisanti ye'vidyam upasate , tato bhuya iva te tamo ya u vidyayam ratah . "Thosewho are engaged in the culture of nescient activities shall enterinto the darkest region of ignorance .in the so-cal led culture of know ledge ."No rse still are those engagedSo there are two kinds ofeducation,material education and spiritual education, brahma vidyaand jada vidya . Jada vidya means mate ri al education. Jada . Jadame ans "wh ich canno t move ," matter . And spi ritual educat ion ... Spiritcan move . Our body is combination of spir it and matter . So long thespirit is there , this body is moving . Jus t like coat-pant is movingso long a man wears it. It appears that the coat is moving , the pantis mov ing . But actua lly the living enti ty i3 moving , and the covering ,the dress , appe ars to be mo vi ng . Similarly, th is body is moving becausethe spirit soul i s mov i ng . Th is is on ly ... Jus t like a vehicle .A moto r car is moving ; that means the driver i s movin•r. So f oo l ishpeople wi ll think that the mo tor car is mov ing. !>lo to r ca r does notmove ; in spite of al l me chani cal arrangement , it cannot· rnnve . Thatis t!1e wrong •.v ay of education. People who are think i IJ

# 31- 4Isopanisad 9LA- 5-70dd-- 2said: andham tamah pravisanti ye avidyam upasate . Avidya meansthose who are cap tivated by the external movements , they are , theyare worshiping avidya, nescience , wh ich will not help him .Therr.odern civilization is engaged . ..There are big, big institutionsfor technology , how a motor car can move , how aeroplane can move .so many machinery , they 're manufacturing . But they are ... Thereis no educational institution ho\"1 the mover , the spirit soul, ismoving. That is ... That is called avidya, nescience . The actualmover is not being studied.But the external movement is be ingstudied . Big, big institution, universiti es , there are. As I toldyou the other day, when I lectured in the Massachusetls Techno logicalCo llege ,so I inquired th at "Where is that technology to study themover?" But they have no such arrangement . They could no t answersatisfactorily . so that is avidya. So here , in the Isopanisad , itis said , andham tamah pravi santi ye avidyam upasate . '!'hose who areengaged only in material advancement of education , the result illbe th at they wi ll go to the darkest region of existence .And hamtamah.It is ve ry dangerous pos ition that at the present mome tthere is no arrangement in any state , all over the wo r lcl ,abou tspiritual education.It is pushing the human 3ociety to the arkestreg ion of existence . Actually , it is happening so . In . . . In yourcountry, your ri ch country , you have got nice educationa l syste ,soman; universities , but what clas s of men you are produc ingThestudents are coming to become hippies . Why ? So l eade rs shou lj thinkover it, that "What we are producing , i n spite of so many educationalinsti tutions?" That is hinted here , that because you are •.vo rs!-. ipingav idya . .. Th at i s no t knowledge . Bhaktivlnoda Thakura has sug very

#31-4dd--3Iopani sad 9LA-5-70nicely : Jada avidya saba mayara abhaibhava. Jada vidya. Jada vidyameans this material education.He says they are expansion of thismaya. Jada vidya. Jada vidya sa mayara vaibhava , tomara bhajanebaddha.The more we shall advance in this material education, themore we wi ll be hampered to understand what is God .And at last weshall declare , "God is dead. I am God. You are God, " this, allthis nonsense . That is hinted here : andham tamah . Andham me ansdarkness. There are two kinds of darkness . If you remain in ignorance, that is also darkness , and if you remain actually in darkness,where there is no sunlight, there is no electric light , that is alsodarkness. So avidyam upasate . Another, tato bhuya iva te tamo yau vidyayam ratah .So these materialists , they are certainly beingpushed in the darkness, but there is another class , who are so-calledphilosopher , mental speculators, religionists , yogis.They are goings ti ll more in the darkness . Because they are defying Krsna . Theyare posed as if cu lturing spiritual knowledge , but because they haveno information of Krsna, or God , their advancement of education isalso mo re dangerous . More dangerous . Because they are misleadingpeople .system .The yoga system, the so-called yoga , not the rea l yogaThe so-called yoga system, they are preaching , misleadingpeople that "You meditate and you 'll unde rs tand that you are God. "By me rE tat ion , one becomes God . (chuck le » J You see. So Krsna nevermeditated . Neither He had any chance of medi tation. Because fromthe very beginning o f His appearance , Krunsa was prepared to kill Him .Then He was transferred by Hi father to the house of Nanda-Yasoda .There also , when He was sleeping, a baby , three mo nth s old baby , thePutana demon attacked .So Krsna had no chance to med itate to become

.... · ··· ......, ·•. , :·#31- 4Isopanisad 9"') . ·;' ·. · 'LA-5-70:· . . . ·.. . ":t;'l·,);' . "\...•dd--4God. He is God from the very beginning . That is God . God is God .And dog is dog. That is the law of identity. So these are allnonsense that "You become still, you become silent, and you becomeGod. " Oh , how I can become silent? Is there any possibility ofbecoming silent? No . There is no such possibi lity . "You becomedesireless ." So how I can become desireless? These are all bluffs.we cannot be desireless. We cannot be silent . But our desires , ouractivities , have to purified. That is real knowledge . Th at is realknowledge. We shall desire only to serve Krsna . That is purificationof desire . Not that desireless . That is no t possible . HowI can be desireless? How I can be si lent? That is also no t possible .For a second, I cannot be silent. So then our activities shou ld beengaged, dovetailed, in Krsna 's service . This is real knowledge ,that "I, as living entity , I have all these th ings , activities ,desires, loving propensity . Everyth ing is there . But that is beingmisguided. We do not know where to place all these th ings . That isavidya. So r.his Isopanisad teaches us that we should be very careful .We should not be very much advanced ... We may be advanced . Th atdoesn 't matte r.We don 't say that you do n 't auvance in mate rialeducation. You advance , but , at the same time , you become Krsnaco nscious . That is our propaganda . We do n 't say that you don 't,you do not manufacture mo tor car , or you do not manu facture theseso many machines . We don 't say . But we say , "All right , you havemanufactured this machine . Employ it in Krsna 's servi ce ." Th at isour proposal. We don 't say stop it. We don 't say that you have ,do n 't have any sex life . But we say , "Yes , you have sex life--forKrsna . You produce Krsna conscious ch ildren. Hundred times you have

i31-4I sopanisad 9·.'.,;·" ' · : · -:-_ .. : ...._,-....:."':·· \-:

Acid Free Copy#29-1Sri Isopanisad, Mantras 13-15Los Angeles, Hay , <strong>1970</strong>Prabhurada :Everyone feeling all right?Devotees : Yes, <strong>Prabhupada</strong> . Jaya !<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Hare Krsna . Page 65, mantra 13 . (devotees repeat lineby line)Anyad evahuh sambhavad anyad ahur asambhavat, iti susrumadhiranam ye nas tad vi cacaksire . (repeats) Chant again independently .Ye s.Devotees : Anyad evahuh sambhavad anyad ahur asambhavat , iti sus rumadhiranam ye nas tad vicacaksire .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Again. (devotees repeat) Then mantra 14 , 72 . (devoteesrepeat line by line)Sambhutim ca vinasam ca yas tad vedobhayamsaha , vinasena mrtyum tirtva sambhutyamrtam asnute .(repeats severaltimes) Fifteen. Hiranmayena patrena satyasyapihitam mukham , tattvam pusann apavrnu satya-dharmaya drstaye . Chant . (devotees repeat)"0 my Lord , sustainer of all that lives , Your real face is coveredby Your dazzling effulgence .Kindly remove that coverinc1 and exhibitYourself to Your pure devotee ." Here is Vedic evidence . 'rh is Isopanisadis Veda, part of the Yajur Veda .So here it is said hiranmayenapatrena satyasya apihitam mukham . Just like the sun . Thereis, in the sun planet, th ere is a predominating Deity , whose nameis Vivasvan . tve get it, th is information we get from Bhagavad-gita .Vivasvan manave praha .So in eve ry planet there is a predominatingDeity . Just like in your this planet ,if not Deity , somebody likepresident there is .Formerly, th ere \vas only one king on this plar.et,up to Maharaja Pariksit. One king was . There was only one flag

#29-1dd--2Isopanisad 13-15LA-5-70ruling over this whole planet. Simi larly , in every planet there isa predominating Deity.So here it is said that the supreme predominatingDeity is Krsna, in the spiritual, in the topmo st plane t inthe spiritual sky. Th is is material sky . In the material sky thisis one o f the universes.There are millions and trillions of universes.And with in this universe there are mi llions and trillionsof planets. Yasya prabha prabhavato jagadanda-koti . Jagadanda .Jagadanda means universe . Anda. Just like an egg , this who le universe.So koti. Koti means hundreds and thousands . So in thebrahmajyoti there are hundreds and thousans of these universes ,and within this universe there are hundreds and thousands of planets .Similarly, in the spir itual sky also , there are hundreds and thousands ,unlimited number of Vaikunthas , planets .Each Vaikuntha planet ispredominated by the Supreme Personal ity of Godhead .Except in theKrsna planet , all other Vaikuntha planets they are predominated byNarayana .And each Narayana has go t di fferent names , some of whichwe know . Like just we utter Pradyumna , Aniruddha , Sankarsana ...we have got twenty-four names only , but there are many others .Advai tam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam .So these planets are coveredby the brahmajyoti effulgence .So here it is prayed , that hiramayenapatrena satyasya apihitam . Apihitam means covered . Ju st lihe youcannot see the sun globe on account of th is dazzling sunshine .Similarly, the Krsna planet , here you have the picture .From teKrsna planet the effulgence is coming out.So one has to penetrateth is effu lgence . That is being prayed here . Hiranmayena patreasatyasya .The real Abso lute Truth , Krsna, His planet is coveredby the Brahman effulgence . So the devotee is praying , "Kindly :nove

#29-1Isopanisad 13-15LA-5-70·'r!dd--3it. Wind it so that I can see You really." So brahmajyoti , theMaynvada philosophers , they do not know that beyond brahmajyotithere is anything .Here is the Vedic evidence , that the brahmajyotii s just like golden effulgence . Hiranmayena patrena . Th is is covering the real face of the Supreme Lord . Tat tvam pusann aravrnu . So ,"You are sustainer, You are maintainer .Kindly uncover th is so thatwe can see You actually, Your face. "The idea is th at Krsnu planetor the Vaikuntha planets ,they are beyond this Brahman effulgenceand those who are devo tees, they are permitted to enter int:o thesespiritual planets.Those who are not devotees , simply jnanis ordemons ... The jnani s and demons , they are offered the same place .The jnanis. .. Aruhya krcchrena param padam tatah . 'l' hey practicesevere austerities , penances , to enter into the Brahman effulgence .But the demons, simply by becoming enemy of Krsna,they immediatelyget that place . The demons who are killed by Krsna , they areimmediately transferred to this Brahman effulgence.So ·j ust inagine,the place which is given to the enemies of Krsna , is th at ve rycovetab le thing? suppo se if somebody comes who is my enemy , I givehim some place, and somebody , my intimate friend , Igive him so::eo ther place .covetable .Similarly, this Brahman effulgence is not at allTherefore Prabodhananda Sarasvatipada, he ha s composeda verse , that Brahman . .. Kaivalyam narakayate . Kaivalya means theBrahman effulgence , simply spiritual light. So kaivalyam narakayate .He says that this Brahman effulgence is just like he ll . Fo r a devotee ,this Brahman . ..The jnanis who are trying to merge into the Brahmaneffulgence , for devotee it is stated as hell . Kaivalyam narakayate .Tri-dasa-pur akasa-puspayate .And tri-dasa-pura means the planets

L •• .• "# 29-1dd--4Isopanisad 13-15LA-5-70of the demigods within this material world .People are very muchanxious to go into the heaven ly planet .That is cal led tri-dasapuraor tri-dasa-pur , the residential quarters of th8 demigods .And for a devotee it is understood as wi ll-o ' -the-wisp .Akasapuspayate .And durdantendriya-kala-sarpa-patali protkhatadamstrayate. And the yogis , they are tryi;-tg to c::mtrol the senseswh i ch are considered as venomous serpents, the senses .That 's afact . So the bhak ta says that "We are no t afraid of the sonses ."Why? Protkhata-damstrayate . Because we have extracted the poisonteeth . The senses has got a poison teeth . As soon as you indulgein sense gratification, immediately you become degraded .Immedintely.so it is just like a venomous serpent. As soon as touches you ,little biting, finished your life. So it is like that . Durdantakala-sarpa-patali,indriya. But these venomous snakes , if the irpoison teeth is taken away , then it may be fearful for the boys andchildren.But if an elderly person knows that his poison teeth hasbeen taken away, nobody 's afraid of it .So this Krsna consciousnessme ans that we take away the poison teeth of the senses .So thateven Krsna conscious persons are allowed for sense grati fication,the poison teeth is broken .So therefore they are no t g liding downto the hellish condition of life .So in this way , either the karmisor the jnanis or the yogis , they are alway s . ..They .:1re , eve ry oneof them, trying to e levate . And above them is the devotees . Sodevotee ' s place is th e high es t because by devotion only you canunderstand what is sod. Bhaktya mam abhi j anati . Krsna says . Hedoes not say that "By karma one can understand Me ."He does not sayth at "By jnana one can understand Me ."He does not say that "By yoga

#29-1 LA-5-70Isopanisad 13-15dd--5one can understand Me . " He clearly says , bhaktya mam abhijanati ."Simply by devotional service one can understand Me ."Yavan ya scasmi tattvatah. Knowi ng Him as He is , that is bhakti . So exceptdevotional service , there is no possibility of understanding theAb solute Truth . ffi1y other process means covered. Just like the . ..You understand the sun planet from here .You are seeing the sunplanet, that 's a fact, but that does not mean you know what isactually the sun planet is.Because you have no access to approachthere . You may speculate . That ' s all. Speculation means theblind man seeing the elephant. Somebody thought , "Oh, it is justlike a pillar. " Yes. Big , big legs. Somebody understood the trunk .Somebody understood the ears, elephant.There is a story , someblind men studying the elephant.So they were giving differentconclusions . Somebody : "The elephant is just like a pillar ."Somebody says , "Elephant is just like big boat ." Somebody is . ..Somebody else • . . But actually what is elephant ; if you have noeyes to see , you can go on speculating .Therefore it is here saidthat pusann apavrnu. "Please uncover the covering . Then I can seeYou. "So that seeing power is the bhakta ' s, the devotee 's, becauseKrsna certif ies , bhaktya mam abhijanati .Premanjana-cchurita-bhaktivilocanenasantah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti .Those who havedeveloped love of Godhead by that ointment , prema , ointment .Justlike sometimes ... In India it is very . .. They have go t some . ..What is called? Surma? Ungen (?) , surma . Ye s. If you apply thatsurma your sight becomes bright immediately.So if you smear youreye s with love of Godhead , then you will see God always .Santahsadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti . Yes . So devotion. So this is the

#29 -1 LAdd--6Isopanisad 13-15LA-5-70way of understanding Gael . By service , by enhancing love . • . Thislove can be increased only by service .Otherwise there is nopossibility . Sevomnukhe hi j ihvadau . The mo re you increase yourservice spirit, the mo re you increase your dormant love of God.And as soon as you are in the perfectional stage of love of God,you see God always , every moment. Twenty-four hours you .;:an see .Thank you very m1.1ch .Devotees : All glories to <strong>Prabhupada</strong> .(end)

c .' . ( ... ;.-•· ,.

His Divine GraceA.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PR.ABHUPADATRANSCRIPTIONSJUNE <strong>1970</strong>THE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. *. * \vhere actual dates are missing, transcripts are placed in sequentia: order.


6/14/70md--2sometimes in Vedic literature it is stated formless .if'\IFormless doesnot mean has no form . Not this form . That is formless . But people{kNfwi th less intelligence, they think formless meansAno form . Formlessmeans no t this form. This is anyatha rupam . This is different fromS'cour real form. Jukti means to give up this unreal form and accept11PJuyour real form. Just freedom from disease. Get free from thediseased condition and come to real healthy life. So this Krsnaconsciousness movementis for bringing men to the real life.Always remember this. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says1ceto-darpana-marjanam.ff-1-_,/rP!.·'Just like to cure a disease it takes little time. Bu t if you take to"the process of cure, then that is very good . In the Bhagavad-g ita,Bhagavan, the Personality of Godhead says ) api cet suduracaro bhajatemam ananya-bhak 1sadhur eva saantavyah samyag vyavasito hi sah .Ksipram bhavati dharmatma sasvac-chantim ngacchati. Tho se who havetaken to Krsna consciousness seriously, even there are faults,still )they are saintly persons. That is the recommenda tion of Krsna .Because that fault may be due to his past habitbut that is beingstopped. Just like you make the switch off. No more elec tric currentwill act, hut the fan still gives some rounds due to the force. Similarly )a Krsna consciousness person, even if he's foundII \1Clin fault, Krsna says ) · Sadhur eva s\mantavyah . He's saintly person,-\' .l\l\..6w Isadhu . Jhe process he has taken up, that will cure him in dueWhyAJcourse of time .Sasvac-chantim nigacchati. So tho se who havefortunately come to this platform of Krsna consciousness by association,by practice, this is the way. So stick to it. Don 't go away. Even ifyou find some fault, don 't go away from the assoc iation. Struggle,and Krsna will help you . So this initiation process means beginningof this life of Krsna consciousness. And we shall try to be situated

6/ 14/70md--3. /"" ,,. ,in our original consciousness. That is Kr$na conscoust Jverasvarupa haya nitya krsna daS· eal consciousness, as it isrecommended by Lord caitanya Mahaprabhu, that identifiesmselfas eternal servant of Krsna· This iS Krsna consciousness and thismuf.cf·is liberation and this is'If You $imply stick to this•principle, gopi-bhartur pada-kamalayor da$a-dasa-dasandasa, that-tci am nothing except the eternal servant of Krsna)en you are inthe liberated platform. Krsoa consciousne$S is so nice. You keepyourself. And for keePing yourself in that consciousness, the simplemethod is this chanting, Hare Krsna· You keep yourself chanting asmany hours, twenty-four hours. Why as manY hours? Tenty-four hours.Kirtaniyah sada harih· Lord CqitanYa says 7 this is to be practicedtwenty-four hoursat you candsimply practice. Evenin sleeping you can chant aare Krs'na. Even in sleeping. And thereis no .f;a.r/'.:fn sleeping, in eating, in going to the toilet room•,,... It Ll..ll.ll. •here is no restriction. you can go ll 1-v ') liare Krsna'.' That will//r(Mkeep you in your svarupa, in YourA i dentification, and you'll neverbe attacked by maya. Just like if you keeP Yourself vaccinated andif the period . • • whatis called? AVe. Then there is no fear ofbeing infected. That is practi.cal·;f. Tou get y ourself va:inated ofcertain type of infection and You keep yourself activ;A Just likedoctors they go ; treat Patientsbut they keep themselves alWayssuffering from infectious disease,e know the remedialmeasures, antiseptic, ProphYlactiC proce$ses. so this prophylacticantiseptic process iS Krsnki.rtao Param Vijayate sri-krsna-kirtan That is Lord caitanya's bleSSing. param ijayate· All glories totheanysan rtan, sr- rsna-san rtan· rta meansk. · kk' K' nAother kirtan The Mayaadi, philOsophers 7 theyAKrsna-kirtan'{ ot,introduce so many

....· .. ' ,6/14/70md--4other kirta. No. Kirtaeans Krsn -kirtan Hare Krsna Hare KrsnaA l I··· I' 9-::"Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama .AOr any namet'tj' c)rifying the name"' .of the Lord. That is kirtan. But this Hare Krsna mantra is/

md--5.).we are already intoxicated ) haunted by the ghost of maya. Andfurther intoxication. :? Do you think intoxication can be cured byintoxication? No. That is not possible. so these four rules youhave to follow. And you keep to Krsna consciousness. Then your lifeis sublime. Very simple thing. Very simple thing. But it is simple. s·.for the smple, but it is very hard for the crooked. So those whoare going to be initiated, they should always remember theserestrictive four rules and chant Hare Krsna at least siYtecn rounds,and eat Bhagavat-prasadam, _)(rsna prasadam, _pnd be happy, dance .vc /:.rq · '"-•· A-tlkl;( /t,•j4 IT> JThat'sall. Is there any difficulty? No difficult¥.. And people will writeJ...Cjv< h 1ft rJ;. J 1J:·f: ·"the bright-faceJ." Yes. They . ause it is /'u"'I/P:J· ·There is no impurity. Without being pure how canexpect Lt) reachGod? This is all rascaldom. To keep oneself dirty, impure in mind,in body, in feeling, in character, and you want: to go to God 7 Rascal.{Forget! There is no entrc3;ce .for you to God. Ytf;''-. -f,.rc;/.IYJ •. • \tqrue.,1"-c..,.,-rvdv-ev-·-f''l


' ·, • :'." r ·, -· 'G/14/70md--7for the six months or one year, it is supposed that he has alreadybecome purifid. Now he should be recognized that he is purified.so this sacred thread means recognition. Sacred thread means oneshould understan· rust like one understands a man s) learned bythe degrees ) MA, BA, or PhD ) milarly 1 when there is sacred thread)it is understood that he has undergone the purificatory processov"under superior management, guidance of spiritual master. This isupa.nl"tv4 t\.,._ Up. Y)(;'!()h""· L'lniJ,.'!q,..___called n Sanskrit. Bringing him morenear. The initiation is the beginning of purification 7 and offeringthe sacred thread means bringing him more nearer. Therefore theprinciple is those who are ordinarily initiated, they should nottouch the Deity. Only those who are in sacred thread, they shouldtouch. This is the system. But Krsna-kirtais so nice that evenwithout sac_·ed thread, because he is regularly chanting, he isto be supposed to be purified. That isJ recorrendation given by Jiva .Gosvami. Anyone who is chanting regularly Hare Krsna mantra ....sYcA.n .Sa..ytc-/15 ya.t:/..() 'p;VA..AA - S va...Ltmeans dog Lf; and ada adatmcans eating.'kalpate.oog-eaters. The dog-eaters are considered to be the lowest of the .M:c__ .;tL:r svado 1pi 5o..tJ.yc;.._l, ..so...va.IW.ymankind. ;{n Bhagavat sayskalpate. Evenif he is dog-eater, but by this process he immediately becomesqualified to offer sacrifice. Ya.V\.P-.f

: "! . ·;' . I6/14/70md--8/'\ und arikaksam 7;(o bothise, extely and internally 1 he becomesrified Juci. Suci means pure.ere is a verse written by onevaisnava eng ali. Not ordinary. He's Vrndavana das

6/14/70md--9Jpuspan aliflowers.(end)Lfos.to Guru Maharaja. Get some pots. Yes. Get out all these

390-1Initiation of Mrga-netriLos Angeles , June, <strong>1970</strong>Pr.abhupada: Your name is Mrga-netri. Mrga-netri. Mrga-netri meansstaring eyes like she-deer. When Krsna and Radharani usedto passthrough the forest of Vrndavana, these deers and stags, they werelooking with staring eyes--"When Krsna will pass this way?" Theseanimals were also attracted to Krsna. The birds, everyone, theflowers, the fruits, everyone engage ••• Vrndavana meanseverything engaged in Krsna. So if all of you similarly engageyourself always in Krsna's service, this is Vrndavana. Vrndavanais not that ••• As Krsna is not located ••• Be is located, but byHis inconceivable potency Be can simultaneously become locatedand distributed. Akhilatma-bhutah. Goloka eva nivasaty akhilatmabhutah.Be is always in Goloka Vrndavana, but still, He iseverywhere. That i::; God's omnipotency. We say that God isomnipotent, but we do not know what does it mean. The omnipotencymeans simultaneously to do or to act or to remain everywhere.That is Krsna. Krsna •••You may not think that "Krsna is GolokaVrndavana. Here is an idol of Krsna." No. He is Krsna. Just likethe electricity is distributed, but in the plug there is alsoelectricity, similarly, Krsna •••That is Krsna's inconceivablepotency. Be can remain in everyone's heart, Be can remaineverywhere. Just imagine. Everywhere Be is. Goloka eva. But Hislocation is Goloka Vrndavana, but still,Be is everywhere. So tryto see Krsna with that staring eyes--" Where is Krsna?" Here is •••1

390-1 LA-6-70 MRGA-NETRI INIT.Krsna is within your heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam. He is withinthe atom. He is everywhere. So by service, we can realize. Atahsri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaih. If we want to seeKrsna, touch Krsna, with our, these material senses, it is notpossible. The senses are to be purified. How it is purified?Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. The service. And wherefrom the serv:i.cebeg ins? The service beg ins--j ihvadau, from the tongue. Theservice begins from the tongue. You chant.Therefore we aregiving you the beads to chant. That is the beginning of service,chanting. If you chant, then svayam eva sphuraty adah. By hearingKrsna's name, you will understand Krsna's form, you willunderstand Krsna's quality, you will understand Krsna's pastimes,His omnipotency. Everything will be revealed. Svayam eva sphuratyadah. Svayam means the Krsna science becomes revealed. You cannotmake research to understand Krsna science with these materialsenses. You have to purify your senses, sevonmukhe, by service.Tat-paratvena nirmalam. When you engage your senses in Krsna'sservice, then it becomes purified. Hrsikena. That purified, yoursenses is not to be abolished like the impersonalists: "No moresense, finished." No. We ••• Our senses are ••• Because we areeternal, our senses are eternal. But at the present moment oursenses are being used, contaminated. Therefore you are notsatisfied. The senses are not to be cut off. No. Liberation doesnot mean I become impersonal. All my senses are gone. No.Liberation means purfication of the senses. And the symptom howthe senses are purified,that will be manifested that when one'ssenses are simply engaged in the service of the Lord. Hands,legs, eyes, ears, mouth--we have got so many senses, everything.2

390-1 LA-6-70 MRGA-NETRI INIT.Brsikena hrsikesa-sevanam.Actually the proprietor of the sensesis Krsna. We have got this hand, but it is given to us. Actuallyit is the handof Krsna. Be is all-pervading. Sarvato 'panipadas tat: "Everywhere His hands and legs are there."You willfind in the Bhagavad-gita. So thereforethese hands and legswhich we have got, this is Krsna's hands and legs. So when theseKrsna's hands and legs will be engaged in the service of Krsna,that is the perfection. That is the perfec ••• If our, oursenses ••• Just like used to ••• We like to use our senses for ownsatisfaction, similarly ••• But actually the senses are not ours;it is Krsna's. Brsikena hrsikesa. Therefore Arjuna addressedKrsna in the battlefield, "Hrsikesa." Hrsikesa. The significanceof this word is "My dear Krsna,You are Hrsikesa. You are sittingin my heart, and You are the master of my senses. So I personallycannot understand what is the benefit of this fighting, but Yougive me direction and use my senses as You like. That's all." Hewas not inclined to fight,but he surrendered his senses andmind,everything. That is Krsna consciousness. So sevonmukhejihvadau. Jihva. Jihva means the tongue. The tongue has got twobusiness, to articulate, vibrate, and to taste, taste Krsnaprasadamand articulate, chant, vibrate Hare Krsna. Then as soonas your tongue is controlled, become purified, all other sensesbecomes automatically purified. Tongue is the greatest enemy. Ifyou cannot control your tongue,then you cannot control yourother senses. And therefore we prohibit, "Not these ••. " They areall concerned to the tongue: intoxication--tongue; and meateating--tongue.so, intoxicant ••• Tongue dictates, "O h, my tongue3

LA-6-70MRGA-NETRI INIT.becoming dry. Let me drink something or smoke something." Soif you can control, if you become controller of your tongue-­"No"--then you become swami or goswami.That means the senses donot become your master. You become the master of your senses.Then perfection, goswami. That is •••Go means senses; swami meansmaster. So swami or goswami, the same thing. So we have to becomethe master of our senses. That we can become only •••Ourself, wecannot control our senses. If we engage our senses in the serviceof the Lord,Krsna, then automatically it becomes controlled andpurified. Then our life is successful. Thank you very much.Now • • •Pradyumna (?): Sr ila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>? Could there be a name for theirchild? That little girl,Angie.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Oh, where is your daughter? She is not here?Pradyumna: No, she is not feeling well.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: All right. She may be named as !>.nanga, Anangamanjari.That's a name of one of the assistant gopis. Yes.Soyour daughter is fortunate. She is getting association of thesedevotees from childhood. So give her protection and raise hernicely.She is becoming attractea to the Vaisnavas, to Krsna.This is the opportunity, to get nice father and mother and becomeKrsna conscious. Yes. So that is the duty of the father andmother, parents, to raise the children to complete Krsnaconsciousness. Then she will no more have to come back in thewomb of any other mother. This is the ... This finishes. That isthe duty of father and mother. Father and mother should thinkthat "This child will no more come in any other womb. I shalltrain him or her in such a way." That is the duty. That is the4

390-1 LA-6-70 MRGA-NETRI INIT.duty of spiritual master, that is the duty of parents, that isthe duty of state. But it is Kali-yuga; everything is different.So somehow or other, so she should be taken care of. And as youtrain, so she becomes trained. That's all. (pause) Oh. (chuckles)Something • • •Pradyumna:I have the list.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. You can explain the offenses.Pradyumna: Oh, yes.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. That is essential. Don't keep in the paper, buttry to follow. All right. Go on. Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama RamaHare Hare. (devotees chant japa) Formerly the brahmanas used toignite fire by mantra. Yes. They did not use another fire. Themantra will ignite fire.In the Vedic age this was being done.Aruni.The sacrifice means to sacrifice one animal in the fireand give it again a new life.That was a test for the Vedicmantra, how one has chanted. It is not sacrifice means killing.The animal sacrifice mentioned in the Vedas were not for killing.It was experiment of the Vedic mantra. They would sacrifice ananimal and again it will be given new life, rejuvenation. Andcaitanya Mahaprabhu said to Chand Kazi that "Because in this agethe brahmanas are not so powerful, therefore sacrifice isprohibited. Only this sacrifice, barer nama barer nama barer namaeva kevalam, this is ••• " (japa) That's all right. Don't put anymore. Yes. Put little ghee. Little ghee. That's all right. (japa)Let it burn. Then, later on •••You can chant mantra.Dayananda (?) : Vande. • • (end)5

c.\tl Acid Free Copy# 40-3Lecture on New Nectar of DevotionLos Angeles, June, <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong> Hare Krsna. So we have published our Nectar of Devotion.So every one of you should read this Nectar of Devotion repeatedly.The whole substance of Vaisnava philosophy and activities, everythingis there. So every one of you read this Nectar of Devotion once,twice, thrice. Unless you have got full-fledged ideas what is thisdevotional service. That was written by.. . Actually, it was spokenby Lord Caitanya to Rupa Gosvami. For ten days continually lie instructedRupa Gosvami at Prayag, Dasasvamedha-ghata. You have seenthe picture in TLC. Caitanya Mahaprabhu \•Tas at Allahabad, Prayag,and Rupa Gosvami met Him there. He \-Jas offering obeisances flat.You have seen that picture. So at that time Caitanya Mahaprabhupersonally gave him instruction what is this cult of bhakti. Sofor ten days. And he took note of it and later on he placed thisbook in the form of Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. That is in Sanskrit.It will be difficult for you. Therefore I have presented a summarystudy. And the summary study has come tc 407 pages. If we wouldhave elaborately described each and every verse, then it would havecome to at least thousand pages. So the whole substance is creamed.You should take advantage of this. And don't indulge in much unnecessarytalks. Time should be very properly utilized. Ayusahksana eko 'pi na labhya svarna-kotibhih. Value of time is so greatthat one moment of your life lost, it cannot be returned even inexchange of millions of dollars. Therefore every moment should be

#40-3NOD LA-6-70 Lecture on New NOD & Init.dd--2properly utilized . Avyartha kalatvam . When one is advanced inKrsna consciousness his business becomes to see, "Whether I am wastingmy time. " That is one of the sign advanced devotee . Avyarthakalatvam . Nama-gane sada rucih . Attachment for chanting always .Pritis tad vasati sthale .And attraction or attachment for livingin the temple. vasati, where Krsna lives . Krsna lives everywh ere,but sp ecifically, to give us chance to meet, He lives in the templeor in places like Vrndavana. So pritis tad vasati sthale . One shouldbe enhanced in attachment for living where Krsna is living.Pritistad . .. narna-gane sada rucih .And taste for singing always the holyname . These are development. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah . Allof you who come here, it is out of sraddha . Some, wh at is called . ..What is the exact English word for sraddha? Devotion , you can take .Devotion.Those who come here, their first principle is they havesome regard that "This Krsna consciousness movement is ni ce .Letme see." So this is the beginning . Adau sraddha . And then sadhusangah. Then associate with these devotees . Then, after some time,when he's little advanced more, then he is euger to become initiated.This is third stage, as some of these students are goinq to beinitiated today . The initiation means bh ajana-kriya . ctuallyexecuting devotional service: initiation . And if one actuallyexecutes devotional servi ce, then anartha-nivrttih syat .Th en allnonsense habits will disappear .Then I'll not have to stress on thepoint these four regulative principles.Automatically it will goaway . That is the test . How one has properly utiliz ed his initiationwill be tested that he has no more attraction for these four principles:illicit sex, intoxication, gambling, and meat-eating . They

#40-3NOD LA-6-70 LECT. ON NEW NOD + INIT.dd-- 3will automatically go . There is no need of asking . Anartha-nivrttihsyat. Then rucih . When one is freed from all these prohibitiveprinciples, then he develops a taste . Tato rucih . Tato nistha .Then he's steadily confirmed . Tathasaktih . Th en attachment . Hecannot go . He cannot go . Tathasaktis tato bhavah . Then ecstasy .And then he comes to the platform of love of Godhead .platform is reached, then everything is successful .So wh en th atAnd if thatplatform is not reached, then everything is simply waste of time.But in the beginning, if you follow these principles, as laid downby Srila Rupa Gosvami and other acaryas . ..So these things, oneafter another, everjthing is very clearly expl ained in this Nectarof Devotion. So each chapter you should read very carefully . Andif you cannot understand, read it repeatedly .reading one or two page, immediately question,Don't all of a sudden,"<strong>Prabhupada</strong>, what isthis? What is this? What is this? ". Go on reading and the answerswill automatically come .So this book is, this valuable book isnow published . You should take full advantage . So chant this mantra . ..(end )

'•'.,1 ,.,, .

· .Acid Free CopyLos Angeles, June, <strong>1970</strong>': .#3 8-1Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.6.9Prabhup ada:Ko grhesu puman saktarn atmanam aj i tendr iyah, snehapasair drdhair baddham utsaheta vimoc itum.Now, Prahlada Maharaj ais describing how Krsna consciousness can be practiced .His propositionis to his fr iends, young friends, that Krsna consciousnessshould be practiced from very childhood .And, he has explnined verynicely that as we grow, most of our time is wasted in so m

#38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--2flock together .so this propensity of combination of society, community,amongst the human being is not very important improvement.so in this way our attachment increases .So when we are old enough,Prahl ada Maharaja says that ko grhesu puman saktam .The older weare, our attachment for home, home, society, society, friendship,love, increases . The beginning of attachment is sex . That is describedin the Bhagavat. Pumsam striyam maithunam etam. The wholeworld is attached with one another on the basis of sex.attraction increases as we increase our products of sex.So the sexGrha ksetrasutapta vittair.The produc ts of sex, first combination is with wife,and then we want some apartment or place to live together .Thenproduce children. Th en we want society . Then we want money, wealth .In this way go on increasing. The real purpose of life is forgotten .The real purpose of life is, especially for the human being,is howto get away from this material bondage.So in the old age PrahladaMaharaja says, when the attachment is too much grown, ko grh esu pumansaktam. The attachment for home, society, friendship, is natural .And when that attachment is very solid and grown, strong, at thattime he says, sneha pasair drdhair baddham .When the affection withone another is very firmly settled, how one can leave? (aside) I'mfeeling warm. I want to take off, yes . It is inconvenient to take . ..{pause) Sneha pa sair drdhair baddham utsaheta . When our attachmentbecomes too much strong,it is not possible to give up this ma terialsociety, friendship, love and attachment .So therefore the wholestress is given, Prahlada Maharaja is giving, that if you want tobegin Krsna consciousness, then we have to begin immediately .Becausethe more we grow older, our attachment for material things

#38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--3becomes more and more strong, and at that time it is very difficult .Therefore according to Vedic civilization, as I was explaining theother day, at a certain point, one has to, by voluntary, one has togive up the so-called society, friendship and love and engage fullyfor cultivation of Krsna consciousness .Now, in this meeting I shallrequest those who are not very much attached to this materialisticway of life ...They are seeking after something tangible for, I meanto say, spiritual consciousnes s, or spiritual life.So for them Ipresent with submission that th is Krsna consciousness movement isthe only solace for the human society if they are actually hankeringafter something spiritual.So let them understand this science andseriously consider . Do not be misled . If you are actually hankeringafter something sublime, this Krsna consciousness is th e deep thing .So we submit for your consideration, and take it very seriously .SoPrahlada Maharaja said, ko 'nv artha-trsnam visrjet pranebhyo 'pi yaipsitah yam krinaty asubhih prestha is taskarah sevako vanik.Now,when one is grown up, the attraction for money, attraction of, Imean to say, paraphernalia, attraction for bank balance, everyth ingincreases .And ?rahlada Maharaja says at that time it is very difficultto give up all th is attraction voluntarily .So better beginKrsna consciousness immediately . He 's giving very nicely a niceexample that money is very dear to the mercantile people, mo ney isvery dear to the thieves, rogues, money is dear to everyone .Andsometimes they risk life for mo ney .Money is so pleasant and so dearthat sometimes we risk our life for getting money .So how we cangive up the monetary attraction wh en we are too much, I mean to say,attracted to this materialistic way of life .Then again he says,

#38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--4katham priyaya anukampitayah sangam rahasyam rucirams ca mantran .Then he says that in old age the affection between husband and wifeis revived .First of all in young age they enjoy life, and in oldage they remember . "Oh , how we enjoyed in our young age . How \"etalked together . How we walked together ." These things , by contemplation, they enjoy.Suhrtsu tat sneha sitah sisunam kalaksaranamanurakta cittah .In this way children , the children, they talkingvery nicely , laughing very nicely .And they are thinking , cont emplating.In this way attachment increasing, daily , attachment increasing.Th is description, of course, very common , but we shouldknow that these are the shackles of maya.Wh at we call maya , mayameans ... Ma means not and ya means th is . What you ar.e acceptingas fact, it is not a fact . This is called maya . Ma-ya . Maya meansdon't accept it as truth . It is simply flickering flash only . Justlike in a dream we see so many things , and in th e morning we forgeteverything .Th is is subtle dream, and this existence, this bodilyexistence, and relationship to this body , society, fr iendship andlove and so many things , they are also gross dream. It \"ill finish .Just like dreams stay for a few minutes or few hours wh en you areasleep.Similarly this gross dream also will remain , say , for a fewyears . Th at 's all . It is also dream. But actually , we are concernedwith the person who is dreaming or who is acting .So we have to takehim out from this dream, gross and subtle . That is th e proposition .So that can be done very easily by this process of Krsna consciousness, and that is being explained by Prahlada Maharaja. Putransmarams ta duhitrr hrdayya bharatrn svasrr va pitarau ca dinau grhanmanojnoru-paricchadams ca vrttis ca kulyah pasu bhrtya vargan . We . • .

#38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--5About our home, we think nice decorated home,and the furnitures,the dress, and the animals, the servants, and the brother, the sister,the old father, and so many . So we always think of. These are allour bondage . Out of sight, out of mind. So long we ar e attached,we are, I mean to say, within the association of these things, wehave got very good attachment.But if we go out of this sight orthis association, then out of sight, out of mind.To make thesethings out of sight, out of mind, one is recommended that after fiftiethyear one must retire from this family life .1\ncl when he isstill more advanced he should take sannyas and completely, cent percentdevote his life for cultivating Krsna consciousness.So he isgiving very nice example.Tyajeta kosas krd ivehamanah karmanilobhad avitrpta kamah, aupasthya jaihvam bahu manyamanah kathamvirajyeta duranta mohah . Now, you know the silk worms. The silkworm entangles itself in cobweb and he cannot get out.Perhaps mostof you know .And those who are industrialists in silk industry, theycollect those cobwebs of silk worm and boil in the water and theworm dies, and then silk comes out .So similarly, we are manufacturingthe cobweb of silk in this so-called society, family, andbeing attracted in it . It is very good example. And the attractionis aupasthya jaihvam bahu manyamanah . Aupasthya means sex. Sex.The organ for progenating, that is called aupasthya.And the otherimportant sense is this tongue .So we are attached to this paraphernaliaon account of this tongue and on account of that sex genital.That's all .Aupasthya jaihvam bahu manyamanah katham virajyetaduranta mohah . ouranta means formidable. It is very difficult.So according to Vaisnava philosophy or Vaisnava activities . . • Be-

#38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--6cause the tongue is very strong to be conquered, to be winned (sic)over, the tongue is given Krsna prasadam .First thing, if tongueis controlled, that "You should not eat such and such thing, youshould not dr ink such and such thing, you should simply take Krsnaprasadam." That means that it is a process of controlling the tongue .And if you can control the tongue, and draw a straight line, thenyou control your belly and control your sex also .That is the formula.Because these three things are making us too much attractedto this society, friendship and love.na budhyate 'rtham vihatam pramattah .Kutumba posaya viyan ni jayurIn this way, for ma intainingthe family members, kutumba ... Kutumba means family members . He'sin madness. Pramattah . The very word is used here, pramattah. Inmadness he 's forgetting his real busines s, and he's simply wastingtime in this way for maintaining family or society and friendship .Now, that does not mean that Prahlada Maharaja is reconending toneglect this family life or society or ... No . He wa s family an .Prahlada Maharaja was a great king . He was ruling over. So i isnot the queion of neglect, but we must know that if we becoe moreand more entangled in these affairs, then our real bus iness will belost .Our real business is how to get out of this en tangleme.Not to be more and mor e implicated in this entanglement.That shouldbe the point of view. To make the best use of a bad bargain. Thatshould be the philosophy of life .We are put into this materialexistential condition and we have to get out .But at the same time,so far, so long th is material body is there, we have to maintain italso .Just like the example is very nice, we can cite, that you haveto go to some place and you have got a car .You have to take care

#38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--7of the car so far it can carry you to your destination .Not thatyou simply take care of your car and you forget your destinationand your own body . This is not your business. Similarly we haveto carry on our bu siness . 'Ve have to . . . Because with this body . ..suppose we are cultivating Krsna consciousness .So Krsna consciousness... So this body has to be maintained . Suppose my body is sick .I must go to the doctor, take help, and keep it very nicely, and Imust take foodstuff so that the body is maintained nicely.Thatcare should be taken . But not that we forget ou real business .Th e same example .If we forget that I have to use this car and goto such and such destination and simply take care of th e car, thatis our foolishness .But society, friendship, love, and every thingshould be so adjusted that it may not disturb our real purpose oflifE .Not that we forget our real purpose of life and we becomemore and more entangled in this so-called society, friendship andlove. Th at is the instruction of Prahlada Maharaj a. Kutumba posayaviyan nijayur na budhayate 'rtham vihatam pramattah . Pramattah .The so-called materialistic advanced people, they are describedherein as pramattah, c.t'azy .Sometimes we are designated by themthat "These people, Krsna conscious people, they are crazy. "And\ve think that they are crazy . So we do not knmv wh o is cra:>:y. Thereforewe have written a small pamph let, "Who is Crazy?" Actually onewh o has forgotten his real destination of life, he is crazy.He'swasting his life. He's spoiling his life. This is the only opportunity. But due to ignorance, they do not care for it . Th ey thinkthat "Life is going on like this . we are enjoying life. " No . Weshould be very responsible and cautious.Otherwise, Prahlada Maharaja

il'· , .. .. . #38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--8says , na budhyate 'rtharn vihatarn . 'Rtharn . They cannot understand .They are sacrificing their greatest wealth . Gr eatest wealth . Thishuman form of life is the only opportunity to get out of the cycle ofbirth and death . If we again put into the cycle of lower animals , oh ,it will take millions of years again to come again to this human formof life. So this they do not know . Therefore they are described hereas prarnattah. Prarnattah . Sarvatra tapa traya duhkhi tatma nirv idyatena sva kuturnba ramah .Actually , they are experiencing every stepmiserable.It is not that by improving economic condition of lifeone has become very peaceful . Otherwise why there is war? Why thereis struggle? These things cannot be stopped . However you may improvematerially , however you may improve your economic concH tion, the disturbanceof the world, at least birth , death , disease, and old age,cannot be checked .So if we do not understand these things veryseriously and simp ly engage ourself in these material act iv.iti es ,although we are experiencing sarvatra tapa traya duhkh itatrna ...Tapatraya means three kinds of miseries .persons , or other living entities .Miseries inflicted by otherThat is, we have practical experience. We create so many friends also, so many enemies al so . Wedo not go into the jungle because we know there are jungle animalswho may attack us .So even at horne there are bugs, there are mosquitos,they also give us trouble.So there is a kind of trouble or miseryinflicted by other living entities. That is called adhibhautika .Three kinds of miseries .Miseries offered by other living entities.We also offer miseries to the other animals .Just like \lie havecreated our slaughterhouse .We send so many cows and animals forbeing slaughtered . Similarly, we are also attacked by other animal s.

# 38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--9so this is the law of nature. I am killing you; you are killing me .so this is called adhibhautika . This is one class of misery . Theother class of misery is due to this body and mind .Sometimes thebody is sick or we don't feel very nice, and sometimes the mind isdisturbed .That is also, it may be due to other friend or otherrelative . So mind is not in order. So this is called adhyatmika.So adhibhautika, adhyatmika, and another disturbance created byadhidaivika . Daiva means on which we have no control . Just likeearthquakes, flood, or similar nature 's disturbance on which we haveno control . So here it is said tapa traya duhkhitatma . That is ourignorance.We are always unhappy due to the three kinds of miseriesinflicted by the laws of nature, but still we think that we are verynice . But actually, we are duhkhitatma . We are always sorry .Nirvidyate na sva kutumba ramah . But there is no satiation . Becausethe only solace is that he is wi thin the so-called friendship, loveand society . That 's all. Kutumba ramah . Vittesu nityabhinivistacetavidvams ca dosam para vitta hartuh .And being tov muc h attachedto money matters, learned persons, even very, I mean to say, advancedintellectuals, they also try to s teal other 's money, para-v itta.Although it is false . Although it is false. Vittesu ni tyabhinivistaceta. Nitya. Perpetually too much attached to money. Nityabhinivista.Abhinivista means profoundly attached .Profoundly attached to money,vidvams ca dosam para vitta hartuh .to steal other 's money is a fault .Although to take other mo ney orIt is a fault not only to the lawof the state but it is a fault to the law of the Supreme God also .You can avoid the state law by stealing, but you cannot avoid thelaw of the Supreme Person . You see. He can see everywhere . You

#38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--10can steal very stealthily so that police constables or pol ice forcecannot see. You are saying that "I am doing very nicely. Nobodycan see me. " But you cannot avoid the eyes of the Supreme. So dosam,i t is faulty.Either in this world or in the next world , it is faulty.But we are so accustomed , we are so, I mean to say, pro found ly attachedto money that we take immediately others ' money.Para vitta hartuh.Pretyeha va thapy aj i tendriyas.And although \>le know tha t in thisworld it is faulty and also next world it is faulty, bu t because wehave our sen ses uncontrolled , we cannot change.Asanta kama haratekutumbi.And the main attraction is all these nonsense thing are donesimply being attached to the so-called society, fr iend ship and love.That's all.Vidvam apittham danujah kutumbam pusnan sva lokaya nak alpate vai, yah sviya parakya vibhinna bhavas tamah prapadyeta yathavimudhah.These actions are, I mean to say, performed even by a socalled learned man.Actually , one who is not spiri tually learned,one who is not spiritual conversant , he's not a learned man.In thesrimad-Bhagavatam i t is said, harav abhaktasya kuto mahad guna.Onewho is not in Krsna consciousness , he cannot have any qood qualification."Why? There are so many doctors , Ph. D.s and M. A.C , D. A.C. sand very, very big men.And because they are not in Krsna cosciousnessthey hav e no good qualification?"One may question like -:.hat.But the answer is that they may be very learned men in the estimationof common man, but manorathena asato dhavato bahih.If a man iseducated materially without any spiritual understanding , withotanY Krsna consciousness , then his field of activities is the mind.He cannot surpass the field of activities beyond the mind.Thosewho are grossly materialistic , they are working on the field of this

#3 8-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--11gross body , senses .And those who are a little more advanced, theso-called philosophers , mental speculator , scantists , or many others,theY are working on the mental plane .So unless you promote yourselfto the platform of spiritual understanding, there cannot be any goodqualific ation . Therefore harav abhaktasya kuto mahad guna . One whois not in Krsna consciousness, he cannot have any good qualificationbecause his field of activity is on the mental plane .As it is statedin the previous verse, being situated on the mental plane, even alearned man, I mean to say, transgresses the limits of law .Thereare so many. Of course, in India I personally experienced that many ...why in India? I've seen here also. In New York our boys want ed topurchase one house and they had a few thousand dollars, and a groupof lawyers, they made a plan to take out these ten thousand dollarsfrom these boys . I know it personally. They are educated lawyers,but because they 're acti ng on the mental plane, they are thitingthat "By somehow or other if we can grab this money and we andivideamongst all these lawyers ." This is going on. A so-ca lled educatedperson, for want of Krsna consciousne ss, they can act less than evenan animal . You see . So vidvan apittham danujah kutumbam pusnan svalokaya na kalpate vai .They do not care for wh ere he's going in thenext life. Tamah prapadyeta yatha vimudhah . They also fall intothe darkness, in the darkest region as ordinary illiterate or ignorantperson also falls .Yato na kascit k?a ca kutracid va dinah svamatmanam alam s amarthah, vimocitum kama drsam vihara krida mrgo yannigado visargah .In this way they are becoming more and more entangled in this materialistic life.So he is concluding, he's askinghis friends, tate vidurat parihrtya daitya ."So therefore, be:ore

#38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--12you become entangled in this materialistic way of life, my dearfri ends born of demonic families . • • " Daityesu sangam visayatmakesu."Please give up the company of the demons . "This is very essential,to have good society .A man may be very innocent, nd if he's givenchance for good society, he becomes a godly man .And if he is givenan i nferior soc iety, then he becomes a demon .So first thing ispropos ed by Prahlada Maharaj a amongst his friends, that dai tyesusangam visayatmakesu . "Please give up the company of the demons ."What demons? Visayatmakesu. Those who are too much attached forsens e gratification. They are called demons . They have no otheridea .Simply they are concerned with sense gratification, and theydo not know what is life, what is God , what is next life .They haveno i nformation. They are called demons . Another explanation of ademon and the demigods are there in the Srimad Bhagavad-gita .Visnubhakta bhaved daiva asuras tad-viparyaya.consciousness, they are called demigods .Those who are in KrsnaDemigods, you don't thinkth at simply the citizens or the residents of higher planets, theyare called demigods . No . Even in this planet . Those who are devoteesof the i..ord, those \.;rho accept the supremacy of God :1nd thosewho are devotees, they are called demigods .And those who do notaccept that, those who defy the existence of God, they arccalleddemons .So Prahlada Maharaj a recommends, tato vidurat prihrtyadaitya. Vidurat . "From distance, from long distance, please giveup the association of the demons . "Upeta narayanam adi devam samukta sangair isito 'pavargah ."And take the company or accept thesoci ety of devotees . " Then it will be very easier. Sangat sanjayatekamah .Your desires and your propensities will be according to your

#38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd-- 13society .Just like in English language it is said a man is knownby his company . so we have to change our company . Th is Krsna consciousnessmovement is another chance for changing the company, thesoc iety .Here in the temple those who are coming and associat ingwith us, now, we chant, we talk about God, we hear authoritat ivescriptures l ike srimad Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, and wedistribute prasadam, we chant, we dance .We restrict oursel f, werestrain ourself, we do not allow illic it sex, we do not take anyintoxicants, we do not indulge in gambling, we do not indulge inmeat-eating.Simil arly, we are trying to form characte r and Godconsciousness, Krsna consciousness .So therefore it is not thatthis society is open for exploiting others .This society is forgiving good associat ion to the misguided people, th is society ,sothat by association they will gradually develop godly qualities .The godly qualities are already within you . It is do rmant . Not thatKrsna consciousnes s is being injected in you .Oh, that is no t possible. You are more advanced in every way, you Americans . And becauseI h ave come from India with some poor knowledge, I'm inject inc somethingin your brain. No . The Krsna consciousness is already ere .I am simp ly helping you to revive it . That 's al l. Just like boyand a girl, when they are grown up, it is not that anybody has instructedthem how to enjoy sex life. It is already there. But itwas not, I mean to say, experienced when they were children .3utwith the grown up age the propensities automat ically become manifested .Nobody has to learn these things .Similarly Krsna consciousness isnot a thing to be learned. It is to be revived . Just like in matchesth ere is already fire.If you simply rub the stick, the fire will

- .. , ... .#38-1 SB 7.6.9LA-6-70dd--14come. It is not that ordinary stick, if you rub , there will be fire .The fire is already there .Similarly, Prahlada Maharaja recommendsthat you have to change your association ."My dear daityas , boyso f the demons , please change your association .Give up the ass ociationof the demonic people and please take the association of narayanapara, those who are Krsna conscious or God conscious ."Upeta narayanamadi-devam sa mukta s angair isito 'pavargah .If you take up thatassociation, then gradually you'll be advanced to the highest goalof achievement of spiritual life.(end)

His Divine GraceA.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADATRANSCRIPTIONSJULY <strong>1970</strong>THE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER . ** Where actual dates are missing, transcripts are placd in sequential order.


,"\''\,>!··' ·:··:187 LA-7-4-70SB-2:1:1md--2<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Krto loka-hitam nrpadevotees:Krto loka-hitam nrpa<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Atmavit-sammatah pumsamdevotees:Atmavit-sammatah pumsam<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Srotavyadisu yah parahdevotees:Srotavyadisu yah parah(verse is repeated three more times)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Now chant independently.devotees: Om name bhagavate vasudevaya. Sri-suka uvaca variyan esate prasnakrto loka-hitam nrpa 1atmavit-sarrmatah pumsam srotavyadisuyah parah.Prabhupad: Again. (devotees repeat) Very good. So read thetranslation.Gargamuni:Yes.First with the Invocation?Prabhupad:Yes.Gargamuni: "Translation:0 my Lord, the all-pervading Personalityof Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. "<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Purport. Go on.Gargamuni: "Purport. Vasudevaya means to Krsna, the son of Vasudeva.As by chanbing the name of Krsna ,Vasudeva 1one can achieve all thegood results of charity, austerity, and penances, so by thechanting of this mantra, om name bhagavate vasudevaya, it isto be understood that the author or the speaker or any one ofthe readers of Srimad-Bhagavatam offer respectful obeisances untothe Supreme Lord Krsna, the reservoir of all pleasure. In theFirst Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the principles of creationare described, and as such the First Canto can be called Creation. "A/t..tPrabhupad: So this om means addressing the Lord. fll the Veicmantras they are addressing.Ourhis Hare Krsna mantra, mahantra,

187 LA-7-70 SB-2:1:1. :·-·:_::n:·:·:,-·,. md--3that is also addressing. Hare, dare, addressing the energy ofthe·uord, Hara. The energy is Hara, Radha, Sita. So when a femaleis addressed, it is like AHare, Late , Site, Radhe. so Haremeans addressing first, first of all the energy. The impersonalists1they do not know this,this addressing first of all Krsna's energy.We Gaudiya Vi=tisnavas, we don't worship Krsna alone ),kav-sudeva '· We must worship Krsna along with His energy. Just like Krsnarj >Krsna and Arjuna. Arjuna is also energy, living entity,and Krsna, Radha-Krsna, internal energy, and marginal energy.t\so Krsna means with His energy. Om name bhagavate vasudevaya.This Bhagavate means full of energies.I have several timesexplained bhagava 8haga means opulence 1and van means one whopossesses. Bhagavan. That is the meaning of word Bhagavan. So whenthis Bhagavan word is addressed, it is addressed as bhagavate.The word is bhagavat, bhagavat-sabda. Of course 1theseVa.:r,grammatical arrangemen this affix is there 1whenareit ismeant . • . Sanskrit, every word, every syllable 1 has got meaning.That is San.skrit language.\1 /1It is. ;not like that}ieauty but,beauty put. No. If you say beauty 1bu they you must say ,11 . IIpeauty put ' \1 •But in Englsh, beauty but, peauty put. So n Sanskrit1\( ?)language 1you cannot do like that.If you have to follow the rules,then the same rule will go on. So bhagavate address, om namabhagavate vasudevaya. Vasudevaya. This is the form of, fourthform ,sabda, sound vibration, fourth form. Just like Krsnayen I offer something, Krsnaya, Visnave. Similar! bhagavate1-:::-vasudevaya. So the beginning is Srimad-Bhagavatam means Krsna.It cannot be otherwise.This is Krsna-kath'}\ . th e Bhagavad-gi tais also Krsna-katha. Katha means words.So rsnads spokenby Krsna fat is ta. And words spoken about Krsna,)ahagavad-Jthat is Srimad-Bhagavata about Krsna's devotees )jlhat is

187LA-7-70•.·:,;·,.. ·t:,·¥·· ·;:;1:\•r, :·, ·:--.:-.· .. · ·:r·: \· :iSB-:-2:1:1'md--4Bhagavat. _Jhagavata, there are two kinds of /m::: .. agavatam. One,this book Bhagava-tfu.danother, the person bhagavata, the devotee.He is also bhagavata.Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends that bhagavata,,para t)''ttA. bhagavata sthane You should go and read Srimad-''Bhagavatam from the bhagavata, person bhagavata.Otherwise youwill misunderstand. Bhagavata para iya_ bhagavata sthane.one big poet,0/WJ../\··he composed some songn Caitanya Mahaprabhuwas at Purrany people used to come and see Him. Because inthose days there were many scholarsd Caitanya Mahaprabhu wasalso a very great scholar 1;Ia they used to compose and come tosee Him 1and they would get some applause. But before seeing Him 1the rule was that it must be passed through his secretary,svarupa Damodara.Svarupa Damodara was Lord Caitanya's personalsecretary,so unless something is passed through SvaruDamodara,nobody can directly approach Caitanya Mahaprabhu.so one learnedscholar,he composed some poetries and he wanted the poetries tobe heard by Caitanya Mahaprabhu. But Svarup(f>amodara, he kn e: \" thatIt_,.-; • •\\ :mundane at he will write? So he /:'wa voiding '' All ;'.\1right, we shall see later on. But when he insisted and one of/-;_ tths man shis uncle, he was amongst the associates of Lord Caitanya, sohe also requested Svarupa Damodara tha{lthis boy has come so... ".Mlong. If youkindly hear fjecause he requested, a Vaisnava, sosvaruamodara agreed to hear, but he pointed out his all faults 1IIand he chastised him that u don't wrote poetry in this way.::;;...You first of all read Bhagavata from the bhagavata 1hen try. \\ . .to wrte. So that you wll find in the Caitanya-cartamrta. Headvised that 11 and read Bhagavatam from ;thgavatam 1hen try tol.'" .write. Recently one gentleman from Indi· H e is a man of very goodposition, ICS, the old ICS, British ICS, Indian ivil rvice.

187 LA-7-70md--5They are the topmost service.So he sent me one translation ofSrimad-Bhtam.So perhaps you know Gargamuni knows. So I-rejected it11,No, this cannot be published. There are so many - ,.R,·IILJ tl & "---·and his daughter is here in Los Angeles. So she came with.=- "her husband and took back. So we do not publish anything whichis not approved by the acaryas.We are not like ordinary pressthat anything and anything will come and we shall publish. No.That is not our business. It must be approved );Is we are presentingBhagavad-gita as it is,no mental concoction. We don't allow anymental concoction. It must be approved by the acarya,disciplicsuccessio en it is nice.much today. We shall discussC (end)So the ne xt verse. All right. This Thank you.tomorrow./Hare Krsna. Chant. f----------- __ " _____ ./

,.:.. ."?'';· ¥.

#25-4md--1Srimad-Bhagavatam 2. · 1 : 1 -LjLos Angeles , July, <strong>1970</strong>(<strong>Prabhupada</strong> and devotees recite together SB 2.1 .1-4 l<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Srotavyadini rajendra nrnam santi sahasrasah. "!1y dear')I•• •lf-r;king Sukadeva Josvami is speaking to King Pariksit that there areAmany subject matters for the persons who are materialistic. Whatsort of ... Why they are engaged in so many topics? Atma-tattvamapasyatam. They do not see what is self-realization. Apasyatam atma­· - -..'e do not know, we not see what is atmi\tatyaill Yin· eyP.s.Imaterial 8:-f-e. Therefore the material scientists )they say thatthere is no soul,/1because they cannot see. With their instruments orwitn their knowledge it is not possible. Apasyatam.They do notsee it. Therefore we cannot believe our eyes. These eyes are not fitto see anything. It is under certain condition it gives us someimpression. Otherwise ... Therefore my Guru Maharaja used to say thatsaintly persons should be seen not through the eyes 1but throughears. There are different procef seeing. Don't believe thattheeyesare sufficient to see everything. No. So atma-tattvam. Those who arenot interested what is self,for them there are different thousandsand millions of topics. Srotavyadini rajendra.Everyone is hearing. · .Somebody is talking, somebody is ; n there is politics, conspiracy,there is also hearing and talking. But these talkings,thousands andthousandsof talkinof different subject matter for whom? For themwho are unable to see what is soul. For them. Apasyatam atma-tattvam.Why they have become so? Grhesu grha-medhinam. They want to be

#25- 4md--2LA-7-70SB-2: 1: 1-4packed up within this material package and they have made their lifein that way. Grhesu. Just like ordinary man. He is interested withhis apartment,family. Dehapatya kalatradisu. That sloka is nextexplained. He's interested with these things. How his nice partmentis maintained,how his wife is nicely dressed, how his childrenare nicely educated. So much. That's all. They are called grhacdhi.wJJThese words. Grhamedhi. So those who are married disciples, requestthem specifically that because you are married, you don't becomegrhamedhi. Then you lose this chance. I am getting reports frumoutside that some of our family disciples,they are not very muchattending temples regularly. So if they do not attend temples,donot take to the service,then gradually they'll become grhamcdhi;just like ordinary karmis. So as soon as one becomes grhamedhiJhebecomes blind to see what is self-realization.So Sukadeva Gosvamisays that those who are blind,those who have been encaged in thematerialistic way of life, for them Jthere are thousands and thousandsof topics to hear and to chant. But tho=e who are seeing to the self4 • •elf is one. EkoO.v:fiyo brahma nasti. For them )one talk only aboutKrsna. So I'll request you,all my beloved disciples present here, thatdon't turn to that point,grhesu grhamedhinam. Stick to this point,-r!J,··) 1 'l.j 0 0 0Krsna.Then you'll be happy. Don't talk, create As soon as we goout of the scope of this Krsna consciousnes there will be so manytalks. And that will mislead you. That is maya. And if you stick tothe Krsna consciousness there is no secrecy, there is no duplicity,there is no diplomacy.One talk, Krsna. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna KrsnaKrsna Hare Hare ; Hare Rama Hare Rama ... That will make you satisfied.Yayatma suprasidati. If you want actually happiness then you stick

#25-4LA-7-70 SB-2: 1:1-4md--3toefse_.·Krsna consciousness topics. Don't bring in anything othe f\Thenthat will become grhesu grhimedhinam apasyatam atma tattvam. So I)am especially talking to my sannyasi disciples who )are going outtoday on a great mission. Please stick to this principle--one--Krsna.you will be benefited ;and the persons to whom you'll talk,they willbe benefited, the world will be benefited. Soyave got a verygreat responsibility. Don't turn into the talks of the grnamedh 7 / ' )11'' r;, ,,,, . . /and break it. That is my request. Thank you very much.AYcs. Chant.'• ca-lliso l,\ r .11setter perform ... That's all.(kirtan--·break)prabhupada:( ' )/'",.,, •.. qnJi"ll ': y" 1D ? So we have got l i.ttle time.Car is ready? Car? M ';! go to the car or you have got .... es, there will be a truck.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:---;pAL•/fl·,,rl' ':,. \prabhupad:0_.u roll:

. ' .....#25-4md--4LA-7-70SB-2:1:1-4because we sometimes talk unnecessaril but the aim is Krsna. Just likeBattlefield of Kuruksetra. The Bhagavad-gita begins dharmaksetrekuruksetresamaveta yuyutsavah ; mamakah pandavas caiva kim akurvatasan jaya. The topics began from the warfield, kuruksetre dharmaksetre.But it is dharnalGetra. 1-lhy dharmaksetra? It is battlefield: BecauseKrsna is there.Krsna is conducting the battle, therefore it isdharmaksetra. Dharmaksetra means religious ... (end)

"·· .,-.... ··y ,.:. :· ... :\' •• ,, 't/Initiation: Sri Ranga, Romaharsana, Sr;dharLos Angeles, July, <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Ten kinds of offenses, they are mentioned in the paper.You should avoid and follow the regulative principles.Just likeif you ignite fire, if the wood is dry, then the fire very quicklyta k es place. An d 'f ;t s . moist, wet, then it takes time. So )avoiding these ten kinds of offenses and following the rules andregulation will quickly ignite the fire of Krsna consciousness.Otherwise the chanting of Hare Krsna mantra is powerful, even one)is contaminated,butregulationS/and avoidit will accelerate if you follow the rules andthe offenses.,,,Therefor what are these ten kind :of offenses? What is the first, first offense?Blaspheming the Lot.d's devotee?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes.Those who are engaged in preaching the glories ofthe Lord, they should never be defamed. That is the greatest offense.Then next?: Considering the Lord and the demigods on the same level.f)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. Those who e impersonalists, they think that after-all) the Absolute Truth is void or impersona o we can imagine anyform ' The Mayavadi philosopher says )o..dlte

#29-3md--2LA-7-70INIT. LECTeven on Aequal footingwith Brahma and Siva. His position, Visnutattva,is mahato mahiyan. He's the greatest of the greatest. Sothis is offense. There are many Mayavadi philosophers, they sayIt you can chant any name, either Krsna or Kali or Durga or ... 11 And;;;another missionII....,-:says ny nonsense name you can 1chan that doesn't,,matter. But our Vedic sastra 1 scripture )does not say that. It is said;-harer nama. Not any othe Harer nama. Only the name of Hari. Sravanamkirtanam visno hear and chant about whom? Visnu. Itstated there. So we have to chant Visnu name,Hare and Visnu,we have tois clearlychant Har e71'lQ.w.e..)Krsna. They're the same. So this is my ... You should not1/ \Imisguide yourself by thinking that any name will do. No. This harernama harer nama harer namaW-z,_::;;.kevalam Jkalau nasty eva nasty evanasty eva gatir anyatha. Then what xt? Guror avajna? : Neglecting the order of the spiritual master.prabhupad:Yes. we are daily singing )yasya prasadad bhagavaprasada.By pleasing the spiritual master we please the Supreme Personalityof Godhead. Therefore if His order is disobeyed, if he is displeased,then yasya'""prasadad na gati kuto 'pi. If he is displeased; then he\.../has no shelter. He's thrown in the wilderness. Therefore this shouldbe strictly followed. Thennext?\\ - : Minimizing the authority of the scripture 01 , • •u rabhupada:Yes. Scriptural injunction we should not minimize. Weshould not think contradictory. We should accept as it is .A·thenit will be good for us. Or interpretation. Scriptural interpretationis not required. Therefore we ?are presenting Bhagavad-gita As It is,withot any false interpretation. As it is. Krsna-Krsna. Kuruksetra-Kuruksetra. Pandava-Pandava. Dharmaksetre kuruksetre samaveta. KrsnaMuvaca. Krsna, Bhagavan uvaca. The Supreme Personality of Godhead said..

1'i..' . ':#29 -3LA-7-70 INIT. LECTmd--3k.-_And we should not that . . \at is called? Paramatma uvaca. No.Krsna uvaca .. Paramatma is feature.In the Gita Press editou willsee Paramatma. They never say Krsna.They're so much afraid/If I sayKrsna ;He\\will at once capture me. You see? (chuckles) So in adifferent way. Param rahma Caitanya, like thiSJSO many impersonalrvtways they will say. But that is not required. Bhagava uvaca meansSupreme Personality of Godheadsna.Lord said. " No.Sometimes thy say1"BlessedWhy say? The Supreme Personality of Godhead ,.,-Krsnaid. Then ;what is that next? No interpretation of the scripture.Next? :What is the next item?Committing sin on the strength of chanting.Prabhupad: Yes. On the strength of chanting, committing sin. Because.,?tb '1,.-Jas Dayananda explained that this is a purificatory process. So ifwe think that1e are chanting t i am being purified, so let mebecome contaminated by acting some sinful activities. I'll purifyby chanting Jis motive is very bad. This is the greatest offense.Once purified,that's all right, but don't commit again sinful.Sinful life should be stopped Arom this day of initiation theseV,'..-four pillars of sinful lifAl.llicit sex life, intoxication, meat­(/eating, and gambling}\ they should be broken. Not that let me do i I have got the mantra machine,instrument for counteracing : No. You- _.-- ·:should not ... no more commit any sinful activities. Once you arepurified,Prabhupad:no more. Then Jwhat is that?l_sInstructing the glories of the Lord Ato theI • •Yes . We therefore cautiouless one is recommended by1 ,the presiden)1 f he is eager, he is, I mean to say, accept harer/nama,then we see that how he is attending our classes,how he is becominglittle interested. Then we offer this first initiation. Otherwis if

.;:@29 -3LA-7-70INIT. LECTrnd--4we see that he is unmindful, then we should not canvass. Let himcome. Just like Krsna says Arjuna that sarva-dharrnan parityajya«,,roam ekarn saranarn vraja. You just surrender unto Me. He's saying.Not that by force making him surrender. That kind of surrender willnot stand. We should not canvass. Let him become attracted by Krsnaconsciousness rnovernent )and he personally asks for hare1narna. Just likeBhaktivinode Thakusays bhakivinode prabhu carane pa4iya. As soon ,,as Lord Caitanya says that "I have this medicine for killing maya.((Hari nama rnaharnantra loilo )\ veryone can take from Me this chantingof Hare Krsna mantra." So h:kativfoda prabhu carane patliya. ,ABhaktivinode Thaku/irnrnedately fell down on the lotus feet ofLord Cai tanya and begged, "Please give me." So this, this should )chance should be given like that. one should beg. Not that canvassing.No. That is not required. That is another offense. Unless one hasincreased little taste and h? personally eager to accept'- .:.0 6\N\. • • •process> we should not canvass That is an offense. Then? : Comparing the holy name with material piety. ·this chantingPrabhupad:Yes. The whole thing is purification. Materialcon ta.i1tina tionmeans desire to enjoy this material world. That is contamination. WehavJrothing to do with s material world. Brahma-bhutah. You arespirit. Unfortunately )are put into this association. So that isanother chapter. But now we are trying to come out of it. So at thesame time I am trying to go back to horne, back to Godhead, at thesame time ;desiring some material sense gratification )Jhis is anotheroffense. This should not be .. e should try to forget. We shall tryto forget J1, fYkAi..Q... J ' U., No, there is no necessity of my\lmaterialness enjoyment. That sort of vow, determination, must bethere.Then what is next?

#29 -3LA-7-70md--5: Becoming inattentive while chanting the holy name.Prabhupad:Yes. While you chanting 1you should hear also. Hare KrsnaHare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare 1 Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama HareHare. You should hear at the same time. Then the mind and the sensesare compact\That is samadhi. That is perfection of yoga. This yogais recommended in the Bhagavad-gita. Yoginam api sarvesam maatenantaratmana.So everyone while chanting he should hear. All right.so what is your name?Kevin: Kevin.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:What is that?devotees:Kevin.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Kevin. oh. So Y.OUr spiritual name, Sri Ranga. Sri Ranga.()Sri Rangh is Visn)is a very big temple in South India. Then,what isRobert:Robert.name?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:So your name is Romaharsana. Romaharsana was a 9reatlearned scholar for explaining Vedic literature. But once upon atime he committed some offense. In a great meeting he was speakingabout Vedic hymn and Balarama, He entered that sacrificial arena.So all the sages and brahmanas and everyone stood up. This Romaharsanadid not. So Balarama punished him,killed,killed him. But although he was···but he got salvation and he was recognized. t was an exampleKthat we should be always very careful about offering respects to theSupreme Lord. He wa s sitting on the Vyasasana. Vyasasana, one who issitting on the Vyasasana,if somebody comes, he does not require tooffer respect. That is the rule. But that is not applicable when Godenters. No. (laughter) That was his offense. So exemplary. He waskilled not with any weapon. One straw. He was immediately ... Balarama

#29 -3 LA-7-70 !NIT. LECTrnd--6had some straw. So all the sages saidp,-1·•we allowed him tosit on the Vyasasana )and he was speaking. Now what is to be done?He's killed." So then Balararna said, "All right. If you want,I canIImake him immediately alive." So they also considered that if we saythat _!ake him alive, th·alararna' s decision was to kil7 him. Thenwe overrule hirn : 1 Just see how the behavior. Then the saints and sagessaid, "No ;Sir. We do not want. Whatever You have done,that is allright. But You do sornething 1 that we blessed this man for long lifeto speak. Now he is dead. So our version is also nullified. But wewant that our version may not be nullified and Your action may notbe nullified. You do something like that." (laughter) so thenBaJa:rama said, "All right. You bring his son. I shall empower himand he shall be a great speaker on this Vedic literature." Andbecause his son means he himself. Atrnaiva jayate putra. Son isborn, there is no ... The father and son there is no distinction.Just like in Bible sometimes it is said the son of God and God isone. That's a fact. Because son is expansion of the body of thefather. So Rornaharsana's son was Suta Gosvarni. This Suta Gosvarni'sname you have heard. He is speaking Bhagavatarn. So Suta Gosvarni wasblessed by Balararna, that, "You, on behalf of your fathe1.(' So theirversion and Balararna's action was mitigated in this way. All right.Come on. So Abe careful. Huh? Don't be like Rornaharsana. You take the/\ Iadvantage; but don • t conunit mistake like Romaharsana. (laughter)ifHare Krsna. hat is your name? :<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: So you name is Sridhar. Sridhar is another name ofLord Visnu. Corne on. Sridhar das,brahmacari? You are brahmacari?All right. . You know the mantra? What is that mantra?

#29 -3md--7LA-7-70INIT.LECTSridhar:<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No, not ... Sn'J"""n::.Hare Krsna Hare Krsna,AKrsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama )HareRama Rama Rama Hare Hare.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Heknows i?.No 'ji'his offering obeisances to the spiritual master.Come on. hat is your name.0t.ak. c.Lud- . 1/'Mft. j· c .. e. .1\,JohnA Oh, Charles. Your name is Gopal das. A1John. Sridhar? He isGovinda jaya gopala : No meat, fish or eggs, no illicit sex connection.jaya jaya.So what are the restrictions? : No gambling or speculating, and no intoxicants.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Yes.prabhupada: So it will be possible? (laughter) Yes. For your country,.&_ o-thiS is ver Abig sfricture, but one has{?)_to perform it, execute itJ\ sakefor Krsna's sake. Krsnas te bhoga-tyaga. For Krsna's I we can Jo/', &!>• .Aanything. That is Krsna conscious} Although it is very difficultfor boys and girls in this country,but because they are takingKrsna consciousness 7they should sacrifice their propensities forKrsna's sake. That is a vow. That is an austerity. So Krsna willbe very much satisfied that 1 this boy, this girl has done so much.,, SoAll right. Accept him./strictly follow these rules and regulations.so every one of you know these regulative principles? Yes. Then youI I Iperform your yajna.(break) }kevalam 7kalau nasty eva nasty evanasty eva gatiranyatha.(end)

Los Angeles, July, <strong>1970</strong>182Excerpt<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: . • . and, I mean to say, ornament Krsna, the more youbecome rich. The reflection,Krsna being richly dressed, richlyfed, it will be reflected on you. H Krsna is not in necessity 1but we should dress Krsna the first quality ornaments. InAIndia the Deities,they are given very valuable jewel f·TheMohammedans 'fiu! J;J:;...__ • h ·o.J.A .}:j::.Q_ 1-o .h:i. ,a.d} .. ·{)\/

Acid Free Copy#28-5/6Arrival Lecture and Press ConferenceRathayatra, San Francisco, July 4, <strong>1970</strong>(ecstatic kirtan,prema-dhvani)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Madhudvisa:Hare Krsna.His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta will now delivera brief message in regarding the Rathayatra festival,followingwhich the members of the press will present their questions to HisDivine Grace.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: My dear boys and girls, I thank you very much for yourkindly receiving me to serve you.This Rathayatra fnstival is partof our Krsna consciousness movement.This Krsna consciousness movementwas started by Lord Krsna five thousand years ago in the Battlefieldof Kuruksetra.Perhaps all of you know the famous book ofknowleuge, Bhagavad-gita. In that Bhagavad-gita, Ninth Chapter,last verse, it is said there, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yajimam namaskuru, mamaivaisyasi kaunteya. In that verse it was assuredby Lord that "You always think of Me. "Man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah."Become My devotee. " Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji. "Justworship Me. In this way you will come to Me. " Mamaivaisyasi. Sothis Krsna consciousness movement means to utilize to the best possiblemeans this human form of life.P. are coming to this human form oflife in the evolutionary process from aquatics to reptiles,to plantsand trees, then birds and beasts, then human form of life. Out ofthat human form of life, there are many uncivilized form of life,just above the monkeys. But those who are civilized ... Civilizedmeans those who are following the instruction of the Vedas, varnasrama-

#28-5/6dd--2ArrivalSF-7-4-70dharma.The human society divided into four varnas and four asramas.The four varnas are social division, namely the student life,thehouseholder life, the retired life, and renounced life.These fourdivisions of social life and four divisions of spiritual life.Brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha . .. Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya,sudra. In this way there are eight divisions. These eight divisionsof human society are very scientifically adopted.It is confirmedin the Bhagavad-gita,catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah.This civilized division of human society is so perfect that one cangradually, from the aquatic life, can go back to home, back to Godhead.Devotees: Jaya! Haribol!<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:So this Krsna consciousness movement is the greatestboon to the human form of life.When Lord Krsna was present, Headvised this Krsna conscious movement in the shape of Bhagavad-gita.unfortunately,there are many scholars, academic scholars of Bhagavadgita,Krsna,but because they do not come in the disciplic succession fromthey misinterpret the real sense of Bhagavad-gita and misleadthe whole human society to the darkest region of ignorance.So whenKrsna was present,once upon a time there was a lunar ... solar eclipse.At that time Krsna, with His elder brother and sister ... His elderbrother's name was Balarama and His younger sister's name was Subhadra.This Subhadra was also wife of Arjuna.So these three brothers andsisters in a chariot came from Dwaraka to Kuruksetra.At that timethe inhabitants of vrndavana ... Vrndavana. Krsna's childhood wasspent at Vrndavana under the care of His foster father Nanda Maharaja.so when Krsna went to His real father Vasudeva at Dwaraka and cameback to Kuruksetra on this occasion of solar eclipse, the inhabitants

#28-5/6dd--3ArrivalSF-7-4-70of Vrndavana,who were suffering too much out of separation fromKrsna, they came to see Him. And at that time His beloved Radharaniwas too much afflicted. She said, "Krsna, You are the same Krsna,I am the same Radharani.But the place is different, Kuruksetra.It is not Vrndavana.Therefore I wish that You come with 1-!e tovrndavana and let us enjoy our previous life. "This is the ecstasyof the residents of Vrndavana. Lord Caitanya, when He appeared, Hetook sannyasa at the age of 24 years and by His mother's request Hewas living at Jagannath Puri.this car festival of Jagannath.So every year He was taking part inThis Jagannath Deity wns establishedby one King Indradyumna about more than three thousand years ago.This temple is very old.Even in some literatures of your Christianreligion I find that Lord Jesus Christ also went to th.i.s Jagannathtemple and lived there for some times.Of course, how far it istrue,that is to be judged by you, but I have read this informationin a Christian book, Aquarian Gospel.So if we take this incidencethat Lord Jesus Christ also went to Jagannath temple,then fro:n historicalpoint of view it is 2,000 years old.But it is accordingto our calculation it is more than 3, 000 years old.So this Idradyumnaking, he asked Visvakarma to carve the Deity of J

#28-5/6dd--4ArrivalSF-7-4-70the temple." Since then, the three Deities Jagannath , Balarama ,and subhadra are being worshiped in India , Jagannath Puri.Perhapsyou know.And the car festival takes place every year and millionsof people go there to participate in that cart , car festival.Sobecause we have started this Krsna consciousness movement in yourcountry , this car festival and Lord Caitanya's taking part in thisis one of the paraphernalia of our Krsna co nsciousness movement.And because it revives our consciousness about Krsna , it is an easyprocess for reviving mass Krsna consciousness.Therefore if youparticipate in these car fesitvals , as it is stated in the scriptures ,rathe ca vamanam drstva punar janma na vidyate ...If you kindlysee these Jagannath Deities riding on these cars and in procession,and as Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted the Hare Krsna mantra in frontof this car, then according to our Vedic scripture , if you participatein this festival , in your next life you'll go to back , back tohome , back to Godhead.Devotees: (roar) Jaya ! All glories to <strong>Prabhupada</strong>!<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:So at least I'll request you to come and see th is carfestival. There is no expenditure , but it is simply joy ful. Youhaven't go t to pay anything. You simply come , chant Hare Krsna mantra ,dance with us , and \vhen you are tired we shall give you nice prasadam.so on behalf of Krsna conscious society I invite you, al l boys, girls,ladies , and gentlemen, to take part in th is car festival, and I thankyou very much.Madhudvisa:Now his Divine Grace will answer questions from themembers of the Press.Pressman: <strong>Prabhupada</strong>, hi. Why do you think ...

#28-5/6Arrivaldd--5prabhupada:pressman:You can sit down.Why do you think a growing number of young Americans areattracted to the Krsna consciousness movement?prabhupada: It is very interesting question . Our , this body iscombination of matter and spirit.So we have got some temporarynecessities of this body.That is called material necessities.So far your country is concerned , your country is opulent.Theyhave got all supplies of the necessities of the body .Now afterthis, there is another urge which is described in the Vedanta-sutraas brahrna-jijnasa, inquiring about the Supreme Absolute Truth .Whenone is above material poverty or material necessities of life thenext que stion is . .. That is natural . About spiritual. Becausewe are comb ination of matter and spirit.So that spiritual inquiryis there .Therefore generally, these boys and girls, they lookedto some Indian swami to give them some enlightenment . Unfortunately ,perhaps before me all the swamis who carne here , they did not givethem the right information . Perhaps they did not know it. So I amgiving , delivering, the right me ssage of spiritual life, Bhagavad-gita .I t is not manufactured by me or concocted by me . It is the old story .Five thousand years. Why five thousands years? If we accept thestatement of Bhagavad-gita, this book of knowledge was first discussedwi th the sun-god some millions of years ago .So it is not anew thing .But in due course of time sometimes it becomes covered.so Lord Caitanya, five hundred years ago , He wanted to give thespiritual knowledge of Krsna consciousness throughout the whole world,and He has ordered to every Indian that anyone who has taken birth asa human being in India should preach this transcendental knowledge

#28-5/6dd--6ArrivalSF-7-4-70throughout the whole world.So perhaps previously , means , somebodyhave preached this Krsna consciousness knowledge , but since 1965or '66 , since I started this movement from New York , generally allthe boys and girls, younger section, they are very much kind uponme , and they are coming to me. And I am very glad to have them.I am just training them to the right spiritual standard of life andI am happy they are abiding by them.Devotees:pressman:All glories to <strong>Prabhupada</strong>.<strong>Prabhupada</strong> , do you have any advice for ordinary Americans?prabhupada: This is open for everyone. Not ordinary or extraordinary.Anyone can come and chant with us and take advantage of this Krsnaconsciousness movement.Unfortunately, the elderly people, they donot think that it is necessary. That is the difficulty. Rather , weinvite , not only these boys and girls, their fathers , their grandfathers.Let all of them come and scrutinizingly study this philosophy.we have got hundreds of books.It is the , Krsna consciousness movement,it is understandable even by the child, and even by the greatest philosopher of the day.Recently I had some talks wi th Dr. Stahlon this high level understanding of Krsna consciousness.So ifphilosophers, scientists , thinkers , they come to me , we can convincethem how this Krsna consciousness movement is important for the wholehuman society.Madhudvisa{?):Yes.AnY other questions?Pressman: Do you know ...<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Call, call that gentleman . (pause)Devotees: Haribol ! <strong>Prabhupada</strong>! Mercy! Mercy <strong>Prabhupada</strong>!Pressman:Do you know how many followers there are in the United

#28-5/6dd--7ArrivalSF-7-4-70States now?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Unlimited.(devotees roar)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Some of them admit and some of them do not admit. That'sall. (laughter) Everyone is eternally servant of God, but some ofthem adntit and some of them do not admit.That is the difficulty.But anyone who does not admit, he is servant of somebody .That isa fact. He cannot be master. Everyone is servant. But one whoknows that "I am servant of Krsna," his life is perfect.That'sall.Please try to understand this point that everyone is servant.Even your president is servant of the nation .So nobody can say thatI am no one's servant.He is servant, but he does not know thatactually he is the servant of the Supreme Lord.That is his ignorance.We are just eradicating this ignorance that "You are servant, but youadmit that you are servant of God.That will make your life successful."That's all. Therefore I say that there are unlimi ted followers.Some of them admit and some of them do not admit.That is the difficulty.But if anyone comes to me , I shall make him to admit. Yes.(devotees roar) Hare Krsna. That's all , anyone? Finish?Madhudvisa:Yes.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Have sankirtan. Or let us go?Madhudvisa:We can have a mo reAl l right.Begin kirtan.(end)

Acid Free Copy#28-3Lecture on Gundica Marjanam(the day before Rathayatra)San Francisco , July 4, <strong>1970</strong>Devotees: All glories to <strong>Prabhupada</strong>. Jayate <strong>Prabhupada</strong>. Jaya. (etc.)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Hare Kr sna. (Hindi with Indian woman , chuckles) Allright. Hare Krsna. There is no space fo r the ... So we requirebigger space. Hare Kr sna . Oh , Govinda dasi has come ? (chuckl es)When you have arrived?Govida dasi:About one o'clock.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Oh. That's nice. Hare Krsna.Devotees:Hare Krsna.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: That's all right. You can keep it ... That's all right.So Lord Caitanya's sampradaya. (laughter) That is my jo y, that wehave now a sampradaya , a party of Lord Caitanya in the We stern country.That is my success. That's al l. I have no value , insignificant, butsomehow or other you cooperated and you are still cooperating and youare still cooperating as Lord Caitanya's sampradaya. That is wy life.Thank you very much.(begins playing kartals , ecstatic kirtan follows)It is working ? (taps mi crophone) Huh? No. So ju st one day beforeRathayatra there is a festival in Jagannath Puri which is ca lledGundica-marjana. Gundica-ma rjana. From the Jagannath temple, abouttwo mi les away there is another temple hou se , not exactly temple,where the Deity Jagannath go es during this Rathayatra fe stiva l, fromthe temple to that Gundica house.fo r one week and then comes back.And then the Deities remain thereAnd during that one week there aremany festivals.As I to ld you in this morning , thi s Jagannath, He's

#28-3dd--2Gundica Marj anam Lect.SF-7-4-70pro ceeding toward vrndavana. Radharani is inviting Krsna. Krsna ,after His childhood, pauganda-lila, He was called by His father ,His real father.Practically, He was called for killing Kamsa, Hismaternal uncle , who was giving trouble to the whole Yadu dynasty ,and everyone was waiting fo r Krsna.So Kr sna appeared, and immediatelyHe was transferred to a friend's hou se by His father.Vasudevais ksatriya and Nanda Maharaj a is a vaisya.Ksatriya business isroyal family, and vaisya , they are agriculturalists , traders, kr sigo-raksya, and protection of cows.These three bu siness , livelihoodof the vaisya. Krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam. Krsi means agriculture , andgo-raksya, cow protection. This is Vedic civilization. A sectionof people, they are engaged in different activities.Not that a manis working as a carpenter and he's called, "Come on . You have to goto Vietnam to fight." This is not very scientific. He has been trainedup as a carpenter, and now he's called to fight.That is not perfectdivision of ...The fighting is required , but there must be a classful ly trained up fo r fighting. That is ksatriya. There mu st be aclass of men simply for cultivation of spiritual knowledge.Theremust be a clas s fully for business, cow protection, agriculture .That is also required. Nothing is neglected. Just like in our bodythere are four parts; the mou th, the arms, the belly, and the legs.So everything is requ ired for proper upkeep of t.he body.Not thatyou ask the mouth to walk or ask the leg to eat.How it is that?The rrodern civilization is de fective.They do not know how to maintainsociety. There is there fore no peace. Especially there is wantof brain. Crazy. Just like throughout the whole body , the head isthe mo st important pa rt of the body.If you cut your hands , you can

#28-3Gundica Mar j anam Lect. SF-7-4-70dd--3live but if you cut your head you cannot live.Then whole thing isgone.Similarly, at the present moment the society is headless, adead body , or head cracked , crazy.'!'here is head , nonsense head.Nonsense head. What is the use of nonsense head? Therefore thereis a great necessity of creating a class who will act as brain andhead.That is Kr s na conscious movement.Devotees: Jaya. All glories to <strong>Prabhupada</strong>.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:The whole human society is suffering for want of goodbrain . (break ) ... created a nonsense democracy. A carpenter iscalled to fight?A cow slaughterer is called to preside over themeeting? What is this? One must be fit for the business. If youwant to make one king, he must be just like royal, ideas, alwaysthinking of the welfare of the citizens.Just like YudhisthiraMaharaja.The whole business was how the people will be happy.When Pariksit Maharaja was born, the chi ld,it is the Vedic systemas soon as a child is born ,immediately expert brahmanas , astrologersare called. Automatically, they ... That is called jata-kriya.There is a function. There are ten kinds of functions. From thepoint of begetting a child up to the point of death , there aresamskaras or reformatory process.By that process a human being ismade perfect.That is called dasa-vidha-samskara, ten kinds ofprocesses.This upanayana , this initiation, offering the sacredthread , that is also out of those ten processes.The beginning ofthe process is called garbhadhana , begetting a child.It is notsex enjoyment, it is a process by which you produce nice child.Ifyou produce nice children, then the wor ld is peaceful.But if youproduce cats and dogs, how can you expect peace and prosperity?

#28-3dd--4Gundica Marjanam Lect.SF-7-4-70Therefore that is a process, garbhadhana-samskara. In thi s way thevedic system is the perfect process fo r creating civilized humanbeing. So that is another chapter. our present meeting is concernedwi th the Rathayatra.So Kr s na , He is born of a ksatriyafather. He is not born , but He appeared as the son. God is neverborn . Unborn. Therefore the Mayavadi philo sophers, the y mi staketo know Kr s na .They think that Kr sna is born, then hm1 He can beGod?But actually, Krsna was not born from the womb of His mother.He appeared in four hands before His mother, and the mo ther wasafraid that " My brother Kamsa, was awaiting to kill r;od, and nowGod is here in four hands . Immediate ly he '11 kill." ·rhe mo therforgets that " My son , if He 's God, how He can be killed?"But themother's affection is always like that.Just like Krsna , when Hewa s going to attack a demon as a boy , Yasoda Ma, mother Yasoda wouldask her husband Nanda Maharaj a, "tvhy do you allow this boy to go out?Why don 't you lock Him?" So that is mother's affection. The mother ,Yasoda mother ,she does no t know that Krsna is the Supreme Personalityof Godhead . Then her motherly affection will be checked. There foreshe was , by yoga-maya, she was always covered.Although Krsna playingchild just like a common child, at the same time showing thatHe is the Supreme Personality of Go dhead. He was eating clay. Somefriends complained to mother Yasoda that ,"You gave Him nice foodstuffand He is eating clay. " So mother called Him. "Oh Kr sna , Youare eating clay?" Krsna said , "No mother . They 're all liars ."(laughter) "Oh , Your elder brother Balarama is also saying ." "Oh,He is angry upon He .He is angry upon Me; therefore He is also speakinglie." Then the boys still stressed , "No, mother . He has eaten

#28-3Gundica Marjanam Lect. SF-7-4-70dd--5clay. We have seen." So mother said , "All right. Open Your mouth.I'll see."So Krsna opened His mouth , and she saw the whole materialco smic manifestation.Not only Yasoda , thousands of Yasoda andthousands of planets, sun , moons, and everything saw.Mother 'sthought , "Must be something jugglery. All right. Forget. Don 'tdo it again." (laughter) This is Krsna , that He is playing thepart of a perfect child. Mother Yasoda ordering , "Open Your mouth.I want to see." "Yes , mother. Just see." And when she saw Hismouth , oh, the mother couldn 't adjust (?). That is God , that He is ,by being obliged by the devotee, He is playing the part of a child,at the same time maintaining His supremacy as the Supreme Personalityof Godhead. That is Krsna. Not that by mystic power one becomesGod. No. God is God always. When on the lap of His mother He isGod.And when Hi s mother, on the lap of His mother Putana came tokill Him.So Krsna sucked her breast and life also , but gave himthe position of mother because Krsna is so good that He did not takethe bad side. Krsna, how can He be envious? He's the Supreme Personalityof Godhead.Everyone is His part and parcel , therefore Hecannot be envious to anyone. He is always kind of everyone. Sothis incident, that Krsna ...Putana came to kill Him by smearingpoison on her breast.She thought that "The child will suck mybreast and immediately die."The child sucked the breast as wel las her life.But Krsna thought that "Thi s demon , although came toMe with a purpose to kill Me , but I have been used as her child andshe has become My mother ,This is Krsna's kindness.so she must get the position of My mother."So try to understand Krsna philosophy verynicely, what is God.There are so many fictitious rogues , rascals,

#28-3dd--6Gundica Marjanam Lect.SF-7-4-70they are presenting themselves God.Try to understand what is God.Don't be misled. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam . There is no other Godexcept Krsna. There fo re Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita mam ekam ," Only unto Me surrender. " And He has proved Himse:i.f that He is God.There are many so-called Gods, but they have not proved that theyare God. No . God is one and that is Krsna . So this Krsna , LordKrsna, when He was called by His father . ..People generally didnot know that Krsna is Vasudeva's son , but later on it was disclosedby ta.lkings one after another. Then , when the fact was disclosed ,then Kamsa arranged for a wrestling match and Krsna was called tofight. That you will read in our Krsna Book . It's a long story .similarly, Krs na went to His father's house,and He came to Kuruksetrain the chariot. This is Rathayatra. And Radharani and the inhabitantsof Vrndavana, their only business was . ..After Krsna departedfrom Vrndavana to Mathura and He never returned . ..Once lie returned.so mother Yasoda , the cowherd boys and the gopis, they lo st theirlife and vital force . So they were simply crying and weeping . Thatwas their business. So Krsna sent sometimes Uddhava to pacify them ,that "I am coming very soon after finishing My business."So whenthey got this opportunity that "Krsna has come to Kuruksetra withHis brother, sister, father. So let us go and see, " . .. So theywent to Kuruksetra to see Krsna .Whenever they got some oppo rtunity,they wanted to see.Just like these cowherds boys, -Then there wasBattle of Kuruksetra near Delhi • . . vrndavana is no t far aw ay fromDelhi. It is about ninety miles. So they went to see Krsna in thecharioteer fighting dress. They were astonished. They thought that"Krsna is our friend, cowherd boy.How is that, He is in the chariot

i28-3dd--7Gundica Marjanam Lect .SF-7-4-70fighting? " So they became astonished. So this is the pastime s ofvrndavana.So similarly , when the inhabitants of Vrndavana went tosee Lord Krsna , Jagannath • . . Krsna means Jagannath. Jagat. Jagatmeans this world, and natha means master , or proprietor.So Krsnasays in the Bhagavad-gita, bhoktaram yaj na-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram."I am the proprietor of all the planets. " Therefore He is Jagannath.Jagannath means the proprietor of all the world, all the planets.so the Vrndavana inhabitants went to see Krsna because their lifewas Krsna. They did not know anything except Krsna. So that wasthe opportunity. So it was the request of Radharani to Krsna , "Hydear Krsna, You are the same Krsna, I am the same Radharan i.weare meeting , but we are not meeting in the same place.He re Youare just like a royal king with chariots, with soldiers , w.i th Yourministers , secretaries. And there in Vrndavana You were a cowherdboy and We used to meet in the jungles, in the bushes.So I want totake You there. Then I wi ll be happy." So that sentiment was expressedby Lord Caitanya , because Lord Caitanya 's worship was inthe mood of Radharani.Radha-krsna-pranaya-vikrtir hladini-saktirasmad ekatmanav api pura deha-bhedam gatau tau.Try to understndKrsna philosophy.It is the sublime philosophy and , I mean to say,culture. If you are fort ... Those who are fortunate , they have cometo this Krsna consciousness movement. Their life is successful . Nodo ubt ab out it. So this philosophy , that Krsna ... Radha-krsnapranaya-vikrtir.The love affairs of Radha and Krsna, what is this?Is this a play like the young girl and young boy? Of course. Itis just like that. It appears , and actually it is so. But it isnot this play of this material world of a young boy and a young girl.

#28-3dd--8Gundica Marjanarn Lect.SF-7-4-70No .It is the pastime of the Supreme Lord with His ahladini potency.Ahladini . Radha-krsna-pranaya-vikrtir ahladini-saktir. Ju st likein this material world there are three qual ities ; sattva-guna , rajoguna, tamo-guna. Similarly, in the spiritual world there ure three ,I me an to say, potencies.These qualities are also po tencies.Samvit , sandini, and wh at is the other?Samvit, sandini ... ahladini.Samvi t, sandini, ahladini. So the ahladini potency is Kr.sna . Thishas been ve ry much scholarly discussed by Srila Jiva Go svam.i.JivaGo svami presents these love affairs of Krsna and Radha ve r.y philosophically.His first question is that Krsna is Param nrahman. Krsnais Param Brahman.That is accepted by Arjuna in the Bhac1avad-gita.Param brahma param dhama , param brahma pavitram paramam bhavan .ParamBrahman , the Supreme Absolute Truth.Now, in this material worldthere are different features of sense gratification.Sattva-guna,rajo-guna, tamo-guna.So the gopis and Krsna , whether they are aloving affairs or pastimes of this world? That is his questio n.Jus t like here young boys and young girls meet together, they tryto enjoy life.Whether Krsna's lila, Krsna's pastimes with the gopisis the same thing? No. That is the philosophical presentation. Hegives the reason that Krsna is Param Brahman , but here in this materialworld we see that parama brahma, to become attached to Param Brahmanor to realize Param Brahman , a per son, an intelligent person , givesup everything within this world.That is the philosophy of Lo rd , Imean to .. . Sankaracarya. He say s that this world is false. ParamBrahman is ... Brahma satya jagan mithya. So cultivate yourself torealize Param Brahman. And his process is sannyasa. Give up , renouncethis world.So Jiva Go svami puts forward this phi losophy that

#28-3dd--9Gundica Marjanam Lect.SF-7-4-70if for Param Brahman realization one has to give up eve rythingmaterial, how Param Brahman can enjoy something material?Thisis the question.If for realizing Param Brahman one has to giveup everything material . .. And practically we are seeing that .Ju st like Sankaracarya.Their renunciation, their austerity isvery , very severe .Sankaracarya will not accept anybody as eligiblefo r advancing in spiritual culture without having accepted the renouncedorder of life , sannyasa.First accept sannyasa, then talkof Abso lute Truth . That is Sankara-sampradaya . We Vaisnva sampradaya, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya , our process is littledifferent.Although we have nothing to do with this material world,but Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya give s facility that we can makethe best use of this material world .That is the dif ference betweenthe Sankara philosophy and Vaisnava philosophy .Sankara philosophysays that this world is false .We Vai snava philosophers , we sayno . This world is not false because it is emanation from the real ,the abso lute real . How it can be false? It has got its proper use.one who does no t know its proper use, for them it is false .Theyare after something false.But those who know the value of thiswo rld . .. Hari sambhandhi vastunah. Everything has got some connectionwith the Supreme Lord. Isa-vasyam idam sarva . Everything isin connection or has relationship with the Supreme Lo rd .That isour philosophy. We don't say that this speaker , microphone , is false .Why it is false?The microphone is produced out of the energy ofKrsna.This matter, this iron, or this wood, that is a productionof Krsna's energy .If Krsna is true , Ab solute Truth, then His energyis also true. And anything produced of His energy, that is also truth .

#28-3dd--10Gundica Marjanam Lect.SF-7-4-70But as the energy is utilized for the energetic , similarly anythingproduced by Krsna 's energy should be utilized for Krsna.That isour philosophy. So we don 't say that false . We say reality . Thereforein Krsna consciousness movement we accept everything , but accepteverything for service of Krsna . Nothing for my sense gratification .That is Krsna consciousness . We do not say that "This world is false .Give up . " Why? The , our acaryas , Rupa Gosvami says , anasaktasyavisayan yatharham upayunjatah , nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe yuktamvairagyam ucyate . You should not be attached with Krsna' s property .The karmis are attached to the Krsna's property .They are trying tosteal, unlawfully enjoy Krsna 's property. That is karmi . And thejnanis, so-called j nanis, out of ignorance trying to renounce Krsna'sproperty.The jnanis , they are very much proud that they are advancedin knowledge and renouncing , but if somebody asks ,"Sir , wh at you arerenouncing? " "This world ." "All right . When this world became yourproperty that you are renouncing?When this world became yourproperty?"You renounce something \'Thich you po ssess but if you donot possess something what is the meaning of your renouncement?You cae here empty-handed , you live here for some time and go away .So in the beginning you are not proprietor and when you go a\.;ay youare no t proprietor, then what is the meaning of your renouncement?That is the defect. So we don 't renounce . We think , we see thateverything is given by Krsna to us . Tena tyaktena bhunjitha . Now ,r . . . No thing be long s to me , everything Krsna 's. Even my body , thatis also Krsna's. My mind , that is al so Krsna's . My thoughts , myspeech , wh atever I create , everything belongs to Krsna .This isKrsna philosophy, and actually , that is the fact .So this Jagannath

#28-3dd--11Gundica Marjanam Lect .SF-7-4-70Rathayatra is a part of this Krsna consciousness movement becauseLord Caitanya preached this Krsna consciousness movement within fivehundred years.Of course, Krsna consciousness movement is not a newthing.From Bhagavad-gita we understand it is five thousand yearsold, and from Bhagavad-gita we also understand that it is five millionyears old.But in the modern age this Krsna consciousness movement,Hare Krsna movement, was started by Lord Caitanya , and thi s Rathayatrai s part of this movement .festival in our society.Therefore we have introduced this RathayatraAnd the boys and the girls, they are takingit very nicely, and it will go on.So the Lord Caitanya was takingthe part of Radharani, when Radharani requested Krsna to come tovrndavana.So when Lord Caitanya was before the Rathayatra , He wasthinking that "I am taking Krsna to Vrndavana. "That is His ecstasy." I am taking Krsna to Vrndavana . " So that function is observed yearly,and Krsna, Jagannath, goes to that Gundica.So today is Gundicamarjana day.So Lord Caitanya personally used to wash the wholetemple along with His assistants. Hundreds of ... At that time therewas no ho se pipe , but people used to bring water in big , big waterpots.So when Lord Caitanya wanted to wash the Gundica Mandir , theking of Jagannath Puri, Maharaja Prataparudra . ..He was a greatdevotee of Lord Caitanya .So it was his open order to his officersthat whenever Caitanya Mahaprabhu will ask for anything it must beimmediately supplied . So during this time about . .. In those daysthere was no railway facilities five hundred years ago .So peopleused to go on foot from, especially from Bengal .staying in Orissa, there were many Orian-Gaudiya .And because He wasPractically LordCaitanya 's followers are the Bengalis and the Oriyas.They are

• . l ·.#28-3Gundica Marjanarn Lect. SF-7-4-·70dd--12generally .Because Lord Caitanya appeared in Bengal and resided,He made His residence in Orissa.Naturally, the people of thesetwo provinces became His devotees in large number.And still, inorissa there are many devotees , as there are in Bengal .S0 CaitanyaMahaprabhu was patronized or ...Maharaja Prataparudra was verypowerful king.He did not allow the Mohammedans to enter into Orissa.He was so powerful .At that time whole India \V'as occupied by thePathans but they could no t enter in Orissa and South India .SoMaharaja Prataparudra was very powerful king and at the r.arne timehe was a devotee of Lord Caitanya.So his open order wn r. that wheneverand whatever caitanya Mahaprabhu will ask anything , it must besupplied.So on this day Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to war.h thatGundica Mandir wi th hundreds of His followers .And they v1e re orderedto bring water from the nearest tank . There is one tank . If you gosometimes to Jagannath Puri you 'll see that place .So from that tankhundreds of waterpots were brought and first of all it was . ..i.;rhatis called? Sweeping. The sweeping process is first of all taken.And He wanted to see all the devotees ,"How much dust you have gathered."He ' 11 see personally . "Let Me see what is the amount of yourdust you have gathered by sweep . .. (break) Then I will understandthat you worked very hard . " So then after it is very finely , ::-w ice .First of all, once swept, then second time .Not even a smal l ?articlegrain should remain. That was His order . (break) Chant . Cht .(kirtan) (prema-dhvani) Within this room, there is no facility fordancing.So on the Rathayatra day we will have good facility fordancing. (devotees shout, " ,Taya ! Hari bol l") Oh , prasadam? Thankyou.(<strong>Prabhupada</strong> takes some prasadam, then devotees chant as he leavesthe temple)(end)

.His Divine GraceA.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADATRANSCRIPTIONSAUGUST <strong>1970</strong>THE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.>':.,, Where actual dates are missing, transcripts are placed in sequential oJ:"der.

#25-1Acid Free CopySrila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> Teaching Nrsimha Prayers IandSrimad-Bhagavatam 2.1.11, Los Angeles, August, <strong>1970</strong>( "Govindam" record)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Hare Krsna. Yes?Karandhar:It's going to take a few minutes to get set up so shouldwe just go ahead?It'll take a few minutes for the photographer toget set up, get ready.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: He can take as we are going on. Nhat is this? HareRama Hare Rama Rama Rama. .. (pause) So when it is printed'? Inever saw it.Dayananda:<strong>Prabhupada</strong>.From(?) New York.Oh. Nice. Where is that slip yesterday you gave me?That mantra, Nrsimha mantra? There was one extra mantra. You havegot everyone, slip?This. (devotees repeat each word) Namas te,narasimhaya, prahlada, hladini, hiranyakasipor, vaksah, silatanka,nakhalaye.Namas te, narasimhaya, prahlada, hlada-dayine, hiranya,kasipor, vaksah, silatanka, nakhalaye, ito nrsimhah, parato nrsimho,yato yato yami, tato nrsimhah, bahir nrsimho, hrdaye nrsimho,nrsimham adim, saranam prapadye. (ings) Tava kara kamala varenakham adbhut.a srngam dali ta hiranyakasipu tanu bhrngam kesava dhrtanarahari rupa jaya jagadisa hare. Jaya jagadisa hare. Jaya jagadisahare. Again repeat the first mantra. Namas te ;,drasimhayaprahladahlada-dayine hiranyakasipor vaksah silatanka nakhalaye,ito nrsimhah parato nrsimho yato yato yami tato nrsimhah, bahirnrsimho hrdaye nrsimgo nrsimham adim saranam prapadye.(sings •..vith

#25-1 Nrsimha Prayers I & SB 2. 1-. 11LA 8/70dd--2devotees)Tava kara kamala vare nakham adbhuta srngam dalitahiranyakasipu tanu bhrngam kesava dhrta narahari rupa jaya jagadisahare jaya jagadisa hare jaya jagadisa hare.The first one againrepeat. (repeats) The meaning of this mantra, that I offer myhumble obeisances to Lord Nrsimha, who is the source of bliss toPrahlada, but hiranyakasipor vaksah.But his father Hiranyakasipu,on his chest the nails of His finger is just like chisel cuttingthe stone.The same Personality of Godhead is Prahlada ahladadayine. Ahlada means pleasure. For Prahlada ... Prakista-rupenahlada,prahlada.A devotee is, being always in Krsna consciousness, naturallyhe is in blissfulness.Still more, when he meets or associates withhis Lord, still more blissfulness.That is the position of thetheist devotee.whereas the atheist nondevotee, he's always feelinglike a strike of the chisel, like what do you call?Stone cuttingchisel. Nakha. Nakhalaye. Simply by the nails of llis finger. Allright. Where is that book? Now this Bhagavatam. Yes. Om namebhagavate vasudevaya. (with devotees) Sri suka uvaca. (2.1.1)variyan esa te prasnah krto loka hitam nrpa, atmavit-sammatah pumsamsrotavyadisu yah parah.Srotavyadini rajendra nrnam santi sahasrasah,apasyatam atma-tattvam grhesu grha-medhinam.Nidraya hriyate naktamvyavayena ca va vayah, diva carthehaya rajan kutumba-bharanena va.Dehapatya-kalatradisv atma-sainyesv asatsv api, tesam pramattonidhanam pasyann api na pasyati.Tasmad bharata sarvatma bhagavanisvaro harih, srotavyah kirtitavyas ca smartavyas cecchatabhayam.(continues to text 11) Then text number 11. (chanting responsively)Etan nirvidyamananam icchatam akuto-bhayam, yoginam nrpa nirnitamharer namanukirtanam. Again. Etan nirvidyamananam ... (chants verse

#25-1 Nrsimha Prayers I & SB 2.1.11 LA 8/70dd-- 3with devotees) Again. (repeat) Etat nirvidyamananam. There arethree classes of men.One class of men, karmis, they are trying toenjoy the material resources. Icchatam, always desire. "I wantthis, I want this, I want this. " And another class, they are con ...or rather, what is called? Frustrated. After trying utmc,st, "Iwant this,I want this, I want this, " when at the end do not getanything, he is frustrated. That is called nirvidya. "I don'twant. " Or actually one is satiated or disgusted. "No rnore mate:::ialworld. I don't want it. " They are called nirvidyamananam. So theone class is trying to possess and another class is trying to renounce."I don't want. " And another class is akuto-bhayam. 1\kuto-bhayam.who is akuto-bhayam? Akuto-bhayam means one who does not fear. Andwho does not fear?Because fearfulness is one of the i terns of ourconditional life. Ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithuna. Eating, sleeping,fearing, and mating. So who is without any fear? 'l'hat means he'salso liberated. He's not in the material platform, tr.anscendental.Who is out of the limits of fearfulness.So akuto-bhayam means thedevotees. The devotees, just like Prtlada Maharaja, his fatherteased him in so many ways but he was not at all fearful.He \.,rassimply thinking of Nrsimhadeva and he was fearless.So only hedevotee who has fully surrendered to Krsna, he can be fearless.Narayana-para sarve na kutascana bibhyati.Narayana-para meansdevotees who have dedicated their life to the service of Narayana,Krsna. Na kutascana bibhyati. He does not fear in any conditionof life. So here, icchatam akuto. Icchatam means those who aredesiring.Nirvidyaman means those who are not desiring, renouncing.And the other class, akuto-bhayam, fearless. And yoginam. Another

# 25-1 Nrsimha Prayers I & SB 2.1.11 LA 8/70dd--4class--mystic yogis.So generally, these four classes men are there.so sukadeva Gosvami says that for all of them, either he is karmi orhe is jnani or he is yogi or he is bhakta.Karmi means fruitiveworker, and jnanis means empiric philosophers, and yogis, mystic,I mean to say, yogis, and bhaktas, and the devotees.Generally,these four classes of men.So Sukadeva Gosvami gives his judgement.Nrpa, "My dear king, for all these classes of men, " nrnitam,"it isalready cl.ecided. " This is Vedic conclusion. You haven't got tosearch out. You have to take information from the authority. Sohere Sukadeva Gosvami is authority, that "For all these classes ofmen this is decided conclusively. " What is that? Harer namanukirtanam.Chant Hare Krsna.Either you are jnani, either you are yogi, eitheryou are karmi, you desiring something or not desiring something,but you have got your objective, perfection of life.So if you wantthat, then chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, areRama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.Thank you very much.Karandhar: We're going to pose. We're just about ready. Eveyonecan pose?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: This is all right. Oh yes, special pose.Karandhar:If everyone stands up and dances then we won't be bleto ...You can sit for just a minute longer.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: So chant Hare Krsna. Sit down for a moment. Hare KrsnaHare Krsna Krsna Krsna . . • Chant.Chant.(kirtan)(end)

· "· ··· ·Acid Free Copy#25-2Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> Teaching Nrsirnha Prayers IILos Angeles, August, <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Devotees:<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Devotees:Hare Krsna.Hare Krsna.Everything all right?Jaya.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Chant Nrsimha mantra. (they chant together) Namastenarasimhaya prahladahlada-dayine, hiranyakasipor vaksah-sila-tankanakhalaye.Ito nrsirnhah parato nrsimho yato yato yami tato nrsimhah,bahir nrsimho hrdaye nrsirnho nrsimham adim saranam prapadye.Tavakara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-srngam, dalita-hiranyakasipu-tanubhrngam,kesava dhrta-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisa hare, jaya jagadisahare,jaya jagadisa hare.Nrsimhadeva may save you.Lord Nrsimha,prahlada ahlada-dayine.And to the Hiranyakasipu, sila-tanka-nakhalaye.Both ways Krsna is protecting.And Visnu, you see He has got fourhands.In two hands He's carrying sankha, cakra and in two handsgada, padma.This sankha and padma is for the devotees, and gadaand cakra for the demons.Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita yada yadahi .. • pari tranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam. He has got t\o1obusiness.To give protection to the devotee and to kill the demons.But the result is one.He does good to the demons by killing him andHe does good to the devotees by giving him protection.Nrsirnhadevawill give you protection in my absence.I am now going to Japan toget some books printed personally and after that my program is to goto India.Maybe I shall be able to establish some temples there.Of course in India there are many temples, but it does not mean that

#25-2 LA 8/70 Nrsimha Prayers IIdd--2I shall not also establish some temples.Just like there is overpopulation.It does not mean that one should not beget child. Similarly,there may be many hundreds of thousand temples in India, stillour this society, ISKCON, should have their own temples.That is theway since time immemorial.There are hundreds and thousands oftemples. So my advice to you, I am old man. So even I may not return,you shall continue this Krsna consciousness movement.This is eternaland I shall request you to keep the standard as I have already givenyou the program.The Deity worship, the kirtan, the street sankirtan,distribution of literature, books.You should carry on this programwith great enthusiasm. That is my requst. In the path of Krsnaconsciousness the first principle is enthusiasm.If you lack enthusiasmthen other things will not happen.And you can keep enthusiasticif you follow the rules and regulation and chant regularly Hare Krsnamantra. Otherwise that enthusiasm also "1.11ill dry. So 1ix things arerequired for advancing Krsna consciousness.The first thing isenthusiasm. Utsahan dhairyat. And patient. And niscayad, withconviction, firm conviction.Utsahan dhairyat niscayad tat ta karmapravartanat.Following the rules and regulation, chalked out ?lans.And sate vrtteh, dealing very straightforward.No diplomacy, nopolitics, no duplicity. That will not help. Sate vrtteh. Vrtteh,his profession should be very staightforward.No underhand dealings.sate vrtteh and sadhu sanga, and in the association of devotees.six things.Enthusiasm, patience, firm conviction, following therules and regulations, dealing straightforward, no duplicity, andin association of devotees.If you can keep these six principlesalways in front then your progress in Krsna consciousness is sure.

•"li '#25-2 LA 8/70 Nrsimha Prayers IIdd--3There is no doubt about it.So as far as possible I've tried totrain you and you are doing nice. I'm satisfied. So keep thestandard and go on. March forward and Krsna will bless you. Thankyou very much. Hare Krsna. Chant. (break) (prema-dhvani)(end)

'· ···J(.··· .. . '

His Divine GraceA.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADATRANSCRIPTIONSSEPTEMBER <strong>1970</strong>NONE AVAILABLETHE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.*Where actual dates are missing,transcripts are placed in sequential order.

His Divine GraceA.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SV.JAMI PRABHUPADATRANSCRIPTIONSOCTOBER <strong>1970</strong>NONE AVAILABLETHE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. ** Where actual dates are missing, transcripts are placed in sequential order.

His Divine GraceA.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADATRANSCRIPTIONSNOVEMBER <strong>1970</strong>THE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. ** Where actual dates are missing, transcripts are placed in sequential order.

Lecture#10 2-4Bombay , November , <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong> :Aj nana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya , caksur unmilitamyena tasmai sri-gurave namah .Sri-caitanya-mano-'bhis tam sthapitamyena bhu-ta le, svayamrupah kada mahyam dadati sva-padantikam .Hekrsna karuna-sindho dina-bandho jagat-pate , gopesa gopika-kanta radhakantanama 'stu te . Tapta-kancana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari ,vrsabhanu- sute devi pranamami hari-priye .Vancha-ka lpatarubhyas cakrpa-sindhubhya eva ca , patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo nama namah .Sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu nityananda , sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadigaura-bhakta-vrnda . Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare ,Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare .Before speaking on theverses already quoted by my disciples )! may be permitted to reada portion of my preface to the Hare Krsna movement .Those who aremy , our life members7they have got the Srimad-Bhagavatam, FirstCanto , Part One . There you 'll find this preface . But for generalinformation as to the need of this Krsna consciousness movement } !may read a portion of it."We must know the present need of humansociety . And what is that need? Human society is no longer boundedby geographical limits .. . "Just like we are traveling all over theworld . Not only once 1 but twice , thrice in a year . Because there isfacility for trave ling the airways )so it has become very easy to gofrom country to countrnd practically Jwh ile I am in India ,all my· -disciples are coming here from different parts of the world,everymorning . There are facilities now . Therefore the wor ld is now notlimited by geographical condition .Anyone can go anywhere veryswiftly. You can go to London from Bombay within nine hours . So

1'10 2 -4BOM -11-70'· ·Lec:ture'I/:·.\·.. .'l;l.:dd--2the world is not bounded anymore by geographical limi ts "to theparticular countries or communities .Human socity is broader thanin the Middle Age , and the world tendency is towards one state ofhuman society." There is already the United Nation In New York ,"'they have constructed a big organization ;establishment , UnitedNatio but actuall when we pass through that road AI think it is--First Avenue instead of being united ; the flags of the nations areincreasing . They are becoming disunited. Just like in India)ourindependence movement was started by Mahatma Gandhiji for unitingall the different section of the people }J'ut actuall the resultwas that instead of being united , India was partitioned.And thepartition has become so poisonous that formerly there was onlysporadic Hindu-Muslim riots in some place; ;/ow there is organizedfighting between Pakistan and Hindustan .is to unite , but in fact1it is not being unite disunited more and more.So although the tendencyJ1 7'arc becomingNot only the Hindus and Muslims, now inIndia )there are many prvincial questions .Just like in Andhra thefight is going on for separation . Punjab is already separated . Soactually 1we are not being united . We are being separa ted . So theideals of human society "is broader than in the Middle Age, and theworld tendency is towards one state or one human society.The idealsof spiritual communism, a0cording to Srimad-Bhagavatam, are basedmore or less on the oneness of the entire human society , nay , on theentire energy of living beings ."Th is Krsna consciousness movementis meant for not only uniting the human society, but also all livingentities . As it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita , panditah sama-darsinah .Vidya-vinaya-sampanne brahmane gavi hastini , suni caiva svapa%e capanditah sama-darsinah.When one is actually pandita , learned , he

#10 2-4BOM -11- 70Lect.· · .. '.••":" 1·:······"0t·"·dd-- 3becomes sama-darsi Vidya-vinaya-sampanne . One learned brahmana ,gentle brahmana . Vidya-dadhati 1'\ctv\-l.fo.. """'· Education means onebecomes gentle, sober, cool-headed .Therefore J it is said vidyavinaya-sampanne.When one is learned , advanced in education , hemust be very gentle , t haughty .So vidya-vinaya-sampanne gavihastini .And one side> the brahmana with gentle behavior , learnedscholarship, and the other side an animal, say,a cow or a dog oran elephant.And another side ) the candala, the lowest of the humansociety .candala.According to Vedic civilization ; the dog-eaters are calledJust like in Hindu society a person is not permitted toeat cow's flesh .Even in human society )although they are eatingdifferent types of flesh 1one is considered abominable than the other.The cow-eaters are taken as abominable than the goat-eaters .Andthe cog-eaters are accepted as abominable than the goat-eaters .Soalthough they are eating flesh 1they have got some distinction . Thatis material .But according to Vaisnava philos?• • \ph ecausevaisnava sees every living entity , not only human being, no t only0--animals, birds and beasts , anyone , panditah sama-darsinah .If oneis actually learned and advanced 1 he sees all living entities on theequal status . Because ,the reason isat a learned Vaisnava . ..vaisnava , brahmana-Vaisnava, brahmana-pandita.These are the designations. A brahmana cannot be illiterate or rascal . And afterbecoming brahmana )one has to become Vaisnava . Brahma na1generallySrahma ja.rut+iti brahman a ]jne who knows Brahman, brahma-bhutah .. .At the presnt moment )we are under the bodily concept of life )/very

#102 -4dd--4BOM -11-70Lect.mind .But when you transcend the bodily and the mental concept oflife)then you can become Vaisnava .Brahma-bhuta prasannatma nasocati na kank ati , samah sarvesu bhutesu mad-bhaktim labhate param .'--"Mad-bhaktim. Vaisnava means bhakta , devotee. So this Bhagavad-gitaor Srimad-Bhagavatam or Kr sna consciousness movement is meant fordevotee . Without becoming devotee one cannot become Krsna conscious .- 6(..-io.ks WG.:i-er-)The non-devotees accept Krsna as ordinary person . Ava j ananti(pausAmam mudha manusim tanum asritam.Because Krsna comes before you asa human being, therefore because one has not sufficient knowledgeabout Krsna , param bhavam ajanantQ )jlherefore such foolish personsaccept Krsna as ordinary human being . 61 d- dinaryhuman being. But that is not the fact . Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam.Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead .That is the verdict ofvedic instruction .Ete camsa-kalah pumsah krsnas tu bhagavan svayam.There is a list of i ncarnation of God .In the Srimad-Bhagava tam,Lord Buddha is also accepted as saktyavesa avatara , especiallyempowered incarnation of Krsna .Kesava dhrta-buddha-sarira Jjayajagadisa hare.Although Buddhism )we do not accept the philosophyof Buddhism, we vaisnavas J we do not accept , but we accept LordBuddha as incarnation of Krsna .Kesava dhrta-buddha-sarira >jayajagadisa hare . Sadaya-hrdaya darsita-pasu-ghatam . Lord Buddha .'Very much compassionate on the matter of animal slaughter .As nowadaysJanimal slaughter is going on without any check );r(milarly,sometime before about 2,50 0 years ago jn India the same condition•prevaile4. vedic civilization is very liberal.Accordingto Vedic civili zation 1 the king has to give protection to all theprajas. Praja means one who has taken birth in his kingdom .Prajayate . So the animal is also praja of the government . The

#102-4·,BOM -11-70,.,.Lect.··.:-·'! ··• ·· ··· : ... !,_"\···r.-':':·? · . ·.:"".:·..nr'·:.;r$'., '·Fjdd--5trees are also praja of the government.slaughter an animal, nobody can cut evenSo formerly )nobody cou +-,lt..Ul.a..O\ 1 v .. rvva tree withou sanctionby the Vedic injunctions . At the present moment ;in our country • •/'-..'fhis Bharata-varsa is ca lled pu.111yo..- Jhumi . Actually ;it is so.Because on this land 1all the great saintly persons appeared .Theincarnation of God , Lord Ramacandra , Lord Krsna , Lord Buddhadeva,Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu , and all the big , big acaryas: Sankaracarya ,Sri Ramanujacarya , Madhvacarya, Visnuswami .Sasadev 1:11 ofthem appeared on the sacred land of Bharatavarsa.But the presentBharata-varsa has degraded so much that we pave lost our Vedic culture.We are now eating meat , we are * · . .)rinking wine , andwe are having illicit sex life , and indulging in gambling .This isa . It is due to this Kali-yuga .land is pu.H.ya -bk.111.111 i .Otherwise theBecause the land is /unya - bhumi , thereforein spite of so much fallen conditio stil you are anxious to hearabout Krsna . You ladies and gentlemen who have come here, sacrificing..your tim1 hy? Because still the Vedic culture is +wi"hkflltt;}- withinyour heart.And you are anxious to hear about Krsna , to hear aboutSrimad-Bhagavatam .Even somebody wants to cheat you , but becc1.useit is advertised in the name of Bhagavad-gita, many people flockthere . So Bharata-bhumi isnya-bhumi , the land of piety . WeIshould understand this . After many pious activities . .. I havetraveled all over the world.They have got enough money , enoughmaterial facilities , but still this vedic culture is different It/,\2is so high . And it is taken still in estimation , in adoration all >over the world.So my requesecially to the Indianat donot neglect your culture , the Vedic culture .Vedic culture meansKrsna consciousness.There is no other different meaning of Vedic

#10 2-dd--6BOM -11-70Lect.c:ulture .In the Bhagavad-gita you have seen1sarvasya caham hrdisannivistho mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca , vedais ca sarvair ahameva vedyam. The Krsna is to be understood . Vedic culture means tounderstand Krsna, what is Krsna . Vedic culture • . . Al l the Vedasthey 're meaning how to understand Krsna . Vedais ca sarvair aham eva . ..Vedanta. Vedanta means . .. Veda means knowledge, and anta means theend . There is ... Everything has got the ultimate J the supreme summumbonum. The summum bonum of Vedic knowledge or Vedanta is Kr sna . SoM_that Vedanta knowledge , Krsna personified , He explaining Himself/ \in the Bhagavad-gita . Everyone is searching after God . Where is God?What is God ? What is the meaning of God? What God docs? What is thepower of God? So many things .r.:sSo everything He explai in theBhaga-gita );'hati s GodSarvasya . ..In the Vedanta-sutra itis said;' hat is God? That is the first question of the Vedanta-sutra .Athato brahma-jijnasa.The human life especially meant for inquiringabout God .Unfortunately )people instead of inquiring God , they 'revery much eager now to inquire about dog . This is the positicn .There are big , big dog shows in India t the present momen e haveseen many places .So our this Krsna consciousness movement is torevive the Vedic culture .And the Vedic culture, another name ofVedic culture is sanatana-dharma . Sanatana means eternal ,fnddharma means characteristic .Dharma ?generally 1 in English is translated(I • • \1 IIrel1g1on. Re ligion means a kind of faith. I believe in such and suchfaith 1 tribelieve in the Mohammedan faith, 1111 I believe in Christianfaith, '1q i believe in Buddha faithBut actually ;dharma does not meanfaith . Dharma means characteristic . at is that characteristic?:::=.Just like everything, every little item has got Jhis characteristic .Just like take for example chili. It is very hot. The more the

U0 2-4 BOM -11-70, r·,.., .., . .-.. .. '' ''.*.\'i>'t!f_···-:i"? :' .......,.··/_::7

U0 2-4 BOM .;;.11.:_70Lect.dd--8and God is sanatana . Krsna is sanatana . So these three sanatanaS .. .Just like we have our dealings .In Bombay,there are so many businessmen. The place is Bombay) and two parties , business parties, they ' 1:edealing. Similarly . .. But these are all temporary . our staying inBombay city is temporary, the dealing is temporary .But there isanother place ; which is called sanatana-dhama . That place is eternal ,and the partie namelY God and the living entities , both of themeternal, their dealing also eternal .That eternal dealing is callednitya-lila , eternal pastimes .Vedic samhita, Brahma-samhita .These descriptions are there in theCintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksalaksavrtesusurabhir abhipalayantam, laksmi-sahasra-sata-sambhramasevyamanamgovindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami .Govinda has dealing.That dealing He represents exactly when He comes , whn Heappears on this planet ;and that dealing is exhibited in Vrndavan-dhama.0-. . . AYou know vrndavan ; dhama. hen Krsna come bout 43 croresof years interval , Krsna comes . - estimation , these th ings arethere . Krsna comes in one day of Brahma . The duration of Brahma 'sday you )kno at is described in the Bhagavad-gita )sahasra-yuga-,paryantam ahar yad brahmano viduh .Thi s means 43 lacs of yearsmultiplied by 1,000. That is the duration of one day of Brahma .And similarly 1 the duration of his night.So Krsna omes in oneday during that duration .So when Krsna comes He comes here thesame place, Vrndava Therefore Vrndavais held in so much estimationby the devotees . Cai tanya Mahaprabhu has said ;aradhyo bhagavan.htdh r-tJ.. I,..).vra]esa- . .anaya ft . Ara worshpable Dety Js the Supreme Personalityof Godhead Krsnwho appeared as the son of Maharaja Nanda ,vrajesa. Aradhyo bhagavan vrajesa-tanayas tad-dhama vrndavanam .similarly, His pl-r::e 1Vrndava is also worshipable.Therefore those

U0 2-4 BOM -11- 70Lect.···· ......, ·-...··" .dd--9who are Vaisnavas , especially Gaudiya Vaisnavas , they live invrndavana in numbers .There are hundreds and thousands of Gaudiyavaisnava still living in Vrndava Because they worship the land ,/1()vrndavan, as good as Krsna because it is Krsna 's place . So the;1sanatana-dhama ...vrndavartJ.,is also part of the sana tana-dhama . Theliving entity is sanatana , eternal, na hanyate hanyamane sari1e.Wedo not die after destruc tion of this body .This is the preliminaryinstruction to understand Vedic knowledge ; or spiritual knowledge .you do not understand the pla·in fact that « I am not this body, I amn' ..spirit soul, I live within this bodyA jlehino 'smin ya tha dehe. Dehina .l-lil\/'·means the propietor of the body . Idam sariram kaunteyaksetram ity abhidhiyate . This sarira, this body Jis called ksetra ;and the person 1or the living entity Jwho is working on this body J he 'sIfcalled ksetrajna.Those who have read Bhagavad-gita 1they have cometo this understanding of ksetra and ksetrajna . Ksetra jna means I,yo I know about my body , about the .interest of my body .If somebodywants to kill me I take protection because it is my body , kseta .)Just like your land . If somebody comes to encroach upon it J you takecare .Siilarly, this body is ksetra, the field of activitie andI or you, the proprietor of the body, is ksetrajna-,'one who knows aboutthe body . But there is another ksetrajna . That is Krsna . That isexp lained in the Bhagavad-gita ,jsetrajnam capi mam viddhi sarvaksetresubharata. Sarva-ksetresu. Krsna is also ksetrajna. Krsnais also sittin I am sitting within this body mi 'larl Krsnais also sitting within this body .Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese'rjuna tisthati, bhramayan sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya .He'sdirecting. Actuall under His instruction ) we are taking permission .Just like you do business in your business office establishment )

U02-4 BOM -11-70Lect.dd--10t you have to take permission 1license7from the government .It isvery easy to understand .Although you are proprietor of thebusiness ,you cannot do anything without being permitted by the government .Similarly>although this body is yours, you are the proprietor of thisbody, you have been given freedom to utilize the body to your bestinterest, stil you cannot do anything without the permission ofKrsna . That is the subject matter t0 understand spiritual life .Sarvasya caham hrdi ... Krsna confirms this in Bhagavad-gita );rvasya caham hrdi sannivistho , "I am entered in everyone 's body . "Mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca ,"Through Me ) one remembers and oneforgets ." B ecause our capacity is very limited . we forget very soon .Even we do not know two hours before } what we oing.That is ournature . Therefore Krsna helps us from within. Even though we forget, Krsna does not forget .That is also there in the Bhngavad-gita.When Ar juna asked Him,"Ibut you have forgotte I have not forgotten. "Thnt is the distinctionbetween ordinary living being and the upreme eing.The upremeBeing is also nitya . The .upreme Be ing is also consciou as we are'eternal , nitya, and conscious . That is the statement of the Vedas tyo nityanam cetanas cetananam .He ' s the supreme conscious , He'sthe !upreme living eing . Therefore Krsna is person. Krsna is not-:::..-.:::.imperson . Impersonal feature is one of the partial mani festation of.-:--a.l · ·;)Krsna . That is also stated in the Bhagav brahmano aham pratistha .Krsna is the basis of Brahman . But the original Brahman is Krsna ,_P-aram ·Brahm as Arjuna accepted ;/aram brahma param dhama pavi tram:;;::::.. t -

#102-4 BOM -11-70dd--11' '·Lect.'·.paramam bhavan.so this Krsna consciousness movement is India 'smovement because it was started from India .It is meant for everyonebecause every living entity is sanatana , eternal .It is not thatonly Indians are eternal . Everyone is eternal . Even the animals ,theyare also eternal .They have got different body according to theirkarma . Therefore panditah sama-darsinah . The pandita does not seethe outward dress.If we talk with you )! do not see what kind ofdress you have got . I talk with you as gentleman . Similarly , apandita sees the inner soul .He does not see the outward dress,that // n '1ere ; s a h uman b en · 11or nere,J1s•an Amercan · ,11 ''1 nere 1s·an n 1an ,,_,I d · 11II If ,j \1 It II ,, II , ,"11nere is a brahmana , or nere is a elephant or dog or candala , tre 7c., o. He sees only the spirit soul , the part and parcel of Krsna . And-as soon as one sees the part and parcel of Krsna, he immediatelyremembers Krsna .Therefore, one who is advanced in Krsna consciousness,even though he sees a tree )immediately he sees Krsna .For assoon as he sees the tree1he understands that 1 this tree is standinghere for seven thousands of years Jaccording to his karmbut hereis a living entity.And this living entity is the part and parcel,,o f Krsna . And as soon as he remembers Krsna,he sees Krsna . Justtry to understand .Therefore a mahagavata, advanced devotee , hesees everything 1but in everythingJhe sees Krsna, Krsna 's energy .That is perfection of life. That is brahma-bhutah l ife )alizationof 'Brahman in everything . He understands himself he under-. . .stands others . Just like when there is sunris n the darkness ofInigh I cannot see you properly j neither you can see me properly .Suppose if the streets are dark )we cannot see Jeven we pass very near .Similarly, in darkness of ignorance1we do not know actually what isour position Sut as in the daytime ;when there is sunrise can see

U02-4 BOM -.11- 70dd--12Lect.•· '··· "1,J[1:'Yd• • 7' " ,•the sun, you can see the world, you can see yourself, you can seeyour friend, you can see the whole world .Therefore , we have tosee Krsna . Then this stage will come . Vidya-vinaya-sampannebrahmane gavi hastini, suni caiva svapake ca panditah sama-darsinah .So this Krsna consciousness movement is meant for th is purpose J thatone can see in terms of Krsna consciousness .In terms of Krsna consciousnessmeans that every living entity is part and parcel of Krsna .. . bliW.:\n.,Krsna says 1mamaivamso Jva- "All t ese vng enttes , theyh 1' . . . My part and parcels ."In another place )He says J sarva-yonisu kaunteyasambhavanti murtayah yah , tasam mahad yonir brahma ahmn bija-pradahpita. So K rsna is the aham bija-pradah pita . Just like the fathergives the bija.Yoni , the mother is the yoni 1 and the father is thebija. Yat bijam yat yoni . We get our body by the bija and yoni .S imilarly, this material world is the yoni , mother , and the Krsna isthe bija. Aham bija-pradah pita . So in this way1different forms of..V.,....l ife has 8,400,000 species of life . So they 're all sanatana.All these l iving entit ies are sanatana ,but on account of th eir forget-.. . .fulness being diverted, misled by the illusory energ Mayayaapahrta jnanah . That is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita. Na mamprapadyante mudhah duskrtino naradhamah , mayayapahrta- jnana .Theirjnana , their knowledge has been taken away by Maya .Th erefore theydo not understand Krsna . Na mam prapadyante mudhah . Because they 'refoolish , rascal, therefore Maya has taken their knowledge .refore1na mam prapadyante J"They do not surrender unto Me ."ThereforeKrsna 's last instruction is sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranamvraja. So we shall gradually discuss all these pain The prelim­Ainary is that the present moment , although we are trying to beunited, United Natiorf. united society, united religion, united . ..t\

••. 1', ' '·"'::··. · -:-,·, ·•··.···#102-4 BOM -ll-70Lect.dd--13So many things. We are trying to be united . Communism, unitedcommunity .But this unity can be possible only when we are actuallyleaned in Krsna consciousness.Vidya-vinaya-sampanne brahmanegavi hastini ) suni caiva svapake ca panditah sama-darsinah .One hasto become learned .And the process of learning is not very difficult. It is very easy. Especially for the men of this age . Thatis this chanting of Hare Krsna mahantra .If you chant this HareKrsna mahantra , is it very difficult for you? God has given youtonguM.''o.u.__talking so many things , whole day and night. B uti f we utilize this tongue for chanting Hare Krsna mantra what 1is theloss there? That is the injunction of the sastras . Kalau nasty evanasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha .Harer nama harer nama harer namaivakevalam . Caitanya Mahaprabhu preached this cult. Ceto-darpanamarjanambhava-mahadavagni-nirvapanam sreyah-kairava-candrikavitaranamvidya-vadhu-j ivanam, anandambudhi-vardhanam prati-padampurnamrtasvadanam sarvatma-snapanam param vijayate sri-krsnasankirtanam.So this Krsna consciousness movement is spreadingthis cult of Krsna understanding . And we have got very good scheme.. 'cf[.. communis ; s I have stated here in this.A, " The ideals of spiritual. -communism , according to Srimad-Bhagavatam, are based more or less onthe oneness of the entire human society , nay , on the entire energyof the living beings." This is spiritual communism. The communistcult is concentrating on the state . That is also limited . Not onlyon the state, there are so many limitations.Actual commun ism isthis , vidya-vinaya-sampanne brahmane gavi hastini, suni caiva svapake w-

U02-4 BOM -11-70Lect.dd-- 14tion is_there , the spiritual condition is the same . Panditah samaS"AMATA, , :; Jh is communism ) equality >is perfect . The modern theoryuo f cornrnunism ) that I am good , my brother is good , and all bad,is not counism ./ hisWhen we are , we can see thatki am good , my brothergood, the dog is good , the cat is good , or the Englishman is good,the every living entity is goodJ1 fat is perfect.That is perfectcommunism.So this Kr sna consciousness movementJ or the Bhagavatadharma, there is ideal communism.You'll find in Srimad-Bhagavatamin the 7th Canto , Narada Muni is instructing to Mahara ja Yudisthiraabout this cornrnunismat 1 grhastha, before taking lunc he mustsee that every insect, every lizard , every cat, every rat, • •''· ""(break) a snake in that house mu st have beeit fed _,.. ,taken their food . Th is is so hospitable that the householder , the.L7.u st haveovmer of the house; not only see that his wife, children, servantsare we ll fed, but even the rats , cats, or the insct or the lizardor even the snake has got his food .Th is is the ideal of communism.Because when you are pandita , learned , you cannot distinguish thatl('fhis is animal /and this is human being .i"lYou ca treat them differentlybecause their consciousne ss . .. But on the basic principl the--.J.kliving e tity, any liv ing entity doesn 't matter whether is animal: A_or man he ' s part and parcel of Krsna . So you cannot kill one livingentity for the satisfaction ...(end )

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, I.182-2Lecture : Srimad-BhagavatamBombay, November, <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Srimad-Bhagavatam, pancakanda , Fifth Canto . Thereare twe lve Cantos, skandas or divisions1 of theSrimad-Bhagavatam.Srimad-bhagavatam amalam puranamyo..tA// vaisnavanam priyam . Srimad""Bhagavatam is amalam purana . Amalam means spotless. There are 18J\Puranas . Six Puranas for the sattvic people, those who are in themodes of goodness. There are three quaJities of the material nature sattva-guna , rajo-guna , tamo-guna . The living entities,or thejivatmas , they are in this material wo rld for sense gratification.Anyone , beginning from Lord Brahma down to the small ant or microscopicinsect ,feryone , every living entity ,has come he re in thismaterial world for gratifying their senses. The Prema-vivarta ,ruthorized book by one of the disciples of Lord Caitanya , hesays, it is in Bengali , krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga vancha kare Jpasate maya tare japatiyarhare .As soon as we desire to enjoyr. .Because constitut ionally we are not enjoyers; we are enjoyed .We are not predominato but we are predominated. That is ourAposition . As Caitanya Mahaprabhu says , jivera svarupa haya nityakrsna dasa . Our real position is to remain eternal servant ofKrsna. This is our real position. But because we have got littleindependence, because we are part and parcel of Krsna , Krsna isahi·\t Lsupremely independent. jnak f varat. Description of Krsna , theSupreme Personality of Godhead Jis there in the Srimad-Bhagavatam.Janmady asya yato anvayad itaratas ca arthesu abhijnah svarat.Svarat means fully independent. Krsna is fully independent .

: . "/ ,·' ' .102-2md--2BOM-11-70SBBut because we are part and parcel of Krsna , we are minutelyo).Lpossessing almost, not all ;Athe qualities of Krsna in proportionatelyin minute quantity . Just like the particle of gold is also gold.That is nothing else but gold. But the value of that particle isdifferent from the gold mine . Our relationship with Krsna is likethat. Krsna is like the gold mine1and I and you , just likegold earring.go ld earring or gold finger ring or any goldenornament, that is gold1 undoubtedly, but is not as big as the goldAmine. That is thdifference between God and ourse lf . That is thedifference. Qualitatively we are one , being part and parcel of thesupreme Absolute Truth . But quantitatively we are different . Thereforesimultaneously ,we are one and different. This is called acintyabhedabheda-tattva. Acintya , we cannot conceive in our present statusof life that one thing can be equal and different from another .But if we think over it little soberly 1we can understand . This is{i+)the example.Mamaivamso jiva-bhutah jiva-loke sanatanah. So amsa,particle, that is also sanatanah. Not that, as the Mayavadi ph ilosophersl'v\...C!1A..)say, that because we are under illusion , therefore we arethinking as differentj '8,¢'therwise 1God and we are the same .vaisnava philosophy, Caitanya Mahaprabhu 's philosophy , acintya-•• • ';s bhedabheda-tattva fiVaisnvava philosophers als visuddhadvaita ,ditadvaita, advaita, like that . So many philosophies are there .;\But Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the l atest acarya ) who appeared fivei), Ithousand •years ago ; five hundred years ago , I'm sorry • . ,He preached"'this acintya-bhedabheda-tattv eans that jiva , simultaneouslyone and different; J'ne in quality and different in quantity . Thisis very easonable. And it is confirmed in the Vedas , Upanisads .fo.Just like fKathopanisad it is said )nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam

···.,;'102-2md--3BOM-11- 70SBeko bahunam vidadhati kaman . So Krsna is the supreme nitya , eternal.And we are also Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita , mamaivamsojiva-loke jiva-bhuta sanatanah . We are eterna 1 and Krsna is alsoeternal. That is qualtitatively one . Krsna is cetana , living force;we are also living force. So in that way we are one in quality .But His living force and our living force different in quality .His creative power , my creative power, your creative power theyare different . You can create a few skyscraper buildings,butKrsna has created millions and trillions of universes . Yasyaika-Vnisvasita-kal am athava lambya jivanti : omailaja jagad-andanathah. Yasya prabha prabhavato jaga¥nda-koti. Jagadanda -kot i,we are siply experiencing one jagandor universe , but thereare jagada-koti. there are millions and trillions of universes .Ekamsena sthito jagat. Athava bahunaitena kim jnatena tavarjuna ,vistabhham idam krtsnam ekamsena sthito jagat. Krsna , when Hewas inquired about His opulence,about His potencies , vibhuti ,Krsna explained that "I am like this , I am like this , I am likethis ." But He conc luded that! ( How much I shall describe? Try tounderstand this .Athava bahunaitena kim jnatena tavar juna Jvistabhm idam krtsnam ekamsena sthito jagat . 11 This wholematerial manifestation , cosmic manifestation , is maintained byone of My plenary portions, Paramatma . " That is also confirmedin the Brahma-samhita: o 'py asau racayitum jaganda-kotiyac chaktir asti jagad-anda-caya yad-antah ) andantarasthparamanu­'cayantara-stham govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami . So Krsna,by His one• • •plenary portion as Paramatm -rhe Absolute Truth isrealized in three way Brahman , Paramatma , and Bhagavan . Vadanti.tat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam )brahmeti paramatmeti

.---· '.i' '" . ·.'\':

102-2md--5BOM-11-70SBthe guru must be expertJwho has heard from his bona fide spiritual..Sa.tt kr-c:t .$0\.U.i'O..V\...•master , srotriyam. Notmeans generation bysemina ) and srotriyam, generation by hearing from the bona fidespiritual master. srotriyam brahma-nistham. After hearing )onemust be firmly fixed up in brahma- jnana . Brahma-nistham . Thisis called srotriyam. So dvijandhu means who has not perfectedhis knowledge by hearing from the bona fide source . He is calleddvijandhu. And the sudras have no facility , neither the womanhas got the facil ity to go to the gurukula and become a brahmacariand remain there and learn the Vedic literature . Because wom}lnwere not allowed; neither could follow. It is not discrimination .It is actual fact )by nature . There may be some exception butby nature it is so fixed up . So for them this Mahabharata , greater....history or history of greater India, Mahabharat This Bharata ,(I.K..Bharata means this planet. Not this small land now are occupying .No . This whole planet is called Bharatavarsa )since the time ofMaharaja Bharata. He was the emperor of the whole world . Formerly Jwe understand from history that the king of Hastinapura was theemperor of the whole world. Up to I-1aharaja Pariksit five thousandyears ago. After that it became separated on account ofdepreciationof the Vedic culture. They could not control . Just like we couldnot control Pakistan. They have gone away . Pakistan 7twenty yearsmu.Sp(.(..{tl1.etH $.1ago it was India, but they have left you . Thetheyleft you because you coul d not control them . That is your fault.And the fault is depreciation of the Vedic culture . In AVedicculture there is no such thing that once one has become fallenhe cannot be reclaimed . He can be reclaimed. It doesn 't matter

'-'1·- ... ,,. •• '"• .• .,, ·>; ' '':;·'Pv; ···:· • •.:_'''1't,1··. -"'' ' · . ..;. •:.,tt;;l;t•-f'Jflt"l' • :-.r?b:!.'t:r"'' '"' ···=-!1"'·.'' ·,f . . .. . . ·.' . . ·' ·, '''k•-;·f.·,: ·.·' 9\'102-2md--6BOM-11-70SBhowever fallen he is. Just like in the Bhagavad-gita Krsna said 1roam hi partha vyapasritya ye 'pi syuh papa-yonayah . Papa-yoni.According to Vedic culture,the lower class of people Lower• • .c lass of people means one who cannot be educated to the Vedicc ulture . He is called lower class. Otherwise 1 the Vedic cultureis open for everyone. So Krsna says1 mam hi partha vyapasrityaye 'pi syuh papa-yonayah. Never mind )papa-yoni. He can reclaim .Striya sudra tatha vaisyas te 'pi yanti param gatim . So supposethese Mohammedans or others in India • . . These Mohammedans didnot come from any other part of tne world. They were lower classo..loau.t- e2ec.r ()1and they ) Aurangzeb.,S prn 5 aa..M tax , some of them · __ )or more of them ,they became Mman . This is the historical fact.So why they were not reclaimed again? Reclaimed . Of course1someof the sannyasis 1 they tried to reclaim, but that was not theproper way . Therefore it was failure .The proper way of reclaimingall the fallen soul by Krsna consciousness movement . Krsna says.mam hi partha vyapasritya . One has to be educated to take shelterof the lotus feet of Krsna . Mam hi partha vyapasritya . Not otherwise.You cannot propagate movement by otherwise . Youhave to reclaim everyone to the Vedic platform by making himVaisnava , because when one becomes Vaisnava he becomes transcendental.That is cot :irmedin the Bhagavad-gita. Mam ca vyabhicarini-bhaktiyogenaysevate . Avyabhicarini-bhakti-yogena . Bhakti-yoga , theprocess of devotional service , if one is engaged , avyabhicarini,without any adulteration. Real bhakti-yoga means anyabhilasitasunyamj nana-karmady-anavrtam ) anukulyena krsnanusilanam bhaktiruttama. This is real bhakti . There cannotbe any motive behindbhakti-yoga . Anyabhilasita-sunyam and jnana-karm -anavrtam . And

, ·'f' •--lr)'''.r·"'l. -;.102-2md--7BOM-ll-70SBtranscendental to the position of philosophical speculation andfruitive activities. Jnana-karmady-anavrtam anukulyena krsnanusilanam.mt.kCAla,JJust simply t serve Krsna favorably, Athat is bhakti . So thisbhakti is called avyabhicarini bhakti , without any adulteration ,Without any mutilation, perfect bhakti . So by that bhakti, mam ca yvyabhicarini bhakti,yogena sevate 1 sa gunan samatityaitan brahmabhuyayakalpate. That persono is engaged in pure devotionalservice , he transcends all the qualities of material nature . OurA • •defect is 1just like I have already explained , that we are gold/'because we are part and parcel of Krsna . •rrsna' s the big gold , weo-are simply small particle of -That is the difference . But goldA()...,is always valuable , may be small particle or big . so our positionis transcendental. our position is not material , but we have beencaptured by the material nature because we wanted to disobey the.. .. .orders of Krsna. Krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga vanch And becausewe disobeyed or we did not like to serve Krsna , therefore wehave been sent into this material world. Iccha-dvesa-samutthenasarge yanti parantapa . Iccha . n Why shall I serve Krsna? Why shall)1I not become Krsna? Let me become God . That is still going on.Even big 1 big advanced1spiritually 1sannyasis, they are thinking that"I am Krsna . I am Krsna. Why shall I go to serve Krsna? This iss lave mentality . Just become Krsna . I am Krsna. Now I am inmaya, I am not Krsna . But as soon as my maya is over , then I'll"become Krsna." Then the question is ;ff you are Krsna, why maya,,covered you? Then maya is greater than Krsna. So these questions "they cannot answer 1;y you have been f:::en? No . The real explanationis that because we are little Krsnj1 st like the father andthe l:i,;ttt.le child. If thereis fight.the father may come outI

102-2md--8BOM-11-70SBvictorious. The child may become overwhelmed . Similarly Jwe arealso Krsna, a small particle of Krsna, but some othewhenwe come in touch with this material world contact either ofthe three modes of material natur sattva-guna, ra j o-guna , tamo-guna )d according to our association with the particular type of.nature1we get a different type of body . Karanam guna sango 'sysad-asad-janma-yonisu. Why there are different types of livingentities , different types of bodies? That is explained in theBhagavad-gita. Karanam , the cause, the reasonr.JO- 'Guna- sang{ So we are gold, but some gold hassome gold has fallen in the water , some gold has fallenis guna-sangasya .fallen in the mud ,O'lo-thegrass. Theseare examples. They are very much nicely explainedin the Vedic literature . Sometimes the living entity is consideredas the spark of fire . You have seen the sparks of fire . So thefire, orig inal fire 1is never covered by maya J or darkness. But thesmall particle of fire 1which are called sparks , they )as soon as comeoufof the fire , they are extinguished );lo more , I mean to say ,sparking. So this is our position. Although we are part and parcelof Krsna, sanatana , eternal fiaah sasthanindriyani prakrti- sthani.-- 0 . ..karsati. Because on account of our material min Material mindmeans the mind is absorbed in the thought of enjoying th is materialworldhis is the beginning of our material disease . Manah sasthaniindriyani. Then according to the mind we develop different senses ,and·We are trying to enjoy this material world in differenttypeo f body . That is our material disease . Manah sasthanindriyaniprakrti-sthani karsati. Therefore the whole Vedic literature ismeant for reminding us about our original position. That is explainedin the Caitanya-caritamrta . Anadi bahir mukha jiva krsna bhuli gela.

w•;:·,. ·::·· . . · ,. ·"' ·· , :';':: .. ,·,:··::··;'

:'-;..l::.,.·;r., 1:.::1.""· • '·,' ··. ,•, !0..'. ':.· .... . ;·;· .. -: ...102-2md--10BOM-11-70SBfor to work.A-0t/\hardlike hogs and dogs ,simply for sense gratification .The aim is only sense gratificatioJrnhave no other aim. They do not know whatthe modern civilization eyis God , what is my relationshipwith God, what is the ultimate goal of life, how shall I workin this material world. These questions are rejected . It is veryabominable c ondition of the human society. Therefore this Krsnaconsciousnes s movement is very important to enlivening the wholehuman society to his real position, constitutional position . Jiverasvarupa haya nitya kr sna dasa. Mamaivamso jiva-bhutah jiva-lokesanatanah)manah sasthanindriyani prakrti-sthani karsati . So long )long ago there was }.atheist king, Hiranyakasipu . Hiranyakas.i.pu . Andhis son happened to be a Vaisnava , Prahlada . So Prahlada , from thebeginning of his life he was a Vaisnava , although born of anatheist father, Hiranyakasipu. So we shall try to explain thelife of Prahlada Maharaja while reading Srimad-Bhagavatam. Srimad-Bhagavatarn, there are twelvecantos ) out of which we are justtryin g to explain in the Fifth Canto . Not Fifth Canto , SeventhCanto, Fifth Chapter, Prahlada Maharaja' s upa\dt_>Qno...So PrahladaMaharaja, his father Hiranyakasipu was so powerful king tha the became by force, demonic force J he became practically the rulerof the all planets. There are different planetary systern6fithinthis .universe. So this demon Hiranyakasipu , some other he )achieved great prowess and he conquered over all the planets . Eventhe rlemigods , they we re under the subjugation of Hiranyakasi;,m .So his son Prahlad '7 from the very beginning of his life, becausehe got instruction from Narada Muni within the belly of his mother.This is the story. When the demigods conquered over this Hiranyakasipu ,they captured his wife , Kayadhu. At that time the wife of

'.· '_·,. '".

102-2md--12BOM-11-70SBI'This instruction of bhakti is so powerful that even a child canreceive it in any condition of life. we have seen) when our sankirtanais performed , especially the children, they inuuediately imitatebecause they cannot vibrate ,the small children , but they givecla This sankirtaovement is so perfect that there is noquestion of any material condition. In any condition Krsna consciouso.-ness can be aroused provided it is in touch with Krsna consciousbona fide spiritual master. So this child , Prahlada Maharaja fromwithin the womb of his mother he learned spiritual instruction andhe became Krsna conscious . Therefore from his birth he wa s chantingthis Hare Krsna mantra. And his father was very 1 very much unhappy.What kind of child is born? He 's Krsna consc1ous . Because he was. \\very much against Visn B ecause Lord Visnu killed his brotherHiranyaksa 7;{o Hiranyakasipu always considered Visnu as the enemy .So he did not like that his son Prahlada Maharaja should becomea Vaisnava. vaisnava means visnuas7 devata iti vaisnava . One whohas taken , accepted 1Lord Visnu. That is the Vedic instruction , totake she l ter of Lord Visnu. Om tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyantisurayah. This is Rg mantra, Rg veda mantra. Visnum paramam paaam.Those who are suraya , suri, or devata , they are always aimingat the lotus feet of Visnu. Tad visnoh paramam padam. Tha t is thehighes t perfection of life . Otherdemigods , they are not our goalof life. That is also condemned in the Bhagavad-gitamais taistair hrta-jnanah prapadyante'nya-devata . Anya devata. Who are theworshipers of the anya-devata, other demigods? Those who are lostof their se nses. Kamais tais tair hrta-jnanah. These are thestatement s. In the Bhagavat also it is said , na te viduh svartha:­gatim hi visn People1generally J they do not know that their goalof life should be to take shelter of Visnu . Visnu-tattva and Krsna-

i.·,::·. ' . '\·,_.: ·'· ?''!•'" . ,·.•:·,:-- .·-:··-":;_•.>:;;:,oc·;··: ·:t,r;·.·. ·.': '. . .. ''.·-:-'11'.102-2BOM-11-70SB\md--13tattva 1 the same thing. Ramadi- murtisu ka la niyamena tisthan nanavataramakarod bhuvanesu kintu 7krsnasvayam samabhavat paramah puman yogovindam adi-purusarn tam aham bhajami. So our aim of life shouldbe how to understand Visnu-tattva, Krsna . Krsna is the origin ofVisnu- ta ttva . Mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya . Heis the origin . Janmady asya yatah. Aham sarvasya prabhavah mattahsarvam pravartate. These are things . Aham adir hi devanam . Maharsinamc._o:._ :So.fVI-, . These are there . So Prahlada Maharaja, by the graceof Narada Muni }he became a great devotee an :_rom the beginnL1g ofhis life . This is another advantage . If you become a devotee of theLord , then your next life is guaranteed as human being . Yoga-bhrastahsanjayate . Sucinam srimatam gehe yoga-bhrastosanjayate . One wh o isa devotee but could no t finish the devotional function in one life ,he is given chance , another, another chance to take birth in avery good family. Good family means suc inam srimatam gehe . Eitherin the family of a very highly elevated brahmana , sucinam, orsrimatam , or very rich family. Brahmana or vaisya family orksatriya family .J9 . either brahmana family or ksatriya familyor vaisya famil doesn 't matter . A human being . So yoga bhra stahsanjayate . Let us begin our life in Krsna consciousness in thislife. It doesn' t matter if we cannot finish. But whatever we canfinh, that is our eternal asset. Svalpam apy asya dharmasyatrayate mahato bhayat. Even if we slightly touch only Krsnaconsciousness, then mahato bhayat. Just like Ajamila, he was saved .So these are the instruction of Vedic literature . Especially inthe Srimad-Bhagavatam. Bhagavatam. The Bhagavatam , it is derivedfro.n the \vord bhagavat ... sabda . Bhagavat- sabda means Bhagavan .

-102-27':-:. ... ;.-r .-- - ;- -r-; '.':BOM-11-70-''··' ····- •"·•-.: ..·;tt;t' ·"'••' ;·..,SBmd--14And Bhagavata means those who are in connnection with Bhagavata,Bhagavan . So this srimad-Bhagavatam means it is in connection withthe Supreme Lord and His devotees . A devotee is called bhagavataand the bookabout Bhagavan , that is also Bhagavata . There aretwo kinds of bhagavata lrhe living bnagavatam is the devotee )and the representation 'Bhagavatam is this hagavatt'ntha .There is no difference . Absolute means there is no difference .Krsna is absolute . Therefore either this grantha-bhagavatam orthe devotee bhagavata or Krsna , they are all one . That is absoluteconception\Advaya-jn:na . We should not distinguish a devotee fromBhagavan . We shall not distinguish Bhagavatam from Bhagavan ... . .When we read Bhagavad-gitj{ ::_ractic ally every one of us r.oad .We should not think that Bhagavad-gita is different from Krsna .Bhagavad-gita is as good as Krsna . It is not ordinary book .Ordinary book is different from the author. But this Bhagavad-gitais Bhagavan Himself.Atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyamindriyaih ;sevonmukhe hi j ihvadau svayam eva sphuraty adah . Nama ­cintamanih krsnas caitanya-r asa-vigrahah )purnah suddho nityamukto abhinnatvan nama-naminoh . So Bhagavad-gita or Sr imad-Bhagavatamor Krsna ' s na:ne , Krsna ' s form, Krsna' s pastime , anything about Krsna,they' re one . Abhinnatvan nama-naminoh. Abhinnatv, tat is not1../separated . Therefore ;bY chanting this Hare Krsna mah1mantra youdirectly contact with Krsna . Abhinnatvan nama-naminoh . Krsna isthe naminoh ;and Hare Krsna mantra is His nameut they areabhinna . Otherwise how this Hare Krsna movement is being soquickly appreciated all over the world? Because there :i.s nodifference between chanting of Hare Krsna mantra and meetingKrsna eye to eye , face to face . There is no difference . Simply

102-2rnd--15BOM-11-70SBone has toHare Krsnarealize Jrhe more youmantra 1 you see Krsnabecome purified by chanting thisface to face . People are asking ,"Can you show me God? " You can see God. simply prepare your eyes .simply prepare your ears. You will by hearing. Ceto-darpana-mar janambhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam. So th is is a very scientific movement ,authorized, practical . You chant Hare Krsna mantra and youealizethat gradually you are advancing to meet Krsna face to face . Thatis possible. Chant Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna KrsnaHare Hare 1Hare Rama Hare Rarna Rama Rama Hare Hare . ( break )difficulty or some deficiency in the whole structure . And thatdeficiency can be fulfilled, can be satisfied by making peopleKrsna conscious . This is the movement. So we have got ampleuvliterature . Not only Bhagavad-gita ./1Srimad-Bhagavatam . Others ,there are hundreds of literature. And we have already publishedabout twenty books like this. So we shall request all the life 1:hey have got our books . Those who are not life members ,IJ.request them to become life members 7and 1e give you more thanyour money ) books worth . We want that everyone , every scholar ,ev:tful man 1should read these books ,;£Bhagavad-gita As ItIs .A These books are very much welcome in the estern countries .f\ rA II have got repor)1 st now I received from Los Angeles . Thereport is that within the three days of Christmas holidays wehave soldbooks areone lakh worth of book ithin three days. So our-being very much welcomed in the stern countrieEspecially the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. So this movement i veryimportant movement. It is not a fanaticism. It is based onscience , philosophy , and authority , and Vedic principles . Andall these students , they are following strictly the Vedic principles .

102-2 BOM- 11-70 SBmd--16Theo not indulge in illicit sex life, meat-eating , intoxication,up to drinking of coffee , tea, and smoking . They have given up .This is Vedic principles. And they do not take part ingambling.They regular chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare ,sixteen rounds. In this way we are training . Not only we aretraining these young boys , but we are training their sons andchildren. We have got a very nice school in Dallas>Texas . Fromthe very beginning they are being taught about Krsna consciousness .How to rise early in the morning , how to take part in the mangalarati, how to take prasadam . They 're teachin 1lhey 're learningSanskrit and English especially )'a little geography , mathematics.Cl-JWe have started school . So do not take this movement veryinsignificantly. Try to understand this movement with all yourintelligence . As caitanya-caritamrta author says , caitanyera dayara(J>.. • ()..kat h a k araha vicar. Vcar. Just put your judgement , try to understandf Awith logic and try to underst and with philosophy . Not as a fanatic .Vicaf Vicarkarile citte/pa- ; b ca.tk4o.. . And if you rightlyjudge this movementyou'll find it very sublime . So we have gotfour branches now in India )out of 102 branches all oven- theworld. But especially th is movement is easier for the Indiansbecause by birth they are imbibed with the Krsna consciousnessidea. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said bharata-bhumite manusya janma)haila yara janma sartha kari kara para upakara . So Indians aremeant for we lfare activities for the whole world. And how theywill do? Not by begging, " ive me rice, give me milk powder,give me money , give me this ." No . If you spread this Krsnaconsciousness movement all over the world) then you wil l berespectful . People will like it. They are very hungry for this

102-2md--17' . . ..._, -.·, .BOM- 11-70, - ·,-::. .-,..tt=-···'•. . .•':",.. · .... : , ···r, .. '·\·" :: · \""rr.-:r:; y:·,c:-;-,;.·1,::··. :yo:SB · · . .Krsna consciousness. So I am struggling alone . I require many Indiansto join and spread th is movement all over the world. Thank youvery l'e much \""JE1uJ). ..A(.

, •. . ..,. ,. ··· . .

388-llRoom ConversationBOMBAY, November, 19 70<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: One of our relatives,long , long ago, he happened tobe asmy grandmother •• , my cousin's, oh, grandfa ther. He wentto England in those old days and he became a parsiyas (?) doctor,very •••When he came home the brahmanas prescribed that "You wentto England,so you have to make this prayascitta and this and somany p rescriptions, and unless you follow the prayasc itta youcannot live at home. Then your family will be extric ated ." Sowhen these things were presented to him he said, "Then I am goingout of home." His mother and father, everyone requested that • • •(Hindi) (break)Hansaduta: "Patel Pola (?) of Chicago had observed that he was aconstruction worker doing a sudra's work. It would not becomenecessary to allot the three lower castes to the foreign conve rtsaccording to their professions. This will not be an easy task.Talking of profession rem inds me of a still graver problem--thatof the occupation or profession of the white sadhus. If I am notmistaken, the Krsna consciousness movement would turn out leg ionsof new white sadhus in the West whose only aim in life would beto (sic:) propi tate their Lord Krsna. They would be steeped inthe bhak ti-rasa and would not soil their hands with doing anywork for such a mundane thing as earning a living."<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: They are not doing anything . Ac tually they are notdoing anything. They are preaching on ly.1

388-11 BOM-11-70 RCIndian (!) :No , but he says that leg ions of sadhus, such whitem en, persons from West, become sadhus, then who will do this jobof earning a living?P: Why he is crying ? If he is hungry, let him come here. We shallprovide him. Why he is cryingfor that? What business he has gotto cry, "What will they do?" What they will, that they know. Whyhe is crying? What is his business for crying for this future? Ifhe is hung ry, let him come and we sha ll provide him. Th is isnot... That is a child ish conception. "If everybody becomessadhu, then what will be the nature of the society?" That is,never becomes. That never becomes. To become sadhu and to becomea Va isnava is not so easy thing. These idle questions, why theypublish? I do not know. This is idle question. It never bec omes.Lord Krsna personally says that "You simply surrender unto Me."How many have surrendered till now? Lord Krsna says in theBhagavad-gita that "You give up everything and surrender untoMe." So how many have done that? So this is a rascal qu estion,"If everyone surrenders, then what will happen to the world?" Butthat will never happen. It is very difficult to sur render. Thathe does not know. (Hindi) It is nvt expected that everyone becomesadhu. To become sadhu is not so easy thing , especially thisnature of sadhu, pure. How many are there? We have given theprescription that "Give up this, give up this." How many havegiven up this? So that is not possible, but still, these nonsensequestions are raised .Hansaduta : Should I go on?P: Hm .2

388-11BOM- 11-70RCH: "As in India, so in the West • • • •P: Th is cla ss o f que stion is answered ••, no, cr iticized •••(Hindi) There was a big market, because in the village there ishata every weekly. so in the village one old woman, she saw, "Oh,how I shall provide a ll these men at night? Where they willsleep? So many guests has come. What can I do?" She began to cry.So her son s aid, •Mother, you don't bother. They will go away.""No, no. How can I provide?" So in the evening he brought themother: •Now see.• So when she saw that, nobody is there.Theoretically , she b egan to cry, "Where shall I provide all, somany guests?" And this class of question is like that. Simply ontheoretical they are asking.H: It goes on .P: Yes .H: "As in India, so in the West the sadhus will have to live onalms given by others and will have to forego many of . • • "P: H e does not know what is sadhu . He is not sadhu. He isgrhastha. I have got many professors,engineers. So they areKrsna-bhaktas. Are they not sadhus? The rascal does not know;that sadhu means begger, he knows. Ar juna became a sadhu. He wasa beggar? So he does not know what is sadhu. Sadhu'sdescription is given, bhajate mam ananya • ••1: This particular letter is writ ten by a woman. It isunnecessarily pushing the • • •P: So it shou ld be rep lied p roperly, that "You do not know whatis sadhu. You do not know what is Krsna consciousness. Why do youbother yourself?" Just like one, this Jain paper has publishedthat "Swami Bhaktivedantaji saysthat 'Krsna is everything;3

388-11 BOM- 11-70 RCHinduism is nothing.'" So anyone who says Krsna is everything, heis not Hindu. Just see. Such foo lishn ess. Go on .Hans: So ••• "The sadhus will have to live on alms given by othersand will have to forego many of their luxurious personal needs.The coming years are therefo re going to create for Uncle Sam anational prob lem of magnitude ••• "P: You , already problem .H: " • • • the like of which he has not seen before."P: What • •? What they are doing for the hippies? In u.s.A. theyhave thousand s of hippies. They are doing nothing. That problemis already there. Go on .H: "It will create a national problem of a magnitude the like ofwhich he has not seen before. In fact, Western society is in fora great jolt. A. Karim Saikh.(?)"Then two more letters.P: But the old woman 's crying .H: Do you want to hear the next letter? This is the secondletter. "I do not see why you devoted two full pages to thearticle on 'Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna ,' November 8th. We aring aplain white sari, applying sandal paste on the forehead andwearing noserings do not transform one. Churning milk gopifashion is no way to attain spiritual bliss. The statements madeby the devotees of the Hare Krsna movement reflect an attitude ofescapism."P: Hm . Anyway, we are getting publicity .H: (laughs) They' re angry. "Ho w can the chanting of Ha re Krsnapurify the mind? It only closes it to everything else. Purity ofthe mind lies in knowing all evil and yet abstaining from it. The4

388-11 BOM-11-70 RCescapist attitude of the devotees of the movement is reflected inthe reply of Adhikari when he bypasses the question of India'spoverty by giving irrelevant answers. The poverty of our countryis known to all of us. I am not an atheist, but I find itdifficult to digest the sentimentalism in the artic le."P: What is that sentimentalism?H: I didn 't read the article. That was in the • • • Which paper? Ithink this was in a Bombay paper. What paper is this?1: This is Times of India .P: Bombay.1: It is published from Bombay and Delhi both .H: Yes . I think in Bombay there was a large article .P: What about? Favorable or unfavorable?H It was an interview with the devote es ,if I remember, withGurudasa .1 : The article, original artic le, was quite favorab le. It was allprais eworthy and all that. That is why these two letters say thatauthor of that artic le is unnecessarily being sentimental andthis and that .Rebatinandan: That was the Sunday edition of Times of India.H: November 8th.Rn: The magazine secti on. Two page particle with nice pictures.You liked it very much.P: Oh, oh, yes, yes. I remember. She is envious, that "Why twopage advertisement, publicity has been • •• "That's all.H: There's anot her letter. It says, "Your leading article on theKrsn a cult makes interesting reading. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami<strong>Prabhupada</strong>,the Ind ian founder of the International Soc iety for5

388-11BOM-11-70RCKrishna Consciousness, ISKCON, and his American disciplesrepeatedly told K.R. Sundarajan, the author of the article in theTimes Weekly,November 8th, <strong>1970</strong>, during their brief stay inBombay that theirs was not strictly a Hindu movement.Theyexplainedto him that Krsna was above all religions, theuniversal teacher, the supreme man,the purification of theAbsolute Truth. If it is so, then why can't they go to Pakistanand Ch ina for chanting of Krsna's name and ask them to vacateaggression? The soil of this land where the great master wasborn • • • nP: Now, now, we have to serve the politic al, politicians. Eh?Because they cannot do , so they are ask ing us.H: To do.P: Such a nonsense. So we have to help these rascal politicians.You write that, that "Do you mean to say that Krsna consc iousnessmeans businessis to serve the rascal politic ians? We are goingevery country and when we find time we shall go to Pakistan."1: Not for vacating the aggression , but for • • •P: "Not for help ing the politic ians who are very much eager tojoin Pakistan. Our joining is different. Even in India we havegot so many enem i es like you who are criticizing Krsnaconsciousness movement. So there are rascals everywhere, eitherin Paki stan or India. So we are not satisfy the rascals. We aremeant for intelligent persons."Write that, like that.Indian man (2) : (Hindi )P: Yes? Then? Who is it? Anything more?H: I think that 's it .6

.. .. , ,··"''-388-11BOM-11- 70RCP: (break) But we have to do in such a way that I may not be ininconvenience. Take something. All right. Br ing something; takeone piece. That's all. F inished . You were drinking before?Devotee(2) : Yes , I was • • •P: So you don ' t feel any inconvenience?2: No .P: That 's nice. You were smoking also?2: No .P: That's nice. Our students , they have very qu ick ly given up thefour princi ples of sinful activity.And that is actuallysurpris ing to all these so-called sannya s is also. They aresurprised . They cannot give up tea-drinking, smok ing . St ill, theyare passing on as spiritually advanced . They are still servant ofsmok ing and tea and they have become God.Just see the fun."Narayana." They address one another, "Narayana. (laughter) Youare Na rayana. I am Na rayana. There is no trouble because you areNarayana." So begin. (break) Others not, your father.child or girl: My g rand father .P: So asakti • •? (end)7

.... ....

387-1Bombay , November, <strong>1970</strong>Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.6<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:••• maha-bhaga yathaiva narakan narah, nanog ra-yatanaruneyat tan me vyakhyatum arhasi. There was topics of the differenthellish conditions of life according to different sinfulactivitis. There is description in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, FifthCantor the different planeta ry systems of this universe, how eachc.nd every planet is different from the other by its atmosphere,by :i.. U• inhabitants, dealings. Just like modern sc ientists, theyare finding difference between this planet and the moon planet.They say that there is no living entity. Thatis not fact.They • • • Even though they have reached the moon planet, it is nota fact that there is no living entity. Accepting they reached themoon planet, they might have gone to the part where it is desertor barren land, because in each and every planet there is suchpossibility. In our, this planet also, when I was passing throughthe Suez Canal, it is horrible desert. So if somebody drops inthat Arabian desert and concludes that there is no living entityin this planet , it is simply foolish. Similarly, these people aregoing : maybe going ••• First of all, I don't believe they havegone, frankly speak ing . Even they have gone, they are landing insome part of the moon planet where there is no inhabitation. Butthere are different kinds of planets. That we get from Vedicliteratures. Vibhut i-bhinnam. Bhinnam means different , andvibhut i me3ns opulence. Every planet has got spec ial opulence.Just like the moon planet. It is shining. It has gota special1

.-.J .. , ... , .. .,_;("• '"·'·' .''Ji387-1BOM- 11-70 SB-6 :1:6','opulence--it is shining.The sun planet is so hot and sobrilliant. Similarly, each and every planet, either small or big,they have got a particular type of opulence. That is stated inthe Brahma-samhita. Yasya prabha prabhavt o jagadanda-koti-kotisvasesa-vasudadhi-vibhuti-bhinnarn. Vibhuti-bhinnam. In this planetalso,diffe rent places have got different opulence. Just like inIndia you will find throughout the whole year brilliant sunshine,and in Western countries, in London, hellish--a lways moist,raining, and cloudy. You cannot distinguish whether it is nightor day. In our •••Now I was in London. When I was, I think , lastyear, in this time, December, the morning was at ten o'clock , andthe eveni ng was at three o'clock. So how many hou rs from ten to,three?Devotee (!) : Five .P: Five hours day. And nineteen hours night. So, of course , I wasrising, as usual, early in the morning , so I wanted to go out. SoI couldn't go out before half past nine to the Reg ent Park , andit was full of snow and ice, and it is ve ry difficult to walk. Sojust like in this planet there are different places of differentconditions, so it is natural to accept it that different planetshave got different atmosphere, different opulences , differentkinds of population, living entities. Kesava tuya jagata vicitra.Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung that nMy dear Krsna , Your creationis variegated. nThere are different types. Similarly, there areplanets where hellish conditions perpetually continue. Just likeyou can compare the northern pole. It is a hellish conditionwithin this earth. And similarly, there are planets , so,and2

387-1 BOM- 1 1-7 0 SB-6 :1:6they are suffering. So Pariksit Maharajainquired that adhunehamaha-bhaga yathaiva narakan narah,nanog ra-yatanan neyat tan mevyakhyatum arhasi: "You h ave describ ed ' For this kind of sinfulactivities one has to take his birth in this kind of planet orthis kind of place.' ow p lease let me know how these sufferin gliving entities can be delivered from this suffering condition,different variet ies of suffering con dition. " Ug ra. Ug ra meansvery acute. "If there is any means todeliver them?" So thatanswer is given. Na ced ihaivapacitim yathamhasah krtasya kuryanmana-ukta-panibhih, dhruvam sa va i pretya narakan upaiti yekirtita me bhavatas tigma-yatanah. So,"My dear king , one has tosuff er. This is the law o f karma. According to the volume ofsinful a ctivity,one has to accept the reaction . There is noother alternative." Tasm at,"therefore," puraivasv iha papaniskrtau yateta mrtyor a vipadyatatm ana , dosasya drstva gurulaghavamyatha bhisak cik itseta rujam nidanavit. Just like youare suffering from some disease. So accord ing to the nature ofthe disease, you have t o pay for i ts medicine. On e who issuffering from mala rial disease, tuberculosis disease, asthmatictendency,these disease are considered very seve re type ofdisease. Coughing or having some little fever, they are not veryseve ::: e. But there are many severe dis eases. So as you pay to thespecialist doctor or you pay for the medicine according to theseverity of dis ease,similar ly--yasmad evam tasmad papasyanisk rtau p rayascitte yateta--you have to make treatment. Andaccording t 0 the symptoms of the disease, you have to undergotreatment. That is called prayascitta. Just like if a man who hascommitted murder •••His p rayascitta is that he should be hanged.3

'o•'.387-1BOM- 11-70 SB-6 :1:6This is p r ayasci tta, life for life. That is Manu-samhita. Thishanging a c ondem ned person, a murderer, is a mercy to him. Thatis stated in the Manu-samhita. People are becoming nowsympathet ic tha t "Whateve ris done is done. Let this man besaved." This kind of sympathy is no good.People are takingsympathy . A man suffering from certain disease or certainmiserable c ondi tion. They want to ameliorate it. This kind ofsympathy is not sanctioned. He should suffe r so that the reactionof his sin ful a c tivities in the past life should be diminishe d.If he does not suffer, t hen he will have to suffer more,continue, becau se he is c ondemned to suffer so much. If youminimize it now, that does not mean he will not suffer. He willsuffer n ext lif e. Just like a man is imprisoned , and if yourfriend or r elative is imprisoned, by somehow or other you get himreleased b y hook and crook, so when you are again captured youare again s ever ely punished, both the men. Is it not the law?So how c an you give relief to the suffering person who iscondemned? If in your state law a man suffering in the pr ison andif you feel sympathy or you maytry to give him release and gethim out by some hook and c rook mean s , then both of you will bepunished. I s it not? So how can you avoid the punishment by God'slaw? So t his k ind of sympathy, just like this Ra ma KrishnaMission daridra-narayana seva, .Dnder the plea of accept ing thissuffering humanity as Narayana and appealing to the compassion ofthe people •••Although they cannot do anything. Ac tually they arenot doing anything but this philosophy is a rubbish philosophy.You cannot do. If you can do anything g ood to the people, then4

387-1 BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:6you can simply a waken them to Krsna consciousness. That is thebest service . Othe r service you cannot do. Te 'pisa-tantryam urudamnibaddhah. Jus t like by any mean s you cannot get released am a n who is condem n ed in the prison. Ag ainst law.Howeversy mpathetic you m aY be to your friend, but you cannot releaseh im. That is against law. Simila rly, people are suffering,undoubtedly, but theY have to undergo the prayasc itta process. Int he sastras there a re prayascitta process. Formerly, even ourchildhood days, we have seen in calcutta, there is a specialqua rter of the bhattacarya brahmanas. The bhattaca rya brahmanas'bu siness is that if you have committed some sinful act, youshould immediately go and consult the bhattacarya:"What is thep r ocess of prayascit ta?" Just like you go in case of disease,consult a physician, and take his p rescription and diagnosis,similarly, that was the Vedic sys t em. You have read in thecaitanya-caritamrta that one Buddhimanta Khan, he was formerly •••He was very rich man and Nawab Hussain Shah was the servant whenhe was not Nawab. so he was m enial servant. So he stole somem oney as servants a re generally habituated. So he whipped himwith his cane. so that whipping stripe was on his back side. Whenhe was Naw ab,so h is wife saw it and inquired , "What is thissc ar?" So h e rep lied the whole story, that "I was formerly am enial servant to this Buddhimanta Khan and I did somethingw rong. So as my father, he punished me. That's all. He wast r eating m e as my son." So he admitted that he was so kind. Buthis wife s aid, " Oh, this scar is a defamation. I f somebody seesand you explain, then it will be known that you were a menialservant p reviousl Y·" So the Nawab did not mind. He:"What is5

387-1BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:6that? I m ay be • • • Now what I am, that's all." So the wiferequested that " This man should be killed so that he may notdisclosethe sec ret of your life, that you were a menial servantin his house." And "No, no, n o. This is • • • This cannot be. He isjust like my father. How can I kill him? This is not possible."And just see. Then she advised, "At least make him Mohammedan.Convert him to be a Mohammedan." In those days it was not verydifficult. I f somebody, a Mohammedan, takes water from his waterpot and simply sprinkle in som ebody's body, he becomesMohammedan. The Hindu society was so rascal. Still they are.Simply by sprinklin gwater from the pot of a Mohammedan hebecomes M ohammedan. So this Nawab said, "All right, Ishallsprinkle w ater. Let him do what he likes ," to satisfy his wife.So he did it. when he did it--then the society was so strong--hewent to t he Bhattacarya to consult : "Oh, sir, I have beensprinkled w ater b y a Mohammedan. So what prayascitta?n What iscalled? What is the English of prayascitta, compensation?Revati-nandana: Some penance .P: No , no. Atonement. "So what kind of atonement I have to do?"So the bhattacarya advised him that "You take one kilo of leadand melt it and d rink it, and that is your atonement." You see?So he said,"How it is possible?" "This is the atonement for suchsinful activity. Yes." Just see. For the last five hundred , sixhundred yea rs • • •why • •? For thousands of years the Hindu societyis so fallen. The refore so many Mohammedans have increased here.They are n ot imported. In this way the Hindu popu lat ion, theyhave been forced to accept M ohammedan relig ion. You see? By the6

f ··:• . ·387-1 BOM-11- 70 SB-6 :1:6Mohammedans . Just like Aurangzeb. He imposed one tax for theHindus. So all the poor men class, to avoid the tax they becameMohammedans . And there was so much punishment by the Hindus. Andso he became a Mohammedan, so-called Mohammedan, by the diagnosisof the bhattacarya.So this kind of prayascitta was currentduring the f al • • , fallen days o f the Vedic soc iety. But in thesastras there a re • • • In every scripture • • • Just like inChristian, their prayascitta is to confess,similarly, there aredifferent types of prayascitta. So here Pariksit Maharaja isadvised, yatha puraiva. Yatha evam tasmat papasya niskr tauprayascitta yate ta kada mrtyu pur aiva. So prayascitta. If youwant to be free from the reac tion of the sinful activities inthis life--exactlY in the same way as Christian Bible advisesthat you hav e t o make some aton ement,go to the chu rch andconfess your sinful activities and pay some fine--exactly in thesame way in Vedic scriptures also, that "Before death you mustmake some atonement; otherwise you will continue in your nextlife." Tasmat puraiva asu iha papa-n iskrtau yateta mrtyoravipadyatatmana. "Before you meet your death, that you shouldtake." Dosasya drstva guru-laghavam yatha. And you have to makeatonement according to the gravity of your sinful act ivities.Yatha bhisak cik itseta rujam nidanavit. Just like nidanavit.Nidana means a expert physician.He prescribes medic ine andadvises tre atment according to the gravity of the disease.Similarly, you hav e to undergo atonement for the sinfulactivities accordin g to the gravity.That is the treatment.Then • • • The king i s ve ry intelligent. He is not only king buthe's a great devotee of Krsna, Krsna conscious. So he replied,7

• •· '•L /-,:' ' •• :··387-1 BOM- 11-70 SB-6:1:6.··.""What is the use of this kind of atonement?" Drsta-srutabhyam yatpapam janann apy atmano 'hitam, karoti bhuyo vivasah prayascittamatho katham: "Sir, what is the value of this atonement? If peoplecontinue to act s infully: t hen what is the use of this kind ofprayascitta?" This is a very intelligent question. Suppose a mansuffering from vene real disea se goes to a doctor and heprescribes some medicine and gives him some diagnosis that "Youshould live in this way, in that way." But after the disease iscured, immediately if he commits the same sinful act , then whatis the value of the treatmen t? The same thing, just like namna dbalad yasya hi papa -buddhih. In every society this is going on.-."\. ··In our Krsna conscious society, or those who are va isnava , theyare, some of them are thin k ing like that , that "I am chantingHare Krsn a mantra , so if I c ommit some sin ful act, then I shallagain chant Hare Krsna and it will be ad justed." And Ch ristiansalso thin k like that,that "I may commit sins throughout thewhole week , and on Sunday I shall go to the church and con fessit. It will be counteracted." So this defective conclusion of thehuman soc iety i s interrupted here by the question of Maha rajaPariksit, that drsta-srutabhyam yat papam janann apy atmano'hitam, karoti bhuyo vivasah prayascittam atho katham. So people,they know that "There is resultant action of this kind of sinfulactivity." He knows. Even if he does not know , he sees. Just likea man who has stolen,committed theft. One sees that he isarrested or he is punished, he is put into the prison , and still,he commits stealing. He knows. so similarly, we are hea ring fromthe sastra that "If you commit this sin • • • " Just like mamsa.8

387-1 BOM- 11-70 SB6:1:6Mamsa, this very thing , means, mam sa khadati. Therefo re fleshi s called m amsa. "The animal which I am killing , he will have theright to kill me and eat me." That is going on, repet ition: "Ikill you this life. Next life you kil l me. In this life you havebecome a cow or goat. Next t ime I' 11 become a cow or goat . Youhave the right to kill me." This is called karma-bandhana. So wehear from the sastras. You may not believe, but we can seepractically tha t a man who has committed m urder, he is alsohanged. There is no doubt about it. "Life for life." So how thesefoolish persons very, I mean to say, boldly killing animal? If itis a fact e ven in you r state law that "life for life," how I candare to commit murder or kill another animal? You see? And thisis conclu s ion. The sastra says that you have to pay thatparticular individual soul by your life. That is the meaning ofmamsa, the sanskrit word mamsa. Mamsa khadat i. I am tak ing therisk. When I kil l one animal for eating, I am taking the riskthat "Thi s animal sometimes will kill me." Exactly in the sameway, life for life , murder, murderer is hanged--that is the lawof the state --so why not that law in the state of the Supreme?Is that very unr easonable? But they do not see. Pariksit Maharajasays that drsta s ruta. In the scriptures or in the relig iouslawbooks I have heard it that this kind of sin will be reacted inthis way. And drsta, and I have seen also that a man committingmurder is hanged. So drsta sruta yat papam. So this kind ofsinful activities,janann apy, everyone knows. Yesterday we werespeaking of seeing and hearing. These experiences gathered byseeing and hearing is very important. This is tangible. So thesetwo words have been used, drsta sruta: "by hea ring and by9

387-1 BOM- 11-70 SB-6 :1:6seeing." Everyo ne knows that there is sinful reaction. Janannapy. What is that? Atmano ahitam, atmana: it is disastrous forhis self. He has to undergo so much punishment. Still, karot ibhuyo vivasah. Vivasah means automatically. He has beenhabituated. Automatically he commits the same sin, vivasa.Prayascittam atho katham. Then,if he remains always a victim tothe sinful reaction and if he is habituated to do that,soartificially this kind of confession in the church or giving somebribe to the bhattacarya ,what is the meaning of this? It ispractical question. If the man is hab ituated to commit sinfulactivities throughout the whole week , what is the use of hisgoing to the church and confessing and give some bribe or • • • Youtake in any, any field. So it is very intelligent question. Thereis practically no use. If you remain a thief always , so for yourtheft you are put into the prison , and as soon as you get out ofthe prison again you commit theft. He knows that "I shall beagain put into the prison." Still, he commits the same thing.Actually there are manythieves. At least in India I have seen.Their business is stealing , and they are put into the jail, andas soon as he comes out, again commits the same thing and putinto the jail for many days .(Himavati) woman: Swami, many people also think that "If you'resinful, how can church help you? What is the use of going tochurch?"P: Yes. If you • • • That will be discussed. This is the point. Thisis being discussed. It is not the • • • It is not the question ofatheism. Their point is "What is the use of going to the church?"10

387-1 BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:6But the use is that if he goes to the church, if he actuallyhears about, I mean to say, glorious life, to become devotee, tounderstand God, then the utilization of going to the church isall right. But if he goes with that spirit that "I shall go tothe church and my sinful activities will be cou nteracted bygiving some brib e and going to the church.Then it is verygood ••• " But his motive is different. Churchgoing is not for thatpurpose. That is a facility. Just like we are preaching,"Youchant Hare Krsna mantra and ceto-darpana-marjanam--your sinfulactivities will be counteracted. Krsna says that 'You justsurrender unto Me and I shall give you protection from the sinfulacts.'" So if I think , "It is very good. Then I shall go toKrsna. I shall take to Krsna consciousness, and He will p rotectme from the sinful reaction. So it is a great opportunity. Youbecome Krsna con scious and commit all sinful activities. Krsnawill give me protection," that will create certainly atheism:"What is this bogus t hing?" But that does not mean • • • So, yousurrender to Krsna. Krsna takes charge of your past sinfulactivities. But that does not mean that I shall rema in Krsnaconscious, at the same time I shall go on committing sin. This,for this facility, if anyone takes to Krsna consciousness, thatis most sinful, that "I shall take to Krsna consciousnes becausewhatever sinful activities I shall do, it will be counteracted byKrsna." So that will create certainly athe ism , that "What is thisbogus talk?" Do you follow? Yes. But that is not meant for. Justlike Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted JagaiMadhai on the condition that they will not commit any more sinfulactivities. So whatever they have committed, that is excused.11

387-1BOM-11-70•S,',':?:•:• ·SB-6 : 1:6Just like I am also accepting. Not that on the condition that youtake to Krsna consciousness and whatever you do, it will becounteracted. We are not making that condition. We are makingcondition that you take to Krsna consciousness. Whatever sinfulactivities you have done, that will be squared up. But you don'tdo any more. Don't have illicit sex, don't drink , don't do this ,don't do this. So you must take it in that • • • (?) Whatever youhave done, that is no disqualification. That will be squared up.But not that on the strength of your Krsna consciousness you'lldo again. So these people are misunder standing that "Church isgiving me some facility that 'All right , whateve r you havecommitted, that you confess. It is excused.'" But if the chu rchand the people make a business that "All right, throughout thewhole week let me commit all kinds of sins and on Sunday it willbe all counteracted •••" Yes?Revat inandana: There's one example I just remembered from theChristian Gospel. Jesus was accustomed to heal diseased people.And one time they brought a leper or somebody with a very baddisease before him. Or he was blind or something. And they askedhim,"Can you heal this man?" And instead of saying , "Be freefrom leprosy," he said , "Your sins are forgiven." And they said,"Oh, what is this? We don't want you to forgive his sins. We wantyou to cure his disease." J esus said, "What is the difference?Your sins are forgiven you." And when he said that the man'sdisease was healed and then he said, "Now go away and sin nomore."P: Yes .12

387-1BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:6Rn: That was a reference about karma. Those who do notunderstand... It was a lesson on karma.P: So there is no value of this g-uest ion of t he atheist. They donot know what is the meaning of going to the church or going tothe temple or church or spi ritual master. That is a foolishquestion. The church does not allow. But if the church does notdisclose this fact , that "Oh, I see every week you come. What isthis nonsense?" But the priest, they get some money and they wantto continue their church business to get some money. So this isgoing on, cheating and cheated. Therefore the society has becomethe full of cheaters and cheated. So the cheat ing cheaters arenot encouraged. If in the church or if anywhere, in the court,they are all full of cheaters and cheated, then what can be done?But either the court or the church is not meant for that pu rpose,that they will excuse the sinners every week without questioningand without giving him full, nice instruction that "You cannot dothis." But if they say like that, then no more, nobody will come.Their income will be lost. So therefore they are cheated andthose people who are thinking that "I have gone to church and mypriest has excused me. I have confessed," this is cheating.That's all. Actually the purpose is different.Revatinandana:The priests are all driving Lincoln-Continentals.All the priests drive very expens ive automobiles. They're alldressed very nicely and they have very big cars, Catholicpriests. They get so much money for forgiving sins.P: They get money?Rn: Yes , in Europe they used to sell indulgences. For a certainamount of money you get a certain indulgence .13

. ' l '387-1BOM- 11-70 SB-6 :1:6P: Here also. The priests allow. The guru allow. The professionalguru • • • His discip le will come: "Sir, doctor has advised me totake fish. Without tak ing fish my eyesight will be lost. He hasadvised. So what to do? You have asked me not to tak e fish. Yousaid." "Oh, all right, I give you permission ." He gives hispermission. Th is is going on. "I give you per • • •" Because theguru sees that "If I say no, this rich disc iple will be lost. Sobetter let him do whatever he likes. I get my fees. That 's all."This is going on. That statement of my guru maharaja, "the societyof the cheaters and the cheated," is a fact ever ywhe re. In a lawcourt also, you bribe; you get justice. That is stated in theSrimad-Bhagavatam. Anardhyena nyaya-rahitam: "If you have got nomoney, then you cannot get justice in this age. You cannot getjustice." It is clearly stated here. That is the symptom of thisage. In the law court you have to bribe. In the judges • • • I knowso many cases. The judges are bribed and they give favorablejudgment. You bribe any judge. Then he accepts. One big judge anda big man's brothe r, P.R. Das. He was a very famous judge in highcourt and, in Patna high court, and he is the brothe r of a greatpleader, C.R. oas. So he was tak ing bribe. He was tak ing bribe.Andthis was known to the othe r judges and the chief justicealso. Complaint was there by other judges that " He takes bribe."So in one case • • • Because there are rivals in eve rywhere. Yousee? So in one case he was to just deliver the judgment andeveryone knew that he has taken already bribe, some thousands ofrupees. So chief justice called him in his room , that "Mr. Das, Ihave heard that you do this business, and you have done this also14

387-1BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:6today. All reports are with me. You immediately resign and go.Otherwise I shall take action. You immediately resign and goaway. Otherwise I'll take action. I have get all evidence." Sowhen he saw that "There is now no way out ," so he resignedthat"On consideration on health. I am feeling very weak. My heart is(sic:) palpating." In this way wrote and res igned and immediatelyhe left high court, and the judgment was saved , and it wasannounced, "Mr. Das is ve ry ill, sick , so today's court isclosed. It will return tomorrow." so that means that was the lastday of his sitting in the court, and he retired. I think that manis still living or dead? He was tak ing. And when he was asked byhis friends that "Why did you take bribe?" so, "I get only fourthousand rupees. I have got expenditure, ten thousand. What can Ido?" You see? A big judge. He was doing that business . That iswithin our experience.Malati (?) : ThatDas in Calcutta was aP: Huh? Wh ich missionary?Malati : ThatP: No , no, no. That is different. This is a different Das. So somany cases, I know,in the legal take bribe. They take bribe.Therefore it is called Kali-yuga. The whole at mosphere issurcharged with vicious condition, anywhere. You go to the court,you go to the church, you go to the priest, you go to the socalledspiritual master • • • The time is so vicious. You see? Theonly rescue is to become sincere to Krsna consc iousness. Then oneis safe. Otherwise the whole atmosphere is ve ry dangerous. That'sall. (devotees offer obeisances)(break) The re are nice birds.Cuckoo .15

387-1 BOM- 11-70SB-6 :1:6Devotee (3) : That cuckoo bird?P: • co-co, co-co, co . "Hansaduta: In India everything is alive .P: Huh?H: In India it appears that everything is alive .P: Yes .H: When we came we first noticed ever ywhere there's a town, allkind of animals are living. No one is disturbing them.P: Well, this is land of relig ion . It is adm i tted by other partsof the world. Just see. Columbus w as searching after India evenfor trade, hundred of years • • • People are coming to India for somany: for knowledge, for philosophy, for trade, for money. Whythese Britishers came?They came for money. And now, India beingexploited for so many thousands of years and their standard ofcivilizat ion deteriorated, the condition is now... Still,India's position is unique, still, in this fallen cond ition. Nowpeople are degraded from their high standard of living ,fromspiritual po int of view, material point of view. And still, theystand , p revious social construction , their living cond ition,their feelings of relig ion. It is still going on. Climate also.H: Climate.P: Climate also. The climate is ve ry favorab le. Now it is, ofcourse, wint er season . Otherwise, it will continue ·r two monthsonly. It is not very severe, and still, this cond it ion will notcontinue. Throughout the whole year you can remain naked body.There is no expenditure for dressing much. And to remain clean,you simply wash in the water , and immediately it is • • • So with16

387-1 BOM- 11-70 SB-6 .: 1:6one cloth or two c loths you can go on for six months. There is nomuch expend iture. And this vegetarian diet ,if you take a fewgrains of t his chick pea and little milk, you don't rquireanything to eat. Everything , facility, is there still. But theyhave ••• The p eople are being trained up to imitate weste rncivilizati on. That is the government policy, that, " Unless youbecome Westernized ,technolog ist, you 'll not be happy." But theyc a n become happy even in this cond i tion.Th is artificialpartit ion has caused some trouble by the Britishers because thepa kistan has taken away all t he wheat and ric e. The ir pu rpose wasthat. The P unjab s ide, they are producing wheat in very largequantity. In Bengal, that is the, perhaps the biggest riceproducing c ountry in the w o rld, Beng al. So rice is in Pak istanand wheat is in pak istan. Even cows , they were ma inta ined by thepunjabis,b ig , b ig cows , milk-produc ing. They are now in thepunjab . So there is no milk, there is no rice, there is no wheat.And they have no sugar. The sugar is produced this side. In thisw ay, always. And the Kashm i r question • • • That is Br it ish policy.oue to this par t it ion only, India's pos it ion is now veryc rippled. And thes e rascal leaders, they accepted pa rtit ion forbecoming prime m inister. This policy. Gandhi never agreed. So theJawaharlal Nehru , in order to become prime minister , he committeds uch a blunder. Therefore I ndia i s given • • • St ill, if they keepto their origina l culture, t hey will not be unhappy . And you findin eve ry city some such in stitution as this Gita Bhavan , in everycit y you'll find. People are contributing. They are coming. Theyae holding ceremony, calling sa intly persons ,every city still.Just like w e have gone to Punjab?17

387-1BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:6Rn: Amritsar.P: Amritsar. How people were anxious to hear. Then there will bethe Kumbhamela. If you g o to Kumbhamela you'll s ee how from alldifferent parts of the country, millions of people will come toparticipate.P: Yes. M illions and m illions of people. There is noadvertisement but they will come. Government wanted to discouragethem in so many ways. In Jagannatha Puri you will find daily, invrndavana and all sacred places. The Arya-samajhis, thegovernment,they tried to condemn this temple worship, this •••H: NehruP: Yes. Nehru, yes. Nehru was such a rascal that he came • . • Rama­Kris hna Mission has a big hospital in Vrndavana. So on theopening day he came from D elhi by (sic:) heliocopter. He stayedthere the whole day. He carne in the m orning, and the funct iontook place in the evening . Or in dayt ime. He left the same day.But he did not visit asing le temple. You see? Such an atheist hewas.H: He was also involved in that Jagannatha • • • The re were manycarvings on the temple, and he had some of them dest royed, at theJagannatha temple.P: Wha t it is? What he is destroyed?Hima vati: It was a sun temp le. They wo rship the sun .P: Oh , yes , yes .Himavat i: And there are many obscene statues,so he came to thattemple and sa id, "Wha t is this?" and he had them destroyed.18

387-1 BOM- 11-70 SB-6 :1:6P: He was a great rascal. Change this water.Rev at inandana: You saved us from all these rascals, Sr ila<strong>Prabhupada</strong> .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Hm?Rn: You saved us from all these rascals .P: What is that?Himavati: You saved us from all these rascals. You're the onlyone who t old us these kind of people are • • •P: Yes .Rn :Because if Nehru was a rascal, then what was Johnson andNixon? What are they?P: They are also rascals. All these politic ians, they arerascals. Y es. That is Kali-yuga. Where f· '&g was like MaharajaPa riksit ,now he is Johnson and Nehru. So how peopl.e will behappy?H: So we have to run some of our devotees for offic.e .P: No , if you can make the people Krsna consc ious , theneverything will be automat ically . • ,because the democracy isthere. So if they vote for a Krsna consc ious person to becomepresident and prime minister,then everything will be saved. Sothat means you have to create voters,Krsna consc ious. Theneverything will be right. That should be one of your aims, theKrsna conscious movement. The government still is unde rthecontrol of the public . That 's a fact .If the public becomes Krsnaconscious,naturally the government will be Krsna consc ious. Butthat is up to the public. But they do not want to be. The reforethey want a king--the crane was sent. You know this story? Thefrogs, they wanted a king from God , and God gave. He gave them19

387-1BOM-11- 70·.;. . ·. . .· ..··-. . .-,. ;l' . -:

387-1BOM-11-70SB-6:1:6P: There are some birds; they also eat monkeys.8: Birds .Rn: Big hawks like eagles .P: Monkey-eaters. I have seen that bird in Los Angeles zoo ,m onkey-eater bird.Rn: They 're from Africa , big eag les .8: Kirtanananda Maharaja told us about the monkeys in Vrndavana .P: Yes . There are many monkeys .8imavati: Big monkeys .P: No , no .8imavati: No?P: That is Bengal. That is called 8anuman .Rn: You said in vrndavana they would come in a gang . Three orfour will jump out in front like this, and the rest will grabwhat you have and take it away. You said they would do that.P: Yes .Rn: They 're very smart .P :But if you have got a stick they will not come. They area fraid of st ick. The dog s also, they are afraid of st ick.Therefore in such places one should carry in hand one st ick . Thatissafe. After a ll, they are animals. They know that a man canstrike with the stick very severely. They are afraid of that. Invrndavana , in the beg inning, I was eating , and a monkey enteredvery peaefully and took it , everything . (laughter} He tooke verything. I could not replace. I began running. Immediatelycaught also. They do like that. I Vrndavana you cannot opendoors.8: Really?21

387-1BOM- 11-70SB-6 :1:6P: Oh, yes .8: They come right in. They 're so bold?P: Huh? Yes .H: They're so bold?P: Bold means they will come and they have no tactic. You areeating and they'll ent er. Something he will take away. hereforethere are • • • Just like here, two sets of doors, one net , therailing door. so one door is closed , wooden; another is railing .So railing doo r mus t be closed always . Other wise you cannot eat ,you cannot live ve ry peacefully. They may • • • Monkey will come.Devotee (S) :Acyutananda said he was mak ing chapat is one day, andthere was a lit tle,a nail this thin espec ially to keep themonkeys out, ho lding the door closed. So he heard a sound outsideand thought somebody was corning, and , sure enough, the nail w aslifted to see, and a monkey popped in , got his chapat is and ran.P: Yes , t hey are very clever .Hirnavati: But after all, they' re human beings also .P: Monkey is the last species o f life before be ing promoted tothe human being. There are three animals: monkey and cow , andtig er. Lion • . • Yes .H: When that promot i on comes, Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> , they are notimmediately born into a soc iety like American or ..?P: No , no. Uncivilized , just like aborig ine .H: Aborig ines, neg roes • • •P: Human species. Then g radually they become born in civilized • • •H: It must be very difficult to get a birth in a civilizedsociety.22

·.•. ·,j '•;; ,_:. ,. '· "'· ,_·· ': ,;·::•':1

; J:' . -.. .387-1 BOM- 11-70 SB :6:1:6called black. Yes.5: They use the term Caucasian to designate those persons who •••P: Not only Eur opeans. The Kashmi r side of this Afgan istan,Baluchistan and Punjab, they are all white.5: Caucasaus Mountains is near Afghanistan .P: Yes. All white. In Punjab , you'll find, they are as white asEuropeans. Oh, yes. Kashmir.Himavati : Also in VrndavanaAnd they're tall.P: Tall. So Aryan family, whole Aryans, they are white. Andsudras are called krishna, krishna , black .Rn: But the sudras have handsome bodily features also. InAmritsar the people have, I think , handsome bodily features.P: Yes, A ryan family, the structure of body • . • From the • • • Thereis a science c alled physiognomy. No? Yes. So it can beascertain ed. But we have got forget all these material. We haveto advance in Krsna consciousness. This is white skin • • • So youhave all taken your bath? s o, g ive me little oil. I shall alsotake bath.5: What to do about a massage?P: Do . Do it • (end )24

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3 88-1Bombay, November, 19 70Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.19<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: He'll come at about ten.Hansadutta: He'll come in time ton ight? It' s on the way toGorakhpur?P : Yes , we can go via that way also . Then it would be time .Hans: When do they want us to come there?P : Huh?Hans: When do they want us? If we leave • • • The day we leave herewe can go there? Sixteenth or seventeenth?P: No , we are leaving on the seventeenth, so we can get thatplace on the eighteenth and live there for three , fou r days ifthe y 'll provide a good bungalow and they have promised. So thisis the position. Now you can consider.Hans: They can arrange a program for you?P: Oh , yes . They' ll do everything .Yamuna : make arrangements .P : Then we can cancel that . So the possib ility is on theeig hteenth. (break )Devotee:In order that you shoul leave (?) by the eighteenth,actually we have to go by plane, and so the plane reservat ion hasalready been made andP: So you, amongst yourself, consider all these. I cannot tax myb rain. So whatever is good , you do it. At Gu rudasa•s meet ing weshall be required all to represent there? Some of them may go.Yamuna:Not all.1

388-1BOM-11-70SB-6:1:19P: Not all. Then some of them may go directly to Delhi, and someof them may go via Krsanganara(?) What do you think , Hansadutta?Hans : I think so , yes .P: So you con sider. Make a meeting amongst yourse lves. Dec idewhat to do. And here for opening a center it is already proposedthat they will give us land and they will give us a temple also.Other buildings we have to manage.Hans : They will give us a temple also?p: Yes .Hans : Where is that temple?P: Temple we have to construct. But for that construction ,temple, they will pay. But for res idential and other bu ildingsand maintenance we have to arrange. That's not a bad proposal. Itis very nice proposal. They are giving us land,giving us atemple. Andwe can raise funds and construct as we inc rease men.In the meantime we can manage the temple. It is good proposal.Open it. Somebody is knocking. Keep it open. No , don 't keep itope • • • Yes , open , open. Keep it open like that. Yes . Anothe rthing: that Gopala is not offered sac red thread? You were notdoubly initiated? so he can be initiated doubly. And Bruce, whatit is? He is not going to be init iated?Yamuna : I'll have to ask him (?)P: Huh? No , you can ask later on . He is now pract iced to ou rhabits. So he can be initiated, yes. There is suffic ient place.You can sit down here. (break)(Hindi) You can sit down behindthe women . Aiye, aiye, (Hindi) Come. Come on forw::rd. Comeforward. (Hin di) Now the difficulty is if I speak inEng lish,2

388-1BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:19most probably the ladies will not be ab le to understand. And if Ispeak in Hin di, then these • • •Indian man (2) :P: Huh? Speak in English? You can do one thing . You cantranslate. Huh? That will be nice. So you come here. Svalpam apyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat .2: The Sanskr it • • . I don't read Sansk rit .P: No , I will speak in English .Indian man (3) :P: Svalapam apy asya dharmasya?3 : Yes .P: (Hindi) So sukadeva Gosva mi says , sakrn manah krsnapadaravindayor nivesitam tad-guna-rag i yair iha , na te yamampasa-bhrtas ca tad-bhatan svapne 'pi pasyanti hi cirna-niskrtah.Sak rt. Sak rt means ve ry a little, svalpam t very little. Sakrtmanah.good,If one accepts this process of devotional service as verynot that he has got full knowledge but simply accepts it,simply accepts it ••.That is stated in the Bhagavad-g ita, svalpamapy asya dhar masya traya te mahato bhayat .(Indian man translates)(<strong>Prabhupada</strong> speaks in Hindi) We have no other business, simplyKrsna consciousness. Therefore anyone who joins with us even fora moment , even for a few minutes , still, it is so powerful thatit can help you to save you from the greatest danger. For thisreason the temple is situated .In the temple generally ordinaryman ,woman , they come to see the Deities, hear the chant ing , andsometimes play some instrument. All these help him progressingt oard devotional service. Nivesitam tad-guna-ragi ya ir iha.Sridhara Svami says, bhaktih svalpapi punat i: "Bhakti, devot ional3

388-1BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:19service, is so nice that even it is done very little, still itpurifies." Just like fire. Even a small fire can burn whereve r itis placed. Tasya gunesu raga-matram asti na tu jananam. SridharaSvami says , "Simply a little attraction for Krsna , not fullknowledge even,simply a little attraction , can pu rify one frcmall sinful reaction." At ra codaharantimam itihasam puratanam,dutanam visnu-yamayoh samvadas tam nibodha me. Now he again saysthat "Those who are attracted to devotional service of Krsna evento a very little extent , for them , na te yamam pasa-bhrtas catad-bhatan svapne 'pi pasyanti hi cirna-niskrtah: "They do noteven dream the Yamaraja or his constables." Because at the timeof death those who are ve ry sinful, they are tak en away toYamaraja's place • • • That 's a fact. Not only that , he even indream does not see them because that little service to K rsna hasmade him freed from all sinful contamination. ( Hind i) The veryword is used, cirna-niskrtah. At ra codaha ranti imam it ihasampuratanam, dutanam visnu-yamayoh samvadas tam nibodha me. NowSukadeva Gosvami is giving an example from the history. Now it isexplic itly stated here, itihasam puranam. All the Puranas that wehave got, they are not legends. They are all history. Tney areall histories. Just like there is no chronological history oneafter another, but any incident which has taken actually place,they are reciting. They are not fiction or imag inary stories , allthe Puranas. Itihasa, yes. So Suk adeva Gosvami is giving aninstance from the history which is very instruct ive. At racodaharantimam itihasam puratanam. Purana means old history,actually Purana. Purana means old. So puratanam itihasam. Now he4

3 88-1BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:19gives that kanyakubje dvijah kascid dasi-patir ajamilah, namnanasta-sadacaro dasyah samsarga-dusitah. He says ,"In the city ofKanyakubja." Kanyakubja is still existing. That is alsohistorical place. That place is now known as Kanauj. Yes. (somediscuss ion in Hindi)"In the city of Kanyakubja formerly thert:!was a brahmana." Kanyakubje dvijah kascit. There was a brahmana.Ascid das i -patir ajamilah. Dasi-pat i means one who keeps woman;it is not married. He kept one woman , das i. Therefore he was thehusband of a dasi. He was living with a woman who was not marriedwife. So a brahmana of the n ame Ajamila who was husband of a keptwoman. Kanyakub je dvij ah kascid das i-pat ir ajamilah, namna nastasadacarah.But he lost all good qualification of a brahmana. Thatis the result of illegitimate connection with woman. So thispoint is very important, that if one is addicted to illicit sexlife, if one is add icted to meat-eating and if one is add icted inintoxicants,then he is immediately fallen from the standard ofhuman soc iety. (Hindi) The present state of Hindu society is sofallen because a brahmana, in spite of his kadacara, he claims tobecome a brahmana. Do you follow? The sastra says that as soon asyou give up your good habits, the behavior of a brahmana ... Thebehavior brahmana or ... Just like it is stated in the Bhagavadgita, satya sama dama titiksa arjavam , jnanam vijnanam ast ikyambrahma-karma svabhava-jam. s we have to select a brahmana by thesymptoms of his life, not that because he is born of a brahmanafamily he remains a brahmana. No . He must continue thebrahminical qualification; otherwise he is not a ... Na stasadacara.He is lost. Sadacara must be continued. This is theconclusion of the Bhagavata. Unfortunately not only brahmanas,5

388-1BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:19:: .;.ksat riyas or sudras, they are practically • • • They have lost allsadacara.St ill, they are claim ing that "I am born in higherfamily." Nasta-sadacara dasyah am • • • And why he was lost of hisgood behavior? oasyah samsarga-dusit ah: because he wascontaminated by that illicit sex life. And at the present momenta gentleman keeps woman and goes there, and still, he passes onas brahmana. He does not know that he has fallen down. (Hindi)For this reason the present Hindu society is so deg raded. Bandyaksaihkaitava is caur yair garhitam vrttim asthitah, bibhratkutumbam asucir yatayam asa dehinah. Now his profession was • • •When a man falls down, then he lives by this pro fess ion . What arethese? Bandy-aksaih, gamb ling, cheating , and stealing . All theseabominable activit ies they adopt . And he does not think that "Iam doing something bad because I have no other means to ma inta inmy family." He gives the reason that "What can I do? I have tomaintain my family, so somehow or other I must get money."Sothere is a p ractical example in Patna high court. I do not wishto name but there was a big high cou rt judge. He was tak ingbrib e, and he was detected one day. When he was just to deliverone judgment the chief judge called him and he asked him that"You immediately resign on health condition and go away. Butwhen his friends asked him that "Why you were do ing so?" hereplied that "I have got expenditure , ten th0usand rupees permonth, and I get only four thousand. What can I do?" So the • • •(door opens) Come on. J ust see pract ically. Even a high cou rtjudge, because he has to spend more than his income, he adoptedthese vile m2ans of living. The trend of modern civilization is6

388-1BOM-11-70 SB-6 :1:19lik e that.They unnecessarily increa se their expenditure andadopt these all vile means. (Hindi) So you r party is ready?(Hindi) So you can go with him. Yes. (Hin di) (end)7

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.•.:• '. ' .102-1Bombay , November, 19 70Lecture :Nectar of DevotionPradyumna : " ... devotional service following in the footsteps ofprevious acaryas can be summarized in the following statement bySrila Rupa Gosvami . First class devotional service is known byone 's tendency to be fully engaged in Krsna consciousness , servingthe Lord favorably ."<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : serving the Lord favorably . Not wh ims ically. Favorably .Anukulyena krsnanusilanam bhaktir uttama . This is th exact word .Anukula. Anukula means favorably . What I want you shall do . ThatII", IIs favorable . I want something an d, \Iyou do somethng lse . Tha t isnot favorable. Favorable means what Krsna wants , you do that.'\ .I . ,So to come to this understanding, preliminy Because we haveAforgotten Krsna, God , at the present stage , in our material conditionof life . Material condition means forgetting our relationship withGod . That is material condition. Therefore it is cal led maya . Mayameans illusion J which has no existence , hallucination . The samething )as we see tiger dreaming , an:d c;rying , " is tigr ! • . . 1.-.:.o -"4-.Save me ! save me !" So this is Aexample of hallucination . There are01.1 -tu.,...c_many others . Just like water in the desert . Sometimes there is ,due to reflection of the sun )it appears there is vast mass ofwater. And the animals , they go after it, the water . These aresome of the examples of hallucination, illusion. So this . . • To bein the stage of hallucination, illusion, that is called maya . Thisis called maya . Ma-ya . Ma means not, ya means this. So we are in

102-1BOM-11- 70 NOD LECT .md--2this condition now, in maya. We can practically experience , I haveseveral times explained . Just like while we are asl€er we forgeteverything of our 4._ life. And during daytime we forget everyv).thing ,what 'lie saw in dream •.A Jhese two stages So this is also dream ,}this is also dream, and I am the observer of the dream . Therefore Iam the fact 1and this is illusion . Both the conditions. So thereforerl--r:·the question arises , then what I am? That is called br.ahrna-jijnasa .Sanatana Gosvarni went to Lord Caitanya M.ahaprabhu to ask thi squestion,"What I am?\'

L ''l ''l' r ·,.,J• ....... ' • "102-1 BOM-11-70 NOD LECT .md--3are four pr inciple dhanna , artha , kama , moksa . Re ligious life ,•then economic development , then sense gratification , and thenmoksa , liberation . This is human life. Dharma , artha , kama , moksa.The re ligious life you cannot find in animal society . I \humansociety either he may be Hindu , Muslim, Christian, Buddha , Jews ,anything/:. there is a kind of religious principle. So that is the)beginning of human life, religion , dharma . Then ; generally j becauseftu..we are in Abodily concept of life, therefore economic development .11I want money YJI want comfortable position , comfortable situation.so that I can eat, drink, sleep nicely . This is called economicdevelopment. So dharma , artha. Then why I don 't... Why I want3'uJ ueconomic developmentJ'ama . Because I have got my senses , I haveto gratify it. I 'll gratify my senses . When my children growIIalso give them chance to gratify the ir senses . Yan maithunadi-11 13grhamedhi- sukham hi tuccham. So we thin y sense gratification we,, .shall be happy . That s called kama . And when we are dissatisfiedor frustrated by process of sense grati fication , economicdevelopment, then we give up . Brahma satya jagan mithya . b This is"all false . Now I shall merge into Brahman A1rh is moksa . Bu t Bhagavatsays1 ·It"this is not life . This is not life. Wha t is that ver se? Dharmasya • . .Dharmaikantasya . You have got the first . .. Yes. Na ar thayopakalpate .Dharma does not mean . .. People take to relig ioue life for economicdevelopment . Theynk that by . . • That is also fact . s ButBhagavat says tha -t;ireligious life does not meaneconomic development.Economic development does not meanto satisfy your senses.1 1 Then what shall I do? I have got my senses. There is dema f\1satisfaction for the senses. \at shall I do? Therefore Bhagavatsays } kamasya nendriya-priti7jiveta yavatah . Kamasya . Just like

102-1 BOM-11- 70 NOD LECT .md--4you have to eat. That is the demand of your body . But don 't manufacturevarieties of menus . Eat only to live . Not to live to eat. Theyhave made it a point not to eat for living , but theyeating. Therefore Bhagavat says ,kamasya nendriya-prit. ·"'prt, our senseA,-·J. ·defe. That is(JvU._.living forOur indr iya -gratification is eating , sleeping , sex life, andour indriya-pritr. So Bhagavat says , "Yes , youAare allowed to satisfy your senses so that you can keep fityourself to execute higher procedure of life./And what is thathigher procedure of life? That higher procedure of life isjivasya tattva-j ijnasa11 7•That tattva- jijnasa , hat I am . Forthis purpose yo u shall eat , you shall sleep, you shall satisfyyour senses, you should defend yourself. To fulfill this missionII .,,of life, to understand hat I am. Otherwise , the animals arealso doing that. Indriya-priti So Caitanya Mahaprabhu wasAapproached by sanatana Gosvami . They were ministers in thegovernment of Nawab Hussain Shah in Bengal . In those timesa..there was APathan government. And they were responsible ministr One was chief minister, one was finance minister . Very responsiblepost. Rupa Gosvami . And they almost became Mohammedan 8ecauseformerly the brahminical society was very stric . If any brahmana.. . .accepts service of another person , generally ksatriya and theywere Muslim so they were 1I mean to sa rejected from brahmanasocietnd ' they changed their name also . Almost they becamel4ohammedans. Sakir Mallik and Dabir Ka s, both the brothers ,Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvamis . And they met Caitanya Mahaprabhu jthen they decided to resign frhe government post and join thisKrsna consciousness movement.Krsna consciousness movementis not new. It is continuing , it is going on since Krsna appeared .

_-_-_-:-i '-'' ,I' • ,, ... ,, ·-· -·:·:(, ,. r_,,102-1 BOM- 11- 70 NOD LECT .md--5And later on , five hundred years ago , Caitanya Mahaprabhu revivedit, this Hare Kr sna movement. Harer nama harer nama harer namai)\va kevalam. So when they met Caitanya Mahaprabhu J both the1/brothers decided that ow we shall join Caitanya Mahaprabhu 'smovement . It is-,,very nice movement. So after resigning theirpost , Rupa Gosvami stealthily left the country , and SanatanaGosvami was situated • . . He formally wanted to resign the post )but the Nawab wo uld not allow him to resign. Therefore hewasarrested ,and somehow or other he managed to come out of the prisonand then joined caitanya Mahaprabhu at Benares . So vrhen he met Jthere was discussion of lif va lue of life , between CaitanyaMahaprabhu andsanatana Gosvami. So Sanatana Gosvami first of allquestioned this , that gramya vyavahare /a pandita satya kari mani ."Now the ordinary few friends, my countrymen , they consider me J I amvery learned scholar." He was very learned scholar actually . Hewas great scholar in Sanskr it and Arabic language and Persianlanguage , because in those days there was Mohammedan kingdom.So actually they were very learned scholars . Because \ve understandfrom their wr itings later on, after becoming disciples of CaitanyaMahaprabhu . .. Vande rupa-sanatanau raghu -yugau sri-jiva-gopalakau .so actuallyjthey we re pandit , learned scholars , brahmanas andlearned scholars .But he wa s asking , gramya vyavahare / pandita satyakari mani. " These people , my neighboring friends, they call me as1 1 earned scholar And actually1 I accept that I am scholar , I amlearned pandit, but I do not know what I am . This is my position .I am pandit, they call me pandit, learned scholar, and I accept it .But actually )! do not know what I am . I am such a pandit is isthe position. You call any person, any scientist , any philosopher ,

102-1 BOM-11-70 NOD LECT .md--6any politic ian , any minister , at the present moment and ask him"What you. 1.are?" he 'll fail to answer. He 'll say , "Yes , I am Mr .such and such. I am Indian . I am American. I am minister ." He 'llsay like that. This question was discussed with a great professorin Mo scow. He said , "Swamij i, after finishing this body everythingis finished .• What I a;;f:'That 's all. This is the po sition . Butactually 1 thatinquired thisis not . Therefore Sanatana Gosvami first of allkake...hquestion, gramya-vyavahar pandita . Ordinary beh.:.wior ,my neighbors,they call me very learned scho lar )jut I am such a,,scholar that I do not know what I am. Ke ami kene amaya jare tapaIItraya. Why I am put into this miserable condition of life, birth ,death , and disease , and old age; and threefold miseries , adhyatmika ,· · ·a dh · bh aut · k a, ad h · d av · · k a. 7 n An d t h e w h o 1 e strugg 1 e 1s · t o mnm1zeour miserable condition of life. The struggle is going on , who leday ) work day and night . What is the purpose? aodikQ.-duhkha-nirtti _,t1To minimize our miserable condition of life . So why I am put intothis miserable condition of life, although I do not know , I do notwant it . So what I am? What is my position? That is £2JYa...+ dec.'so111u don 't forget yourself by simply satis fying yoursenses. Kamasya nendriya-prititf.' Don' t be satisfied simply whenyou see that yo ur senses are satisfied. No . Jivasya tattva -j ijnasaOne should be forward to understand what he actually is . 1I(same story , that I am simply seeing dream day and night . I seeing,that's a fact. Law of identity . I am . Then what I am? I am simply(Tbllto see these dreams? What is my actual life? That is tattva-jijnasa· )'A-What i that? :;.A-. Anukulyena krsnanusilanam . So when wego deep into the matter to inquire about ourself, what is myposition , then wecome to this understanding , as Caitanya Mahaprabhu

102-1 BOM- 11-70 NOD LECT .."'.1-.md-·-7to Sanatana Gosvami. Jivera svarupa haya nitya krsna dasa .That wehave forgotten . our constitutional position is eternal servant ofKrsna. This is our position. So as soon as we come to this position ,the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu begins from this point . When a livingentity , when a person comes to the understanding , without anydoubt , that he is eternal servant of Kr sna, then his real lifebegins . Unless he understands this point , he 's still in thehallucination of animal life . Jivera svarupa haya nitya krsnadasa. Actually 1we are engaged as servant always . Here 1everyoncwho t?:M- sit ting here , every one of us servant . Servant of thesocie ty , servant of the family, servant of the community , servantof the country, servant of the nation. In this way we are servan'that 's a fact. And we are serving . Everyone is ser.•1ing . Nobody isactually enjoying . Everyone is servant. That is the constitutionalposition of liv ing entities . But they are serving hallucination.They are not serving the real fact . The cons titutional portion isgoing on . Jivera svarupa haya nitya krsna dasa. The refore onebrahmana , he approached the Supreme Personality of Godheadat"I have served the whole of my life . . • " Kamadinam kati na katidhapalita durnidesa. Serving means , we are serving the society, country ,. . ufamly. The essence s I am not serving, I am satisfying my sensegratification .But I am pushing on he sense gratification in the\1name of service . A man is working whole day and night to maintainhis family,family, butis his realconsidering himself that he is the master of the) j.a_he is;\actuallylhe the servant of the family . That,« uposition. I am servant of the family means he 's servantof his senses .karayo· .TheirYan maithunadmedhi-sukham hi tucchamhappiness is sex life. For enjoy that;1kanduyanenasex life

'• . ..' 102-1md--8BOM- 11-70NOD LECTthey are working so hard day and night. There fore he is neitherserv ing the society, community, family, but he is serving hissense gratification. That 's all. This is their service . The reforethe Avantipura brahmana says that kamadinam kati na katidha palita"'L IdurnJ. "d esa J\· h "My dear Lord , I have served my senses so abominC .Y ·I should not have served in that way ; still I have done ." Just likesometimes we commit so many criminal activities to satisfy ourhsenses. Becauuee we want money. So palita durnidesa . My consciencesays, "You don 't do it," but because I want to en joy my senses. I{)... / 1-rmust do it . I must do it. nows that f I steal1 then I'll. ,,be punJ.shed. He has heard from sastra ) or he has known the statelaws that if one commits theft he 's punished. He knows it. And hehas seen it that one man has stolen or commitd the ft , e...vrarrested , taken by the police . He u,r sali- But still 1helorade, that what is not to be done I still do it . Thereforehe says7 kamadinam kati na katidha palita durnidesas tesam may i na,,karuna jata. But anyone who serves for somebody , ask him whether:7 ,, wi.1R =you are satisfied . I have served you so much . They never say . . .Just lik1rake the example ... I have given this example many times )fat who can serve his country than Mahatma Gandhi better? Nobody .But stil he was shot dead. Still1 he wa s shot dead . His servicewas not acknowledge recognized. Otherwise how he 's shot dead?AThere are so many cases . So many cases . So this world , howeverfaithfully you give service , it willbe never recognized.ecauseit is hallucination, illusion . You are serving your senses . Youcommits theft. Why? Why? Therefore that is my ... I ' bes;ome...M-habituated to serve the process of sense gratification such()..oJL-not serving any person. You are servingyour senses. So when one

102-1 BOM-11-70 NOD LECT .md--9/(comes to this position , he understands that I am actually servant ,but I am posing myself\1 • /1f a 1 sely as master, that s real sense . Then\Iwhose servant I am? I am Krsna 's servant . Therefore Krsna comesand demands, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekarn saranam vraja. Wehave forgotten thate have forgotten Krsna and Krsna 's service 1 fat is maya.Therefore Krsna comes again and again as Himself,as a devotee, or He sends His servitor, a Vaisnava , to preachthis cult Krs consciousness ?at 1 ducate people to serve Krsna ,".Ia serve Me ." Kr sna saysl sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam "vraja. We are also preaching this cult , that you serve Krsna . Krsnavsays / maf ana bha va mad bhakto mad yaji mam namaskuru. We arepreaching this cult. So we have not manufactured any thing . ThisKrsna consc iousness movement is nothing concocted . It is fact.Everyone is servant , but at the present moment he is se rving maya.So instead of serving maya , let him serve Kr sna, the originalPersonality of Godhead . This is Krsna consciousness movement ., . .So that service , when one agrees to serve Kr snj1 %ecause nobodyis agreeable to serve Krsna . Krsna personally carne, canvassed .How many peopleIIare serving Krsna? Avajananti mam muclha . Oh ,.AX M//too much Krsna is asking that give up everythingand serve only unto Him.'1..J.e I.()·IItoo much . People are thinking .Avajananti rnarn mudha . Because they are mudhas . They are thinking"Why shall I serve Krsna? I shall serve dog .I shall keep a dog:: d s::: e a: i :a::e: h :r:::;l::g:::::: :: a ::: · p:s:::: .s:: nd .you don 't serve God 7 then you have to serve dog , maya . You cannot without service . That is not possible. That is not pos sible .You must have to serve somebody . But you will not be satisfied.'P · ··By such service Ue master whom you are serving , he will never1\

102-1 BOM-11-70 NOD LECT .md-- 10be satisfied , neither you wi ll be satisfied . But if you serveactually the supreme master Krsna , He will be satis fied , andyou' ll be satis :: ied. Patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktyaprayacchati. Huh? Tad aham bhakty-upahrtam asnami prayatatmanah.Krsna says that ",You simply try to serve Me . Offer Me littlewater , little flower, little leaf ." Anyone . Universal . Anyone().-can collect/little water, little flower, or little leaf }andoffer to Krsna . Krsna is prepared to accept your service inthat way . is the difficulty to serve Krsna? Buhey willnot This is maya . So one has to make his determination :anukulyena kr snanusilanam , this bhakti . Anukulyena means l

...,.-------• .',::;.1:.::-:""·"h,'., r;-'• -'t', :··,• ' ;!,' \} >;· :;:,·,:.'\102-1 BOM-11-70 NOD LECT.md-- 11. 'p ·(.rsnasays , ma,Ca i a bhavamad-bhakto mad-yaj i mam namaskuru . Whydon't you ·lways think of Krsna? Where is the loss? If youAare walking on the street going on 1(-E

. . • r ' .., . . .102-1md--12BOM-11-70NOD LECT .it is very difficult. The best thing is , as it is recommeded in. . .the Brhad Naradiya Puranai Aany others Puranas /'upanisa kalau/ ' /'l.nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha . In the Bhagavad-gitaalso you'l l find )satatamkirtayanto roam yatantas ca drdhac..o....vratah 1namasyantas roam bhaktya tusyanti ca ramanti ca . Sata tamkirtayanto roam . Anyone who is chanting , he 's mahatma . He 's mahatma ). .A.ovoi-o o,..L-hese boys , although they are very young , but becausethey arechanting always , they are mahatmas . Mahatmanas tu mampartha da ivim prakrtim asritahjanty ananya manaso . Krsnasay maana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru . So th is isthe process in this age . You can chant. There is no loss>butthere is much gain . Why don 't you try itat is called bhakti .Anukulyena krsnanusilanam. _!avorab . Krsna€-IJsays that ou becomealways thinking of Me , " mafana . You think of Krsna , tht is bhakti .That is anukula. Anukulyena krsnanusilanarn . Krsna say and wecarry01'1-the order. Just like Ar juna did. Kr sna said tha t"You kill. I want the other party must be killed. " He )first ofall )he hesitated . "How can I kill my grandfather and nephews ,my brother, the other side? No I cannot ."When he was bod ilyconscious . But when he understood Krsna 's Bhagavad-gita he said . )karisye vacana "Yes , I shall clo." Th is anukula. That isanukula. In the beginning he was becoming Avery good gentleman ,nonviolent, but Krsna chastised him. Kutas tva kasmalam idamvisame samupasthitam anarya justam asvargyam akirti karam. 11 0hyouNotare proposing something which is , the action of the anarya .. of the Aryans . So give up this\kta. U o y a Wt.. , deficienc: ,defect, or 7 what is called , weakness , weakness of your heart . Give

.·,',. ··.-; ::·' : ' • l",JJ·· ';r, ,•102-1md-- 13BOM-11- 70NOD LECT . -it upi11heiJ when he became H;: sisya, sisyas te 'ham sadn,!_i mamprapannam . At that time ) assisya , He immediately chastised him.asocyan anvasocas tvam prajna -vadams ca bhasase . "My dear Arj una ,you are talking just like a very leanned man , but you do not knowwhat is learned. You do not know. " Asocyan anvasocas tvam prajnavadamsca bhasase 1gatasun agatasums ca nanusocanti panditah . Thisis not talk o f the pandita . Just learn what is pandit. How? Thenwhen He began to teach him how to become pandit , the first instructionwas , dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara1 tatha dehantarawithinpratir dhiras tatra na muhyati. Asmin dehe means/this body thereis the soul . This is the beginning of spiritual understanding.How many people know? They do not know it. They think tha t v i amd d"this bo y, American or In an or . .. so the Krsna consciousnessmovement is very scientific movement , authorized movement , ando-there is Avast philosophy . We have published --l'ke1M. ) 20 big ,bigbooks we have published . So our only request is that you allconscientious people, advanced, educated persons , they shouldtry to understandthis movement as it is and join, make hisl ife successful 1 and teach others also. Peopleare suffering forwant of this knowledge and they are being misled by so manyrascals . Dehatma-buddh Andha yathandhair upaniyamana . Inthe Bhagavat it is said1 na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnudurasaya ye bahir-artha- maninah . The se people, they do notknow what is fue ultimate goal of life . 1Na te viduh . They donot know.The ultimate goal of life is to go back to home , backto Godhead . Thatthey actually do not know. They do not knoweven what is God, and whatthe question of going back to Him,back to home, back to Godhead? They do not know anything .. .,·'

·' .. ... .1 02-1md--14BOM- 11-70NOD LECT .There is God, there is home of God . As we saynerally, we giveyou the name of God , His address, His father 's name , everything .But they 'll no t accept it . 11 There is no God. God is dead . I amGod , you are God . God is loitering in the street; This is the irtheory . Andha yathandhair upaniyamana . The blind men are ledby blind leaders . So we should no t follow like tha ·we actuallywant success o f life , then we must be Krsna conscious . t'le mustfollow the greatest authori£Y J . a. Isvarah paramah krsnah sac-(..U " · ·c id-ananda-vigrahah .Aif ysuccess of life , everything isthere . Whatever you want. sarva-kamo va moksa kama udara -dhih ) tivrena bhakti-yogena ya j eta. Wh atever you want 1you'l l get . Ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham.so Krsna ,is givingSimply byaham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami rna sucah . Krsna:-assurance:Ajo many things that by understanding Krsna . ..understanding Krsna ) your life is successful . The life ,success of lifeThatl you\also doTatha dehantarais to stop this repetition of birth and dea th .not know, there is repetition of birth and death .prapti Krsna says in the beginning , asmin dehe... ole h.·, )Atatha dehantara • • . kaumaram yauvanam jara 1 tatha dehantara-praptirdhiras tatra rna muhyati. Those who are actually educated , sober,II • Iu,rl..o _,i,othey can understand that nere is a man supposed to be dead ,but he 's not dead . He has transferre4+his body: ' That ' s all . Tathadehantara- praptib. As I am transferring my body from babyhood tochildhood , childhood to boyhood , boyhood to youthood , youthood toold body Jfmilar ly , as I have changed so many bodies, where is thedifficulty to understand that after giving up this body , I willget another body? And Kr sna is confirming, all the Vedic literatureconfirming, tatha dehantara-praptil-\, another: 1body. But we must know

'.r • .. . •.· .·- ·· .·' 1021··· :'..•..,1BOM- 11- 70NOD LECT.md--15what kind o f body I am going to get . That is intellidyyou must have to accept. As you have changed , as youso manybodies in this life , then you have to accept another body . Now )there are 8,400,00 0s of bodie s 1rhat you see . There are aquaticI}bodies , there are tree bodies, plant bodies , insect body , bird 'sbody , beasti/body , so many bodies , 8,400,000. So Krsna says tathadehantara-praptih. He does not say what kind of body you ' ll get .He says dehantar you 'll get another body .So how that body 1you 'll;thave to make . That is in your hand in this life. You can prepareyour next body in this body. Just like you can prepare your futurelife in your youthood y education , by culture . Then you can get Overy nice po st ;osition, honorin the society . But ifyou spoil your life in childhood and youthood ) then you have noposition in future life. Similarl if you want to get next body )very nice valuable body , so you prepare for that. You prepare forthat. And how the preparation goes? That is also stated in theBhagavad-gita . Yanti deva-vratah devan pitrn yanti pitr-vratah )bhutejya yanti bhutani mad-yaj ino 'pi yanti roam . So you can prepare .If you want to go to the higher planetary system, you can worship"31.v:.o_ t!fLdemigods . Chandra, 1\ the moon planet, you are trying to go there .;\In this way you cannot go . But if you prepare in this life howto be promoted in the moon planet or sun planet or heavenly planet )Y ···then you prepare yourself "A Not by force. You cannot go by yourtiny sputnik and enter into the sun planet. That is not possible .You have to prepare yourself in this life . Yanti deva-vratah devan.This . .. But Krsna also says ) abrahma bhuvanal lokatl punaravartino 'rjuna. Even if you go to the Brahmaloka, the highestplanet of this universe, still ) you have to come back again .

. . . .. ·• ··: 102-1md--16BOM-11- 70 NOD LECT .::!."?(Yl..ad - c::'{b"""'- gat punar janma wti+i. /4:--- / Therefore a saneperson should try in•:this life how to go back to home , back toGodhead . That is the highest perfection of life. So Krsnaconsciousness movement is teaching people how to go back tohome, back to Godhead. Take advantage of this movement andbe happy . Thank you very much .(end)

102-3Bhagavad-gita 7.1<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Mayy asakta-manah partha yogam yunjan mad-nsrayah ,. asamsayarn sarnagram marn yatha jnasyasi tac chrnu Af oday ' s subjectmatter is Krsna-yoga . Yesterday we discussed some portion of it .Now, Krsna is all-attractive . Aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasyayasasah sriyah1 jnana vairagyayos caiva sannam bhaga itingana .Bhagavan. There is definition of Bhagavan. Not hat any rascaladvertises himself Bhagavan and he becomes• • •/).AMuni, father of Vyasadeva , gave u Aat )\weBhagavan. No. Parasara7mean by Bhngavan . Bhagameans opulence } and van means one who possesses ) opulence . Ju st likewe have our practical experience. Anyone who is very rich, he 'sattractive , he becomes attractive . Many men go to him for somefavor . One who is very influential , he becomes very attractive . Onewho is very famous , he becomes attractive . One who is very learned ,wise , he becomes attractive . One who is very wise, he becomesattractive . And one who is in the the renounced order of life • . •Renounced order of life means onewho possesses everything , butrenounces, does not use it for his personal benefit. Just like aperson who is very charitably disposed , he gives everything to thepublic . He is also very attractive . So these are six kinds ofattraction . So Bhagavan means> one who is in full possession of allthese attractive faature He is Bhagavan. Not any rascal loitering1in the street becomes Bhagavan. No . That is misleading. Ne do notknow what is meant by the word Bhagavan, therefore we accept anyrascal as Bhagavan. Aisvaryasya samagrasya . Riches , there are many

···.:·r102-3BOM-11-70 BG-7 : 1md--2. ,,rich men in Bombay city , but nobody can cla that I am the possessoro f all the riches . All the bank money or any money there is in,,Bombay , that is my money. Nobody can say . But Krsna can say .Aisvaryasya samagrasya . Samagra riches, not paltry portion of it .samagra . Aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasya . Strength , in f luence ,viryasya . Yasasah , reputation , fame . Just like Krsna spoke thisBhagavad-gita five thousand years ago , but still1 it is adoredall over the world. Not only in India , but all over the world.Bhagavad-gita is known in any country , irrespective of religion d'-faith . Everyone , any intell igent man , any scholar , any philosopher ,reads Bhagavad-gita. That means Krsna is so famous . Everyone knows .so aisvaryasya. And when He was present , He showed His riches.Narada Muni wanted to see how Krsna is managing His 16 , 000wives , 16 , 108 wives. So when Narada Muni carne , he entered eachand every palace . There were 16,108 palaces, all marble pa lacesbedecked with jewels. There was no need of electricity or lightat night. All the palaces were so bedecked with jewels . And chefurnitures were made of ivory and gold, opulences. The gardens werefull of parijata trees. And not only that, Narada Muni saw thatKrsna was present with each and every wife and He is doing , Eewas doing different types of business also . Somewhere He wassitting with His wife , children . Somewhere marriage ceremonygoing on of His children. Somebody • . . So many , all • . . Not one kindo f engagement. So this is called opulence , riches . Not that possessinga few tolas of gold one becomes God . No . Bhoktaram yajna-tapasamsarva- loka·mahesvaram suhrdam. Krsna declares that "I am thesupremeenjoyer. " Bhoktaram yajna.-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram."I am the proprietor of the planets ." That is richness . Power ,;(o far strength and power is concerned, Krsna , when He was three

-, ... ·..· ', ...102-3 BOM- 11-70 BG-7:1md--3months old on the lap of His mother , He killed so many demons .So Bhagavan is not manufactured by some process . Bhagavan isBhagavan )ways Bhagavan . Either He is representing as a childor a boy or a youth, He never becomes old. That is another featureof Bhagavan. That is another aisvarya . We want to keep our youthhoodby so many ways , but Krsna is always young. Bhagavan is alwaysyoung . Bhagavan never becomes old . Advaitam acyutam anadim anantarupamadyam purana-purusam nava-yauvanam ca . He is the puranapurusam.Purana-purusam means the oldest person. Beca use He isadyam , beginning of all purusas . Purusa means the three purusas ,Visnu , Maha Visnu , Garbhodakasayi Visnu, Karanodakasayi Visnu ,The are called purus So adyam purusam . He is male , person.A,1.0-He not imperson. Imperson is only His one bodily feature. Soin spite of His being adyam , adi-purusam , the cause of all causes,cause of Maha Visnu , cause of Brahma , He 's still naa-yauvanam ca.He never becomes old . God never becomes old. That is His opulence .Aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasya yasasah . Ya a I have alreadyexplained . He is so famous still . You cannot find in the historyof the worldve thousand yearo af pearedd He 's stillfamous. You don ' t find. There is not a single instance withinthe human history . But Krsna, He appeared five thousand yearsago during the battle of Kuruksetra, before that , and still Heis famous . Net cr.ly famous in India, but He 's famous all overthe world. In each and every language , the Kr sna word is theredictionary. He is also stated as "Hindu god ." But Krsna is notHindu God or Muslim God . He is God . God is neither Hindu norMslirr. nor Christian. God is God . So Krsna is Bhagavan , svayambhagavan . Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam. There may be many bhagavans ,

--" -.- .. . . , _ _.,- ·· .. , :•.,•. ., ""'''"'..102-3 BOM- 11-70 BG-7 :1md--4but Kr sna is the original hagavan . Isvarah paramah krsnah saccid-ananda-vigrahah; anadir adir govindakjsarva-karana-karanam.so Krsna says) mayy asakta-manah partha yogam yunjan mad•asrayah .We have to increase our attachment for Kr sna . So how we canincrease our attachment for Krsna , unless we know Kr sna > jt leastsomething about Him. Just like a girl becomes attached to a youngboy when she knows about something about that boy . The more sheknows , shebecomes attracted. In the Caitanya-caritamrta it issaid ) siddhanta balj_ya citt}. na kara alasa ) iha haite krsne lage sudrdhat.v-e...manasa. If want to be attracted by somebody, we must know abouthim something . Simply superficial understanding will not do . Justlike we feel sometimes inconvenier.cE:• in preaching about Krsna__A..a,.u-- )because people they think they know everything about Krsna.What they will hea from : the Americans and Europeans. What you canteach us? Familia rity breds contempt . No .Krsna is not so easy toknow . Manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye, yatatam apisiddhanam kascid vetti mam tattvatah . We have to know Krsna as'S 11 11He s . o k now means to'h ear c: t :out Hm . B ecause Krsna , we are notAnddirectly in contact with Him, Krsna. I yoga, Krsna-yoga J meansto know Krsna Jand then we become attached or make connection withHim. Sambandha, this is called sambandha. We must knowwhat isour relationship with Krsna. That relationship is described bySri Caitanya Mahaprabhu when He was inquired by Sanatana Gosvami,"What i s my position? ·fuat I am? " Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saidthat every living entity is eternal servant of Krsna . This is ourrelationship . we are eternal servant of Krsna. Therefore Krsna isasking here , mayy asakta. We are eternally relaed with Krsna . Butnow 1under the influence o f this material energy, or illusory external

102-3 BOM- 11- 70 BG-7:1rnd--5,,energy , we have forgotten Krsna . Therefore Krsna says that ou\Ito divert your attention, attachrnent Jto Me ayy= ·Iasakta . Ma .Isays rnayJ\. Mayy asakta . Mayy asakta-rnanah . Mind has to be alwayshaveKrsnafixed up in Krsna . This yoga has to be practicedas MaharajaArnbarish did . Sa vai rnanah krsnak-padaravindayor . He always . . •He was a great ernpercr. He had many bu siness , political andmaintenance of the kingdom. He was always busy, great emperor ofthe whole wo rld. But still 1 he fixed up his mindlotus feet of Krsna. That is called krsnasakti;1asakt; .A.a.. l{.__halways on theKrsnasakti Mayy1\rnanah. Mind has to be fixed 1n Krsna . The process is verys1rnp e. Everyone at orne ·d , 1n any con 1t1on . . o f 1': 1'"e J h e can f' 1x upAhis mind in Krsna. Our mind has to be fixed in something becausemind is never vacant. It is always fixed or attached to something.Not for a second our mind is vacant . So this vacancy has to befilled up by the presence of Krsna . That is perfect yoga . In thelast chapter . .. We are speaking from the venth chapter. In the:::--;Clast chapter , sixth chapter, Krsna: yoginarn api sarve sarn mad- 7gatenantaratrnana 1 sraddhavan bhajate yo rnarn sa me yuktatamo matah .YoginAMthere are many yogis, many different types of yogis. Butthe best yogi , the foremost yogi, best of al is he h o? Yoginamapi sarvesam maata.Simply in relationship with M: thinking ofMe ' Mad-gatenantaratrnana, within the core of teart always thinkingr'\t -h, - a.w-f.l!\.v-' • •of Krsna Yoga process means to concentrate the mindn theSupreme Personality of Godhead , generally Lord Visnu. ALord Visnuand Krsna , there is no difference . They are the same . Krsna isthe original Visnu . So the first-class yogiis he who is ah1aysconcentrating his mind upon Krsna . Yoginarn api sarvesarn madgatenantaratrnanasraddhavan . Unless you have got sraddha, you

102-3 BOM-ll-70 BG-7: lmd--6cannot make any progress. Sraddha , sraddha means faith . Just likeyou have all came . You have got little faith , or more faith . Thereis faith . Without faith how you could come here and spare some timefor understanding Krsna or hearing about Krsna. So this is thebeginning. Sraddhavan . Sraddhavan bhajate yo mam . With faith.That faith begins in the Bhagavad-gita . The Krsna is creatingthat faith personally. He is speaking abcut Himself to create1/ IIyour faith . Krsna says that you are searching after the Supreme ,Krsna says } aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate .Ahamadir hi devanam . So in this way JKrsna , not advertising Himself, butHe is presenting Himself because He comes down to es tablish realreligious system. Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhava ti bharatah .Dharma-samsthapanarthaya. He has come , He came to es tablish realreligious principl. Real religious principle means to accept thecodes of Krsna . Dharman tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam. Nobody cancreate religious principle. A man cannot create . That is notCl-possible. Any relgious system which is created by man , that is).no t relgion. Re ligion means what is created by God . Th at isreligion. Dharman tu saksad . Saksad means directly .So thisBhagavad-gita is real religion because it is directly spokenby the Supreme Personality of Godhead for the benefit of thewhole human society . And Kr sna says also that'' 1f you have gotany other faith , religion , you give it up . 11 Sarva-dharman parityajyamam ekam , only one . God is one . Re ligion is one . The process ofreligion is one . And the activity , who is in God relationship,his activity is also one . That is oneness. There cannot be anydifferent activities . Therefore Krsna is teaching mayy asakta-manah .So how to increase your attachment. We have got attachment in so

"·< ·' , . .... ,_.102-3 BOM- 11':'"70 BG-7 :1md--7many other things . We have got attachment for the body , we have gotattachment for the family , we have got attachment for the society ,country, or so many things. But Krsna says )mayy asakta-manah .That is yoga . That is perfect yoga. And to perform that yoga ,Krsna ayy asakta-manah partha yogam yunjan mad-asrayah.One has to take shelter of Krsna . You cannot practice Krsna-yogaby taking shelter of anything else . You have to take shelter ofKr sna. Just like in the fourth chapter Krsna says that imam vivasvateyogam proktavan aham avyayam 1 vivasvan manave praha manur iksvakave'bravit. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh . so thebeginning is Krsna . So Krsna first of all explained this Bhagavadgitato the sud. Imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam .So thebeginning is from Krsna and it was spoken first to thesuod . The suod explained to his son , Manu . Vivasvate , vivasvatemanu . This age is Vaivasvata Manu age . There are S · )many thingswe have to learn , but we are neglecting . In one day of Brahmathere are fourteen Manus . And each Hanus ags 43 lakhs of years Amultiplied by 72. So now it is age of Vaivasvata Manu . Th is is the ,Aout of the 14 Manu this is the 7th Manu it is going on . Sothis age is called Manu . Manu , the father of the humankind .Manusya . There is lanu-samhita , to give direction to the peoplehow to act, how to live . That is M:mu-samhita. So in this "·ay wehave to learn the philosophy of Kr sna , which is directly spokenby Kr sna. No t interpreted by anyone . That is Krsna philosophy .If it is interpreted , or misinterpreted by some so-called scholar ...We cannot accept them scholar who misdirect people by misinterpretationof Bhagavad-gita . That is not very good. OtherwiseJ why peopleare so much misdirected? Becau se the so-called scholars andl

102-3md--8BOM- 11-70BG-7:1. · ..i\}'M.:5--:s::·..philosophers , they have misdirected . They have tried to kill Krsnafrom Bhagavad-gita and pu sh forward their own rascal philosophy .so that is not good . We have to learn Bhagavad-gita directly fromKrsna . That is mayy asakta . That is real Bhagavad ... Because Krsnasayevarn parampara-Praptam imam rajarsayo viduh . By the paramparasystem all the great kings , rajarsayo , they understood Bhagavadgita.So we have to accept the Bhagavad -gita by the paramparasystem. No t we manufacture our own interpretation . That is notBhagavad-gita . That is misusing the Bhagavad-gita . So if wewant to increase our attachment for Krsna, then · sraddha is. • /1the basc principle, fath . Yes , Krsna is the Supreme Personality", ..of Godhead . Even if we don 't accept Hi __s.t least Jeveryone accept(!>)::::-Krsna the greatest personality . So that much faith is the beginningof asakti, attachment for Krsna . That little faith . Svalpam apydhannasya trayate mahato bhayat . Now you have to increase thatfaith. That increasets, as it is enunciated by Rupa Gosvami ,adau sraddha . r,Cou ave got little faith , to increase the faith ,just yourself associate with the devotees. Adau sraddha tatsadhu ­sanga Becaust like iou want to ,do some business )/f rou want-to increase the volume of busines you have to associate withbusinessmen of the same line . Just lile there are different mercantileassocation , sharebrokers 1 association, grain merchant association,oil shipmerchant association. So to increase the volume ofbusiness, one has to associate with the similar person So ifyou want to increase your faith in Krsna , then you have toassociate wi th Krsna-bhakta. Associate . Adau sraddha tato sadhusanga. This sadhu means Krsna-bhakta . Without becoming Krsnabhakta,according to Bhagavad-gita , nobody can become a sadhu .

.·. .. .102-3 BOM-11- 70 BG-7: 1md--9That is also explained in the Bhagavad-gita. Sadhur eva sa mantavyah.Who? Bhajate mam ananya-bhak . Api cet suduracaro bhajate mam ananyabhaksadhur eva sa mantavyah . He is sadhu . Not that sadhu simply,like me , change the dress or having a long beard and . • . No . Thesadhu means one is purely devotee of the Lord . He is sadhu . Bhajateroam ananya-bhak, without any deviation. One who has taken Krsna,the Supreme Lord , as the only worshipable , he is sadhu . Sadhavasadhu-bhusana Titiksavah karunika sadhavah sadhu-bhusanajatasatravahsantah sadhavah sadhu-bhusanah . These are the definition ofsadhu. Sadhu means titiksavah . One who has taken Krsna astheSupreme Lord, Krsna as the Supreme Person ) je has to to lerate somany things , so many critic isms , so many tribulations . Just likePrahlada Maharaja. Prahlada Maharaja had to undergo so muchtribulation from the hands of his father because he became a sadhu ,Krsna-bhakta. The only fault was that he was a Kr sna-bhakta . Eventhe father, the atheistic father, became enemy . He wanted to killhim. You know Prahlada- caritra. If there is opportunity weshall speak. It is horrible. Five years old boy, because he waschanting Hare Krsna, Narayana, the father became enemy . TitiksavaATherefore a sadhu has to become very tolerant . Haridas1Thaku HardaThakubecame a sadhu , a devotee of Krsna . He came fromMohammedan community . In those days the Mohammedan Kazi, magistrate,called him , that " You are Mohammedan, and why you are chanting HareKrsna, the Hindu 's god 's name?" So he very mildly replied , "Hy dearMsir, there are many Hindus, they have also become Mohammedans /{jupposeI have become a Hind o what is the fault?" Oh , he became veryangry 1and he was ordered to be caned in seven markets . You see?

...... '":'"? · ·:· .·.,--::-, ... ·:, t,"· -::;r.¥ ·-·:.(':''.11....,_:then you can chant Hare Krsna mantra very peacefully. You' ll notbe disturbed . If you chant, if you begin chanting Hare Krsna mantra )then your friends will crit ic ize.It is very easy job. But fc·r thefear of crit icism from my friends I do not like to chant . I do notlike to take the beads. I can carry a trans ... ,what is called . . itransistor throughout the whole road J'ut if ,I carry one bead I'llbe c riticized . So one has to be tolerant. Now these European,{)American boys , fuey don ' t care for any cricism . They have giventheir so-cal led hats and coats 1 and they are chanting, theyare going

. . ' .· . : •. ' ;;.· ·· ·:.· · : :. _ ...; .. ,_ "::!··- ... --·· t:" ._. t:•:; •. ' :, ...... .··.- :·---:;ti'':-!;,J;·:-: ,,0.:·-:t's.'-102-3BOM- 11-70 BG-7: 1·. {md--11on the street ) chanting Hare Krsna mantra. Not only he re. In Europe ,big 1big cities , New York , London, Hamburg , Berlin , everywhere.so they don't care for this so-called criticism. They are fixedup, and people are accepting . So this is called increasing thesraddha , faith. Adau sraddha , to increase your attachment forKrsna, the basic principle is sraddha, faith . Then the faith iscreated by reading Bhagavad-gita. You can understand what is Krsna.Then you can have your faith, "Here is God." That much . And sarvadharmanparityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. This is the beginningof faith 1/hat ' kow I must engage myself in the devotional rviceof Krsna. ', If yo decide like that, then your reading of Bhagavadgita. • . (break ) ... otherwise you have simply wasted your time . Youmay write very so-cal led scholarly commen, but you have simplywasted your time you have not come to the conclus ion that. "(( now I s h a 11 engage royse lf n . t h e servce of Krsna . Sarva-dharmanparityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. If you do that, that is thebeginning of sraddha . Then other things . Mayy asakta-manah parthayogam yunj an mad -asrayah . This has been explained by KavirajaKr snadaGosvami. sraddha sabde visvasa kahe sudrdha niscaya 1krsne bhakti kaile sarva karma krta haya . This is sraddha . Sraddhameans , sraddha sabde visvasa , full faith ; sudrdha , very firm;niscaya, with conviction.That is sraddha . Sraddha sabde visvaSQLsudrdha niscaya. What is thatbhakti kaile sarva karma krtavisvat? What is that faith? Kr sne"haya .'tif I devote myself in Krsnaconsciousness> in the service of Krsna , all my work will be perfect. nThis is called sr addha. If you have got hesitation that some oercentage-=-to Krsna, some percen·tage to my family , some percentage to mycountry, some percentage to my dog , some percentage in this . . No !II

102-3--.··.:······ 'BOM- 11-70 BG-7: 1• .:.t;r'.{·} .!:t. \'',-;md --12. . .simply A;_arva-barman parityajya roam ekam saranam vraja. That faith ,,/1 :;:::... if you can yourself to that platform of faith, that is thebeginning of faith . Krsne bhakti kaile sarva karma krta haya .Kr sna is Supreme . so by serving the Supreme , you can serve everyone .Yatha taror mula-nisecanena trpyanti tat-skandha-bhuj opasakhah )pranopa h arac ca yathendr1yanam tathaiva srvarhanam acyutejya .,.c.This is called. Yatha taror mula-nisecanena . If you pour water on. Ovthe root of the tree , the water reaches to the branches, to thetwi gs , to the leaves , to the flowers , to the fruits--au tomatically.You simply pour water on the root . That is the system . H you pourwater on the everyFe:f;. you have no time . The re are millionsof leaves. How you can • • 1fo. Take the root and pour wa to 0 and itwill reach. That is the way . Similry 1if you love your society ,your friends, yourcountry , your family, your self, your. dog ,everything love Krsna , all love will be )/f youdistribu ted . Butif you don 't love Krsna, if you simply love this , simply love that , that, it will never be perfect.Therefore the whole world is confused .They do not know where to repose the love. They do not know. ThereforeKrsna is canvassing, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam . 11 Come here !Love me ! Increase your attachment for Me . Everything wi ll be all,, . .right. Otherwi se 1it is simplySrama eva hi kevalam . Simplywaste of time . Dharmah svanustn1tah pumsam visvaksena ka thasu yah )notpadayed yadi ratim srama eva hi kevalam. It is simply waste oftime . The whole world is trying to formulate e United Nations ,how to love the nations, one another.But there is no Krsna . Thereforetwenty years they are trying to unite the nations , but they aresimp ly becoming disun ited . They are missing the point. They do notknow how to unite.If you want to unite the whole human society

102-3md--13BOM-ll-70BG-7:1into one , take to this Krsna consciousness. You 'll be un itedpolitically , socially,religiously, culturally, philosophicnlly , any waya . Because Krsna is everything . Aham sarvasya prabhavah .Kr sna is the root . Sarva-karana-karanam . Isvarah paramah krsnahsac -c id-ananda-vigrahah )anadir adir govindasarva-karana -karanam.so take the root and your business will be successful. That is theeffect of studying Bhagavad-gita . Krsne bhakti kaile sarva karmakrta haya . Simply by engaging yourself in the devotional serviceof Krsna , all our other activities will be perfectly done . Thisis the secret of success , Krsna consciousness. Try to understand

·;-tp: :-- .::-';t.- '. 102-3.- ..md--14 BOM-11-70 BG-7: 1lk . f .,ta ng o God. What s th e nonsense? , T h s . s . t h e po siton . . But t h atis not the fact. God is here . God is there . God is personallycanvassing here, Krsna. How you can say God is not there? God isthere. God must be there. Otherwise how things are going on?Just like because you are within this body , although you cannotsee yourself, we cannot see ourself. Where I am? In this body .But I am in this body As soon as I go away from this body ,this body is useless. Not even worth farthing . This such nicebrain, such nice dress, such nice activity. As soon as I qo away,I leave this body. Tatha dehantara-praptih. As I leave th is bodyand accept another body, this body is useless immed iately };fimilar lyyou are seeing the whole cosmic manifestation , the gigant .l. c bodyo f this material world );Jo thereis something soul . Jus t like inthis body there is soul , similarly this gigantic body has qot asoul. That is God . How you can deny it? In the sastra we say ,eko'py asau racayitum jagad-anda-k im yac-chaktir asti jagad-andacayayad-antah , andantarasthaaramanu-cayantara- stham govinda:n adipurusamtam aham bhaj ami. Eko 'py asau racayitum. Just like isbody has developed . How it has developed? Because the spirit soulis there . The spirit soul is injected by the semina of the fa-:.her,and it is put within the womb of the mother. And then the t\vO secretionsdevelops into a small body like a pea, and that develops 1 gradally .When the development is complete on the seventh month the child moves .His sense , consciousness comes. He is in the dreaming condition.Inthe beginning he is unconscious , susut Then dreaming condition ) returns his consciousness nd then he wants to come out. Then 1in due course of time , at the end of ten months , the child comes out .This is the process of bodily construction , material bodily construc-J'aM.+of"tt ion. Karmana daiva-netrenadehopapataye . This is the beginningII

•.:.:'102-3 BOM- 11-70. .- .•.. . .. . -. .: /.' '''".'·::: ·BG-7: 1md--15of body. So a dead child coming out does not se the soul• • Iis not there. So unless the soul is there A1here are so many instances .A very nice big machine , airplane , 747. But if there is no pilot,who will drive it? The machine is worthless unless there is thepilot. Similarly >this is also machine , this body . Yantrarudhanimayaya. Isvara . .. (break--end)

His Divine GraceA.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADATRANSCRIPTIONSDECEMBER <strong>1970</strong>THE FOLLOWING TRANSCRIPTS WILL APPEAR IN CHRONOLOGICftL ORDER. ** Where actual dates are missing, transcripts are placed in seouential order.

AHM, December, <strong>1970</strong>1.LECTURESo you require some fan. They ae. the devotees, theyare very inconvenient. So you, fro next time, you justarrane for some fans . hatever facility you have ot ,you can use them for Krsna' s sakesambandhe y ukta valragyam ucyate.iirbandhe krs!"laDrv renouncer.ent is notrecommended by our acaryas.(Tape which Prabhupdapreviously requested be played ber:ins, ·When ta:)e endsMangalacarana prayers, then ,lecture be,';ins: )Na tatha hy aghavan rajan puyeta tapa-adhibhih,yatha krsnarpita-pranas tat-purusa-nisevaya.So this versewe have been discussin that the befinin of thisdiscQsion was that people are suffering.Just like aman suffers from disease.There are different tyns ofpains.So this material world is a nlace where we haveto sffer differnet types of pains by differentcauses. That is our postion, actual position. Tritapajantramaya. They are called: tri means three. The Sanskritword , tri, and the latin tri, almost the same. (Thunderin background) Now here, this thunderbolt, is a!"lother pa1n.This is called adhidaivic,pains or miseries offered bythe demigods.ACcording to VEdic conception, this thunderboltis thrown by Lord Indra, the Kinr, of Heaven. He's inchare of cloud and rains.So when the thunderbolt is thereit is very painful.The ot her day one of our students wastelling me a story that on the plane Mister Geore Harrison,he was descending by the modern jubo plane butthere

AHM-12-70 LECTURE 2.. •- ... !j". i ·' (' ":'1:.., ·,:'·:.\ ·.:·. .. . ;> .·'·: .., ..('·: ':\.._ .,was lir,htnin and thunderbolt and the plane was in very sreatdanger whn it was descending on ew York.So he began tochant Hare Krsna . So everyone, passenger , was suprised whythis fellow's chantin Hare Krsna.So aome way or other hesaid that we are saved.That is a fact. You believe or notbelieve, that is a different thin. But it is fact. Thattakin shelter of this Maha-mantra,if you always keep yourselfin chanting Hare Krsna Mantra ...It is net very difficulttask. Simply you have to ar,ree. That's all. It is not difficult.Just like our boys and glrls. They're chantinvalways llnreKrsna. Hare Krsna. Krsna Krsna Hare Hare . •.·!hat is your loss ?You're not lo8inF, anything. But if there is ain why don'tyou try it? YOu are not losinf': any money . He are not charint;any money that Ishall give you this mantra. o. We aregiving this mantra, chanting in the street,the . .. So you simply practice it and do it.chanting inAnd see theresult.We are not asking anything. First of all you dothis or that or yo pay us something or ... No.We are simplyinviting you:"Please come and chant with us Eare Krsnaantra.Dance with us and be happy . " Hhat is the objection?"'.TI do not find any objection. No sane man will say: ;.O'I have got objection." Fhat is the ob.j ection? So this worldis always, we should reMember, full of miseries . He arethinking thatI am very comfortably situated. That isillusion. THat is maya. This is wrong conception. YOushould be very much pessimistic, not optimistic. Optimistic,that is animal conception . The animals, they do not know .Any miserable condtion . .. Even in the slaughterhouse,

AHM-12-70LECTURE3.just after few minutes the animal will be slaughtered, butit is thinking that "I am safe." Eatine grass. I have seen.The goat ... In India, of course, they do not slaugher cows.Some of them.But the ... Slauhter cows. So the one goatis being slaufhtered and the other oat is standine there,eat1nf, f,rass. It is thinkinr that '' I am very safe." So thatis illusion. THis question was raised by Dharrnaraja toYudisthira: "\fuat i the most wonderful thinr: in this\o[Orld?" Ee replied: "':'his is the most •,.;onderful thin".··Hhat is that? Ahani ahani lokani r;acchanti yamamandriyam.In every moment, so many men are goin to Yarnamandriyam,means to the hands of the cruel death.Sesaitarn icchanti.But those who are not dyin immediately they are thinkin:I am safe. He are safe." Everyone is thinking: "I'llnot die. My father died. THat's all right. My brother ...That's all right." But he's thinking: '' I'll not die."This is called illusion. But there is no remedy. We areinventing so many scientific, I mean to say, processes tocounteract difficulties. lhe scientific research is r:o1 n1·on how to counteract nature's onslaught on us.Justlike hereis a nature's onslaurht. Now how we can counteractit? You have some measures of counteract. Thatdoes notmean it is nerfect. AT any moment everythin can bedismantled. So sesasitam icchanti kim asacaryam atahparam. ··r am seein»: ... " The same example. One ;;;oat isseeing that his fellow-r,oat is being slaughtered,buthe is thinkinr, that he'll not be killed. This is calledillusion.So here it is said that aghavan. Aghavan. Ar:ha

". I·' '.'·· ;AHM-12-70 LECTURE 4'means sin. We are sufferin all three old miseries . Threefoldmiseries means . .. One kind of misery is due to this body andmind . t hat is called adhyatmic, pertainin to the bodyani mind . Another kind of misery. Adhyatmic, adhibhautic.Ml eries offered by other livin£ ent ities. Some eney , someanimal causes some pains co your body, to your min. Sothat is called adhi, adhyatmic, adhibhautic and adhidaivic.Miseries offered by the demigods.Just like we believe thatthis thunderbolt is thro\n by the Lord Indra.So th8se threekinds of miserable condition of material existence isgoing on, either three all at a time, or two at a time, atleast one must be there.THat is our conditional life . /\llrlthese miseries are offeredto us due to our sinful li fe.That's all. Without sin, nobody suffers . So in the materialworld everyone of us, rich, poor, educated, noneducated,black, ,.rhite, th:!..s, that, Chris tian, Hindu, rl!uslim, everyone.everyone is under these threefold miseries. ThatPs afact . Therefore . .. But everyone is trying to get out ormiseries. THat is also another fact. Nobody wants to suffer.Everyone wants to be very peaceful and prosperous.Why?Because we are originally spiritual spark, part of God,sac-cid-ananda vigraha, who is eternal, blissful andfull of knowledge.Therefore eternally we are also blissful,althoup;h \e may be part. Jus,like the part of gold is r:old.So we are small eternal, and God is big eternal. That isthe difference. That the bif, mine of gold and bi earrinof gold . Both of them are p;old. The quality, chemicalquality is the same.So nod isfy nature anandamayabhasat.

. - . {•AHM- 12-70LEC'rORE5.In the Vedanta Sutra it is said that od is blissful tynature. Always enjoying pleasure. Just like here we seeKrsna. Krsna is enjoying. He's playing on flute. AndSrimil.ti Radharani, His pleasure potency is there. Sothis is perfect picture of God. Full of enjoyment. vrn·tGod shall be enaed in other thinRs which is not en0Yment?Therefore anandaayobhyasat. He's by nature ana!"!damaya.Just like we also try to ... 3ecause we are partand parcel, a small particle of old. We also try toenjoy pleasure in association of youn boys ,youn lls.That is . .. \mere from this idea comes? The idea comes romGod. In the Vedanta Sutra it is said janmadyasya yatah ,everything, whatever we see, it is coming from Him. 0by nature we should be always enar,ed in pleasure potr:ncy.but then why you are in this miserable condition?Th1question must arise in human form of life.If it is donot then he has not come to the perfection of human life.If hel: hinks that "I am happy,'' then still he's in animB.lprocess of life.He has not developed his human consciounness.If he, he's self-comp}acent that "I am happy, . , . .. This lsthe sign of advancement of consciousness.And when he comesto Krsna consciousness,that means he ives up this atcrialconsciousness,Qnhappy consciousness cf material existenceand come to, to the pleasure platform of Krsna. Then hislife is perfect.Therefore we have to change the consciousness.in the material platform, or in materialconsciousness, we shall be always suffering by thethreefold miseries. Just like this thunderbolt. You

_, ··-!·. ! ,. ·: .-AHM-12-70 LECTURE 6.Americans,you may think that you are the richest nationin the world. 3ut you cannot avoid this thunddrbolt.THatis not possible. You may have riches more than othercountries,but that does not mean there will be no morethunderbolt in your country, There wil be no moredisease in your country,no more death in your country.These thins must be there in material existence,howeverscientifically or economically you may be advanced.Sojanma mrtyu jara vyadhi. Not only on this planet. Inevery planet you go. Either you o to the Moon planet ...They are going to the moon planet. Although they cannotlive there. They come back. Anyway any planet you r:o,the four things will follow Within this material world .Janma mrtyu jara vyadhi. Janma means birth,the painsof birth, the pains of death, .. When a child is born, themother also suffers from pain and the child also suffersfrom pain. He's cominc out from a packed up condition,suffocated condition. So as soon as the child comes outfrom the mother's womb, it feels relief. "Oh, horrible."In seven months he develops the consciousness and he,thechild suffers too much. He prays, one who is fortunate,he prays to God: ''!1y dear Lord, plP.ase r,et me out franthis condition. This time I shall simply be devotee. ·• owe have to repeated,we have to accept repeated birth anddeath. TEat is sufferin. Janma mrtyu. Then old af,e. eforedeath, when one is old, the limbs are not so stronr., thestomach is not so stron. There are so many diseases. Sowe are always suffering from diseases,from some kinds

·; ' ,'.:':';:;.,:; !•;, ,n,\ :''1'1•''' .. ..AHM-12-70LECTURE7. . .:t.;;;::r:.··.·:\"',' •l:::1lf''):·.;'.,:. · ';,.pains. And pleasure, it is simply a mental concoction. Thereis no pleasure. Actually there is always pain. Therefore thesastric conclusion ... We are discussing this point. Thatwe suffer from pains, different miserab le condition,onaccount of our sinful life. And for get tin out of sinfullife so many prescriptions are iven thatyou have toundergo austerity, celibacy. You have to control your minrl ,you have to control your senses. You have to ive yourmoney in charity. You should be very truth ful . ?ou shouldbe very cleansed. So on. So many methods. No here it issaid that even if we undero all these orocesses ofpurification from our sinful life,they are never complete.Therefore Sukadeva Gosvami says na tatha hyahavanrajan puyeta tapa-adibhih. One cannot be completelypurified by this process. Then how he can be purified?Yatha krsnarpita-pranas tat-purusa-nisayaya.As onecan become purified immediately,simply offering himself,his everything , de d icated himself o the Supreme Lord :

AiiM- 12-70 LECTURE 8.dedicate the livinr, force of one's self to Krsna? Tat purusanisevaya.Ry serving that Supreme Personality of Godhead.Therefore we have ot the eternal form of thetord,Radha­Krsna,and all activities are engar,ed to render Him service.By this process,one will be able to dedicate his everythingto Krsna, and when he has actually done it then all th otherprocesses. they are automatically achieved. The result ofsuch processes, automatically .. . Tepus tapas te susnurarya.Anyone who has en?,aerl himself in the devotionalservice of Krsna, it is to be understood that he hs alreadyunderf,one all the orocess of austerity,celibacy andcontrolling . .. Everythin, he has already done. Just likeif you see that a man,a person is admitted as a studentin law collee, it is to be understood that he ha oassedhis r,raduation, education in the college. Because, withoutbeing graduate, nobody is admitted in the law colle 9 e.(jSimilarly anyone who has taken to Krsna consciousness,itis to be understood that he has already passed all theprocesses recommended forgettinr, out of contaminationof sinful activities. That is stated in the Bhaavad-rltaalso: yesan anta atam papam. Without bein freed from allthe contamination of sinful activities, one cannot beattached to Krsna consciousness. Yesam anta atam papam.jananam punya karmana. Persons who are simply enaedin pious activities, such person, te dvandva moha nirmukta ...Dvandva moha nirmukta. Whether we shall worship Krsna, orwhether Ishall worship Durga or Kali or Siva or this orthat, so many there are, worshipable object. But accordinct

.'-'· · .-· - ... . - . ·AHM-12- 70LECTURE9.to Bhaavad-gita, mam ekam. Krsna says: "Only unto ilie. " Soanyone who takes to this process, only to Krsna, they aredvandva moha nirmukta,they are freed from all dualities.No more dualities. Krsnas tu bhaavan svayam. Krsna is theSupreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore I must surrenderunto Krsna and enae myself in the service of the Lord.This is called Krsnarpita prana,dedicated to Krsna.Sadhricino hy ayam loke panthah ksemo'kuto-bhayah. NowSukadeva Gosvami' s recommendinr;.Actually this is theperfect system, Krsna consciousness. THis is the perfect ...Sadhricina, samlcina. Just suitable. Sadhricina h ayamloke.In this material world this is the perfect systemof eetting uncontaminated or purified from the sinfullife. Sadhricina hy ayam loke panthah. The path. Ksema.Profitable. Akuto bhayam. Without any daner, withoutany rear. Akuto-bhayam. Susilah sadhavo yatra narayanaparayanah. So the devotees of Lord Krsna, they are versusilah. Susilah means gentle, well-behaved. That isanother test. Susilah. They are very gentle. Others mayill treat them, but they are very tolerant. They treatwith others with very gentle behavior. YOu'll find it,nractic.all.v. They're never , I mean to say, disre.fardfulto anyone. Even beinr; insulted. Susilah sadhavah. Whysusilah? 3ecause they are sadhu. Sadhu means saintly,sainLly. Sadhava sadu bhusanarn. What is a saint? Sainmeans titiksavah.Titiksavah means they are very tolerant.Don't you see tat Jesus Christ was crucified.Still he

AHM- 12-70LECTURE10.was tolerant. He did not take any revene. This is calledsusilah, sadhava, tolerant. Titiksava karunika. One side,they are, for their personal self, they are toleratineall kinds of insult, but, at the same time, still, theyare karunika, very merciful to te people in eneral.These boys, these Girls, o to the street. hey are ornetimesdisturbed. 3ut still they are chantinr, Hare Y:rnaMantra so that others may hear and take profit out ofit. This is their business. Titiksava karunlka. hJ theyare taking this business? Because they know that theoeneople are sufferinr; on account of lossof Krsna crm:.c lotwness.So by hearin this chantinr; HareKrsna Mantrr,radually they'll come to Krsna consciousness.Actullythat is the •act. '.·:hen I came to your country, I dir! notbrinr;. I did not imported them. They are your countrymen,your boys, vour irls. Simoly by hearin thischanting Hare Krsna l·lantra in the Thm::pkinson ;;flunre ...I was sittin down, underneath a tree .. They have come.So this chant in of Maha-mantra is so powerful. 2o theyare karunika. They are very merciful. hey are FOinr.in spite of all troubles. They are not sittinc down. Theyo. So titiksavah karunika suhrda sarva-hhutanam. hy theyare so merciful? 3ecause they are frienct of everyone.Sarva-bhtanam. They don't discrininate that this whiteman should be my :'rie'Y'Id, not the black man. Or t::.e humanbeing should be my frind, not the animals. No. A devoteeis friendly to everyone, every livinr entity. Itdoesn't matter. Without any discrimination.Suhrda

'··" ... : :."JAHM- 12-70LECTURE11.sarva-bhutanam. Titiksava karunika suhrda sarva-hhutanam.Ajatah satravah santah.They do not think anyone as theirenemy. They think everyone is our friend. Actually everyoneis our friend. We are livinr at the, mean, frien1lyrelationship with the public.We have no enemie . We don'tthink anyone is our enemy.If somebody acts iniically wethink that he has not understood.Therefore he' doinf, likethis.doin.But let me try to make him understand what we areTitiksava karunika suhrda sarva-bhutana ajatasatravah santa sadhava sadhu bhusanam . These are theornaments of the sadhu. Sadhu . Here it is said usilahsadhavah. Hell-behaved and they aye sadhu. Susi lahsadhavo yatra narayana-parayanah.As soon as one becomesnarayana-parayana. Narayana means Krsna. Krsna is theoriinal Narayana.So parayana means one who is attachedto !iarayana or Krsna, iediately all these ood unlitiesmanifest.Susilah sadhavo yatra narayana-parayana.Prayascittani cirnani narayana-paranmukham,na nispunantlrajendra sura-kt.:mbham ivapagah.In India still ·,.;ine isuntouchable, liqor. Not only wine, the wine bottle,even though it is empty, it is untouchable. Sura kumbha.Sura means wine. Here, of course, in advanced civilization,they have got nice packed up bottle . But formerly thewine drunkards they used to keep wine in some, what iscalled, ju. pot, bis not, kumbha. What is the exacttranslation of kumbha? Eh? All riht . Not one word . That'sa11 ri8ht. So sura kumbha iva apar,ah. The nots hhich areused for keeping sura or wine or liquor,that cannot be

AHM-12-70LECTURE12.purified even if we wash thousand times with water.Theexample is given here. Similarly prayascittani cirnaninarayana-paranmukham. If this prayascitta, atonement,does not invoke his Krsna consciousness, then it is justlike washin the wine-pot with water. The idea is asthe wine pot, although it is ety, you cannot purify itsimply by washin with water.Simply ... Sinilarly a manwho is not raised to the platform of Krsna consciousness,you go on, trying so many types of atonement, it is likethe sura kumbha. The idea is that he cannot be purified .He cannot be purified. Day will come when his impure mine!will be impetus to another type of sinful activities.Thatis tried. One, in India, this 3ack to Godhead, it wasstarted from in India in 1944. So whenDelhi Post Office this Back to Godhead,I was postin inthe Post Officeinquired . .. AT that time, I was ot sannyasi. I was invanaprastha. Sohe inquired that if a man become honest,if a man deals with other very nicely, moral and so on,so what is the use of becomin devotee,devotee ofGod.I replied that if a man is not devotee that he cannotbe honest. He cannot be moralist. That is not possible.Without nod-consciousness the so-called morality, honesty,gentl0manliness, is impossible. It is not possible. Soif you want to revive all these good qualities in yoursociety,then you have to invoke your God consciousnessfirst. Otherwise it is impossible. Harav abhaktasya kutomahad gunah. One who is not Krsna conscious, he cannothave any good quality. It is impossible. Harav abhaktasya

13.AHM- 12-70Lecturekuto mahad unah. Mano rathena. Because he's hovering onthe mental plane. You'll find so many big men, politicians,but because they are not God conscious, all their activitiesare not honest. It cannot be. Harav ahhaktasya kuto mahadunah . Therefore !t is sald that simp!y by atoneent, bysuperficial tryinG to become uncontaminated is not possibleas much as the pot which containedliquor previously youcannot purify it simply by washinG with water. ?rayascittanicirnani naTayana-paranmukham.Narayana-oaranmukham meansadverse to Krsna consciousness. Such person cannot be purifiedsimply by this prescription of austerity,penance,and controllinR the mind,control . .. They cannot do it.Na nispunanti rajendra sura-kumbham ivapaah.Sakrnmanah krsna-padaravindayor r1ivesitam tad-una-raci yairiha,na te yamam pasa-bhrtas ca tad-bhatan svapne'pi payantihi cirna-niskrtah.So Sukadeva Gosvami says thatsakrt manah krsna-padaravindayoh.If some way or otherone surrenders his mind unto the lotus feet of Y.rsna, ;,krnmanah pacta ,krsna padaravindah . ... Sakrt manah krsnapadaravindayoh.ow here another thin you can note. Thereare in two verses the word Krsna has aopeared. This, tl1ls3haavat was written five thousand years ao,and thisincidence which Sukadeva Gosvami was ,is going to narrate,this incidence happened,the history of Ajamila's life,many thousands and millions of years ar,o. So, so thisKrsna name is already there.Krsna name is already there.That means sometimes the so-called historians, they saythat Krsna worship has begun after Krsna's appearance on

AHM-12-70LECTURE14.this planet. But that is not the fact. Krsna worship wasexistent long, long before. As it is stated by Krsna in theBhagavad-gita:imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam."First of all I spoke this philosophy to Vivasvan,the p;odof the Sun planet. " So historically, if the historiansargue like that,that Krsna consciousness Movement hasbegun after the appearance of Krsna,but that is notfact. Krsna appeared in one day of Brahma. That is manymillions of years after.Once . Just like the sun appearsafter twenty-four nours, or twelve hours. There is a periodof appearance of the sun.Similarly there is a period ofaopearance of Krsna on this planet. Krsna is, He arrearsas a historical person,but He's the Supreme Personalityof Godhead. Therefore in these verses, we see the nameKrsna. Not only here, in many places you'll findthe Krsna name is there.So Krsna is not to be taken,a name picked up from history. No. He's Supreme Pernonalityof Godhead.So here it is said sakrt manah krsnapadaravindayor nivesitam tad-guna-ragi yair iha.Ifsomebody is, some way or other, becomes attracted to Krsnaby hearing about His transcendental qualities .. .Justlike you are discussing here about Krsna.Thank you very much that you are coming.You are cominp;.But in this way,hearinp, and hearinp;,soe way or other you become attractecto Krsna.This hearing neans r,radually you'll be attracted.The same reason that these boys and girls are attracted byhearing. We have not bribed them with money. No. Simplyby hearing. Sakrt manah krsna padaravindayor nivesitam

:--:.,-...0•AHM- 12-70LECTURE15.tad-guna-ragi yair iha,na te yamam pasa-bhrtas ca tadbhatansvapne'pi pasyanti hi cirna-niskrtah.Anyone,somehowor other he becomes attracted to Krsna and ifhe simply says: "Oh, Krsna is very nice. Krsna's (]Ualitiesare very nice. Krsna's pastimes are very nice.". he becomesp:uaranteed immune from the attack of Ya.m8.raja.YamaraJameans the . .. According to Vedic literature there is nsuperintendant appointed by God who examines thesinfulactivities of the living entities and punishes himaccordins to the gravity of his sinful life. He' s calledYamaraja. And he has got many aF,:ents who take the iivln1centity to Yamaraja after death and when the judgementis given then he's given a type of bodyfor sufferinor so-called enjoyment. But not enjoyment. Becausemost he nous,sinful persons are taken to him. So hereit is said anyone, somehow or other, if has becomeattracted to Krsna by his transcnendental qualities andpastimes then what happens?Na te yamam pasa-bhrtas ca tadbhatansvapne 'pi pasyanti. The agents of Yamaraja, evenin dream, do not come there. Even in dream. Not to speakof directly. So you are guaranteed. You are guaranteed.Then lonr;, lonr; ar;o one friend asked that "\

·: ., f. ··: ,•,AHM- 12-70LECTURE16.puratanam , dutanam visnu=yamayoh samvadas tam nibodha me .Noweverythine requires evidence. How one is relieved fromthe attack o f the agents o f Yamaraj a, he is citin someexample from the history . Now here it is said that atraca udaharanti imam itihasam puratanam .These Puaas ... Inthe Ve dic literature , there are different divisions . Thefirst is four Vedas . Then the Upanisads. Then they aresummarized in Vedanta. Then theyare aain explaied inPuranas. The re are eihteen Puranas. This BhaavatPuranais called Maha- p urana . The eihteen ?uranas , the aremeant for different kinds of peop le. There are ifferentkinds of men. Some are bein conducted bythe oes ofignorance . S ome are bein conducted by the modes of passion .Some of them are being conducte by the modes of oodness .So for three classes of men there are six puranas eachclass. Therefore eighteen puranas.And this BhavavatPurana is for the tonmost class of me n who are in oodness ,not on ly in the go odness, but they are devotees of LordKrsna. So these nuranas are explanation of the Vedicsyst em in underst andab le histo rical references. hereforet hey are cal led itihasa. Itihasa means whole history.Itihasa does not me an it has to be learned chroolor,icalwith date. ow if you keep history of mil lions andtril lions of y ears, it is impossible to keep . There foremost imp ortant incidences in the history, they ae pickeduo and they are sorted in the Puranas. So Puranas means . . .Mahabharata is also history. You have heari the arne ofMahab harata. Mahameans r.reat and bharata . . . Now eca

. ··\;'·:·,?. .-.·,· .,. '!'' '• :·;··17.AHM- 12-70LECTUREcall India, from foreigners, they call India. India isnot the proper name. The whole planet is called Bharatavarsa.Bharatavarsa. India is a,accidentally it has come to benamed, a certain oortion of the world. But actually thewhole planet is called Bharatavarsa.And the historv,reater Bharatavarsa. Greater Bharatavarsa . GreatBharatavarsa. The History of the World. The Puranasalso history or the world. Or history of the universe .There're manv incidences we have taken from other nlanets.So these Puranas,Mahabharata ... And the Mahabharataespecially was composed by Vyasadeva for less intellientclass of men. One who cannot understand the Vedas. 7heVedas are not understood by three classes of men: strisudra dvija bandhunam trayi na sruti gocara. Trayi. Trayimeans the Vedas where three kinds of processes arerecommended, karma kanda, ,jnana kanda and upasana kanda.Karma kanda means the ritualistic ceremonies. Jnanakanda, the philsophical section. Just like the Upanisads .And Unasana kanda. Unasana kanda,there are many recommendationsfor worshiping the demir,ods. Ultimately theSupreme Personality of Godhead . So these Vedas are notsometimes understood by three classes of men. Stri sudradvija bandhu.Three classes of men and women. Women andsudra and dvi.1 a bandhu . Dvij a bandhu means "the friendsof the twice-born."The twice-born are three classe::; ofmen, brahMana, ksatriya,vaisya. They are twice ... They areiven the chance or to take second birth byunanayansamskara,by purificatory process of offering the sacred

18 .···')·."\"'-::i,....AHM-12-70LECTUREthread. That is second birth. So this second birth cerenonyis offered to the high class of men.Not high class of enby birth, but by ouality. Catur varnyam maya srstam gunakarma vibhagasah. By develonin ood qualities. So thisMahabharata is also meant for, not for the hih class men.Just try to understan.Mahabharata . .. Stri sudra dvijabandhunam.It was meant for women and sudra and dvijabandhu.Dvija bandhu Means born in hifh family but onehasn't got the qualit1es. He's called dvija bandhu. Andso far Mahabharata is concerned , actually, in our childhoodI used to read Mahabharata be fore my randmother. I, inthe afternoon, after taking rest, she would call me andask me to recite Mahbbharata. There is edition, vernacularedition of Mahabharata.So we learned Mahabharata inassociation with grandmother from the childhood.So theseare itihasa. I am explainin to you. hese are allhistories. Now if you read simnly Mahabharata, which ismeant for the sudras and the woman class and the lessintelligent nersons born in higher class society,you'llfind in Mahabharata so sublime literature.You'll findsociology, history, religion, culture, everythin. Butthis was meant for the less intelllent class.Now howmuch we have beenderaded that we cannot understand evenMahabharata.And in the Mahabharata is the 3haavad-Fita.3hagavad-ita is the portion of the Mahabharata.And such3hagavad-gita is being studied by manygreat scholars andphilosophers at the present moment. Still they cannotunderstand it. Try to understand. Which was made for the

AHM-12-70LECTURE19.less intelligent class of men,now it is very difficut tounderstand. So what class of men we are? That is my point.Stri sudra dvija bandhunam . The Mahabharata was made forless intelliF,ent class of men and women.And now at theoresent moment we cannot even understand Mahabharata.Thenwhat less intellient clss of me we are. Try to ncterstand .Or what intellientclass of men were there . That is tobe understood. Therefore 1r we want to make iMnrovement ofour life by studyin this VEdic literature it is very ,verv difficult , esnecially in this age . Therefore CaitanvaMahanrabhu's formula:kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty evaatir anyatha. In this ar,e, there is no other alternative,no other alternative,no other alternative. Only simplychant this Harer nama harer nama harernama eva kevalam .And you'll find actual resul and you are finding already .So this is the onlY process you can elevate to yourner fectional star-e of spiritual consciousness.THank youvery much. Thank you. Chant Hare Krsna.

1.Bhagavad-gita Lecture, 7.1., Ahmedabad, December, <strong>1970</strong>Sri Bhagavan uvaca,mayy asakta-manah partha yogamyunjan mad-asrayah,asamsayam samagram mam yatha jnasyasitac chrnu. So by the end of the Sixth Chapter, Krsna hasexplained the astanga, astanga yoga siddhi.Astanga yogasiddhi,that yoginam api sarvesam mad gatenantaratmana,always who is thinking of Krsna within himself,with faith and knowledge, he's first class yogi.sraddhavan,Sohow this first-class yoga system helps me? Because theother yoga systems they will disagree that simply bythinking of Krsna within one's heart,how one becomesperfect?That is explained from the SEventh Chapter ofBhagavad-gita, how simply by understanding Krsna you becomewell aware of everything. This yoga system. In the Vedasalso it is stated:yasmin vijnate sarvam etam vijnatumbhavanti. If you, if you simply understand Krsna, thenyou know everything. Krsna is the root of everything .Therefore Krsna says: sri bhagavan uvaca. WE should alwaysremember that this Bhagavad-gita is being spoKen by theSupreme Personality of Godhead.So no more better authority.And the God is speaking about Himself. Otherwise, by speculation,you cannot understand God. That is not possible.You have to hear from God Himself about God.Athapi te""deva padam bhu am dvayam prasado lesanugrhita eva hi,janati tattvam na canya eko'pi ciram vicinnvam.A personwho has got little favor,atha'pi te deva padam bhu,1!l, lo ••+1\i,... ; I

AHM- 12-70 BG-7 . 12.little favor from the lotus feet of Your Lordship,he,janati tattvam, he knows what is tattva, what is the AbsoluteTruth.Atha'pi te deva padam bhujam dvayam prasado lesanuprasado lesa , little favor, not all. Prasada lesanugrhita eva hi janati tattvam na ca anya ciram vicinvam.Others may go on speculating for years and years.It is notpossible to understand.So similarly in the Brahma-samhita,another Vedic literautre, it is said: panthasthu koti satavatsara sampragamyo vayor atha'pi manaso muni pungavanam.Muni pungavanam, great saintly persons, sages, if theytravel for millions of years,panthasthu koti satavatstra.Koti, again multiplied by hundreds and hundreds, vayor atha'pi,on the airplane of air. Not this metal airplane, Actuallyair airplane, or by the airpne of mind. Mind speed we know.Mind can run, within a second, many thousands of miles.Immediately. Suppose I am sitting here. So I have got myaaprtment in Los Angeles, the thousand miles away. I canimmediately . • . This is called mind speed. So with the mindsspeed, with the velocity of air, if one runs on to find outthe Krsna planet, or Krsna, he still avicintya tattve, stillit is inconceivable tattva.Panthasthu koti satavat sarasampragamyo vayor athapi manaso muni pungavanam so'pyastiyat prapadya simnya avicintya tattve govindam adipurusam tam aham bhajami. Govinda is very, very difficult tounderstand by mental speculation,philosophical theses.PHilosophical theses, speculation, without religion,simply waste of time. And religion, without philsophicalbasis is sentiment. They must be combined to gether. So

AHM-12-70 BG-7 .1Bhagavad-gita is that, religion, combined with philosophy.If you simply take philosophy, it is dry speculation, nojuice. Carvita carvananam, chewing the chewed. Thereis no benefit.And if you simply take religion withoutbasis of philsophy, then it is fanaticism. THat's all.So both should be combined, religion, based on philosophyand logic. That is religion. So that combination isBhagavad-gita. So here, in the SEventh Chapter beginning,opening chapter, it is said: Bhagavan uvaca. You aresearching after God.Now here is God Himself speaking.So recognized God by all sages, Vyasadeva, Narada, ASita,and, alter on, by Ramanujacarya, by Sankaracarya, ByMadhvacarya, by Visnuswami, by Caitanya Maha, Mahaprabhu,and then our guru maharaja.So our method is very simple.Evam parampara praptam imam rajarsayo viduh.So we acceptthis parampara system. I may not know what is God, butbecause my predecessors,acaryas, confirm it that here isBhagavan, we accept it. That's all. We save so much troubleby mental speculation. We accept the parampara system.Therefore ... And you get the result. So that is the way. Nowshere not only the parampara system ... The parampara sytembegins from Krsna.As Krsna says in the Fourth Chapter:Imam vivasvate yogam proctavan aham avyayam."I spokefirst to the Sun-god. " It is not said "first. " rw!any timesHe has said to many predominating deities.But in thisera ... THis is called the Age or Vaivasvata Manu.Thereare fourteen Manus in one day of Brahma.So VaivasvataManu is the Eighth Manu. Thaeans we have passing through

AHM-12 -70 BG-7 .14.the midday of this era, Manvantara. There are fourteenManus in one day of Brahma,and this era is calledVaivasvata Manu. Because he is the son of Vivasvan. Andthat Vivasvam is given reference in the Fourth Chapter:imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayah.So if yousimply calculate the age of Manu, it becomes fortymillions of years.So Bhagavad-gita is not a new theses.It is comin gfrom time immemorial.So Krsna is theoriginal preceptor. So here Krsna again, personally speaking.The authority. Personally. Out of compassion, and friendship,love to Arjuna, He's speaking directly to Arjuna, AndArjuna understood Him the Supreme Personality ofGodhead.Param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavanpurusam. Purusam. Purusam means person. He's not imper on.Imperson is the, another feature of the person. Brahmanoham pratistha. Krsna says that the brahmajyoti, impersonalBrahman, that is situated upon Me. Aham pratistha. Justlike we are sitting on thi platform.THis is pratischa.similarly the brahmajyoti is situated on the person of Krsna.The person is the ultimate understanding of the AbsoluteTruth, not the impersonal feature. That is preliminaryunderstanding, or imperfect understanding. THere isbrahmajyoti. Just like we, we are experiencing the sunshine.the sunshine is also experience of the Sun-god,but it isimperfect understanding. It is not perfect understanding. Ifyou want to understand the Sun-god,then you have to penetratethrough the sunshine and reach the sun planet,and thenyou,if you are able to see the predominating deity of the sun

' '·\ ' _ ,.\ ... .AHM- 12-70BG-7. 15.planet whose name is Vivasvan. Similarly,the whole materialcreation is a part of the brahmajyoti. Sarvam idam khalubrahma. So you have to penetrate ... In theIsopanisad itis said, that, requested, it is requesting the, thatYou kindly wind up Your brahmajyoti so that I can see yourface rightly. So ultimately there is person. Tattva vastu ...Vdanti tat tattva vidas tattvam yad jnanam advayam brahmetiparamatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate. This is the version ofSrimad Bhagavatam. So Brahman realization is for thepersons who are trying to understand theAbSolute Truth byphilosophical speculation. That is the understanding.Similarly the localized paramatma feature is realized bythe yogis. Dhyanavasthitena tad gatena manasa pasyantiyam yogino. And the devotees,they realize directly theSupreme Personality of Godhead,Bhagavan. Sad aisvaryabhagavan. With full richness, full reputation, full strength,full knowledge,full renunciation. THis is the meainingof Bhagavan. I have already explained. So that Bhagavan isspeaking. So mayy a sakta manah partha. Those who have developedattachment for Me, mayy asakta, only attached toKrsna ... That is Krsna consciousness, always thinking ofKrsna. Mayy asakta manah partha yogam yunjann mad asraya.This is yoga.It is already explained by the end of theSixth Chapter. Yoginam api sarvesam mad ata antaratmana.One who has developed attachment for Krsna,he has come toperfection,simply by developing. And this development ofattachment is possible by this arcana vidhi. Just like our

6.AHM-12-70BG-7.1rising early in the morning,offering mangala aratrika,the changing the dress, garlanding, dressing. So many things.From morning, four, to up to night at ten o'clock, there isprogram. THat is real temple worship. Not that the templeis closed whole day and night,and the puJari goes forfive minutes and bells the . .. Again close. No. There issytem.Sri vigrahara dhana nitya nana srngara tan mandiramarjanadau. So many activities in temple worship. So farthe kanistha adhikari, neophytes, those who are serious tobecome, to awaken his attachment for Krsna, they must taketo this arcana marga. THis is called arcana marga, templeworship,Everyone can establish a small temple in his house,and he can begin, family-wise, himself, his wife, his children.that is wanted.This Krsna Consciousness Movement wantsto see that every house has become a temple of Krsna. Thatis ou program. Mayy asakta . .. Just to increase the attachmentfor Krsna. That is needed, especially for the grhasthas.For the householders, still, in India, there are many re­sep ble families, they are maintaining small temple.Therefore Krsna says:sucianam srimatam gehe yoga bhrastosanjajayate. Yoga bhrastah. This yoga yunjann mad asraya,this bhakti yoga,one who could not finish the cent percentbhakti yoga in one life,at least he's guaranteed to havenext life as a human being. Because Krsna says: sucinamsrimatam gehe yoga bhrasto sanjayate. Sucinam. Sucinammeans first class brahmana, Vaisnava. They are called suci.The suci, the just the opposite word is muci. Muci meansmost nasty habit, and suci means most clean habit. So

AHM-12-70 BG- 7 .1on e poet says: suci haya muci haya yadi krsna tyaje, mucisuci haya yadi krsna bhaje.If one becomes Krsna conscious,even though he's born in the family of much,he becomes suci.And even though one is born in the family of suci,brahmana,if he rejects Krsna he becomes much.So suci haya muci hayayadi krsna bhaje, suci haya muci haya yadi krssna tyaje. Thisis the. ..So the highest perfection of life is toawaken our dormant Krsna consciousness. THAt is the highestperfection of life.EVeryone has got Krsna consciousnessdort. It is covered by the influence of maya. By theinfluence of maya.THat is also stated in the CaitanyaCaritamrta:nitya siddha krsna bhakti sadya karunaya,sravanadi suddha citte karaye udaya. Nitya siddah. Krsnais theSupreme Personality of Godhead and we are all partand parcel of Krsna . So therefore our relationship withKrsna is natural. It is natural. Just like my part and parcelof the finger. So without finger, my body's imperfect. Finger...must be . .. So the existence of finger with this body, itis natural. Similarly to remain with Krsna, that is ournatural position, constitutional position, remain with Krsnaas cowherd boy, as gopi, as Krsna's father, Krsna's mother,Krsna's servant, Krsna's trees, Krsna's Yamuna, Krsna'sflower, Krsna's Vrndavana land. Remain with Krsna. Inany form you like.Santa dasya sakhya vatsalya madhurya.In any mellow, humor, you can remain with Krsna. That isour natural position.But when we try to imitate Krsna,to become a imitation Krsna . .. Just like there are so manypersons. They say: "I am Krsna. " This is maya. Immediately . ..

8.AHM-12-70 BG-7 .1Because he's trying to forget Krsna,our relatinoship withKrsna,immediately maya captures. Krsna bhuliya jiva bh gavancha kare,pasati maya tare japati adhare. As soon as wedesire to forget Krsna, or to rebel against Krsna, "WhyI shall serve Krsna? I am Krsna.", immediately maya is there,side by side. Krsna is there. Apasyad purusam purnam mayamca tad apasrayam. When Vyasadeva,after getting instructionfrom Narada, he wanted to write Srimad Bhagavatam, so hefirst of all meditated. Bhakti yogena manasi apasyad purusampurnam mayam ca yad apasrayam. He saw both Krsna and Hisillusory energy. Apasrayam,on the back side. So Krsnais never influencedby the illusory energy, maya. Webecome influenced by the maya. Krsna ...Just like thecloud. Cloud cannot cover the sun.It is our eyes which arecovered by the cloud. We see,we say that "Now the sun iscovered by the cloud." No, that is notthe fact. Sun is very,very big. Sun cannot be covered by cloud. It is our eyeswhich are covered by thecloud. Similarly maya ... We areteeny, part and parcel of Krsna; therefore we are coveredby maya. Sometimes, not always. Krsna, when we forget Krsna.Krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga vancha kare,pasate maya tarejapati adhare. As soon as we try to forget Krsna, immediatelymaya is t1ere. Therefore the reversing process,reversingprocess ... If we want to go back again to Krsna, then: daivihy esa mama mayi mama maya duratyaya. You cannot go back tohome, back to Godhead, by your own specu1ation. That is notpossible. Ciram vicinvam. You can go on speculating tobecome one withGod. h ais anoher thing. But if you

-----·--..AHM- 12 -70BG-7.19.actually want to know God and see God, then, as Krsna says,mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taratni te.Simply surrenderto Krsna and maya will give you no more trouble. You can seeKrnsa. This is the process. THerefore Krsna says: mayyasakta manah partha yogam, to .. . This is yoga system.This is called bhakti yoga. Bhakti yoga system. A neophytedevotee should be engaged in temple worship.But if hedoes not make further improvement, if he sticks to the simplytemple worship, then he remains a kanistha adhikari, slower..standard devotee, lower standard devotee. But on e has tobecome first standard devotee, at least one must, a firststandard devotee is very high position, spiritual position.But at least we must come to the second standard, Thelower standarclis arcayam evaharaye ya pujam sraddh:tyanhatena tad bhaktesu candesu sa bhakta prakrta smrta. Area. THisarea Vi£raha, Deity, Krsna, arcayam eva haraye, theDeity of Krsna, ya pujam sraddhaya ihate, with great devotionand according to the rules and regulatins,0"if one performs,that is very nice, but if he does not Improve,na tad bhaktesucandesu,he does not become knowable to the devoteesand other persons, then he r•eamins a kanistha adhikari, sabhakta prakrta. Prakrta means in the material platform.He does not actually promote to the spiritual platform. Ifhe simple remains. Therefore along with the worship of Krsna,in the temple, these hearing should be ... Sravanam kirtanam.Just like w e are doing.WE do not engage only the devoteesto the temple worship butfhere must beprogram for hearingBhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, the science of God.

' . ,.,.,:··..···.·AHM-12-70 BG-7 .110.Otherwise, after some time, simply if you ring the bell,after sine you'll be disgusted and the whole thing will belost. As it is has become now in India. There was no instructionabout Krsna consciousness.They simple attached to thetemple and belling, and now it is lost. Zero. Devotion is zeo.So two things must go on, parallel. Then if the two thingsmust go, then you are promoted to the second platform, madhyamaadhikari.Madhyama adhikari means at that time he seesfour things.Isvara tad adinesu baliesu dvisatsu ca premamaitri krpa peksa ya karoti sa madhyama. Madhyama. Isvara.By arcana vidhi, he derstands Krsna, the Supreme Personalityof Godhead, by this process,by the regulative process,by the instruction of the Spiritual master, by th rgu-1lative principles set up in the bhakti sastras. JustfikeNarada Pancaratra, Bhakti-rasamrta Sindhu. There are many . ..So, at that time, if one comes from the lower platform to the . ..Of course, we must know that any devotee, either in thelower platform, or in the second platform or in the firstplatform, they are to beconsidered as devotees. Not thatbecause one is in the material platform,he's not devotee.He's also devotee. But he has to improve. The improvement meanshe must know what is Krsna.Simply if he remains attached tothe temple worship and does not try to understand who isa Krsna devotee and how he has to deal with others.Natad bhaktesu candesu. We have got some duty to others. THisis preaching work. THis is preaching work. One should notbe satisfied simply by worshiping in the temple.Then"he'll re main a neophyte....,He must become a preacher,

AHM-12-70 BG-7 .1:. . · ' •.• d· '''.'·. ''C:" ·"\ ,.·' · ·'.•1!':1 ' · ·..· . . ·:, ···:.1. ·. .!-'..:'.< ·, . . ··· ·· ••

AHM-12-70 BG-7 .112.vara jangama dekhi na dekhi tara murti .Similarly in theBhagavad-gita also:vidya vinaye sampanne brahmani gavihastini suni caiva svapake ca pandita sama darsinah . Hedoes not see anything but Krsna .A mahabhagavata, when atree , when he sees a tree, he does not see the form of thetree, but he sees Krsna . That is mahabhagavata . THat weshould not imitate . That is the highest stage, perfectionalstage . But at least we come to the middle stage . What is thatmiddle stage? To . . . We must understand what is God, what isKrsna . Perfect understanding . And tad adina, and His devotees .rsvara tad adina balis . Balis means innocent persons .They are un, I mean to say, they do not know, actually,what is God . And dvisat . Dvisad means envious . The fourclasses of men, God, His devotee, innocent persons, andenvious persons, demons . So the person who is promoted to thesecond stage ,he'll deal with these four classes of divionsdifferently . Isvare prema . One should try to learn how to loveKrsna . Yato bhaktir adhoksaje . THat is first-class . Andisvare tad adinesu balisesu dvisatsu . Prema, love , forKrsna, and maitri , and to make friendship with the devotees .Prema maitri . And krpa . Those who are innocent, one shouldbe merciful . Devotees should be merciful . Just to awakentheir Krsna consciousnes s. And dvisatsu ca vipeksa .And thosewho are envious, they should be rejected . These four classes .To try to love Krsna, to make friendship wi h devotees ,and to give some service to the innocent public who doesrnnot know what is God . And those who arervious asuras ,Athey should rejected . The madhyama adhikari should not

AHM-12-70BG-7.113 .touch the demons . Because maybe he may tur n against, the demon .therefore one should be very careful to associate with thedemons . But when one becomes uttama adhikarai, mahabhagavata,he does not see anyone as demon . He sees everyone is worshipingKrsna . I am not worshiping . THis is mahabhagavata. Just likeRadharani .Radharani always feels that " I do not know howto love Krsna . Oh, here is a gopi . How she loves Krsna ." Thatis Her . . . This is called Mahabhava .So we should not imitateRadharani . Caitanya Mahaprabhu . . . Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu,He's the symbol of Radharani's mahabhava . He says that "Ido not love Krsna .I do not know how to love Krsna. '' Then ifyou, some, somebody says that why You are crying? "Well,that is a show . I am making a show . I am crying . '' Then whatis the symptom ." Now the symp tom is that If I would haveloved Krsna, then without Him I have died long, long ago.I should have died .I am living still without Krsna. Thatmeans I do not love Krsna ." This is mahabhagavata . Seperation .Aslisya va padaratam pinastu mam marmahatam karotu vaadarsana yatha tatha vavidadatu lampatah ?at pranas tu saeva naparah . THis is mahabhagavata . The mahabhagavata youshould not imitate . But we should not remain also as kanisthaadhikari. We must come to the madhyama adhikari,middlestage .So these stages will be manifest gradually if wesimply try to develop our attachment for Krsna . So thisis the beginning . ARea . ARcanam . SRavanam kirtanam visnusmaranam pada sevanam, arcanam . Arcanam . Therefore for everygrhastha ... Because grhasthas are busy in so many ways,theyhaveo opportunity to preach, but they must take to arcana .

'•;"'.1'''AHM-12-70 BG-7 . 114.Every house , every householder, they must . . . What is the di fficulty.Just like we have got in this plat form De ity ofRa dha-Krsna. Everyone caninstall Radha-Krsna De ity athome and under the instruction of spiritual master andsastric regulations. Then if we engage ourself in arcanavidhi then automatically all the anomalies of li fe wi llstop . Adau sraddh a tato sadhu danga atha bhaj ana kriyah .This arcana vidhi is one of the items of bhaj ana .Bhaj anakriya . So anartha nirvrtti syat . If every house engaesin this arcana vidhi , so many unwanted things wi ll vanish .You 'll have no more interes t for seeing cinema , or oing tothe restaurant , or smoking beedies and wasting time byunnecessary talks . So many things . Then your life will beperfect . So many nonsense things will go automat icall y.Anartha nirvrtti syat . So there fore to become Krs na cons ciousevery house, everywhere , every person , every human beingshould adopt this arcana vidhi . Then at least he 'll save somany unnecessary . . . An i rtha nirvrti syat .Adau sraddha tatosadhu sanga . So Krsna says that mayy asakta manah partha ."My dear Arj una , . . . " Arj una is addressed here as Partha ,very fami liar . BEcause Partha . . . Krsna , ARj una 's mo ther 'sname was Prtha , Kunti 's name . So , and Prtha , Kunti , happenedto be the aunt of Krsna . So He 's very feelinly , in afami lial way , He 's addressing "Partha , My dear Arj una ,Partha ," mayy as akta manah partha , "Simp ly by increasingattachment for Me , : mayy asakta ,mayy asakta manah parthayogam . . . This is yogam . THis is perfe ct yoga . Yoginam ap isarve . Mad asraya . This yoga system should be exectued

AHM-12-70BG-7. 115 .directlyunder My d irection ." Or under the direction of arepresentative of Mine ." The spiritua 'TI\Mter is therepresentative of Krsna . How he becomes the representative ?What is the test? The test is . . . Just like anyone can understandrepresentative . Suppose a business firm's representativeis going to canvass for business . What is his business?He will take the interest of the firm ,not his personalintere st . He will t ry to secure business for the firm he 'sworking . Not for his personal . . that is perfect representative .And if he goesin the name of the firm 's representative andhe does his own busines s , then he 's a liar . SimilarlyKrsna 's represe ntative means one who speaks about Krsna as...Krsna speaks . And i f he adul terates he 's a liar . He 'snot a epresentative . He 's not representative .Krsnasays : man mana bhava mad bhakto mad yaj i mam namaskuru .And if the representative says : "Just become a devotee ofKrsna . Just worship Krsna . Just offer your obeisances toKrsna.", he is representative . Krsna says : sarva dharmanparit yaj a mam ekam saranam vraj a . And the representativewill say that you give P all other process . You simplysurrender to Krsna . He 'll never say that "I am Krsna ."He 'll never say . He ' s not representat ive of Krsna . He 's aliar . He 's not representative. So to become representativeof Krsna is not verY difficult . Simply one has to becomeIvery sincere. THat ' all . That whatever Krsna says , hewi ll say . Just like ARj una accepted : sarvam etad rtam manyeyad vadasi kesava . THat is representative . "My dear Kesava ,Krsna , whatever you are s peaking , I accept them all in toto ,

AHM-12-70 BG-7. 116.without an reformation . That is representat ive .of Krsna .Caitanya Mahaprabhu said : amara aj naya haya tara ei de sa,yare dekha tare keha krsna upadesa . Amara aj naya . One hasto carry out the order of God . He 's repre sentat ive .Otherwise liar, misnomer . So therefore Krsna says : mad asraya .Mad asraya . Either under My direction , the direction is there ,or My representative, mat ." Mat asraya means ,either under Mydirection or one who has taken . . . .

···'\_ ·-· ---1.Bhagavad-gita Lecture , , Ahmedabad , December , <strong>1970</strong>So we have been discussing Bhagavad-gita.In SEcondChapter, the Lord has very elaborately explained theconstitutional posit ion of the living entity ,and the wholefirst portion of the Sixth Chapter .The Bhagavad-gita isdivided into three portions . The first six chapter, thesecond six chapters and the third six chapters . Ac tuallyjust like this book , there are two hard covers , and in themiddle there is the substance , writing . So the first sixchapters , they are just like two coverings . Karma yoga andja yoga . And the middle six chapters , well-protected , thatis bhakti-yoga . So at the end of the first six chapters ,Krsna concludes the yoga system .In the Sixth Chapter Hehas exp lained the Sankhya Yoga system and the concludingportion of the sankhya yoga system is :yoginam ap i sarvesammad gata antaratmana , sraddhavan bhaj ate yo mam sa meyukta tamo matah . This is the conclusion of the yoga system .people generally they ara at tracted by the yoga system .So the yoga system means always thinking of Krsna . THat issamadhi . So five housand years ago , when . . . (Pause---noise in background ) Five thousand years ago , when thi syoga system was discussed between Krsna and Arj una ,Arj unafrankly· admitted thatthis system was very difficult forhim . He thought himself as a grhastha and a mi litary man ,so concentration of the mind and sitting in a posture andlooking on the point of the nose , so many systems , find outa secluded place , alone , and ob serving so many rules and

\'I.• ···, . •2.AHM-12-70BGregulation, asana , dhyana , dharana , pranayama , so he thoughtit difficult for him.Therefore Krsna, in order to encouragehim, that , although he could not practice the astanga yogasystem , still there was no cause of disappointment . Heconaluded , therefore , tapasvibhyo ' dhiko yogi jnanibhyo apimato 'dhikah , karmibhyas cadhiko yogi tasmat yoi bhavarj una .He insisted . . . (As ide : ) Why you are sitting like that?Sleeping? If you reel sleepy don 't sit like that .So theconclusion is : yoginam ap i sarve sam mad gata antaratmanasraddhavan bhaj ate yo mam sa me yukta tamo mata . Th isis conclusion, that of all yogis , who is alway s thinkingof Me ,sraddhavan . . . Without being sraddhavan . . . Sraddha isthe begining of everything . Faith , sraddha , respect . Ifyou hav1fo respect for Krsna , if you hav9ro faith in Krsna ,there is no advancement of spiritual life or yoga life .Therefore it is said : sraddhavan . ADau sraddha . Thebeginning of spiritua life is sraddha , faith . Adau sraddha .Adau sraddha tato sadhu sanga . First of all, faith , Rndfaith has been described by Krsna dasa Kaviraj a Gosvami as ,fa1 h means : visvas . So he explains : sraddha sabde visvassudrdha niscaya . Sudrdha niscaya . Krsne bhakti kaile sarvakarma krta haya . THis is the sraddha . Sraddha means firmfai th . As Krsna say s, sarva dharman parityaj a am ekam saranamvraj a. So unless one has got faith , why one should considerhimself that "I must be completely surrendered to Krsna ,"unless one has %ot faith? There fore faith is the beginning .And to create faith ,Krsna has explained about Himself inthe whole Bhagavad-gita. So one who is fortunate ,after

AHM-12-70BG3.reading Bhagavad-gita thoroughly ,he 'll have a strong faithin Krsna .If you have failed to achieve this status offaith , then there is no question of progress . TEat isexplained by Krsnadasa Kaviraj a Gosvami :sraddha sabde vsvassudrdha nisc aya . Sraddha me ans firm faith , with conviction ,"yes , if I surrender to Krsna, then all my business wi llbe perfe ct , all my spiri tual life will be perfect ." ThereforeKrsna says : sraddhavan bhaj ate . With sraddha , with full faith .Adau sraddha . Beginning is sraddha . If one has developeda little sraddha . Justf ike we are giving chance throughoutthe whole world by this p ropaganda ,opening centers tocreate little sraddha . And if the sraddha is there , thennext stage is sadhu sanga , if one wants to become Krsnaconsc ious , if he has developed ittle faith in it , the nextIstage is to associate with sadhu . And who is sadhu? Sadhu ,sadhavah sadhu bhusanam .Titiksava karunika suhrda sarvabhutanam . So sadhu means very tolerant . In another place ,sadhu is described in the Bhagavad-gita :bhaj ate mam ananyabhak sadhur eva sa mantavyah .Api cet suduracaro bhaj ate mamananya bhak sadhur eva . . . In another plac e in theBhagavat the sadhu 's described :titiksava karunika suhrdasarva bhutanam aj ata sat ravah santa sadhavah sadhu bhusanam .A sadhu , the first qualificat ion is he must be a staunchIdevotee of Krsna or God . Whatever you say . That s sadhu .That i the basic definition . . . Religion means to ab ideby the orders of God . And sadhu means who is staunchly adevotee of Krsna . These are the de scrip t ion of sadhu .Therefore sadhu sanga means to associate with devotees ,

AHM-12-70BG-those who are devotees of Krsna. Tha is sadhu sanga .tCaitanya Mahaprabhu , in another place , says : sadhu sanga sadhusanga sarva sastrekaya, lava matra sadhu sangaSadhu sanga sadhu sanga sarva . . . lava matra sadhu sange sarvasiddhi haya . Sadhu sanga is very important . If we can associatewith real sadhu , means real devot ee , unadulterateddevotee , anyabhilasi ta sunyam jnana karmady anavrtam ,then the recommendat ion is that simp ly by associatin withsadhu all p erfection will come . By simp ly associatin . . .Sadhu sanga sadhu sanga sarva sastre kaya ,lava matrasadhu sanga. , sarva siddhi . So this is very practical . WEhave got little experience how sadhu sanga is powerful .So adau sraddha tato sadhu d anga . First thing is faith .Adau sraddha tato sadhu sanga tatha bhaj ana kriyah .Athaanartha nirvr j ti syattato nistha tato rucih tatha saktitato bhava sadhkanam ayam premnah pradur bhave bhave t krama .These are the steps , karama . Krama means one after another.So our , this Krsna Cons c iousness Movement is enacted justto create little faith. In Krsna .Then the person whom weare trying to help , his business is to associate with sadhu .Satam prasangad mam virya samvido hrt karna rasayana kathah .Satam prasangad . If we discuss Krsna consciousness . . . Bodhayantamp aramparam tusyanti ca ramati ca . Everywhere , the samething . So s raddha is required . Then sadhu sanga , thenbhaj ana kr1 . If anyone act ually seriously associateswith sadhu, the next stage Will be bhaj ana kriya .How toworhsip . Bhaj ana kriya . Tata anartha nirvrtt i syat . Thenanartha . Anartha means unnecessary things . WE have practiced

·-)':...,' "'"'•' ...,. ....'AHM-12-70BG5 .so many unnecessary things in our life . Unnecessary things ,when they are too much strong , that become s sinful life. Unnecessary. The mo dern civilization is simp ly meant forcreating wnnecessary necessities of life . THat 's all . Sowe are becoming deviated from God .in so-called material civilization ,The mo re we are advancingwe are more becomingfar away from God . Therefore Bhaktivinode Thakura has sung :,j-ara vidya mayara vaibhava , tamara bhaj ane bala . Jara;;., of this illusory energy , mayara vaibhava . And thevidya , the material education , they are simply paraphernaliaeff ect of this advancement of material civilization meansstopping one ' s relationship with God . Jara vidya sa mayaravaibhava , tamara bhaj anae bada , anitya samsare . Anitya me ansthis temporary life , this . . . Everyone , we are in thismaterial world, say , for fifty years , sixty years , hundredIyears . Tha1is temporary . In the unlimited time , a durationof life, say, of hundred years , that is nothing . Even , noteven a point . It is very temporary , but in this tempor11r•y life ,we are addicted to so many unnecessary thins , and we areforgetting our real business , how to go to home , back to home ,back to Godhead . Therefore Bhaktivinode Thakura laments . . .He was a great , responsible government officer , magistrate ,but a great devotee of the Lord , and he 's one of the acaryas ,Bhaktivinode Thakura .So he writes about his own experiencethat jara vidya sa mayara vaibhava tamara bhaj ane bada . Themore we make advancement in the temporary materialisticcomforts ,the more we become implicated in unnecessary thingsand they are all impediments for ma king progress in

,. ,•;..·'l"":t., ..,., ··'·!:-;.,AHM- 12-70BG6.spiritual life . THat is his opinion. And that 's l. f'act . WEhave seen in We stern coun tries , they are still moe materiallyadvanced , but spiritually, they are dull , block-headed ,spiritually . Very difficult to convince them spiitually .So sadhu sanga , by assocattion of sadhus , one can achieveadvancement in spiri tual life. And in all sastr s it isre coended that associate . Canakya Pandita , the great politician, you know, he also says : taj a durj ana sangam , tyaj adurj ana sangam bhaj a sadhu sangamanam . Tyaj a durj ana sanga .give up asso ciat ion with bad elements . What are the badelements? That is als o exp lained by Caitanya Mahaprabhu .A devotee asked him that what should bethe behavior ofa person who is spiritually inclined , or Vaisnava?Spiritually inclined means Vaisnava .So Caitanya Mahaprabhusaid that : asat sanga tyagi vaisnava acara .Those whoare interested in spiritual life , or to become a devotee ,the first b usiness is to give up the association ofbad elements . Asat sanga tyagi vaisn ava acara . In one line .Then next que stion is then who is asat ?Asat eka strisangikrsna abhakta ara. THere . . . He has described who isasat . Stri s angi . Stri sangi means those who are unne cessary...'"'addic t ed to women . Unnecessary . One should be married . Onemust have children . That is not illcit association . But otherwise. . . Krsna also says : dharmaviruddho kamo 'smi aham .Kama , lust, sex life, wh ich is not against re ligiousprinciples , that I am . THat kind of lust I am . So dharma . . .So according to rel igioussystem, people should not becats and dogs or hogs in the matt er of sex life .They must

AHM- 12-70BG7.have marrie d wife , married husband . And only for nicechildren , they should unite. These are the descriptionsgiven by the • . . Vimsati prakara dharma sastra manu samhita .Not otherwise . Therefore it is called grhastha asrama . ASrama .the sannyasa asrama , grhastha asrama , vana prastha asrama .Everything is asrama . We can understand , as soon as this wordis used , asrama , it means there is some spiritual tint orspiritual life. So grhas tha , that is also spiritual life .One may live with wi fe and children , and execute spirituallife . All the as sociates of Caitanya mahaprabhu , they wereall grhasthas . Caitanya Mahaprabhu , Himself, a so wasgrhastha . So to become grhastha is not a disquali ficat ion . Butto live as a grhastha according to the inj unction of thesastras , that is required. THat , Krsna says : dharmaviruddhokama , wh i ch is o against re ligious principle , that sortof lust I am . So when Caitanya Mahaprabhu says : asateka stri s angi, that means one who is not satisfied . his ,I mean to s ay , religious life with wife . That , that kind . . .He 's asadhu. He ' s asadhu . Krsna . . . Stri sangi and krsnaabhakta. Hesummarizes the description of asadhu in twowords .One who is too much addicted to sense enj oyment andone is who not a devotee of Krsna . He 's asadhu . So Krsnaisalso describe that na mam duskrtino mudha prapadyantenaradhama , mayayapahrta jnana asurim bhavam asritah . Soth ere are '''ny descriptions in many sastras that one shouldavoid asadhu and try to associate with sadhu. TEen his lifewill be successful . Because human life is meant for spiritualadvancement of life, not for advancement of eating ,

;•. ,·•,,, , .. ·., ·8.AHM-12-70BGsleeping , mating and defending . THat is cats and dogs life .Human life means advancementin spiri tual life. Tapo divyamputaka yena suddhyet sattva. We have to puri fy our existence. THat peopl e do not know , what is impure existence andpure exitence . They do not know . THere is no education , thereis no science . The . . . BEcause we do not , do not understandthat we are living entities , we are part and parcel ofG od . God is eternal , so I am also eternal . God is alwaysfresh . I am also fresh . Nitya sasvato'yam purana . Al thoughKrsna is t he olde st person. Krsna is adi purusa. lie must bet he oldest . But He . . . Nava yauvanam ca. Advaita acyutaanadi ananta rupam adyam purana purusam nava yauvanam .This is Krsna' s feature . He is the adi purusa, the oldest .Aham adir hi devanam . Krsna says : "I am the origin of allthe demigods , Brahma , Vi snu , Mahesvara. The Brahma-samhi tasupports it that adyam purana purusa . Lord Brahma sayothe Lord i s adyaM He 's the or1 gin . Krsna also says : ahamsarvasya p rabhava mattah sarva pravartate . The VEdantasays : janmadi asya yatah . Janmadyasya yatah , the SupremeLord . So He ' s the oldest and , we , being part and parcel ,we are also the oldest. Nitya nityanam cetanas cetananam .We are also nitya , and Krsna is also nitya . WE are al soliving entity withKnowled Be . Krsna is also living entitywith knowledge . Simp ly He 's our leader . He 's the Supreme . That 'sall . So we do not know how our existence has been polluted .That we do not know . We are just like cats and dogs . WEare taking birth and ying without any knowledge .Bhutva bhutva praliyate . But this is not our position .

,,..•. ,' , ··.:'"."'\Y .· ····:·fl! ,.. , .. .. .. .AHM-12-70BGg,Our position is as good as Krsna . Krsna is allpo werful .We are minute . He is vibhu , we are anu . THat is the difference .Otherwise , qualitatively , we are all one . . So why you areunder this obligati on of taking birth and dying aain .TH isi s our impure existence . THis is our impure existence . Sot his human form of li fe is meant for purifying this existential position . No more birth , no more death . As soon as therei s birth , there is death . If there is no birth , there isno death . So this can be done simply by Krsna consciousness .Simp ly by developing Krsna consciousnes s. THatis explainedin the Bhagavad-gita : janma karma me divyam yo janat i tattvatah .Divyam , this very word is used , divyam . So we areto undergo austerities, penances for this divyam ,for transcendentallife , divyam . Tapa divyam , little tapasya . Inthe Kali Yuga we cannot perform very sever . . . Krsna is ve rykind . He has given us different opportunity for elevatingto our transcendnetal life in different ages . In this Age ,because we are so fallen and so limited , ani so badly assocated, that it is very diffi cult to undergo severe austeritiesand penances . We cannot go into the forest . We cannotperform yoga systems very nicely . We cannot perform yaj nas .We cannot worship the Lord in temp le ve ry nicely . So manydifficulties. Therefore sastra has given us concession :kalautad hari kirtanat . In this age , simp ly by chanting this HareKrsna Maha-mantra one can be elevated .Caitanya raha prabhuhas blessed: iha haite sarva siddhi ha a tamara . If youchant this Hare Krsna mantra you 'll get all perfection ,all perfection . So everything is there . But we do not

AHM-12-70BG10 .wish to take advantage . Tapasya , human l i fe is meant fort apasya. WE know in our Indian history all big, big kings ,they went to the fore st , tapasya. The King , Bharata , BharataMaharaj a, under whose name this planet is called Bharatavarsa,he left his kingdom , young wife , children , everything , at theage of twenty-four years , and he we t for tapasya . So thePandavas also . EVeryone. The last stage of life should bee specially meant for tapasya .Not that up to the point ofdeath we shall remain addicted to this wordly life . No .So this life is meant for purify ing our existence . THat meansstor this cycle of birth and death .Janma mrtyu jara vyadhiduhkha dosanudarsanam . We should always keep in front .We may think , we may be puffed up , as very much advancedin material comfort , but , . . You may do so , but , at the sametime , you should keep in front , janma mrtyu jara vyadhi .You should always think that what advancement we have made ?Have we stopped dying?Have you stopped birth? There ares o many contraceptive method , but the population isi ncreasing , the birth is going on . Similarly we have discovered so many nice medicine s , but peop le are dying . YOucannot stop this , birth , death . They are trying to remain asyoung men , as young women, but they are get ting older . Sointelligent men should always keep in front that what advancementwe havek ade , simply strur,ling . A struggle , aheavy struggle , a hard struggle. That struggle . And we arethinking :" This is advancement ." You struggling just likeass . So the whole day and night you are working . ActuallyI am working very hard ,but I am thinking that I am

AHM- 12-70 BG 11 .advancing. Janma mrtyu jara vyadhi . We are trying to find outso many medicince . So many humanitarian work . What is that?There is famine , there is struggle . Why don't you do SoMe..-thing so that people will not be anymor in famine , anymore indistress . There will e no more scarcity of water .that is required . So these are the probims and so howeverwe may solve all these prob lems ,the, prob lem of materialexisten ce , birth , dea th , old age and disease , that cannotbe stopped, either you become Brahma or something likethat . THat is not possible . THais possible only by Krsnacons ciousness. THas explained in the Bhagavad-gita :mam upetya kaunteya duhkhaluyam asasvatam napnuvant1mahatmanah, samsiddhim paramam gatah . Mam upetya kaunteya ,duhkhalayam asasvatam .THis world is rec ommended by theCreator of this world as duhkhalayam asasvatam .It isthe place for miseries . And that also temporary . If youmake , want to make C0711P romise , "All right , it may be mi serab lelife . I' will stay here.", oh , that also you 'll not be allowed.You 'll be kicked out after some days . You may try to becomevery comfortable , good income , good bank balance , or nicewife , nice car , but one day it wi ll come you'll be kicked out ."please get out . " Finished. Mrtyu sarva haras caham . Krsnasays that " I am mrtyu . I take away everything . AT thattime , finished , everything ." So this is our foolishness ,that we are trying to be happy in a place which is re co ­me nded by the Creator Himself : duhkhalayam asasvatam .Duhkhala . THis is called foolishness . Therefore BhaktivinodeThakur says: anitya samsare man .We are already in a distressed

..•'··! . . ., . 'AHM- 12-70BG12.place, and we are increasing our distressed condition of life .That means you are becoming more and more ass . By the name ofso-called advancement of education .Jaravidya sara mayaravaibhava tomara bhaj ane bada .If, by advancement ofcivilization ,we forget God and forget themis sion of ourlife , that is nothing but to become like an ass . Unnecessaryworking . The ass . . . The examp le is given, the ass ,becauseass has no sen s e . He works very hard . The . . . You have gotexperience . The washerman 's ass , it is loaded with three tonsof cloth and take s it to the ghat and a ain brings it . ANdwhat is the result? He gets little grass . THat 'sall . Buthe has no sense that his gras s, I ca get anywhere . WhyI am so working hard for this washerman? Therefore it isass. I 'll take four capatis , but I am working so hard .There is no limit of my working. And one day Krsna comes .Please get out . Finished . So we are all asses . There foreKaviraj a Gosvarni says : krsna yei bh3j e sevara catur . Onlyintelligenet man is he who is Krsna conscious .Otherwiseall asses . Krsna yei bhaj e sevara catur . So that bhaj anaKrsna is teaching us . He 's beginning the yoga system:yoginam api sarve sam mad gata antaratmana, sraddhavan bhaj ateyo mam sa me yukta tamo matah . He ' s first-class yogi . Sowe shall discuss first-c l ass yogi from tommorrow again .Thank you very muchQuestion : To what extent the Society has succee ded in Indiafor propagating Krsna conscio usness?<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Now you have come , it is sucess . It is success .YOu hav ome to Krsna consciousness. THat is our success .r

. -., ·: ... _ _..:· .AHM-12-70BG13 .Formerly you were not coming . Now you have come . So thati s our success .Question : • . • Westernmaterialistic countries ,quite dangerous materialisticc ountry , where India is forgotten in theoft he . . . ? { ?)<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Because there is great propagand to curb downby your leaders . They are naturally inclined . Anyone whot akes birth in India , it is to be supposed that in hisp ast life , he was spiritual . Bharata bhumite manusya janmahaila jara .There is great opportunity for persons who areb orn in India fo r spiritual advancement . Unfortunately byforce , by propaganda, we are supressing them . That is thecause . We are suppressing them . Otherwise still we getexperience , WE hold these Hare Krsna Festival in Calcutta ,Bombay , and other places . Here also . Many thousands or peopleare coming . Because at heart there is Krsna consc iousness ,but , by external forces , they are being suppressed . THat isgo i on . Tt is not natural . It is unnatural . Natural isevery Indian is Krsna conscious . Thais natural . By artificalmeans they are being suppressed . THi s is themisfortune of the present day of India.( Splice ) . . . canbe done? In the educational system no Bhagavad-gita . Justsee . How much unfortunate . . . One Indian girl in BerkelyUniversity , she asked me , "Swamiji, what is God? " Jus t see .She 's Indian , where God takes birth , Ramacandra , Krs na , andshe is now materially advanced. Now she is asking what isGod . This is our position . The land where Gods come , from

• •}-t:.-;:-;·-.' . _:-::-... ·/•';-,-._: , • .-'·f·.?, ..,··'II, .AHM- 12-711BG14.that land a advanced student is asking: "What is God? "This is our advancement . Hare Krsna .Question : I s it necessary that God should be worshipedin particular form only?<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Well , there is only one form , bhakti . There isno other form . It i s not a particular . It is the only .Just like there are nine holes in your body . THe only onehole wi ll be used for eating . Not other holes . If youpushed your foodstull in other holes , it will be useless.Simi larly God is one ,and to unders tad God the onlyprocess is bhakti . That 's all . THere no other process .Question : How may a devotee arrive to this particular form?<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : THis is in the sastras . God says : bhaktya mamabhijanat1 . Only through devotion one can understand Me .So not the devotee has discovered . God says : "This is theonly way." I f you want to know God ,you must know Himby the process He recommends , Don 't discover your own way .Not that yatamat tata phat .YOu discover all rascal matand God will be available . No . If you want to know God ,then this is the only: bhaktya mam abhij anatiya•an yascami tattvatah . That is the only way . THere is no otherway . Chant .

: , "·

1.. '·'' . ·. .;;;Lecture , "Present Need of Human Society'' , Ahmedabad , Dec . 8,197eM-Mr . Pres ident , Rotarians , Ladies and Gentlemen , Ithank you very much for your kindly inviting me to speakb efore you on the subj ect matter :The Present !Ieed of theHuman Society . The . . . At the present day , according toour Vedic calculation , this is called Kali Yuga . Kali meansdisagreement and fi ghting . Kala. So in this age , slightdisagreement will cause some fighting , some mi sunderstanding .And practically this is the age of misguidance . Thereforeit is called Kali Yuga . So in different Puranas the symptomso f Kali Yuga is described . Sastra . Sastra means trikalalabdham. Sastra is not ordinary books .There fore our Ve d i cliteratures are known as apauruseya , not written by ordinaryhuman beings . Ordinary human being who is called ,according to sastra , conditioned soul . They are conditionedby so many nature 's law .So the imperfectness of theconditioned soul are described that a conditiond soul iss ure to commit mistake , however great he may be , he 'llcommit mistake . And . . . To err is human we say . And he maybe illusioned . Not maybe . He 's illus ioned . Illusioned meansa ccepting something for something else .Just like we acceptthis body , material body , as self. THat is the conceptionof the general people at the present moment .I am thisbody . I am Indian , I am American , I am brahmana , I amsudra . Like that . Bodily conception of life . TSis is illus ion .Act ually I am not this body . But because we are lackingknowledge , imperfect, insufficeint knowledge , there fore weare accepti ng this body as self. Tg is is called illusion .

· .r . •. ·•.·AHM- 12-8-70 Rotary Club Lect .2.And the other imperfect ion is that we have got a cheatingpropensity. Cheat ing propensity means I do not know somethingdefinitely, but I present my theory as if I know, perfectly.This is cheat in. And the lastis imperfectness of thesenses. All our senses are imperfect. Take , for example, theey es. We see under certain condition, when there is liht ,sunlight or electric liht. We can see. We cannot see whatis beyond this wall. We cannotsee which is very len distantlyplaced. We cannot even the nearest , eyelid. Thereforeour seeing power is condi tioned. Similarly all othersenses. So we cannot have perfect knowledge by our imperfectsenses. But atthe present moment, especially in this ae,we are accep ting so many philsophers, scientists, although\'le know thattheir senses are imperfect. This imper fectnessis increasing. He ar,...ė not becoming liberated from imperfect-._.ness. But we are increasing due to this Kali Yuga. THat isdescribed in the Srimad Bhagavatam , Twelfth Canto. It issaid there : tatah anudinam dharma satyam saucam sa adaya kalena balina raj an na cap iayur balam smrt 1. Withthe progress, advancement of this Kali Yuga, these followingitems . . . h atis that? Now dharma. First thing is dharma.People will decrease in the conception of dharma,relit,ion.Religion. Religion does not mean a kind of faith. Religion,as I, I think, the other day I described here. The characterisitc.The characterist ic of the human being ,living being. To serve. Actually we are serving,of theeveryoneof us, we are serving somebody. So everyone is servinr,. Tatis his characteristic. Just like a person, now , today,

-·'.".>.'' .;'_Y··. ·AHM-12-8-70 Rotary Club Lecture 3.\ -:.;;,:-",--'·!'':'l:':'!';C·\.1_:'.-·7r.·he ' s Hindu . Tommorrow he changes his faith . But the servicecontinues . he cannot change the oharA.cteristic of ser•vice .Hemay be or you may be Mus selman, or you may be Christian .You mu st be serving someb ody . Maybe , not maybe , actuallywho is s uperior to you . TH is is called dharma . ACcording ourVEdic principle, the dharma is the principle given by God .Dharman tu saksad bhagavat pranitam . You cannot manufacturedharma . Th ere fore Krsna , He 's givine you dharma , what isdharma . He advents , He appears , yada yada hi dharmasya lanirbhavati bharata tadatmanam srj amy aham . He says : "When thereis discrepancies in the principles of dharma ,then Iappear , I advent My self." So in the Bhagavad-gita He is givingus the p rinciples of dharma : sarva dharman p ari tyaj a marn ekamsaranam vraj a. he said to Arjuna :"Because you are My verydear frined , I am giving you the mo st confidential informationthat sarva dharman parityaj a mam ekam saranam vraj a. "'!'h isis dharma . Dharma satyam , truthfulness . Tat is alsoreduced, bein reduced . Dharma means to become devotee ofthe Lord . That is practically not reduced . It is practicallynil . And people have manufactured so many dharmas . Dharmawithout the principle of God consciousness. So accordin toVe dic principle , that is not dharma . Vedic p rinciples sayssa vai pumsah para dharma yato bhaktir adhoksaj e. THat isfirst-class religion which teaches people how to becomedevoteeof the Supreme Lord . Para dharma . Para means trans cendental .Th ere are many kinds of armas . And , according to Vedics ystem , there are twenty different types of books ,vimsatiprakara dharma , given by different sage s .But the conclusion


' ·-; .. ·::.7-::-:-- -.. ····< .. ;;": .; ·;.··.· ::f.:>:;:nr::tift,\i\. ·' . '. ..-;:-.;AHM- 12-8-70Rotary Club Lectureof Godhead , Krsna , he can try to understand Him by Hisdi fferent potencies. Jusilike He says that "I am the tasteof t he water." Raso'ham apsu kaunteya. Taste of water. Orthe sweetness of water. So t here is sufficient supply ofwater in the oceans anj th& seas .Then why we are inscarcity of water? Because that taste of the water shouldbe changed by the grace of Krsna. Otherwise you cannotuselt. THat is Krsna consciousness. You can also chane , bydistilling the sea water, or ocean water, but it Will notbe as tasteful as it is done by God.Or you can saynat ure. The same water, taken from the ocean, trans fer red,transform into cloud, the cloud is distributed , andwater , rain, falls. You get nice distilled water, tastefulwater. So if you are going to challenge there is noexistence of God , then you can do it. Hhy don't you do it ?Why you are so much in scarcity of water? I do not thinkany scient ist can very boldly ansWer that "Yes , we cando and we can defy the existence of God, or the mercy ofl}d." Thatis not possible. Raso'ham apsu kaunteya prabhasmlsasi suryayo. Krsna says that '' I am the shining of thesun and the moon. " :·Iow there, there are so many vreatscientists . And e xpe rt i n chemical romposition, ak lnche:nical comoosition. 'dhy not nake C1 small sun? On thehe ad of theCity so tha1you save so ::lUChexrendit ure or elect ric lir:;h t? They ' 11 say : ''Oh , thecomosi tion of the sun is like this , that. ' So manytheories. 3ut why not prepare also? If you know thecomposition,make it a sample sun and see that it is shin1 n.

,:AHM- 12-8-70Rotary Club Lecture6.So they , there are many , s o many theories for avoiding Godconsciousness. But that ' s not very practic11 . There fore inthe Kali Yuga it is said : dharma satyam . The truth is neglected . The dharma is neglected. It is reduced . Another placei n the Srimad Bhagavatam it is said : prayena alpa ayusahs abhyah kalau asmin yuge janah manda sumanda matayoh mandabhagyah hy upadrutah . Thi s is summari zed , summarisation ofthe kind of people in this Kali Yuga . What is that? alpaayusah . Their span of life is shortened . Here a lso it iss aid : ayuh , ayur balam smrt ih . Bodily strth , span ofl ife , and memory , reduced . F ormerly there was no need orbooks . There fore our VEdic literatures are known as sruti .The student will hear from the ma ster , from the teacher .Srut i. Tad vi j nanartham sa urum evabhiacchet srotriyambrahma nistham . Simp ly by hearin . they 'll remember . Thatwas gain on un to the date of Vyas adeva , ve thousannsy ears ago . Therewas no wri tin nrinc iple . here was noneed of writin . Peonle were""'so much poerfu l in their memory .1\they could immediately re'll\mber everything bv hearinp- once !'ror.1the teacher . ?he Vya sadeva , when he saw the Kali Yuv.a is coing ,peop le 's memo ry will be not so sharo , then he wrote al lthese Vedic literatures . He ' s called Vyasadeva . Vedavvasad. Vedic knowlede wa s already there . 3v trad ition , byhearin . But he chronoloically wrote all these Vectas .So there are so many svmo toms . I ay explain some of them .Y:al ena balina ra.J an na hy a i ayuh balam srr.tih . Theset hings wi ll be reduced : dharma , truth fulnes s, clean , cleanl i-ness and forgiveness and mercifulness . Peonle are not very

.·'"1•:. · ·:::: Je.s .they are true. '.·le can save our time. For exa::nle, . . . . !ust :: : ethe cow dung. The c ow dunF is said in the Ve1as as pure .So if' we acc ept cow dun as nure,we don 't req uire to makeresearch , but actuallY it is p ure. The other day , I wasnassing throuh a cowshed in H yderabad.So so much cowdun was stocked there. So I was asking my stude nts :·• suppose so much human stool was stocked here. Could we

: ·····:.-, . . -····' .·.:.\!''WAHM- 12-B-70Rotary Club Lecture8 .··.p a ss through it?" No . It is not possible . But it was plesantto pas s throu h . so this is a fact . If we argue that animalstool . . . (Aside :) Stop . Stop it Don 't make noise . The animals tool is impure , b ut when the Vedas says the Ani!"la l stoolo f the cow i s pure . So this is the stool Simp ly conchshell .c oshshell is the bone o f an animal . So , accordig to Vedicinsttion , if you touch the bone of an animalyou becomeimp ure . But the bone of an animal , wh ich is conchshell ,i t is kent in the De ity room . So Vedic instru cton is soperfe ct . Why , why this anima l , bone :s nure , wr.·: '::1is st oolof animal is pure , that is already known . You don 't re quireto make any research . You simp l y accept and get ';he fact .Th is is Vedi c truth . So that is callerl astikya . Atikyamme ans to accept the Ve dic inst0ction as it is . :he re forewe are nresent lng Bhaavad-Fita As It Is . There is no needo f interpret t n . If we ac cent it , the truth , as t is ,then you are bene ri t ted .In the 3haavad- r-a Ks na says that" I am the Sunreme." '·lat t::1 narataram nanyat kincr:! asttcihanan,1 aya . ··y dear Dhanan,1 at a , Ar.1 una . . . " Ar.1 •..; :1a is calle::!Dhanan.l aya . ':'hat 's a backi';round , how he became ::: :Jhanan.l ava .o mattah narataram nanvat . ':'here is no more su riorrerson than 1·e ." So we accent t, hat ·tay . Our Krs :-.a consciousness ovement means we a ccent Krsna as the S upre e 0ersonal tyo f f1 odhead . Not onlY we accept. All the authori tes , 1-1 homwe ac cept as autho rity . Just lke Vy asadeva . e 's thea uthority of the VEdas .He accept Krs na as the SupremePersonality of G o dhead . Narada ac cepts the Supreme Personalityo f Godhead . Of course , that is long, long ar,es ago . In the

AHM-12-8- 7 0Rotary Club Lecture.....recent years , al l the ac aryas , Ramanujacarya , Madhvacarya ,Sankaracarya,all of them accept Krsna as the Supreme Personalityof Godhead. Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepts, the SupreM9.Personality of Godhead . So what is the difficulty for us toaccept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of nodhea d? THere isno difficulty. I f you do not accent Krsna as the unreePersonality o r o dhead , vou must p res ent somebody else , that'h ere is another person. " Then we have to compare wh etherKrsna is actually Supreme Personality o f G o dh ead , or t heanother ers on . Because there is definitiono nod. Aisvaryasyasamap;rasya viryasya vasasah srivah.So t h e\present need ofhuman society , because they ' re reducin their ood qual ity ,satva sama dama titiskva arjavarn,and money's becorninthe most powerful thin ... As it is stated here : vrttameva ka lau nrna m j anmacara gunodayah.Formerly if one isouali fied brahmana , he may be a poor man, but a brahmana ,when apnroaches a kinp;,the king will stand up and offerhi . . . Even K rsna, when He was Kinf of Dvaraka, SudamaVipra , Eis friend , he came.. I mmed i a t e l y he stood un and p:a vehi- ::is own seat. So because he was a Gual i fied bra h na na .o evervwhere o ualifi ed brahmana was respect by t he oualifiedksatrlvas , va i s yas. 3ut now there is nractially no qual ifiedbrahr.ana . :/eit her ac: ualified brahmana is rP c-ected . Vi-rrameva . Rut if on has ot money , then he'll be respected . hi sis the svmntom of ali- yua.Vrttam eva kalau nrnam janma caragunodayah . If one has ot money , • !-!e may be noteducated , without anv %ood qualification , but somehow orother he has got money, he'll be respectful. Not a qualified

• ,.··,-·.·.· ... . '.-.>.·. :·:·,T··J ···";l:: ·-.;.-/::.··::·•··:.-- "' :::,',.1AHM- 12-8-70Ro tary Club Lecture10 .brahmana . Then dharma naya bhavasthaya karanam bala eva hi .How justice, nyaya means justice , dharma , and religiousprinciples , dharma nyaya vyavasthaya . . . To estab lish ju8ticeanyone who is powerful , he 'll get justice . You brib e.Nowadays . . . or course , we do not discuss these things .Everyone knows . Justice can be p urchased in this age . Balameva hi . Dam p ate rat i rati abhiruc i hetu maya eva vyavarike .These are the symotoms . Dam p ate , husband re lationship,husband and wire . eans sex rower . We have pra ctically seent n the WEstern countries , As soon as there is some isturb ancein the sex re lat ion o r husband and wife , there is divorce .So that , these a re the symptoms . Stri te bhunkt ca hirati viprate sutram eva hi . So r.1an and w oma n should be un itedin ma rria e relationshiP simn iv on sex ure . not on there lirious princiole . That we have s e en . And sutram , vlnra· sut ra eva hi . An1 if any o ne soehow or other athern asacred thread . llot sacred ev·en . . . -lot sacred . ':'hre arl . lieb e c omes a v ip ra . U nf"al":l eva as:J.vakhyata ananrla una nat Itaranar.1 a vrtt ya :1a i r vi b a l va:-1 . If you f1'0 tn the cour·t ,c o urt of . u s t i c e , l. VO'l havena :1oney , t he n · ou cannot. 1" e t.S u!"nose if v ou have tc claiM "ror. so'llle..bodv , S'l.V , snm" few t::0·Jsandso" runees . !rst o" a ll o u have to 1ercs1 t the stannfee , five n er c ent , anc the nleaier 's fee . o v ou h a ve to!"USh ro o d monev ater bai r.1one v. So t he s e , these a re theSV:'l!" toms . ':'Here a"'"' · - r. v SVM!'t o'i s . In th1 s way , th conelusion i s , i t is the escrinti on riven bv Sukadeva Gosvam1to : :1hara.i a Pari k s t. There are ;,anv other sv111ntoms . Our timeis short . Th e kin;:- , the ;:-over:1:-1ent . . That : ·' als o stated .

AHM- 12-8-70Rotary Club Lecture11."\Government w ill be si mply -taxing . And people , being harrassedin famine and taxation , they 'll give up their hearth andhorne , will go to the forest and fields. And gradually timewi ll come when the ages will be reduced so much that a person ,twenty to thirty years old will be c ons idered as gre at ,grand old man. These are the symtpoms of Kali Yuga . So howto get out of this entanp,lement? There are so many thinspres cribed. But in theSrimad Bhap,avntam it is said that¥'lau dos n idher ra! a nn asti eka maha una . Dosa nl dhi .Ni dhi me ans ocean . TH is ali Yu v,a is a ocean of dosa , somany feults. 9ut still there is some hone . Ka lau dosa nirlherraj ann asti eka maha una , kirt anad eva krsnasya mu kta sanraoaram vraj et . I f you takP t o Krsna kirtana , krsna klrtanagana nartana parau , i f thi, i f you take to this pr1nc1p1e ,very simp le nrocess . . . Tat is recommend in the Sa3tra .Hare nama harer nama e r 2a eva ke valna a lau nastyeva nas ty eva nasty eva Ratlr anv atha. Kalau , espec ially1 t i s meant. Kalau . : alau me

-;:-:;;c. '·· .. ..'·. :.· . ·· . ,AHM- 12-8-70Rotary Club Lecturematerial world, it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita .You perhapsyou know that paras tasmat tu bhva anya vy aktavyakta sanatanah .Sanatana dhama. The other day I was describ ing here . Sanatandhama . God is s anatana and His . . .(Tape ends here )

".'•-· '· ,·,.,

' .., ··,...:- -::--::·';"i;"",."";;:•IF. -?X1.Bhagavad-gita , Chap . 18 , Verses 67-69 , Ahmedabad , Dec . 9. <strong>1970</strong>. . . That is Krsna consciousness. Just like Arj una didArj una ,in the beginning, he denied to carry out the orderof Krsna . Krsan wanted fight . He said : ''No , Krsna , I cannot'fight . I cannot kill my kinsmen , thether side , my brother ,my nephews , my grandfather . No . I stop." Then Krs na exp lainedthe actual position and He asked him : "NO , '{''\_9 t is yourd cision? Y 6 u can do whatever you like. I/have explainedeverything . '' So he said : "Yes , karisye vacanam tava . " Thisis Krsna consciousness. One must be ready to do anythifor Krsna . That is Krsna consciousness . Not that according tomy whims I shall decide . No this is position . We mus t beready . Because we are part and parcel of Krsna . . . Just 11kemy hand is moving because I want to move it . Simi larly weare all , all living entities , we are part and parcel ofKrsna .Therefore our duty is simp ly to move accordin totne will of Krsna . That is Krsna consciousne ss . There forethis philosophy cannot be understood by ordinary person .There fre He said : na atapasvayah . Tapasay . This life isme ant for tapasya . Not to lead a life like hogs and dos .This human . . . That is not human life. tH t is hog 's anddogs life . That is a, the st&tement of Rsabhadeva : nayadeho deho bahj am nrloke kastan kaman arhati vid bhuj amye ,tapo divyam putraka yena suddhyed satya yasmad brahmasaukhyam anantam . We are all hankering after happ iness , butwe do not know howto get happiness. That is advi sed byRsabhadeva , rater of Maharaj a Bharat a, under whose name this

AHM-12-9-70 BG-18 :67-92. ··· ·· . ·- .. .. i·::·,:-··· ., . ;.. _ ·planet is called Bharatavarsa. THis planet ,IInot this country.Bharatavarsa. Formerly it was known as Ilavrta varsa. Soafter the reign of !-tahara.:J a Bharata ,Emperor Bharata, thisplanet is called Bharatavarsa.3ut because we have lost ourculture , now, we are, now a small piece of land. Just likePakisthana. We could not maintain our culture. Formerlythe kins were maintaining the culture and control ling thewhole world. So it is warning that those who are not undergoneausterities,as Rsabhadeva says that th is human formof body . .. Everyone has got a material body. The cats and dof-Sand hogs and trees,everyone has got. But ayam deha nrloke,especially in the human society, it is not meant for grat i­fying the senses,working very hard, whole day and niht.like the hogs. The very example is given: hogs. Vid bhuj nm.Vid bhumam means hogs ,the stool eater. The stool-eater,you'll find, the stool-eater, whole day and niht s earchlnIafter stool. .-/here is stool? ':!here is stool? " AT nip:htalso you'll find engaged. Day also engaed. These are th"examples by nature. What for? What is the business? ow eat instool. And then, ps soon as he gets some strenth. Hevermind, mother, sister or anythinp:. THis is hop: civilization .Eat whatever you like, no discriminition, even un t o s tool ,and then have sexual intercourse. That 's all. So this is tewarninp: of Rsabhadeva that this human form of life is notmeant for this purpose like hogs and dogs. Then what it ls?Tapo.That is stated here also. Na tapaskaya. One who has'"""'not undergone austerities and pen ances accordin£ to theVedic system , what he can understand, Bhagavad-p:ita and the..._.,.

AHM- 12-9-70 BG_:.l8 :67-93.Vedas?Therefore he nas warned. And wh at is the re sult oftapasya? To become bhakta, devotee . Bahunam janmanam antejnavan mam prapadyate . One who has actually underoneausterities, penances ,then the re sult wi ll be that he 'llsurrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead . That isbhakta. So after t apasya one becomes bhakta.And as scon asone becomes bhakta , he enjoys life . He enj oys life .Natural stage . That is mukti . Hitva anyatha rupam .Mukti hitva anyatha rupam .Anyatha rupam means de fying theauthority of God . THat is anyatha rupam . Because we arepart and parcel of God .Therefore our business is to ab ideby the orders of God . But as soon as we de fy r;od , that isanyatha rupam . So mukti means hitva nayatha rupam . That ismukti. Mukti means hitva anyatha rupam . Giving uo thisnonsense practice , defying God . Anyatha rupa . Svarupenavyavasthiti. To be situated in his own constitutionaJpoasition . What is the constitutional position? Constitutionalposition is to serve .Just like part and parcelof my body , th is finrer, is to serve the body . tRi s 1sco:1sti tutional flOS i t:on . If the finp;er denies , ":Io , Iam liod . Hhy shall I serve y ou?" That is anyatha ru!'lar.1 . Somukt i means to ive up anyatha rupam . And that s thedemand or Krsna .Sarva dharman parityaj a mam ekam s aranamvraj a. YOu have manufactured so manyreas caldo in the nameof reliion. G ive up all this nons ense .Simp lv surrenderunto Me .'' 'rhis is wanted . But Krsna knows that if I sa1 tothe rascals : 'Surrender unto ·1e , ' he ' 11 take otherw ise ."Big scholar says : "Oh , this is too much . Sophist . Krsna


. .-,.;.·.-.. ------------------------------------------------, ,.-. ------------------------- .. .:- AHM-12-9-70 BG-18 :67 -95 .Caitanya ." And becoming Lord Caitanya ,devotee of LordCaitanya , what , what is the business? Lord Caitanya says :amara aj naya guru hana tara ei desa , yare dekha tare kehakrsna upadesa . "On by order , you become a guru .'' Andwhat is the business of guru? The guru 's business is yaredekha tare keha krsna upadesa . You simply spread ·,that Krsnahas said . Or what is said about Krsna . Krsna upadsa .Up adesa means instruction . The instruction which is ivenby Krsna or the instruction about Krsna . That is calledKrsna upadesa , Krsna-katha . So Bhagavad-gita is Y.rnnaupadesa , directly Krsna gi ving the instruction . An1 SrimadBhagavatam is the instruction about Krsna . So this is ourbusiness. We have become guru , spiritual master , notwith a false position , that I have become God . No weare servant . Simply servant , Ordinary servant . Just likepost peon . NOt very hieh salaried servant . Ordinary , thirdclassservant .\•That is our business? To deliver the letter.That 's all . Here is your letter , Sir." So tc become spiritualmaster is not very difficult . Any ordinary man can become .Provided he becomes a pure servant , deliver ing the letter ."Here is Krsna ' s me ssage , Sir . YJ'u surrender to Y. rsna ."Krsna says : ''Surrender unto Me ." He spiritual master \'lesay : "Surrender unto Krsna ." \•That is my difficult:' · I haven 'tot to manufacture th ings by high meditation and tapas/ a.This is tapasya . Simply to become a faithful servant ofKrsna . That 's all . So wh ere is the difficulty . Th is istapasya , that I shall not speak anything beyond what Krsnahas spoen . This is tapasay . But if I want to adulterate .

--- _ _ _ _______________________________ ..AHM-12-9-70 BG-18 : 67-·96."Oh , I am biSger th an Krsna , I am greater than Krsna . I amKrsna ." Then you spoil the whole thing . That 's all .Th erefore it is warned :idam te natapaskaya nabhak ayakadacana . "Never speak to rascals .'' Na ca asrusuve , oneWho 's not . . . Here is another opportuni ty .One is eager tohear. So we are speaking to persons who are at leasteager to hear . Susrusuve . Vacyam na ca mam abhyasuyati .Abhyasuyati. One who is envious . So this is right warnin .But still our Krsna consciousness movement is tocreatethe situation so that people may kindly hear about Krsna .That is our business . Although it is warned that if wediscrimina.,te in that way , that here is e. person . He hasnot undergone any austerities . He 's not a devotee . He 'snot , I mean, preed to hear . Then where we shall find ourcustomer? The whole world is like that .If a, a . . . A gent l eman tried to find out who is thethief in this village and after scrut inizing , he saw everyoneis thie f. So what to discriminate? So world is so situatednow no tapasya . Just like we are sip ly asking people ,requesting people : ''Kindly give up thos e four pr:l.nciples ."What is that? Illicit sex . And meat-eating , And intoxication .And gambling . Oh , it is .,erJ difficult . People find itvery difficult. EVen a person like Lord Jetland , he wasproposed that . . . He . . . He inquired . . . OnP. of my godbro therswent to London, and he was talking with Lord Jetland ,fl!arquis of Jet land . So marquis of Jetlan inquired : "Hel l,Swamij i, can you make me a brahmana? " "Yes ,we can nakeyou brahaman . " ''Ho·11 ?'' "No•11 you j ust give up illicit se

AHM- 12-9-70 BG- 18 :67-91···· ···.··meat-e ating, intoxication and gamb ling." " Oh , it is impossible . "this is our life . THis is our life , to have boyfriend andg i rlfriedn , and d ri nking, and meat eating and gambling . Ifwe give up all these things , where is our life? There forewe require tapasya . This is tapsya . Hearing only foursimple things. And i f you ask anybody give up drinking tea ,oh , you ' ll find a thunderb olt . Thunderb olt . "Oh , whatyou are speaking? I shall give up tea drinking?" Or plead :"You are a sannyasi ." !! No I have to drink tea in the morning ,at least so big cup And then smoking ganga . And I have becomeGod." This is going on . THis is going on . There fore itis warned : "Don 't talk, this , the philosophy of 3haavad-itato the rascals who has no austerity ,who has no devot ion,who is not prepared to hear . " But the servant of !\rsna ,they take all risk for Krsna' s sake . Just like Pamanuj carya.Sri Ramanucarya , his spiri tual master said : ''r·ly dear son ,the mantra which I have given you , you shall silentl ychant and you ' ll be del ivered . It is so powerful . Don 'tchant this mantra loudly so that others can hear SoRamanuj acarya thought " If this mantra is so powerful that ifothers hear they 'll also be delivered , why not?" He immediatelywent to the market and began to chant the mantra . Sohis spiritual mas ter became very angry , that " I toldyou not to chant loudly so that others nay not hear. " Sohe said : "i·!y Lordship, I have done o ffense unto you . Th at 'sall right . For this , I can , I am prepared to go to hell ,but if this mantra is so powerful I must speak to everyone .So that is our proposal . Although we are warned not to speak

AHM-12:.. 9-70BG-18 :67:_98.to the rascals . But still we are flattering : "My dear sir,please hear. Please hear . Please hear . Please g1vp thishabit . Please do it ." So to turn one man to Krsna consc iousnessIwe have to shed hundred tons of blood .So therefore it iswarned. We are not easy-going , that , not to preach . Wehave taken the risk , to preach , and i t has , it is becomingsuccessful . People will take it . So a lthough Krsna warns :"Don 't speak to this classes of me n, we take the risk .Because our philsophy is . . . Not my ph ilosophy . That isVaisnava p hilosophy that others may go , they may be delivered. Prahlada l\1aharaj a s aid that "My dear Lord , formy person al sake , I do not bother . I have no prob lems . Iam simply thinking of these fools . raya sukhaya bharamudvahato mudha . Simply for maya sukha , temporary happiness ,they are working so hard , like dogs and hogs . I am simp lyconcerned for them . For me , I have no concern . I can chantYour holy name anywhere." S othis warning of Krsna isall right , but a, a pure devotee , in spite of warninr, of Krsna ,they approach the atapaskaya, abhaktaya and flatter them :"Please take to Krsna c onsciousness . " That we should do .Krsna wi ll be pleased . That is explained in the next verse .Ya idam paramam guhyam madbhaktesu abhidas1ati bhaktim ma yiparam krtva mam eva aisyasi asamsayah . And next sloka Hesays : na ca tasmad manusyesu kascit me priya krttamah .Anyone who tries t o preach this Bhagavad-ita philosophy ,nobody ' s dearer than him to Me ." So we , our business is tobecome little recogni zed by Krsna . So we shall go onpreaching like this at all risk. THank you very much .

AHM-12-9-70 BG- 18-67-99.Indian : The latest findinds of the psychology tests , aerandchild grew and he became a man .His ego also developedand it become . . . Nowif it is all ego anhis personalityand identity also dissolved and how we can be or how wecan develop or how ue can prove it . . . ? Because the whole ,wh ole probl em is little prob lem of the . . . {?)Prabhpa da : F irst thing is that eeo , if you are qualifiedwith false ego, that eeo development is dangerous for you .Suppose y ou are , you are falsely thinking that you areking, although you are a servant . You are l:..h inking 'Chat"I am a king ." Th is is false ego . And if you inc rease thisfalse ego , then where is the benefit? YOu are misled . Isit not?Indian : That is the personality of man today .Prabhupad a: Personality, falsely , he should be personal .You , you should b e egoistic in right way , as your pos itionis . If you falsely think that "i am this , then ·..rhat in theuse of such , increasing that ego? It is psychologically wrong . .Just like madman , he ' s thinking : "I am the kint; of this. " And if he increases that ego , what bene fithe 'll get? Just like the madman does also : He fal ls downon the street : "I am the king" . So this kind of fa lse ep:o ,increasing , is simp ly suicidal . If it is right ef.O . . . Th ereforethe Vedas says that you are not this body .You arespirit soul , aham trahmasmi . THat is right ego . And if IIamhinking I am this body , then that kind of increasing theo is dangerous . That is . . . After . . . . The Ameri cans , theyare : " lie are the greatest nation ." The Indians are thinking ,

AHM-12-9-70BG-18-67-910 .Pakistahna is think ing . . . There is fight .YOu increase yourego , I increase my e o. Then we fi iht . What is the benefitof this ego? But if everyoneof us thinks that " I am servantof Krsna ," increase that , then there will be happiness.Everyone is thinkin% " I am a competitor of Krsna ." "WhyKrsna s h all become God? I am God . " That kind of ep;o is causeof fal ldown . It will never become any happy situat ion .Indian : People like us , wh o areserving the p eople , they say , we say that politics , econoniceducation o f the schools Wesay , and they it also , that those who arejust like brahmanasand laymen , that isavasyam idam 3arvamyat kincit jagatyam jagat . And we say also that . . . .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> :Do you think the politicians follow isavnsyamidam sarvan?Indian : Poor people , what is there in the poor people . . .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : No , no . When you cite isavasya , and at the sametime politicians and leaders , do you think the leadersand politicains fo l low isavasya philosophy?Indian : I think jevotees , we can serve , not bysimp ly by of Krsna . Simp ly by th is . Andsimp ly and really for the whole life if people do like thisnoN \"lhat to, ho1-1 to understand that God is there in nature ,everywhere , all-pervading, and . inwhat ever cap acity , then how , how we can be , what is . . . (?)<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Just l ike I say there is butter in the milk andI give you one mound of milk . Find out the butter . So you haveto churn it . Similarly God is everywhere . That 's a fact .

AHM- 12-9-70 BG- 18 : 67-911 .,.· __ i\"'' .•..:.;.:.··:·-·.-::Just like a tree . The tree is everywhere , in the leaves , inthe twigs. But irlyou have to find out whereis the actualtree it i s the root . If you water the root thPn the who letree is nourishe d. And lf you simp ly \'l ater all the leaves ,the wh ole day you ' ll spoil , and the tree will be spoiled .That is going on . YOu do not know what is the root . Foo lishly, you are watering the leaves . What is the benefit? Thetree will die and your energy will be spoiled . You find outthe root . Th e root is na . Sarvasya caham hrdi . Ahamsarvasya prabhavah . So as soon as you come to Krsna consci ousness. . . Just likein this old age we are travelling all overthe world to do benefit to the people . Becaus e we arehankering that people should become Krsna conscious .Don 'tyou thinkthat we are servine the people everywhere ? Weare not sitting idle . So anyone who will be really Krsnaconscious, he 'll not be idle .He ' ll serve the wh ole humansociety , everywhere. Not only human society , the animalsociety , every one . A Krsna cnscious person will not nllowan ant to be killed . But the so-called humanitarians , theyare sending ten thousand cow s daily to the slaughterhou se .What is the benefit? They do not know what is beneficialwork . What is humanitarian work. But a Krsna consciousperson will think : "Oh \'lhy this animal should be sent tothe slaup;hterhouse?" That is the difference .You be Krsnaconscious . Then everythin g will be automatically done .That is wanted . Krsna says : sarva yonisu kauntey a sambhavantmurtayah .If you are Krsna conscious , then you' l l see thatevery living entity , not only human society , but the animal

AHM-12-9-7,0 BG-18 :67-912 .society , the bird s ociety , tre e society , the acquatic society ,all living entities , they 're all sons of Krsna . \fuy shallI kill a fi 3h or a cow or a goat . He 's alsO sor. or Krsna .And you are doing humanitarian work and sendin so manyanimals , thousands of animals to the slaughterhous .What is this? What these poor animals have done? Be causeyou are not Krsna c onsciousness you are discrimint ing inthis way , that the human society should be given protection ,the animal society should be slaughtered . Is that very eood?Is that good consciousness? Just like a Christian people saythat the animals have no soul because they want to eay .Christ s aid" Thou shalt not k ill . " They intepret in a di fferentway . So you can make your own mental concoction, but ify ou require to be riht person you have to take directionfrom the authorities. That is required . ( Splice) Withoutbeing Krsna conscious , anyone who wants to serve , he serveshimself only. You s ee . These leaders, they , . . . Of coursethey r,ive that " We are going to serve the country . . . "Factual ly, if we study scrutinizingly , he 's serving himRelfonly . THat 's all . Hare Krsna .

1.Bhagavad-gita Lecture , 18.67, Ahmedabad , Dec . 10 , 1 97Idam te natapaskaya na abhaktaya kadacana ,na ca asusrusavevacyam na ca mam yo abhyasuyati. So we were discussingthis verse yesterday . So there are persons , abhyasuyati, envious of Krsna . Envious . Who is envious of Krsna ?Demons . Just like Kamsa . Always making plan how to killKrsna .siter ,As soon as he heard that his eighth son of hisDevaki would kill him as soon as he heard this prophecy, he became a determined enemy of Krnsa . He was alwaysthinking of Krsna .That is also Krsna consciousness. Ruthe was thinking in a different way . Prat ikulyena . Anukulyasyasankalpa pratikulyam viparyayam .This devotional servi cemeans to accept favorab le and rej ect unfavorable . THis iscalled saranagati. Surrender means to accept favorab le thinr,s ,how I can make progress towards Krsna . And pratikul. Pratikulameans rej ecting unforab le things which are not verycongenial for my progress to Krsna consciosuness. Rakyisyatiiti vi svasa palanam . And to have firm faith that Krsna willgive me protection. Krsna will give me protection . Krsna says ;sarva dharman parityaj a mam ekam saranam vraj a aham tvamsarva papebhyo moksayisyami rna sucah . So to have firm fa ithin the statement of Krsna . Krsna says : '' I'll give youprotection from the re sultant action of al l sinful activities ."so we must know that anyone who are ,anyone who is in thismaterial world , more or less , sinful . Without heine sinful ,nobody exists in this material world .Just like yesterdaywe visited the Jail. So all the prisoners who are

·· ·: : .. ·AHM- 12-10-70 BG;.. l8 : 672.there , it is to be understood , they are all sinful , or criminal s.Otherwise how they are put into the jail? So this mat erialworld is jail . You cannot have freedom here . It is notpossib le . Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya . Andthe Superintendant of jail is Durga devi .You have seen themany . . . There are many worshiper of Goddess Durga .She is theSuperintend nt of this jail . Durga . Durga means fort . So thismaterial world is just like fortand the predom1 natinr,De ity is the Durgadevi . Therefore she 's equipped with so manyweapons . Ten kinds of weapons on ten hands . There are tendirections. The four corners , East, We st , South , North andthe four cornes , up and down . These are the ten direct1ons .So you cannot excap e. Just like from the jail you cannotescape . There is very strong guard . Similarly we are nllput into this fo rt , Durga , material universe . So . . . And theDeity , p redominating Deity , is Durga devi . There are nomepeople , they think by satisfying Durga we shall be happy .That is also mentioned in the satras .But that happiness isonly wi hin this material world .Dhanam dehi rupam dehlrupavati bharyam dehi yaso d..ehi dehi dehi .After \ orahlpingGoddess Durp;a we ask all these benedictions :"Give memoney , give me beautiful wi fe , give me reputation , r.1veme strength, give me victory . '' Duga devi ives you . :'.utthat is not actual happines s. ThereforeKrsna says thatabrahma bhuvanal lokan punar avartino 'rjuna ."i1y dearArj una ,even if you are promoted to the highest planetarysytem, Brahmaloka , that is not happiness . "In the Brahmalokathe duration of life is so long that you cannot caluculate even

AHM-12-10-70BG-18-673... \j.., ;one day .THat is stated in the Bh agavad-gita: sahasra yugaparyantam ahar yad brahmano viduh . Sahasra yuga . One yugameans forty-three lacs of years . And , multiply it by onethousand . Sahasra yuga paryantam ahar . Now calculate thatdurat ion is one day of Brahma . One day means twelve hours .Similarly another twelve hours , night , day and night .Th en again thirty days , one month . Similarly twelve monthsequal to one year. Such one thou , one hundred years is theduration of Brahma . So anyone who goes to the Brahmaloka .They are try ing t o go to the MOon planet . I don 't thinkthey have been successful . But this is not very di fficulttaks . But even if you go to the Brahmaloka where the durationof life is so long and the c omfort s of life are many , manyth ousand time s what , which we can percieve here , Krsnasays that even you go thre , then the birth , death , old ageand disease i s there. You cannot avoid it . Janma mrt yu jaravyadhi duhkha dosanudarsanam . Brahma , \'t'h en he \'Tas approachedby Hiranyakasipuax to have the benediction to becor.e immortal ,Brahma said : "Oh , I am not immortal . How can I give youthe benediction?" So any planet within this material world ,you may o . you may try to become happy . But there is no suchth ing as immortality. That is not possible .Within this materialworld . Mad dhama gatva punar janma na vidyate . Krsna saysthat "If you come to r-1y p lanet, . . . II There is Krsna ' s p] 'b..net .AS there is Brahma 's planet , similarly there is Krsna'splanet . That plane t is called G oloka Vrndavana . Yad catvana nivartante tad dhama paramam mama . So anyone can o .That is not very difficult . But we have no information.

AHM- 12-10-70 BG- 18 : 6 74.Although the information are all there in the BhaEavad-gitaor all Vedic literature , we do not take care fo them . Weare surp rised only by the movement of the sputnick going t o theso-called Moon planet , coming back. Takin some dust . Sowe are very mu ch surpri sed with this movement , but we ,we do not care to know that I am a spirit soul . My movementis so unique and beaut i ful that I can go back to home ,back to Godhead . That we do no t know . Thi s is calledi v,norance, mudha . Mudha . Foolish persons , rascals . Theydo not know . Very me ager idea , how we can be promoted . Krsnasays in the Bhagavad-gita: yanti deva vrata devan . Tho ne whowant to go to the planetary system of the demigods , theMoon planet is one of them , they can go . You have toprepare yourself in this life .We have discussed all thesethings in our small booklet , Easy Jo urney to Other Planets .Those wh o are intersted , you can read . So we can go anyplanet , any type of form of living entity . There are eihtmi llion fourhundred thousan d forms of body , material body .So ye yatha mam prapadyante . You desire anyth ing . YOu 'll begiven chance by Krsna .Krsna is so kind that He gives you ch, ceac cording to your desires .Ye yatha mam prapadyante. Mamavartmanuvartante manusya partha sarvasah. 3ut why heshouldwant something which i perishab le ? That is intelliGence .Krsna says : abrahma bhuvanal loka . Even if you go co theBrahmaloka p lanet , that is also perisha bl e. YOu have tore turn a r,ain . Yanti deva vrata devan pitrn yanti pi trn vrat abhutejya yanti bhutani mad y aj i no ' pi yanti rnam . If youdesire to go the planetary system of the demigods , you can

AHM- 12-10-70BG-18 675 .go . If you want to remain here in this Bhur1oka , Bhuvarloka,you can remain .If you want to go to the Pitrlokas . . . Justlike cord ing to our VEd ic system there is Pitr tarpan . YOUknow all . By offering Pitr tarpan you can be promoted to thePitrlokas . THis is the idea . S imilarly if you wnt to o tothe Supreme planet , yad gatva na nivartante , the ab ode ofthe Supreme Lord , r.oloka Vrnadavan or Vaikunthaloka , you canTOog . So if we Want actually p-.ṁotion of life , I mean tosay , established life , eterna l life , and eternal body ,sac-cid-ananda , and eternal blissful life of knowlede ,then y ou must worShip Krsna . THat i s the verdict . Th ere foreKrsna says : sarva dharman parityaja mam ekam saranam vraj a.This is the mi s sion of Bhagavad-F,ita , the best chance . AndKrsna comes hereto giveyou the idea wh at is the functionof the Krsnaloka . That is displayed in Vrandavana , here .Radha-Madhava Kunj a-vihari. That is the diescription,Simp le life , village life . They are all young boys and irls .the gopis and the cowherd boys . They are enj oying danc in .Laksmi sahasra sata samb rahma sevyamanam surabhir abhipalayantam. Ar.d Krsna , just like you have sot some hobbies .You keep some cat s and dogs . Krsna has ot also hobby .What is that? Surabhir abhipalayantam . He ' s always enagedin taking care of the surabhi cows , Gopala . That is Hisbusiness. So He ' s so sim p le life , so . . . The difficulty isthe people cannot understand th@s e things . Th eir opintionthat after this life , everything 's finished . The greates tscientist , philosopher , they are thinking like that . Thatmeans practi c ally they have '-'no sense . Why there is no life

I ,I!AHM-12-10-70 BG-18 :676.after death?I am experiencing that I was a baby and after thatbaby body's finished I got a boQy of child ,Then from childbody I got the body of a boy . Then as a young man . Then Ihave got this . • . Why not after changing this body anotherbody? Where is the reason ? In my , this experience, I getjIIthat I have changed so many bodies . But I remember . I amexisting . Although my different bodies are finished , I amexisting . Similarly : tatha dehantaram praptir dhirastatra na muhyati. Similarly I shall get another body . Sowhat kind of body I shall get , that is the preparationstage in this life . What kind of body I'm going to r et . 'rh atis called karamana daiva netrena jantur deha upapatay.As you are work13 here . THis is a chance , hun body .Here is a chance . YOu can make your next body as lower animalS ,or demigods . Or go back to home , back to Godhead . Whateveryou like . Yanti deva vrata devan pitrn yanti pitr vratah .These are the instructions of Bhagavad-gita .So one has tounderstand all these things by little tapasya .Because to goback to home ,back to Godhd is not very easy thingbecause weare so much ntangled with this gross mat erialbody and subtle material body . And the subtle materialbody is creating . . . Just like a spool , creating another body ,another body , desires . Material desires . So we have tochange these material desires into spiritual des ires .Thenwe get spiritual body . Karmana daiva ne.trena . They , thisis the func tion of the laws of nature . Prakrti kriyamanananigunaih karmani sarvasah ahankara vimudhatma kartaham itimanyate . Prakrt i. So long we are in this material world ,

AHM- 12-10-70·· ,:· · ·: . . ...BG-18 :677.: : .. \·

AHM- 12-1(}-70BG-18 :678.. ·,: '.\:??:·· "·(:·.'···{·:"::t'. . :·.· .. :'The Supreme Brahman . We are all Brahman . There is nodifficulty to understand aham brahmasmi . That 's all right .But we are not Param Br ahma . We are Brahman because partand parcel of Brahman , qualitatively one with Brahman . Ahambrahmasmi . J ust like if you say "I am Indian .'' So there isno harm . But you cannot say that you are as big, as powerfulas Indira Gandh i. She ' s also Indian . Similarly you maybecome Brahman , but you cannot be come Param Braham . Thatis Krsna , the Supreme P ersonality of nodhead . Similarlyaham brahmasmi . I am not this body , I am not thismaterial form . I have got my spiritual identity . That iscalled aham brahmasmi . And when one understands thisfact , that he 's not this material body, that is callerlbrahma bhuta. Without understanding this , jiva bhuta .EVerything is explained in the Bhagava-gita .Brahma bhutahprasanntMa . As soon as one understands that he 's notthis body , he 's spirit soul , then he becomes prasannatma .Becaus e prasanna.(:ma means \'te are all working on the bodilyconcept of life . "I 1 m Indian . I am Ame rican . I am Hindu .I am i\1uslim . I am brahmana . I am sudra . I am this . I th;"tt ."So when one understands that I am no s body , then hecomes to the point : "Hhy I am working so hard for thisbody?" Misunderstanding .That is called brahma bhutaprasannat ma . Immediately your so many respons ibilities f,Oaway . Brahma bhuta prasannal:11a... na socati na kanksati samahsarve su bhutesu. Then you understand that "Hhy I am enviousof this man or that man ,this animal or that animal? Theyare all part and parcel of Krsna. They are rahman .

f. ·...AHM- 12-10-70 BG-18 :679·sama sarvesu bhutesu pandita sama darsinah .He sees brahmadarsi. In this way , when samatvam, samatvam , he comes tothe point of samatvam, equality , mad bhakti labhat e param .Thatis the be inning of devotional life . THat is theb eginning of . . . It is not a sentiment . It is a great scienceto become a devotee , to come to the plat form of devotionallife . Mad bhaktim labhate param . \Then one comes to that staceof de tional life ,then bhaktya mam abhij anati yavan yas casmitattvatah . At that time one can understand what is Krsna .Tattvata . The same thing . In three places , Krsna has beendescribed tattvatah .Janma karma me divyam yo jana titattvatah . Manusyanam sahasresu kascit etthi mam tattvatah .How to understand tattvatah . Bhaktya mam abhijanati yavanyas casmi tattvatah . So if you want to understand Krsna ,then you have to take the life of devotion . And one who doesnot take to this life of devotion , he cannot understand Krsna ,or Krsna phil sophy , Bhagavad-gi ta. It is far , far away . It is ,my Guru Maharj a used to say , it is just like lickin thehoney bottle. One may come to the bottle filled with honey ,but simp ly by licking the bottle, 1.,rhat taste he \'tillget? Th e honey must be opened , Then , if you tas t e, you 'llknow what is honey . Similarl;• , simp ly by taking Bhaavad-gitaand trying to understand it by so-called scholarship , islicking up the honey bottle . That ' s all . THere will be notaste. There wi l l be no taste. YOu go on for many mi llionso years , lick ing up that bottle, you'll never understand .If you want to understand , then Krsna says here : tad viddh ipranipatena pariprasne a sevaya upadeksyant i tad jnanam jnanina

AHM- 12-10-7010 .tat tva darsinah. The same tattva. YOu havto approach aperson who has seen tat tva . Tattva darsi . So that tattvadarsi already e x plained: bhaktya mam abhij anati. One can'-'tl ecome tattva darsi simply by devo tional service. So forcoming to the plat form of devotional service one has tomake some sacri fice . THat is called tapasya. Tapasya meansvoluntarily accepting some difficult things . THat is calledtap asaya . Therefore , those who have not taken to that ,t hose who have taken Bhaf,avad- gita as a table talk , they cannotunderstand . Not Bhagavad-gita should be preached m ongstthem. Therefore Krs na i s warning : idam te na atapaskayana bhaktaya . Idam te natapaskaya nabhakataya kadacana .Never describ e. Never describe this Bhagavad-gita . Krsnasaid in the previous verse . People will not be ab le to understand. Krsna said : sarva dharman parityaj a mam ekamsaranm vraj a. This simple fac t cannot be understood byany man who has not u ndergone some austerities ,penances and who has not become a devotee. It is notpossible. Therefore Krsna is warning : ''Don 't speak tothis nonsese, They 'll not understand . " But devotee ofKrsna tries to make them devotee. Becau se Krsna in thenext verse says : ya i dam paramam guhyam mad bhaktesuabhidasyati . Mad bhaktesu abh idasyati . Here , in thisverse . it is said : na abhaktaya . Don 't speak this truthof Bhaavad-ita to the ab haktas . But if you can speakto the bhaktas . . . Ya idam paramam uhyam . Parmam guhyam .It is the most confidential :nowled ge , most confidentialpart of Vedic knowld %e. As it is said in the

.... , . · '•' , .AHM- 12-10-70 BG- 18 : 6711 .beginning : sarva guhyatamam . Sarva euhyatamam , most confidential. So paramam uhyam mad bhaktesu . Because from thebeginning it issimp ly said only the bhaktas can understand.Therefore it should be preached among the bhaktas.Mad bhaktesu abhid asyati .Bhaktim may i para krtva mam evaaisyasi asamsayah . So this :1.s another opportunity . Justcreate everyone . Everyone , especially Caitanya Mahaprabhu ,Bharatavarsa. Bha kata bhumite manusya janma haila jara .Anyone who has taken birth in this holy land of Bharatavarsa . .Janma sarthaka kari karo paropakara .THis is the inj unctionof Caitanya Mahaprabhu ,that first of all make your lifeperfect . Just try to understand what is Krsna and what isBhagavad-gita and make your life practicalin understandingBhagavan and the bhakti. Janma sarthaka kari .Then goand preach all over the world. Because the whole world IS indarknessTh ey are too much mat erially conj ested. The irbrain . . . Big, big professor , the1say : ''After death , thereis no life . And they are going on as teachers and pro fessors .So especially in the Western world they are so much engrossed .So our request is . . . Those who are actually intelligent .Take to this Krs na consciousness ovement serious ly .Especially Indians. And try to preach all over the wo rld .They are also hankering after it . And Krsna says that simp lyby trying to preach the hilosophy of Bhagavad- r,ita as itisthen He becomes a great devotee of Krs na. Shakti mayipara . Para bhakti . That para bhakti already explained .Brahma bhuta prasannatma nasocat i na kanksati samah sarvesubhutesu mad bhaktim lab hate para . Para bhakti . ?!a apara.

.. j?l"'

388-16(this is a combination of 388-6 , 388-8, and 388-16)Speec h to Maharaja and Maharaniand Conversations Before and AfterIndore 12/11170(Hansadutta:The following speech was recorded by His DivineGrace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Go svami Maharaja at the Lal Bhag Palacebefore Their Highnesses, Maharaja Tukoji Rao Halokar, MaharaniSarmistha Bhai Halokar, on Deecember 11, <strong>1970</strong> at five p.m. inIndore, Madhya Pradesh, India.)P rabhupada: These are not legends. They are fact. Those who arenot intelligent, they take it as legend. Tere are so manydescriptions which is not within our experienc--we take it aslegend. Now, I gave some gentleman the example, that the coconuttree, on the tree there are coconut and there are 1 kilo water.Now, how the water is transportd there? Where is the pipe? Whereis the pump ing? Because you have got experience if you want toget water high you have to pump and you must have pipe. So whereis the pipe and where is the pumping machine?Indian man (l) : In the tree .P: So as you see actually it is packed up nice, 2 pounds ofwater, very nice • • • And so nicely packed. How it has happened?What is the explanation of the scientists? According to theircalculation, there must be pipe. There must be pump ing . Somebodymust be pumping. Where are all these?Then is it legend? It isfact. Now you expla in how it is happen ing. If you are scientist,you explain how it is happening. Or you do that . Simplyobservation will not do. You must make experiment. You make a log1

388-16IND 12/11/70SPEECHstanding like that, keep anything and the, it, water must go.1: Keep the water there • • •P: Yes.1 : And distill it .P: Distill it. (laughter) Then your science will be all right.And where is that, your • •? Then what is the va lue of yourscience? If you cannot explain which is within you r experienceand you set aside, "Oh, it is all legend," it is all foolishness.You have no knowledge about that. You admit that. How it is done,you cannot do it, or you have not attained to that standa rd ofknowledge.You say that. Don't say it is legend. That isfoolishness. You admit your weakness. If you are as equal ,equalin intelligence, then explain how this water is being •••1: I had one discussion. so I was given to understand that thepressure in the earth sends.P: That's all right. You do it practically. Show. (laughter) Noexplanation will do.1: Only when a living thing goes into the earth, just like trees,then, only then, that thing can happen.P: So why don't you make a living thing like that?1 : The thing was made • • • That is nature.P: Then the nature is more intelligent than you. So then thereare many intelligent works of nature. You do not know.1: What is in the stars (?) is also nature .P: So you have no full knowledge of nature. That's it. Then youcannot claim that you are perfect , your knowledge is perfect.1 : This example is very interesting , coconut tree .2

388-16IND- 12/11/70SPEECH..·P: Yes. There are so many things. So many things. But there isexplanation in the Vedas, parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyatesvabhaviki jnana-bala-kriya ca. The energy of Krsna is work ing sowonderfully that it appears that exactly it is done by expertperson. Now, take a flower, this flower. How nicely it ispainted .1: Comes out of a gree thing , red .P: Yes. Just see. And how perfectly it is made, coloring. Themost beautiful. Nobody can suggest that further coloring this waywould have been better. No. This is parasya saktir vividha ivasruyate svabhaviki. Automatically it is done. Automatically.1: And seasonal.P: Seasonal.1: In one season the same thing will be done all the places .P: All the plac e. In the season in millions of trees, immediatelythe same flower is coming out.1 : What will bloom in summe r • • •P: So many things, there is no explanation. They cannot simplysay... Bogus humbug things they can present bu:there is no clearexplanation. Even in our body. Now , these hairs are corning out,and what is the explanation of these rascals? These ha irs arecoming. You're cutting , and coming . Your energy. You do not knowyour energy, even, what is that energy by which the ha ir iscoming. It is from your body, that means it is your energy. Theenergy is withi n you. You do not know how many hairs are therealthough it is put in by your • • •1: Thousands , thousands of • • • (laughter)P: This is • • Abodha-jata. Therefo re a living entity is called3

388-16IND-12/11/70SPEECHabodha-jata, "born ignorant, born rascal, born foolish." Abodhajata.1 : Abodha-jata.P: Yes. Abodha means no knowledge, and jata means born . By birthhe is fool, and he is claiming, "I am God." By birth he's a fool,and he's cla iming "I am God." Just see. This is illusion. This isthe maya . He cannot •••He does not know how the ha irs are growingand he is God. Just see. "I am God." This has become a fashion,dangerous fashion. And these Mayavadi philosophers, daridranarayana,this Narayana, that Narayana. Because Na rayana isthere, therefore he's Narayana. Because you are within yourcoat, therefore you are coat. This is their argument. Because Iam in the room, I am room. Is that very sound argument? BecauseNar ayana is there,therefore he is Narayana. Aiye. Maha raja.(Hindi) Jaya. Hare Krsna. (Hindi) (break) • • • gopesa gopika-kantaradha-kanta namo ' stu te. Your Highness, Her Highness, and ladiesand gentlemen, this Krsna consciousness movement has a veryintimate relationship with the ksatriya family. Lo rd Krsna says,imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam. Long, long years agoHe was speaking in the battlefield of Kuruksetra that about many,many thousands of millions of years ago He spoke the philosophyof Bhagavad-gita to Vivasvan, the predominating deity of the sunglobe. And from Vivasvan the surya-vamsa ksatriyas are coming.From Vivasvan, Va ivasvata Manu.Because Manu is the son ofVivasvan the sun-god. And from Manu ,Maharaja Iksvaku descended,and he is the original king in the Raghu-vamsa dynasty whereinLord Ramacandra took His birth. Simi larly, in the Candra-vamsa4

388-16 IND- 12/11/70 SPEECHLord Krsna appeared. So from historical refe rence we see thatwhen the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears on this earth, inthis universe, He takes pleasure to appear in some ksatriyafamily. And both Ramacandra and Bhagavan Lord Krsna appeared inksatriya families andthey acted as ksatriya. Yada yada hidharmasya g lanir bhavati bharata , tad a tmanam sr jamy a ham.Ksatri ya king has got two functions. One func tion is to giveprotec tion and happiness to the good citizens,and anotherfunction is to kill the demons or the disturbing elements in thesociety. Lor d Krsna, the orig i nal form of Visnu • • • Visnu has gotfour hands. In two hands He has got the symbol of conchshell andlotus flower and the other two hands He carries club and thecakra, sudarsana-cakra. So He wanted that a ksatriya king likeMaharaja Yudhisthira should rule over the world. That is thepractically basic idea of the whole Mahabharata and Bhagavadgi. ta. So we a re very much concerned to preach the messag e of LordKrsna, Bhagavad-gita. We are present ing Bhagavad-g ita As It Iswithout any malinterpretation. We cannot interpret on the wordsof God because relig ion means the words of God. Dharman tu saksadbhagavat-pranitam. The principles of relig ion cannot be made byany human being as much as law cannot be made by the citizens.Law is made by the government. That law is accepted. That isobligatory. Similarly, religion means the words of God. Man-maderelig ion has no value. The Bhagavata says, dharmah rojj hitakaitavoatra:"Such cheating process or pseudo religion processis completely eradicated from Srimad-Bhagavatam ." Relig ion meansobedience to the Supreme Lord. And the ruler and the king or thechief of the government is also accepted as representative of5

388-16 IND-12/ 11/70 SPEECHNarayana. There is a very nice incidence in this connection.Sanatana Gosvami, he was the prime minister of Na wab HussainShah, the then governor of Bengal, Pathan government. So whenSanatana Gosvami met Lord Caitanya he dec ided to resign thegovernment responsible post and take to this preaching of Krsnaconsciousness. The Nawab, his most confident ial representativewas Hussain Shah. He was known as Sakara Mallik . Formerly thebrahmana community was very strict. Because Sanatana Gosvami,although he was born in a Sarasvata brahmana family, he acceptedthe service of a Mohammedan king,he was rejected from thebrahmana society, so practically he became Mohammedan . His namewas Sakara Mallik, name was also changed. But this Saka ra Malliklater on decided that he would propagate the Krsna consc iousnessmovement started by Lord Caitanya. So when he wanted to resign,the Nawabwas very much sorry. Because he was right hand man, hefrankly said that "I am engaged with sporting and so many otherproclivities, and you are my only representative to rule over thecountry. If you resign, then I shall be in great danger. I cannotaccept your resignation." Then he said, "Your majesty,I amsorry. I cannot proceed any more. I shall retire from theservice." Then Nawab said that "Then I shall punish you . I shallimmediately arrest you. I cannot let you go." The answer ofSanatana Gosvami was that "You are king ,representative ofNarayana, so whatever punishment you give I shall accept.• Sothat was the Hindu culture, that in spite of being punished bythe king he accepts the king as the representative of Na rayana.And actually, the Krsna, the Supreme Lord, He is the proprietor6

3 88-16IND-12/ll/70SPEECHof everything. Bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka- mahesvaram. Heis the proprietor of • • • Isavasyam idam sarvam. Therefore , togovern a planet there is representative of Krsna. In the heavenlyplanets there is Indra. In the sun planet there is Vi vasvan. Inthe Brahmaloka there is Lord Brahma. Similarly, there aredifferent planets and different representative of Krsna.So theV edic civilization accepts the king or the ruler asrepresentative of God and he is given the • • • Not only in India.I n other countries also, so far we know, in England also theroyal ramily, the king and the queen is given respect as good asto the God. In every country, in Japan also. That was the systemall over the world, the relationship between the citizen and theking. Gradually, with the progress of the Kali-yuga, MaharajaP ariksit was the last ksatriya king to give protection all overthe world. And when he \'l as cursed by a brahmana boy, his fatherregretted that "My dear boy, you have brought a scar amongst theb rahmana society by cursing a king like Maharaja Pariksit ." SoMaharaja Pariksit was protected by Krsna. He could counteract it,but still, he tolerated that punishment or the curse given by ab rahmana boy. He immediately resigned from his royal throne,handing over the charge to his son. And he retired on the bank ofthe Ganges although he had only seven days' time to live . Andd uring those seven days the whole Bhagavata was recited. So, Imean to say, the roya l family has got very intimate relationshipw ith Krsna consciousness. And as soon as that was broken, becausesometimes it breaks, the religious process declined and the roya lpower also declined. That is the whole history of the world. Now ,at the present moment we have started this Krsna consciousness7

388-16 IND-12/11/70 SPEECHmovement from the western world so that people may become againhappy and come to thei r original consciousness. And that is beingaccepted by the w estern world. I have got within four yearsforty-two branches all over the world. In Amer ica especially,practically in every principal city I have got a branch.Especially in Los !' ngeles, and New York we have got the biggesttemple. And in Eng land also, London, we have got ou r temple, 7Bury Place. When your Highnesses may visit London or New York orLos Angeles • • • Most probably you visit London occasionally, Iinvite you to our t emple at 7 Bu ry Place near the British Museum.It is very prominent place.And this girl in front of you,Srimati Yamuna devi, she and her husband Gu ruda sa is in charge ofthe temple. But because I have come to India they are assistingme. She has seen the Prime Minister also, Indira Gandhi. She isvery much impressed with the sankirtana movement. So this Krsnaconsciousness and patronization by the roya l family is ve ry oldrela tionship.s o I came especially in Indore to see yourholinesses ••, er, highnesses, that if you give us some shelter wecan immediately open a branch of Krsna consciousness movement. Ihave brought w ith me forty American, European, Canadian studentsand they will be exemplary teachers. You can see from their faceshow they are advanced in spiritual consciousness, how they haveaccepted these principles of Va isnavism. They are no longer meateaters.They don't touch meat, egg, or fish, nothing of the sort.They have g iven up drinking habit or any kind of intox icat ions.They do not acc ept even tea, coffee and cigarette, and they donot t ake part in gambling , neither they have any illicit sex8

388-16 IND- 12/11/70 SPEECHlife. And they are observing ekadasi days and other Vaisnavafestivals like Janmastami, Sri Rama-navami, and every temple,they are following the same princ iples. And g radually we arein creasing the numb er. The Western boys and girls, my students,a re all between twenty and thirty year s old. You will find noneof them more than twenty-five, twenty-s ix years old. So theyare • • • In Japan also ••• Here is a Japanese boy also. So the worldi s taking very serious situation. All over the world they areappr eciating. Your highnesses w ill b e pleased to see how manyb ooks we hav e published. Perhaps you have seen one of them,Krsna. That is published in two part s . We have got our magazine,Back to Godhead, in five languages: English, French, German, andJapanese, H indi, and Bengali. Of course Bengali is going to beo ut. Hindi is already out. So we are d oing these activities andw e have a min d that we may open a center in a nice city likeIndore under your patronizati o n. Although I know that at thepresent moment the time is different , still, if you like, you canhelp us in so many ways . In our Indian parable it is sa id that "Adead elephant is also one lakh of rupees." Elephant , living ordead, still, it is valuabl e. Mara hati laksa.(?) So thism ovement, from very old days , b eginning from t hat sun-g od anda gain five t housand years ago betw een Lord Krsna and thePandavas, the pious kings. So this movement has got very int imater elationship with the ksatriya kings. So I would request yourhighness •••Both, you are sitting . If you kindly g ive us a littlep lace here in Indore we can immediately start a nice center. Andthis Krsna consciousness movement i s essential. In the Srimad­Bhagavatam it is said that yasyasti bhaktir bhagavaty ak incana9

:··,388-16 IND-12/11/70 SPEECHsarvair gunais tatra samasate surah, ha rav abhaktasya kuto mahadguna mano-ra t hena asato dhavato bahih,t h e.. "If anyone has gotdevot ion to the supreme P erson ality of Godhead , then he developsa l l the good qualit ies." Just l ike Sanatana Gosvami. Because hewas a devote e, h e did not distinguish the king ,whethe r he w asMohammedan o r Hin du. He i mmediately accepted that "You arerepresentat ive o f K rsna." That is the ve rsion. Arjuna , because hewas a devot e e, a lthough he w as in the battlefield , he w asinsulted , his wife was insulted, his kingdom was usu rped , still,he said,"Bet t er no t to fight and kill m y kinsmen." Tha t goodnesswas not found on the other side, Duryodhana. Because Arjuna was ad e votee, he w as c ompassionatewith his brothers, not to killthem. But Krs na wanted that this fight ing must go on because H ewanted to i nstall Maharaja Yudhisthira, the pious king , on thethrone. So the refore Krsna consciousness movement and the suppor to f the royal fami lY is ve ry old elat ionship. And at the presentmo ment people need this Krsna consciousness very badly. WithoutK r sna consciousness the whole world is go:ag to hell. And you canp ractic ally s ee h ow they are chang ing , how this movement ischang ing cha r acte r and mentality of the populat ion.So I havecom e here. I wis h that both of you will be kindly enough topat ronize thi s movement to your best capac ity. Thank ing you , yourh ighnesses. Ha re K rsna. (break) Vande rupa-sanatanau-raghu-yugaus r i-jiva-gopalakau . This movement is pleas ing both to the dhiraan d adhira. There are two classes of m en. Dhira mean s those w hoa r e advanced in sp i ritual consc iousness , Krsna consc iousness. Anda d h ira means those who are advanc ing in the process of sense10

388-16IND-12/11/70SPEECHg ratificat ion. So these two classes of men • • • Dhiradhira-janapriyau. K rsna consc iousness movement is so nice that we canplease both classes of men, the dhiras and the adhiras. Anyone weinvite. I have spread this move ment not restricting them that"You can enter in my class after being qualified." No . Whatevery ou are, come. Dhiradhira. You come, chant, have musicalinstruments, plays, enjoy, dance, take prasadam and go home. Andi f you lik e, you read literatures, if you are intelligent. Soe verything was given to them. And they are American boys andgirls. They are intellig ent, qualified. So they are com ing .Yamuna:(un intelligible)P: Yes, I am trying to send this girl to Russia, Moscow , to chantHare Krsna.Yamuna: But I think it is very dangerous .P: Not • • • I don't • • • We got a invitation from Czechoslavak ia.That is also Communist country but there the people invited us toopen a center.Yamuna:The Hare Krsna mantra was number one in Czechoslavakia.we have one record. I just chant Hare Krsna over and over, themaha-mantra, and in that country it was the most popu la r of allr ecords .P: In Germany also. We sold fifty thousand records in Germany.And there is another record,govindam adi-purusam tam ahambhajami. 'f hat is also selling very nicely. And recently anotherr ecord you produced? What is that?Yamuna: Y es, that will be a long playing record, Srila<strong>Prabhupada</strong>. It's name is Bhaja Hure Mana, Mana Hu Re.P: Ah , bhaja hure mana, sri nandanana, abhaya caranaravindaye.11

388-16 IND-12/11/70SPEECHY: And samsara prayers, vande ' ham prayers.P: So that is not yet out?Y: Well, from what I understood Mr. Harrison wants to get it outbefore Christmas but I have not heard from Syamasunda r what hasdeveloped .P: There is one boy, George Harrison. Perhaps you know his name.He is one of the Bea tles.Indian man (2): Harrison , yes .P: Harrison, yes. He paid m e nineteen thousand dolla rs for m ypublication wo rk, and he is a very good boy. And he is helping inpushing on our record. He is very popular.2 : Very popula r.P: Yes, yes. And h e has got to sing with him. Y es. (break) • • • inLo ndon I was g uest in one of the Beatles' palace. They have gote a ch one a b ig, b ig palace . so we shall all take leave,Maharaja. Thank you.(break)Y:P: She likes our movement .Y : Well, she had to.P: (laughs) And she has seen that house also .Y : She knows that we ' re somethingP: Yes .Hans : Eight to nine we have engagement .P: Huh?Hans: Tonight we have another engagement , eight to nine .P: That 's nice . so give me cold water. She is country woman. Sheis also American.12

·-_'Y;388-16 IND-12/11/70 SPEECHY: Yes.P: Wherefrom she is coming? Where father's, father 's hou se, this?Y :P: That 's all right . So Muktananda, ho w are you feeling? You arefeeling all right?Muktananda : Yes.P: So give him kunti . P urchase kunti from the market. (japa) Ifthat kind of mrdunga can be purchased, you find out. That's verynice .Revatinandana: They have to be brought from Calcutta .P: No , the mrdunga which you played .Rn: Yes , I know.P: They're from Calcutta?Rn: That 's what it says .Hans : It's a very nice drum.P: Calcutta, there are many good manufacturers of musicalinstruments. Bengal is famous for music and hair.Girl: And hair.P: Yes .Hans : Hair?P: There is o il in. (?) Bengali women they have got ha ir liket his. My sister had so bunch. (laughter) Black ha ir and verylong. So Bengal is famous for hair and music.oevotee (3) : Swamiji • • • (?)P: Ah, no. This i s for distrib ution of prasada here. (break)... hungry , hungry man . And Kr sna consciousnes s man , never he ishungry. If you are hungry, come, enjoy. We are never hung ry. Weare overfed.13

388-16 IND-12 /11/7 0 SPEECHY: Yes . It 's a fact .P: We have to fast practically by feeding others. (laughter) Youare after food; we are rejecting food. Is it not?Hans : Yes . We 're having troubl e avoiding it .Rn : We 're trying to reject it .Hans:I thin k all of us had thought when you call us to India,"Now we will have to starve."So we came and there is so much toeat .Rn :When w e left New York City, the last Sunday, Rsi-kumaracooked a tremendou s feast.So we ate until we couldn't move'cause we thought it was our last feast. We thought there'd neverbe any more prasadam. (laughter) Now we have to • ••P: There was a famine in India in 1942, big famine. Iparticularly inquired among the disciples of my Gu ru Maharaja andeven the remote village they said that "We have nodifficulty."No. And another, there was a havoc, earthquake, in Bihar sometimein 1933 or that • • • And one of our Godbrother, Mr. MunshiChatterjee, when he heard that that quarter is completelydemolished, so he was in the office. He was think ing , "What shallI do by going home? There is no more home. Everything is •••" Thenhe said , "Let me go and see." And when he came there, only hishouse was left. On l y his hous e. All house dismant led. The only.Kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati. That we have seenin many instances. Krsna bhakta is neve r vanqu ished.Devotee (4) : Yes, we were thinking that he was getting spec ialprotection from the Lord.P: That is a fact. So be sincere, do you r duty. You will never bein trouble.Never.14

388-16 IND-12/ll/70 SPEECHHimavati: All the members of this family are attracted to you ,<strong>Prabhupada</strong>. They are becoming more and more attracted every day.P: But some of them are very envious that I went there with fortyrupees , and I got so many boys and girls, children , they becomeenvious. P rofitab l e. They began to say, "Oh, it is profitablebusiness." Is it not? So I said, "All right, I leave yourcountry." I f the Krsna is there I can make profit anywhere. Allright . So you have to wait?Hans : They should come any minute .P: So all our men are ready?Hans : We 're all ready.P: Four, six , eight , nine. Gopala is sick? Just see how he is .4: He has a strong feve r today.P: Oh , then taking rest completely. Come on . Where the box a re?Hans : I haven 't prepared it .P: You should prepare.Hans : They have to be at least three or four • • •Himavati: Reinforce the handle so it 's stronger.P: You do one thing . Have you got rope?Himavati: Rope? Yes.P: Bring it . And do • • •Hans : Bring it?P: Yes , rope .Hans : You mean put a • • • Yes , I'll be able to that .P: This palace is nice.Himavati: Yes. Run down , though. I noticed that the upholsterywas torn.15

'.•':·.;.388-16 IND-1 2/ 11/70SPEECHP: It is very old .Hans : That knife, <strong>Prabhupada</strong>? You have that knife?P: Yes . You can give to anyone in this way . Aiye • • •( Hindi) (end)16

3 87-1 8 INDORE-Decener 12, <strong>1970</strong>Room ConversationP rabhupada: Foryoung man, the more he sleeps , he is dead. He'sa dead body. A child, if he overeats, if he overeats, then it isnot bad for him. So anyone overeats, it is bad, spec ially for oldman. And ifchild gets diarrhea , it is good for him. \\' hen a oldm an gets diarrhea , it is death for him. Ch ild gets diarrheameans whatever po isons he has acquired he gets out. His hea lthbecomes renovated. And old man, if he gets diarrhea , he loses hisvitality. Chele hange bastre guru hage mostre. (?) These are thep ara • • • What is ca lled? Common sayings? P arab les? Oh , it is thetime. They are not yet ready?Hansadutta : No . If we get that house , <strong>Prabhupada</strong> • • •P : You can get .Hans: We can get?P : Yes, why not? You have appealed to the king, and he iswilling.\ilhy can you not? 7 ha t is the difficulty? Now it is yourbusiness how to induce, induce him. There is chance, ninetyp ercent chance.Hans:In which way will it be most helpful, in giving moneypersonally or inducing others to give money? He will give money?P : Yes , otherw ise • • •Hans : How much money?P: Ten lakhs .Hans : Ten lakhs . They can give the full amount?P : Yes, why not? This man • • • It is to be very carefully tackled.T his king is going to die very soon. And as soon as the king1

' .. '387-18 INDORE-12-12-70 RCdies, the queen's posit ion is very precarious, almost finished.So if she becomes our president, she'll continue to keep herhonor and p restige. That's a fact. She's a good lady. We have noobjection to make her the president of the local center. And sheis American. She will be able to tack le these Am er ican boys a!'ldgirls with motherly affection. And we shall keep her always ingood respect so that throughout her life she shall be honored allover as she was, as she was honored with her husband. This is afact. So you have to con vince b er. And I think if the otherladies who are • •, he r daughter-in- l aw and granddaughters, likethat • • • Beca use her son is dead. He was the king. This old manbeing invalid, his son was king. And I think that middle-agedwoman was there. You have marked this? She might be her daughterin-lawand the young girls might be grandchildren. One of them,one of the daughters, girl, was very beautiful. So it appea rst hat she comes from the royal fam ily. Ra ja-kanya .Kin g'sdaughters are very beautiful. That is fabulous in India, king'sdaughter, raja-kanya . In India if anybody gets a good dowry and abeautiful wife it is said, arddhe ra jatva eka ra ja-kanya (?)Actually we have seen in • • , when Devaki was married to Va sudeva ,how much dowry. Can anyone imag ine now? So many thousands ofhorses, chariots, elephants, maidse rvants, all decorated withgold ornamen ts. One cannot imagine even at the present moment.Therefore they talk of "legends." But actually such dowries weregiven when a king's daughter was married. Not only royal family,even in ordinary family still, those who are rich, they spendlots of money to be married, either son's marriage or daughter 's.2

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RCWhen one spends lots of money during the ma rriage of one'sdaughter and son he is considered to be really rich man. That isthe proof that he is rich man. So we canb begin.He cannot rise,this, what is called, Muktananada? That's all right. Where he is?Devotee {l) : Muktananda , <strong>Prabhupada</strong>?P: Yes. You come here. Girls may sit here. You can sitcomfortably on this. (devotees come in and sit down) What isthat?Kausalya (?) : Her baby . Her child. Her son .P: Oh. So we were talk ing of Ajamila , a brahmana residen t ofKanyaku bja, presently known as Kanauj.So , kanyakubje dvijahkascid asit patir • • , asit kascid dasi-pat ir ajamilah, na mnanasta-sadacaro dasyah samsarga-dusitah. That, what is known as,at the present , prostitute, they were know as dasya, dasi.(aside:) Don 't make sound, "cut, cut." Silent. Dasi. • • Theksatriy a kin gs also,when they ma rried, with dowry manyma idservants would follow the queen. That was the ksat riyasystem. So Ajamila was the illegal husband of a prost itute, dasi,das i -pat i. Actually one should be husband of dha rma - pat i,religiously married, not a friend or a husband of illegalma rria ge. That is not allowed. Dasi-patir ajamilah namna • • •Ajamila namna. His name was Ajamila. Nhy the sound is in • •? It isnot possible to charge(?)? "Cut, cut cut, cut." Nasta-sadacarah.Sadacara means good behavior. Why good behavior was lost? Dasyahsamsarga-dusitah. Because he was assoc iating with a prostitute,illegal sex. Therefore, anyone who wants to make prog ress inspiritual life, he must be sadacara. His behavior must be veryregulated. Asadacari, unclean, nonregulated, cannot make any3

!387-18INDORE- 12-12-70RCprogress. If somebody says that "Whatever you like, you can do.There is no diffrence. You can imag ine your own way ••• " This isgoing on nowadays. "Whatever you like, you can do. You canimag ine yourown way of self-realization." But that is notrecommended in the Vedic literatures. One must be sadacara. Thisis the beginning of sadacara, to rise ea rly in the morning , tocleanse, then c!J;mt, or chant the Vedic mantras or, simplified inthe present age, Ha re Krsna mantra , maha-mantra. Th is is thebeginning of sadacara. So sadacara means to become freed fromsinful reaction. Jhless one follows the regulative principles he ' . ..cannot be freed ..And unless one is fully freed from sinfulreaction he c.:.nnot understand what is God. Those who are not insadacara , regulative princ iples, for them • • • Just like an imals,they are not expected to follow any • • • Of course, by nature theyfollow regulative princ iples. Still, but human being , havingadvanced consciousness, so instead of using it prope rly,theymisuse the advanced consciousness and thus they become lower thananima ls. The animals, for want of advanced consciousness, cannotfollow any regulative principles. But by nature they have gotsome regulative principle. A human being , advanced consc iousness,instead of using it for advance in spiritual life they use it forsense gratification and thus they become lower than the animals.So as soon as one becomes irregulated, without any sadacara , thenhe doesn't ca re for any sinful activities for mainta ining hisbody and soul together. He doesn't mind. Their philosophy is,what is called?"Existence is the first law of nature," orsomething like •••4

387-18 INDORE-12-12-70 RCIndian man (2): Self-p reservation.P: Self-preservation. So self-p reservat ion • • • They do not knowwhat is self-preser vation. That is another ignorance. Theyconsider this body as the self. Their self-preservation means tokeep this body. And that is also not possible. If you do notfollow regulative principles,it is not possible to keep yourbody in g ood condition. That is also not possible. Those who donot follow the regulative principles, mostly they are diseased,some kind. We find in the medical, modern medical shop thecustom ers are educated people. Mass of people,they are notcustome rs in the medical shop. You'll find it. They are not somuch diseased. In every gentleman's house, modern, you'll find somany bottles of medicine. But you won't find such medical bottlesin any house of less educated persons. They are not so diseased.so thi£ is one of the items. If you want to advance in spirituall ife you must follow the regula tive principles to rectify yourmistaKes in the past lifeand this present life. Without beingfreed from a ll contamination nobody can understand God.That isnot possible. Bhagavad-gita says , yesam anta gatam papam: "Onewho has become completely freed from all kinds of sinfulreaction ," yesam tv anta-gatam papam jananam punya-karmanam," Persons who are engage d in pious act ivities only," te, "suchperson ," te dvandva-moha-nirmukta • • • This life, the materiallife,is dvandva. ovandva means fighting or quarreling . Every oneof us has got nature for fighting with others unnecessarily. Evensome people come here with a spirit of fight ing with me. So thisis called dvandva and moha. How this fight ing spirit becomesdeveloped? On account of illusion. That is that illusion?5

· ' : • •';'('387-18 INDORE-1 2-12-70 RCAccepting this body as self. So if one is contaminated by sinfulactivity--he is in illusion, how he can ••, illusion of acceptingthis body as self--what is the meaning of their self-realizat ion?He's illusioned. He'll keep himself in all kinds of contaminatedlife, and artificially he thinks that by some kind of mysticm ed ita tion he'll be all rig ht. This is going on. No. One mustfollow. Meditati on , yog ic meditation , is also possible whenthe re i s ya ma, niyama, asana, pranayama--the eight principles ofyoga system. And n obody follows the eight princ iples of yogasystem and s imply sitt ing down and meditat ing , that will noth e ip. The first two steps are yama , niyama ,then asana, thenp ranayama, then pratyahara, then dhya na , then dharana, thens amadhi. These are explain ed in the yog ic sastra or Bhagavadgita. Sc this man, although born of a braP8ana father •••Now,h ere it is said that nasta-sadacara. Although he is born of ab rahmana father , his acar a, his dealings for advanc ing inspirit ual l ife • • • A brahmana is expect ed to be truthful, to beself-contr olled, to be fully cognizant of sp iritual life,pract ical applica t ion in life, jnanam, vijnanam , astikyam, tohave complete fa i th in the statement of the sastras. That is • • •That is called astikyam. We ,according to our Vedic system, we donot accept any other system of religion because we consider themnasti ka. That is t he primary principle. Nastika means one whodoes not believe in the Vedas. He is called nastika. Not that hedoes not believe in God. One may believe in God, but one who doesnot b elieve in the Vedic l iterature, he is called nastika. Vedana man iya bauddha haila n astika. Lo rd Buddha, although he is6

387-18 INDORE-12-12-70 RCac c epted as inc arnat ion of God, but because he defied the Vedicp r incip les it is s a id, nindasi yajna-vidher ahaha sruti-jatam.Lo rd Buddha criticized the , I mean to say, sacrificial ceremon iesb e ca use in the s ac r:ificial ceremonies sometimes there isrec o mmendatio n of killing an an imal. But he was preachingn on violence. So he c riticized even the sacrifice in ya jna. Hec rit iciz ed. N indasi··· But a Vai snava is praying , "Ny dear Lo r d,you are defying the Vedic principles." He knows why the Lord isn o w defying t he ved ic p rinciples; therefore he is devot ee. Insp .L ! of Lord Buddha ' s defying the Ved ic princ iples, adevotee iso ffe ring him obeisances. Kesava dhrta-b uddha-sarira jaya jagadisaha re . He knows the Lo rd, how He is playing , how He is bewilderingt h e atheistic clas s of men . The atheistic class of men did notb e l i eve in God. Lo rd Buddha says,"Yes, you don't require tob e l i eve in God . The r e is no God. But you feel yourself that whenyou are attacked w i th violence you feel pain. Why should youoffer to others?" secause his m ission was to stop an imal killing.sadaya-hrdaya-darsita-pa su-g hatam. The Supreme Lo rd became toomu c h compassionate when he saw that people are unnecessarilyk i l ling anima ls , as it is going on still. Instead oL • • At leastt hose who are c laiming Buddhist, they are killing an imals. Bruce,is it not? Yes. But in the Buddhist relig ion there is no sanctionfo r killing animals. Yes?Indian man (3) :(Hindi)P: (Hindi) M ohammed, he also did not believe in the Vedicl i t eratur e. Bu t ac c ording to Vedic literature, anyone ho doesnot believe in the Vedic literature, he is nastika. Just like theMohammedans, they say, "Anyone who does not believe in Koran,he7

38 7-18 INDORE-12-12-70 RCi s kafir." The Chris tians say, "Anyone who does not believe int h e Bib le, they a r e heathens." That is there everywhere.sim ilarly ,Lord ca itanya said that veda na maniya bauddha hailan a stika. He is giving the definition because we have to followthe great personal i t ies, g reat acaryas. That is our process. W ed o not make any rese a rch, or we do not make any statement made byu s .We simply accept the injunctions given by great acaryas.Ac a ryopasan am. That is the proc e ss of Vedic system. T advijnanartham sa g u rum evabhigacchet. One must approach aspi ritual master and lea rn from him. So whatever spir itual mastersays , that is accept ed. Sadhu guru sastra vakya. Rea l evidenceis r it must be stated in the sc riptures ,it must be expla ined bythe spiritual maste r o r saintly persons. That is evidence.r ndian man {4) : sast ra-vakya-pramana .p: Sastra-vakya-pa r amana. And it should be known through thesp iritual master. Just like nowadays Bhagavad-g itais beingin t erpreted in so many foolish ways because they do not accepte x planation from the authority. They become themselvesau thorities. Therefore misused. That is not explanation. Somebodyi s explaining tha t Kuruksetra means this body, panca-pandavameans the senses. These are all nonsense. You have to acceptaha gavad-g i t a as i t is. When you cannot understand , you shouldg e t it explained b Y your spiritual master. Therefore one has toa c cep t a spiritual master to understand. Tad-vijnanartham. Ino rder to understand that transcendental science one must approacha bona fide spirit u al master. That i s injunction. So he re it iss a id that kan yakubje dvijah. ovijah means he was offered the8

3 87-18INDORE-12-12-70RCs a c red thread. That means he was born in a brahmana family.Janmana jayate sudrah. Everyone is born a sudra, a foolish. Sud rameans a foolish man who simply laments. That is the real meaningo f sudra. Anyone who has no intelligence, he is sud ra. We alsogenerally say, gadah ,less intelligent. So brahmanas, ksatriyas,va isyas, they are called highe r caste. Accord ing to their • • •Srahmana, first-claSS beca use his intelligence is first-c las s.Ksatriya, his int ellig ence is s e cond-class. Va isya, hisi n t ellig ence is t h i rd-class. And sudra means fourth-class. Andl e s s then sudra, t hey are called pancama , candala . They areaccepted as animals , those who are less than sudras. This is thevedic sys tem. Now , he re it is said that this Ajamila, dvija • • •ovija means he was properly initiated, second birth. First birthb Y fathe r, mother , is sudra. Anyone , even if he is born in ab rahmana family, the natural birth is considered as sudra. But ift here is garbhadhana-samskara, then he's accepted as bornb r ahmana, born brah mana. Sti ll, one is born brahmana, he has tou ndergo the samsk a r as. So our, this • • • Now it is known as Hindusociety although the "Hindu" word is given by the Mohammedans. Iti s called sanatan a -dha rma or va rnas ram a society, who veryst rictly follow t he four divisions, soc ial divisions of va rna-­b r ahman a, k satr i y a ,va i sya, sudr a --and four divisions ofspiritual life--brahmacari, grhastha , vanaprastha, and sannyasa.so our, the Ved ic s ystem is called va r nasr ama. Va rna means thes ocial o rder. As r a ma means spiritual division. Therefore thosewho are following st rictly the Vedic principle, that fam ily lifei s called grha stha asrama. As rama. Whenever you add this worda s rama here is spiritual significance. So all the division--9

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RCbrahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasa--they are knownas a srama. Anyone can understand asrama. As soon as there isasrama that means " Here some men, sain tly p ersons , spirituallyadvanced persons, lives." That is asrama. So that asrama, when astudent follows the regulative principles , he is supposed to besituated in brahmacari asrama. A householder living with fa mily,husband, wife, child r en, if they are following st rictly theregulative principles--grhastha asrama. Similarly, retired life ,if he is follo wing t he reg ulative principles--the vanaprasthaasrama. Simila rly, a renounced life , sannyasa, if he is followingthe reg ulative principles, that is sannyasa asrama . Not thatimi t ating somebody,I put on a saffron d ress and I become asann yasi and by begging I live. This has killed the whole Hindusociety or the sanatana-dharma society. Unqualified persons , theydo n ot know the regulative princip les but fo r solution ofeconomic problem theY dress themselves.This is kali-yuga. Theywil l pass on s imply b Y the dress without any knowledge. So hereals o , although Ajami la was born of a b rahmana father and he wasstrictly following the regulative principles of a brahmana--thatwill be s tated--but he fell. He fell in love with a prostituteAnd therefore his c haracters were lost. Nasta-sadacarah. Therea s on is why? oasya h samsarga-dusita h. Because he assoc iatedw ith a prostitute , the refore h is all regulative principles becamelos t . And a s soon as you are lost of regulative principles thenyou take to all k ind s of sinfu l a ctivities. The regulativeprinciples will keep you on the standard of life. If you give itup, then immediatelY you fall down, maya . So this m an Ajarnila ,10

387-18INOORE-12-12-70RCbecause he was duracara, nasta-sadacara, lost of all regulativeprincip les on accou nt of associating with a prostitute, then,although he w as born of a brahmana family, he became • • • Hislivel ihood w a s juha (?), bandy-aksaih, cheating and stealing.Band y-aksaih kait a va i s cauryaih. caurya ih means stealing .Ga r h itam v r ttim asth itah. This kind of profession is garhita.Garhitam m ean s • • • Hita means b eneficia l. But this profession isgarhita because it is not beneficial.Ultimately he will bepuni shed either by t he king's law or the God's law. I can escapethe k ing 's l aw by doing something which is abominable but Icann ot escape God ' s law. Thatis not possible . Therefore,although he is thinking that "Now I am cheating this person ," or" I am stealin g and getting some profit," that is not good forhim. Just lik e a man is killing some man , another man. so that isnot good for h im bec aus e as soon as he will be arre sted he'll behanged. So they t h ink that "I am cheating the state, I amcheat ing God, and I can go on g ratifying my senses by all theseactivities," but that is stated in the sastra as garhita. Ga rhitameansit i s not ben eficial for you." Na sadhu manye yato atmano• yam . In another plac e it is said, "These kinds of activities,vika rma , is not good ultimately." Na sadhu manye yato atmano 'yarnasann api k lesada a sa deha h . Although atma, the self, isdifferent from this body--that is the first lesson in spirituallife-- still, this b ody, although tempo rary, but as soon as youaccept this m a terial body you w ill have to suffer accordin g tothe body. I f y ou get a dog 's body you suffer according to that.If you get a man's b od y Suf fering will be there mo re or less• • •as soon as you get t his material body. Therefore Rsabhadeva said,11

··.··, ·387-18INDORE-12-12-70RCna sadhu many e: "You are acting abominable. It is not goodb ecause you are already suffering in this body." Otherwise whyyou are stealing ? You are in want of money. You are suffering.The refo re nece ssity is now law. The refore you are accept ing. Evenyou know that stealing is bad, still, you are accepting itbecause that is a suffering . So fo r some of your activities inthe past life you are now suffering , and if you go on , continuingcommitt ing this nonsense,then you will again, you will have toagain accept a body and you'll suffer. Therefore garhitam. Thereare so many things to know but these things are not discussednowadays. Very cheap thing : "You can do whateve r you like. Yousimply meditate and become God,that's all." So much cheating isgoing on everywhere, all over the wor ld. So-called yog is, theygo, "Oh , you m editat e. You are...And as soon as you realize,you are God , within six months ." No. Therefore in this age theonly method • • • It is a concession to the fallen people of thisworld, this H are Krsna mantra. They '11 not be able to follow allthe regulative principles;o f abominable activities.therefore they must commit all kindsUnder the circumstances the sastra orGod has given a conc ession tha t you simply chant Ha re Krsnamantra and gradually you will be elevated to the highest positionof spir itual life . O ther thin gs you cannot follow. You arealready fallen. so you take to this process of chanting HareKrsna mantr a without any offense. And in order to save you rselffrom the o ffenses, a little austerit y that you cannot haveillicit sex life. Why shouldyou have illicit sex life?EITeryone's need is sex life. Ahara-n idra-bhaya-rnaithunam. These12

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RCare the bod ily needs. So sastra has sanctioned, •All right. Youcan live peacefully by ma r r ied life and have sex life forchild ren, good children." That is allowed. But why should youhave illicit sex life? What is this? Irresponsible life. "I shallnot take responsibi lity of family life,and I shall go on as socalledbachelor and have illicit life." But that is not good.That is garhitam. Na sadhu manye:"This is not good ." This is theadvice of Vedic lit erature. Ultimately you'll suffer. You arethink ing at the present moment that you are avoiding suffe ringb ecause family life is very responsible life. So if you thinkthat family life is responsib le, yes, it is responsible life. Ifyou don't take, if yo u cannot take the responsibility, thenremain as a brahmacari. Why shoul d you marry? Yes. If youpractice brahmacarya , then you become free , seventy-five percentfreedom immedia t ely.But y ou do not want to undergo theausterities of a brahmacari, and still, you want to rema in as anunmarried man. Everywhere in the w orld it is going on . This isinc reasing. That is stated here, sadacara. Nasta-sadaca ro dasyahsamsarga-dusitah. The illicit connection with man and woman willcerta i nly make im abominable, fallen down to th is abominablelife . I. . •When I was • • • In my younger days, when I was inbusiness, so I was to take agency one of big company, Smith'sTransit Company. So they had to • • • I had to give some guaranteeof my honesty. so in that program the question was whetherrna r r ied or unmarried.Because unmarried man mostly becomedishonest. So that inqu iry was there, "Whether he is married?"Married m an cannot be dishonest because he has gotrespons ib i lity.If he is arrested he will be insulted in his13

3 87-18 INDORE-12-12-70 RCfamily. His fami ly members will be in difficul ty. Therefore hedoes not commit dishonesty very easilY unless it is absolutely •••But that should not b e done. But unmarried man, becaus e he hasgot no responsibilit y, he commits all kinds of sinful act ivity.That's a fact. Therefo re in ou r Krsna c onsc iousness movement wedo not allow such illicit seY. life, no. You must get you rselfmar ried. And practica lly, we a re seeing, that is ve ry effectiveand that is going on nicely. All right. (Hind i)Indian man (S) :(Hindi) Yesterday I had a talk withP: Accha .5: She told me to come for an interview.P: Oh . So your interview is finished?5: I have got most of my in but they rema in, some.P: so you can inqu ire. But some time wrong report is published.5: People releases w rong report. I am a responsible man , sir.P: Yes, but some irresponsible report is published in that paper,that "Bhaktivedanta Swami s ays that Krsna is everythingand • • • nothing ." That • • •5: The very reading was abominable .P: That 's it .Indian man (6) :(unintellig ible)5: I really couldn 't believe it.P: No , in the reading matter he said that , "He was tra ined by hisfather to worship Radha-Krsna, to observe Ratha-yatra, and he wastaug h t mrdunga." These are all true.But anyone who worshipsRadha-K rsna and who follows the Hindu ceremonies, Ra thayat ra, howhe can say that "Hinduism nothing"? Just see how rascaldom. Thisis cont radiction.14

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RC5: Maharaja, there is reason fo r that. Because that paper, theowner of that press is a Ja in. And theJains have a naturalantipathy towardsP: Oh, just see. So how biased man can report? So therefo re weare avoiding repo rts.5: (Hindi?)P: No , tape may be. But he al::.;-.. taped , that man . But he hasmisrepresen ted .5: I should like to ask one question, sir.P: All right, you can ask. Bu t kindly publish rightly. Don 't • • •5: Yes, yes .6: (unintellig ible)P: (break) St i ll you want to inqu ire from her?5: From the entire business .P: so you can inquire from me. In my presence, you can inqu irefrom me. Because, after all, they are my students, they may notbe able to reply tho roughly. So if you have got any inquiries youcan ask from me.5: Yes. Yes. M aharaja, I am a teacher of Sanskrit and Eng lish inone of the higher secondary schools here and I am ve ry muchinterested • • •P: So you join us. Simply lip smpathy will not do. Just likethe se boys and girls , they have joined wholeheartedly. So I donot find any Indians.5: I am ready to join but fo r my family liabi lities. Is there issome • •?P: So you can join. You are family man , so it is not that we have1 5

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RCno family men. We have got many family men. Now, they are family.These girls, they ha ve got a husband. And some of them , they areliving separately. Just like one of my student, P rofessor HowardWheeler. He is mar ried man.He is living sepa rately. Notsepa rately. He is als o conducting our , one establishment, Newvrndavana. So it is not that one has to live with us. He can liveseparately also, but his whole life is dedicated to Krsna. Thatis wanted .5: I would like to live with you and tour with you .P: So why not come and live and tour with me? Who forbids you?But it is not poss ible to pay anyt hing for you r familyexpenditure. That is difficulty. we cannot pay anything but youcan live with your family. That responsibility you can toke. Butr cannot pay you. That's not possible. Because we are ma inta in ingby collecting alms.In that case it is not possible to paysomething. There is • • • (break) It is selling all over Eu rope.(Hindi)5: Maharaja, cou ld you employ me in any way • •?P: Yes, employ, I can employ in any way. But there is no payment.5: I am M.A. in Eng lish, M.A . in Hin di. I am trying to devotemyself to this work •••P: So please come .5: But for my family liabilities •• •P: What amount you want for your family, minimum?5: Five hundred a month.P: That is not possible. Yes, you requ ire five hundred. I knowthat.That is not much. To maintain a family nowadays fivehundred rupees is not much but where is the money? How can I pay16

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RCyou?5: I would be a very good asset to your publications wo rk .P: That I know. You are qualified, educated boy . You can do it.But one thing I can do, that you can live with you r family justlike they are living. That I can arrange. And whatever food wecan provide you have to accept. We can • • • We can arrange for theeduc ation of your children also, ever ything. But we cannot payanything. That is not possible. We can take charge of the husbandand wife. We can take charge of you r children. But it is notposs ible to pay anything . And besi des that, when there isquestion of payment the service is not good because the paymentm eans he is serving the money. He is not serving the cause.(tape of kirtana plays for a second)5: His old mothe r listens to these chantings . (break )P: No , no, he has appea red to establish dharma. So what is thedharma accord ing •••5: sastra-dharma . sastra mens Arya-samajhi-pratistha • • •P: So what is that sastra veda dharma?5: Vedic dha rma .P: So what is that? Explain it practically.5: Yama , niyama , samadhi , dhyana • • •P: No , that is the process. So what is the end of dha rma?5: Self-realization.P: What is that self?5: That is to be rea lized. (laughter)P: This is going on. One has no idea what is dha rma, what is theend, but he becomes, "Oh, I have appeared for establishing17

·D_>, ..3 87-18 INDORE-12-12- 70 RCdharma." And when he is asked, "What is that dharma?" "It is tobe realized." Then what you have rea lized that you are preachingdharma?5: Sadacar::JP : Sadacara is the means . Sadacara is not the end .5 : Can I know as to what made these young people want to leavethe affluent present soc iety and join this •••P: Because they are sincere, seek ing after • • •5 : Pardon , sir?P: They are sincere, sincerely seeking after. Their materialbusiness is finished because they have enjoyed enough of materialthings. Now there is spiritual inquiry. That is natu ral. When ourmaterial necessities are complete, we enjoy, then next stage isspiritual hankering. And that is explained in the Vedanta-sutra,athato brahma-jijnasa.After fin ishing karma-kand iya life • ••Karma- kandiya life means you do pious act ivities and enjoy life.That is called karma-k andiya. So • • • But the fact is that even youget your birth in a very rich family,you cannot avoid thesufferings of this material nature. Just like yesterday we ha aninterview with Holkar (?) , His Highness Holkar, the old gentleman.I·So he was a king. He !.as got very beaut iful wife, very beaut ifulfamily, very palat ial building , but he is not happy, we saw. Sothe foolish people, they do not know that in this ma terial lifethere is no happiness. They hanker after these pa lat ialbuild ings , the motor cars, the bank balance, and so on , so on.Therefore those who have enjoyed all things but have not becomehappy, there is another inquiry: "How to become happy?" So sayAmerica, they have enjoyed materal life. Their children have18

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RCenjoyed material life to the fullest extent but they are nothappy. Therefore they have come to this spiritual life.5: Last night in your learned discour se you said that you'resupposed to found a temple in this city.P: Yes .5: But you preach the Vedic marga. Don 't you think that insteadof building a temple, asramas in this brahmacari model wouldbe • • •P: Yes. And without temple the brahmacaris will be vyabhicaris.(laughter)5: That bSrama becomes a temple .P: Yes, that we • • • Wherever we have got a center we have got atemple and at t h e same time teaching . These two things must goparallel. If simply dry teachings go on and there is no temp leworship, then gradually he will glide down to vyabhicari insteadof brahmacari.5: Bes ides the chanting Hare Krsna and arousing (?) Krsnaconsciousness in the temple, what else are you doing to establishthe way • •?P: That you have seen this mo rning . We are teaching eve ry day thesast ra. They are not simply chanting . Their chant ing is based onunderstanding.Therefore they are stick ing.(?)5: Maha raja, the educational system of this count ry has so muchdeterio rated . I have been studying . I see young people ofdifferent colleges , boys and g irls tak ing to LSD even in thiscity and doing to all sorts of ronsense. What is the best • •?P: That I was explaining. As soon as there is indulgence in19

387-18 INDORE-12-12-70 RCillicit sex life, all bad qualification will come. That I wasexplaining .5: And Maharaja , what are your impressions of the youth of t. i:l iscountry?P: I have no estimation of this country or that country. I knowever ywhere, because spiritual education is lack ing , everywherethe boys and girls are fallen .5: Is secularism coming in way of spreading spiritual education?P: Secularis m is a b ogus thing. You see? That is an indulgence,that. "Whatever you l ike, you can d o. Whatever relig i on youfollow, that's all. • • "No. That is not good. The state should beresponsible for the spirit ual prog ress of the citizens. Now,especially in our country, we say it is Hindustan, Bha ratavarsa.so we are not giving the bharatiya or Hindu spiritual culturaleducation. So that's a great loss of the secular state.5: Do you think that the p resent democ rc:tic system will be ableto impart a spiritual education ?P: No .5: Then what system do you advocate?P: Of cou rse, so fa r Vedic cultu re is concerned , they advocatedmonarchy bec ause the one man 's training , a good king guided bythe brahm inical culture, although it \'l as autoc rat ic sometimes,but because the king was very cultu red there was no possib ilityof doing any ha rm t o the citizens. But democracy means simplythey are given the post by votes , and they may be all rascals.'l.' hen what they can th ink o f good to the citizens?5: Maharaja, don ' t you think that monarchy is an authoritydirected by you?20

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RCP: No, that is also n ot possible. And therefore we are trainingpeople to be K rsna conscious. And when the Krsna conscious peoplewill elect Krsna con sc ious leaders there will be peace andprosperity. And now, because the minority is Krsna conscious,they cannot elect Krsna con sciou s leader and therefore havoc isbeing played.5 : Maharaja, do you think the West is being Hinduized?P: The "Hindui zed" is a sectarian view . We are not • • •5 : I mean this , being brought up on sanatna culture .P: Ved ic ways. Yes. You can • • • The perfect word is Ved iccivilization .5: Vedic civilization .P: Yes. That is o dginal civilization. Out of Ved ic civilizationthe re are so m any outcome now, but if you go or iginally to theVedic civ ilization, that is Krsna consc iousness. In tile Bhagavc.dgitayou will find the word is vedais ca sarvair aharn eva vedy.Jin.That means to follow the Vedic way o f life means to become Krsnaconscious .6: (unintellig ible)P: Yes, Vedic way means they are following princ iples , regulat iveprinc iples .6: so what princip le?P: That I was explaining . That is a big princip le. rut it hasbeen s horten ed, short ened in this age. H a r e r n a nt ah are r namabarer nama iva kevalam , kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gutiranyatha .In the Kali-yuga you cannot reform the whole populationby any other means except this harer nama. Therefore we are21

387-18 INDORE-12-12-70 RCintroducing Hare Krsna movement everywhe re.5: Maharaja, do the Western and Eastern societies responddifferently to this call •••P: No. You cannot say that. Two plus two equal to foureverywhere, East and west. There is no difference, East and West.It is scienti fic. It is vijana. So when you call of, talk ofsc ience, there is no difference of understanding in the East andWest. The same thing is understood.5: Maha raja , (Hindi)P: Yes. Varnasrama-dharma ••• That is stated in the 13hagavad-g ita.Catur -varnyam maya srstam guna-karma -vibhagasah.Qualified.Therefo re we want qualified brahmanas, qualified kLatriyas. Atthe present moment ,without be ing qualified, they are pass ing onas brahmana, ksatr iya .That is not va rnasrma. ·; ithout beingqualified they are all sudras , all candalas. Bu t when they areprop erly train ed and qualified, then it is va rnasrama, realvarnasrama .5: Where are they to be trained , then? How are they . • .P : T h a t we a r e p r o p o s i n g • vl h en w e open il c e n t e r w e s II a 11 t r a i nanyone. It doesn't matter whether he is orn in a sudr

387-18INOORE-12-12-70RCwill be government. Now , because the people are not trained, theyare practical ly asses. The vote s of the asses, what has themeaning? If the majority are asses, then one ass w ill be elected.That's all. So when the executive head is an ass what benefit hecan do to the people?6: I see .5: Maharaja, you said that you had been misrepresented in thatreport which appea red yesterday in one of the da ilie s of thecities .p: Yes .5: How could you like to mend your statemen t?P: My statements a re clear there but he has mis-stated in theheading with ulterior pu rpose.5: I think he has • • •P: So young men of cities, they may come to me and be trained upin the sp iritual life, Krsna consci ousness. (Hind i) So longyou'll ask me to Keep here, provided you are serious oitak ingtrain ingfrom me •••5: I am very much serious .P: Then you are welc ome. I am ask ing young men like you to cor., eand join me .6: (unitellig ible)P: .r'.iye. Yes. I am speak ing in English because r: :,: stuJents, theycannot understand Hindi. Bu t if duc a ted young boyslike you comethey will be also able to understan d Eng lish, so there will be nodifficulty .5: Thank you , Maharaja .23

387-18 INDORE-12-12-70P: Hare Krsna. Replay little. (break) Please try to understandthe philosophy. Thank you. Yes. (Hindi) So you are welcome. Youcome. Live with us with your family. We take charge of you.Btif you ask some salary, that is not possible. That is notpossible .5: I have my sisters and mothe r and father to support .P: So let them come, all, and live with me. (Hindi) That's nice.I can take. But if you want money, that is not possible.6: No , I don 't want money .P: Then you come with your whole family. (Hindi) ( break)P: Don't be dependent . Be dependent on Krsna. To live he re meanst o become dependent on Krsna. That is their busi. • • You have tob ecome dependent either to your master or to you r boss or to yourb roth r or to somebody else. But if you become depen dent on Krsnayo ur whole problem is solved. Yes. Hare Krsna.(brewk) Don'tconsider about money.(Hindi) • • • did not care for t he family. Forpolitical emancipation they sac rificed so much.6: Perhaps they are the people, the older followers of. • .P: Not always these pe op le. Not a ll. ( H ind i) We have createdt his problem. (Hindi) ( brea k) You'll g et you r bread , ba ra , a n ds omebody \o· ill fill up you r belly. (Hinci i )It is not poss ible.(Hindi) t\it y o nit yana m cetanas cetanana m E:r. b ahun a n• vidadh atikaman. T hese are Ved i c i njunctions . You kno.,.,. all this; then l.ihydon ' t you b e 1 i e v e i n t h i s ? ( b r e a k ) ( H i n d i l So i t i::; c o r.1 i n g ?( Hind i) (break) we must h a v e f aith. Adau sraddha (Hindi) Youshou ld be prepared even there isdiffi:: 'lty. J u st l ike when It o o k s a n n y a s a I g a v e up m y f a n• i 1 y 1 i f e • 1 n t h e b e g i n n i n g t h e:- r ewas so much difficulty . I was living alone. Bu t I never caredfor24

387-18INDORE- 12 -12-7 0RCi t.Hare Krsna.Indian man ( ? ): swamiji, suppose one wants to become lifem ember • • • T hey can ' t pay whole money in one charge. They want topay in installments.P: That 's nice. we shall accept . Oh , yes .7: They told me that it is impo .3 sible fo r them to pay 1 hole sum.P: That doesn 't matter . Let him pay by • • •7: They are ready to pay two o r three installments .P: That 's all right . It is accepted . Please bring them .7: One man , t hat Bengali person, he is com ing. He wants to becomemember but he is telling that "I am unable to pay whole •••"P: No , no, no. That doesn't matter. Let him pay by insta llments.7: I told him I will ask you , whether you are ready ur not .P: (Hindi)7: He is coming dai ly , that man .P: Yes , yes. Mr . chak ravarty or Chatterjee . Yes .7: Chaterjee. He is scared of people .(?)P: He is good boy. Yes. tlo. He had the c: ap on his head r swea ter,cap and pant.7: Yesterday he was ask ing e to ask you .P: Whe re i s my stick? Give e a glass of water . (break )7: I am ready to pay installments .F: Then the re is no probl em. You come and join me. If youwant • ••7: Let me get deg ree.P: You get your des ree. That's all right. Finish you r education.If I'll be able to open a c enter, nice center, I shall call so25

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RCmany people, "Come and live with me and be trained up." I am justwriting one advertisement. We shall have to publish it. Just readit 0Hans: "Wanted: qualified brahmanas for preaching Bhagavad-gitaall over the world. (laughter) Candidates accepted without anydiscrimination of caste and creed. Apply ISKCON."Yamuna : Oh , ho , ho , <strong>Prabhupada</strong> !Hans: "Life m ember can send any member of his family for beingtrained up as a qualified brahmana who can preach Bhagavad-g itaasit is all over the world." You're going to put this in thenewspaper?P: Huh? Yes .Hans : Oh, that will be nice.(laughter)P: Yes .Yamuna: Oh, tha t's a wonderful not ice, <strong>Prabhupada</strong>. It's sowonderful .P: "e have to preach all over the world. We requ i r so many men,so many boys , girlD, men we want.Hans : I shou ld send this to the GBC members • • •Hans: • • • in the \'lest , and they should put ads in the paper .P: Yes . Let us have applicat ion.Hans : Should I copy it down?P: Yes , you take it. You take it. Type it .Himavat i: P rabhupada, in Calcutta Madhudvisa advert i::;ed like thatat one meeting , and the next day a man came ••.P: Only one man?Hans : Two men came .Himavati: With his six children and his wife, they were prepared,26

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RC" Let us live here. We will see."P: Yes.Himavati: Andanother old man that was so old that he 1as readyto die.(laughter)P: Then you w rite, "Young men." No , even old man , there is noquestion. That we can test, whether he is able, he is a qua lifiedbrahmana. First of all he is qualified brahmana.Himavati: You were going to Peruda(?) that day, so we sa id, "Whenwe return, then you come and join us." But when we retu rned theydidn't come. They changed their mind.P: Yes. They cannot. They cannot. Only young men can join. Oldmen cannot join.(Hindi )7 : Asoka Kumar .P: Oh, yes , I remember. So please, after finishing you r educationyou come and j oin this great movement. They are join ing Communistmovement, this movement, that movement. Why not a real genuinemovement for the welfare of the whole?7 : I am not joining any • • •P: No , I mean to say • • •7: I want to j oin • • •P: Generally they join. Generally they join .7: My brother also ag rees to stay with you .P: Oh , that 's nice.7: From today I am ready to join you .P : No , you finish your education. That will be a goodqualification .7: Why not you are paying a visit in Lak hpu r(? ) . There is Ll very27

.: --... "\1.: '-i.:"..: 't . ..I· 387-18INDORE-12-12-70RCbig Gita mandir.P: Everywhere there is Gita mandir. Here there is also big Gitamandir.7: No , there • • • Her e they have mixture of many gods. Not likethat. There is only one Gita, and all, the wholetemple, belongsto Gita and nothing else.P: So if they invite, I can go. Why don't you ask them to inviteus? Then we can go immediately.7: Whole temple there is a pracara Gita .P: But how many preachers they have produced?7: You may be knowing that Vidyananda, Swami Vidyananda.P: Oh , he 's a great nonsense.7: Oh, no .P: I know.7: He has constructed that from Gu jarat. He 's a Gujarati.P: Yes .7: He constructed a temple there.P: I have seen in Ahmedabad his temple. He establi shed one deity,a woman shape, and there is o Krsna. "Gita." "Git" means a nwoman. So I don 't think he has full understanding of Gita. l!e hasmoney;he has spent. That's all. Dut he does not understandGita. Gita m eans unless one tak es Krsna as the SupremePersonality of Godhead he does not understand anything of Gita.That is the test. He may advertise himself as scholar or this orthat , l>ut ou r only test is whether he accepts Krsna the SupremePersonality of Godhead. Sarva-dharman pa rityajya man1 ekam saranamvraja. That is the test. Is that person accept iny Krsna astheSupreme P ersonality of Godhead? He himself a ccept:.; that "I am28

3 87-18INDORE.:.. l2-12-70RCGod." Is it not? Therefore he's a foolish. He is squanderingmoney, public money. That 's all. That is his business. He mighthave some qualificati on to c ollect money, but he does not knowwhat is Krsna.7: He 's all spent on Vedanta .P: But I think he is dead .7: He is dead now or he • • • Sadhanananda is dead .P: I know. So that is the test. That is the test. Therefore it isa revolutionary movement. Even so-called followers of Gitu , theywill be caught up by this movement as rascals. Because the realpu rpose of Gita they do not know. Real purpose of Gita is to knowKrsna, the Supreme Prsonalityof Godhead. That you will find inthe Bhagavad-gita. Sarvam etad rtam manye yan mam vadasi madhava.And Ar juna says that "Whateve r You have said, they're all rightand I accept them in toto without any revision." So Krsna saysthat "I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One who does notunderstand Krsna as the Supreme Person , what he has read Gita? Heis useless. Srama eva hi kevalam. Simply has labored. That's all.That is the test. Don 't you ag ree to this point? So anyone whodoes not accept Krsna as the Supreme Persona lity of Godhead , hehas no knowledge of Gita. He immediatly becomes foolish. That isou r test. So Muktananda , what do you think ?Muk tananda : Yes , <strong>Prabhupada</strong> .P: Yes. That is the test , whether he has understood , In theSeventh Chapter, mayy asak ta-manah pa rtha yogam yun jam madasrayah, asamsayam s a m ag ram mam yatha jnasyasi tac chrnu."Anyone • • • How on e simply by concent rating his mind upon Me,"29

387-18 ' INDORE-12-12-7 0 RCmayy asakta, "with asakti • • •" Asakti means attachment, love.Mayy asakta-manah. Mind attached to Krsna in love. Yogam yunjanmad-asrayah. And performing the bhakti-yoga, mad-asrayah, underthe disciplinary action by a bona fide spiritual master, madasrayah.Asamsayam samagram mam: "Then he can understand withoutany doubt and fully what I am."That means one who has notunderstood Krsna as the Supreme Per sonality of Godhead , he hasnot found the yoga proper ly. And why? What is mad-asrayah, hedoes not follow the disciplic succession. Mad asrayah. And in thebeg inn ing, in 'ourth Chapter it is said, evam pa rdmpa ra-praptam.So these foolish persons, they do not follow all theseprinciples;therefore they cannot understand Bh agavad-g ita.l'.nyone • • • we say • • • It may appear to be very strong word butthat's a fact. (Hindi) That's a strong word, that 's all right,but he's a chor. (Hindi) Strong language used here • • • (Hind i)7: From the very day I saw this movement, I have intent only inKrsna, notin any other movement.P: So that is ou r movement. \'l herever we go, we find out sincerepersons, immediately att ract. Yes. Bu t if he's not since re, wecannot att ract. If he's sincere, immediately att ract . That is thevalue of this movement. All my students, they were attracted onlybecause they were sincere. Anyone sincere in seek ing after theAb solute Truth will be att racted.7: I am not gettingP: Ekagra. Ekag ra. Yogam yunjan mad-asrayah, therefore it issaid. "One has to pe rform this bhakti-yoga under Myrepresentative." Mad-asrayah.30

3 87-18 INDORE-12-12-70 RC7: I am very grateful to you .P: And there is Narottama dasa Thakura Pratharana. Asraya laiyabhaje, krsna nahi tare tyage: "One who takes asraya, shelter of adevotee, K rsna does not give him up. Krsna accepts him." Yasyaprasadad bhagavat-prasadah ••Because if that person who is givingshelter, if he's pleased, Krsna is immediatelj' • • • If herecoru mendsa fool, "Oh, Krsna, he re is a devotee," Krsna willaccept immed iately. It doesn't matter whethe r he's a fool orrascal. Because he is recommended by representative ,he will beaccepted. Yasya pra ••• This is the mean ing of ya sya prasadadbhagavat-pra • • • Without his recommendation there is no ent ry inKrsna's kingdom. Yasya-prasadad na gatih kuto 'pi. If h edispleases Krsna's representative he has no ent rance to Krsna'skingdom, however learned he may be or whatever he may be.Immediately rejected. In a business office,suppose a secretaryisthere. A clerk does not accept the order of the secretary.Immediately he should be dismissed. In my persona l experience,when Iwas young manag er in a big chem ical con cern, onecorrespondent clerk, he disobeyed me. Ireported to the headboss. He immediately came and hD said, "Get out imediatcly fromthe office." And he wanted to plead in so many ways. Sa id, "No, Idon't w ant. If you don't go out , then I shall call my doorman. Hewill forc ibly get you out. Ge t out." I was sorry because this manis dismissed immediately, but he took .Disobedien t • • • "Obedience is first disc ipl ine." So if Krsna'srepresentative is disobeyed--"Get out immediately." Krsna is veryst rict .31

387-18INDORE-12-12-70RC7: Ftom tomorrow he was not able to getP: Yes. Just see. Yes. Therefore in ou r system Va isnavaparadha isthe greatest offense, to commit offense at the lotus feet of aVa isnava , and spiritual master is to be cons idered the firstVa isnava. If there is aparadha ,that is great , greatest offense.Thatwill spoil the whole spiritual life. These are stated inCaitanya-caritamrta. In Teachings of Lord Ca itanya you 'll find.7: In yesterday's paper I read that somebody donated some land toyou .P: Yes. No. He has proposed to donate; not he has done. Where youlearned this?7: In thatP: Yes, somebody has promised . Somebody has promised .7: And it will affect I will possibly able to get apiece • • •P: Yes, why not?7: Swamiji, you are here still.P: But if somebody gives me land I may go on staying here .7: No , no, father and mother, they are forc ing me to leave youall in my home.P: Where it is? Your father , mother, cannot come here?7: They want you to come .Revat inandana: They've come here before.P: Oh. (end)32

295-1Room ConversationIndore, India 12/13/70P rabhupada: You have heard about our phi losophy? You have hea rdabout our philosophy?Indian man (l) : Whatever I have read, but, you see, I don 'tbelieve what I have read. I believe only whatever I have talkedto you , whateve r you have said .P : No , no , that is another thing. But still, wha t i s you rconception of our philosophy? What is that teaching ?1: Whose? My?P: No , as we are?Indian: No , I have understood what I have heard from you ,what is your conception of God,I have not understood.P: Our conception of God is that He is a transcendental person.Isvarah pa ramah krsnah sac-c id-ananda-vigraha. Isva ra means Lord.The Supreme Lord is a person. As you are person ,He is alsoperson, but He is the chief person. Nityo nityanam. He is theleader, and we are all led. Or He is the master; we are theservitors. That is our self-realization, to under stand that "I ameternal servant of God." In Bhagavad-g ita it is said, mama ivamsojiva-bhutah jiva-lok e sanatanah: "Eternally all the livingntities are My part and parcels." So as the part and pa rcel ofanything is to serve the cause of the whole,similarly, allliving entities, their on ly business is to serve the Supreme.That is all.1

295-1 INDORE-12-13-70 RCIndian: Swami ji, I have understood that the • • • (unintelligible)P: Then what?1: Then just to pro ve • • • (unintelligible) Accord ing to me, whenLord Krsna... (unintellig ible) When the atma goes into thetrance, the mind g oes into the trance, and into the suddhasattva, then he gets the vision of all, past, futurer andp resent .P: First thing that you sa id, that Bhagavad-g ita was given inseven verses, and later on , Vyasadeva haE expanded, now,supposeaccept ing that Vyasadeva has expanded , do you find any differencebetween Vyasadeva 's explanation and the original seven verses?1: No . Of cou rse, that is • • • (un intellig ible)P: Then , accepting even that Vyasadeva ha s expanded , so there isno difference. Therefore, even if we take the Bhagavad-g ita as i tis presented by Vyasadeva ,so there is nothing to be sa id aga instit.1: Nothing .P: Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he gave us on ly eight ve rses,Siksastaka. But our Gosvamis, they have written volumes of bookson that eight verses. But there is no difference of the writingsof the Gosvam i s and the origina l eight ve rses. That is not veryimportant thing.1: One more, sir. Lo rd Krsna has never asked Arjuna to sit and dobha jana. He said, uttistha mam anusmara and yuddhasva : "Get upand fight! And fight! That fight, that is you r right." I'llfight. Tha t isP: Yes . So fight with whom?2

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RC1 : " Fight with your enemy ."P: Who is you r enemy?1 : Even physical, bodily, whatever it is, whatever it is, but youmust know who your e nem ies are. You r enemy may be my friend.P: That's nice proposal. Unless you find an enemy, how you canf i ght? So of c ourse, we do not say • • • We Va isnavas do not saythat there is no need of fighting. We never say. When there isneed of fighting we must fight. Rather, somebody in New York,some Goldsmith, he was that, "Why Krsn a is advis ing Arjuna tofight , to become violent?" So somebody protests like that. Butthe re is no m eaning of protesting against the action of thes u preme P ersonality of Godhead. Tha t is ou r view. So weva i snavas, we are chanting. It does not mean that when there isneed of fighting with avaisnava we shall lack in strength. we canfight. One gentleman inquired from me that "Vaisnavism makes oned u 11. He cannot act • " And , "No. You have not seen a V a i s n a v a •" Inthe two fightings, great fight ing , the Ramayana and Mahabharata,the hero was Hanuman and Arjuna, and they fought.1 : They fought .P: Yes . And who can be better Va isnava than them?1 : Nobody.P: So Va isnava does not mean he is du ll. No .1: No , that is well proved . If there is need • • •P : Yes. So ou r present fighting is atheism, against atheism. Theysay, "There is no God . God is dead. I am God. You are God." Weare fighting again st these principles. So our fighting is verystrong. You don't think that we are keeping idly. I have comehere to fight with these atheists, you see, and we go everywhere.3

.---------------·------------------------------, -- ----------------u.------------------------.::.295--1 INDORE-12-13-70 RCwe are fighti ng with atheists all over the world. So we aremeeting so many opposing elements. You see? They say, •God isded." In America, when I first went , they were popu larizingtheory that "God is dead." Bu t they again accepted and :(sic:)God is not only dead but He is here with Swamijl." Theyaccepted. So these atheistic theories, that "Everyone is God ," "Iam God ," "you are God ," "God is dead ," "there is no God ," "God isnot person"- -we are fighting against these principles. We say,"God is Krsna. The Supreme Personal ity of Godhead is Krsna.He isa person, and He is not dead." Th is is our preaching. Thereforeit is a fight.1: He is not dead . He is not dead .P: How He can be dead? How you can thin k of like that, that Godis dead? That is foolishness.1: If you say God is dead, that means you are ••• that is you r ownignorance .P: So we are fighting against this ignorance, so many ignorance.And at the pre s ent moment so many theories and relig iousprinciples h ave sprung up unnecessarily. You see?But we arestick ing to the principle that the only relig ion is to surrenderunto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is real relig ion:surrender.1 : Complete sur render .P: Complete surrender. 'r hat is real religion. Krsna sa ys , sarvadharman parityjya mam ekam saranam vraja. Man-mana bha va madbhaktomad-yaj i mam namaskuru. These are Krsna 's words.Bahunamjanmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate. Prapadyate--that is4

295-1 INDORE-12-13-70 RCsur render.Ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tatha iva bha jamy aham.These words are there.1: I like only the last slokas ••• (unintellig ible) ••• where LordKrsna analyzes and • • • (unintelligible) • • • but to bring you r mindand atma together that process is ca lled yoga.P: But you know that Krsna said, yog inam api sa rvesam madgatenantaratmana: "Of all the yog is , one who is always think ingof Me withi n his mind , he is first-c lass." Do you accept this?1: Of all the yog inam?P: Yog inam api sarvesam: "Of all the yog is • • •" Yog inam apisarvesam. That is the last verse of the yoga chapter, sankhyayogachapter. Yog inam • • • When Arjuna sa id that "This practice ofastanga-yoga is not possible for me."1: No , of course not .P: No, he said. When he said like that , so Krsna answered, "Yes,practice. I f you practice, it can be possible. Bu t still,anyo ne • • • " He summa rized the whole yoga process,yog inam apisarvesam: "Of all yogis, anyone who is think ing of Me always ,heis the first-class yog i."1: That is karma-yoga .P: Why do you say karma-yoga? Where you get this?1: "Whatever you do." "I.Yhateve r you do." It is not written thatyou should do the astanga-yoga.P: No , no, no. we are discussing this verse. He said that "Anyonewho is always think • • •" Ka rma-yog i also always thinks of Krsna.That's all right. That is not denied.But the highest princ ipleis always keeping Krsna within his mind.Premanj ana-cchurita •••That is conf irmed in the Brahma-samhita . Premanjana-cchurita-5

295-1 INDORE-12-13-70 RCbhakti-vi locanena santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti.This kindof practice of yoga can be done by an unalloyed devotee.premanjana-cchurita, by develop i ng the dormant loe of God. Thati s • • • T h a t i s t he h i g h e s t p e r f e c t i on • And an o t he r t h i n g i s , youare accepting mind as atma , are you not? That's not correct. Mindis not atma.1: No , no, min d is not atma. No. Thetogether, each other come. When youratma and mind , they comemind does not go from hereto there • • •P: Yes, mind is not fixed up in atma. That's nice. But mind isnot atma.1: No , no.P: Mind is matter, subtle matter.1: Certainly. That is the laws .P: Mind is kin d of fume of the atma. so mind becom.:s, changes thecolo r of the fume according to the state of the atma. If the atmais in pure state, then mind is pure. If the atma is impu re state,the mind is impure. So we have taught all our disciples, sa tatamkir tayanto mam, always chantin g Hare Krsna. Satatam kirtayantomam .1: Satatam kirtayanto yo mam • • •P: No. Satatam kirtayanto mam yatantas ca drdha-vratah, drdhavratah:"One who is always cbanting about Me and endeavor ing withgreat determination to reach Me, he is mahatma."1: As you have sa id , naham tisthami va ikunthe yog inam hrdayesu vamad-bhaktese • • •P: Tisthami. That's it. Therefore a devotee's pos ition is6

295-1INDORE- 12 -13-7 0RCsublim e. Krsn a comes as a devotee also. Ac tually this happened.Ha ridasa Thaku ra, he happened to be a Mohammedan, Lo rd Caitanya'sdevotee. So in those days , five hundred years ago, there was someHindu-Muslim • • • still that is going on. So he did not enterJagannatha temple to create some distu rbance. Caitanya Mahap rabhualso did not a sk him that •You go to Jagannatha temple. Who cancheck you?" O f cou r se, if Caitanya Mahapr abhu had ordered , hewould have gone. Nei ther he wanted to go,neither ca FanyaMaha prabhu said that "You must go." Caitanya Mahaprabhu used tocome to him. Tatra tisthami narada yat ra gayant i mad-bhaktah.This is the p rac tic al.He came to the devotee where he waschanting . So instead of approaching God , if you chant, God wil lappr oach you. That is a fact, we see. Instead of Ha ridasa Thakuragoing to Jagannatha, Jagannatha Himself was coming to him. Everyday Lord Caitanyawould come and ask and sit down , "How you arefeeling? What you are doing?" Then He would go to take bath insamudra . Daily. It was Caitanya Mahaprabhu's •••And when Ha ridasaThakura expi red, He personally took the body and cremated on thebank of the samudra andHa ridasa Thaku ra wa::; so •••he performed the funera l ceremony.And he was given the title namaca rya,"authority of chanting Hare Krsna mantra." Very nice that you arecultiva ting this know- ledge. It is very nice. Manusyanamsahasresukasci d yatati siddhaye. This cultivat ion of spiritualknowledge means perfection of life. But people do not try for it.Therefore G ita says, manusyanam sahasresu : "Out of many thousandsof men, one may try to cultivate knowledge fo r spi ritualadvancement." And yatatam api siddha nam: "Out of many suchper sons who a re cult ivating spiritual knowledge, ha rdly one can7

295-1INDORE-:!.2-P-70RCunderstand what is K rsna."1: very cor rect. To understand Him is a lot .P: Yes. That is lib eration. Janma karma me divyam yo janatitattvatah. To understand Krsna • • • Nobody can understand Krsna ,but still, to such an extent, if one can understand Him, then heimmediately becomes liberated. Immed iately. And not to npeak ofdeveloping his love of Krsna, simply by knowledge, by realknowledge, if one understands Krsna, that is sufficient to makehim liberated. And those who are devotees , for them liberation isvery insignificant. Mukti mukulitanjali sevate asman.1 : On the first day of this inauguration, and there weredefinitions about karma-yoga.P: Oh, the governo r. {laughter) Just see. He is speak ing ofkarma-yoga. Slaughtering ten thousand cows, tha t is ka rma-yoga.This nonsense speak ing of karma-yoga.1: So actually I sha ll present • • •P: The g over nor b ecame little perturbed. He wanted to goi mmediately. You were present? And when the other men began tospeak all hodgepodge •••1 : I like you r one sentence that d ay. Whateve r is according tothe sastras, that is correct. I agree to it. Nobody says tha t.P: Yes, that is a fact.1: That 's a fact .P : Karma done does not mean that you manufacture something and itbecomes a karma.1: It is written , whatever, in sastras .P: Yes .8

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RC1: That is karma-yoga .P: Yes. I was just going to explain all this karma, vikarma,akarma .1: What does he know? (laughs)P: In India, the l and of sages, land of Krsna , land of LordRa macandra, land of Maharaja Pa riksit, without any restrictioncow slaughter is going on. And they are speak ing of ka rma-yoga.Just see the fun.1: I don't know where this Ind i a is going to, the land of Krsnais going to.P: Well. • • No , we should try ou r best.1: We have to fight these hab its. It is our duty.P: Yes, that's it. So you are a milita ry man. I request you tofight against this nonsense.1: Swami, I wish you to come sometim e. I will gather sect ion ofsome people.P: Yes , I'll go. I'll go. Where? Just fix up some time .1: Because I am very near to temple, only 100 ya rds .P: That 's all right . That Takat? (?) Takat?1: No , not Takat .P: Oh , I see, oh. We are thin king of having a branch nea r thatTakat(?) , in that Takat plac e. t-l hat is your idea? Ou r Krsnaconsc i,usness center. Is that a good locality?1: I'll tell you . I'll fight Tukori(?) .P: All right . No , no. Think twice before doing.Hansaduta : Tuesday morning , December 15th?1: Tuesday morning? Morning I have to go to a village somewhere.P: You give them after seven .9

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RC1: Ah , no, whenever opportunity.P: All right , then make • • •Hans: Even ings are all engaged .P: Oh , even ings are ••• But evenings up to which date? Tuenday?1 : Up to the sixteenth .P: Up to the sixteenth? Then probably on the seventeenth we maygo. Not fixed up, but there is chance. '!' hat is chance because weare think ing of an appointment with the prime minister ln Delhiby the eighteenth, so if that is fixed up, then we have to start.1: (discusses date for engagement with Hansaduta )P: Is there any engagement, four • •?Hans: Yes .P: When?Hans : (discusses date for engagement with 1)Yamuna: Fifteenth is the appea rance day of His Divine GraceBhaktis iddhanta Sarasvat i.P: Fifteenth is the appearance date? ? Oh, then we have toperform.Hans : What are we supposed to do? Fast?P: We shall fast up till twelve and then offer puspa njal i andthen chant, as far as we can supply.1 : So Tuesday afternoon from three to four.P: Yes . You write his name .Hans : May I have you r name?1 : Major Ghun N. Fufey. (?)P: You are Maharastrian .1: Yes .10

295-1INDORE- 12-13-70RCP: Maharastr ians, they are fighting nation .Hans: Telephone?P: Telephone? Telephone?1 : Telephone , no, I haven 't got.P: Maharastr iyan spiri t and Bengali spirit, almost • . •1 : Yes .P: Yes.1: {Hindi?) {too fa int)P: Yes. These boys also, from their chil dhood they are ncldictedto so many things.Gave up immed iately.1 : That 's nice .P: Immediately o n m y word they gave up. Meat-eaters, they haveb een described by canak ya Pand it.1 : Though we are ksatriyas, but nobody takes meat in ou r house.P: Ksatriyas are allowed to take meat by hunting , not byslaughterhouse. Not all, but some of them.1 : When you can't get anything to eat, then only you can eatthat.{un intelligible)P :not in my sannyasa stage. Long ag oacceptedsannyasa. Sometimes in 1945 .1 :P: No , I can go everywhere if the arrangement • • • Aiye .1 : {Hind i)Yamuna: Janaka MaharajaP: Canakya, Canakya Pandit. He was a great po litician andbrahmana .Y : Was he in Lord Ca i tanya 's time?P: No, no. He was five thou s and yea rs • •, not. Three thousand11

295-1INOORE- 12-13-70RCyears.Hans : He was a great devotee?Devotee: No .Hans No?1: He was polit ic ian . He was a mathematician.P: He was very learned scholar, brahmana, rigid brahmana . Tha t'sall .1: He was insulted once in boyhood by something of Mahatmananda .P: Nanda .1: Then he took oath that "All right, today I turn my and one dayIwill dethrone you from here. Then you can call me," andhe went away.(tells story)Hans : Great determination .P: Yes .Y: He was a great devotee?P: No .Y: So he 's not authority.P: No , no, he was not authority in the spiritual sense. He wa;:; apolitician, moralist, politic ian . That's all. Worldly man.Hans: How many people will be there?1: Swamiji, you wer e telling something?P: Yes. I don 't find... (break) ••• vanam sattva na du rjante,sattva vasanti. tad eva ca durjanas tu pade pade. (?) Th is isanotherver se.1: (Sansk rit )P: So we made some life member. Is there any possibility ofgetting, enrolling some life member? That •• ?1 2

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RC1: Life member means • • ?P :Institution. We want some life members. Otherwise how we canconduct thi 3 institution? Through teleg ram? Or reply?Hans : I think it was returned .P: Who sent?Hans: Gita Bhavan MarJ, Indore. "Please reply defin ite arrivaltime, Su rat. Very anxious. Janwal, care of" Tha t's howhe replied.P :So there we are already engaged. Cannot go Surat immediately.Let us follow that.Hans :(too faint)P: Yes. That is his ve rsion . Ve rsion. There is no cost. SimplyHans : So what is the program there?P: Never mind. "Due to heavy engagement, cannot go Su ratimmediately. Letter follows."Devotee (2) : Motorcycle • • • motorcycleP: Are you sure, that motorcycle? Can? To go and come back herefor attending meeting here? By train?How fa r it is?Hans : About fifteen minutes .P : Oh , that 's all right . That 's all .Hans: No , no, we won't take any prasadam today.(?) We are fastingtill noon because it is the appearance day of our guru maharaja'sspiritual master.Y: Disappearance.Hans: Disappearance? Oh. We won 't be tak ing anything at alJ .Hans : Nothing .P: Up to twe lve we don 't take. Fast.13

295-lINDORE-12-13-70RC,. .,1:in my house?P: Whateve r arrangem ent you do, tha t 's all right. But if some ofyou members become our life members, that will be •••Hans: Have you seen our book s?Wou ld you like to see?P: So you can explain. (break) • • • the footprints of li.beratedpredecessors like Manu and others. so they are condition ed.Therefo re their rules and regulations are not per fect. It cannotbe perfect.Hans: Here is our magazine, Back to Godhead. These are our • • •This is in Washington, D.C. Th is i s in Be rkeley, Ca lifornia. Thatmaga zine is being printedin six languages: Hindi, English,French, German, and Japanese, and Bengali. Benga li is not yetout , but it 's coming. Then ?rabhupada started presenting thesebooks while he was still in India. This book was publis hed in1965. This was prin ted in I ndia , the First Canto of the Srimad­Bhagavatam. The First Canto compr ises three volumes like this,the First Canto. The following Cantos are being printed by ourown press in America in Boston, like this, chapter by chapter, sothat people can take advantage of Srimad-Bhagavatam and read itat their convenience instead of .••1 :Hans: lmd here, Krsna Book , is the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam. <strong>Prabhupada</strong> calls it, "Krsna: The Supreme Personalityof Godhead." And it's full of illustrations which are done by hisAme rican stude ts. Just see how beautiful. There are eighty-fourfull color illustrations that show the pa stimes of Krsna. Sothep eople in the western world and for the first time in the history14

2 95-1 INDORE-12-13-70 RCof the world w ill g et an idea of who God is, what He look s like,what He does, where He's residing . This is the Krsna Book ,in twovolumes. This is vo lume number one and this is volume number two.This is just a blueprint. We haven't got a pr inted copy yet. ThenTeachings of Lord Caitanya, Caitanya-caritamrta , which you mustb e familia r with, in the Teachings of Lo rd Ca itanyaa n d there are also illustrations although they're not color.They're black ancl white.1 : Sri Tukarama is disciple of Ca itanya .p: He also went through in Maharastra by His chanting , Gi ta .(?)H ans: And most important, P rabhupada haspresented Bh agavadgita. He calls it "Bhagavad-g ita As It Is." He expla ins in thei ntroductio n that till now there's been so many Bhagavacl-g itasp rinted in all languages and all of them are misrepresenting.They have not presented Bhagavad-g ita as it is. They arc tryingto present Bhagavad-g ita without Krsna. They want to leave outt he speake rof Bhagavad-g ita and put themse lves forward. Soprabhupada has presented Bhagavad-g ita As It Is and thereforethis movement has taken such hold because the real thing is beingp resented. Th is is in San Francisco, California. Then, the Nectaro f Devotion , Rupa Gosvam's book Bhakti-rasamrta -sindhu, alsothere. Th is book is the lawbook of devotiona l service.Isopanisad, word for word translation , then the complete Eng lisht ranslation and pu rport by His Divine Grace. So these book s arebhak ti-yogaKrsn3 consc iousnessexplaining the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. So we ha ve somuch literature.And in India we've intro duced a prog ram , ourm embershi p program, so that we can go on dis tributing these15

2 95-1INDORE-12-13-70RCl iteratures. And that membership prog ram, there are fou r types ofm embership. One i s life membership. Life membership means them ember is entit led to all the book s that we have printed plus allt h e books w e will print in the fu tu re, plus a lifetimesubscription to our magazine, Back to Godhead. And the member isent itled to stay at any one of ou r branches throughout the worldf ree and i f he happens to travel abroad or in India. Wewill haveou r branches. so that life membership fee is 1,111 rupees. Andt hen we have d onor membership . The donor member is ( n titled toa l l the book s that have been printed, a lifetime subscription toour magazine, but he does not g et the book s in the future. Thati s 555 rupees. And subscriber membership,lifetime F.: uhscriptionto our magazine, which is 222 rupees. Or there is membe rship ,yea rly subscription to our magazine. In th is way we're trying torec ruit memb ers that support ou r movement. This movement is beings u pported just by literatu re. So in this way we can flood thew ho le worldw ith K rsna consciousness and then there'll be ac h ange. If w e w ant t o see a change in the world, then we have todis tribute k nowledge of Krsna in this way. You are welcome tob ec ome a member. And also yourf rie nds. Tell them abou t ourp rog rams .1 : Swamiji, open a center here.p: I wish to . I wish to open a center .1: No , no, now?P: Not yet .1: And how many centers in India?P: Practically , three .16

295-l INDORE-12-13-70 RC1: And did you come ac ross these Brahma-kumaris? They preachsomething else .P: That is something else. Everyone knows it.1: once they • • • so they passing through, teaching some Krsna orsomething, and their Bhagavad-g ita was something else.P: That is going on. (break) There may be musical performance buther e it is by the pu re devotees. That is different th ing. Now ,her e don't you see in the Gita Bhavan?When others performkirtana nobody takes part. And they cannot continue that kirtanamor e than five minut es. But we can continue our kirtana forfivehou rs withoutany •••Hans: If we stayed there for five hours everyone wou ld chant .P: yes. No, N oham • • • They can also do, but it will not beeff ective because they are not pure.Here is the sec ret. Wehave • ••Our devotees, they are anyabhilasita-sunyam , they have noother busines s than to satisfy Krsna. They perform kirtana totake something from Krsna. Everyone goes to some dha rma-samsthanajust to take somethi ng. But our propos ition is to give eve rythingfor Krsna and that i s far differ ent.Hans : Everyone is pleased with the devotees , everybody .Indian man (3) :P : That when you do, I shall tell you . Now why do you waste yourtime in that way? That's all rig ht, you are not doing so you haveno business.3: (unintelligible) Of course, I am not doing ••• (Unintelligible.seve ral people talking at once.)P : (Hindi) This i s called vrddha. This is yon i.(?) Th is ismadhyama . And this i s kanistha . Stores are now closed?17

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RCHans:P: Yes. So he h a s gone to Calcutta. (break) Utsahan , dha iryat.Are you realizing the distinction between this assoc iation andothers?Rn : Yes .P: Yes. That y o u shou ld realize. That is realization. We aretrying to create a real spiritual path, not bogus, forlivelihood. India's falldown is due to that spirit, tha t everyonetake S everything for livelihood, that's all. Not o nly Ind ia ,everywhere. Ind ia e specially because poverty-stricken. So theytake religion also as livelihood. Just like this Ak hl la Saheb . Hewanted to chant Har e Krsna mantra for live lihood. Do you knowthat?3: Yes .P: How? How it was? No , you do not know. He was propos ing that "Iknow how to cure disease by chanting Hare Krsna." So he wanted togo to foreign c ountrie s to take this profession. That means anattempt to kill ou r m ovement in pur ity. Of course, nobody cankill our movement, but this sort of thinking is just oga inst thepur ity of our movement: utilize Hare Krsna mantra for curingdisea se. Oh, it will not stay.Hans : No. If w e put it on the w indow it will stay. It won' t stayon the wall.P: Hrn?Hans: If he put s it on the window it will stay.P: window means it will be dark .Hans : Yes.I think that18

2 95-1 INDORE- 12-13-70 RCP: Yes. It has to b e done. Not only idea , it has to be done inp r actical sense. Now who will t ake charge of this task? That ist o be found out. You write to the • • •Hans: GBC?P: GBC.Hans: (unintelligible) So many newspaper have come out with inthe last three or four years. Of cour se, most of them arc hippiegroups , but they have become • • •People are very anx ious to readsomething from diffe rent ang le of vision.P: Yes.Hans:They a re tir ed of old newspapers. So if we present anewspaper with our angle of vision, Krsna consciousness . . •P: So immediately you write to the GBC members.Hans: But the artic les that w ill be in the newspaper, they willbe exactly like other newspapers? Who will write them?P: No, articles ••• oa ily newspaper means there must be news. Newsyou can purchase from the news collecting company. They willsupply it. At ver y cheap pric e they'l l supply.And you takeadvertisement. Yes. You'll c over your expenses by gettingadvertisements and make sufficient p rofit. Newspape r sta rting isn ot a losing busin ess provided you can organ ize. Just likeo r d ). n a r y n e w spa p e r , t hey g i v e • • • I n d a i 1 y n e w s • • • P eo p 1 e w an t t olearn daily news, and they supply huge quantity. Anrl those whoa re advertiser, they are simp ly concerned how many copies areissued. If you issue lOO, OOO's of copies, then you can cha rge foreach page thousand dollars. They'll pay. Two thousand dollarsthey will pay.Hans: That m eans in each city we wou ld we have to have ou r own19

295-1 INDORE-12-13-70 RClocal press.P: No, not necessarily. You can arrange with any newspaper place.You simply supply your matter; they will print. Just l ike we aregetting from Japan, similarly, make you r own layou t and supplythem. Immedi ately, within two hours, eve rything is complete.Hans: But a daily newspaper has to tu rn out da ily, so i t takestime to transport i t from one city to another city.P: Well, from every city we can publish. Every city there is anewspaper place.devotee ( 4) :national, just like the nationalP: Yes. So w e have to organize. First of all let us publ ish inone city, big city like New Y ork, lik e London, yes , Bombay,Tokyo . Big cities, wo r ld's big cities. In India on ly two citiesa re big: Calcutta, and Bombay,imp ortant. If you publishsim ultaneously , Calcutta • • • Delhi is given importance due tocapi tal; othe rwise not important as big city, as Bomba y andcalc utta. Delhi, wit hout gove r n ment offit:: es it is a dead city.Just like Washington . What is the val ue of Washing ton? It isnothing. Simp ly because it is h eadquarters of the PrE! Sident, ithas got importance. Similarly, Delhi is that. Otherwise it i s notimp ortant. But Ca lcu tta, Bombay,is really important city inIndia, big business, port, all rich men , every kind of, allcultural, everything--Calcutta, and Bomb ay. O riginally onlyCalcutta , now Bombay also. Because the Britishers, they madeCalcutta capital. And Ca lcutta was very, very important city. Butthese Calcutta men, they create somet imes situation , ve rycomplicated. So once in 1905 the same situat ion was there,20

295-1 INDORE- 12-13-70 RCpolitically.Sir su rendranatha B anner jee made, SurendranathaBann erjee's m ovemen t, pa rtition of Bengal. Lo r d Co llier, hewanted to divide Bengal, made it East Bengal and West Bengal. Andsurendranatha Bannerjee • ••He is the practically father of Indianpolitics. Gandhi's n ot. He was. He wa s. And in the beginning , inEu r opean circles he was fa mous. He was ca lled "Surrender-not."The spelling o f the name, s-u - r-e-n-d-e-r, Surendranath. Inpa r lia ment h e was known as " Surren d er-not." He was a verypowerful politic ian. So ther e was t rouble in Calcutta; sotherefore they transfe red, 1911, capital to Delhi. Otherwise,from the very beg inning of Bri t ish occupation Calcutta was thecapital. You have seen the government viceroy's house nea r thatHamilton building where you were trying to p .chase.Hans : The government house?P: Oh yes. It is better than Buck ingham Palace, such a big house.Hans: Oh , the governor 's house . The governo r 's house?P: Yes, governor's house.Hans: It's s u r rounded just like a • • •P: A big g arden. Yes. That w a s vice roy's house. Now it isdilapidated. Otherwise, formerly it was very, ve ry nice. Hugep alace in India. Lord Colier's poli cy was to bring one of theprinces from England and make h im king of India.Hans : King of India.P: Yes. That w as his policy. He favored that policy, that Indianpeople are in favor of monarchy. So introduce this system: one ofthe royal family 's son should come and become king of India. Thatwas good suggestion. If Britishe rs would have ruled Ind ia for theinterest of India, m ak ing one king from the roya l fam ily, it21

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RCwould have been grea t success. That policy of Lord Collier wasvery nice.Hans : That never happened .P: The same thing. The pa rliamentary members • • • Just likenowadays , pa r ty. Indi a is suffe ring in party politics. And theydid not like to give impor tance to monarchy. They wanted to ruleaccording to their whims,and therefore the whole scheme fa iled.The so-ca lled democ racy under party politics is nonsense.Mona rchy . • • I h ave sai d. That day I was in remark ing that "Thisdemocracy is the government of the asses," ecause the populationare asses and they vote another ass to be head of the gove rnment.s o what you can do? sayuddhe kriyate rajan sa kim asnu pahanam.These are instr uct i on s in Sanskr it. "If you make a dog a king,don't you think that h e will still lap the shoes?" You cannotchange his habits. sva • • • Yasya bhava sya na sa sudu rate k rama.Anyo n e's habit s, e ven if you giv e g ood pos ition , you cannotchange it. The e xamp l e is just like if you make a dog the king,he will immediately come from the throne and bite the shoes.Yousee? So mater iallY youcannot change. On ly by spi ritualunderstandingone can be •••Hans: Canakya Pandita • ••I have s ee that book , and he Rnys that acrow • • .P: Yes. If you make a c row • • • The crow gen erally sits on the roofof the house, b ut that does not m ean he has become a great man."How g reat I am, a very beaut ifu l bird."Rn : The symbol of the Democ rat pa rty in Ame rica is the ass .P: Everywhere. As soon as you • • .22

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RCRn : Their symbol i s an ass . They have a symbol.P: Oh, yes. Because they are asses.Rn: The Republican party is elephant and the Democratic pa rty isass, a donkey.P: What is the va lue of vote by asses? According to Vediccivilization, there was democ racy but that democracy is selectedcoJll mittee. Just lik e in England there was Privy council. Soselected body of lea rned brahmanas and sages, they were guidingthe king ,and the k ing himself was properly educated how to ruleo v er under religi ous princi ples. He was train ed from thebeg inning o f his life as prince. As the futu re he:i r of thethr one, he w as trained, and at the same time, he was guided by acouncil of learned sages and brahmanas. They were look ing overthe activities of the king. As soon a s there was some mistakethey will see. And there are instances; wheneve r there was a badking they w ere dethroned. Not for p olitical purpo se. He wasdethroned but his s on was on the • • • Just like Lo rd Ra macandradid . Ra macandra killed Ravana but He never occupied the kingdom.His brother V ibhisana proved to be fa i thful. He was enthro ned.From the same family. And that was the system. Even a king waswrong, he would be dethroned but from his family, either his sonor brother, or somebody would occupy there. Not that "Because Ihave conquered you, therefore I sha l l sit down." No. There arem any instances. And therefo re Indi a was ruling a ll overtheworld. The e mperor was in India,and the kings of differentstates, their familY was. So there was no rebell ion. And in everystate a king was t ra ined in the same p rocess, guided by committeeof learned brahmana and sage s. How per fect this mona rchy is.23

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RCMonarchy • • • That Lo r d Collier studied that the Indian peoplelike monarchy . Even these states, the so-called states • . • Now theCong ress government has killed them; otherwise the Britisherswere maintaining, nec essary, and they were deve loped. Now see.The Indore was far better before. You can see from the bu ildings,from the whole city. It was ve ry prosperous city. St illit isgoing on. So every state, the nati ve prince, the Br itishersmaintained so many native p rin ce. And because they ma intainedthem, they were friends to the B ritishers. They knew the policy,if you create zamindar, landlord. They created this aristocraticclass to support them. So when Gandhi and other leaders startedthis movement all the princes and zamindars, they were infavorof British. Therefo r e it took so much time to transfer. And as aretaliation , the common people have bereft them of their kingdom."No more kingd om because you always supported Britishers." It isa great politics. Therfore t hey have taken • • • The za mindars,immediately after this attainment of independence, all thezamindars and kings were bereft of their possessions. You were inCalcutta? Oh,none of you were with me. We saw on e house forpu r chasing. That was a big za minda r's house, Tagne's Tack le {?)You saw? Yes. If you have saw . . . How nicely it was. When theywere in opulence in ou r childhood , oh, it was a house to be seen.There are many houses. Just lik e in Eng land the lord families. InAscot, where we stayed , that was also lord family's house. NowYoko's house, that, a third-class Japanese girl.She has becomethe queen of the house. And how third-class, low-g rade. It is thesitting room and a naked picture has ... How much degraded people24

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RChave become. How this man is daring to hang that picture in hissitt ing room so that eve ryone who comes sees. How much low-g radedthey are. They want change, but because they have no educationthey are g oing to the an imal sphere.That is hippie movement.Yes. From ani ma l standard they become civilized. The same story,punar musiko bhava . You know that story? "Again b ecome mouse."Hans : Oh yeah , I've heard that .P: The story is a m ouse came to a sa intly person : "Sir, I am int rouble. If you k indly release me?" "What is that trouble?" " Acat, they are after me. I am always at risk of l ife." " So what doyou want?" "You also make me a cat." "All right. You become ac at." Then aga i n he came. "Sir, againthe complaint is here."" What is t hat?" " Dogs are chasing me." "Then what do you want?""I want to b ecome a dog . " " All right. You become a dog . " In thisway he came up to the tiger by the benediction of the • . . Andwhen he became a t iger , he was •••(snarling sound--laug hter) Justl ike ou r Brahmananda prabhu. "l>.ll right. Again become mouse." Yousee? So these civilization is l ike tha t. They became tiger, andthey are so much badly trained up that they have to become againa mouse. That is the way of nature. If you don't improve yourselfin Krsna consciousness, then you aga in become stool worms. Thehuman form of life is an opportunity to come out of the cycle ofb irth and death, b ut if one does not tak e--these are thestatements in Padma Purana--then he loses the chance. They do notknow what i s life, how life is rotating , talk ing nonsense,"I amGod. Why Krsna should be God? T his is writtP.n by man." How muchlow-graded people have become. They are completely unde r the lawsof nature. Daivi hY esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya ,stringent25

2 95-1 INDORE- 12-13-70 RCl aw s of natu re, and st ill, they are claiming , "I am God . I amt h is. I am that. I am free. I am ••• " And theydo not mind, eventhey are degraded to the position of the worm of stool. But therei s possibilit y. what is this worm of stool? It is also livingentity. It i s not a different thing . Panditah sama- da rsinah. Onew h o knows, h e kno w s that the worm of stool and Brahma are thesame living entity. Simply under different reaction of karma onehas become B rahma and another has become the stool worm. Now web eg in. (brea k) It is not diffic ult. Simply the layout shou ld bes ent to diffe rent pa rts, and they will make immediately plate,and thaty will be paper. Da ily you have to send it. Eh?Hans: The best place to sta rt is Boston .P: Yes, already. Even in small scale we can start from Boston.Hans: Just lik e one or two pages .p: Yes. Neve r mind . Just like I began in that way. You have seenthe • • •Hans: Yes,I saw the original Back to Sodhead. A lot of yourartic les were commenting about current events.P: Yes. The ed ito rial boa rd must be very intelligent how to talkabout Back t o Godhead with current politics. Gi riraja , you car. dothat?Gi riraja : I could try.P: Try. You just t rY it immediately. You take one newspaper andc omment on the current news. An y one of you •••Every on e of youc an do. A n d sho w me how you have given. Then you starti mmediately. we h ave got many things to do. We have Krsna , andKrsna is the bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka mahesvaram. What26

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RCthese petty politic iaus and three acres of land? The ir stage isthree acres of land; ou r stage is the unlimited. That I havementioned in the second volume of Srimad-Bhagavatam. So what newsthey can publish? Th ree acres of land.We have got theinnumerable universes. We can supply so much news, providedpeople are ready to read it. We have published so many books,they are not even able to read these book s. So the otherdevo tees, (laughs) they cannot ri • • ,come at five o'clock. Thatis the test. Yes. One who cannot rise early in the morning , he isnot spirit ually serious.That is test. Brahma-muhurta, thishour, one hour before sunrise, is very auspicious moment.Hans: I can tell everyone that wants a prog ram to come at fiveo'clock .P: Huh?Hans: If somebody wants a prog ram , I can say "Come and see me atfive o'c lock." Because after they hear you and they have mangalaarati,then they will be more thoughtful about ou r • ••P: Yes , tell them .Hans : Ithink that's a good idea.P: You can say now, "If anyone wants to see us, please come atfive o'clock , early in the morn ing." Then I shall see how muchserious he is. Now I have decided to go to Delhi. Even Gu rudasasuggests rightly. All of us . we should go to Delhi .Yamuna: It might be diffcult to make arrangements, Gu ru Maha raja.The place where Gurudasa is presently staying is not equ ipped fo rten people at present . We'll have to arrange .P: Not we can arrang e in the Birla's house. He has a nicedharmshalla . You know Birla's house?27

295-1INDORE-12-13- 70RCY: Yes. We were invited to stay there fo r ten days .P: So that 's all right. So , who invited?3 : One of the people connected with the temple has assoc iatedwith us in Delhi.P: So first of all take information from the Puriraji(?) invl h i ch train they have booked our seats for Delhi, and you writeimm ediately one letter to Dhruva in Bombay and Ta rnal Krsna also,that Dhruva may instruct the Delhi Bi rla's dha rmshalla toaccomodate us immediately. So their dharmshalla. It is Birla'sdharmshalla. First of all we have to see how they have made ourseats.Rn: So the residential place belongs to Hrs . Birla?P: No , it is a templ e, very big temple .Hans : So we should book seats for Delhi on whic h day?P: Seventeenth.Hans : seventeenth you want to leave?P: Yes . What is the day , seventeenth?3 : Today is the fourteenth .P: No , day?Hans : Today is Monday.P: Then?Hans: Seventeenth is Thursday .P: Thursday?Hans : Thursday, seventeenth .P: So Thu rsday, before afternoon , we shall start.3 : You want to go by plane <strong>Prabhupada</strong>?P: No , I am ask ing one ticket for plane .28

295-1 INDORE-12-13-70RC3: You'll fly alone to Delhi?Y : The Delhi airport?P: Yes. That is not difficulty. Ask Gurudasa to take me. For twohours I can sit down. It goes direct to Delhi from here.3: No , it makes two stops .P: That doesn 't matter .3: But the same plane.P: Same plane. And you come , all , by train.Hans: 'l ill w e open a bank account here? Will we open an

295-1 INDORE-12-13-70 RCY: I was thinking that Parliament goes in and out of session, andI wonder ed if they remembered if Parliament was in session aga in.Giriraja: No .Y: No .P: Parliament is in session now?Y: No. Out of session now. When it 1s in session then all of thepolitic ians come from their castles andtheirmost of the members of ParliamentP: So when the Parliament beg ins?Y: It will be • • • It separates for about a month and then comestogether.P: Aiye . Aiye. Hare Krsna , Hare Krsna • • •Giriraja: Insofar as seeing the prime minister, this io the bestt ime because he is not so preoccupied.p: Where is that picture? There was picture you prepared .3 : p icture with a letterP: Oh. So • •• So how long you talk ed with he P rime Min ister?Y: Maybe ten minutes .P: So she t ook some interest?Y: She took a cour t eous interest. As I say, there was no doubtt hat at the tim e t hat she saw him she was pressed with otherm atters. A ve ry personal friend of hers that Gu r udasa is nows taying with told us that she was very impressed, her pe rsonals ec r eta ry was very impressed, and that she said she would like tosee us again and she was sorry that she didn•t realize that weh ad been waiting so long. Otherwise we could have come earlierI n that waytim e in the future.30

295-1INDORE-12-13- 70RCDevotee (4): Inwe saw some yogi.P: Pressing nose . Nose-pressing philosophy .5: Hatha-yoga also.Y:P : so what was his philosophy?Y: you do some exercises and know God , be self-realized .P: you should have said to him , "Are you self-realized?Y: I ' m such a rascal, I didn 't even try.P: I f they tell you then he 's God • • •5:exer cise and breathin gsome type ofmeditation performed.Y: He 's social swami, a very social swami.He's very po lished in a material way.5:P: And smok ing also?Y: I didn't inquire into his vices.5: In New York they call them "uptown swamis ."Y: His example of spiritual life is based on material prosperity .P: so why they should go to the yoga system? The sc ience is moreadvanced .Y:P: Before flying in the sky by a yog i he has to press his nosefor so many year s and the science has given us the airplane. Hecan purchase ticket, immediately fly. (laughter) \\' hat is use ofpressing nose?Y: You explain that in Bhagavatam .P: Yes . What is the use, wa sting time?31

295-1INOORE-12-13-70RCRn :when you walk on the waterwalk ing on the watertwo cent yog i because for twocents he could have takenP: That's all. If that is the ultimate end of life, to walk onthe water or to fly i n the sky, so scienc e has giventhem allopportu nity. And the material science is so advanced , thatallthis yoga system is now almost accomplished because that ismaterial only, material prosperity. Aiye .Y:P: Yes, eating flesh sumptuously and get fat. Flesh-ea t ers getfatty very quick ly, flesh-eaters. Hamsa. The sk in becomesincreased for flesh-eatig. You see in you r country, the Russia?Russian beauty--big b elly,fat. That • ••Y: Ge rmans are like that too . Ge rmans .P: Germans. If you eat m eat, you very quickly can get fat. Alsotoo much ghee also. That is also. But g h ee will inc rease y ourbelly only. Just the H a rwaris • • • (laughter) But by eating fleshyou'll get sturdy, good lump of mus cles. That is • • • In Ayu r -Vedathere is a chapter which is called Dravya-guna. There is a book ,o ravya-guna. So they have analyzed so many different kind offlesh--b irds, beasts , animals . How they have analyzed that "Ifyou eat this kind flesh you will get this kind of result."Hundreds of fleshes. vl hat d o they know? They can eat only cow'sflesh or dog ' s flesh or hog 's flesh. Yes. But there are so many,even birds, beasts, a nimals, and so many, analysis. And Be rnardShaw, I think , he wrote one book , "You Are vl hat You Eat."Hans : George Bernard Shaw.32

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RCP: Yes. So they are becoming animals, animals eating animalflesh. Bernrd Shaw was vegeta rian.Woman devotee(6) :Except he would ta ke liver for his hea lth.P: Liver?6: Yes . He used to take some liver periodically for his health.P: Medicine. There are many liver ext ract preparations.6: No , not liver extract. Maybe. I don't know exactly. But I knowhe used to take liver. Not cod liver oil or anything.P: No , liver extract preparations there are many medicines. Foranemic patient liver extract is recommended.6: That 's all right for us to take?P: No , but if you are going to die, then you can take.Y: Chant Hare KrsnaP: When required for such trouble, if you are going to die, then ,to save yourself, you can.6: If that liver can be eaten raw • • •= If you are going to die. Not ordina r y. If it is clear thatwithout liver extract you shall die, you can take.4: You cannot tell . You can't tell until you actuallyP: Because when there is question of death it is recommended youmay take anything to save your life.Y: Chant Hare Krsna .P: But those who are rigid, they are prepared to die even .Y: Va isnavas just chant?P : The ir proposal is "Death is sure t oda y or tomorrow , so whyshall I change my pr inc iples? Death will take place even if Ilive for ten yea rs more, and what is the benefit? Why shall Ichange my princ iples? It is not that by tak ing tha t mdicine or33

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RCl iver extrac t I sha ll be amara, immorta l." That is not poss ible.I f somebody gives some medicine that one can make himselfimmortal, that is another thing. Nobody is going to be immortal.Why he should be a fraid of death? Death will take place. "As surea s death." So today, or tomorro w, orhundred years after. So ifone moment is utilized for Krsna consciousness,that makcu lifesuccessful. Why shall I live for hundred years, waste my time?one moment is sufficient for living .Himavat i: Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>?I just have one question about the ending , that Ajamila, he wascalling the name o f his youngest son.P: Narayana .Himavati (?) : He was think ingbut he was c alling out to him, and after calling , he was remindedo f his early life, of his worshiping the real Na rayana.P: Narayana .H: And therefore Na rayana saved him. Isn't that true?P: Yes . Yes .H: Not that he was simply calling and Na rayana had to save him • • •P: But simply calling , "Na rayana ," he reminded, he remembered.Remembered. Yes.H: He remembered the real Narayana .P: Because a ctual lY when one chants Lord Krsna's name, Lord'sname, immediately he remembers Lo rd's form, act ivities, past {mes,everything. That is natu ral.H: Not that he was unconsciously just chanting and the Lordsaved him in that way, ' ut he actually remembered the Lord.34

295-1 INDORE-12-13-70 RCP: That is the r emark of Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. Butacording to othe r s' opinion, even simply by chanting, that issufficient.In the Bhagavata it is stated like tha t. ButVisvanatha Cak ravarti Thakura has remarked that this chantingreferred to the context. Immediately he remembered Na rayana.H: In that s ame connection, the story of Thakura Haridasa andthe harlot. She b egan to chant a nd told him the reason that shewas a prostitute, she was no good and simply by tr.atassociation she began to chant or by previous association •••P: No , by associati on. By the influence of Haridasa Ttwkura. Forthree days, three days she associated.H: But P rofessor sanyal was putting forward his theory that inprevious lives she had had association; therefore she beg an tochant.P: Why previous l ives? That's not very good reason .H: Subconscious, that she had subconsc iously remembered.P: No , no. No , no. That is not .H: In one of the sack to Godhead magazinesP: That is not. He advocates tha t. (?) Direct assoc iation withHaridasa Thakura. Why previously?H: We want to say that previously she had done some chanting .P : v1 e don' t f in d an y such t h in g • P r of e s so r san y a l was not v e r ymuch advanced. He committed so many blunders.H: You heard about that article?P: No .H: That was theP: Well, if that sort of remark is given it is not against thesastra, but it w as not necessarily previously. His direct35

295-1INDORE- 12-13-70RCassociation • • •Ca itanya Mahaprabhu says, sadhu sanga sadhu sang a sarva sastrakaya, lava matra sadhu sange sa rva siddhi haya : "Even a oment'sassociation with a pure devotee--all success." Not necessarily thatone has to acqui re it previous , no. Generally it is so, but sadhusanga has got its effect. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, la va matrasadhusanga sarva siddhi haya . You have not read in the Sanatana-siksain the Teachings of Lord Caitanya?Rebatinandana: Does that also apply to reading the words of a puredevotee?P: Yes.Rn :Even a little assoc iation with your books has the sameeffect?P: Effe ct, of cou rse , it requires both the things. One must bevery eager to take i t. Just like Maha raja Pa r iksit heard Srimad­Bhagavatam, and there are so many others. They are also readingsrimad-Bhagavatam. So Maharaja Pariksit was very serious. So boththings should be serious. Just like t he example: the husb

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RCP: Yes. It is not lost, but it is checked. Sometimes he ischecked .Rn : Because the tendency to revive again .P: In that way again one has to • • • That brings the question ofprevious life. One was advanced so much; it was checked again bysome reason; he again beg ins from that point. Just like BilvamangalaThat. - ra.Bilvamangala Thakura was advanced in his previous lifeup to bhava-bhakti. Somehow or other, it was checked. But as soonas he heard the words from the p rostitute, "Oh, you are so muchafter the flesh and similar, and bones and skin. If you had been so much eafor Krsna, howyou would have been disposed," immediately he came tothat point and immed iate ly left . I'll take(devotees offer obeisances)6: Srila P rabhupada? The other day youabout the spirit sou l and his position in the brahmajyoti,thatther e's no pleasure there. Just like we go up, up, up into theskySo I was thinking t hat the reason why our position is shaky isdue to this body, but spirit, being restless can remainanywhe re • • •P: Yes , but there the shelter is transcendental bliss. Theimpersonal Brahman is not transcendental bliss. It is simplyeternity. But we wantthree things : eternity, full knowledge, andblissful life . So there is no bliss.6: Yes. Just as we requ ire shelter because we have the body . • •P: Yes. So similarl y, this living entity also requires shelter ofblissful life . That is this association of Krsna . So unless he getsthat , he wants blissfulness, but--thereis some spiritual37

295-1INDORE- 12-13-70RCblissfulness 1 he has no information--he comes down again to thisperverted blissfulness of this material world .6: They don't take their pleasure in being there in theBrahmajyoti?P: There is no pleasure. Blissfulness is not there. Brahmajyot i issimply eternity, that's all. The same example can be given. Ju st 1sunlight. There is only light. But on a planet the effect of thelight is there--there are so many trees, so many flowers, fruits.We,we want var ieties of pleasure. Va rie ty is the mother of •••devotees :"Variety is the spice of life."P: Huh?H: Spice of life.P: Oh. Yes. So therefore, we are living ent ities , life. we wantvariety. So this is the va rie tyless, no va riety, one kind,sunlight . We require sunlight. We are so much an xio us forsunlight . Hot only sunlight .Rn:It must get ver y boring. It is ve ry boring in thebrahmajyot i? You get very bored? There is nothing to do? nowhereto go?P: Bore?Hans : Boring , dull.P: Yes .H: But at first they are satisfied , aren't they, that they'veachieved their goal?P: Avisuddha -buddha yah. They do not know. They are afterBrahmananda,transcendental pleasure, but they do not know w. 1atis actually transcen dental pleasure, impersonalists. Therefure38

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RCtheir intelligence is not clean. They go to the spiritualkingdom, transcendental platform, but they do not that know , howreal transcendental pleasure can be achieved. The refo re theirknowledge is not perfect.Rn : When they want t o come back , is it very easy for them tocome back or have they got to • •?P: No, they automatically come back because he is hankering afterva rieties. So that va riety is not there, so he is attracted again inthe material world. Just like so many sannyasis. Ta ke Vivekananda.He wanted to lectur e on Vedan ta, which is liberation . He cameagain back to the hospitalizing and philanthropic work because hecould not find the variety of pleasure in Vedanta. Of course, hewas not very much advanced. There are many. Therr: is a • ••Sannyasiis here. he's a Karpatri.(?) He is ver y learned and other •••Hewas forme rly speak ing on Vedanta and other •••Now he is in politics and cprotection. You see? There are many.Rn : I have a hazy memory that one time I heard that when asoul, when it . finally does enter into Brahmajyoti, that he has toremainthere for some long duration of time, a dayt ime ofBrahma or a lifetime of Brahma. Is that correct? Wha t is thatduration ?P: Not that . That is not like that .Rn : Not like that . Thank you .P: But he feels incon venience without varieties of life.The Bhagavata says ,t vayy asta-bhavad avisuddha- b uddhayah: "The irintelligen ce is n ot clean. " Aruhya krcchrena param padamtatah: "Although they rise up to the brahmajyo ti," patanty adhotatah , " they again come back .3 9

295-1INDORE-12-13-70RCHans: And the nirvana conception of life is just before Brahman?P: Nirvana concept ion is marg inal pos ition between brahmajyotiand this material world.Hans : Just on the b rink .P: Yes. Karanarnava. Karanarvana. The Karana Ocean wherefo re(?)the beg inning of c reation, material creation , that is nirvana.4 : Viraja.P: Vi raja, yes .Rn:Is it possible to go there?P: v1hy not? Yes .4: Arjuna went there .P: Yes .Rn : What was Arjuna's purpose?P: Krsna took him to show His friend. He did not go alone. Thathe could not. No. (laughter) It was Krsna's chariot.Rn : So he went to the spiritual sky?P: Yes. Then what is the use of mak ing fr iendship with Krsna ifyou cannot do so? There was a rich man in Calcutta,MotilalSingh.(?) He w as s o rich that •••Every man has different circlein younger days. So he would see. If any of his friends did notpossess a house in Calcutta , he would purchase house. He saidthat, "If people say, 'Oh, you are friend of Hot ilal Singh. Youhave no your own house?' what people will say about me? He musthave his own house." He pu rchased house for him. He wasvery bigman. And there are many inc idences also like, a very nob le story.Act ually it was not long ago, say about hundred years ago. Hewould not s".!e that any on e of his associates, fr iends, does not40

295-1INDORE-12-13- 70RCpossess a house in Calcutta. Another Krsna's friend , Sudama also.(chuckles) He could not recognize his own place, how it hadhappened, palatial buildings, garden. In "Krsna" , you have notread Sudama? Give me water.Y: mentions in the Teachings of Lord Ca itanya that adevotee in attachment selects one of the Vrndavana • • , theinhab itants of Vrndavana,and follows in his footsteps in orderto be successful in his O\vn devotional service. Does that meanthat one of our spiritual masters is an eternal representative ofVrnd";,JnaP: What is ttrl? Let me • • •Y: It says , "All inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, Vrndavana, are ve rydear to Krsna. A devotee in attachment selects on e of theinhab itants and follows in hisfootsteps in order to besuccessful ."P: Devotee • • • Devoted to the Vrndavana inhabitants. You don 'tdirectly think of yourself that "I shall see Krsna as my son."Y: No .P: No .Y: No .P: That is Mayavada.Y: Yes .P: You have to follow the footsteps of Yasoda rna .Y: Yes . You 've told me that before.P: Then it will be success.Rn: Bu t you 've said that you are always in Vrndavana, so we arefollowing a Vrndavana inhabitant.P: Yes . (laughter)41

295-1INDORE-12-13- 70RCY: It says , wane should always remember the activities of thatparticular inhabitant of Vrndavana.P: Now you have got apoo r(?) daughter? (?)4: Yes .Rn : Have we got an engagement this morning?P: Hm?Hans: He asked if we have an engagement this morning. 8:30.P: Oh , Mo lpar(?) , yes . They'll send ca r?Y: Yes.P: How fa r it is?Hans: It 's supposed to be just in the neighborhood .P: Oh , that's all . He was formerly prince.Rn : Of this area?P: Yes .Han8 : Be had given • • • ?)P: That is the sign of princely opulence .Rn: He's the son of the man we saw last week? This Mahara ja? It'sn ot his son?P: No , no , he is also old man .Hans: I won't be going to that place because I'll be wa iting forMr. Homing.P : Homing is coming?Hans: Yes . we 'll open a bank account .P: That 's it.Hans : We 'll open a one-s ided account .P: Book fund account and one, International Society,check ing account.(devot ees offer obeisances) So what we have to42

295-1 INDORE-12-13- 70RCdo in that connection?4:P: The water? (break ) Where is your son? (Hindi) This is materialconception.(end)43

295-2Room Conversat ionIndore 12/13/70<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: ••• your devata fin ished. But your relationship withKrsna will never finish--nityo nityanam--because you are nitya,Krsna is nitya. That relat ionship, we have to reestablish thatrelation. That is the function of the human body. If you aresimply busy with this temporary nature, then you are losing time.The temporary relationship will. ••Just like I came here; now,tomorrow I am going. So, say, for fortnight the relation wasthere. Nowyou'll have another relation. Similarly, after thisbody I do not know what relation, what father, mo the r, I will getand what relat ion will be established. What community will beestablished I do not know. And then I will forget. Now those whoare Indian, but suppose in his last b irth he was Chinaman. He hasforgotten. Now he's fighting for India's cause.(sic:) In theCh inaman is fight ing for China's cause. Th is is disease.Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches,jivera svarupa haya nityakrsna dasa. ·l e are ready to serve all the dayitas, (?) butet ernal servitude is Krsna. That we have to establish. Thentyaktva deham punar janma na iti mam et i. Then, after leaving thisbody, he has no more to accept this material body and createanother society, another family, another relat ionship, anotheratmosphere. So because we are not Krsna conscious ,in Krsnasociety, therefore we are dividing. Suppose one animal is born inIndia or in America.We don't take him as "my brother. He is1

295-2 INDORE-12-13-70 RCalso born in the same national." No. He kills it. He givesprotection only to the animal with hands and legs, not to theani mals who are four-legged. Because he is not Krsna consc ious,the refore his knowledge is imperfect. Panditah sama- darsinah. Weare fight ing between the different relig ions because there is noKrsna relig ion, no eternal relig ion , tempo rary relig ion. "I amChristian,""I am Hindu," "I am C>luslim." 1'herefore:, to solve allthe problems the Krsna consciousness: sa rva-dha ru.an parityajyamam ekam. Take to Krsna; everything will be solved.So they arereading Bhagavad -g ita but they do not know this. Therefore wehave to preach. For thirteen years they are attending thisBhagavad-g ita class or Gita Bhavan, but nobody knows that this ist he Gita, this is the fact. Why? (Hindi) You tell me. Bhagavadgita as it is we are presenting , as it is. Then .it will be nice.If you understand Bhagavad-g ita as it is,then you'll beprofited. If you make your irrelevant commentaries, that "Krsnameans this,and Pandava means this, and the Kuruksetra meansa nother thing, another thing ," volumes of book s and yearstog ether lecturing , what is benefit? You do not know theprinciples. Simply waste of time. Srama eva hi keva lam. Dharmahsvanusthitah pumsam visvaksena kathasu yah, notpadayed ratim yadisrama eva h i kevalam. If anyone is serving the cause of hisreligion very perfectly, very nicely, so-called nicely, but afters erving or observing the rules and regulation , one 's religiousp rinciples, if he does not understand what is God andrelationship with Him and does not become attracted to Krsna,orGod , then all, whatever he has done, itis simply waste of time.2

295-2INDORE-12-13-70RCSo Krsna consciousness i so nice and so important. Aiye Aiye.You can make some place here. Make. Oh, you have to go. Nowavailable. Ava ilable. (?) Yes ,we are ready. Cooe. By who? He didnot know? Then wher e • • ?(end)3

3 88-12INDORESrimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.22-December 13 , <strong>1970</strong>P rabhupada : So Gita-bhavana is also imitating?Hansadutta : They're also getting up ea rlier .P: Earlier?H: I don 't know .P: So this is very important point, Sukadeva Gosvami says. Thisis authority, that nasta-sadacaro dasyah samsarga-d usitah. Assoon as there will be contam ination of illicit sex life, he willbe bereft of all good character, this basic principle. And thewhole world is now encouraged in that way. So how we can expectgood character from the modern man? There is no possibility,ifwe accept this statement of Srimad-Bhagavatam given by SukadevaGosvami, nasta-sadacaro dasyah samsarga-dusitah. So Ajamila,being contaminated by that illicit sex life with a prostitute, helost all his brahmin ical qualifications and gradually he was inneed of money. Just like the other day I gave you the instance ofa big high court judgebecause he was also of that type. I knowhis private character. He was most debauch and therefore hewanted money, ten thousand rupees per month. And in spite of hisposit ion as a high court judge and getting four thousand, fivethousand salary, he could not check from his fall down. So thisis natural. If you indulge in illicit sex life and naturallyother things, intoxication, gambling, then there will be no limitof expenditure. And to meet all those expenditure one has to1

388-1 2 INDORE-12-13-70SB-6 :1:22adopt cheating or stealing. These processes has to be.Indian woman:(Hindi)P: But • • • (Hin di) So by any means money wanted. So he adopted alldisrespectful profession--cheating , gambling and stealing, anyway to live. Bandy-aksaih kaitava is caurya ir garhitam vrttimasthitah,bibhrat kutumbam asucir yatayam asa dehinah. The onlyattraction is family, kutumba. So for the sake of ma intainingfamily ,he w as committing all kinds of sinful activities. Sothere was one Ajamilaat that time, but you will find manyAjamilas lik e that at the present moment because it is the age ofKali. There was one Ravana.In the dress of a sannyasi hekidnapped Lord Ramacandra's wife, and nowadays you will find manyRavanas like that. You see? The so-called sannyasis, theirbusiness is to •••This tendency is always there, but according tothe age, sometimes it is very prom inent and sometimes not soprominent. But this material world is so contaminated. In thedays of Ramacandra people were hankering after the kingdom ofRama, even there was Ravana, in the days of Ramacandra. And whatto speak of all these nonsense debauches? Ramanandra was sostrict, and God Himself was ruling , and still, there was Ravana.But because Ramacandra was there he was also killed. Paritranayasadhunam. God's business is to protect the faithful and kill thedemons. That is always. Therefore we find Lord Visnu , the foursymbolic representation: for killing, the club and the cakra, andfor protecting ,the lotus flower and conchshell. Evam ni vasatastasya lalayanasya tat-sutan, kalo 'tyagan mahan rajannastasityayusah samah. In this way he was living with his2

388-12 INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22prostitute wife, and many children he got because he wasattracted to the prostitute, say, at the age of twenty, veryyoung man. And as such •••(aside) Aiye . He begot many children.He begot many children. Evam nivasatas tasya lalayanasya tatsutan.Tat-sutan. Here it is not stated that it is Ajamila 's son.The tat-sutan means the children were of the prostitute. Becauseshe was not marr ied,therefore that woman did not belong to him.Just like aland you possess. The prod uction goes to thepossessor of the land ,not to others. Therefore, because theprostitute was not married to Ajamila, her sons were notAjamila's sons. They were all sons of the prostitute. Therefore,at least still in India a prostitute's son has no pos it ion in thesociety. Evam nivasatas tasya lalayanasya tat-sutan , kala atyagatmahan rajann astasityayusah samah. In this way, when he was abouteight years old,at that time, time came when he was to die.Tasya pravayasah putra dasa tesam tu yo avamah, balo narayanonamna pitros ca dayito bhrsam. Out of his many children , elderlychildren ••• He was eighty years old. They were all elderlychildren , grown up children, and there were ten , ten elderlychildren. Out of them, tesam tu yo avamah, the youngest child,youngest child was named as Narayana. Tasya pravayasah put ra dasatesam tu yo avamah, balo, "a boy," narayano namna: "His name wasNarayana." Pit ros ca dayito bhrsam. Naturally the youngest childbecomes very favorite to the parents. So this Ajamila was verymuch attached to the youngest child . Sa baddha hrdayas tasminnarbhake kala-bhasini. The youngest child, naturally • ••This isthe attraction of family life. When a small baby smiles,immediately the father, mother and relatives become attracted.3

388-12INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22When the child begins tv talk broken language, they enjoy. Unlessthis attraction is there it is not possible to raise the childwith affection. That is natural. That affection is even in theani mals. You'll find a dog , even a tiger, eve ryo ne. Thataffection is there in the every • • • Monkey. I have seen itpractically. In Kanpur I was staying in a room , and one monkeycame with a child, and the child somehow or other entered intothe window through the bars and the mother became mad. Shethought, "My child is gone." She became mad. So somehow or other,again I pushed that monkey out of the bars and immediately sheembraced the child and took away. Just see. The affection isthere.Indian man (l) : Can I ask you one thing?P: Yes .1: I am informed that female monkey has got the highestaffection for the baby, and when, after the death of the baby,she attaches the baby... affectionP: Yes . It dries up . When the dead body dries up .1 : • • . to her and continues to carry on the dead body until thedead body falls away to that shegoes on carrying the dead body on her bosom. This is so saidabout the female monkey.P: So therefo re in the society the parental affection is taken asvery good qualification.But such qualification is visible evenin the an imals. so that is not a very good qualification . That isnature's law.Unless the m other and the child are not soaffectionately connected, it is not possible for the child to4

388-12 INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22grow up. That is nature's law. But that is not a qualification.Child simplicity • • • These things are very much eulog ized in thesociety, child's simplicity, mother's affection. They arenecessary. But they are not qualification to raise one to thespiritual platform. Just like this debauch , Ajam ila. Hischaracter is abominable but he's still very much affectionate tothe younge st child. That is state d here. In one place hischaracter is describ ed, that he use to live by cheating , bystealing , by gambling . This was his life's profession. But still,he was very much affectionate to the child, the youngest child.Sa baddha-hrdayas tasminn arbhake kala-bhasini, niriksamanas tallilammumude jaratho bhrsam. Jarathah vrddhah. So although he wasvery old, still he was en joying the child's play, pastimes, thesame thing. Just like Maharaja Nanda, and Yasoda was enjoying thechildish pastimes of Lord Krsna, the same thing is pervertedlyreflected in this material world. Father's affection, child'sactivities. Beca use we are part and parcel of Krsna , the samething you'll find in thetranscendental world. The Mayavadiphi losophers, they cannot adjust. They think that if the samethings are there in the spirit ual world, then what is thedifference between the spiritual and the material? That is thedefect of mayavada philosophy. But if they are seriously studentsof Vedanta-sutra • • • It is stated clearly in the ve ry beg inn ing ,janmady asya yatah. The Supreme Asolute Truth is that from whicheverything emanates. So this affection between the child and thefather or m other, if it is not there in the original Ab soluteTruth,wherefrom it comes? Do you follow? If the Absolute Truthis the source of e verything then whatever you will see here in5

388-12 INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22this material world they are simply reflection of the original.How you can defy(?)? How the Absolute Truth can be nirakara,nirvisesa, without any variety, if the Absolu te Truth is thesource of everything. So these varieties of this material world ,wherefrom it carne?What is the answer?Indian rnan (2) : From God .P: Then how God can be nirakara or impersonal?2: Nirakara means all-pervading .P: That is another thing . All-p ervading we also accept. He isbrahrnajyot i. He is spread all over the creation. That is Hisnirakara. Another meaning of nirakara, that He hasn't got Hisform like us--sac-cid-ananda-vigraha--you may say that. Ornirakara means where the varieti es are not manifested. Just likeyou go to the sunshine. You don't find any rest. Your plane mustfly on, fly on, fly on, unless you get a support in some planet.Either you go to the moon planet or rem ain in this planet , youmust have a suppor t. Otherwise the effulg ence, the suneffulgence, the sun light is notSimilarly,brahrnajyoti is like that, just like sunshine, but you cannot restthere. If you want rest then you have to take shelter under thelotus feet of Krsna. That is stated in the Bhagavatarn. Ye 'nye'ravindaksa virnukta-rnaninas: Those who are in the impersonalsituation , they think themselves that they have become liberated .Exactly the same example.Suppose you are very high in thesunshine. Do you thin k, "Now I am liberated from worldlyconnection. I am far, far away, or high." Bu t unless you haveshelter, you have to fly. This is crude example. Similarly, these6

388-12 INDORE-12-13- 70 SB-6:1:22impersonalist, they are in the liberated atmosphere, that's afact. Brahman. He has realized that "I am not this matter. I amBrahman." And because he has no information in t he brahma jyotithere are innumerable planets, he thinks that "This is all inall, this jyoti, brahmajyoti." That is his imperfect knowledge.2: That is not the ult imate end .P: No .2: He was just in the • . .P: Ultimate end means you can remain. Go on flying , flying ,flying . But that will exhaust your energy and you'll like to takeshelter in any planet. And because they have no informat ion ofthe Va ikuntha planets they again come to these material planets,That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Because they have norest, they become perturbed. Therefore this sloka says , ye •nye•ravindaksa vimukta-maninas tvayy asta-bhavad avisuddhabuddhayah:"Because these impersonalists, although the y arealmost liberated, still, on account of their negligence to thelotus feet of the Supreme Lord, without having shelter, theirintelligence is not purified still." They are simply acceptingsomething opposite to these imperfect varieties of this materialworld. They want to make the spiritual world without va riet iesbecause they have got a very bad experience of this materialvarieties. So their conception is just the opposite. Just theopposite. There must not be any varieties. Just like there are ...They say Krsna...Because they are convinced the Supreme Brahmanis impersona l, brahmajyoti, so when brahmajyoti appears, He musttake a form of this material world. Just like we are spiritualsparks but we have taken this material form in this mater ial7

388-12 INDORE-12-13- 70 SB-6 :1:22world ,so they take it also that God , when He comes, appears, Healso accepts a material body. That is called Mayavadi. But Krsnas ays that janma karma me divyam: "When I come I do not accept amater ial body." Divyam, janma divyam. It is comp letely spiritual.And yo janati tattvatah: "Anyorre who knows it, he becomeslib erated." But these Mayavddi philosophers, they do not knowHim ; therefore they are not liberated. Do you follow? Yes. Theyare not liberated. Krsna says,"One who knows perfectly wellabout Me, he becomes liberated ." But they do not know. They aceptKrsna as ordin ary man. Avajananti mam mudhah. Because they arerasca ls, they accept Krsna as ordinary human being .God candisplay Himself, manifest Himself, just exactly like ordinaryhuman . Just like when He was displaying Himself as a child, aperfect child to mother Yasoda,He would break everything ifmother Yasoda would not supply a makhana, you see, as if He is inneed of makhana. But these Mayavadis, they said, "Oh , here is •••How He can be God?" Brahma became bewildered: "How th.is boy canbe the Supreme Lord? Let me test." s o... Indra becamebewilder ed. Muhyanti yat surayah, the Bhagavatam says. Even big ,big demigods , they become bewildered to understand.Krsna was present, Indra, he w anted to test Him, andSo whenBrahmawanted to test Him, whether H e is actually God. So that isintelligence. I f anyone declares ••• People are ••• Sometimes a socalledincarnations are, they are claring that, "I am God."Then one should test whether actually God. That is intelligence.Simply by declaring if somebody decla res falsely that "I amGod • • •" Just like this Ramakrishna. He declared that "I am the8

3 88-12INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22same Krsna and Rama.• Is it not? You do not know?2: I haven't got a basic idea, but he was taken in the world •••P: That is the • •• How he has taken? How he waa taken? There isno, in the sastra s , any confirmation . He was accepted byVivekananda. He sa id that "I am the same Rama and Krsna ," andVivekananda accepted. So anyone can say like that: anyone canaccept. But that is the test? What is the proof? You can say that"I am the same Rama and Krsna," but because you say, I'll have toaccept? So that is nonintelligent. So the Brahma and Indra, theyare not fools. When they saw that "A boy is in Vrndavana and Heis accep ted as the supreme Lord and He is doing something likeGod. Let us test," so Brahma took away all His cows and calvesand playmates. And aft er a second, when he came ,he saw the samecows, same calves, same boys were there. Krsna has expanded.Although His cows were taken away, He immed iately expandedHim self in so many cows and calves and boys.An d when theyreturned horne their mother could not recognize that they were thesame or Krsna has expanded. But their affection became ve ry muchacute for their children. These stories are ment ioned in"Krsna." You have read it? Yes.H: Yes .P: Krsna expanded . So Brahrna understood that "It was my faultthat I wanted to test my Lord." Then he came and surrendered, andthere is a very nice stotra of Brahma.Indian man ( 3) : Stotra says Brahrna didn't know something about . • •P: Yes, even if he knew , but sometimes he become bewildered.Therefore it i s . . , Bhaga vata says that even the b1g, bigdemigods,they become bewildered. Janmady asya yatah anvayad9

3 88-12 INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22itaratas ca arthesu abhijna svarat tene brahma hrda muhyantiyatra surayah. That maya is so strong that they can bewilder apersonality like Brahma and Indra, and what to speak of us? Mayais so strong. Similarly, Indra was also bewildered when Hestopped Indra-yajna. Krsna, when He asked His father, "The re isno need of Indra-yajna." He is under the order of the SupremeLord. He did not say ••, Krsna said to Nanda Mahara ja that "I amthe Supreme Lord," but He said, "He is working under the SupremeLord. He has to supply water. There is no need of ya jna." Inother words , Krsna is not in favor of any type of demigodworship. No . In the Govardhana chapter He stressed: simply theSupreme Personality of Godhead shou ld be satisfied. That isstated everywhere, in Bhagavad-g ita also, kama is ta is ta ir hrtajnanah.So Indra, when his yajna was stopped, so he tried topunish theinhabitants of Vrndavana by tor rents of, incessanttorrents of rain for seven days--havoc. The whole Vrndavana wasto be drowned under water, and Krsna immediately lifted the wholeGovardhana Hill. And He stood seven days without tak ing any foodand protected all the inhabitants of Vrndavana . Now God isdisplaying a s ..:;od. When these thing s are there the rascals willsay, "Oh, these are all legends." When God displays Himself asGod the rascals take it as legend. Just see. They do not bel ievein the sastras. They interpret in a different way. Is it not?Yes. An d this is going on. And they are supposed to be ... What istheir interpretation about this Govardhana Hill? Do you know?Krsna 's lifting the Govardhana Bill, what, how they interpret it?I know, the Mayavadis, they do not accept. Or"Krsna is ordinary10

388-12INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22human being." The Arya -samajhis and others, they take it aslegend. But the acaryas , they do not take it as legend . Thereforewe have to follow the acaryas.woman devotee: Is it true when you said that the hill, there iscracks?P: Why not?woman devotee : You said it cracked in the middle.P : So therefore Arjuna sa id, sarvam etam rtam manye yad vadasimam. This is devotee, that "I accept eve rything , whatever Yousay." This is devotee, not that I make some amendment and then Iaccept. And this is nonsense. You cannot •••This is ca l led ardhakukuti-nyaya.ardha-kukuti-nyaya means one man was keeping a henand it was delivering every day a golden egg . So the man thought ,"It is very profitable but it is expensive to feed this hen.Better cut the head so I shall save the expnditure of feeing herand 1111 get the eggs without any charge." So these rascals, theytake, accept sastras like that. "Oh, this is not ... That is veryexpensive. Cut this po rtion." And when Krsna says that "Anyonewho sees M e in e v eryone," oh, that is ve ry palatable. That isvery pa latable. And when Krsna says , "You give up everything . Yousurrender .. ," " Oh , that is not palatable. And this is ardhakukuti-nyaya.I acc ept things which are ve ry favorable to myundersta nding and other th ings I reject. This is ca lled ardhakukuti-nyaya. So people accept sastras in that way , theMayavadis .Ind ian man (3) : But one who is self-realized , he interprets themout , the slokas or ...P: There is no interp reta ... Krsna says. In the Bhagavata it is11

388-12INDORE-12-13- 70 SB- 6:1:22' · "'!said that He lifted the mountain just like a child snatch oneflower or the • •, what is calle d? Yes. Mushroom. Yes. So easily.They do not believe .3: No, but in Bhagavata there are many slokas interpreted by manyteachers and •••P: Those who believe in Bhagavata, they do not interpret. Thosewho do not believe in Bhagavata, they interpret.3: But its meaning has to be understood .P: Meaning is clea r . There is nothing to be understood. But therascals, they draw their own meaning . Just like Bhagavad-g ita.What is the difficulty to understand this, dharma-kset re kuruksetresamaveta yuyutsava ,mamakah pandavas caiva kim akurvatasanjaya ? What is the difficulty to understand Kuruksetra is areligious place, acknowledged by the Vedas, and it is going onstill? Why do they interpret, "Kuruksetra means this body"? Is itnot rascal? Why there is interpretation when you understand athing very clearly? Eh?3: Because Kuruksetra is to be taken as a particular place .P: Not taken. It is still there. Why do you interpret that thisis body? Is it not rascaldom? No devotee, no acarya has donethis, but these modern so-cal led scholars and leaders, they havedone it. Are they not rascals? What do you think? Eh?3: No , rascals ... My repres entative ( ?) orders that "The peoplelisten to me •.."P: So , why they should say? Now , you are a lawyer .3: We do not knowP: And why do they ••? What is the difficulty? Dharma-ksetra kuru-12

388-1 2 INDORE-12-13- 70 SB-6 :1:22ksetra, is that a very diffic ult Sanskrit? Now, there is noquestion. Even in • • • If you do not understand Sanskrit, what isthe diffic ulty to understanddharma -ksetra. Is it not a Hindiword? Kuruksetra is a name of p lace. So what is the difficulty?Why do you interpret that Kuruksetra means this body?Thisrascaldom has killed the whole spiritual atmosphere of India.They are responsib le, these rascal politicians, the rascals cholars, so-calle d. Actually if we want good of the people,these rascals should be disc losed and people should come back . Weshou ld •••Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-g ita as it is. Whywe should interpret ? You know, you , as a lawyer. When there islegal point, if it is not clear, one lawyer is trying to extractsome meaning and t he other lawyer is extract. •.It is ... Afterall,the judgesgive the judgement.So this interpretat ion between the twolawyers a re there when the subject matter is not ve ry cle ar. Isit not?3: • . • amongst the judges now hey have passed a ...P: But judg es are not perfect and the law is also not perfect.But I am simply speaking of the procedu re. The law ib not. perfectbecause it is manmade, and judges, because he is human ,he isalso not perfect. So that :n:perfectness you must find. Bu t I ancspeak ing of the procedure. You have to speak on the lawbooks. Youcannot. • . In the la w court you cannot speak beyond the la wbook s.And the lawbook s ... Suppose one sect ion is not ve ry clear.Youfight:"This should be interpreted like th is. Th is should beinterpreted." I am tak in hat procedure. But when it is clear doyou interpret?13

·.1•.' I388-12 INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:223 : It is ot possible .P: That's not possible. Simila rly, Bhagavad-g ita, it is clear,dharma-kset ra kuru-ksetra. Why these rascals say that Kuruksetrameans body?3: Even according to the rules of interpretation, in the books itis stated, "When the words are clear, you should ..•"P: That is eternally fact .3: (too faint)P: Yes . Yes .3 : If the lanq uage is ab8olutely clear, the language shou ld beinterpreted ... (unintelligible)P: Yes. So w hen the lang uage is clear it is .•• Just likeanything you take, all these Vedic literatures, simply byinterpretation they have played havoc . Now, this Vedanta-sutra,Vedanta , is accept ed as the supreme author ity of Ved icliterature. Janmady asya yatah, the sutra, that janmady asyaya tah: "The Absolut e Truth must be the or ig ina 1 source ofeverything ." There is no question of interpretation. This is theclear meani ng. Janmadi . Janma means birth and". Janma , sthitiand laya.There are three words in this material world. Thethings c ume out, just like this body has come out from the wombof my mother. It stays for some time, it grows , it gives somebyproducts ,then it becomes old and again van ishes. So thereforejanmady asya :"Beginning from birth up to the ann ihilation,everything is emanation from the AL J1ute Truth." So is not thatvery clear? Absolute Truth must be that which is the sou rce ofeverything and reservoir of everything and who is ma inta ining14

388-12 INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22everything . T hat is the meaning of • • • Now, Bhagavata, because itis interpretation of the Vedanta-sutra,it beg ins from thatsutra, janmady asya yatah. Now, how that janmady asya yatah? Itis explained,janmady asya yatah anvayad itaratas ca arthesuabhijnah. If the orig inal source • • • How the characteristics ofthe original source should be? The original source muot becognizant indirectly and directly of everything . The or ig nalAbsolute Truth sho•l ld be cognizant , abhijna. If he is the sourceof everything , then He must b e cognizant of everything , eitherdirectly or indirectly. Just like for example this body is myprod uct. I a m spiritual spark. This spiritual spark , as soon astakes shelter into the womb o f a woman , it develops th is body.The spiritual spark has that power, develops body. So Iam aspirit soul, I have develop ed this body. That means I am aspiritual spark, which is source of this body, all mechan isms.And similarl y, the whole crea tion , it is . • , there is supremespirit . The whole creation ,janmady asya yatah. So He knowseveryt h ing because He is pe rfect. But I do not know. Although itis b y m y energy this body is produced. I do not know how theseveins are cre ated, how these bones are created. I do not know.Therefore I am not God . I do not know • • • I say, "my body ," butactually this body has developed , m e, as spirit soul , but I donot know howmany hairs are there on my head and how it isg rowing. But He knows. That is a characteristic of the AbsoluteTruth. He must b e knowing everything and that is confirmed in theBhagavad-g i ta. Veda 'uam sarnatitani: "I know everything in thepast. I know what will happen in the future. I know everyth ing."That is God .When Ar juna was asked to Krsna that "How can I15

388-12 INDORE-12-13- 70SB- 6 : 1 : 22accept that you taught this philosophy to sun-god? Because Youare my contemporary. We are born practically on the same date."so He replied, "Yes. Both you and Me, we took many, many births.But you have forgotten. I know everything." And that is God. Thatis God. Abhijna. God must be cognizant of everything . And I donot know everything , and still, I claim I am God and peopleaccept. How rascal. The Bhagavata explains that the Ab soluteTruth is cognizant of everything ,abhijna. "So how His knowledgeis so perfect?"--the next question because we become cognizant bytaking knowledge or accepting knowledge from spiritual master.But how he has become so cognizant? The answer is svarat, fullyindependent. He hasn't got to learn • • • (break) But He is Godwithout tak ing knowledge from anybody. That is real God . Svarat.In this way Srimad-Bhagavatam has explained the Vedanta-sutras,that Srimad-Bhagavatam is the right explanation of Vedanta-sutra.Bhasyayam brahma-sutranam. The Brahma-sutra means Vedanta-sutra.And the real commentary and explanation is Srimad-Bhagavatam , ofVedanta . But these Vedantists, so-called Vedantists , they do notread Srimad-Bhaga vatam. Even read ,they make a differentinterpret atj on because to make them popu lar they have to gothroug h Bhagavata sometimes. I see Aksajananda also tries toexpla in. But they explain in their ownway. Just like "ThisKuruksetra, this body, and this means . . • " I in a • . .Long ag o inBombay thisAk sajananda expla ining one sloka. I just forget, butI remember his interpretation ,that "When I am satisfied , God issatisfied."He expla ined like that. And he is passing on as agreat scholar and great sannyasa.He sa id like that, "When I am16

388-12 INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22satisfied,God is sati sfied--because I am God." We say, "When Godis satisfied, then I am satisfied." If you say that "When thefinger is satisfied, the whole bodyis satisfied," it ispossible?4: No .P: So in this way, misinterpretation, malinterpretation , andpeop le are gliding down to abominable condition of this materiallife . So our Krsna consciousness movement is a protest againstall this nonsense. And therefore we, sometimes we areunpop ula r. But we don't care for that. Popular o r unpopu lar , wemust go on with our b usiness. What do you think?Syamasundar(?) : Yes.Indian man ( S ): Do you mean one has to • • •p: Yes .5: Unpopularity also means you are creating something .P: Yes . (laughs) That is the reaction .5: Bere because • • • (too faint)P: So therefore so quickly we have become popular in the foreigncountries. Even the priestly class, the Christian pr iestly class,they have recognized that "We are preaching about God, Bible; wecould not create such nice boys and girls. And all these youngboys, the'' w ere Chri stians and they are attracted , attached toswami, and they are so nice." They can apprec iate that theircharacter and t heir behavior, everyt hing is so godly. They areastonished .5: (too faint)P: So therefore the Christian priests, they do not go ag ainst us.They appreciate. One Christian priest was talk ing on plane when I17

388-12INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22was going to Hawaii. He was so much appreciating my students. Soat heart, they are appreciating. The government is apprec iating,the public is appreciating. Many fathers come and say, "Oh,Swamiji, we are so fortunate that you have come. You have savedour sons and daughters. "And they fall flat to offer m eobeisances, although he is not my disciple. And those a redirectly father and mother, oh, they come to congratulate meinany way because they understand that "Here Swamiji is giving oursons and daug hters spiritual life." They hope.They werehopeless. They were confused.so that is not my credit. I amsimply presenting the right thing without •••Bhagavad-gita as itis, without malin terpretation,spoiling time and energy.Everywhere I say like that, that "I have no credit, but •• , "because the only credit is that I do not adulterate. Now here,you see,the Bhagavata says that nasta-sadacaro dasyah samsargadusitah.Because this man , this brahmana boy, Ajamila, in hisboyhood... He became attached to the prostitute when he was abouttwenty years o 1 1, young man,and he lost his brahminicalquali fi... Nasta-sadacaro. But the Bhagavata says ... "Now,at thepresent moment, there are so many so-called brahmanas. They haveno sadaca ra. Still they are passing as brahmana." Illicit sex,intoxication, meat-eating--everyth ing is there, but he is abrahmana. Is it not?5: Eight per cent . Accepted by birth .P: But here Bhagavata says, nasta-sadacara. As soon as • . • How?Dasyah samsarga-dusitah:"Because he is attached with aprostitute, he has lost all his qualifications." At the present18

388-1 2INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22moment to become attached to a prostitute is no fault. Thesociety accepts. "Oh, that's all •••Young man goes to that." Doesnot mind. But he does not know that this association will makehim fall down to the lowest stage of human life.And that isstated next, that he used to live on these principles--beg ,borrow, steal and gambling-- and he was degraded. And how he wasdegraded? That will be explained. So people do not take ca re oftheir sastras. They make their own interpretation and thereforeIndia 's p osition is so fallen . They are guided . The great rsisand great s ages, they have given them guidance. Vyasadeva hasgiven guidance. Lokasyajanato vidvams cakre satvata-samhita. Iti s stated. "People are rascals, fools. In order to teach themnicely, this highest learned personality, Vyasadeva , created theSrimad-Bhagavatam." Lokasya ajanatah. Ajanatah means rascals whohas no knowledge. Anarthopasamam saksad bhakti-yog am adhoksaje,lokasya ajanato vidvams cakr e satvata-samhitam. Whateverabominable characteristics we have developed ,if we want t ocounteract it,we have to take to bhakti-yog a only. An a rtha.Anartha. We have developed so many anartha. We don 't require it,but we have developed all these symptoms. So anartha upasamam. Soif you want to cut down these anarthas, then bhakti-yogamadhoksaje--you have to accept this bhakti-yoga princ iple to theadhoksaja. Lokasya ajanato: "These rascal men, they do not knowit." Therefore vidvams cakre satvata samhitam: "The most learnedVyasadeva compiled this Srimad-Bhagavatam." And they do not takecare of Bhagavata. They do not take care of Bhagavad-g ita. Theytake care of a book written by some rascam leaders. That's all.The aim of that book is to kill Krsna. That's all. So how you can19

388-1 2INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 : 1 : 22improve? It is not possible. If they actually want improvement,not onlyl this country or that country, whole world to world , onehas to take this Krsna consciou sness movement; otherwise it isdoomed. So we are giving the best service to the human society-­Krsna consci ousness. You came yesterday? No. This gentleman? Yes?No, you are coming first? So that boy, he was to immediatelyoffer his service to join us. "We can join you if you flatter me.whatever I know, i f you accept, that's all, then I can. l\Odifyou say something against my conviction , oh, then I am not goingto join." But here the proc ess is, first is, you first surrender.Whatever you know, nonsense, you give it up. First of all becomeblank slate. So I was told by some authority, a very responsibleman, that in Germany there are musical institution. So when astudent who goes there who knows something about musical art, heis charged more. Is it a fact? He is charged more.He is chargedmore becaus e extra endeavor has to be done to make him forgetwhat nonsen se he has learned. Because this learning is allnonsense, so one has to take ... Just like so many people come. Ihave to talk so many hours to forget, to make him forget what'nonsense he has learned . So he should be charged more, thisstudent. And one who comes as blank slate ... They have acceptedKrsna consciousness because they are blank slates. An d in Ind iathey think that they have learned so many thing s. Yes. They havelearned from Ramak r ishnan , they have learned from Au robindo , theyha ve learned from Vivekananda, the Ramakrishnan , this, that, somany nonsense--except Krsna. They have learned everything from somany nonsense e xcept Krsn a. No w here there is so much20

388-12INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22advertisment of Rama Tirtha •••Just see these American boys , theydo not know even the name of Ramakrishnan in America.5 : (too faint)P: Huh? But ask them. They do not know even. He might have goneto Chicago. That's all right. But what is his influence there?But here it is advertised ,"Oh, Rama Tirtha went to America.Vivekananda went to ••• "Devotee(6) :There was no temple like that in Chicago, <strong>Prabhupada</strong>.P: Eh?6: There was not temple like that in Chicago .P: No .Devotee (?) :(too faint)P: They never heard of the Rama Tirtha. And here . • • Just likehomeopathies. They advertise ,"American homeopathies." But thereis not a sing le shop of homeopathic medicine in America , not asingle shop. And this is going on. All these togus homeopathicpractitioners, they write, "American homeopathic med ic ine ," andso on, so on. They do not allow this homeopathic medicine as bonafide practice. They are not so foolish that you will give waterand it will be accepted as medic ine. There you cannot ask evenany medicine directly from the drug shop without doctor'sprescription. If you go, offering to amedical drug shop and"Give me this medicine," no, he'll not do so. "Br ing doctor'sprescription." That islaw.5: He can't do that.P: Eh? No, you cannot directly take supply of the med ic inewithout doctor's prescription . So, so many things are going on ,bogus21

388-12INDORE-12-13-70 SB-6 :1:22Yamuna: (too faint) • • • you ' 11 find Ame ricans • • •P: Yes. Even in my absence many centers are developing. When Icame back to India this time •••There were thirty-five or thirtytwocenters. Now it is forty-two.5: (too faint)P: Yes. They are increasing. Here, India difficulty--we have tomake them forget all nonsense he has learned. Tha t is thedifficulty. And here, there in America I got all nice blankslates,and whatever I say they accepted and i mprovement isimmediately there. And here the people are coming to test me, totalk with me nonsense and waste my time.7: The ones who have come here, they are not aware of this• • •morning (too faint)P: But they are not gen uine. That is the difficulty. They want • • •They c ome and as soon as they say, "Oh, Swarniji is speakingsomething against our conviction," they reject that.7 : But are they aware that • •?P: No, even they are aware, so many came and they are not coming .Because the nonsense was stopped , they are, that "Oh , Swamijiis •••" They have not come. They want that whatever nonsense theyhave learned, I have to confirm: "Yes, it is right." Just likethe Ram akrishnan mission says , "Whatever you do, it is allright," I have to say that. Then I am good. And as soon as I say,"You a re wrong , nonsense, rascal, you do not know anything •••"(laughter) Satyarn bruyat priyarn bruyat rna bruyat satyarn apriyarn.You tell truth but it must be very palatab le. If you say truthunpalatable, then you will create enemies. But how can I do so in22

388-12INDORE-· 12-13-70SB-6:1:22the spiritual knowledge?Indian man (8): In the Bhagavata • • • (too faint)I get up at fourin the morning • • • (too faint)P: There is a prove rb that "If you go to a prostitute, go in them o rning. (laughter) Not at night." In the morn ing you will seeher real beauty. Give some prasadam to the • • • All right. (break)Prasadam should be taken in any cond ition . This dhoop is verynice,though.Ind ian man (9): (too faint)P: Where is • • •? what is the brand of this dhoop? It is locallymanufactured? No.9: No , no .P: Where is?9: (too faint)P: Yes, it is very good. No, it is very good. So that discussionwe shall have privately? All right. So let us go to the otherroom. (end)23

1-.. :,··,::.: . ' .., ! .. ·-:t ·':- .

(295-9)Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1 .32Surat , India 12/16/70<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Ke yuyam pratiseddharo dharma-rajasya sasanam, ucurnisedhitas tams te vaisvasvata-purahsarah.So the constables ofYamaraja inquired from the vaikunthaduta,the messengers ofVa ikuntha that yuyam pratiseddharah: "Why you arP. interrupting inour business?" Pratiseddharo. Pratiseddharah. P ratiseddharahmeans the opposing elements. "Why you are opposing? We areYamaduta. It is our duty to take away a sinful man, sinful soul,like Ajamila, who has simp ly acting misdeedsthroughout hiswhole life. Now, at the end of his life, we are authorized totake him to the Yamaraja. Why you are preventing us? Why you areinterrupting in our business?" Kasya va kuta ayatah kasmad asyanisedhatha, kim deva upadeva va yuyam kim siddha-sattamah. Sobecause the Visnudutas were very beautiful, four-handed,exact lyresembling Lord Visnu • • • As I have explained , in theVa ikunthaloka all the inhab itants, their feature of the body areexactly like Lord Visnu , four-handed ,with conchshell, lotusflower , club, and disc . So they never saw Visnuduta before, theseYamadutas, bec ause they g o in an atmosphere where sinfulactivities are executed. But this time they were astonished that"How these beautiful personalities are here?"Kim deva upadevava yuyam kim sid dha-sattamah. So, "Will you kindly let us knowwherefrom you are coming? Are you coming from the Siddhalokaplanet or heavenly planet?" Because in the material world nobody1

(295-9)SURAT- 12-16-70 SB-6 :1:32knows that there is a spiri tual sky beyond this material sky • • •As it is stated in the Bhaga vad-g i ta , paras tasmad tu bhavaanyah: "There is another nature." This is one nature, materialnature, where millions and trillions of universes are clusteredtogether in the cor ner of the spiritual sky. This is only oneuniverse,with in which there are innumerable planets. But thereare million s and trillions o f universes also. That is materialcreation. Material creation means one-fou rth part of the wholecreation. Three-fourths part is spiritual creat ion. Ekamsenasthito jagat. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-g ita ,"This wholematerial world is ex isting in one-fourth of My energy." Kim devaupadeva va bhrsam kim siddha-sattamah,sarve padma-palasaksah.They were very much satisfied by seeing the Visnudutas. Just likein your country they are very much satisfied by seeing your face.They have named you "bright-faced." Why? You are naturally veryb eautiful, b ut they understand, your countrymen, that you haveb ecome more beautifu l by Krsna consc iousness. That's a fact.(aside:) You can sit down there. This is disturbing. So Krsnaconsciousnes sis so nice that naturally it will make youb eautiful, n ot black-faced , not morose, beautiful face. That isthe sign of spiritual advancement. By the face you'll understandthat "Here is a man who is spiritually advanced." Pratyaksamavagamam dharmyam. This process of spiritual consc iousness can bedirectly perceived. It is not theoretical. "Oh, I am a very greatdevotee"--no, simply theoret ical understanding , "I am a greatdevotee • • •" F rom the very face it will be understood. Face isthe index of mind, how you are thinking. If you are thinking of2

(295-9)SURAT-12-16-70 SB-6 :1: 32Krsna always, then your face w ill be beautiful. Therefore it iscal led pratyaksam avagamamdha rmyam , direct perception. There isno theoretical. It is practical. Pratyaksyam avagamamdharmyamsusukham. Then to b ecome such spiritually advanced , is it verydifficult task? No. susukham: very easy and very happy. How it ishappy? Happy because this spiritual consc iousness is developed bycha nting Hare Krsna mantra. That i s very pleasing . With music ,with musical instrument we chant Hare Krsna mantra. There is notroubl e. Even a child can t ak e part, experience. A child alsoclaps7 he a l so dances. So what can b e easier method than this?AnY other method you take, you have to exercise, you have to taxyour brai n, p ress your nose, or so many other things. Bu t hereautomatical ly youchant before aratrika and you becomespi ritually enlightened. Even the child becomes. Therefore it issusukham, v e ry haPPY to exec ute. susukham kartu m avyayam. Andwhatever you do, l ittle, that becomes a permanent asset, avyayam.It is never to b e vanished. Even one percent of devotionalservice you execut e , it will help you again to beg in from thatpoi nt. So h e re is a description of the Va ikuntha-purusa. Sarvepadma-palasaksah:"Your eyes are so beautiful, just like petalsof the lotu s flo w er." And p i ta-kauseya-vasasah. Saffron andyel low. These t wo kinds of c o lors o f garments because •••Thosewho are Mayavadis , imperson a l ists, they cannot understand thatthere is another spiritual w orld and there are spiritual planets,and their inhabi t ants,their bodilY features, are like this,their dres s are l ike... Eve rythi ng is there. But unfortunatepersons, they cannot underst and. They think everything is here.They are that kupa-manduka, frog philosophy, that the frog in the3

(295-9) SURAT-12-16-70 SB-6 :1:32wel l , he cannot understand beyond that well. Similarly, thesematerialistic persons, frog , they cannot understand that there isa Pacific Ocean, or spi ritual world. They are satisfied with thisw ell, three cubic feet welL That's all. And simply imag ining ," God may be l ike this , may be like this, may be like this, andtherefore I am God." So God is so easy that "Everyone is God. Godis loitering in the street as daridra. God as Narayana has becometha t poor, and I am so rich that I can provide Narayana also."This is going on . So, na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadya nten a r a dhamah. P ersons who are very m uch influenced by thismaterialistic way of thought, asuri- bhavam asritah. such personsare always engaged in misdeeds, duskrtina. Misdeeds. Na mamdusk rtino mudh ah. Why they are engaged in misdeeds? Becausemudha--they do not know what is the responsibility of this humanform of life? They are simply wasting their life in animalpropensities, mudha. Mudha is the symbol o ..:. an ass. He does notknow. The ass does not know why he is work ing so hard for thew a s herman. H e carries a very heavy load, but he does not know"WhY I am carrying so much heavy load?" That is the symbol of ana s s. If you wo rk so hard, you must know what benefit you arederi ving out o f it, but the ass does not know. Similarly, thekarmis, they are very busy, very busy accumulating wealth. But hedoe s not know what for he is doing so, why he is so laboringhard. Rsabhadeva says that this life, human form of life ,is notmeant for so m uch hard working. Nayam deho deha-bhajam nrlokekastan kaman a rhate vid-bhujam ye. Why people are taught to workso hard? S imply for morsel of bread and little sense4

( 29 5-9)SURAT- 12-16-70SB-6:1:32gratification?So Rsabhadeva says that that is done by the hogsand dogs. Daily they are whole day and night working: "Where issome food ? Where is some stool?" But that human form of life ismeant for tha t purpose, working hard, so hard like hogs and dogssimply for fulfilling the belly and having sex life? No. So theyshould be taught for tapasya .Nayam deho deha-bhajam nrlok ekastan kaman arhate vid bhuj am ye tapo divyam putraka yenasuddhyet. Rsabhadeva was advising, instructing his sons, "My dearboys, this life is meant for tapo-divyam, for spiritualrealization,austeri ty. That should be taught." So the Krsnaconsciousness movement is teaching that,tapah. Tapah means youhave to accept voluntarily some difficulties . Actually it is notdifficulty because • • • Just like someb ody smok ing , and we areadvising,"Don't smoke." The smoker may feel some inconvenience.But if he voluntarily suffers that inconvenience, that is calledtapasya. Actually he will not die, but because he is practiced toso many nonsense habits, he feels difficulty to give it up. Fromthe birth he is not a drunkard, from birth he is not a smoker,but by bad associati on , so-called civilized association, hebec omes a d runkard, he becomes a smoker, he becomes a womanhunter, he becomes a gamb ler--sinful l ife. So to advance inspiritual life one ha s to give up all these sinful activities;otherwise it is not possible. Some rascal says that "You can dowhatever you like. It has nothing to do with your relig iousness."This is nonsense . Religious life means to approach God , and Godis pure. As it is stated in the Bhagavad-g ita, pa ram brahma paramdhama pavitram paramam bhavan. P avitra. Krsna is addressed byArjuna, pavitram. In the Upanisad it is said, Isopanisad,apapa-5

(295-9) SURAT- 12-16-70 SB-6 :1:32vidham. God cannot be infected by sinful activities. That isGod's • • • Just like we are infected by sinful activities, God isnot like that • • • There is Absolute. So He is always pure. So wehave to make ourselves purified before we can approach theSupreme Personality of Godhead.So these are sinful activities:illicit sex life and meat-eating ,unnecessarily killing theanima ls. Why should you kill animals? If God has given you somany nice foodstuffs--varieties of fruit, varieties of grain,sufficient milk--why should you take to this obnox ious foodstuff?But it is ill luck,unfortunate. By ill association you havelearned all this nonsense. So therefore one has to give up thesenonsense habits. That is called tapasya . Tapo divyam . Whytapasya? Divyam. For spiritual realization. Why it is necessary?Tapo divyam yena suddhyet sattva . Your exi stence will be purif iedbecause •••Just like in diseased condition we cannot relish verypalatable foodstuff. A man, jaundice, suffering from jaundice,ifyou give him something just like candy,sugar candy, he'll tasteit as bitter because he is suffering from jaundice. But sugarcandy is not bitter. Similarly, in our diseased condition, thismaterial body, actually you cannot taste real happiness. That isnot possible. Therefore we have to cure the disease. Bhagavadgitatherefore says curing the disease meansjanma-mrtyu-jaravyadhi-dosa-dos • •, klesa-dosanudarsanam. Those who are actuallyadvancing in spiritual life, they should always keep in frontthat "We may advance in so many things , but these four things-­birth, death, old age, and disease--cannot be solved by our socalledmaterial advancement of science." And Bhagavad-g ita points6

( 295-9) SURAT- 12-16-70 SB-6:1:32out that you should always keep these four principles of miseryin front. Then you'll be able to advance in spiritual path. Andif you become callous--"Oh, death takes place. What is that." Whyyou should die? You are not subjected to death.Na hanyatehanyamane sarire. Even aft er the destruction of this body you donot die. "Then why shou ld I accept this material body?" This isintelligence. This is science. "I do not want to be old. Why Ibecome old?" Nityah sasvato 'yam. Because the living entity iseternal, so why h e should become old? Krsna never becomes old.Krsna's picture you have never seen old. Similarly, you alsocannot bec ome old. So these questions do not arise. They aresimply, I mean to say, engrossed with animal propens ities-­eating , sleeping , mating , and defending--as if these are theproblems. These are no problems. We have created these problems.Eating is no probl em. The animals , they do not endeavor for doingsome work for eating. Eating is already there. The birds , beastsare eating . Simila rly, human body, eating is there. For example,we are, these forty heads, we are trave l ing. So eating is alreadythere. Before our coming , our Padubhai(?) has arranged for oureating. So why should we think for eating? So but actually thatis the fact. There is no problem of eating . They have createdthis problem. God has given enough food. In America they throwaway foodstuff in the ocean. You see. This is nonsense. Becausethey have no Krsna con sci ousness, they do not know that thesefood gra ins belong to Krsna. He has sent. So instead of throwingin the ocean,it should be dispatched to the countries wherethere is scarcity. There cannot be any scarc ity. Purnam idam.Everything created by God is sufficiently purnam. Purnat pu rnam.7

( 295-9) SURAT- 12-16-70 SB-6 :1:32It is... There is arrangement of raining; there is arrangementof producing. We simply, so-called rascals, so-calledpoliticians, they have created all this trouble for theirpolitical ambition. Just like our politicians created thePak istan and Hindustan. So all the foodstuff is there inPakistan. Rice is in East Bengal and wheat is in East Pak istan.So this Hindustan is in shortage, in short of wheat and rice. Sothis is the creation of the politicians. By God's arrang ementeverything is complete. Therefore you have to chang e the wholeconsciousn ess of the people if you want to be happy. That isKrsna consciousness. Thank you very much. Hare Krsna.(break)Devotee(!) : You were talking about Ajamila ,and I would like toknow what is the difference between the p lanetary systems thatthe earth here, or the universe. Is the planetary system theuniverse or is there something beyond the planetary system whichit is situated in? I do not not understand the difference betweenplanetary system and the universe.P: Universe is a covering just ].ike a football, and within that,there are p lanetary system. And these football-lik e universes,they are floating in the Viroja water, where Maha-Visnu is lying.So each universe is covered.Rebatinandan: Like a coconut?P: Eh? Yes .R: Like a coconut half-filled with water?P: Yes. Yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda koti. Jagad-anda.Jagad-anda means this universe, anda, round sphere(?) . Koti. Kotimeans innumerable. Yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda-koti-kotisv8

(295-9)SURAT- 12-16-70 SB-6 :1:32asesa-vasudhadi-v1bhuti-bhinnam. And in each of them there areinnumerable planets , and each planet, the atmosphere is differentfrom one another. Vibhuti-bhinnam. Just like sun planet. It is adifferent thing from this planet, but •••And the moon planet is adifferent thing from this planet. And the scientists, they arethinking that the sun planet being fiery, there cannot be anyliving entity. No. There are. There are living entities. Theirbodies are also fiery. Fire is also one of the elements. Here wehave body with material elements. Major portion is earth, andthere major portion is fire. So somewhere major po rtion is water.so therefore there are v ibhuti-bhinnam, different atmosphere.That is God's creation.Yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda-kotikotisvasesa-vasudhadi-vibhuti-bhinnarn,tad brahrna niskalamanantam asesa-bhut am govindam adi-purusarn tarn aharn bhajami.Govinda's bodily rays is brahmajyoti . The impersonalists,bytheir ascending process they realize brahmajyoti and they think ,"This is end.• No. You have to go further, further. Brahrnano 'hampratistha, Krsna says: "I am the," what is called , "reservoir, orthe background of this brahmajyoti." Background. Because Krsna isthere, therefore b rahmajyoti is there. You'll find always inKrsna's p icture there is a auri. It is called auri?Hansaduta: Aura.P: Aura .R: When Krsna appeared • • • I think the translation in Bhagavadgitabeg ins that "I am the source •••"P: Sit down.R: That "I am the source of impersonal Brahman , which is eternaland the constitutional position of ultimate happiness." Does that9

. (295-9) SURAT- 12-16-70 SB-6 :1:32mean that because everything in the spiritual sky is situated inthe brahmajyo ti, that therefo re it is the position of ultimatehappiness?P: Yes .R: Or is it becau se Krsna is situated in the spiritual sky,therefore the spi ritual sky is the position where there isultimate happiness to be found?P: Yes .R: That is the understanding ?P: Yes. In the spiritual sky you will find happiness , realhappiness. In the material sky there is no happiness. How it canbe happiness because the four things are there, janma-mrtyu-jaravyadhi?If you think it is happiness in spite of your death, thenyou are a fool. You do not want to be a dead man, but you areforced to accept death. You do not want to become old man , butyou are forced to accept.And these things, if you accept-­happiness--that is your foolishness. Vyadhi. Ja ra vyadhi,disease. If you are constantly suffering from various types ofdiseases and if y ou think you are happy, that is anotherfoolishness. Therefore Bhagavata says , parabhavas tavad abodhajatoyavan najijna sata atma-t attvam,that "All the foolishpersons who are born foolish, all their activities are defeat forthem unless they are enlightened to inqu ire about atma-tattvam,"So in the modern education there is no department for inquiringabout atma-tattva m. And they are proud of advancement oflearning . But Bhagavata says , parabhava: "These are all defeat."They do not know what is atma, what is atma-tattva. They are10

(295-9) SURAT- 12-16-70 SB-6 :1:32identifying , "I am this body," "I am Indian," " I am American," "Iam Gu jarati," "I am Bengali," "I am this," "I am that." Yasyatmabuddhihkunape tri-dhatuke, sa eva go-kharah. Anyon e whoidentifies himself with this body, he is nothing but ass and cow.And that is going on. We are fighting , nations and nations,community and community, relig ious party and religious par ty-­because due to the misidentification of body. Therefore Krsnaconsciousness beg ins when one is above this bodily concept oflife. Sarvopadhi-vin irmuktam. These are upadhis , designations. sothese Krsna conscious boys and girls , they are no longer think ingthat "I am American ," "I am Canadian," "I am French," "I amGerman." No. "I am Indian." No. They know certainly that "I ampart and parcel of Krsna. I am eternally servant of Krsna." Andthat is our real identity. That is Krsna consciousness. They areno more interested to be identified as American or European. Andthis is knowledge. And this is mukti. If one is under themisconception that "I am American," "I am Indian," then how thereis mukti? There is no mukti. Mukti means svarupena avasthiti, tostay in his own constitutional position. That is called mukti.So this movement is very important movement . Everyone shouldseriously study and execute this. Don't be carried away by theillusory ideas of material existence.Sarvopadhi-vin i rmukta m. Itis ve ry easy. If you simply chant this Hare Krsna mantra,Caitanya Mahaprabhu said , ceto-darpana-marjanam--immed iately allthe misconception within your heart will be cleansed. This ismisconception:"I am this body," "I am American," " I am Indian,""I am brahmana," "I am Gujarati," "I am Bengali." These are allmisconceptions. You are part and parcel of God, Krsna. That is11

(29 5-9)SURAT-12-16-70 SB-6 :1:32your identity. So that can be realized. The easiest process isthis chanting Hare •••Ceto-darpana-mar janam-bhava-maha-davagninirvapanam.And next stage is that the blazing fire of thismaterial existence will be extinguished immediately. Here in ourour disciples you'll find Americans , Europeans , Japanese,Africans. They are all absorbed in Krsna thoughts,chanting HareKrsna. They have lost all these misgivings, upadhi, designations,nonsense designations.The nonsense designation is the cause oftheir bondage. So let us realize that we are not this, not this.we are eternally • ••Just like Cai tanya Mahaprabhu immediatelysays , gives to you the highest philosophy, jivera svarupa hayanitya krsna dasa. Tatastha sakti jata ac intya bhedabheda prakasa.In two lines He has given the \'i' hole idea of jiva-tattva. Jiverasva rupa haya nitya krsna dasa. You can explain in so many booksthese two lines. The real identity of the living entity is thathe is eternal servant of Krsna.Hansaduta : What is the second line? Jivera svarupa • • •P: Jivera sva rupa haya nitya krsna dasa, tatastha sakti ac intyabhedabheda, tatastha sakti prakasa. The jiva is the manifestationof the marginal potency of Krsna. Krsna has many potencies.Parasya sakti vivdhai va sruyate--in the Vedic injunction. TheAbsolute Truth has many varieties of energy. Those energies areconsolidated into three divisions: spiritual energy, materialenergy and ma rginal energy. So these jivas are products of thismarg inal energy, bhedabheda prakasa. Bhedabheda means • . • Bhedameans diffe rent , and abheda means one. So j iva is one anddifferent simultaneous. He is one in quality; he is different in12

( 295-9)SURAT-12-16-70 SB-6 :1:32qua ntity. So when you are free from all these designations,sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam, hrsikena hrsikesasevanambhakt ir ucyate. At that time, when we are purified , whenwe have purified our senses, when in that sense we shall engageou r self in the matter of satisfying the owner of the senses,srsikesa--Kr sna is Hrikesa--that is called bhakti. Bhakti is nota sentiment. Bhakti is practical, by purified senses. (end)13

q&a12/16/70 suratQuestions & Answersp r abhupada: •••Krsna 's birth. Krsna is born as son of Deva k i. Soh ow do you explai n that His birth is t ranscendental? How do youe xplain? Anyone can explain. Krsna says that "My birth is noto rdinary birt h. It is transcendental." But we see that He is borno f father, m other. He accep ts father , mother. No w, how it ist ranscendental?Hansaduta: You explained, j ust like the sun rises ••• L. ike the sunrises every m orning and it appears to our eyes that sometimesi t's there, someti mes it's not there, but actually it's alwayst here, Krsn a is always there.P: (Hindi) So I am very glad that you have come ea rly in them orning. So what i s the transcendental? That is an example, butwhat is the t ranscendental nature of His birth? (Hindi)oevotee(l) :That He has appeared many, many times.P: You also appear many , many times .1 : But by H is yoga m aya He appears as a child , an ordinary child,b ut He did n ot appear as an ord • • • He is not an ordinary child.This material nature is always under His direct control. And eveni f you accept that He takes a material body, He does so of Hiso wn free will. He d oes not do so, forced by the modes of materialnature .P: Why? Why He takes a free will? There must be some reason .1

q&a SURAT- 12-16-701 : The reason for it is • • •oevotee (2): Because He 's the cause of all causes .P : Thllt 's all right. But why He appeared?oevotee (3) : For the pleasure of His devotees .p: Yes. That' s nic e. Very g ood. Yes. Ma Yasoda wanted Krsna to beh iS (her) child, and therefore He comes. Parit ranaya sadhunamvinasaya ca duskr t am. Other thing s are secondary. He comes fort h e devotees. Tha t is the t ranscendental. He is so kind thatm o ther Yas oda wanted Him as child. He played so nicely, as ifcompletely dependent on mother Yasoda. So mother Yasoda had fullenjoyment o f his (her) child , Krsna. This is transcendental. Ast h e devotee want s to please the Lord , sim ilarly , the Lord alsowa nts to p lease t he devotee. That is transcendental. Now youk now. (bre ak) And " I am the cause of all the devatas." Brahma ist h e first c reatur e , and he is father. Now, how He can take birthl ike that? He i s the father of Brahma, purana , the oldest.Advaitam acyutam anadim ananta, puranam nava-yauvanam. The oldestb ut He is a l ways young. Thi s is very nice. He has said that Heappears f o r the d e votees' pleasure. That's nice. So yo u shoulda lways think. You must be thoughtful. Janma karma me divyam yojanati tat tvata h .So y ou have become liberated. You areliberated now.3 : Become l iberated?P : Yes .3 : I would ask b ack in , <strong>Prabhupada</strong> , in order to (?)P: Because Krsna says , "Anyone who knows Me in My transcendentalnature, he immedia tely becomes liberated ."(end)2

295-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1.27 -3 4Srimad-Bhag avatam 6.1 .27-34surat , India, December 17 , <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong>:sa evam vartamanah ajl" .h mrtyu-kala upasthite, matimcaka ra tanaye bale narayana-ahvaye. so Ajamila, at the point ofhis death, just remembered his young est son , who was namedNarayana. So the Narayana, very name , has got the full potency ofthe Supreme Personality of Godhead , Na rayana. That is the secretof t his nama-sankirtana movement. BY chanting the holy name ofNarayana , you immediately contact with the Supreme Personality ofGodhead. Nama cintamanih krsnas caitanya-rasa-vigrahah. Nama, theLord's name, is not materia l. It is spiritual. The sound isBrahman,sabda-b rahma. Vedic sounds, they are sabda-brahma. Theya r e not material sound. So nama cintamanih, spiritual. Krsna.Krsna and K rsna' s name, there is no difference. Nama cintamani hJ< rsnas caitanya-rasa-vigrahah. Rasa, the transcendental mellows.Every one of us searching after some mellow ,some pleasure frome verything...Krsna is the reservoir of all pleasu res, rasavigraha, fully personified. Wherever there is Krsna, there israsa, a transcendental mellow, enjoyment, relishable.Ve ry Krsnap r e sen ce... For instance, that, when in the Battlefield ofKuruksetra, fighting was going on between Krsna and Bhisma, botho f them • • •Krsna, of course, did not touch any weapon because Hep r omised. But grandfather Bhi sma w as very s everely piercingKrsna's body with a rrows and Krsna was enjoying. That is the1

295-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1.27-34relationship b etween Krsna and His devotees. Krsna can bew o rshiped, K rsna can be loved, by any capacity. The gopis lovedKrsna out o f seemingly lust, lusty desires. And Sisu pa laremembered K rsna out of anger. Kamat krodhad bhayat. And Kamsaremembered always Krsna out of fear. And , of course, they werenot devotees. Devote es means they s hould be always favo rablydisposed to K rsna. Not inimic al. But Krsna is so kind,evensomebody is disposed to Him in an inimical attitude, he also getssalvation. For example , K a msa, Dantavak r a, sisupala ,Hir anyakasi pu , Ravana. They were not friendly. St ill, becausethey thought of the supreme Personality of Godhead , consciousnessw e re there, b ut it was unfavorable. Bhakti means favorable.Anukulyena k rsnanu-silanam. F avorahly. That i s bhakti. Andpra tikulyena, just in the opposite way, think i ng of Krsna ininimical way, that i s also accepted by Krsna. Krsna is so kind.Anyone who t hinks of Krsna always, he is the g reatest yog i. Soeven the enemies who think of K rsna always , although unfavorably,he becomes a yogi because thinking of Krsna. Therefore the resultof yog ic perfor mances are achieved by the inimical pe rsonalities.In the impe rsonal Brahman effulgence, not only the highly lea rnedscholars who arc trying to attain brahma-jnana,they enter, butalso the enemies who are unfavorably thinking of Krsna, they alsoenter into that spiritual kingdom , impersonal effulgence,nirvisesa-b r a hmaj y oti. Therefore a devotee's position isdifferent from the jna nis', imper sonalists'. Because thedes tination which is achieved by the j nanis is also achi eved byt h e en ' m i e s o f K r s n a • So that i s n o t a v e r y h i g h p o s i t i on •Therefore devotees' position is very exalted. They do not... They2

2 95-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1.27-34Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.27-34Surat , India, December 17 , <strong>1970</strong>P rabhupada:Sa evam vartamanah ajnah mrtyu-kala upasthite, matimcakara tanaye bale narayana-ahvaye. So Ajamila, at the point ofhis death, just remembered his youngest son, who was namedNa rayana. So the Narayana, very name, has got the full potency ofthe Supreme Personality of Godhead , Narayana. Tha t is the secretof this nama-sank irtana movement. By chanting the holy name ofNarayana , you immediately contact with the SupremF Personality ofGodhead. Nama cintaman ih krsnas caitanya-rasa-vig rahah. Nama , theLord's name,is not material. It is spiritual. The sound isBrahman,sabda-brahma. Vedic sounds, they are sabda-brahma. Theyare not material sound . So nama cintamanih, spiritu al. Krsna.Krsn a and Krsna's name, there is no difference. Nama cintamanihkrsnas caitanya-rasa-vigrahah. Racla, the transcendental mellows.Every one of us searching after some mellow, some pleasure fromeverything. .. Krsna is the reservoir of all pleasures, rasavigraha,fully personified. Wherever there is Krsna, there israsa, a transcendental mellow, enj oyment, relishable.Ve ry Krsnapresence... For instance, that, when in the Bat tlefield ofKuruksetra, fighting was going on between Krsna and Bh isma, bothof them ••• Krsna, of course, did not touch any weapon because Hepromised.But grandfather Bh isma was very severely piercingKrsna's body with arrows and Krsna was enjoying . That is the1

295-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1.27-34relation ship between Krsna and His devotees.Krsna c"ln beworshiped, Krsna can be loved , by any capacity. Th e gopis lovedKrsna out of seeming ly lust,lusty desires. And Sisupalar emembered Krsna out of anger. Kamat krodhad bhayat. And Kamsaremembered always Krsna out of fear. And , of course, they werenot devotees. Devotees means they should be always favorablydisposed to Krsna. Not inimical. But Krsna is so kind ,evensomebody is disposed to Him in an inimical attitude, he also getssalvation. For example, Kamsa, Dantavak ra, Sisupala,Hiran yakasipu , Ravana. They were not friendly. St ill, becausethey thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead , consciousnesswere there, but it was unfavo rable. Bhakti means favorable.Anukulyena krsnanu-silanam. Favorably. That is bhakti. Andpra tikulyena, just in the opposite way, think ing of Krsna ininimical way, that is also accepted by Krsna. Krsna is so kind.Anyone who thinks of Krsna always, he is the greatest yog i. Soeven the enemies who think of Krsna always , although unfavorably ,he becomes a yogi because thinking of Krsna. Therefore the resultof yogic performances are achieved by the inimical personalities.In the impersonal Brahman effulgence, not only the highly learnedscholars who are trying to attain brahma-jnana, they enter, butalso the enemi es who are unfavorably think ing of Krsna, they alsoenter into that spiritual kingdom , impersonal effulgen ce,nirvisesa-brahmajyoti. Therefore a devotee's position isdifferent from the jnanis', impersonalists'. Because thedestination which is achieved by the jnanis is also achieved bythe enemies of Krsna.So that is not a very high position.Therefore devotees' position is very exalted. They do not •••They2

295-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1.27-34go through the impersonal effulgence of Brahman, but they are notattracted. They are attracted in the Vaikuntha planets, Go lokaVrndavana planets, where the Supreme Personality of Godhead liveseternally with His associates. So the effect of chanting the holynameof Narayana was immedi ately visible in the per son ofAjamila. Although he was so much sin fully absorbed, because heuttered the name of his bo· w hose name was Na rayana. Durekridanakasaktam putram narayanahvayam, plavitena svarenoccairajuhavakulendriyah. At the time of d eath, espec ially those whoare full of sinful activities, they become too much ag itated, howto save himself, how to enter into another body. It is a verypainful situation. The painful situation becomes so acute that nomore the living entity can live i n this body. Just like sometimesit happens: when a person becomes too much painfu l, he commitssuicide. He does not w ant to live within this body. But he doesnot know that is another sinful activity. You cannot commitsuicide. That is another criminal action. So at the time ofdeath • • • Of course, those who are devotees, their position isdifferent. P eople may say, "The devotee is also dying , and thenon devotee, sinful m an, is also dying. What is the difference?"So there is much difference. The example is given :just like acat catching a rat in h is mouth and at the same time carrying hiscubs in the mouth. superficially , we can see that the same mouthis being used , but one is feeling comfortable being carried bythe mother, and another is feeling the death knell. Similarly, atthe time of death ,the devotee's feeling that they are beingtransferred to Va ikuntha , wher eas the ordinary sinful man is3

295-10 Surat 1 2/17/70 SB 6.1 .27-34feeling that the Yamaraja, the dutas, the constables of Yamarajaare dragging him to the hellish cond ition of life. So one shouldnot conclude simply by seeing that he is dying . No. The processis differen t. Janma karma me divyam. As Lord Krsna's appearanceand disappearance are all spiritual, transcendental, they are notordinary things, similarly , Lo rd Krsna's devotee, Hisrepresentative, who is sent to this material world for preachingthe glories of Lord Krsna, their appearance and disappea rance isalso like Krsna's. Therefore, according to Va isnava principles,the appearance and disappearance of Va isnava is considered allauspicious.Therefore we hold festivals.Just like yesterday wehad the disappearance day of His Divine Grace Bhak tisiddhantaSarasvati Goswami <strong>Prabhupada</strong>. So we offered our respects andobserved a festival. Avirbhava, tirobhava. Tirobhava . Ac tuallythe living entity hs no birth or death, and what to speak ofKrsna or His devotee? Krsna is the chief living entity of allliving entities. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. He is also aliving enti ty. Sometimes the atheist class of men say, "God isdead ." The rascals, they do not know that even small livingentity does not die. How Krsna can be dead or God can be dead?Mudha. Therefore these classes of men are described in theBhagavad-g ita as mudha , rascals. They do not know anything;still,they pose themselves as very learned and utter somethingwhich is neither good for them nor for the public. So in thisway, du re k r idanakasak tam put ram narayanahvayam , plavi ten asvarena. Very appealing voice,he began to ask his youngest son,"Please come here. I am dying." He was very much afraid of thethree Yamadutas who were, who came there to drag him. Nisamya4

2 95-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1.27-34mriyamanasya mukhato hari-kirtanam, bhartur nama maharajaparsadah s ahasapatan. Krsna is so kind. As soon as He heard that"This man is chanting Narayana at the time of his death",immediately He sent His assistants,Visnudutas, to give himshelter. Therefore in the Bhagavad-g ita it is said, svalpam apyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat. The mahato bhayat...Thisman , this Ajamila , is fallen into great calamity. The Yamadutas ,the assistants of the superintendent of death Yamaraja, has comethere to drag him. So mahato bhayat. It w as a great, fearful,dangerous place. But simply by uttering Narayana he was saved. Sothat practi ce is required. Simply by •••Mahato bhayat. Here it isalso said, nisamya mriyamanasya mukhato hari-k irtanam. The harikirtanais so glorio us.If anyone at the time of death,mriyamana, mriyamana, one who is just dying • . • In a Bengaliproverb it is said, parable, bhajan koro sadhan koro mate janlehaya. Whatever you do, spiritual activities, they will be testedat the time of death. All your chants that you are practicing,this will be tested at the time of death. If you can rememberKrsna , Hare Krsna , hari-kirtana , at the time of death, then youare successful. So Krsna is so kind ,that immed iately afterhearing that the d ying man was chanting Hare Krsna or Narayana ,the same thing ••• Bhartur nama parsadah. The Narayana-sena, theassistants of Lord Narayana,they are also look ing like Na rayana.They have also got fourhands. In the Va ikuntha planets theresidents are also exactly of the same feature of Na rayana. Justlike in this planet the king and the citizens have the samefeature of body, two hands, two legs • • • (break) The same bodily5

2 95-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1 .27-34feature. There are five kinds of mukti, liberation. Sarupya,salokya , samipya, sarsti. Sarsti liberation is not accepted bythe devotees. Not sarsti, sarupya. And those who are devotees ofKrsna,they do not accept any one of these liberations. Although,by the mercy of Krsna, they are elevated to the planet Go lokavrndavana, but from their part they do not wish any kind ofliberation. They simply want to serve the Lord. And BhaktivinodaThakura says that " I may t ake birth in a family as an ant wherethere are devotees," because in the house of a devotee,the antsalso, by eating the remnants of the foodstuff of the devotee,becomes liberated. A devotee's positionis so great, a puredevotee. Anyabhila sita-sunyam jnana-k armady-anavrtam. Vikarsato'ntar hrdayad dasi-patim ajamilam, yama-presyan visnuduta varayamasur ojasa. The Yamadutas, the constables of Yamaraja, they aredragging Ajamila to take him to the planet there Yamaraja isthere.And as soon as he uttered the holy name of Na rayana,immediately Lord Narayana's assistants came, and with grave voicethey said , "What are you doing? Stop! You cannot take this man tothe Yama-mandira."Ojasa. Ojasa, with great gravity they said.ucur nised hitas tams te vaivasvata-purahsarah,ke yuyampratiseddharo dharma-rajasya sasanam. The assistants of theYamaraja, Yamadutas saw that they are very beautiful and theirbodily features are very attractive because they are coming fromVa ikuntha, with four hands. So immediately they got somerespectful attitude and inquired that "Who are you, that you aretrying to interrupt in the administration of Yamaraja? It is notpossible. You cannot •••Nobody has ever interrupted with theadministration of Yamaraja, so we are surprised. Who are you?"6

295-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6 . 1.27-34Ucur nis

295-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1.27-34can fly in the sky without any help of aeroplane or similarmachine. They travel from one planet to another by yoga-siddhi.As the yog is can transfer themselves from one place to anotherwithout any difficulty, similarly, the inhabitants of Siddhaloka,they can fly in the sky. (aside:) What is that?Yamuna (?) : In Siddhaloka there are angels? That means angels?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Yes. (break) There are many different types of humanbeing s. So , the Caranas, the dem igods, the Siddhas. Don't thinkthat in every planet you can find out the same bodily features.There are different bodily features. so inSiddhaloka they havegot the same bodily fea tures, but their powers are far ,fargreater than ours. Siddha-sat • • • Now they are describing , sarvepadma-palasaksah pita-kauseya-vasasah, kiritinah kundalino lasatpuskara-malinah: "You are so beautifu l-look ing that all of youreyes are just like lotus petals." Sarve padma-palasaksah pitakauseya-vasasah:"And you are very nicely dressed with yellowcolored garments and ornaments," and kiritinah, "with helmet,"kirit inah kundalinah,"earrings, nice earrings, nice jewels,helmets," kiritinah kundalino lasat-puskara • • ,"and with niceflower garla nds." This is the description of the inhab itants ofVa ikunthaloka. There is no hat-coat-pant. They are dressed in i\different way. All right. Now have • • • (break) There are fivekinds of devotees, liberation. Any one. There are varieties inthe spiritual kingdom also, the five kinds of liberation, any oneof them. Mayavadi philosophers, they know only one kind ofliberation , sayujya-mukti, to merge into the exi stence ofbrahmajyoti. That much they know. Or they know ••.They preferthis kind of liberation, to become with the Supreme. That is8

295-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1.27-34taste. But devotees, they do not like. They want to keep theirindividuality.Yamuna: angels in the , different angels ?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: S o the angels • • • The S iddhaloka is not in thespiritual world. It is in the material world. But they are highlyqualified. But that Siddhaloka is not in the spiritual world.That is within the material world.Devotee ( I) : You said that the pictures they draw of the men withwings, that is not bona fide pictures?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:No. The statement in the Vedic litera tu re--that theycan fly. Now one can draw some picture because they have ideathat without wings how one can fly? That may be. That is theiridea. But Nar ada can fly everywhere. He has no wings. He cantravel both in the spiritual and material world , but he has nowings .Malati(?) : Is it true he has the same body in the spiritual worldand when he comes into the material world?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Yes, it is Narada's facility. He has got theb enediction that he can travel anywhere without any restriction.Even some of the yogi s • • • Durvasa Muni, he also went to thespiritual world, saw Lord Visnu. And Ar j una also went to thespiritual world with Krsna. So ,not that this material bodycannot be transformed into spiritual body by the supreme will ofthe Lord. An ything can be changed . We think that this isstereotyped; it cannot be transformed. No. That' s not the fact.By the supreme will, anything can be changed into anything .Revati-nandana: I have a question. One of my prabhus told me that9

295-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1.27-34you once said that your Guru Maharaja said that Jesus Christ wasa saktyavesavatara. Is thatcorrect?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. Because he said it, it must be cor rect. Muhammada lso, saktyavesavatara. Saktyavesavatara means a living entity isespecially e mpowered to p reach the glories of the Lo rd. LordBuddha i s also saktyavesavatara. They are not ordina ry humanbeing . They are especially empowered personalities.I: Lord Buddha is not an incarnation?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Incarnation. Avatara means incarnation.I: So that means incarnation also?prabhupada:Yes. Saktyavesavatara means incarnation with specialpower .Revati-nandana:It's stated in the Bhagavatam that there are twok inds of incarnati ons. One is a plenary portion , and the other isan empowered living entity.They're both incarnations.I : I thought that Lord Buddha was supposed to be incarnation ofvi snu. (?)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Not Visnu-tattva.They are not Visnu-tattva. Therea r e jiva-tattva and Visnu-tattva. The jivas are sometimes •••Justlike Lord B rahma. He is also not Visnu-tattva. Lo rd Siva isb etween Visnu-tattva and jiva-tattva. So powers, energ ies of theLord exhib i t ed i n differen t categories •••The Visnu-tattva isfull of the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Others,they are not full. And Krsna is the fullest, sodasa-kalah. Krsnastu bhagavan svayam . Ete camsa, amsa. Amsa means partially presentin Krsna. Ete camsa-kaah pumsah krsnas tu bhagavan svayam.Revati -nandana:In the picture in the revealed book , Na radaji isa sking questions of Lord Brahma. I was thinki ng that Narada has10

295-10 Surat 12/17/70 SB 6.1.27-34actually an all-spiritual body, andBrahma has a material form,mat erial body. And yet Narada appears to Brahmaji to askquestions from him as spiritual master. How is that?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Brahmaji also enters the spiritual kingdom at thetime of annihilation with his persons.Revati-nandana: Does he undergo a change of body at that time?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. That automatica lly takes place. Just likeHiranyakasipu 's son is Prahlada. It doesn't matter. And spiritualbody, material body, that can be chang ed. (break)Revati-nandana: It will all be one thing (?) ,spiritual intomaterial or material • ••<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Material means when the consciousness is not Krsna.That is material. The same example, that iron rod, if kept to thefire, gradually it becomes warm, warmer, and at last it becomesred . When it is red , it is no longer iron. It is fire. Similarly,by spiritual association, your body gradually becomesspiritualized. And at the perfection stage, there is no morematerial activities, simply the activities of the fire. That isstated in the Bhagavad-g ita. Mam cavyabhicarini-bhakti-yogena yahsevate, sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate. The wholebody becomes supplemented with Brahman effulgence. It is not foreveryone, and those who are very, very much spiritually advanced,their body becomes like that. Therefore a Va isnava acarya's bodyis neve r burned. It is entombed. They worship the body. Butthat is spiritual body.Devotee (II) : It is never burned?Prabhupda : No . (end)11

295-12 SB 6.1.3 4-3 9Srirnad-Bhagavatam 6.1.3 4-3 9Surat , India , December 19 , <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong>: There are so many ladies .Indian man (I) : And there are so many Eng lish devotees .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Eh?Indian man : English devotees .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: That 's all right. (Hindi) So the constables ofYamaraja, they are describing the bodily fatu r es of theVisnuduta. You can have an idea of the Visnuloka, orVa ikunthaloka. From this study, we have to understand that thereis a spiritual sky, and that is far, far extensive than thematerial sky. You cannot even measure the sky covered by oneuniverse, and there are innumerable universes. That is • • • Alltogether, that is one-fourth of the whole sky. It is aroughestimate only, according to the Ved ic scripture. And the threefourthsof the sky is spiritual sky. The popu lat ionin thespiritual sky is fa r, far greater thanfew living entities who are rebelled •••the material sky. On ly aJust like the popu lationin the prisonhouse is insigni ficant compared to the wholepopu lation of the state,similarly, the living ent ities who arehere in this material world, they are very insignificant.Including all the universes, all the plan ets together, they arean insigni ficant portion of the whole living ent ities. An anta. Hyanantaya kalpate. The living entities, there is no counting ,1

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT-12-19-70ananta , unlimited number of living entities. Therefore in theVedas the living entities are plu ral, but God is on e. Nityonityanam cetanas cetananam. Sarve ca nutna-vayasah sarve carucaturbhujah,dhanu r-nisangasi-gada-sankha-cak rambuja-sriyah. Thisis another descr iption of the feature. Sarve ca nutna-vayasah. Inthe Va ikunthalok a, the inhabitants are always young , just likeKrsna or Visnu is always young . There is no old age. Old age ishere in this material world because this material body becomesold, not the spirit soul. Sp irit soul is always fresh. Nityahsasvato 'yam na hanyate hanyamane sarire. So they are desc ribingthat "You are • • • You look all just very young." And sarve carucaturbhujah: "And you are beautifully embodied with four hands."Sa rve caru-caturbhujah. {aside:) What is that? Dhanu r-nisangasigada-sankha-cakrambuja-sr iyah: "And exactly like Visnu , you havegot dhanur, bows; and sankha , conchshell; cakra, disc; gada,c lub; and ambuja, padma,lotus flower. Everyone." That meanse veryone in the Va ikunthaloka, they are exactly like the bodilyf eature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Na rayana . This is ·called sarupya-mukti. There are five kinds of liberat ion . Thisliberation, to have the same bodily feature like Na r ayana ,iscalled sarupya , "the form exactly like Visnu." Sa rupya-mukti.There are five kinds of liberations: sayujya, salokya , sarupya ,sa rsti, samipya . So the Mayavad i philosophers, they prefersayujya, to merge into the exi stence of imper sonal existence. Aliving entity can live, can remain in the Brahman effulgence as aparticle of shining . Just like there are many molecular pa rticlesin the sunshine, similarly, the living entities also can clustertoge ther and live as a small particle of spirit ual shining , and2

295-12 SB 6.1.34-39 SURAT-12-19-70that is called brahma-sayujya-mukti. But that kind of existenceis subjected to fall down again. Ye 'nye 'ravindaksa vimuktamaninastvayy asta-bhavad avisuddha-buddhayah,aruhya krcchrenaparam padam tatah patanty adho. Because the living entities , theywant va rieties of enjoyment, but in that impersonal existencethere is no varieties of enjoyment, therefore, when they desirevarieties of enjoyment , they have come to this material world. Soe ven they merge i nto the effulgence of brahmajyoti, there iscause; there is chance of falling. Not all. Some of them may goto the plan ets, but there is chance. Sarve ca nutna-vayasah sa rvecaru-caturbhujah, dhanur-nisangasi-gada-sankha-cak rambuja-sriyah.oiso vitimiralokah kurvantah svena tejasa, kim artham dharmapalasyakinkaran no nisedhatha:"You are so brilliant thatimmediately on y our appearance the darknessis dissipated.Immediately." They are so much, I mean to say, glowing , theirbody, in Va ikuntha . Therefo re in the Upanisad it is said that inthe Va ikunthaloka, in the spiritual sky,there is no need of sun,m oon. The planets and the bodily effulgence of the inhabitants,they are all glowing. So on account of everything glowing in thespiri tual world,there is no necessity of sunshine or moonshineor electricity. They are self-effulgent. Diso vitimira lokahkurvantah svena tejasa, kim artham dhar ma-palasya kinkaran nonisedhatha: "You are so brilliant, you appear to be v erye nlightened and c oming from some planets." Because they had noexactly idea what kind o f planet they live. They are simplysuggesting that " You must be coming from some very exaltedplanet.But why y ou are interfering with our business?" Kim3

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-3 9 SURAT-12 -19-70artham dhar ma-palasya. Dharma-pala. Yamaraja's another name isDharmaraja or Dharmapala. He is one of the authorities. There aretwelve authorities mentioned in the sastras.Brahma is oneauthority. Lord Sivais one authority. And Na rada is oneauthority. Then Manu is one authority. P rahlada Mahara ja isa uthority. Bali Maharaja is authority. Sukadeva Gosvami isauthority. So similalry, Yamaraja is also authority. They areauthority who know exactly what is God or Krsna, and they candirect. Therefore sastra says you have to follow the authority.Otherwise it is not possible. Dha rmasya tattvam nihitam guhayammahajano yena gatah sa panthah. You cannot understand the path ofreligion by your mental speculation . Dharman tu saksad bhagavatpranitam.Dharma, religious principles are enacted by the SupremePersonality of Godhead. No ord inary man can enact dharma.Therefore there is dharma-viparya. Real dharma, actual dharma, isto abide by the words of the Supreme Lord. That is dharma. Justlike Krsna says , mam ekam saranam. That is dha rma , simply tosurrender unto Krsna. Otherwise it is not dharma. Man-made dharmais no dharma. That is called kaitava-dharma, cheating dha rma. Youcannot manufacture religion. But nowadays it has become fashion.Everyone is manufacturing his own religion. Therefore there isdharma-viparya. So one should know that dharma means the lawsgiven by God. That is dharma. And such dharma , or the path ofdharma ,is strictly followed by these mahajanas. Just likeBrahma, Lo rd Siva, Narada, Manu, Kapila, Kapiladeva, Kapiladevawho enunc iated sankhya philosophy...Svayambhur naradah sambhuhkumarah kapilo manuh, prahlado bhismah. Bhisrnadevais alsoauthority. You know Bhismadeva ,the grandfather of the Pandavas.4

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT- 12-19-70He is also authority. Prahlada, Bhisma •••Bali Maharaja is alsoauthority. So we have to follow these authoritie s. Otherwisethere is no possibility of understanding what is relig ion ,whatis God. This ••• Our, this sampradaya, Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya ,they are following the authorities of Lo rd Brahma and Narada.Similarly, there is another sampradaya , Rudra-sampradaya . Rudrasampradaya.And there is another sampradaya coming from Laksmiji,Sri-sampradaya ,Ra manuja. So we have to accept relig iousprinciples from the leaders of the sampradayas. Otherwise it isuseless. Sampradaya-vihina ye mantras te viphala ma tah:"If youdo not accept mantra initiation from the disciplic succession ofthe sampradaya , then it will b e useless." Sampradaya-vihina ye.So people are manufacturing relig ion without any reference tothese authorities. So diso vitimiralokah kurvantah svena tejasa.Svena: "By your own effulgence you are dissipating the darkness,all directions. You are so bright, brilliant." Kim artham dharmapalasya:"Oh, we can understand that you are not ordinary livingentities. You are coming from some exalted planet. What businessyou have got to interfere with ou r business?" Dharma-palasya.Sri-suka uvaca, ity ukte yamadutais te vasudevokta-karinah,tanpratyucuh prahasyedam megha-nirhradaya gira. When they wereaddressed by the assistants of Yamaraja, then the representativeof Vasudeva, vasudevokta-karinah, those who are followers of theorder of Vasudeva ••• Representative... (aside:) Ag ain you have tostand,please. Tan pratyucuh prahasyedam megha-n irhradaya gira.Now , the Visnuduta, they began to speak in a very grave language,just like resoundin g the cloud. (commentary:) Kim anya-5

295-12 SB 6.1.34-39 SURAT-12-19-70lokasyanyasya prakasa yat tu tatha bhuta disah kurvantah bhavatamanusitam yam ity ahuh kim artham ity aha.(?) Indirectly, theYamadutas said that "You are so exalt ed, so it is not very goodfor you to interfere with our business." They politely submitted.And... (commen tary:) A to dandyadandya-jnana-sunya iti sauraevaksnod dhiya dharma-rajasya kinkara ity anvitam vadantivisayena prahasya tan pratyucuh. (?) Now, Sr idha ra Swami iscommen ting why they were smiling , these Visnudutas,because theYamadutas were criticizing ,"Why you are interfering?" TheYamadutas did not know that whatever action is taken by therepresentative of Visnu, they are not, I mean to say,unnecessarily interference. They are actual fact. Therefore theyare smiling, that "These Yamadutas, without knowing ou r position,they are trying to criticize us." So they were smiling . Prahasya,prahasya . Just like if a child speaks something to a lea rned man,he smiles. So Visnuduta were smi ling, hearing the Yaruadutas.Meghasya eva nirhrada hanir yasya prayatah: (?) "They began tospeak in grave voice, as if the thundering cloud." Sri-visnudutauvaca ,yuyam vai dharma-rajasya yadi nirdesa-karinah, brutadharmasya nas tattvam yac ca adharmasya laksanam: "You areclaim ing to be representative of Dharmaraja, Yamara ja." Yaruarajais Dharmaraja.So Visnuduta knows that they are representative.So he challenged. The Visnudutas challenged the Yamadutas,that"You are accusing us that we are interfering with your businesswhich is entrusted unto you by the Dharmaraja, the maintainer ofdharma. Would you kindly explain what is dharma and what isadharma?" It is very intelligent answer. Yuyam vai dharmarajasya.If you are actually representative. Therefore Cai tanya6

2 95-1 2 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT-12-19-72Mahaprabhu said that yei krsna tattva vetta sei guru haya. Ifanyone is representing as guru, he must know Krsna. He must know.Krsna cannot be known, but at least •••Just like Krsna says , yojanati tattvatah, that . ••One must know Krsna in fact, tattvatah,in truth. He can become guru. Otherwise, guru is not a, so cheappost that everyone can become guru. Similarly,here is thechallenge, that "If you are representative of Dha rmaraja, youmust explain what is dharma and what is adharma." That should bethe criterion of test . Not that everyone should be accepted asreligious, everyone should be accepted as guru . Th is ignorance ofthe population has created so many n on sense as represen ting asguru and dharmajna . No. Tasmad gurum prapadyeta. The Vedicinjunction says, tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam,sabde pare c a nisnatam. One is advised ••• First of all, who willaccept a guru? Guru is not a plaything , that "I must have a guru,and I will never care to obey his orders, but because it is afashion to keep a guru, I s hall keep a guru." That kind of guruis useless, and that kind of disciple is also useless. One mustseek after a guru--when? When he is inquisitive to understand thetranscendental knowl edge. Jijnasuh sreya uttamam. It is not afashion. It should be very serious. One who is very much eager tounderstand transcenden tal knowledge, sreya uttamam. Jijnasuhsreya. Sreyah and preyah. There are two kinds of paths. Preyahmeans immed i ate satisfaction or sense gratification. And preyahmeans spiritual happiness, er, sreyah. Sreyah means spiritualhappiness. Just like children. They are interested with playing.That is preyah, whereas, the elderly persons, they are interested7

295-1 2 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT-12-19-70to give education . So people • • • What is the meaning of thispreaching?Why we are taking interest in preaching Krsnaconsciousness? Because the people in general, they are interestedin preyah, for their sense gratification, immediate sensegratification. But that is not good for them. Bhagavata says,nunam p ramattah kurute vikarma yad indriya-pritaya aprnoti:"Simpl y for sense grat i fication, they are committing so m anysinfu l activities. It is like , just like madman." A madman doesnot know what he is doing. Similarly, the materialistic persons,they are so much eng rossed and become maddened to commiteverything simply for sense gratification. Indriya-priti. SoRsabhadeva says, "It is not good. It is very risky life." If weindulge in sense gratification , Krsna will give us facilities forsense gratification. Just like a monkey. A monkey has very goodfacility for sex life. A monkey, every monkey, has got at leastthree dozen wives. Perhaps you know it. So he has been given thefacility for sense gratific ation: "All right." But what is hisposition? He is a monkey.(laughter) Therefo re it is calledmarkata-vai ragya. Markata-vairagya means that a monkey isrenounced . He does not dress, naked. And he lives in the forest.And he eats also fruit, vegetarian . But the nature is that hemust have at least three dozen wives. You see? So the so-ca lledsadhus or so-called vairagis, having illicit sex life verysec retly, they are just like monkeys. So Rupa Gosvami has s aidmarkata-vairagya. Markata-vairagya . So markata-vairagya is notnecessary. Real va iragya . We do not indulge in so-called sannyasior brahmacari. If one is unable, he must become a grhastha , livelike a grhastha, and not that I pose myself as a brahmacari or a8

295-12 SB 6.1.34-39 SURAT- 12-19-70sannyasi, but I have got illicit sex life sec retly. This ismarkat a-vairagya. Markata-vai ragya is not wanted. Real vairagya.Real vairagya means one who can sacrifice everything for Krsna.That is vai ragya . Karma-phala-tyaga--that is karma-yoga. Oneshould give up the result of his fruitive activities to Krsna.That is karma-yoga. Ana srityam karma-pha lam karyam karma karotiyah. Anasr i tyam karma-p halam. One who is not desirous to enjoythe fruits of his activities, fruit ive activities, anasrityamkarma-phalam, but does i:: as a matter of duty •.• "Krsna wants it.Krsna will b!'>satlsfled by doing this." Karyam: "It must bedone." Just like Arj·,,r·' · Arjuna, for his personal interest, hewas not willing to fight. But when he understood that "Krsnawants this fighting," then he tookit as karyam: "It must bedone. It doesn't matter whether I like it or not, but Krsna wantsit. Therefore I must do it." That is called anasritya karmaphalamkaryam karma karoti yah, sa sannyasi. He is sannyasi. Naniragnir na cakriyah. Niragnir and akriya. Ak r iya means they arefreed, all kinds of fruitive activities. So they are notsannyasis, they are not yogis, but a yog i is he who gives awaythe result of his activities to Krsna. Anasrit yam karma-pha lamkaryam karma karoti yah. So he is ask ing • • .Visnuduta uvaca,yuyam vai dharma-rajasya yadi nirdesa-karinah. It is a challenge:"So you are claiming that you are representative of Dharmaraja.So we want to know from you what is dharma." Just like yesterdaysome gentleman came. He said that he ha s performed yoga, and hehas become Narayana. Was not? Was not he speaking?Indian man : He has not come in there . He is not God .9

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-3 9 SURAT-12-19-70<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Oh. So naturally ••• Just like somebody says tnat "Iam God. I have become God by mystic yoga." So one shouldchallenge him, "What kind of God you are? Whenever there istoothache,you go to the doctor immediately. And you are God." SoI have seen . I have seen one man in America. He had somedisciples, some. And he was claiming everyone is God, he is God .And one day he was suffering from toothache. So I asked him,"What kind of God you are, that you are so much painful,suffering from toothache?" And actually, one should challengethese ••• And they are, practically, another kind of lunatic, whoclaim that "I am God. " Sirn ilary, this challenge is given by thevisnudutas to the Yamadutas,that "You are representativP. ofDhar maraja. Now explain what is dharma and what is adharma."Bruta dharmasya nas tattvam yac cadharmasya laksanam. Tattva,laksanam:the symptoms of adharma, and the truth of dharma.Katham svid dhriyate dandah kim vasya sthanam ipsitam, dandyahkim karinah sarve aho svit katicin nrnam:"Now explain who issubjected to the puni shment of Yamaraja. You have come here totake away this Ajamila to the court of Yamaraja. But first of allexplain who is actually subjected to go to the court of Yamarajafor being punished." This is the question, and we shall discusstomorrow about the answer. Hare Krsna. (break)Yamuna (?) : What is adhut? What is theadhu?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Out? Avadhuta. Paramahamsa. Paramahamsa stage, thehighest stag e of perfection •••They are not under any rules andreg ulations, paramahamsa.Yamuna (?) : How does such a person engage? (?) (inhabit?)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: That's a long history. You'll find in the Bhagavad-10

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT-12- 19-70gita. Sthita-prajna sya. Sthita-prajna. So there are manysymptoms. On the whole, avadhuta or paramahamsa is not subjectedto any rules and regulations. They are so elevat ed . That is nott o be imita ted. That is a post, position, very exalted,perfectional stage, spiritual advancement. So if you want to knowthe symptoms, that is in the Bhagavad-g ita. There is a list. Butone thing y ou can simpl y know, a paramahamsa is a stage who isabove all rules and regulations. That's all.Hansaduta: disturbed .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Another nonsense. That 's all.Revati-nandana: so if he continues to follow these rules andregulations • • •<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: He doesn't follow. He doesn't follow. I can • • • Iunderstand from his behavior.Revati-nandana: But generally they do follow in the sense thatt hey generally • • •<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No, no, paramahamsa •••Revati-nandana: For setting example for others?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Y es. Paramahamsa, they do not come in the societybecause people may imitate and they fall down. Therefore they arealoof. Just like Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja. He was aloof,bhajananandi.But one who will act as preacher or spiritualm aster, even if he is paramahamsa, he should live ordinary sot hat his disciples may follow. He comes to second stage.Pa ramahamsa is the first stage, and preacher is in the seconds tage, and n eophytes are in t::e third stage. So the neophyteshould try to come to second stage. Isvare tad-adhinesu balisesu11

295-1 2 SB 6 .1.34-39 SURAT-12-19-70dvisatsu. They have got disc rim ination . Isvara, Bhagavan , theSupreme Personality of Godhead. Tad-adhina, the devotees, balisa,inn ocent, and dvisat, those who are atheists, envious of As• • •soon as they hear that here is something going on, talk ing aboutGod ,they become immed iately envious. We have increased thenumber of this kind of m en. There is someone interested in God.They simply challeng e. They are called dvisat. So a preachershould avoid them. But the pa ramahamsa, he does not avoid. Sothere are so many things. So we haven't got to imitate theactivities o f • • • A paramahamsa is a posi tion, exalted position.They are very rare to be visible because they do not care to comein the soc i ety. so, and if you want to know about theparamahamsa, the sthita-prajna descripti on in the Bhagavad-g ita,I think ,in the 12th Chapter, you can know it.Malati{?) :P rabhupada? Can you explain more about preyah andsreyah?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. sreyah means ultimate benefit, and preyah meansimmediate sense gratification. That is called . • .That is thedifference between sreyah and preyah. That's all right ..Revati-nandana: so the transcendentalists are {sic:) sr iyah? Andthe karm is and others are ...<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes, they are after preyah. Those who are aftersreyah, they should follow the catur-a srama, varnasrama. Thevarnasrama,according to Vedic system, the four inds of varnasor social caste and four kinds of spiritual order, asramas. Thatis the beginning of preyah.Without this acceptance of theseprinciples,according to Vedic principles, one is not consideredas human being or civilized man. Because that is a system, if we12

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT-12-19-70follow that system, gradually we rise to the platform of sreyah.If anyone does not follow regulative principles, it is very hardfor him to come to the standard of sreyah. But in this age, inKali-yuga, every man is so fallen that he cannot follow anyregulative principles according to the Vedic scriptures. As such,they have been accepted as sudras. Kalau sudra-sambhavah: "Inthis age everyone should b e accepted a s sudra." But then how toelevate them? For elevating them, this ••, not the Vedic system isto be followed but Pancaratriki. Pancaratriki •••Just like we aretrying to elevate these Europeans and Americans according toPancaratriki-vidhi. Everyone should b e followed. It is not thatIndians sho uld not follow; only the others will. No . It is foreveryone, Pancaratriki-vidhi. The Pancaratriki-vidhi means thatif anyone has got little tendency for being elevated to thesreyah platform, he should be given chance. That is calledPancaratriki-vidhi. Just like diksa, initiation. Sudras are notgiven initiation. A sudra cannot be initiated. Only the brahmanascan be initiated, or dvija, or the vaisyas and the ksatriyas, thehigher caste, not the sudras. But a ccording to Pancaratrikividhi,even the sudras or less than the sudras, kirata-hunandhrapulinda-pulkasa, ever yone can be initiated by a bona fiderepresentative of Krsna, not by others. That is the system.Syamasundara: Does one become elevated by following the karmayogaprinciples only?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: It will take a long , long time, and failure ispossible. In this age, nothing is possible for the fallen people.Harer nama harer nama harer nama eva kevalam, kalau nasty eva13

295-12 SB 6.1.34-3 9SURAT- 12-19-70nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha. This is the injunction. If youwant to be elevated to the perfectional stage of life, then youmust chant this Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare. Thatwill help you. No other method, measures, will help you. You cantry for it, but there is every chance of failure. But if youfollow this path, as enunciated by the sastras and elaborated byLord Caitanya, then there is chance. And actually we are seeingthat is being done.Revati-nandana: In the First Chapter , "God Realization" book let,First Chapter, second Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the processdescribed there where it says that the gross materialists canbegin meditating on the syllable om nd then try to contemplatethe unive rsal form. That is not recommended for this age, right?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No, that is not for the advanced stage. Those whocannot... Jus t like the materialistic persons, they cannotunderstand why w e are worshiping Deity. They are pu zzled . Theythink, "Why these fools are taki ng one brass doll and worshipingas God." They laugh. You see? They cannot understand. They arehard... What is called? It is impossible for them . Therefore theyhave been recommended that "You think of God ,the universalform." That they l ike, their meditation, that un iversa l form.They cannot understand or concentrate on this form, krsnas tubhagavan svayam, dvi-bhuja-muralidhara , Syamasundara fom. Theycannot. But by this area process we are giving chance toeveryone. But for the materialistic person it is difficult. Theythink that they are idol worshipers. But actually, the Va isnavas,they are not so fools that they will worship an idol. Thereforethey have been recommended to concentrate on the universal form.14

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-3 9 SURAT -12-19-70Revati-nandana:we always encourage chanting Hare Krsna , is thatso?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. That is the only method in this age. By chantingHare Krs na, one's • • •The reservoir of understanding will becleared. And then you, he can receive, he can receive thespiritual knowledge. Without cleansing the heart it is verydiff icult to understand and receive spiritual knowledge. Allthese reformatory mP.asures--brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha-­they are simply the cleansing method. And bhakti is also acleansing method, viddhi-bhakti, but by engaging oneself in thisDeity worship, h e also becomes cleansed. Tat-paratve • • •Sarvo padhi... As he becomes enlig htened or advanced inunderstanding that he is etern al servant of Krsn a, he becomespurified. He becomes purified. Sarvopadhi means he doesn't • • •Sarvopadhi. He tries to elimin ate his upadhi , his designation,that "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am this," "I am that." Soin this way, when you become fully elim inated of this bodilyconce p t of life , then nirmalam. He becomes nirmala,uncontaminated. And so long this concept of life is going on that"I am this," "I am that," "I am that," he's still in the • • . Sabhaktah prak r tah smrtah. (aside:) Sit down properly , not likethat. Sa bhakt ah prakrtah smrtah. Arcayam eva haraye . • Even inthis proc ess, when they are engaged in Deity worship, arcayamharaye yat-pujam sraddha yehate, with great devotion doing ,butna tad bhaktesu canyesu , but he has no sympathy with others or hedoes not know what is the position of a devotee,then sa bhaktahprakrtah smrtah: "He is called material devotee, material15

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-3 9 SURAT-12-19-70devotee." So we have to elevate ourselves fro m materialdevotional stage to the second platform when one can understandwhat is a devotee, what is anondevotee, what is God, what isatheist. These discrim inations are there. And in paramahamsastag e there is no such discrimination . He sees everyone isengaged in service of the Lord. He does not envy anyone, he doesnot see anything, anybody. But that is another stage. We shouldnot imitate, try to imitate, but we may know that pa ramahamsa isthe highest stage of perfection. Just like as a preacher we haveto point out • • • Just like I told this boy, "You sit down likethis." But a pramahamsa will not say. A paramahamsa, he sees,rather:"He j s all right." He sees. But we should not imitateparamahamsa.Because we are preacher, we are teacher, we shouldnot imitate param ahamsa. We must tell the right source, rightcourse.Revati-nandana (?) : You must be higher than the pa ramahamsa stage,<strong>Prabhupada</strong> .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: I am lower than you. I am lower than you.Revati-nandana: You are so beautiful. You are paramahamsa, butstill, you are preaching to us.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No, I am lower thanyou. I am the lowest of the allcreatures. I am simply trying to execute the order of myspiritual master. That's all. That should be the business ofeveryone. Try best. Try your best to execute the higher order.That is the safest way of progressing . One may be in the loweststage, but if he tries to execute the duty entrusted upon him, heis per fect. He may be in lowest. stage, but because he is tryingto execute the duty entrusted to him, then he is perfect. That is16

295-1 2 SB 6.1.34-39 SURAT- 12-19-70the consideration. (break) Back to Godhead means one must becomp letely pur e. A slight impurity will not allow. Kingdom of Godis so, that no impure person can enter. Just like i n yourcou n try. You belong to U.S.A.? There are • • • In every country,the re are so many. Especially in your country, there are so manyimmi grants, immig ration to check whether contamination • • • Eventhey do not allow plants to be carried. Is it not? From one portto another. Why?C heck ing the contamination. So if in thismaterial world such strict check ings are there, don't you thinkthat one who enters, one who wants to enter the kingdom of God,ther e is no check ing?Anyone will be able to enter? It is acommon sense affair. So kingdom of God means pu rity. So if thereis slight impu rity, he will not be allowed:"Keep aside." And itis s t ated in t he Bhagavad-gita, yesam anta-gatam papam. Yesam:"Persons who a re completely being freed from the contamination ofsin ful activities," yesam anta-g atam papam jananam punyakarmanam,"simply engaged in pious activities, they can become adevot ee." Te dvandva-moha-nirmukta bhajante mam drdha-vratah.These are clear statements. And the pillars of sinful activities,that is also mentioned in the Bhagavata,striya-suna-pana-dyutayatra papas c atur-vidhah:"Four kinds of sinful activities:ill icit sex, and intoxication, and unnecessarily killing ofanimals, and gambling ." All the slaughterhouses of the world arebeing maintained unnecessarily. That is recruit ing simply sins.They are eating sins,and therefore the world is in trouble.simply committing. There is no necessity of killing animals. Buthere in Indi a they are killing ten thousand cows daily, what to17

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT-12-19-70speak of Western countries. Sopeople are so much addicted tosin ful activities. How they can be happy? They are condemned.Only this movement, Krsna consciousness, if they take to thismovement,they can be saved. Otherwise, there is no saving. Theymust cycle round the 8,400,000 species of life, sometimes veryhappy and sometimes very sad, sometimes this Brahma, sometimesthe germs in the stool. This is going on , changing bodies, oneafter another, just like we change our dress. This will go on solong one is not completely freed from the sinful activities.Unless he enters into the kingdom of God, this cycle of birth anddeath will go on. On ly in the spiritual sky there is no birth,death, old age, and disease. And as soon as you are out of thespiritual sky, these four things will • • • You may live forthousands of years. That doesn't matter, but you have to die.That is the law of material nature. You may have very goodmedicine, drug shop, as you have got in your country, but still,you have to suffer from diseases. You may have thousands ofmethods of contraceptives, but the population will increase. Andas soon as there is death, and as soon as this body, the janmamrtyu-jara-vyadhi...In the Bhagavad-g ita everything is clearlystated, that any intelligent person will put forward before himthat n we have solved all our miserable conditions of life, butnot these four principles.n That is not possible. Janma-mrtyujara-vyadhi:nThe sufferings of birth, the sufferings of death,the sufferings of old age, and the sufferings of disease.n Thatcannot be solv ed. That can on ly be solved if you become Krsnaconscious and go back to home,back to Godhead. That's all.Otherwise i t is not possible. You may be a very great yog i. You18

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT- 12-19- 70may be very g reat meditator. All these things, they are verynice. They can elevate you from higher standard of life. Justlike your country, U.S.A., you hve got higher standard of lifethan India,in one sense. But you can have thousand thousandsmore higher standard of life in higher planets. Thousand thousandtimes. As there is comparison between India and u.s.A. ,or anycountry, sim ilarly , in planetary system also, there iscomparison. This plan et is so much full of material pleasures,another planet so m uch , so much. But in no planet there is theguarantee that there will be no death. That is not possible. Thatis stated in the Bhagavad •• , abrahma bhuvanal lokan punaravartino 'rjuna. Even if you go tothe Brahmaloka where onet welve hours means thousands of four yugas,still, there isdeath. So you cannot avoid this. so one who is serious • • • So weshall begin. What is this name of this magazine? Asia?Syamasundara: Asia. Asia maga zine .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Asia magazine. It is published from London?Guest ( ?) : It is published from Hong Kong .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Hong Kong . Oh, I see. Oh , our New Vrndavana. (laughs)very nice. So you have published very nice pictu res.So it isnot. • • You can take it to our • • • This is one picture, and this isone picture. Bring. Hare Krsna. S ide by side, hell and heeven.one has to s elect. (break). • • and the spiritual world there isonly one clas r. of m en.Therefore spiritual world is calledabsolute. There is no disagreement. The center is Krsna, or God,and everyone is engaged in His service in love, not pa id servant.Pa id servant will always disagree in proportion to the money he19

295-12 SB 6.1.34-39 SURAT- 12-19-70receives. But in the Vaikuntha world there is no qu estion of paidservant. Everyone is free. Everyone has got sufficient because,as I told you yesterday, that they are all liberated. They havegot equal opulence like God. But still, they serve. That is thesuperiority(?) . Here one serves in need , and there they servewithout need. There is no need of ervice. Everything is therecomplete. CintamCJ:, i -prakara-sadmasu kala-vrksa. It is said thatthere are kalpa-vrksa, desire tree. Desire tree means a tree fromwhich you can get anything you desire. Then why ther0 should beservice? Here service is forced. If you don't render service,then you will starve. This nature is called avidya-karma-sangaanya trtiya saktir isyate. Karma-sanga. Here one may be king , butstill he has to work, and what to speak of the poor man . F.veryonehas to work. This is called avidya-karma-sanga. But in thespiritual world there is no question of work. So there are twoclasses of men in this material world,not in the spiritualworld. The spiritual world is one. They are all cognizant that"We are eternally servant of God." Nityo nityanam cetanascetananam. There are plural number living entities ; they are allbeing provided with one cetana, te suprm cptana. So these twoclasses of men are known • • • o·.1e is known as demigods or servantof God. And another is callec a servant of maya. Bo th of them areservants. Nobody is master. That is not possible. Only,onem aster is God, or Krsna. Thatis stated in the Caitanyacaritamrta, ekale isvara krsna: " Only isvara, or the controller,or the master, is Krsna." Ara saba bhrtya : "And any other, eitherdemigods or ordinary (noise) living entities (?) , they are allservants." Yare yaiche nacaya se taiche kare nrtya : "Now , under20

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT- 12-19-70the directionof the Supreme Lord everyone is dancing orworking." In the com mon word we say that "We are dancing dogs."Because under the direction of the master •••The master says "Youplease dance." The dog will dance. So master because the dogknows that "He i s m y master. If I don't dance, then I willstarve." So actually that is the position. Nobody is master here.But when you falsely claim that "I am master," that is maya.Everyone is serving, but under the impression that he is master.The head of the famil y, he is think ing that "I am the master,"but actually he is serving each and every member of the family.The state executive officer--you may call a king or a president-­he is thinki ng that "I am king ," "I am president," but actuallyhe is serving. That is his position. Unless he serves properly,immediatel y he will be dethroned or next time he will not beelected. So that is our position . We are all serving . Ekaleisvara krsna ara saba bhrtya. This is a fact. Only master isKrsna, and everyone is servant. Who can challenge this statement?Is there anyone within this hall, that "I don't serve anyor.e"? Isthere anyone? And somebody is claiming that "I am God ." Just see?This is called illusion, maya. This claim is made by theillusioned living entity. Here, this material world ,meanseveryone is trying to become the master. And there is competitionbetween one master to another. Because nobody is master, thatcompetition , that "I shall become master," that is illusion. Soin this illusory fighting and competition , when one fails that "Icould not b ecome the master • • •" For example, in our country, werespected Mahatma Gandhi as the father of the nation or the21

295-1 2 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT- 12-19-70master of the nation. But actually, he was servant. As soon asthere was little discrepancy, immed iately he was put to death.Immediately. Similarly, in U.S.A. also, President Kennedy, he wasvery popular president,but as soon as there was littledisc repancy, he was also killed. So this position we must know ,that nobody is master here; everyone is servant. But the realposition is to become the servant of God. That he is, butbecause . • • Just like a crimina!. He thinks that "I don't care forany law." But he is forced to obey the laws in the prisonhouse.Outside or inside, he has to obey the laws of the government , butunder illusion he thinks that, "I don't care for the government."Similarly, those who are rascals, they think that "There is noGod. I am God. I don't care for anyone." That is another class,demonic class. And those who obey the laws of God , they arecalled demigods. Dvau bhuta-sargau loke daiva asura eva ca. Thereare two classes of men in this world. One is called daiva , andthe otheris called asura. Asura means rebelled against God:"Don't care for God. I am God. You are God. Everyone is God. Whyyou are searching afterGod? There are so many Gods in thestreets, lying on the footpath, daridra-narayana. You serve theseGods." You see? This is illusion. Daridra-narayana , starving God.So many subscription are raised in Am erica in the name of servingthese dar idra-narayanas in India. Now these Americans arequestion ing that "You take money for serving the daridranarayana. Why we see . • ? When we go to India , why we see so manydarid ra-narayanas are lying on the footpath?" These questions arebeing made. One of the big Rama-Krishna Mission swamis, SwamiNikhilananda, he told me. It is not my manufacturedstory.22

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-3 9 Surat-12-19-70Actually, people are claim ing welfare society, welfa reactivities. But what welfare they are doing actually? The welfareactivities are increasing,and the candidates for receiving thewelfare,they are increasing . You are trying to serve thedaridra-narayana, but actually the number of daridra-narayanasare increasing daily. So that is the position . Here, practically,Na rayana cannot be daridra. That is another illusion . Na rayana isthe husband of the goddess of fortune , Laksmi. How He can bedaridra? It is also manufactured word. Laksmi-sahasra-satasambhrama-sevyamanamgovindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. Herewe keep one Laksmi, but as soon as there isany littlediscrepancy, the Laksmi immediately becomes angry and there isdivorce. Practically there is no respect from the s ide of Laksmito the so-called darid ra-narayana. But there, thou sand sandthousands of Laksmis are very respectfully serving the Lord.You'll read in the story of Rukmini, the prime Laksmi of LordKrsna. One day Krsna was a little jok ing, and she took it veryseriously, and she immediately fainted. So much respect. "Oh,Krsna might be think ing of leaving me." So she faintedimmediately. So much sambhrama. Laksm i-sahasra-sata-sambhramasevyamanam.These are the statements of scr ipture. And when Krsnawas actually present on the planet, He showed it, how much He isrespectfully served by His sixteen thousand wives,and how muchcomfortably He kept all of them in different palaces ,ancexpanding Himself into sixteen thousand forms. That is God . Thatis God. So everyone, even the Laksmi is serva nt, ma idse rvant ofKrsna, what to speak of others? Dasi. So how one can claim that"I am God." God is not so cheap. On ly persons who are illusioned,23

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39SURAT- 12-19-70they claim that "I am God." He is servant. Instead of becoming ,voluntarily rendering service to God , because they claim to beGod they are more put into illusion. Maya grasta jivera sei dasaupajaya. It is said in the Va isnava literature, pisac i pa ile yenam ati-cchanna haya, maya-grasta jivera sei dasa upa jaya : "Justlike a person , when he is haunted by ghosts , he speak 8 all kindsof nonsense, similarly , when a living entity is engrossed by theillusory aspect of this material nature, he also talks allfoolishly." He also talks • • • One of the greatest foolish thingsi s that he cla ims that "I am God." So God is not so cheap.Therefore there are two classes of men: asura and devata. Youhave heard that there is always fight between asuras and devatasb ecause asuras are always against God , and devatas, they ares ervant of God. That is the difference. Even at home there are,there was asura and devata. The father was an asura, and the sonwas a devata , P rahlada Maharaja. And the father became enemy ofthe son. Natur ally, father is always affectionate. But because hewas asura, he became against h is beloved son. That is the natureof the asura. Even asuras • • . Just like tiger also has gota ffection for the cub , so this Hiranyakasipu was affectionatebecause Prahlada Maharaja was very nice boy, five yea rs old, verygood look ing. Natural affection. He was youngest. And one day hea sked the son, "My dear boy, what you have lea rned the bestthing? Tell me." Just like father asks sometimes. So he descr' .··?dthat "One should sac rifice everything for realizing God ." atsadhu manye ' sura-va rya dehinam, asad-g rahat . .. I forget thatsloka now , that P rahlada Maharaja said that "That is the best way24

295-12 SB 6 .1. 34-39 SURAT-12-19-70of l ife in the human form of life, to utilize this opportunityfor realizing God. That was his version. And the father becamevery angry. And from that day, father, the father taught,instructed the teachers that "How is that you a re teaching allthis nonsense to m y boy?" They replied, " Sir, we do not teach.This boy is naturally God-inclined. what can I do? As soon as heget s opportunity, he beg ins to preach God consc iousness in theclass." When the teacher is absent, immediately Prahlada Maharajastan ds up on t he bench and he addresses the friends, "My dearboys , this is the l ife for realizing God. You don 't forget this."In this way he was lecturing . These are in the Bhagavata. So thedemigods means God- realized persons or servant of God . They havededicated thei r life for the service of the Lord, whereas theasuras, they are always against such principles. So here also thesame thing is happening.Yuyam vai dharma-rajasya yadi nirdesakarinah.The Visnudutas challenged the Yamaduta that "If you areactually the s ervants of your master, Dharmaraja •••" Yamaraja isoharmaraja. Another name is Dharmaraja. He is also representativeof God. Just like a mag istrate, he also deals with the criminalcases. But magistrate is not bad. Magistrate is representative ofthe government. Similarly, Dharmaraja, although pun ishes allc r imin als or sinful pe rsons , but he is a pu re servant of God.Therefore his name is Dharmaraja. He is executing the order ofthe master. So therefore the Visnudutas chal lenged the Yamadutastha t "If you a re actually serving your master, Dh arm.:raja . . • "Just like a police constable is suppose d to know the law , whom toarrest. Ifhe arrests anyone and everyone, then he is a fcol. Hecannot arrest anyone and everyone. He cannot arr.est alaw-abiding25

295-1 2 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT- 12-19-70·man. Similarly, the Yamadutas, they also cannot take away to thecourt of the Yamaraja everyoneand anyone. No. Only thenondevotees are taken. Those who are devotees, they are nottaken. That is ••• You will find in the Bhagavata, Sr imad­Bhagavatam. Yamaraja espec ially instructs that "Those who areVa isnavas , you should not go there. You should offer you r respectto them." Somebody asked me that "Swamiji, why these tulasi beadsin your neck or your devotees' neck?" so I replied, "Just like apet dog has got a collar, similarly w e are pet dog s of God. Weh ave got this collar. And Yamaraja will understand that he isGod's dog. He shoul d not be shot down." (laughter) So ac tuallythat is the posi tion . Anyone • •• There is a verse. There is averse that "Don't go to the Va isnavas." The Y amadutas wereespecially instructed. But this Ajamila was known, a sinfulperson. Everyone knew. But he had become, I mean to say,freefrom all sinful contamination because at the t ime of death, heuttered the word Narayana without any offense. The Yamadutas,they could not u nder stand that he is no more u nder the la ws ofcriminal punishment. He is free from all contamina tion .Andactually, that is the position. Krsna ... On e who u tters the nameKrsna, he immediately becomes free from all sinful ac tivities,i mmediately. That is the pvwer of Krsna's name. Bu t thedifficulty is that after being freed, we again commit mistake insinful activ ity. K rsna name has got the power. As soon as youutter the name, Hare Krsna , immediately you become freed from allc ontamination. Therefore if one thinks that "I am chanting HareKrsna mantra, so even if I commit sinful activities , that will be26

295-12 SB 6.1.34-39SURAT- 12-19 -70counteracted by my chanting , " that is another, g reatest offense.That we have discussed many times, that on the strength of holyname of Lord, if one commits sinful activities, he is a greatestoffender. Just like sometimes we find in Christia n churches. Theygo on Sunday,and they confess, and they are supposed to beexcused from the sinful reaction. But again, after coming backfrom the church, again commits the same sins wit h expectationthat "Next week , when I shall go to the church, I shall confess,and it will be counteracted." This kind of, I mean to say,understandi ng is prohib ited , this k ind of understanding. One •••Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu . Cai tanya Mahaprabhu acceptedJagai-Madhai. They w ere very sinfu l. What is their s\n? Theillic it sex, woman-hunter, drunkard, meat-eaters. That's it. Thatis sinful activities according to Ved ic scriptu re. So they becamedebauch and gunda, a disturbing element. But Caitanya Mahaprabhudelivered them. Cai tanya Mahaprabhu delivered them on onecondition . What is that condition? When they fel ldown on thelotus feet of Lo rd Caitanya and Nityananda--"Sirs, we arc so muchsinful. Kindly deliver us." There is a long histu1 1, incidence. Iwill tell you some day. Caitanya Mahaprabhu made one condit i on ,that "I can accept you on ly on you r promise t h a tyou shall nomore commit sinful a ctivities.What you have done, th.Jt is allright. I w ill excus e . But if you commit again , tb.Jt will begreatest o ffense." So they said, a ra na re baba. Ara na rc:"Nomore, sir. This i s the end of our sin ful activiti e s . No more weshall ' :.. t." so our Krsna consciousness movement, following thef 0 ' of Lord Ca i tanya , we a re also following the sameprinciples under the authority of Lord Caitanya .W hen we accept27

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT-12-19-70somebody in our society as initiated member we put forward thisoblig ation , restriction , that "No more illict sex life, no moregambling, no more intoxication and no more animal food." That isnecessary. If you accept spiritual life, at the same time go oncommitting sinful activities, then you will never be ab le toprogr ess. That is not possible. Because in the Bhagavad-g ita itis clearly said by Krsna ,yesam anta-gatam papam jananam punyakarmanam:"Persons who are completely freed from allcontamination of sinful activities and simply engaged in piousactivity, they only are admi tted in devotional service." So ifyou are actually serious about entering into the kingdom of God ,Va ikuntha, then you should be very much careful about these fourprinciples of restriction . No illicit . .. You cannot have any sexlife without being ma rried. T hat is s inful activity . You cannotindulge in intoxication . You cannot eat anything which is beyondthe jurisdiction of your food. F or you , for a human being , thefood is,I mean to say, given there, quota, that "You can eatg r ains. You can eat fruits. You can ea t flowers, veg etables. Youcan eat milk ." That is sattvikahara,foodstuff prepa red fromveg etab les, fru its, grains, sugar, and milk products. 1'hat's all.That is sattvika. That is allo tted for the human being . Youcannot imitate the cats and dogs. "Because they are eating meat,I also meat. .. Meat alsc is my food ." They put forwa rd-­" Everything i s f o od . " So why don 't you eat stool? That is alsofood--for the hog . So we must have discrimination, that what sortof food we shall take? N0t that like hogs, anything wi ll beaccepted. That is humanity. So in this way, actually if we28

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39SURAT- 12-19-70enter, if we want to enter into spiritual life, then these fourprinciples of restriction must be observed. (break) And those whodo not believe in God and act according to whims, such personsare called asuras. Ih the Bhagavad-g ita you will find , na roamduskrtino mudha prapadyante naradhamah. It is clearly stated,mayaya apahrta-jnana asuri-bhavam asritah. This very word is veryimportant. Asuri-·bhavam asritah. They have • • • Because they havetaken to the shelter of asuri-bhava , atheistic philosophy,inspite of advancement of education , they are naradhama,lowest ofthe mankind. These words are exactly there. Na radhama. You cannotsay, "How you can say this gentleman asura? He is so mucheducated, highly qualified, university degree." The answer isthere, mayaya apahrta-jnana h: " Yes, it appears that he is verylearned, bu: his actual know led ge is taker. away by the maya onaccount of his being atheistic." And such atheistic person ,bewildered by maya and being lowest of the mank ind,they cannotsurrender unto God. Na mam dusk rtin o mudhah prapadyantenaradhamah. So these things may not be very pa latable, but thesethings are there in sc riptures.We have to preach the sc ripturalinjunction. Therefore we say, "Bhagavad-g ita As It Is." Youcannot play hide andseek with the prob lem of life. You mustknow your real pos ition. And you must ... Theref0te her it isasked that bruta dha rmasya nas tattvam. So dharma and adharma.There are two kinds of act ivities , dha rma. Dharma means one whois acting according to the order of God . That is dharma . And onewho is not act ing accordin.,; to the oroer, +'at is adharma.Therefore the challenge was there: "If yoJ are ac tuallyrepresentative of Dha rmaraja, you must: know what is dharma and29

295-12 SB 6.1 .34-39 SURAT- 12-19-70what is adharma. You explain." That means they are also not awarewhat was the actual position of Ajamila. They did not know thatalthough throughout his whole life he was sinful, but because atthe time of his death he simply remembered Narayana •••But thatis also difficult. We may not think that "Let me now go on,committing all sinful activities. At the time of death I shallremember Nar ayana or Krsna." That is not possible. It is onlypossible for persons who had some intimate relationship withNarayana. This Ajamil1 had very intimate relationship withNarayana. When he was boy, w hen he was being trained up by hisfather , he was very faithful to Narayana, to his father. Up totwenty years, he served very nicely Na rayana. Therefo re he hadthe effect of remembering Na rayana at the time of death. T hereforein the Bhagavad-g ita it is ' sa id, sva lpam api abya dha rmasyatrayate mahato bhayat. If even slight of this Na rayana-d ha rma ispracticed , it can save you from the greatest danger. So why nottake to this Na rayana consc iousness or Krsna consciousnessalways , t wenty-four hou r s. Then there is no ql!estion of danger.Narayana-par ah sarve na kutascana bibhyati. One who has becomenarayana-par a, he is not afraid of anything . Na kutascanabibhyati. Why he should be afraid? He knows ,"There is Na rayana;there is Krsna. Why sha ll I be afraid?" So , it is past six.Devotee (I): Can I ask one question , Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>?<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Yes .I :You said that Ajamila, because he chanted, "Naraya na,Na rayana ," offenselessly, so he went to Va ikuntha. And then yousaid if we are chanting, if we chant Hare Krsna, all ou r sinful30

295-12 SB 6.1.34-39 SURAT-12-19- 70activitiesare washed a way. Is that so even if we chantoffensively?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: (sic: ) Offenseless means when you chant with thisidea that "Now I am chanting, all my sinful activities are gone.So again I can commit sinful activities,and I shall chant,'Narayana.'" That is offense. That is offense. Knowing ly you arecommitting sinful activities. You know this is sinful activity,but you are thinking on the strength of chant ing that "Even if Icommit this offense, sinful activities, it will be counteractedby my chanting. " That is offense. That offense was not there inthe case of Ajamila. He was young man. He was being trained up byhis father in the Na rayana phi losophy , Na rayana life. But due tobad association he became a vict im to all kinds of sinfulactivities, and that was not offen se. You can fall down by, Imean to say, unaware the association. But if you are offenseless,then you'll be saved. But if you purposely think that "Because Iam chanting Hare Krsna mantra, it can counteract my sinfulactivities , " that is the g reatest offense , knowing ly. Ajam ila didnet know. He was a boy. He fell a vict irr. to bad association, buthe was not offender. He did not do it puposefully. The refore hewas saved. Yes.Indian man I II): Why Va isnavas are ..? They are bear ing ( ?) one ofthe risks(?). Yamadutas are not going .Is there al ready somerules (?) of they or something like that?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. It is not to be kept fa lsely. You see? Yamadutasare • • • They ar very intelligent. If you keep it falsely, theycan catch you. They are not foolish persons that you can cheathim. No , i t is not possible. Y o u must be ac tually Va isnava ; then31

295-1 2 SB 6.1 .34-3 9SURAT-12-19-70you are excused, otherwis e not. You caLnot cheat. So they arebeing trained up to become actually Va isnavas,not a pseudoVa isnava ,simply for earn ing livelihood. No. That is not ourproposition . And those who are earninglivelihood by presentinghimself as false Va isnava,their condition is more condemned. MyG uru Maharaja used to say that "Instead of earning yourlivelihood by presenting yorself as a Va isnava ,better youbecome a sweeper in the street and earn your live lihood. Don'tcheat." That was the order of my Guru Maharaja. "It is better tobecome a sweeper in the street than to become a false Va isnava."That is real philosophy.Devotee ( III) : <strong>Prabhupada</strong> , you said that the greatest offense isto chant, thinking that "My sins will be washed away" and commitsins, or wants to. (?) So what is the result that that person getsif he dies in that condition?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: He dies a sinful. Because he does not want to go backto Godhead, he wants to make some profit, so he dies sinfu l, andhe has to be punished for that reason , in spite of his falde thistilak and false mala. He'll be punished. Yes ?Karttikeya:Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>? Even if a person is completelyengrossed in ma teri al activities, but somehow or other,theyu tter the name of Krsn u . . • Like you said my mothE:r attainedKrsna 's kingdom , although she was comple tely bsorbedin ma terialact ivities • • .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : That was due to you r grac e. You rminded your motherat the time of h e r d eath, "Krsna." You were a good boy of yourmother, and she got the opportunity, remembering Krsna ,anc1 got32

295-1 2 SB 6.1.3 4-3 9 SURAT- 12-19-70all the profit du e to having a good son like you. Yes, hismother • • • I do not w ish to discuss. But we are not at all. . • Justlike European ladies there. So he was visiting his mother andinspiring her, " Mother, you chant Bare Krsna," whatever he haslearned from me. She got some idea of Krsna, later on developedlittle affection for Krsn a consci ousness. So at the time ofdeath,by seeing him, she simply inquired from him, "Is yourKrsna here?" and died immediately. so she was fortuna te to have agood son like him who reminded, by his presence, "Krsna ," and shebecame liberated. Therefore these things are requi red, Va isnavasymptoms. People w ill immediately remember Krsna by this tilak ,by this beads, by their fearures. Immediately they will know,"Here are the groups of Krsn a consciousness." Yes?II: Who can be told as a true Va isnava?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: That you have to learn --not in a minute. That youhave to be trained up. Just see how they are being tra ined up.You cannot ask w ho has passed MA because you have to become MA.Then you c an. Not that simply ask ing for a minute you canunderstand. It is a long course of training. You have to admityou rself in the va isnava school and become trained up. Then youwill understand what is Va isnava. Yes?Revati-nandana: Did I. .. In Indore u1d I understand , Prabbupada,that you sa i d that at first Ajamila saw his son . And because hisson's name was Na rayana, and he remembered , "Oh , Krsna . . •" Bycalling for his son , he remembered Krsna. Finally, he was ca llingKrsna .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: That is the commentary by Visvanatha Cak ravartiThakura, so we have to acce pt ou r aca ryas. That is commentary.33

295-12 SB 6 .1.34-39 SURAT- 12-19-70But some w ay or other, Narayana, the very name, the holy name,has got so much power. That you have to understand. So those whoare always chanting Hare Krsna, they are saved. It is not a show,but offenseless chanting of Hare Krsna mantra will always keep ussafe and sound from the attack of maya . And there is noexpenditure; there is no loss. Why people should not take? Whythis obstinacy? I a sk. They are thinking that "I have becomecivilized. I have become educated. Therefore Ishall not dothis." So are they not educated? Are they not civilized? WhyIndian boys are refusing? That is my question. They are losingthe opportunity of taking birt h in India. They are so muchfortunate to take their birth in India, and they are refusingthis cultu re.That is the effect of this modern education. Apanadhana dilaye diye bhiksa bbaje pareka.{?) What is the position ofIndia? Nobody cares for India. Wherever I go, they say,•oh,Ind ia? That's poverty-stricken country." That is your good name.Because you are actually going. Your adm inistrators are going :"Give me, give me gra ins. Give me money. lve me weapons so I canb e saved from the slapping of China." A begg ing business. TheIndia's position is not very glorious outside India. You may bepuffed up that yov have become independent . But everyone isanxious to have your spiritual culture, everyone. They know. Evena Chinaman, he has writ ten o ne book t hat is recommended in NewYorkUn iversity. He says that "If you want to know aboutspiritual culture and relig ion, then you must go to India." Soyou are all young boys. You should be ve rj responsible. CaitanyaMahaprabhu has said specifically ,bharata-bhumite manusya-janma34

295-12 SB 6.1.34-39 SURAT- 12-19-70haila jara: "Anyone who has taken birth as a human being in theland of Bharatava rsa," janma sarthaka kari' kara paropakara,"just make your life successful and do welfare activities forothers." So you must realize because in India you have got thisKrsna science or spiritual culture so nicely left by so manysages , so many saintly persons. You do not make your lifesuccessful by following their path. And what can you do foryourself or for others? You cannot be glorious simply byimita ting them. When you have established some technolog icalinstitution, you will find in the western countries, they arehundred years ahead than you. So in that way you cannot makecompetition. You should realize your own assets and distribute tothe world, and that will make you glorious.(end)35

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295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCRoom ConversationSurat , India, December 21 , <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong>: So your father has got personality.And why theultimate Go dheadis not a person? What is this philosophy? IfGod is father, He must be person. How you can prove God imperson?Eh?Hansaduta: Ah • • •<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: He is puzzled .Devotee (I) : I am pu zzled .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:(chuck les) Just try to understand this philosophy. Ifwhen I see practically my father has got head, his father has gothead , his father has got head, head, head, head ... Go on . And theultimate father, why he has no head? What this poo r person,gentleman, has done that he has no head? (laughter) This is ...This nonsense theory is going on , that "God has no head . God hasno legs. God has no hand." Imperson means He has no head , no leg,no ... That means ... And somebody says , "He is dead," and "void."Revati-nandana: They're trying to kill Krsna. They're trying tokill Krsna.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: That's all. That is their business. Raksasa , asura,miscreants, rogues , fools, rascals--that is their business.Envious. Because they are • • • If I say that "You have no eyes,"that means indirectly I say that "You are blind." If I say that"You have no leg," indirectly I say, "You are lame." In this way,1

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCwhen I deny your senses, that means I am calling God by ill namesthat "You are blind. You are lame. You are handless. You arerascal," like that. And that is their prayer. Calling God by illnames, that is their prayer. What do you think , Giriraja?Giriraja: Yes , Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong> .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. When you say, "0 my Lord, You have no leg , Youhave no hand , You have no eyes," that means, "You are blind, Youare lame, You are handless," (laughter) "You have no sense"--"Youare nonsense." So this prayer. This is their prayer. So w e havegot fight vigorously with these rascal impersonalists andvoidists. When I was talking , somebody left the meeting in themorning. Yes. That means he could not tolerate (laughs) all thesedesignations--rascal, miscreants, lowest of the mank ind. Yes .Devotee (II) :In this mantra of Sri Upanisad, Mantra Twelve,(quotes Sanskrit)it says, "Those engaged in worship of thedemigods enter the darkness reg ions of ignorance, and still moredo the worshipers of the Ab solute."But this means that theimpersonalists, "those who are worshiping Ab solute"?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes .II: Then why is it seen that they are making spiritualadvancement?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No, they don't make any spiritual advancement. Theycome down. Don't you see this impersonalist, Vivekananda? He tooksannyasa; he came to hospital-mak ing , came back . They are notadvancing. They are coming back , falling down. While they have noengagement in devotional service, they say, "Oh, why you arefind ing God anywhere? Here is God ,daridra-narayana , these poormen." That's it. That is not advancement. They are coming down.2

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCNow , they come down and they defame Na rayana, that "Na rayana hasbecome daridra." He has found Narayana is daridra.Revati-nandana : What is that word?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Daridra. Oaridra means poor, poor. Da ridra-narayana.This is manufactured word by Vivekananda. They are so proud that"When a beggar comes at your door, you should treat him asNa rayana, daridra." These are simply high-sounding words. Whatthey a re doing actually for the daridras?Revati-nandana: So that is service in the mode of ignorance .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Huh?Revati-nandana: That is service in the mode of ignorance?Prabhupda: Yes. Yes. They cannot serve. All these welfareactivities of the world ,what they are serving? That I explainedt his morning. They are trying to give help to the poor, but then umber o f poor is increasing. They are trying to give medicineor relief to the suffering patients. The patients are increasing.Hospitals are increasing. But if our number of temples, Krsnatemples is increase, that is something sound. But they areincreasing hospitals. What do you think ? If we increase number ofhospitals, does it mean we are making progress? But they thinkthat they are making progress. Just like in your country there iswelfare department? The expenditure increasing.Revati-nandana: Yes,<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: That means the social structure is very bad.Otherwise, natural procedure is that everyone should be selfindependent.But why state has to give them help? That's notgood. You may be ••.Just like a son may be very rich man 's son,3

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCbut if the father provides him only, then he's a useless son. Isit not?If the father has to provide him money for hismainten ance, then that son is useless son. That is not a goodcertific ate. Although you may be very much proud that "I ammaintaining my so many sons," why you should maintain? Let thembe self-supported.Yadubara :But what can the state do-:> Should the state just leavethe people alone?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No. They shou ld make the citizens so nicely developedin their Krsna consciousness tht they should be self-dependent,self-satisfied. That is the ideal of civilization.Yadubara : But Ame rica is so far from that.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Therefore it is not advancement, although they arevery much p roud of advancement. This is not sign of advancement.According to Bhagavad-g i ta it is said , yasmin sthite gurunapiduhkhen a na viclayate: "If one is situated in such a pos itionthat even in the greatest, g ravest type of dangerous position, heis not agitated, he is not agitated, that is the real happiness."Yasmin sthite gur unapi duhkhena na vicalyate. These are thewords, yasmin st ite: "Situated in such a position that althoughhe is facing g r .:atest danger, he is not agitated." There is oneinstance. Not very long ago, say, about two hundred years agothere w as a big zamindar. He was known as king in Krsnanagar. Sohe was charitably disposed . He went to a brahmana and asked him-­he was a great learned scholar--"Can Ihelp you any way?" And thepandit replied, "No. I don't require your help. I am quitesatisfied.""How you are satisfied?" "Oh, y, these students,they bring some rice. So my wife boils that, and I have got this

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCtamarind tree. I take some leaves and prepare some juice out ofit. That is sufficien t." So he was satisfied. That's all. But hewas a learned scholar . Similarly, Canakya Pandit ••• You haveperhaps heard. He was the greatest politician. He was primeminister of India. He was living in a cottage and just givinginstruction. So that is India's Vedic civilization. Everyone issatisfied, self-sufficient. And now in your country, oh, you havetoattend office fift y miles off. And because you have to takethis trouble, Krsna has provided with ca r. You are thinking , "Iam advanced." You don't think that "Although I have got car , Ihave to go fifty miles off from my home." This is illusion. Youare thinking, "I am advanced. I am happy. I have got this car."This is illusion . Yes. Gaurasundara was going to ma intain, and hedrives fifty miles off, Honolulu. The poor fellow had to riseearly in the morning. You see? And so much haste. (?) Therefore:"Gaurasundara,you better give up this job. Just depend onKrsna." So he has given up. What is this? Fifty miles going bymotorcycle or motor car, how much tediou s it is. But still, theyare satisfied that "We are advanced." And because they have manycars, therefore in your country always there is that(makestraffic noise) , "sonh, sonh, sonh,sonh, sonh, sonh, sonh, sonh,"wherever I go.Revati-nandana: And more problems come after that .P rabhupada:Simply, wherever you go, (makes traffic noise) "sonh,sonh, sonh, sonh," and "gonh, gonh, gonh, gonh, gonh." Up in thesky, "gonh, gonh, gonh, gonh," and in the street , "sonh, sonh ••• "And then, when diggi n g, "gut-gut-gut-gut-gut-g ut-gut-gut-gut!"5

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RC(laughter) Is it not? Don't you feel botheration. But they arethinking , "Oh, America is very much advanced in machine." Andwhen there is that garbage tank? "Ghon-g hon-g hon-ghon-ghon-ghonghon-ghon-ghonl" (laughter) So many sounds are going on ,always.Eh? Of course, you have got very nice city, nic e roadseverywhere. But this trouble . . • You have created so manytroubles. And there are news that one lady was a patient. Shebecame mad for the sounds. And I think they are think ing veryseriously how to stop all these sounds. Is it not?syamasundara:Especially they have these airplanes now.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Oh .Syamasundara: They make such a tremendous sound that they breakwindows and everything else.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Now we are in Sambhu in Bombay. As soon as theaeroplane would come on top of the house it is just likethunderbolt. Yes. At least I was feeling like that. Va jrapa .(?)You see? So this is called illu sion. We are creating acivilization which is so much painful,but we are think ing thatwe are advanced. This is illusion. We are creating simplyproblems, and still, we are thinking that we are advanced. AndBhagavata says that there is no problem. Tasya iva hetoh prayatetakovido na labhyate yad bhramatam upary adhah. You simply try forKrsna consciousness. And then how I shall live? That, the answer,is tal labhyate duhkhavad anyatah sukham. Just like you don'taspire for miseries, but it comes upon you ,it is forced uponyou , similarly , happiness also will be forced upon you , whateveryou are destined to receive.So don't try for happiness ordiscard ing distress. That will go on. You simply try for Krsna6

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCconsciousness, which, without your trying ,it will neve r befulfilled. You have to voluntarily try for Krsna consciou sness,revive it. Therefore Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mamekam saranam vraja. You do it--because you have to do it. Krsnacan force you to become Krsna conscious. But He doesn't do that.He doesn't interfere with your independence. He says , "Do it."Therefore you have to try for it, not for other thing s. Otherthings, already there are. For the birds and beasts there is noproblemfor eating. Why your problem should be? Just like aprisoner. He has no problem for eating . The government supplies.He has only p rob l em that he should not be criminal. That is hisproblem. He should try for that: "No more I sha ll become acrimin al." That is the real activity. But he thinks ... If in theprisonhouse you say, "What shal l I eat?" no, eating is alreadythere. Even you are a prisoner, the government has supplied hiseating. Similarly, God has supplied everyone, cats and dogs, foreating. Why not for you? You have created your own problem. Realproblem is how to develop Krsna consciousness. Tasyaiva hetohprayateta kov ido na labhyate yad bhramatam upary adhah. Krsnaconsci ousness is that.Yadubara: These problems will take care of themselves if peopledevelop Krsna consciousness?<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Yes .Yadubara: Then there is no need to deal with the problem then .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: There is no problem. At least we Krsna consciouspeople, we have no problem for eating. Is it? Is there anyproblem?7

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCHansaduta : There's probl em . Eating too much!<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:(laughs) This is practical. If you have any problem,you join us. You will have no problem for eating . That I canguarantee you. Wherever you go, you shall eat sumptuously. Yes.Devotee (III) : Is it all right to finish rounds (?) in the templewhen there's nothing to do?<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : No .III: This afternoon .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Not afternoon . You have to do it in the morning whenthere is nothing .Indian (IV) : Hare Krsna !<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Har e Krsna . (Hindi) Hare Krsna .Devotee (V) : He danced on sankirtana today.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Perhaps in other engagement he cannot dance. Actuallythere is no problem. Why there should be problem? There are8,400,000 speci es of life. Out of that, human being are 400 • • •Out of that, 80%, they are uncivilized. So all these livingentities have no problem for eating. This 2 0% o r 15% people whoare called as civiliz ed ,they have problem. They have createdproblem. At least in India, say, hundredyears before, there wasno problem for eating, even for the sudra class or any • . • No ,there was no • • • The society was so made, there was no problem.Why fifty years? In 1933 or '36 in Vrndavana somebody wantedmilk, some pilgrimage amongst ourselves.So went to a hou se. So,"Can you supply us some milk?" "Ah, how much you want?" So it wasabout ten pounds. So she supplied immediately, one woman, andwhen she was offered price, "Oh, why shall I take a price for tenor twenty pounds of milk? Oh, you can take it." That is my8

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCpractical experience. Milk was so freely available. So simply weare creating problems by godless civilization . That is a fact.Hansaduta: Once you said we are making solutions to self-c reatedproblems, and we think it's advancement.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes .Hansaduta: We've created a big thing and then ma ke so manysolutions .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Just like we just take example from you r country. Youare constructing so many highways, freeways. St ill, there isproblem. Still, even in the highways, sometimes blocked. Aiye .(Hindi) Tasyaiva hetoh prayateta kovido. (Hindi) We do notdissuade persons to stop work. No. That is not our ... You do. yourwork, but be Krsna conscious. That's it. Just like Arjuna. Arjunawas a fighter. Krsna never stopped him from his occupation, buthe was taught Krsna conscious even in the battlefield. (Hindi-­break)You want to see? Yes. Where is that book?Hansaduta: Here, Bhagavad-g ita .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Kincid adhita. (break)... a thousand pages of thissize. This is four hundred pages, but that Gita will be thousandpages. But we shall use very thin paper. Yes. It is availableafter some time.Indian (VI) : Where?<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : In our center in India .VI : Is this same?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No ,it is Nectar of Devotion. Where are our otherbooks?Hansaduta : In my suitcase . Shall I bring them?9

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RC<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes, bring. (break) Krsna, canvassing Himself, says,Krsna, Himself canvassing, sarva-dharrnan parityajya rnam ekarnsaranarn vraj a. "Give up everything. Just sur render unto Me." Howmany do it? s o we are canva ssing on behalf of Krsna.Hepersonally s aid practically. So you don't expect that everyonew ill be K rsn a conscious. It is very difficult. Manusyanamsahasresu k ascid yatati siddhaye, yatatarn api siddhanam kascidvetti mam tattvatah. So Krsna consciousness is very difficult,but it is the mercy of Lord Caitanya that through this Hare Krsnamovement they are corning so soon . Otherwise, the subject matteris very difficult. (pause) So many flowers?Hansaduta : Yes .Prahupada : So why not give everyone .Hansaduta: Everyone? (?)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes .Indian manHansaduta:(VII) : Do you practice meditation in your center?Our meditation consists of chanting the holy name ofGod. Or, in fact, w e are always absorbed in meditating becausewhatever we do, we do on behalf of Krsna. So our mind , which isthe center o f our activities, is alw ays absorbed in Krsna. Theprinciple o f meditation is to fix up our mind on Krsna. Just likeKrsna says , "Always think of Me. Become My devotee. Bow down toMe. Worship M e. Give your love to Me. In this way, you will cometo Me."So i f we want to go to Krsna • . •<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: That is the highest, topmost type of yoga.Yog inarnapi sarvesam rnad-gata antaratmana, sraddhavan bhajate yo rnarn same yuktatarno rnatah: "Anyone," Krsna says, "who is think ing of Mealways with in his heart, with devoti on and love ,he is the10

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCtopmost yogi." Yoginam api sarvesaw. So this Hare Krsna movement,as soon as you chant Krsna and hear it, immediately you think of.And the chanting is not done by any ordinary man. Un less one haslove and devotion for Krsna, he cannot chant. You just study withthis verse. Sraddhavan bhajate yo mam, antaratmana : "Within, heis topmost." So this Krsna consciousness movement means we aretraining people to become the topmost yogis.VI I: Do they have to practice every day?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: The practice is very simple. Anyone, when you chantHare Krsna mantra, even child joins. Even a small child , h e alsoclaps and joins. Therefore it is recommended in the sastras ,harer nama harer nama barer nama iva kevalam , kalau nasty evanasty eva nasty eva. In this age nobody can meditate actually. Itis very difficult. Maybe one or two persons can meditate, butthat is not for all. But here Krsna conscious, the chanting , isso nice, that even a child can take part. It doesn't require thathe should be educated ,he should be rich or he should beenlightened, no. As he is, simply if he takes part in this •••Even woman. We were chanting. There was some roaring . As soon aswe begin chanting, it stopped. This is authorized . This isrecommended. And this is practically being •••Now in Eu ropean andAmerican countries,four or five years back •••VI I: Chanting is mental concentration , is it?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. Chanting and hearing,locked up. Mind is lockedup. And because the Krsna vibrat ion is locked up, then Krsna islocked up, because there is no diffe rence between Krsna and Hisname, absolute. Krsna is absolute. Therefore there is no11

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCdifference between Krsna and His name, His form, His pastimes.Nama-cintamanih krsnas caitanya-rasa-vigrahah, pu rnah suddhonitya-mukto 'bhinnatvan nama-naminoh. Because nama and thenaminah, being inseparable, therefore nama is also purna , nitya,suddha,muk ta.VI I: What is the tran-;e that •••The meditation, trance enters. Itis called • • •<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Trance is ••• The actual med itation means concentrateone's mind on Visnu form. That is real meditation . But now theyhave,the impersonalists and voidists, they have manufactured somany things, but actual meditation means •••VI I : Transcendental meditation. Trans • • ?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Transcendental meditation. Th e transcenden tal meditationmeans to think of Lord Visnu.VII : These books will be available where?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: These books are • • • Now we have some customdifficulty. Books are lying in the port, but we some customclearance permission difficulty. Just this morning we havereceived news from Delhi. Now everything is complete. So now weshall get the books, say, within a fortnight.VII : Within a fortn ight .<strong>Prabhupada</strong> : Yes .VI I: In Surat, unable to permanently enter in Surat?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. If you give us some place,we'll immediatelyopen. Just like in Indore we had been. Somebody has given us aland. Not only l und, but they are going to prepare a temple alsothere. And the residential quarters, we shall arrangetoconstruct. So this land is about 400,000 square feet.1 2

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCVII : In Surat?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No, in Indore. Yes. So if we get place, we can start.Our prog ram is international. And it is not difficult for us. Wecan start a branch even underneath a tree. We begin •••I began i nNew York like that. I was chanting u nderneath a tree in a park.Yes .Indian man(VIII):Prabhupad: Yes. Yes. To the members, not to the public.It isvery difficult for import-export, and sales tax, this , that , somany botherations government has created. Therefore our proposalis that • • • Thank you. We don't sell. No. Simply who becomes amember, we give him. You give us something , and whatever we havegot, we giv e you . Business fin ished. Not finished, but businessestablished .(laughs) Then if you read our books, if you inquire,then we get opportunity to explain. And our distribution of booksmeans that is indirectly propagating our mission . Yes. Sotherefore we have adopted this way, that only to the members.That's all. We have printed that "These books are not for sal inInd ia." Yes. Because the government machine is so impl icate .. 1 -­sale tax , this tax, that tax ...VI I: I want to put in India also. ( ?) They are for sale there. {?)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Because there we have no difficulty.P.ansaduta : There 's difficulty with the authorities.VII : Not in India . You can sell to Indians .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Oh, yes . We are selling .Hansaduta: America , Japan .VI I: You can sell , but not in India.13

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RC<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No, India, we can s €'11, but as soon as we sell, oh,there are s o many impediments, this tax • • • We cannot trust.(?)That is next. When we see that we have got enough members, sothis money which you pay for ou r membership ,this will beutilized for starting p ress and reprinting books. Yes. Butanother difficulty is this class of high class printing youcannot have in India. No. You have seen our Krsna Book andTeachings o f Lord Caitanya?Any books. Eh?VI I: In Bombay you can get.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No. we took quotation from Times of India press aboutou r, this Back to Godhead magazine.They quoted , "Two rupees,twelve annas , " cost price. Now at what pr ice we shall sell?VI I: This will be very costly then .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Very costly here. And even if we pay, this nature, thistype of book, is very difficult to be printed in India , such nicepaper , printing .Hnsaduta: Even on u.s.standards , these books, although theyretail for e ight dollars each, they are worth at least twentydolla rs. If you purchase a book of this quality .••Generally artbooks come like this, with many color illustrations, and theycharge twenty dollars.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Here you have seen that letter? Five?Indian man (VIII) : Yes .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Is it all right?VI II: Yes .Indian man (IX) : I think it never c0mes here .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Naturally, he wrote that, said, "I gave it to suchand such." It will go like that. Yes? Why Overseas (?) should keep14

295-13 Surat 12/21/70 RCso much account? You do not know, whateve you take, and that isreturned or not. No , whateve r you take, you should see that it isreturned. Now you are asking how much. What is that? You take andask him. Where is that small. • • What is called? Victoria? (?) Youbrought it back? You took from there but got it back? You got itback ? You took from there one shirt, one dhoti, one victo •••(?)Devotee (X) : Yesterday I did.P rabhupada: You got it?X: No , I couldn 't find it .P rabhupada: You have to find there? After reminding me? Afterreminding you? Why do you not ••? Whatever you give, you must seethat it is returned. When I inquire where it is now, you say, "Ishall see." There are so many clothings. How they can keep theaccount? You should know how much you have delivered and how muchyou have taken back. Who took? Find out. How it is stru ggle.Then? Let us prepare.X: Krsna •s in control. Here are some letters. (break )P rabhupada: • • • I dictated yesterday . It is not yet sent out .(end)15

',•.-:; . . :·.::·.·

295-15Surat , India 12/21/7 0Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.40<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:That is the material disease. Therefore CaitanyaMahaprabhu says, ceto darpana marjanam. This roguism has to bepurged. Then talk of spiritualism. At heart, dirty thing s are somuch hugely accumu lated by millions of years' contaminat ion ofthis material world. It is very difficult to get out of thisroguism. And to become a Va isnava, he has to become a brahmana.And brahmana means • • • One of the qualification, brahmana, is,sad-laksa,(?)arjava ,simplicity. The rogues cannot be simple.Always intriguing, making plan , plotting , these are roguisms. Buta Vaisnava requires very simple life. Satya sama dama titiksaarjava. (someone sneezing) Arjavam means simplicity. (aside) Heis very forward, without any cove ring .Now he is sneezing.Nature's law is so subtle. Uru damni baddhah. Bhagavata says , urudamni baddhah. Just like a man is tied up tightly, hands andlegs, by the laws of nature we are tied up in that way. Everypart of our body is being controlled by some controller. Wecannot violate a very insignificant portion of nature's law.Krsna is perfect. We think that "We rogues, Krsna cannot see."But Krsna has kept so many witnesses, and He is sitting Himselfwithin. How you can hide and seek? No hide and seek. That isanother foolishness ,illusion. How you can hide yourself fromKrsna? That's not possible. And we are violating the laws ofnature, and we are suffering. No excuse. Exactly like that: if a.child catches fire, the catches fire will no excuse because it is1

295-15 SURAT-12-2 1- 70 SB-6 :1:40a c hild. No. It will act. So we should know that , that • • •(aside)Yes, yesa. Aiye. There cannot be any excuse. Therefore we have tobe very, very careful. And the best carefulness is chanting HareKrsna. Mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etan taranti te. Simply if wesur render. (aside) You take this letter and post immediately,imm ediately after class.In that envel0pe our DhruvanandaMaha rajahas written that "I am enclosing herewith one bird'seyeview p lan." Eh? Have you done? If he has done, ask him andput it. If he has n ot , without that plan we shall send.Aiye.Hare Krsna. I am veryglad the young doctor is attending thismee ting . He c an cure many patients who are suffering from thismaterial disease. What do you think , Doctor?Indian doct or: Ve ry kind of you .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. You are now curing physical disease, but whenyou take up curing material, I mean to say, spiritual disease . • •Yes . Try to bring all people to the normal spiritual life. Allthe ir suffering is due to abnormal spiritual life, all suffering.Because, I was discussing with my disciples just now , nature'sl aw is so s ubtle and so acute, that a little violation will bepun ished immediately. You know. You are med ical man. Littleviolation will immediately subjected to the punishment. Th is isGod ' s law. There is a word in the Srirnad-Bhag avatarn, uru darnnibaddhah. Uru. Uru m eans very strong and damni means rope. Justlike if you a re tied up with a strong rope, hands and feet, asyou are help less, o ur position is like that. This very word isused , uru damni baddhah. Na te viduh • . • And such baddha,con ditioned souls, they are decla ring freedom : I don't care for2

295-15 SURAT-12-21- 70 SB-6 :1:40anyone. I don't care for God." How much foolishness. Just likesom etimes naughty children, they are also bound up. Yasodamayials o bound up Krsn a. That is an Indian system, or everywhere,that t i e d up. And that s m a 11 chi 1 d , when it is bound up , if thatchild declares freedom, how it is possible? Similarly, by thelaw s of mother nat ure we are bound up.How you can declaref r e edom? Every part of our body is being controlled by somecontroller. T hat i s stated in the Bhaga vatam. Even you r, thiseyelid moving ,that is also under some controller. So the peopled o not understand i t, and they are decl a ring , "I am God . I don'tc a r e for God. God i s dead." How God is dead? You arc under som u ch control and how God is dead? You can say that ther e i s nogovernment, p rovided there is nobody to check you. Bu t if you arein every step checked,how you can say that there is nogovernment. That is another foolishness. All men ,they have beend eclared in the Bhagavata, abodha jata, born fools and rascals.But these are very strong words. But if we state the strong , thatis another foolishness. It so, and if we deny, that "We cannota ccept such stron gthings," then another foolishness. Beg in.(break) Begin from there. Where is Bhagyo ( ?) Bhai? (pause) HareKrsna. (break) visnuduta, representative of Lord Visnu,cha llenged t he Yam aduta that "If you are representativeofYamaraja, who is supposed to be one of the authorities ofr eligion, then you must explain what is religion, dharma, andwhat is nonreligion ,or adharma, because, according to thisprinciple, one is punished or rewarded. If you become religious,then you are rewarded, and if you are irreligious, then you arepun ished." That is stated in the Bhagavad-g ita also. Urdhvam3

295-15 SURAT - 12 -21- 70 SB-6 :1:40gacchanti s attva sthah madhye tisthanti rajas ah jaghanya gunav rtti stha adho gacchanti tamasah. How a man is going to heavenor hell, one can understand from the direction of the sc riptures ,j ust like you can understand how a man is going to be pun ished orr ewarded within this materi al world .If you see somebody isw orking very hard, doing nicely , you can conjecture that "Thisman will be happy." Say, for example, if a boy is studying veryn icely, you c an conjecture that "This boy will rise very highlyin his future life ." And similarly, if a boy is whiling away histime by playing,you can understand "This boy is being spoiled."Similarly, by the direction of the scripture, you can understandwhat is the destination of a certain person. Therefore they say,sastra-caksusah. Whether I a m progressing or regressing , thatw ill be understood through the eyes of sastra, not in ordinaryeyes. So he says , kathamsvid dhriyate dandah kim vasya sthanamipsitam. "Ac cording to punishment and reward, a man , a livingentity • • •" Living entity means this dandah, this pun ishment andreward is meant for the human being, not the animals. An imals aren ot supposed to be under the stringent laws of materia l nature.Just like in ordinary way, all the state laws are applicable tothe human being , not to the animals. Because if an anima l goes tothe wrong path or if an animal takes away something from yourpossession, he is not punished, neither anybod y goes tocomplain in the police court. Similarly, human being •.• That isa lso civilized human being , advanced, civilized • . • That is statedh ere that dandyah kim karinah sarve ahosvit katicin nanam.Human being • • • That is also very few human being because those4

295-15 SURAT-12-21-70 SB-6 :1:40who are supposed t o be advanced , the Aryans • • • The Aryans arecalled the advanced human being. The civilization means Aryancivilization . So katicin nanam. This very word is used here. Notall human beings. Those who are • • • They are also p un ished , but acivilized human beingis very much responsible life. The chanceis given to get out of this cycle of birth and death. Therefore,for civilize d human b eing , these Vedas , these s criptu res , aremade for them, not for the rascals and fools, those who are inthe lowerstage of life, only for the civilized. So the ya madutau cuh. Then the r eply is given b y the Yamadutas, ther epresentatives, the constables of Yamaraja. They are workingunder Yamaraja, who is an authority. They must know. They mustknow what is right and wrong. So how nicely they arc replying. Sothe first challenge was given: " What is dharma? What is relig ion?what ispiety?" so they are rep lying , veda pranihito dharmah:"Dharma means the injunctions given in the Vedas. That isdha rma." Just like if you ask ,"What is law?" then the immediateanswer is "Law means the injunction of the state." You cannotmake it law. The state, the government, whatever the governmentorders, that is law . The word of the government is law.Similarly, dharma means the injunctions given in the Vedas. It isclearly said, veda pranihito dharma hy adharmas tad vipa ryayah:"Ana nonrelig ions or irreligion, irreligion, or nonrelig ion, isjust the opposite." For example, if you ab ide by the laws of theVedas, then y ou should know that you are following the path ofdharma or religion. But if you do not abide by the laws of Vedas,thenyou are irreligious. This is the sum and substance. Now,why Vedas should be accepted to seriou sly? At least we, who are5

295-15 SURAT- 12-21-70 SB-6 :1:40supposed to be followers of the Vedic laws,we take it soseriously. For example, how we accept the injunctions of Vedasseriously? There is example, a stool, animal stoo l, or any, humanbeing stool. Stool is stool . That stool is supposed to beimpious, impur e. If you touch stool, then you have to take yourbath. You b ecome impure. You have to take your bath, as you dogen erally. After passing stool we take bath. That is a Hinduinjunction . And even a man goes twice for passing stool, he musttake twice bath. That is real Hindu relig ious life. Now , stool,in one place it is said that "It is impu re. If you touch, thenyou have to take you r bath." In another place it is said "Thisstool, particular, the cow dung, is pure. Cow dung is pu re. Ifthere is any impure plac e, if you smear over it cow dung , then itis pure." That is also injunct ion of the Vedas. Now , you cannotargue that "One pla ce you say that this stool is impure, andanother place you say this is pure. This is contradiction."Sometimes people find thi contradicti on. But you have to acceptbecau se it is injunction of the Vedas. That you are doingpractically every day. Similarly, this bone, any bone, animalbone, if you touch, you have to take bath. You become impure. Butthis conchshell, which you are sounding, vibrati ng in the Deityroom , that is also b one. But you cannot argue that "You say boneis impure.Why you are taking one bone in the Deity room?" Thatyou cannot say. This is acceptance of Vedas ,without anyargument. And if you want to know why one is accepted pure andone is accepted impure, if you make, I mean to say, reserch, youwill find that the Vedic injunction is right. Take for . • , this6

295-1 5 SURAT-12-21-70 SB-6 :1:40cow dung. Pe rhaps, you doctor, know, that one Dr. Lalman Ghosh inCalcutta, he analyzed this cow dung and he was a p rofessor in them e dical college. He has declared that cow dung is full ofa ntiseptic properties. So Vedic injunction is • • • That is right.But sometimes it appears to be contradicto y. But we cannot judgehow it is so contradictory. We have to accept like that. Tha t isthe following of Vedic rules. Similarly , in the Bhagavad-g ita youwill find, Krsna has explained so many ways karma-yoga, jnanayo g a , dhyana-yoga , h atha-yoga , so m any othe r things, butultimately H e says bhakti-yoga is th e Supreme. Sa rva dharmanparityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. Mam ekam saranam vraja meansthis is bhakti-yoga . one has to simply obey or s urrender untoKrsna,giving up all other types of relig iou s princ iples. So onecan say that Lord Krsna said in some places of the Bhagavad-g itatha t this yoga, karma-yoga is nice, jnana-yoga is nice. No. Thelast word , what He says , that is to be accepted. You cannot arguethat Krsna said karma-yoga is also good. You cannot argue that "Ishall take to karma-yoga." That is, karma-yoga, different stag esof evolution. One who is fit for simply karma-yoga, that processis recommended for him. But if one ultimately wants the supremebenefit, tten this is the injunction of Bhagavad-g ita, that sarvadha rman pa r ityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. So we have to followthe Vedic principles. That is dharma.And why Vedic pr inc iplesare to be accepted as supreme? That is also explained here. Vedapran ihito dha rmo hy adharmas tad viparyayah vedo narayanahsaksat. Ve da means Na rayana,the supreme Personality of Godheaddirectly. Just like lawbook is directy government , similarly,veda narayana saksa t svayambhur iti susruma. Ag ain he says ,7

295-15 SURAT-12-21-70 SB-6 :1:40susruma, "I have heard it. I have hear d it." When I say, "I haveheard it," that means I have hea rd it from a superior authority.s usruma . No followe r of Vedic prin ciple will say "It is myopinion." Your opinion is nonsense. What you are? This is the wayof understan ding Vedas. Susruma. Therefore Veda is known ass ruti, sruti and smrti. There is no such thing that "In myopinion , I comment like this. I take the meaning like this." No.You have to understand it b y the susruma process or srotapantha, by hearing f rom the a utho rities. Just like in theBhagavad-gita it is said, imam vivasv3te yogam proktavan ahama vyayam, that "First of all I said this principle of bhagavadbhakti-yogao r Bhagavad-g ita yoga to the sun-god." Imam vivasvateyogam proktavan aharn :"I spoke." Proktavan. Vivasvan manaveprahuh: "And the sun-g od said to his son, Manu." Manur iksvakavebravit.Just see. That means the principles of Bhagavad-g ita isbeing accepted by the process of hearing from authority. Tha t isthe process. You cann ot comment in you r own w ay. That is nota uthorized. You have to hear from t he authority. ThereforeKathopanisad says, tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: "Ifa nyone wants to learn the transcendental scienc e, he has toaccept." Gac chet. This is v idhilin, "must." There is noe xcep tion. Y o u cannot say that "Without going to a spiritualmaster, I shall learn the transcendental science." No , that isnot possible. Therefore, in our Va isnava principles , it is said,a dau gurva s rayam. In the very beg inning of understandingspiritual knowledge, one has to take shelter of a guru. Adaugurvasrayam. Sad dha rma prcchati: " The next stage is inquiring8

295-15 SURAT-12-21-70 SB-6 :1:40from the spiritual master about real spiritual life." These arethe processes. In the Srimad- Bhagavatam also it is said thattasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam:"One who (sic:)has actually serious about inquiring supreme subject, uttamam •••"Udga ta tamam y asmat. In the material world, all knowledge iscov ered with illusion , and material world is known as tama.Tamasi rna jyot i r gama. This is darkness. So real knowledge meanswhich has surpassed this province of darkness, uttamam. Jijnasuhsreya uttamam: "Anyone who has become very much inquisitive tolearn about the transcendental subject matter, he has to accept aguru. " Tasmad gurum prapadyeta. Gu ru means you have to find outsome personality who is well versed in the Ved ic knowlege. Sabdepare ca nisnatam brahmany upasamasrayam. These are the symptomsofguru, that he is well versed, well cognizant in theconclu sion of the Vedas. Not only that he is well-versed, but hehas actually in his life taken to that path, upasamasrayam,without being deviated by any other ways. Upasama, upasama. Hehas finished all materialhankerings. He has taken simply to thespiritual life andsimply surrendered to the Supreme Personalityof Godhead. And at the same time, he knows all the Vedicconclusions. This is the description of a guru. Similarly,Kathopanisad it is said , tasmad gurum prapadyeta . . • This isBhagavata. Ta d vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet samit panihsrotriyam. Srotriyam. One who has very nicely heard, one who hasacquired Vedic knowledge by the hearing process, srot r iyam brahmanistham, and the result is that he is fully, firmly fixed up inBrahman • • • Bhagavad-gi ta also says that tad viddhi pranipatenapariprasnena sevaya. Tat. If you want to understand the spiritual9

295-15 SURAT-12-21-70 SB-6 :1:40knowledge, then you have to learn it by surrender, pranipata.Pranipatena, pariprasnenai and sevaya--these three things. Youhave to surrender. You have to inquire or make questions withservice, not by challenging way. Upadeksyanti tad jnanam jnaninastattva darsinah. Then you will be able to understand realspi.r itual knowledge. So veda pranihitah, this very word, isimplicated with so many t deas of Vedic knowlege, but they havesummarized that "Dharma means the injun ctions of the Vedas."Dharmo •••Veda pranihito dha rma hy adharmas tad viparyayah, vedonarayanah saksat. Why Vedas should be taken so seriously? Peoplequestion that "Vedas are written by some man." That's wrong.Vedas are not written by any man. Otherwise,why Vedas should betaken so seriously? Not ••• Not present moment. It is coming. Allthe acaryas. All the acaryas. So far we are concerned , weIndians, Hindus, we are very controlled by the acaryas, recentacaryas ,Sankaracarya, Ramanujyacarya, Madhvacarya , Visnu-swami.They have accepted Vedas as supreme.Lo rd Caitanya acceptedVedas as the supreme. And Lord Buddha , although he is accepted asincarnation of God , still, because he did not accept Vedas, hisphilo sophy was not accepted in India. Veda na maniya bauddhahaila nastika. Our princ iple, the Vedic principle, is that anyonewho does not obey the injunction s of the Ve das , he is callednastika, athe ist. He does not believe. Veda na maniya bauddhahaila nastika. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's saying that "We conside r theBuddhists as atheists becausethey do not accept the Vedicprinci ples." But Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, vedasraya nastikyavada bauddhake adhita:"But persons who superficially says that10

295-15 SURAT-12-21-70 SB-6 :1:40' we are being controlled by the Vedas,' but actually they areatheists--they do not believe inGod--they are more dangerousthan these Buddhists." That is the version of CaitanyaMahaprabhu.so dharma pranihitah. Veda-pranihito dharmo hyadharmas tad viparyayah, vedo narayanah saksat. Ve do narayanahsaksat. This is the injunction. You have to accept the Vedicwords as the words of Narayana. Now , if you accept Krsna as theSupreme Personality of Godhead,then whateve r He has said in theBhagavad-gita, that is Veda. Is it not? If vedo narayana saksat,if Vedas are to be considered as Na rayana directly, then Krsna ••.He i s accepted by the acaryas as the Supreme Personality ofGodhead. That is a conclusion of the Vedas also. Na rayana isexpansion of Krsna.If you read Caitanya-car itamrta... And thereare many other samhita s.Krsna is the original SupremePersonality of Godhead. Isvarah paramah krsnah sac cid anandavigrahah anad i r adir govinda sarva arana karanam. Even He is thecause of Narayana, Krsna expansion. Krsna expands. Advaitamacyutam anadim ananta rupam. He is advaita, absolute, but Heexpands Himself in multi-forms. He expands Himself as Baladeva,and from Baladeva , there is Sankarsana; from Sankarsana, there isAn iruddha, P radyumna. In this way,expansion goes. These areVed i c versions. So Narayana is also Krsna's expansion, althoughthese expansions are not different from one another. That isalso ••. The example is given ••• just like one cand le. Then youlight up another cand le, another candle. Each one of thesecandles are equally powerful, but the original candle is calledthe first candle. Similarly, Krna is the original SupremePersonality of Godhead. From Him, all other expansions •.•They11

295-15 SURAT- 12-21- 70 SB-6:1:40are called Visnu -tattva . And Krsna also says in the Bhagavadgita,aham sarvasya prabhavah, aham adir devanam. These thingsare there. So in this way we have to accept dharma. As it is saidin the recent, say, within five years, five thousand years, theKrsna consciousness is • • • Actuo.lly we are spreading . 'l.'h is Krsnaconsciousness means what Krsna has said. That we hae taken. Thatis Vedas. Sometimes people argue that Bhagavad-g ita is sm rti.Profes sor, Dr. stahl, he argued with me that Bhagavad-gita issmrti. Smrti means the Vedic conclusion written by somebody else.That is called smrti. He is also authorized. So Bhagavad-g ita isalso accepted as smrti, but smrti is not different from sruti.Rupa Gosvami says , sruti smrti puranadi pancaratriki vidhim vina,aikantiki barer bhaktir utpatayaiva kalpate. So smrti is notwithout Veda. or Purana •••Sometimes people do not accept thePuranas as Vedic. No.Here it is sa id by Rupa Gosvami, srutismrti puranadi. They are all Vedas. Purana means supplementary.Just like the Vedic knowledge is described in the Mahabharata. Itis in the form of history. But actually the Ved ic knowledge isthere. That is also stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, stri sudradvija bandhunam trayi na sruti gocarah. Stri, woman, sudra , anddvija-bandhu • • • Dvija-bandhu means a person who is born inbrahmana fami ly but he is not advanced in spiritual knowledge. Heis called dvija-bandhu. He is not called a brahmana. Stri, sudra.And they are classified along with stri and sudra. Stri sudradvija-bandhunam trayi na sruti gocarah. For these persons it isvery difficult to undertand the Vedic injunctions. Therefore theVedic injuncti ons are sometimes made into historical stories. The12

-- - - -- --295-15 SURAT-12-21-70 SB-6 :1:40stories, they are not fiction ; they are fact. But some of the • • •,l ust like ·the Battle of Kuruksetra between the Pandavas and theKauravas, this is a fact. But the incidences are so nice that youcan derive Ved ic knowledge from them . And Bhagavad-g ita is withinMahabharata. So this is a fact ,that veda pranihito dharmah.Dharma • • • It is to be settled up that dharma means the injunctionof the Supreme Na rayana. And adharma means that you manufacturesomething out of your own fertile brain. That is adharma. Anddharma means the injunction. Dha rmah saksad bhagavat pranitam:"Dharma means what is spoke by the Supreme Persona lity ofGodhead, that is dharma." Therefore we take it for acceptancethat Krsna says ... That is actually the fact.Mam ekam saranamvraja. To surrender unto Krsna, that is dharma. Sarva dharmanparityajya. And in another place of the Bhagavad-g ita it is said,bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate. Those who arethinking themselves as advanced in knowledge, such persons, aftermany, many births take to t he su r rendering process to Krsna. Sothe version of Srimad-Bhagavatam and version of the Vedas andversion of Bhagavad-g ita, there is no difference. It has to bestudied a little carefully. I think we should finish here. Anyquestions? Now we have come to the conclusion: dharma means thewords of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is sum andsubstance, what we mean by dharma. That means dharma cannot bemanufactured by any conditioned soul. Conditioned souls, they aresubjected to so many deficienci· s;therefore they cannot createany dharma. That will not be accepted as dharma. Here, as theassistants of Yam3raja says that veda pranihito dharma ... Dharmameans what is stated in the Vedas. And Vedas means the Supreme13

2 95-15 SURAT-12-21-70 SB-6:1:40Personality of Godhead, saksad, directly. Just like when youspeak,when you speak or hear Bhagavad-g ita, immed iately weshould know--at least this vision we take--that Krsna is directlyspeaking . And if we interpret, then the whole thing is lost. Thatis not Bhagavad-gita, and that is going on , mal-interpretation ofBhagavad-g ita. Everyone is taking Bhaga vad-g ita , and he isi nterpreting in his own way.So that is not Bhagavad-g ita.Bhagavad-gita means as Krsna says. Krsna says , man-mana bhava madb hakto mad yaji mam namaskuru. But a commentator, bigcommentator, says, "Oh, it is not to Krsna, to the person." Justsee. This kind of commentary is going on.girl(Malati?): Srila Prabhupa da, you said that the animals arenot subject to the laws of the state,that if they stealsomething, they are not punished.But in our country, even if aperson has a mousein his house, a little mouse, he sets sometrap and he kills him for stealing food.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:That is not punishment. That is to stop thedisturbance. By law •••There is no such law that "When there is arat in your house, you should catch it and kill it." Law does notsay. Is there any law like that?girl: No .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Then that is another thing .girl: But this country had it into the laws . (?)<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes, but sometimes ••. That depends on the person.St .1 etimes ... Those who are pious persons, they know that theserats, they are also hungry and they should be given some food.That is thevision of the pious person. And that is stated in14

295-15 SURAT-12 -21-70 SB-6 :1:40the Srimad-Bhagavatam , that inyour house you should see notonlY to the welfare of your children. Even there is a lizard,the re is a rat, even there is a snake, you should see how he isals o comfortably situated. That is spiritual communism. Inv r n davana still, a snake found in the house is never killed,sna ke. Still a rat is never killed. If you kill a rat invrndavana, then so many people will come: "Oh, you are committingsuch sinful acts. You are killing a rat." That depends on thementality of the person. You can take care of this an imal, I meanto say, against the distu r bance created by this animal, but youc annot kill them. That is not. But when it is unavoidable, wehave to do like that. But as far as possible we should avoid. wehave heard from our father that his elder brother in the villagehad a cloth shop, and there were rats. So at night he would keepa big bowl of rice in the middle of the shop, and the rats willeat whole night. They would not commi t any harm to the cloth.They respect it. They are also hungry, they are also livinge n tities. They have also right to live, to eat. Isava syam idamsarvam. Everything. They are God 's creatures. The food is notonly meant for you, that you shall simply eat rice and not allowto the rats and cats. No. That is not Vedic injunction. You willf ind in the Srimad-Bhagavata m. You can take precaution. Afterall,they are animals. But you cannot kill.Himavati(?) : But then if you think further, that is that if youare going to make a prog ram to feed the animals in your house,then won't more and more animals come into you rresidence?suppose I feed these rats and I go on feeding them. Won 't moreand more rats come?15

2 95-15SURAT- 12-2 1-70 SB-6 :1:40P rabhupada: Well, the rats will be fed. Either you give or not,i t will steal. so t hat is not the prob lem. But if you give themf ood , they W ill.• • Of course, that is Western philosophy, thatb ecause the animals are increasing , they should be killed. WeIndians also, we have taken that view--because we cannot giveprotection to the cows, they must be sent to the slaughterhouse.That is the m odern view. But that is not injunction of the Vedas.The Vedas s ays that everyone has right to live, every livingent ity. That is g oing on not only in consideration of thean imals, even in human being s. Just like the Americans, they werea l l Eu ropean s , and they entered this Am erican land, killed som any red Ind i ans. so these k ind of things are going on , but thatd o es not mea n that is the law. You killed so many red Indians fory our benefit, but y ou have to suffer for that. So that •..This isg oing on in the human society, but that does not mean it isdharma. No. D harma means you have to abide by the regulationg i ven by the Vedas. You have to adjust things. Sometimes inAfrica the man-eate rs, they kill their grandfather, make a feast.The Russians also, they maintain such theory, that old men, theyshould be n e g lecte d. I have heard. I do not know. They becomeburden . But t hat is not Vedic injunction.H imavati (?) : But isn't that natural, just like no one wants to keepan old bull i n the barn?p r abhupada: Y e s. These things are man-manufactured. Dharman tusaksad bhagavat pranitam. The refore we have to accept the wordsof Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is dharma.Y amuna : Bhakt ivinode in one of his prayers prays that he may be16

295-15SURAT -12-21-70 SB-6 :1:40born"as a worm in the home of Thy devotee, rather than be borna brahmana aver se to thee."<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes? (break) So in Srimad-Bhagavatam, every line isso interesting. Therefore vidya bhag avatavadhih: "Knowledge meansup to the knowledge of Srimad-Bhagavatam." But generally peopledo not discuss Bhagavatam in this way. They go immediately to theTenth Canto and rasa-lila. You see? That is the subject matter of(chuckles) Bhagavatam. And Bhagavat-saptaha means that Krsna iskissing the gopis. That's all. And there are so many niceinstructions--that is not nothing. They have neglected becausethey do not like to hear such instructions. Krsna's dealings withthe gopis, that is very much liked. But Bhagavat, in order tounderstand Krsna, nin e cantos have been written. And Krsna'sactivities have been inserted in the Tenth Canto,afterunderstanding Krsna. Vetti mam tattvatah. And it is said in theBhagavad-g ita,manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhayeyatatam api siddhanam. So first of all one has to becomeliberated person by understanding Krsna; then he can understandwhat is Krsna's pastimes with the gopis. It is for the liberatedperson. It is not a thing to be explained in the marketplace.(end)17


295-1 6 surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40Srirnad-Bhagavatam 6.1 .40Surat , India, December 22, <strong>1970</strong>P rabhupada: ..• pranihito dharma hy adharmas tad-vipa ryayah, vedonarayanah saksat svayambhur iti susruma. So we were speaking thisverse yesterday morning . So vedo narayanah saksat. That is to beunderstood , why Vedas are given so much importance. Here it isexplai ned that Veda means directly Narayana. Why? BecauseNa rayana is absolute, God is absolute, therefore the words of Godare also God. You cannot make any differentiation . Saksat,directly. So this is to be understood, that God--H is form, Hisquality, His pastimes, His entourag e--everything of God is God.Even sometimes • • • Why sometimes? Always, the devotee of God isalso God. Just like we chanted this mantra , saksad-dha ritvenasamasta-sastraih, that "In every scripture the spiritu al masteris identified as directly God." Sak sad-dharitvena samastasastraih.Visvanatha Cak ravarti said, not that any secionsast ra, but all sastra, all scriptures, they admit that thespiritual master is God directly. Saksad-dharitvena samastasastrairukta : "It is said. It is mentioned. Authoritativesastra, actually bona fide sastra, it is said." Saksad-dharitvenasamasta-sastrair ukta: "It is said." And saksad-dharitvenasamasta-sastrair utkas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih: "And that isaccepted by all strict followers of transcendental science," notthat somebody admits or somebodydoes not admit, no, everyone,1

295-16 Su rat 1 2/22/7 0 SB 6.1 .40sadbhih. Sat bhih means "by the transcendentalists, those who areactually making prog ress in transcendental science and those whoare • • , ob jective is to reach the Supreme." They are doing . Thenagain, Visvantha Cak ravarti Thakura says ,kintu prabhor ya priyaeva tasya.Why the spiritual master shou ld be accepted di rectlyas Na rayana and God? The Mayavada philosophers, they say, "Yes,spiritual master is God, and I am God; you are God ; everyone isGod." No. That is rectified. Everyone is not God. God is God , andliving entities are living entities. In the Vedas it is: nityonityanam cetanas cetananam:"He is the prime en tity of allentities." So there cannot be two Gods. One God. As such, if Godis one, there cannot be two religion also because relig ion meansto understan d God, to love God. That is relig ion. And relig ionmeans the words of God , just as it is said. So why there shouldbe two relig ions? There cannot be two relig ions. There may besome difference according to climate, country, popu lation. Theremay be some difference in the executi on of religion , but onprinciple there cannot be two religions because God is one andreligionmeans the words of God. so how there can be tworeligions? We have made two, three, four, five, six, increasingthe number of religion. Just like in New York we have seen theUni ted Nations organ i zation. It is said they are un ited ,butthere are thousands of flags. Disunited . Because actually they donot want to unite. It is a farce that they have made a Un itedNations organ ization . Nobody wants to unite. In the materialworld how there can be unity? That is not possible. Materialworld means everyone wants to enjoy to his satisfaction sensegrat ification. That is iliaterial world. So you want to satisfy2

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40your senses,I want to satisfy my senses. Therefore there isstruggle: "Oh, t r is man is enjoying so much, I am unable." Evenbrother to brother, envious: "Oh, my, this brother has increasedso much money. He isenjoying." Envious. That is material envy,to b e enviou s. Therefore the science of God is for persons whoare not envious. Tha t is relig ion. Bhagava ta, in the Bhagavatayou will find in the beginning it is said, dha rmah projjhitakaitavahatra paramah nirmatsaranam satam:"Here the relig ion o fBhagavata is not a cheating relig ion." Kaitava. Ka i tava meanscheating , cheating. And Sridhara Swami has remarked, commented onthe statement, kaitava. He says that atra moksa-vancha-paryantamnirastam: "Anyone who is trying to become liberated o r merge intothe existence of God ,that is also cheating." Nirastam: that isalso nullified, nirastam. Why? Why the • •? A person who is tryingto b e merg ed into the existence of God, jnanis • • • Those who arephilosophically advancing, they are called jnanis. The AbsoluteTruth. Idea is that "Because I am Brahman, and God is alsoBrahman, therefore, as soon as I am freed from maya , I become onewith God." In one sense it is all right because God and theliving entity, they are of the same quality.As it is stated inthe Vedas, n ityo nityanam. There are millions and trillions ofnityas, eternals. So God is the chief eternal. Therefore quality,eternity, is there b oth for the living entities and God. Nityonityanam cetanas cetananam. Knowledge , sense, cetanata, life,activities ••.So God is also active; the living entities are alsoactive. But His actions and my actions are not comparable. Justlik e God is cre ator. I am also creator. So in this way I am one.3

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40I have got crea tive p ower7 God has also creative power. But Godcreates innumerable universes7 and you can create a motor car.That's all, no more. O r atom bomb--to kill. You cannot create aplanet. You can create a sputnik. With great difficu lty it fliesin the sky. But God' s creation--innumerable planets, they arefloa ting without any machine. Still, the rascal says , "There isno God . I am God." You do like God7 then you become God. What youhave done like God? You have created a toy flying in the sky.Therefore you are so much proud that you compare yourself withGod? This is called demons, demon ic. Unnecessa rily, without anyauthority, when a man claims that "I am God ," that is demonic.Now,just like Hiranyakasipu , Ravana. Ravana was materially verymuch powerful, but he defied Rama: "What is Rama? I am more thanRama. I shall kidnap His wife, and I shall enjoy." So this isRavana, Ravana spirit. Sita • • • Sita is Laksmi. Laksmi is thegoddess of fortune. So God is the husband of the goddess offortune. And goddess of fortune is under His control. Laksmisahasra-sata-sambhrama-sevyamanam.Thousands and millions ofgoddesses of fortune are serving the Supreme Lo rd , and Ia mthinking that "God has become poor, dar idra , dar idra-na ray ana."And what ••? Narayana, He is so great authority that His words areaccepted as Vedic truth, and He has become daridra. These are alldemonic declaration s. So sincere, those who are actuallyfollowers o f Vedas,they should understand that there is nodifference between the Lord and His words--absolute. We readBhagavad-g ita, the w ords of Krsna. Then how we can change themeaning of Gita when it is spoken by Lord? Does it mean d-.at I amgreater than the Lord? "Krsna left something to be told by some4

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40rascals later on"--is that the meaning of Bhagavad-g ita? Thenwhere is the authority of Bhagavad-g ita? If the mean ing was to becorrected and commented by a conditioned soul, then where is theauthority of Bhagavad-g ita? Then what is the necessity of readingBhagavad-gita? Simply because it is written in Sanak rit? No. Thatis ot the fact. The words of Bhagavad-g ita arc Krsna .Thatshould be taken into consideration. That is realreading ofBhagavad-gita. And if we read Bhagavad-g ita accordingto mywhims--I like some stanza. I take it, and other stanza I giveup--thatis not reading of Bhagavad-g ita. You have to takeeverything , what it is presented. Just like Ar juna aays , who hastakenBhagavad-gita as it is. He says, sarvam etad rtam manyeyan mam vadasi kesava: "My dear Lord ••• " He •.•Of cou rse, he wasfriend. "My dear Krsna , whatever You have spoken , I accept intoto." There is no question of eliminating this stanza and thatstanza. I accept some, selected , and I become a student ofBhagavad-gita and authority of Bhagavad-g ita. No. That is notauthority of Bhagavad-gita. You have to accept. And then it is •••Similarly, Vedas, a s I gave you the example, that in the Vedasyou will find that stools are considered as impure, stool of someanimal, but Vedas says that "This stoo l, the cow stool, is pure."So there is no argument that "Once you said that stool of animalis impure, and another time you say that this stool is pure. Onceyou said that all bones of animals are impure; again you say thatsankha, conchshell. ••This is also a bone of an anima l. You sayit is pu re." So there cannot be any argument. Veda says ,"This isthis; this is that." We have to accept it. That is the following5

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40of relig ion. Dharman tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam. And vedahsaksat • • • Vedo narayanah saksat svayambhuh. svayambhur itisusruma. Svayambhuh. Svayambhuh means which is not created by anyman. Just like Brahma is sometimes called Svayambhuh. His anothername is Svayambhuh. Svayambhuh means he was not created by fatherand mother. The father-mother •••Ordinarily, a living entity takebirth by thecombination of father and mother. But Brahma iscalled Svayambhuh because he is not created by father and mother.Then again, you can argue that Brahma was created byGarbhodakasay i Visnu, so He is his father. But the argument canbe defied that although He is the father, but he was not born ofa mother. That is all-powerful Krsna , Narayana, Vi snu. You haveseen the picture that Narayana is lying down on the water ofGarbhodaka, udaka, and Laksmi is massaging His lotus feet, andBrahma in a lotus flower is born. So generally, when a fatherbegets a son, he takes the advantage of his wife, the help of hiswife. But here Garbhodakasayi Visnu , although His wife ispresent, He did not take the assi stance of the wife. A lotussprouted from His navel, and there was Brahma. That is allpowerful.Generally we underst and that whenever there is birth,the man and woman must combine. But that is for ordinary entitiesor in this material world. But that is not possible in the caseof God , or Visnu. Therefore He is called sarva-saktiman, allpowerful.He can do anything , whatever He likes. In the Brahmasamhita it is stated, angani yasya sakalendriya-vrttimantipasyanti panti kalayanti ciram jaganti. So we have to take thehelp of Vedic literature. Then we understand what is God.yasya sakalendr iya-vrttimanti: "The limbs of Krsna orAnganiGod has6

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40got the potency of all other limbs." Just like with eyes we cansee only, but Krsna, or God, can eat also with eyes. With ears wesimply hear, but • • • Just like this navel. The navel has got somepurpose, but Krsna can beget. Narayana can beget a child also,Brahma. Therefore, in the sastras it is said, angani yasyasakalendriya-vrttimanti. All the potencies of all other limbs canbe found in • • • (aside:) Why it is closed?Devotee (I) : There's men making some noise downstairs.P rabhupada: But others who are outside, they are closed. It canbe open. You can ask them to stop. So Sridhara Swami says , vedenapranihitah v ihita-dharma ,vedena pranihitah vihita-dharma, na capramana • • , er, sa ca veda-pramanaka ity arthah. So whenever youaccept some religion, you have to corroborate with the words ofthe Vedas. Then that is religion. Veda means knowledge,theknowledge, not ordinary knowledge, transcendental knowledge. WhyVedas' knowledge accepted so rig idly? It is already sa id ,saksadnarayanah. Because it is spoken by • • • In the words of Na rayana.There are no deficiencies. In the words of conditioned soul thereare so many deficien cies. Why? The deficiencies are thatbhrama •••Any conditioned soul, however great he may be, he mustcommit mistakes. That is one of the deficienc ies. In thismaterial world, however great one may be in the estimation of thegeneral populace, he is not above committing mistakes. "To err ish u man , " a s i t i s s a i d • We c om m i t m i s t a k e • B h r am a , p r a mad a • Andpramada means to accept something as something ,something else.Just like the most erudite scholar, he also accepts that "Thisbody is the self. There is no soul." Others •••There are many7

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40schola rs,they do not accept that there is soul differently."This body is everything." That is called pramada. Bh rama,praman,vipralipsa. Vipralipsa means cheating. Every conditionedsoul has a cheating propensity. "For my pu rpose, to fulfill mypurpose, I say something to you which is not beneficial to you,but still, I impress that this is right." That is calledcheating. And karana patava. Karana means the senses. The sensesare also imperfect. I am seeing the sun daily with my eyes, butstill, I have no full knowledge of the sun because my eyes areimperfect. If there is any sound upstairs, and I inquire, "Whatis this sound?" (aside:) Why he is crying so much? What is that?(man talking loudly outside the room)Hansaduta: Telephone.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Oh , telephone. Oh. That's all right. So Sridharas wami says that vedena pranihita vihita dharmah sa ca vedapramanakaity arthah. Unless it is verifi ed by the words of theVedas, that canr. ot be accepte d as authoritative. Anena yo vedapramakahsa dharmah. Now it is concluded that "Anything which issupported by the Vedic injunction,that is dharma." Sa dharma yo'dharmo na veda praman akah: "And any dharma which is notcorroborated by the Vedas,that is not dharma." That is notaccepted as religion . Iti svarupah pramanam ca ity uktam . Now,that is the characteristic of dharma, svarupa. So if we want tounderstand what is dharma, then the test should be whether it iscorroborated by the Vedas. Then it is dharma. Otherwise it is • • •Now, the question may be that the Indians or the followers of theVedas • • • Now it has become so. Actually, the followers of Vedasare everyone. Every human being is the followers of Veda because8

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1 .40the history of all other religions,they are all recent--onethousand year, two thousand years ,three thousand years--but youcannot trace out the history of the Vedic religion. So fromhistorical point of view, suppose one relig ion is current for thelast three thousand years. Then what was their condition beforethree thousand years? So the natural conclusion is: as there wasno such religion three thousand years and the Ved ic religion hasno histor:r··--it is corning from time immemorial--that was thereligion. Take for example in India. Twenty years before therewas no Pakistan, but now there is Pakistan. Under certainc i r c u m s t

295-16 Surat 12/22/7 0 SB 6.1.40Lord, he is following the Vedic religion. This is anotherconclusion. The searching process may be different according tothe country, climate, but i f the ultimate goal is God , then thati s accepted as relig i on. Just like Christian relig ion. Christianreligion, they are also searching after God--Lord Jesus Christadvisin g , "Be lover of God." He presents himself as son of God.The Muhammadan, Muhammad , he also presented himself as servant ofGod. In this way, ever yone is accepting. Or if anyone isaccepting God as the ultimate goal of religious process, that isalso Vedic. Because Krsna says that vedais ca sarvair aham. And agodless scripture, that is not accepted as religion . Therefore inIndia, although Lord Buddha appeared in India--he was a ksatriya,and he started somereligious principle--it is not acceptedbecause it is not , in the Buddha relig ion , there is no acceptanceof God or soul. s o these are some of the points.But theBhagavata says that although in the Buddha religion there i s no,I mean tosay, mention of worshiping God, but Lord Buddha ishimself incarnation of God, and he induced his followers tow orship him. Therefore in the Bhagavata it is sa id that hecheated the atheists. The atheists were against God . He appearedbefore them. He said, "Yes, you are right. You don't worship God.You worship me." And he is incarnation of God . Kesava dhrtabuddha-sarirajaya jagadisa hare. He is accepted in the Vedicl iterature as incarnation of God. But he says that "There is noGod. You worship me. You follow me," because his principle was tostop animal-k illing .Sadaya-hrdaya-darsita-pasu-g hatam. Godbecame very much compassionate. When people were too muchaddicted in killing ani mals unnecessarily, He appea red as Lord10

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40Buddha. Sadaya-hrdaya-dar sita-pasu-ghatam. Pasu-ghatam. The pasughatam means they w ere being implicated in innumerable sinfulactivities by this p rocess. Therefore God wanted to • • • Yada yadahi dharmasya glanir bhavati. In the name of relig ion, they werekill ing so m an y animals. Therefore to stop this nonsense, heappeared. And h e declined to accept the Ved ic principles becausethe r e was no o ther w ay to stop. If he would have accepted Vedicpri nc ip les,then these animal-k illers would have shown himevidences that in the Vedas there is mention of animal-k illing inthe sacrifice. But he wanted to stop completely animal-k illing ;so therefore h e adopted a new type of religion. But those whower e follower s o f vedic religion, they did not accept becausethat is notreligion because it is against the Vedas. These arethe p rinciples. sankaracarya. Sankaracarya , after Buddha , HisHoliness Sanka r acar ya appeared to driv e a ay Buddhism, and heestablished again Vedic relig ion. But that Vedic relig ion,beingimpe r sonal, that is also not Vedic religion. That is also anotherthing , that God is person. Nityo nityanam. Nityanam. The so manyliving entities--every one is person. How God can be imperson? IfGod i s the supreme father • • • If you are a person, then how yourfathe r can be imper son? So that is imper fect knowledge. When wespea k of God a s impe rson, that is imperfect knowledge. Va dantitat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj j nanam advayam, brahmet i paramatmetibhag a van iti s abdya t e. The Absolute Truth is presented in threediffe rent phase s. one is Brahman,impersonal Brahman, another isloc a l ized Para m atma 1 and another is the Supreme P ersonality ofGodhead. So we shall discuss again . Next morning we shall.11

295-16 Burat 12/22/70 SB 6.1 .40Mala ti(?): • • • t hat Lor d Buddha, he adopted a new typ e ofreli gion, but t hose who were strict followers of Vedas,theywould not accept him. Does that mean that there were still peoplewho were following those beliefs,scriptures, at his time or didhe convert all o f Ind ia?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Yes . Lord Buddha was patronized by the then emperor,Asok a. And anyt hing patronized by the state,it becomes verypopu l ar. Yad ya d acarati sresthas lokas tad anuvartate. So LordBudd ha converted A soka , Emperor Asoka, to this relig ion .Ther efore who l e India became Buddhist. And later on , whenBuddhism was driven out of Indi a, the Jainism and similar otherreligious princi ples became visible. Ahimsa paramo dhnrmah. LordBuddha •••Ahimsa paramo dharmah is alno Vedic religion, but theystre ssed especially on ahimsa. In the Bhagavad-g ita you willfind : amanitvam adambhitam ahimsa ksantir arjavam. These are thediff erent steps of p rogressing in knowledge and religion. Thefirst thing is aman i tvam. Amanitvam m eans V8ry humble. Ve ryhumble. And the r efore Cai tanya Mahaprabhu teaches that trnad apisuni cena. Just become humbler than the stra w in the street o rgras s. To bec o m e religious means • • • Lo r d Jest a Christ also, hetaug ht like that--"The humble and meek will attain the kingdom ofGod." Is it not s aid like that?Hansaduta : H e said, "The g reatest amongst you shall be thelast • • • n<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes .Hansaduta : " • • • and the servant of all ."<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: S o thi sis taught also in the Bhagavad-g ita.Aman itvam adambhitvam . No false pride. Then ahimsa. Un less one is12

2 95-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40prideless, unless one is humble, it i s not possible to becomenonviolent. So this nonviolence is also there, the Va isnava. Soautomatically they don't encourage animal-killing .so everyreligion ,the highest principle of any religion is there inVa i snavites, o r the followers of Krsna consciou sness. Any bestthing, in any r elig ion , you will find in Krsna consc iousn ess.Therefore it is perfect. Buddha religion teacheE ahimsa ;theKrsna consciou s peopl e are ahimsa. Lor d Jesus teaches love o fGod; they are the b est lover of God. And Hindu religion t eacheslib eration; they are • • • As soon as they become Krsna conscious,immediately they are liberated immediately, instantly. There isno question of asking for liberation. Bilvamangala Thak ura saysliberation means • • • What is that? Liberation from this materialhankering. And w hat is that material hankering? To satisfy thesenses. So thes e devotees, they are not for satisfying theirsenses. They are simply trying to satisfy K Lsna. Krsna said thatsarva-dharman p ari tyaj ya mam ekam saranam vraja. They aredetermined to p reach this c ult, that "You surrender to Krsna."Therefore they are actual representative of Krsna.Immediatelythey are liberated. so, so far liberation is concerned,there is.so far ahimsa,nonviolence, there is. So far love of God isthere, there is. So combination of Hindu religion , Muslimreligion • • • And Muslims also, they also say their bandeh. Theyals o pray in the mosque. I do not know , of course, all otherreligions. These principal things I know. They also accept allahakbar. God is great. we are all bandehs, all servants. So that isalso • • • Va isnavism, that is Krsna consciousness. Krsna is great.13

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40So any highest p rinciple of religion in any religion of the worldyou take, this is the summarization of all religions, Krsnaconsciousness. And that is accepted by Srimad-Bhagavatam--sa vaipumsam paro dharma yato bhakt ir adhoksaje:"That is first classreligion which teaches how to love God , how to learn to loveGod. " That isfirst class, not the ritu als, not the formulas.That is anothe r thing. Just like when a man is diseased, thephys i cians prescribes so many, that "You don' t do this. You dothis. You take t his medicine. You just • • •" That is according tothe particula r disease. But the real aim is to be cured from thedisea se. So a ny religion which teaches to b e cured from thematerial disease of s ense gratification and teaches l ove ofGodhead, that is perfect relig ion.Revati-nandan a(? ): you were saying Lord Buddha gave impetus toBuddhism by converting the Emperor Asoka. What is ••?P rab hupada: No, no. Lord Buddha of course, did not come to• • •convert Asok a liked it. That's all.Revati-nandana: But b ecause of that, that g ave impetus to thespreading of Buddhism.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: That is natural. If the state is after some religion.Just l ike Christian r eligion spread in India because there wasChristian gove rnmen t. The Muhammadan r eligion spread becausethere was Muhammadan g overnment. That is natural. If the state isfollowing a certain type of relig ion, then naturally • ••And thatis said in the Bhagavad-g ita, yad yad acarati srestha. Just likein India, at least in Bengal,we have got the history thateducated persons, they saw that "In Christian religion one candrink . One can eat m eat. So why not become Christian?" So the14

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40drunka rds and m eat-eaters, they became Christians. Similarly theMuhammadans also, they thought a c lue to deviate from the Vedicprinciples, and they turned themselves . Just l ike Aurang zebenacted the lidia( 7 ) t a x, that all the Hindus will have t o paythis tax. So the unt ouchables. .. Bec a u se Hindus made theseuntouchables, so untouchables, they thought that •why shall I paythe tax? Better bec ome Muha mmadan." so so many people, theybecame converted into Muhammadans. so a state con trols anything,if the state •••Now the state is secular, atheist. The people arebecom ing atheist. TheY are teaching t hat "Throw a way thes escriptures. You eat everything. what i s the wrong in eat ingflesh, eating meat, eating chickens?" They are ad vertising , "Eggsare a vailable h ere." When the state supp: · rts, so people f ollow.Yad yad acarati sresthah,lokas tad anuva rtate, sa yat pramanamkurute itaras tad an u vartate. This i s s tated in the Bhagavadgita.Revati-nandana: The Emperor Constantine in Rome, when hebecamea ch ristian, that was the real beginning of the Ch ristian era.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. Becau se the whole Europe was under Roman Empire.That's nice.Malati{?) : Srila <strong>Prabhupada</strong>, in the uni ted States constitutionther e is a bill of right s that s ays t h at any relig ion can bepracticed. Therefore anything goes and people become atheistic?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes, don't you feel that your people are atheistic?Malati(?) :Yes. Becau se they can do anything.Prab hupada: They are simply afte r wine and women. So that i s fallof religion. Just lik e Maharaja Pariksit . As soon as he saw that15

295-16 Surat 12/22/70 SB 6.1.40one man was trying to kill a cow, immediately with his sword:" Who are you? You are killing a cow in my kingdom?" so if thestate does not take steps in maintaining relig ion, then religionwill fall down . Just l ike a father. If h e does not take care ofhis son to be a man of character, he b ecomes a debauch. That isnatural. So according to Vedic principles, the kings were verym uch highly trained to see how the people are advancing in thespiritual knowledge. J ust like one king • • • You will find in theNectar of D votion. There w as law that • • • He said that,(chuckles) ":.f I do not find any one of my citizens with tilak ,then I shal l punish him." So everyone, out of that fear, theyused to have this tilak. And they were look i ng all vaisnavas.(laughs) Although they had no very much faith in Visnu, but outof fear of the state orders, they were having tilak . So sometimesauthority orders are accepted in that, out of fear. Hare Krsna.(paus e) I was think ing of Dr., yourself. You are a little latetoday? Yes. Let us stop here. Tomorrow we shall ag ain • ••(end)1 6

295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.41-42Su rat , India, Decembr 23 , <strong>1970</strong><strong>Prabhupada</strong>: ••• means Vedic injunction. And Vedic injunction meansdirectly the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the sum andsubstance. Dharma means approved by the Vedas. You cannotmanufacture dharma,this dharma, that dharma, no. It must beapproved by the Ved ic injunction. And next? How this materialworld is created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Everyrelig ion accepts this: God created this material world. Yenasvadhamny ami bhava rajah-sattva-tamomayah guna-nama-kriya-rupairvibhavyante yatha-tatham. The difference between material worldand spiritual world is that here in this material world thesethree qualities are acting. Therefore we find so many differentvarieties of men. There are three qualities:the quality ofgoodness,the quality of passion, and the quality of isnorance-­sattva, rajah, tamah. Now, these qualities, again mixed up, theycreate several varieties of • • • Just like three multiplied bythree becomes nine. Nine multiplied by nine becomes eighty-one.Eighty-one multiplied by eighty-one it becomes so many varieties.Expert color men, they take three colors, that blue, red , andyellow, and mixes the color, and varieties of color ismanufactured. Similarly, these three gunas,orig inally they arecoming from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is stated inthe Bhagavad-g ita that the three qualities are also emanated or1

. :. ·. .• ·"!'"295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42generated from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And the threequalities are represented by Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara. Thequality of goodness is represented by Visnu ,the quality ofpassion is represented by Brahma , and the quality of darkness isrepresented by Lord Siva. By the quality of goodness this wholematerial world is maintained and by the quality of passion thewhole material world is created, and by the quality of ignorancethe whole material world is again annihilated. Bhutva bhutvapraliyate. The nature of this material world is that it becomesmanifest at a certain time and again it disappears. That is thedifference between material world and spiritual world. Spiritualworld is eternal. There is no question of occasional appearanceand occasional disappearance. Paras tasmad tu bhava 'nyah. In theBhagavad-g ita you will find the descr iption that "There isanother nature, bhava." Bhava means ••• Svabhava, bhava, these arethe Sanskrit terms of the nature. So that nature is vyaktavyakta.This nature is vyakta and avyata, manifest and nonmanifest. So,and above this,beyond this manifested and nonmanifest materialnature, there is another spiritual nature which is sanatana.Sanatana means eternal. And it is also stated , yasrnin sarvesu apinasyatsu na vinasyate: "When everything is annihilated , thatsanatana nature is not annihilated. That sanatana nature remainsas it is." That is the spiritual nature and material nature. Sothese three qualities •••As from Visnu, Brahma is generated, andfrom Brahma, Lord Siva is generated,so orig inal cause is Visnu.And Visnu's cause is Krsna. Yasyaik a-nisvasita-kala.In theBrahma-samhitait is said yasya ika-nisvasita-kalam athavalambyajivanti loma-bilaja-jagad anda-nathah, visnur mahan sa iha yasya2

295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42kala-visesogovindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. TheKaranarnavasayi Visnu, the Visnu lying in the Causal Ocean ofmaterial creation, so He is in the nature of sleeping , ananta.And He is breathing. So yasya ika-nisvasita-kalam athavalambya.This breathing , exhaling and inhaling, that is going on. So thatexhaling and inhaling is the duration of this material existence.When Visnu exhales, whole c reation takes place. And when Heinhales, the whole creation again is • • • P rakrtim yanti mamikam.In the Bhaga vad-g ita it is said , "Then it again enters into thenature of the Supreme." So with the exhaling of breathing,innumerable universes are being generated. Yasyaika-nisvasitakalam atha. Nisvasita-kala, that period. Now, imagine what isthat period. Jivanti loma-bilaja jagad-anda-nathah. And also fromthe holes of the body, many universes are coming out. such Visnu,the Brahma-samhita says , yasya hi kala-viseso, such Visnu, Lordvisnu, Karanodakasayi Visnu, He is also a plenary portion ofGovinda. Just imagi ne what is Govinda. Yasya nisvasita-kalamathavalambyajivanti loma-bilaja. That is also confirmed byGovinda, Krsna , in the Bhag avad-gita. Ekamsena sthito jagat. WhenArjuna inqu ired from Krsna, "What is Your opulence?" then He isdescrib ing the opulence, and in that opulence He concludes that"There is n o necessity of describing My opulence very much. Yousimply understand that the whole material creation is existing inone-fourth of My energy." So that is understanding of Bhagavadgita.We h ave to understand what is Krsna. So here it is alsosaid that yena sva-dhamni bhavah. The sva-dhamni bhavah. Thisgoodness, this passion, this mode, they are also represented in3

295-1 9 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42the spiritual world. They are also represented in the spiritualworld, sva-dhamni bhavah, but a p erverted reflection isrepresented here onlY· Everything is there. Otherwise, therecannot be any creation. The Vedanta says,janmady asya yatah.Ever ything , whatever we see, it has got a source of generation,and that is Brahman, Absolute Truth. So these gunas, thesematerial gunas,they are also generated from the Absolute Truth.Tha t is explained in Bhagavad-gita also. But here everything isperverted refle ction . Therefore we see in a different way it isrep resented. Guna-nama-kr iya-rupair vibhavyante yatha-tatham. Andthose qualities, guna-nama, guna-nama-kr iya-rupair, when thequalities begin to act,they are represented in differentvarieties , these qualities. These qualities of goodness, passion,and ignorance, when they are interacted , they represent indifferent va rieties of representation . Just like when there isquality of goodness, then it is b rahmanism. That is therepresentati on of the quality of goodness. And when the qualityof passion is represented, that is the quality of ksatriya. Andwhe n the quality of ignorance is represented, that is thepre sentation of the sudras. And mixed up quality of ignorance andpas sion, that is vaisya. Catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karmavibhagasah.That is stated in the Bhagavad-g ita, that "These fourqualitative representation, brahmanas, ksatr iya ••• "So when it iscreation by the supreme Lord, it is not that 'the brahmanas are tobe found only in India. That is another wrong conclusion. Becausebrahmanas means r epresentationof the quality of goodness.Anywhere you find the quality of goodness, that is brahmanism. Sothese American, European boys, when they have developed their4

295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42quality of goodness,Krsna consciousness, they are brahmanas. Ifthey are considered as mlecchas and yavanas, that is narakiyabuddhih,hellish consideration. Vaisnave jati-buddhih. If anyoneconsi ders a Vaisnava, a devotee of the Lord, in the categoricalestimation of birth , then that is hellish consideration. Va isnavejati-buddhih. Arcye sila-dhir gurusu nara-matih. Just like herewe are worshiping Radha-Krsna Deity. You have all come here earlyin the morning, and •••So does it mean that you are all fools?You have come to see a brass idol is being worshiped here? Soanyone who considers the Deity as arcye sila-dhih, made of stone,made of b rass, made of wood, that is naraki-buddhih. Arcye siladhih.Sila. Sila m eans stone. So those who are unaware of theVedic knowledge, they consider that this is idol worship. It isnot idol worship. It is directly worshiping the Supreme Lord. TheSupreme Lord has, by His mercy, descended to accept your service.If you want to dress the Supreme Lord, if you take His viratarupa,universal form, where is your cloth and how you can dress?Eh? You haven't got so much cloth. In spite of having so manymills, you cannot dress the virata form. Therefore Krsna, by Hisomnipoten cy, He becomes a smalle r just to be handled by you.That is His mercy. Not that... Just like Krsna became a smallchild of Yasoda. That does not mean Krsna has diminished in Hispower. He immediately showed. When there was attempt to kill Himby the Putana, immed iately He showed His Godly power. So we haveto study like that , that God in any circumstances is God. God isnever made. Any circumstances, God is God. God...Not that bymeditation , pressing your nose, you become God. No. That is not5

295-19 Surat 1 2/23/7 0 SB 6.1.41-42God. God is God. So all the... 'c"herefore Rupa Gosvami says,sruti-sm rti-puranadi-pancaratrik i-vidhim vina, aikantik i barerbhaktir utpatayaiva kalpate:"Their conception of God ordevotional service to God without reference to the Vedas,srutiand smrti, and the puranas, sruti-smrti-purana, pancaratrikividhi,the Narada-pancaratra, these regulative principles,without reference to these regulati7e principles, if one , anyone,claims that he hasbecome a devotee of the Lord, it is simplydisturbance." It is simply disturbance. One cannot become a bonafide devotee without being trained up underthe regulativeprinciples of sruti-smrti-puranadi-pancaratra-vidhi. Rupa Gosvamidirectly says in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu that "Withoutreference"--that means without being trained up by a bona fidespiritual master--"if one poses that he has become a devotee, hesimply creates disturbance. That's all." That is being done. Thatis being done. We have got so many so-called devotees,butwithout any reference to the authoritative scr ipture. Thereforewe are creating disturbance.Here it is said that guna-nama,guna-nama-k riya-rupaih. Guna-nama-k riya-rupair vibhavyante yathatatham.Then again says,suryo 'gnih kham marud devah somahsandhya ahani disah, kam kuh svayam dharma iti hy ete daihyasyasaks inah. Now we are acting under the influence of differentgunas. Therefore we find the brahminical class of men, theksatriya class of men, the vaisya class of men , the sudra classof men. That is natural. Natural. A sudra class of man, hisbehavior, and a brahmana class of man, his behavior, isdifferent. And Nara1a Muni saysr and Bhagavata also says r that wehave to see the symptoms,how one is acting. Yasya hi yal6

295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1 .41-42laksanam syad varnabhi vyanjakam. Va rna,this catur -varna-­bra hmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra--there are symptoms. Bysymptoms • • • Just like a physician diagnoses the disease by thesymptoms of the disease, similarly, we have to accept one asbrahmana by the symptoms of his behavior, not by birth. It is notsaidin the Bhag avad-gita or any sastra, That is going on inIndia at the present moment. By birthright one is claiming "I ambra hmana," "I am ksatriya." That is the cause of fall down ofIndia's civilizati on. Without any qualities they are claiming ,and it is passing on. Here, in every sastra, the Naradapancaratra, Bhagavata, Bhagavad-gita, everywhere • • • It is said,yasya hi yal laksanam syad. Yasya : the varnasya, of the varna, ofthe class, there a re symptoms. Just like in Bhagavad-gita youwill find , satya sama sauca arjava titiksa, jnanam vijnanamastikyam b rahma-karma svabhava-jam. By nature a brahmana will betruthful. Satya samah. He will be controlling of the senses,controlling the mind, very cleansed, saucam. Satya sauca samadam a ti tiksa, tolerant. Even in the severest type of danger, heis never disturbed. Tolerant. Satya sama dama sauca arjava , andsimplic ity, jnanam, full of knowledge, and vijnanam, practicalapplication in life, astikyam, firm faith in the scripture andKrsna--these are the qualification of brahmana. Simila rly, theksatriyas' qualification--they want to rule over. A ksatriyanever goes away from fighting. He is never afraid of fighting. Henever, I mean to say, he is afraid of the challenge of the otherparty. Just like Jarasaudha. Ja rasandha was a ksatriya, and hewas . • • At the same time, a ksatr iya's quality is charitable.7

295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42Form erly the kings, they would distribute money like anything.They would collect m oney by taxing, but at the same time, theywoul d distrib ute. The example is given in the case of Maharajaoa saratha, that he w as exacting taxes just like the sunshineexacts water from the sea, and it turns into cloud and itdistributes all over the planet. Simila rly, the ksatriya' s dutyis t o collect •••Gove rnment's duty is to collect tax , heavilytax. But the money should be distributed to all the citizens bydifferent way. That is the way, dana bhava-jam ,not that Icollect tax and I engage it in my sense gratification; I employthree hundred prosti tutes for dancing before me. These are • • •This is the c ause of falling down of monarchy system. Thereforepeopl e are in democracy. And the democ racy is also failure. Everydemocr atic member has become another debauch. So therefore it iscoming down to Communism, dictatorship. You see? So in this waythings are changing. aut actually, if they follow the symptoms ofa ksatriya, then it is good for the ksatriya king and theciti zens. But they a r e not following. Therefore sastra says thatthe brahmana, ksatr i ya , vaisya, sudr a • • • If one is • • • Krsivanijyam , go-raks ya . That is the symptom of the vaisya . As theksatriyas ar!! entrusted to p rotect the human beings,the vaisyais expected to protect the cows. Unfortunately, they are notdoing that. There is no ksatr iya; there is no brahmana; there isno va isya . Therefore the sastra says , kalau sudr a-sambhavah:"Inthe Kali-yuga there i s only sudr a3. " There is no more brahmana.Of course, there is, not "no more," but very n• inor quantity,very... Manusyanam sahasresu. Brahmana means one who is aware ofthe s upreme Absolute Truth. And one who is above brahmana , when8

295-1 9 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42the Absolute Truth is worshiped, that is Vai snava. A brahmana maybe qualified in so many ways, but if he is not a Vaisnava , thenhe cannot be a spirit ual master. That is also statedin thesastra. Sat-karma-nipuno viprah. A brahmana is very qualified,sat-karma--sat-karma, six kinds of activities. The six kinds ofactivities are pathan pathan yajan yaj an danah pratigrahah.P athan means he must be very much serious in understanding theVedic literatures. That is brahmana's qualification , very muchstud ious, high-cl ass scholar in Vedic literature, pathan. Andpathan,he must teach the Vedic knowledge. Formerly, therefore,you know,everyone, tha t in every village the brahmana had acatuspati. The brahmana had no other business. He would sit downin his cottag e, and he would teach Vedi c literature. Even inMuhammadan, the, wha t is called, maunal as (?) , they also teachKoran. That is brahminical quality, pathan pathan, not that "I amvery much learned; I will not distribute it. I shall. • •" Tha t iscalled jnana-k hala, envious even he has knowledge. The spiritualknowledge must be distributed. That is the system of our Va isnavaphilosophy. Sravanam kirtanam. The sravanam is pathan, to learnfrom the spi :itual master. That is called sravanam. And thenkirtanam, then distribute the knowledge. Whatever you havelearned from your spi ritual master, you must distribute. Sravanamkirtanam. So pathan pathan yajan y ajan. Yajan means worshipingthe Lord , the Deity. And yajan , and inducing others to engag e inthat worshiping.This is going on. You kindly mark in thissociety, we are allowing the students, giving them vo lumes ofb ook s for reading , pathan. Then pathan , then teach others. And9

295-19 Surat 12/23/7 0 SB 6.1.41-42they are worshiping the Lord, and they are inviting others tocome here and learn how to worship Lord. Pathan pathan yajanyajan danah pratig rahah. They are exacting money: "Give us somemoney. Become our member." But what is that membership fee? Thatis not being used for their sense gratification. For dana, fordistributing knowledge. You give us some money as membership fee.We give you whatever we have got. We have got this book. Take it.oanah pratigrahah. So this is brahmin ical business. Pathan pathanyajan yajan danah pratigrahah. Again... ( aside:) You can • • •Ag a in ,in th sastra it is said that sat-karma-nipuno vipromantra-tantra-visaradah: "If a brahmana has become very much'=! xpert in this six kinds of business," and mantra-tantravisaradah,"and he knows also all the mantras and tantras , but hei. s impersonalist or voidist, then he cannot become guru.•Avai snavo gurur na syat. In spite of having all these qualities ,if he is imp ersonalis t and voidist . he cannot become spiritualmaster. Avai snavo guruh sad-vaisnavah svapaco guruh: "On theother hand,if a person is Va isnava, devotee of the Lord, even ifhe is born in the family of candal

295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42when we are in ignorance • • • Everyone commits sin or criminalactivities simply by ignorance. Ignorance. Just like by ignorancea child touches a fire. The fire will not excuse. Because it is achild, he does not know, therefore thefire excuses. It does notburn his hand--no. Even it is child, the fire must act. It burns.Simila rly, ignorance no excuse of law. If you commit some sin andgo t o the law court and if you plead, "Sir, I did not know thislaw," that is no excuse. You have committed this criminalactivity, even though you did not know the law, that does notmean you will be excused . Therefore all sinful activities aredone in ignorance or in mixed-up passion and ignorance. Thereforeone has to raise himself to the qual ity of goodness. Be must begood , very good man. And if you want to become very good man,then you have to follow these regulative principles: no illicitsex life, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling . These arethe four pilla rs of sinful life. If you indulge in these fourprinciples ot sinful life, you cannot become a good man. And ifthere is want to good men ,how you can expect peace andprosperity in the world? If everyone is full of rascaldom , howyou can expect? You are . • • Why you are accusing the government?The gove rnment is your repres£ntative. You are rasc als, fools.You select some rascal and fool. How you can expect goodgovernment? Democracy. You become good man. You will se("government is good. so therefore the mass ducation should be howto become good man . And how one can become good man? That is alsostated in the sastr:as. Yasyasti bhaktir bhagavaty akincanasarvair gunair tatra samasate surah. If one is simply made a11

295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42devotee and he has got unflinching faith in God, Krsna, then allthe good qualities automatically develop. So therefore this isthe duty. This is duty of this society, to make everyone adevotee, a sincere, a pure devotee of Krsna. That is Krsnaconsciousness movement. If you make the people all good, you willhave good society, you will have good government. You will haveeverything good. And if you create rascals and fools, how you canexpect good government? That is not possible. Therefore allserious,thoughtful men should take it that Krsna consciousnessmovement is very, very essential in this world. Thank you verymuch. Bare Krsna. (break)Devotee (I) :A devotee becomes more sur rendered because theinfluence of the modes , the three modes , becomes dimin ished , oris the influence just changed from ignorance and passion togoodness?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: The surrender means surrender to whom?I: To Krsna and to Your Divine Grace.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: So that sur render means to accept his orders. Thespi ritual master trains the disciple in the way of goodnessquality. So if you do not abide t he orders of spiritual master,what is the use of you r sur rende r? su r render means anukulasyasankalpah pratikulyam vivarjanam. Anukula, favorable things ,should be accepted. And you do not know. Therefore spiritualmaster will direct you ,"This is favorable. This is unfavorab le.Don' t smoke. This is unfavorable." But if you don 't accept theinstruction, what is the mean ing of surrender? Simply by offeringobeisances, fallin g flat for tLe time being, that is notsurrender .12

·"";::.;;:;295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42Devotee (II) : Dandavat .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Dandavat class(?) (path?). Surrender means you mustabide strictly the o rders, sad-dharma-prcchat, adau gurvasrayam.To accept a guru m eans... Sisya means one must agree to begoverned by the spiritual master. That is called sisya . Sisya • • •Sas-dhatu. From sas-dhatu all these terms, sastra, sastra, sisya,sasana. These are w ords derived from the root sas-d hatu. Sasdhatumeans sasana, governing. The governing is done by military,governing is done by lawbooks, governingis done by personalinstruction,so many things. So sisya means who voluntarilyaccepts to be guided or being governed by the representat ive ofGod. That is sisya. Yes.Devotee (III) :In regard to worshiping arca-vigr aha form, youhave explained that if one receives mantra from a spiritualmaster who is not b ona fide, that mantra has no effect. So Iwould like to ask if one is worshiping a Deity and his spiritualmaster is not bona f ide, so that De ity cannot be considered thesupreme Lord?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Well, first of all, thing is if the spiritual masteris not bona fide, how his mantra can be bona fide? Your s tatementis contrad ictory. If you say the spiritual master is not bonafide, then how his mantra becomes bona fide? If he is bona fide,then his mantra is bona fide.II I: Then why is he giving instruct ion to •·• o r ship the Deity? Ifthe spiritual master is not bona fide, then is the Deity also notbona fide?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: I do not follow. What does he say?13

295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42Tarnal Krsna (TK) : His idea is that if one receives a mantra froma spiritual master, if the spiritual master is not bona fide •••<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Then there is no question of mantra. There is noquestion of worshiping Deity. These are all bogus things. If youare not • • • Just like here is a young medical man. If he has notreceived instruction from a bona fide medical college, so what isthe value of his medic al, being • • • That is... What is called?What is the technical name?Devotee (IV) : Quack .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Quock !(laughter)Devotees: Quack .<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: A quack is not a medical man, however he may show allred bottles, white b ottles. There is a Bengali proverb, naj jalyac curi tini ei dakt ar.(?) One stethoscope, naj (?) , and somebottles, jala, and talking all nonsense, he becomes a doctor.That means the qu ack doctor, not a • • • Qua lified doctor, he knowswhat is what. So naj jal yac cu ri tini ei daktar (?) In Bengalithey say. And mostly in villages they go on like that. But ofcourse, they have got some experience. I know in Allahabad therewas a doctor, Kabhir, a Dr. Kabhir. And because in my previoushousehold life I was a chemist and drugg ist, I was supplyingm edicine, so he was my customer. So he had that ... This D r.Kabhir was a compounder. Later on he practiced. So he had ver:y,ver y big prac . • • Be was my biggest customer. Be was pu rchasingmedicine like anything. But he had experience. He learned from anexperienced doctor. He cannot be called a bogus because whateverhe learned , he was ... But generally, one who is not a bona fidedoctor, he is called a quock . So anyth ing , experience required ,14

295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42not that you have to go to the medical college.If you aretrained under a b ona fide doctor,then also you can get thequality of a doctor. Simila rly, the whole thing is tadvijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. One should go to the bonafide spiritual master to learn this transcendental science.Indian: There is a, just a quotation from Bengali poet that to bedevotee of Lord Krsna , one should be fully trained without any •••And it is o ften saic that in this Kali-yuga, even if you do notknow , or if you are not studied any books, but if you know onlybhakti. • •<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: What is that? If you know bhakti •••That's a very bigtask. If you know actually bhakti, then it is all good. But doyou know what is bhakti? First thing is that.Indian:Means worshiping God. By understanding this mantra, HareKrsna, if you do not know any scriptures, you do not know srutis,mantras, anything , then has any effect at all?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>:Oh, yes, because this is a special advantage for thepeople in this age, that if he chants this Hare Krsna mantrawithout any offen se, pu rely, then • • .There are three stages ofchanting this Ha re Krsna mantra.In the beginning there are fullof offenses. Then it is almost offenseless. And then, when it ispure, that is perfectional stage. So by chanting , if you practicechanting ,even though in the beginning it is full of offenses,but if you continue chanting ... Therefore we say that "You mustchant so many times." So even there are offenses, by chanting,chanting , chanting , chanting , he will be purified. Ceto-darpanamarjanam.So therefore, in this age we must stick to this process15

295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42of chanting. That will make us perfect. If not immediately, itwill do, certainly. That is special advantage for the men of thisage. Kaler dosa-nidhe rajann asti by eko mahan gunah.Mahangunah.It is a great advantage. What is that? Kirtanad evakrsnasya: "Simply by chanting Lord Krsna's name," mukta-sanga,"he becomes free from all contamination and he becomes elig ibleto be promoted to the spiritual kingdom." That is specialadvantage of this age. Therefore we are advising,we arepreaching,that "You chant this mantra. In any condition of lifebegin chanting. You will be benefited." Yes.Devotee (V) : <strong>Prabhupada</strong>, you mentioned a person who commits sinsbecause he is in ignorance.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes .V: What if the person knows what he is doing is wrong and heknows what he ultimate result of his doings is also wrong , but hestill commits? Is that still ignorance?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes. That is ignorance-rooted, ignorance, heart,rooted in the heart. That can be •••Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhurecommends ceto-darpana-marjana. You have to cleanse your heart.Then, when your heart is cleansed, then you will say, "No, no. Nomore I am going to do this. I have suffered so much. No. No ."That is real knowledge. Unless your heart is cleansed , then, eventhough you know t hat "By committing theft I will be punished,"you will commit because the h eart is not clear. Even though oneknows that "By doing this,I will suffer," still, he will dothat . That distinction is always there. Therefore the on ly methodis this cleansing process in this age, Hare Krsna maha-mantra.Revati-nandana : In the Fourteenth Chapter in the Gita, you16

.• . !·295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42describe that the mode of goodness, people who are in the mode ofgoodness become conditioned by that mode, and they come backrepeatedly as philosophers, educators, like that.<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: Yes .Revati-nandana: And then in the Eighteenth Chapter there aredifferent qualities described ,and the qualities in the mode ofgoodness are said to be leading to self-realization. So is therea distincti on between that mode of goodness descr ibed in theEighteenth Chapter and the Fourteenth Chapter?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: No. Goodness is a chance. If you acquire... Just likeif you become a gradua te, there is chance of becoming a lawyer.But if you do not become a lawyer, you remain only graduate.That's all. But without becoming g raduate they cannot enter to bea lawyer. Similarly, goodness is the qualification of a brahmana.A brahman ahas a cha nce. When you are qual ified, you arefollowing the regulative principles, qualified, you have got thechance of being promoted to become a Vaisnava. That is theadvantag e. But in .: his age • • • Again, the same thing. Even one isnot a brahmana--he is in the category of candala--still, if hechants this Hare Krsna man tra, he becomes levated to theposition more than a b rahmana. Yes.Revati-nandana: Is that called pu rified goodness?<strong>Prabhupada</strong>: P urified • ••Goodness is pu rified, but this materialworld is so made that you cannot have here absolute goodness.That is not possible. There is • • • sometimes it is mixed withpassion , mixed with ignorance, mixture. You see? The refore thetranscendental stage is called suddha-sattva. Sattva-guna is17

.. ... . ···.:295-19 Surat 12/23/70 SB 6.1.41-42goodness, and the platform where the other qualities cannotcontaminate even the quality of goodness, that is the stage ofdevotion. T hat is confirmed in the Bhagavad-g ita. Mamcavyabhicarin i bhakti-yogena yah sevate, sa gunan samatityaitan.All the gunas • ••He transcends all the three gunas. He remains inthe fourth stage. Therefore Hare Krsna mantra is so powerful. Ifyou keep you rself always chanting , you will stay on the • • ,abovegoodness, where this passion, the mode of passion and ignorancecannot touch you. Yes.Indian : Is it true that all • • •(end)18

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