Digital training programmes - Festo

Digital training programmes - Festo

Digital training programmes - Festo

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Media >Software > <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>training</strong> <strong>programmes</strong>/WBTsSensor technology 1Sensor technology 2Sensors in pneumaticsThis <strong>training</strong> program deals in detailwith the sensors used to detectend position on cylinders and withpressure and flow sensors in pneumaticsystems. Based on a complexexample from industrial practice,trainees are taught to select suitablesensors. The necessary basic knowledgefor this is provided in the TechnicalKnowledge and Componentsmodules, to which they can refer atany time.All <strong>training</strong> content is taught bymeans of audio clips. Additionally,the narrative text can be viewed.Content extracts:––Project: Selection of sensors in oneof the clamping units of a processingcentre––Advantages and disadvantages ofvarious end position sensors oncylinders––Simple displacement encoders oncylinders––Use of pressure sensors to improvesafety in pneumatic systems––Use of flow sensors to safeguardsystem cycle times––Output signals from sensors––Connection technology––NO/NC (Normally Open, NormallyClosed)––Switching functions––Sensors for end position detection:Pneumatic and mechanicallimit switch, reed switch, transistorswitch, Hall sensor, position sensor––Types of pressure measurement––Sensors for pressure measurement:Mechanical pressure switch,electronic pressure sensor,––Sensors for flow measurement:Volumetric flow meter, effectivepressure principle, ultrasonic flowmeter, mass flow meter, heat-lossmethodE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ES/FR/FI/ET/ZH/USAOrder no. 549752Network DE/EN/ES/FR/FI/ET/ZH/USAOrder no. 549755Sensors for object detectionThis <strong>training</strong> program deals in detailwith the sensors used to detect objectsin automated systems. Basedon a complex example from industrialpractice, trainees are taught toselect the suitable sensors. The necessarybasic knowledge for this isprovided in the Technical Knowledgeand Components modules, to whichthey can refer at any time.All <strong>training</strong> content is taught bymeans of audio clips. Additionally,the narrative text can be viewed.Content extracts:––Project: Selection of sensors ina milk bottling plant––Object detection in industrialpractice––Switching characteristics ofproximity sensors––Hysteresis––Connection technology: Two-wiretechnology, three-wire technology,four-wire technology––NO/NC (Normally Open, NormallyClosed)––Inductive sensors: Constructionand mode of operation, factor-1sensors, special designs, flush fittingsensors, application examples––Optical sensors: Diffuse sensor,through-beam sensor, retro-reflectivesensor, background fade-out,fibre optic cable, light types, reflectiontypes, adjustment, contrastsensor, colour sensor––Capacitive sensors: Construction,mode of operation, usage and examples––Ultrasonic sensors: Construction,mode of operation, applicationsE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ES/FR/FI/ET/ZHOrder no. 549758Network DE/EN/ES/FR/FI/ET/ZHOrder no. 5497618All <strong>training</strong> programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems, with as many licences as you need.

Media >Software > <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>training</strong> <strong>programmes</strong>/WBTsGRAFCETDiscover MPS ® 200GRAFCET – The new specification languagefor sequential function chartsGood documentation is a prerequisitefor the quick construction andsmooth commissioning of a system.As a result, products reach customersquicker. Furthermore, the sequencedescription is an importanttool for quickly and accurately locatingand eliminating errors andthus reduces production downtimes.GRAFCET can describe what the functionchart has previously been unableto represent.It introduces the new standard stepby step, with the aid of practice-relatedexamples.From the content:––Definitions––Advantages of GRAFCET––Differentiation from PLC programminglanguage––Configuring a GRAFCET––Graphical representation of thelanguage elements––Graphical representation of thesequential structures––Structuring of GRAFCETS––Case studies––Exercises––GlossaryE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ES/FR/ZHOrder no. 557688Network DE/EN/ES/FR/ZHOrder no. 557689A multimedia introduction makes itsimple to work with the MPS ® 200modular production systems by <strong>Festo</strong>Didactic. First, we introduce youto the principle behind the completesystem, and then we show you howto operate and commission it. Youthen become familiar with the individual“Distribute” and “Sort” stationsin the process and learn howthe modules function. You can applyyour new knowledge of MPS ® 200in a short test, then relax and playa game.Online DE/EN/ES/FR/EL/PT/ZHOrder no. 542682Network DE/EN/ES/FR/EL/PT/ZHOrder no. 549834Our authoring tool:Content BuilderDevise and design your own<strong>training</strong> media12All <strong>training</strong> programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems, with as many licences as you need.

Media > Software > <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>training</strong> <strong>programmes</strong>/WBTsMachine VisionSafety engineeringMachine Vision – the use of camerasystems in production – is a relativelyyoung, but swiftly growing area inautomation technology. This webbased<strong>training</strong> unit deals with industrialimage processing, from the creationof images up to the evaluation ofthe information in the picture. Workingfrom actual practical industrialapplications, students can followall the steps in the image processingproject in a practical manner. Thebasic knowledge required for this isclearly explained in the individualchapters of the technical knowledgemodule. In the components module,cameras and lighting systems arepresented using examples.From the contents:––How does a machine see?––Steps in industrial imageprocessing––Image sensors: CCD and CMOS––Focal length and lens formula––Aperture and depth of focus––Types of illumination: objectssubject to backlighting and incidentlight––Filters to improve the image––Point operators, local and global––Average and median filters––Sobel operators and Laplace filters––Process for image segmentation––Global and local threshold processes––Tools to calculate characteristics––The classification of parts andcharacteristic curves––Image processing and computingtimes––Intelligent compact vision systems––Lighting systems––Sample applications of industrialvision systemsE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ES/FR/ZHOrder no. 557691Network DE/EN/ES/FR/ZHOrder no. 557692This <strong>training</strong> programme providesan introduction to the complex subjectof safety engineering in industrialmachines and systems.The aim is to make participants moreaware of the problems in the designaspects of safety engineering andhelp them understand safety engineeringequipment and hazard analysismethods.The <strong>training</strong> programme is basedon an amended version of the ECmachinery directive 2006/42/EC.How is the overall performance levelof a technical safety measure determined?The <strong>training</strong> programme explainsconcepts such as probabilityof failure (POF), diagnostic coverage(DC), common cause failure (CCF), redundancyand diversity. There is alsoa detailed explanation of all the componentsfor safety equipment.From the contents:––Introduction to machine safety––The question of liability (who isliable in the case of an accident?)––European directives––The relationship between directivesand standards––The new EU machinery directive2006/42/EC––The hierarchy of the Europeanstandards for machine safety––Machine safety in the USA––Risk assessment procedureaccording to EN ISO 14121 andEN ISO 12100––Definitions––Risk evaluation: determining therequired performance level––Risk reduction measurements:design measures, technical safetymeasures, instructional measures––Selecting the safety function––Determining the control categoryE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ES/FR/ET/SV/ZHOrder no. 549766Network DE/EN/ES/FR/ET/SV/ZHOrder no. 549769www.festo-didactic.com13

Media >Software > <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>training</strong> <strong>programmes</strong>/WBTsProcess automationThe fascination of technologyBasic principles of processautomationThis <strong>training</strong> program deals with thebroad spectrum of technical processautomation in a compact way. Thecharacteristics and special featuresof process automation are conveyedin a simple manner via images fromreal situations, graphical representationsof physical-technical processesand animated processes which youyourself can manage and control.From the contents:The three chapters “Handling substances”,“System planning” and“Process engineering processes inpractice”, give you a step-by-stepguide to a complete on screen system.The content of these chaptersis reflected in the MPS ® PA stations,which you will use during the practicalpart of your <strong>training</strong>.––Handling substancesProduct manufacture is usuallysubject to defined physical andchemical characteristics. The student’sawareness should be heightenedso that he/she can accuratelyassess production conditions anddeal with them correctly.––System planningThis guides the student around aplanning office, providing an insightinto the planning and developmentof a system. The studentcan examine all the fundamentalactivities of the planning phase,from the basic principles of projectmanagement to drawing a circuitdiagram until the system can finallybe built.––Process engineering processes inpracticeThe vast number of process engineeringprocesses can be reducedto four typical ones: filtration, tempering,mixing and filling. Designand function are analysed usingthe four MPS ® PA stations and themodular products from <strong>Festo</strong> Didacticand answers given to anyquestions that may arise whenstudying process engineering processes.E.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ES/FR/ET/SV/ZHOrder no. 567705Network DE/EN/ES/FR/ET/SV/ZHOrder no. 567706This exciting journey through the historyof technology shows how inventionshave changed the world. Newforms of work have been created:from the hunter to the engineer. “Thefascination of technology” is an interactivejourney through the worldof automation. The program containsmany different multimedia componentsto help you on your journey.Experience the excitement of discoveryand learning – this is pure edutainment!The programme consists of 4 modules:Technology and automationEvery day we come across technologyand automated processes. This introductionillustrates, with practicalexamples, just how much life is affectedby technology, in earlier timestoo but particularly today.The history of automationtechnologyMankind has always tried to makework easier through mechanisationand automation. Fascinating examplesshow how hard this developmenthas sometimes been and howimpressive the results can be.Fundamentals of automationtechnologyThis <strong>training</strong> module goes moredeeply into practical examples. Amanufacturing process previouslycarried out manually is automated:you learn about the parts (sensors,actuators) and processes (materialflow, energy flow, signal flow) involvedin an automated process.Technology and ...Technology and society have alwaysbeen closely interwoven. This <strong>training</strong>module uses easy-to-understandexamples to show how technologyand society influence each other. Themodule also covers the limitations oftechnology – and possible negativeimpacts on society.E.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ES/FR/FI/SV/EL/ZHOrder no. 540899Network DE/EN/ES/FR/FI/SV/EL/ZHOrder no. 54090114All <strong>training</strong> programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems, with as many licences as you need.

Media >Software > <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>training</strong> <strong>programmes</strong>/WBTsLean Management/Lean ProductionValue stream analysis and mappingThose who deal with value streamanalysis and value stream mappinghave one goal: to create productionand production processes thatachieve a true value stream.The purpose of value stream analysisis to make all the processes (fromthe initial request through to the deliveryof the product) transparent.This can quickly highlight a significantpotential for effective reshapingof processes.From the contents:––Improving the value stream––Added value and value stream––Value stream analysis––Use of value stream analysis andvalue stream mapping––Working with value stream mappingmethods––Overview of the ACTUAL situation––Example: The Cycle AccessoriesGmbH & Co. KG––Value stream mapping––The seven types of waste––The situation as it SHOULD be––Tasks and exercisesE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ES/FR/ZHOrder no. 564623Network DE/EN/ES/FR/ZHOrder no. 564624Poka YokeNowadays, Poka Yoke measures arean established part of quality assurance.Poka Yoke is a well-knownprinciple, which originated in Japan.In Japanese, Poka Yoke means avoidingunintentional human error. PokaYoke describes a principle that includestechnical measures/equipmentfor preventing errors and eliminatingthem immediately.Content topics:––The story of Poka Yoke––Inclusion of the seven types ofwaste––The Poka Yoke system––Typical examples of human error––Basic elements of Poka Yoke––Error-oriented approach––Process-oriented approach––Production-oriented approach––Case studies––Tasks and exercisesE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ES/FR/ZHOrder no. 565018Network DE/EN/ES/FR/ZHOrder no. 5650195S – Workstation organisationThe objective of the 5S <strong>training</strong> programmeis to become familiar withmethods to create exemplary, wellorganisedworkstations (both in industrialand administrative areas),where work can be carried out withoutsearching unnecessarily, withoutlong transport distances and withoutwaiting times (i.e. waste-free).The basic principle of every highqualityproduct or service is a cleanand orderly working environment.Quality, as a basic customer need,has the highest priority at such value-addedlocations and thereforecontributes to securing the order.Content topics:––General basic principles––The 5S model––The seven types of waste––Visualisation in 5S––The 5S audit and its application––5S in production––5S in administration––5S workshop procedureE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ES/FR/ZHOrder no. 565020Network DE/EN/ES/FR/ZHOrder no. 565021TPM – Total Productive MaintenanceIt is always better to act than to react.Bearing this in mind, many businessesstrive to stabilise the performanceof their plants and tointroduce preventative maintenance.The term TPM stands for “Total ProductiveMaintenance”.The following results were achievedin industry processes thanks to theimplementation of this method: a40% increase in operating times, a10% increase in machine speed, a95% reduction in the number of unexpectedmachine downtimes, a 90%reduction in the error rate as well asan increase in productivity of up to50% and an increase of almost 200%in ROI. However, in spite of the conceptbeing very simple, many companiesfail at the implementation stage.TPM requires meticulous planning aswell as interlinking with other methodsof the value added system; itshould also be targeted at the specificconditions of employees andmachines. 20% of TPM is therefore atechnical challenge, while 80% of itis an organisational challenge.The learning program imparts fundamentalknowledge about TPM. Hereyou will find out what TPM is andhow you can implement this modelin practice.E.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDNetwork DE/EN/ES/FROrder no.On requestOnline DE/EN/ES/FROrder no.On request16All <strong>training</strong> programs on data storage medium or as a WBT version, also for installation on networks and learning management systems, with as many licences as you need.

Media > Software > <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>training</strong> <strong>programmes</strong>/WBTsCooperation and managementCustomer orientationThe subject of customer orientationis playing an increasingly importantrole. The success of a company alsodepends on how strongly it focuseson the needs of its customers.This <strong>training</strong> programme offers an introductionto the complex subject ofcustomer orientation. With the helpof many practical examples, userslearn how to optimally prepare for acustomer meeting, how to successfullydeal with customers and howto develop long-term business relationships.Content topics:––How to correctly prepare for a customermeeting––How to proceed during a customermeeting––Customer expectations––Questioning techniques, paraphrasing––How to correctly communicateone’s own services––How to keep the customer in mindduring discussions––Recognising purchasing signals––Needs analysis––Relationship managementE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ZHOrder no. 567340Network DE/EN/ZHOrder no. 567341Team performanceHuman resources and their integrationinto teams are becoming moreand more important. What basicrules should be followed for teamsuccess? How do you motivate teammembers and use group dynamicsfor improving performance?Based on specific examples, executiveor project managers will learnthe most important success factorsfor leading a team.Content topics:––How does a team work?––Phases of team development––The role of the team leader––Basic communication model––Efficient meetings––Motivation as a success factor––Initiating motivation––Empathy––Group dynamics––Conflict management––Obstacles to project success––Mediation––Discussions about conflict andcriticismE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ZHOrder no. 567342Network DE/EN/ZHOrder no. 567343Personnel managementCompetent management is not a talent,it can be learned. This <strong>training</strong>programme provides a good overviewof how to delegate successfullyby using management tools and howto create a positive working atmospherewith motivated employees usingspecific management communicationtechniques. Furthermore,users discover how to handle difficultsituations and how to manage crisesand conflicts in a positive way.Some sample topics:––Optimal personnel management––What does personnel managementmean?––Management behaviour and styles––Social competence of executivemanagers––Tools for personnel selection––Employee development––Agreeing on objectives––Competence managementE.g. single licence with CD-ROM/DVDOnline DE/EN/ZHOrder no. 567344Network DE/EN/ZHOrder no. 567345Our authoring tool:Content BuilderDevise and design your own<strong>training</strong> mediawww.festo-didactic.com17

Media > Software > <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>training</strong> <strong>programmes</strong>/WBTsClassroom Manager – learning management systemSimple, professional, affordable:The learning management systemClassroom Manager––Teaching and learning are dependenton time and location––Better adaptation to individuallearning patterns––Visualised contents guaranteemore attention––Central library for digital <strong>training</strong>media––Simple navigation through teachingand <strong>training</strong> mediaThe Classroom Manager is the quickand easy way to create, manageand supervise <strong>training</strong> sessions andcourses. It enables you to combinepresence-based courses, e-learningmodules and many other <strong>training</strong>modules to make complete <strong>training</strong>units.All the digital <strong>training</strong> media arecompiled in a central library. Directaccess to <strong>training</strong> media greatly reducescourse preparation time.The participants are provided withthe right material for each session.You can create new tests, questionnairesor other <strong>training</strong> media wheneveryou need for participants completingcourses or <strong>training</strong> sessions.The Classroom Manager definescourse structures and sets timeframes, dates for attendance, <strong>training</strong>aids, access requirements andcertification options. Participantsand potential applicants can accessthis information as required.Has everyone done their homework?The Classroom Manager provides aclear indication of participants’ successin <strong>training</strong>. The <strong>training</strong> statusmonitoring system means you alwayshave an overview of course attendanceand the progress of the individualparticipants.Access rights can be defined to allowcolleagues to use the library andtake a look at the available courses.The Classroom Manager also allowsstudents to keep an eye on theircourses: the qualifications on offerare displayed clearly, and registeringis quick and easy.Ordering information:Classroom Manager with up to 200users registered by name at 20workstations at the same timeCD ROM with installation instructions,in DE/EN/FR/ES/SV/EL/ZH.Order no. 550804Classroom Manager with up to 1000users registered by name at 100workstations at the same timeCD ROM with installation instructions,in DE/EN/FR/ES/SV/EL/ZH.General and vocational/technicalcolleges can use the Classroom Manageroption for 2000 users registeredby name at 200 workstations at thesame time.Order no. 550805Classroom Manager with campus/enterprise licenceOrder no.On requestASP solutionThe software is installed on a serverrun by us. Access via Internet connection.Order no.On requestUse attractively priced service packagesand benefit from the knowledgeof our experts:Service package 1Service package 1 contains the followingservices: one-day installationsupport, briefing and <strong>training</strong> on site.In Germany:Order no. 560621In other countries:Order no.On requestService package 2Service package 2 contains comprehensivehotline support for your administrators.It runs for one year andincludes up to 15 enquiries per telephoneor e-mail.Order no.On requestUpdate packageSoftware maintenance packageavailable for an annual fee. Includesupdates, a hotline package, programimprovements and more. The price ofthe update package depends on theproduct it covers.Order no.On request18Order online at: www.festo-didactic.com

Media > Software > <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>training</strong> <strong>programmes</strong>/WBTsAvailable <strong>training</strong> <strong>programmes</strong>We’ve got great offers for orderingall the <strong>training</strong> programs with theClassroom Manager – take a look atthe table.Please note:– WBTs that have already been installedfrom CD-ROM cannot beintegrated into the Classroom Managerafter installation. To do this,you will require a new version.– The <strong>training</strong> programs are not includedin scope of delivery for theClassroom Manager. Please orderseparately.For details of the WBTs and the availablelanguages, please see the productdescription or the website.System requirements– Windows operating system Windows2000 server (Web Edition)or higher– Flash Player version 8.0 or higher– Administrator access is essentialfor installation– In addition to Classroom Manager,a number of free open-source componentsmust be installed (Apache2.x/MySQL 4.x or 5.x/PHP 4.x/ZendOptimizer). These are supplied inthe installation bundle.– For standard installation, the requiredports are Port 80 (Apache)and 3306 (MySQL)– The hardware should be an Intel/AMD x86 or x86-64 platform. Nominimum requirements for CPU,memory or hard disk– Pneumatics– Electropneumatics– Hydraulics– Electrohydraulics– Electrical engineering 1– Electrical enigneering 2– Electronics 1– Electronics 2– Electrical protective measures– Sensor technology 1– Sensor technology 2– Actuators – DC motor– Electric drives 1– Electric drives 2– Open- and closed-loop control– LOGO! Training– Fieldbus technology– GRAFCET– PLC programming in accordancewith IEC 61131– Discover MPS ® 200– Machine Vision– Safety engineering– Process automation– The fascination of technology– Renewable energies– Environmental protection in theoffice– Project management– Time management– Internet search– Value stream analysis and mapping– Poka Yoke– S – Workstation organisation– TPM – Total Productive Maintenance– Customer orientation– Team performance– Personell management– Basic principles of accounting– Compliance– Safety at work– General law on equality and discrimination(German: AGG)www.festo-didactic.com19

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Mszczonowska 705090 RaszynTel. +48 (0)22 711 41 00,Fax +48 (0)22 711 41 02E-mail: info_pl@festo.comPortugal<strong>Festo</strong> – Automação, Unipessoal, Lda.Rua Manuel Pinto De Azevedo, 567Apartado 80134109-016 PortoContact Center: 707 20 20 43Tel. +351 22 615 61 50, Fax +351 22 615 61 89E-mail: info@pt.festo.comRomania<strong>Festo</strong> S.R.L.St. Constantin 17010217 BucurestiTel. +40(0)21 403 95 00,Fax +40 (0)21 310 24 09E-mail: info_ro@festo.comRussiaOOO <strong>Festo</strong>-RFMichurinskiy prosp., 49119607 MoscowTel. +7 495 737 34 00, Fax +7 495 737 34 01E-mail: info_ru@festo.comSingapore<strong>Festo</strong> Pte. Ltd.6 Kian Teck WaySingapore 628754Tel. +65 62 64 01 52, Fax +65 62 61 10 26E-mail: info@sg.festo.comSlovakia<strong>Festo</strong> spol. s r.o.Gavlovicová ul. 183103 Bratislava 3Tel. +421 (0)2 49 10 49 10,Fax +421 (0)2 49 10 49 11E-mail: info_sk@festo.comSlovenia<strong>Festo</strong> d.o.o. 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Box 255Isando 1600Tel. +27 (0)11 971 55 00,Fax +27 (0)11 974 21 57E-mail: info_za@festo.comSpain<strong>Festo</strong> Pneumatic, S.A.U.Avenida Granvia, 159Distrito Económico Granvia L'H08908 Hospitalet de LlobregatBarcelonaTel.: 901243660, Fax: 902243660Tel. +34 93 261 64 00, Fax +34 93 261 64 20E-mail: info_es@festo.comSweden<strong>Festo</strong> ABStillmansgatan 1Box 21038200 21 MalmöTel. +46 (0)20 38 38 40, Fax +46 (0)40 38 38 10E-mail: order@festo.seSwitzerland<strong>Festo</strong> AGMoosmattstrasse 248953 Dietikon ZHTel. +41 (0)44 744 55 44,Fax +41 (0)44 744 55 00E-mail: info_ch@festo.comTaiwan<strong>Festo</strong> Co., Ltd.Head Office9, Kung 8th RoadLinkou 2nd Industrial ZoneLinkou Dist., New Taipei City24450 Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel. +886 (0)2 26 01-92 81,Fax +886 (0)2 26 01 92 86-7E-mail: festotw@tw.festo.comThailand<strong>Festo</strong> Ltd.67/1 Phaholyothin Rd.,T. Klong 1, A. KlongluangPathumthani 12120Tel. +66 29 01 88 00, Fax +66 29 01 88 30E-mail: info_th@festo.comTurkey<strong>Festo</strong> San. ve Tic. A.S.Tuzla Mermerciler OrganizeSanayi Bölgesi 6/1834956 Tuzla - Istanbul/TRTel. +90 (0)216 585 00 85,Fax +90 (0)216 585 00 50E-mail: info_tr@festo.comUkraineDP <strong>Festo</strong>ul. Borisoglebskaya,1104070, KievTel. +380 (0)44 239 24 30,Fax +380 (0)44 463 70 96E-mail: orders_ua@festo.comUnited Kingdom<strong>Festo</strong> LimitedApplied Automation CentreCaswell RoadBrackmills Trading EstateNorthampton NN4 7PYTel. ++44 (0)1604 / 66 70 00,Fax ++44 (0)1604 / 66 70 01E-mail: info_gb@festo.comUnited States<strong>Festo</strong> Corporation (New York)395 Moreland RoadP.O. Box 18023Hauppauge, NY 11788Call Toll-free 800/993 3786Fax Toll-free 800/963 3786Tel. +1(631) 435 08 00, Fax +1(631) 435 80 26E-mail: customer.service@us.festo.comVenezuela<strong>Festo</strong> C.A.Av. 23 esquina con calle 71N° 22-62, Edif. <strong>Festo</strong>.Sector ParaísoMaracaibo - VenezuelaTel. +58 (261) 759 11 20/759 41 20/759 44 38,Fax +58 (261) 759 04 55E-mail: festo@festo.com.veVietnam<strong>Festo</strong> Co Ltd(Cong Ty TNHH FESTO)No. 1515 – 1516 Van Dai Dong StreetWard An Phu, District 2Ho Chi Minh CityTel. +84 (8) 62 81 44 53 – 4454,Fax +84 (8) 62 81 44 42E-mail: info_vn@festo.com56954 en © 2012 <strong>Festo</strong> Didactic GmbH & Co. KG

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