Uncovered: assessing media and communications needs ... - ICAR

Uncovered: assessing media and communications needs ... - ICAR Uncovered: assessing media and communications needs ... - ICAR


Fig 12 continued34 Uncovered: assessing media and communications needs and capacity of marginalised communities

3.21 Knowledge of Media TrustMost organisations responding to the survey had not previously heard of Media Trust. It was leastwell known among isolated rural groups. Feedback from interviews and focus groups suggested it isregarded by some as a London-based organisation which confi nes its services to people living in, orable to travel to the capital. Almost ninety per cent of those who completed the questionnaire askedto be kept informed of Media Trust training opportunities.3.22 Special issues – tackling misrepresentationAs has been noted in previous research that has informed this project, some of the participatinggroups operate in what they perceive to be a hostile environment. Refugees, migrant workers andfollowers of Islam in particular feel certain parts of the media are antagonistic towards them, whilesome BME groups feel it is simply not interested.This suggests that training directed at these organisations is only partly addresses their needs.Interviews with the Islamic Human Rights Commission, who have conducted their own research intomedia coverage and portrayals of Islam, stressed the need for a two-way approach involving faithorganisations and journalists.While it is acknowledged that Muslims, refugees, migrant workers and others would benefi t fromincreased understanding and improving skills in media and communications it is suggested thatjournalists have a part to play too. It has also been suggested that Media Trust has a nationalreputation and could use its infl uence and position to work with journalists to affect future directionand policy.To this end it is suggested that consideration be given to a series of seminars or meetings at regionaland local level with journalists and local groups present to allow these perceptions to be aired andpossible ways forward discussed.Uncovered: assessing media and communications needs and capacity of marginalised communities35

Fig 12 continued34 <strong>Uncovered</strong>: <strong>assessing</strong> <strong>media</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>communications</strong> <strong>needs</strong> <strong>and</strong> capacity of marginalised communities

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