Harrier references - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Harrier references - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Harrier references - Irish Rare Birds Committee


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Directions to Cleary University, Johnson CenterGo to: http://www.cleary.edu/maps/map_livingston_campus.htmlFirst building on the right. Look for a green roof.Cost:$50.00 – MAEP Members Early Registration (if received by Friday, October 14, 2011$60.00 – MAEP Members & SMPS Members (if received after October 14, 2011)$70.00 – Non-MAEP MembersSchedule of Events:5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – Registration and Cocktail Reception6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Dinner7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Presentation Followed by QuestionsRegistration Form (Deadline for registration is Friday, October 28, 2011)NameCompanyAddressMAEP Member SMPS Member Non-MemberPhoneEmailMake check payable to MAEP and mail to:Lynne Kohon, MAEPPO Box 4760East Lansing, MI 48826-4760Telephone: (517) 349-1970Facsimile: (517) 349-9949Email: exec-dir@maep.orgTo pay by credit card complete the following: Visa or MastercardCardholder NameCard NumberExpiration DateCharge Amount

Shirihai, H. & Christie, D.A. 1992. Raptor migration at Eilat. British <strong>Birds</strong> 85(4): 141-186 (162).Spaar, R. & Bruderer, B. 1997. Migration by flapping or soaring: flight strategies of Marsh, Montagu'sand Pallid <strong>Harrier</strong>s in southern Israel. The Condor 99(2): 458-469.Strandberg, R. et al 2008. Complex Timing of Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus aeruginosus Migration Due toPre- and Post-Migratory Movements. Ardea 96(2): 159-171.Underhill-Day, J. 1985. The food of breeding Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circus aeruginosus in East Anglia. BirdStudy 32(2): 199-206.Underhill-Day, J. 1998. Breeding Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong> in the United Kingdom, 1983-95. British <strong>Birds</strong> 91(6):210-218.van Beusekom, R.F.J. 1996. Dark morph Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong> in Flevoland in June 1992. Dutch Birding18(5): 237-238.van Turnhout, C.A.M. et al 2010. Long-term population developments in typical marshland birds inThe Netherlands. Ardea 98(3): 283-299.Verma, A. & Prakash, V. 2007. Winter roost habitat use by Eurasian Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circusaeruginosus in and around Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India. Forktail 23: 17-21.Verma, A. 2002. A large congregation of Eurasian Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>s in Keoladeo National Park, India.Forktail 18: 150-151.Verma, A. 2002. Wintering Ecology of Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>s. Ph.D. Thesis. Bombay University, Bombay.Verma, A. 2003. Feeding association of Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus aeruginosus) with Black-necked Stork(Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus) in Keoladeo National Park (Bharatpur, India). Aquila 109-110: 47-50.Verma, A. 2006. Communal roosting behaviour of Eurasian Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>s in India. InternationalHawkwatcher 11: 3-8.Verma, A. 2006. Preliminary observations on the ecology of <strong>Harrier</strong>s (Circus sp.) roosting atHessarghata, North Bangalore in Karnataka, South India with special reference to Eurasian Marsh<strong>Harrier</strong>s (Circus aeruginosus). The Indian Forester March Issue, pp. 337-344.Wassink, A. & Oreel, G.J. 2008. <strong>Birds</strong> of Kazakhstan: new and interesting data. Dutch Birding 30(2):93-100 (94).Witkowski, J. 1989. Breeding biology and ecology of the marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus in theBarycz valley, Poland. Acta Ornithologica 25: 223-320.Zijlstra, M. et al 1992. Seasonal Variation in the Sex Ratio of Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus aeruginosusBroods. Functional Ecology 6(5): 553-559.Eastern Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus spilonotus [Kaup 1847, Asia].SE Siberia & Mongolia E to Ussuriland, Sakhalin, NE China & N Japan. Winters S Japan and SE Asia& S China S & E to Indonesia & Philippines.Other name: Spotted Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>.Armadon, D. 1978. Remarks on the taxonomy of some Australasian Raptors. Emu 78(3): 115-118.Carey, G.J. 1998. Eastern Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong> drowning Mallard. Hong Kong Bird Report 1996 pp. 171-172.Eds. 2005. Attempted predation on a Large-tailed Nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus) by an EasternMarsh harrier (Circus spilonotus) in coastal Vietnam. Journal of Raptor Research 39(1): 106-107.Etherington, G. 2001. OrnithoNews (Hybrid Marsh harriers). Birding World 14(11): 443.Fefelov, I.V. 2001. Comparative breeding ecology and hybridization of Eastern and Western Marsh<strong>Harrier</strong>s Circus spilonotus and C. aeruginosusin the Baikal region of Eastern Siberia. Ibis 143(3):587-592.Fitzsimons, J. 2005. Attempted predation on a Large-tailed Nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus) by anEastern Marsh-<strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus spilonotus) in coastal Vietnam. Journal of Raptor Research 39(1):106-107.Hirano, T. et al 1998. Communal roosting of Eastern Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>s wintering at Watarase Marsh[Japanese with English summary]. Strix 16: 1-15.Holmes, J. 2006. Myanmar - a trip to see endemics. Alula 12(1): 10-17 (14).Moores, N. 2007. Selected records from Socheong Island, South Korea. Forktail 23: 102-124 (107).Roselaar, C.S. & Aliabadian, M. 2009. Review of rare birds in Iran, 1860s-1960s. Podoces 4(1): 1-27 (8).Wiles, G.J. et al 2000. Noteworthy Bird Records for Micronesia, with a Summary of Raptor Sightingsin the Mariana Islands, 1988-1999. Micronesica 32(2): 257-284 (265).5

Papuan <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus spilothorax [Salvadori and D'Albertis 1875].New Guinea apart from the Vogelkop peninsula.Treated by del Hoyo et al 1994 as a race of Eastern Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>.Other name: Spotted-backed <strong>Harrier</strong>.Gyldenstolpe, N. 1955. Notes on a collection of birds made in the Western Highlands, central NewGuinea, 1951. Arkiv för Zoologi 8(1): 1-181.Mackay, R.D. 1991. Papuan <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus spilonotus spilothorax in North Queensland, withcomments on plumages. Australian Bird Watcher 14: 144-146.Mayr, E. & Gilliard, E.T. 1954. <strong>Birds</strong> of central New Guinea: results of the American Museum ofNatural History Expedition to New Guinea in 1950 and 1952. Bulletin of the American Museum ofNatural History 103(4): 311-374.Simmons, R. & Legra, L.A.T. 2009. Is the Papuan <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus spilonotus spilothorax a globallythreatened species? Ecology, climate change threats and first population estimates from PapuaNew Guinea. Bird Conservation International 19: 379-391.Simmons, R.E. 2010. The nest, eggs, and diet of the Papuan <strong>Harrier</strong> from eastern New Guinea.Journal of Raptor Research 44:12-18.Swamp <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus approximans [Peale 1848, Vanua Levu, Fiji].S New Guinea, Melanesia, Australia & New Zealand and Polynesia as far E as Tonga. Introduced tothe Society Islands (French Polynesia, S Pacific).The proposed form gouldi is included with C. approximans.Other name: Pacific Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>, Australian <strong>Harrier</strong>, <strong>Harrier</strong> Hawk, Gould's <strong>Harrier</strong> (gouldi).John Gould, aka 'The Bird Man' (1804-1881), British ornithologist, artist and taxidermist who spent twoyears in Australia studying the birdlife.Armadon, D. 1978. Remarks on the taxonomy of some Australasian Raptors. Emu 78(3): 115-118.Ashfield, P. & Hutchins, P. 1997. Swamp <strong>Harrier</strong> taking Silver Gull. South Australian Ornithologist32(7): 140.Baker-Gabb, D.J. 1978. Aspects of the biology of the Australasian <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus aeruginosusapproximans Peale 1848). M.Sc. thesis. Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.Baker-Gabb, D.J. 1979. Remarks on the taxonomy of the Australasian <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus approximans).Notornis 26(4): 325-329.Baker-Gabb, D.J. 1981. Breeding behaviour and ecology of the Australasian <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circusapproximans) in the Manawatu-Rangitikei Sand-Country, New Zealand. Notornis 28: 103-119.Baker-Gabb, D.J. 1981. The diet of the Australasian <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus approximans) in the Manawatu-Rangitikei Sand Country, New Zealand. Notornis 28: 241-254.Baker-Gabb, D.J. 1982. Comparative ecology and behaviour of Swamp <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circus approximans,Spotted <strong>Harrier</strong>s C. assimilis and other raptors in Australia and New Zealand. Ph.D. thesis.Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.Cooper, W. 1991. <strong>Harrier</strong> attacking Black-billed Gull. Notornis 38(1): 72.Eakle, W.L. 1997. Observations of raptors in the Republic of Vanuatu. Journal of Raptor Research31(4): 303-307.Fox, N.C. 1977. Some morphological data on the Australian <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus approximans gouldi) inNew Zealand. Notornis 24: 9-19.Gurr, L. 1968. Communal roosting behaviour of the Australasian <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus approximans in NewZealand. Ibis 110(3): 332-337.Ragg, J.R. et al 2000. The scavenging behaviour of ferrets (Mustela furo), feral cats (Felisdomesticus), possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) and harrierhawks (Circus approximans) on pastoral farmland in New Zealand: Implications for bovinetuberculosis transmission. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 48(6): 166-175.Rinke, D.R. et al 1992. Miscellaneous bird notes from the Kingdom of Tonga - New records fromother islands. Notornis 39: 301-315 (306).Spurr, E.B. 1979. A theoretical assessment of the ability of bird species to recover from an imposedreduction in numbers, with particular reference to 1080 poisoning. New Zealand Journal of Ecology2: 46-63.Tollan, A.M. 1988. maintenance energy requirements and energy assimilation efficiency of theAustralasian <strong>Harrier</strong>. Ardea 76: 181-186.6

African Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus ranivorus [Daudin 1800, South Africa].DR Congo, Uganda & Kenya S to South Africa. Seasonal NE movements in response to low waterlevels to SW Sudan, S Ethiopia & Somalia.Simmons, R. 1990. Copulation patterns of African marsh harriers: Evaluating the paternity assurancehypothesis. Animal Behaviour 40(6): 1151-1157.Simmons, R. 1991. Comparisons and functions of sky-dancing displays of Circus harriers: untanglingthe Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong> complex. Ostrich 62(1-2): 45-51.Simmons, R. 1992. Brood adoption and deceit among African Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circus ranivorus. Ibis134(1): 32-34.Simmons, R. et al 1992. Biases in diets determined from pellets and remains: correction factors for amammal and bird-eating raptor. Journal of Raptor Research 25(3): 63-67.Réunion <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus maillardi [J. Verreaux 1862, Réunion].Réunion Island (SW Indian Ocean).Treated by del Hoyo et al 1994 as a race of polytypic Madagascar <strong>Harrier</strong>.Other names: Papangue, Pied Jaun.Adams, M.P. et al 2003. Extinct and endangered (‘E&E’) birds: a proposed list for collectioncatalogues. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 123: 338-354.Bretagnolle, V. et al 2000. Distribution, population size and habitat use of the Réunion Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong>,Circus m. maillardi. Journal of Raptor Research 34(1): 8-17.Bretagnolle, V. et al. Status of Réunion Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus maillardi on Réunion Island. Found in:Chancellor, R.D. & Meyburg, B-U. 2000. Raptors at Risk - Proceedings of the 5th WorldConferance on <strong>Birds</strong> of Prey and Owls. World Working Group on <strong>Birds</strong> of Prey and Owls, Berlin.Malagasy <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus macrosceles [Newton 1863]Madagascar & the Comoro Islands (SW Indian Ocean).Treated by del Hoyo et al 1994 as a race of polytypic Madagascar <strong>Harrier</strong>.Paverne, L. 1997. Nidification et comportement de busard de maillard (Circus maillardi) dans larégion d'Ankazobe au nord-ouest d'Antananarivo [Nesting behaviour of Circus maillardi inAnkazobe]. Working Group on <strong>Birds</strong> in the Madagascar Region Newsletter 7: 21-24.René de Roland, L-A. et al 2004. Nesting biology and diet of the Madagascar <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circusmacrosceles) in Ambohitantely Special Reserve, Madagascar. Journal of Raptor Research 38(3):256-262.René de Roland, L-A. et al 2009. Surveys, distribution and current status of the Madagascar <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus macrosceles in Madagascar. Bird Conservation International 19(4): 309-322.Long-winged <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus buffoni [Gmelin 1788, northeastern Brazil].SW Colombia E to the Guianas, Trinidad and Tobago & NE Brazil and S to E Bolivia, N & C Argentina& C Chile.Amadon, D. 1954. On the Correct Names for the Caracaras and for Long-winged <strong>Harrier</strong>. The Auk71: 203-204.Angehr, G.R. 2011. First North American records of Long-winged <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus buffoni), LargebilledSeed-Finch (Oryzoborus crassirostris), and Yellow-hooded Blackbird (Chrysomusicterocephalus) from Panama. North American <strong>Birds</strong> 64: 540-547.del Plata, A.O. & Mazzini, V. 2000. Diet of breeding Cinereous <strong>Harrier</strong>s (Circus cinereus) insoutheastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Journal of Raptor Research 34(3): 237241.Jaksic, F.M. & Jimenez, J.E. 1986. The Conservation Status of Raptors in Chile. <strong>Birds</strong> of PreyBulletin No. 3 pp. 95-104.Bó, M.S. et al 1996. Diet of Long-winged <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus buffoni) in southeastern Buenos AiresProvince, Argentina. Journal of Raptor Research 30(4): 237-239.Renssen, T.A. 1973. Social roosting of Circus buffoni in Surinam. Ardea 61(3-4): 188-188.7

Spotted <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus assimilis [Jardine and Selby 1828, Sydney, New South Wales].Australia and Sulawesi & Sula Islands (C Moluccas, Indonesia).Other names: Jardine's <strong>Harrier</strong>, Allied <strong>Harrier</strong>, Smoke Hawk.Sir William Jardine, 7th Baronet of Applegarth (1800-1874), Scottish ornithologist.Baker-Gabb, D.J. 1984. The evolution of tree-nesting and the origin of the Spotted <strong>Harrier</strong>. Corella 8:67-69.Baker-Gabb, D.J. 1982. Comparative ecology and behaviour of Swamp <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circus approximans,Spotted <strong>Harrier</strong>s C. assimilis and other raptors in Australia and New Zealand. Ph.D. thesis.Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.Black <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus maurus [Temminck 1828, Cape of Good Hope].S South Africa N to The Transvaal, Lesotho, S Namibia & S Botswana.Adams, M.P. et al 2003. Extinct and endangered (‘E&E’) birds: a proposed list for collectioncatalogues. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 123: 338-354.Chadwick, P.I. 1997. Breeding by Black <strong>Harrier</strong>s in the West Coast National Park. Journal of AfricanRaptor Biology 12: 14-19.Curtis, O. et al 2001. The Black <strong>Harrier</strong>: work in progress. Africa <strong>Birds</strong> & Birding 7: 30-36.Curtis, O. et al 2004. Black <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus maurus of the Fynbos biome, South Africa: a threatenedspecialist or an adaptable survivor? Bird Conservation International 14: 233-245.Simmons, R.E. et al 1998. Black <strong>Harrier</strong> conservation and ecology: preliminary findings 2000.Journal of African Raptor Biology 13: 33-38.Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus cyaneus [Linnaeus 1766, Europe].[C.c. cyaneus] Europe & N Asia E to Kamchatka. Winters Europe & NW Africa E thru S Asia to SEChina & Japan.[C.c. hudsonius] North America S to NW Mexico & SE Virginia. Winters S to N South America.Other name: Northern <strong>Harrier</strong> (hudsonius), Marsh Hawk (hudsonius).Both forms treated as full species by Simmons 2000 and Ferguson-Lees & Christie 2001.1st WP Record (C.c. hudsonius): [juvenile] 22 October 1982. Porthellick Down, St. Mary's, Isles ofScilly, England. Remained in the vicinity of several islands until the following 8 June 1983 (Martin2008).Amar, A. & Redpath, S.M. 2005. Habitat use by Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circus cyaneus in Orkney: implicationsof land-use change for this declining population. Ibis 147: 37-47.Amar, A. et al 2005. Decline of the Orkney Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus cyaneus population: do changes todemographic parameters and mating system fit a declining food hypothesis? Bird Study 52: 18-24.Avery, M. & Bainbridge, I. 1997. Conservation research news (Harassed harriers have legitimategrouse). British <strong>Birds</strong> 90(10): 411-412.Avery, M. 2011. Why hunting and harriers can't mix. Birdwatch 233: 20.Avery, M. 2012. Unnatural England. Birdwatch 241: 21.Balfour, E. & Cadbury, C.J. 1979. Polygyny, spacing and sex ratio among Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circuscyaneus in Orkney, Scotland. Ornis Scandinavica 10: 133-141.Balfour, E. & MacDonald, M.A. 1970. Food and feeding behaviour of the Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> in Orkney.Scottish <strong>Birds</strong> 6: 157-166.Barnard, P. et al 1987. Timing of breeding and the seasonal importance of passerine prey toNorthern <strong>Harrier</strong>s (Circus cyaneus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 65: 1942-1946.Barton, C. et al 2006. The second national survey of breeding Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circus cyaneus in Ireland2005. <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>Birds</strong> 8(1): 1-20.Barthel, C. 1992. Rätselvogel 32: Kornweihe Circus cyaneus [Mystery Bird 32: Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>]. Limicola6(6): 296-297.Baynes, T. 2002. Points of view (Manage harriers for a better moorland). Birdwatch 126: 16.Bibby, C.J. & Etheridge, B. 1993. Status of the Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus cyaneus in Scotland in 1988-89.Bird Study 40(1): 1-11.Bildstein, K.L. & Collopy, M.W. 1985. Escorting flight and agonistic interactions in winteringNorthern <strong>Harrier</strong>s. The Condor 87: 398-401.8

Bildstein, K.L. & Hamerstrom, F. 1980. Age and Sex Differences in the Size of Northern <strong>Harrier</strong>s.Journal of Field Ornithology 51(4): 356-360.Bourne, W.R.P. 1992. What happens when Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s nest above ground? <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>Birds</strong> 4(4): 564-565.Callahan, D. 2011. Reports (Northern <strong>Harrier</strong> redux. Northern <strong>Harrier</strong>s: autumn and winter, 2009 and2010). Birdwatch 224: 53-54.Christiansen Jr., D.A. & Reinert, S.E. 1990. Habitat use of the Northern <strong>Harrier</strong> in a coastalMassachusetts shrubland with notes on population trends in southeastern New England. Journalof Raptor Research 24(4): 84-90.Clarke, R. & Hadrill, P.H. 1991. Notes (Treetop hunting by Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s). British <strong>Birds</strong> 84(12): 570.Clarke, R. & Watson, D. 1990. The Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus cyaneus Winter Roost Survey in Britain andIreland. Bird Study 37: 84-100.Clarke, R. 1992. Notes (Roosting Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> killed by fox). British <strong>Birds</strong> 85(3): 129-130.Clarke, R. et al 1993. Food niches of sympatric Marsh <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus aeruginosus and Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> C.cyaneus on the Dutch coast in winter. Ibis 135: 424-431.Clarke, R. et al 1997. A comparison of the feeding ecology of wintering Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circuscyaneus centred on two heathland areas in England. Ibis 139: 4-18.Collopy, M.W. & Bildstein, K.L. 1987. Foraging behaviour of Northern <strong>Harrier</strong>s wintering insoutheastern salt and freshwater marshes. The Auk 104(1): 11-16.Combridge, M.C. & Combridge, P. 1992. Notes (Effect of freezing conditions on roosting Hen<strong>Harrier</strong>). British <strong>Birds</strong> 85(3): 130.Combridge, P. 1984. Notes (Underwing of ringtail Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>). British <strong>Birds</strong> 77(9): 419.Corso, A. 1999. Letters (Identification of Marsh Hawk). Birding World 12(2): 82.Crewe, M.D. 1999. Letters ('Hedge-hopping' behaviour of Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>). British <strong>Birds</strong> 92(9): 485-486.Cudworth, J. & Massingham, C. 1986. Notes (Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> and Merlin hunting together). British <strong>Birds</strong>79(9): 430.Cullen, C. 2010. Head bowing as an aspect of Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus cyaneus courtship. <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>Birds</strong> 9(1):121-122.Davenport, D.L. 1982. Influxes into Britain of Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s, Long-eared Owls and Short-eared Owlsin winter 1978/79. British <strong>Birds</strong> 75(7): 309-316.Dawson, P.A.C. 2005. Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus cyaneus utilisation of a limestone fen in north County Cork.<strong>Irish</strong> <strong>Birds</strong> 7(4): 503-510.Dickson, R.C. 1982. Notes (Bowing behaviour of Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s). British <strong>Birds</strong> 75(7): 329-330.Dickson, R.C. 1982. Notes (Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s stooping at birds in winter). British <strong>Birds</strong> 75(7): 328-329.Dickson, R.C. 1984. Notes (Falcons hunting close to harriers). British <strong>Birds</strong> 77(10): 481-482.Dickson, R.C. 1997. Notes (Treetop-hunting by Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s). British <strong>Birds</strong> 90(6): 228.Dickson, R.C. 2009. Notes (Two male Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s attending nests in Dumfries & Galloway). British<strong>Birds</strong> 102(8): 468.Dobson, A.D.M. & Clarke, M.L. 2011. Inconsistency in the taxonomy of Hen and Northern <strong>Harrier</strong>s:causes and consequences. British <strong>Birds</strong> 104(4): 192-201.Eds. 2004. Pigeonhole (English Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s continue to struggle). Birding World 17(8): 352.Eds. 2007. Frontispage (Juvenile Marsh Hawk, Lighthouse Point, New Haven, Connecticut, USA,September 2003 - picture by Julian Hough). Birding World 20(9): 353.Etheridge, B. et al 1997. The effects of illegal killing and destruction of nests by humans on thepopulation dynamics of the Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus cyaneus in Scotland. Journal of Applied Ecology34: 1081-1105.Everett, M. 1998. Conservation (Moors murderers?). Birdwatch 67: 6-9.Forsman, D. & Erterius, D. 2012. Pallid <strong>Harrier</strong>s in northwest Europe and the identification ofpresumed Pallid x Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> hybrids. Birding World 25(2): 68-75.Forsman, D. & Peltomäki, J. 2007. Hybrids Between Pallid and Hen harriers - A New Headache ofBirders? Alula 13(4): 178-182.Forsman, D. 1996. Nuorten ja naaraspukuisten sini-, niitty- ja arosuohaukkojen tunnistaminen [Howto seperate ringtail Hen, Montagu's and Pallid <strong>Harrier</strong>s]. Alula 2(4): 152-159.Forsman, D. 2009. Hybrid harriers on the move. Birding World 22(11): 469-470.Godfrey Jr., R.D. & Fedynich, A.M. 1987. Northern <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus cyaneus) Predation on WinteringWildfowl. Journal of Raptor Research 21(2): 72-73.Grant, P.J. 1980. Identification of American 'Marsh Hawks'. British <strong>Birds</strong> 73: 318.Grant, P.J. 1983. The 'Marsh Hawk' problem. British <strong>Birds</strong> 76(9): 373-376.9

Green, R.E. & Etheridge, B. 1999. Breeding success of the hen harrier Circus cyaneus in relation tothe distribution of grouse moors and the red fox Vulpes vulpes. Journal of Applied Ecology 36(4):472-483.Harold, R. 1989. Squeal call of the Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> at winter roost. British <strong>Birds</strong> 82(3): 93-96.Heath, A. & Armstrong, H. 2008. Notes (Artificial feeding of Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s in the Peak District). British<strong>Birds</strong> 101(3): 152-154.Irving, P.V. 2008. Notes (Supplementary feeding of Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s). British <strong>Birds</strong> 101(5): 256-257.Irwin, S. et al 2008. Aspects of the breeding biology of Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circus cyaneus in Ireland. <strong>Irish</strong><strong>Birds</strong> 8(3): 331-334.Irwin, S. et al 2011. The breeding biology of Hen harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland over a five yearperiod. <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>Birds</strong> 9(2): 165-172.Jack, J. 1984. Notes (Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> and Merlin hunting together). British <strong>Birds</strong> 77(2): 72-73.Jones, E. 1981. Some observations on the biology of Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s in Co. Limerick. <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>Birds</strong> 2(1):80-82.Kaufman, K. 1987. Answers to August Photo Quiz - Intermediate (female Northern <strong>Harrier</strong>). BirdingXIX(5): 34-35.Kehoe, C. 2006. Racial identification and assessment in Britain: a report from the RIACTsubcommittee. British <strong>Birds</strong> 99(12): 619-645 (625).Kemp, J.B. 1990. Notes (Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s roosting in oil-seed rape). British <strong>Birds</strong> 83(1): 23.Kylänpää, J. 2000. <strong>Birds</strong> of Dera Ismail Khan District of North West Frontier Province in Pakistan.Forktail 16: 15-28 (21).Lawton Roberts, J. 1986. Notes (Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> and Peregrine hunting 'in tandem'). British <strong>Birds</strong> 79(9):430.Lewington, I. 2012. The Otmoor harriers and two more Northern <strong>Harrier</strong>s at Tacumshin. BirdingWorld 25(11): 465-468.Lontkowski, J. & Skakuj, M. 1996. Identification (Dead ringers). Birdwatch 47: 23-29.Lontkowski, J. & von Michal Skakuj, F. 1995. Die Unterscheidung von Korn- Circus cyaneus,Wiesen- C. pypargus und Steppenweihe C. macrourus [Identification of Hen, Montagu’s and Pallid<strong>Harrier</strong>s]. Limicola 9(5): 233-275.Lynes, M. 1982. Notes (Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s stooping at birds in winter). British <strong>Birds</strong> 75(7): 329.Madden, B. & Porter, B. 2007. Do wind turbines displace Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circus cyaneus from foraginghabitat? Preliminary results of a case study at the Derrybrien Wind Farm, County Galway. <strong>Irish</strong><strong>Birds</strong> 8(2): 231-236.Madders, M. 2000. Habitat selection and foraging success of Hen <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circus cyaneus in westScotland. Bird Study 47: 32-40.Marshall, D.S. 1983. 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van Ijzendoorn, E.J. 1985. Steppekiekendief bij Bergen op Zoom in oktober 1984 [Pallid <strong>Harrier</strong> atBergen op Zoom in october 1984]. Dutch Birding 7(1): 22-25.Wassink, A. 1979. Steppenkiekendief Circus macrourus bij Wassenaar in 1978 [Pallid <strong>Harrier</strong> nearWassenaar in 1978]. Dutch Birding 1(4): 102-103.Pied <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus melanoleucos [Pennant 1769, Sri Lanka].S Siberia & Mongolia E to Amurland, Manchuria & N Korea and occasionally N Myanmar & Assam(NE India). Winters India & Sri Lanka E to S China, Borneo & Philippines.Armadon, D. 1978. Remarks on the taxonomy of some Australasian Raptors. Emu 78(3): 115-118.Harrap, S. 2003. Potential eastern vagrants: a photo gallery. Birding World 16(8): 342-346 (plate 1,342).Holmes, J. 2006. Myanmar - a trip to see endemics. Alula 12(1): 10-17 (14).Iqbal, M. 2005. New and noteworthy bird records from Sumatra, Indonesia. Forktail 21: 167-169(168).Javad, S. & Rahmani, A.R. 1998. Conservation of the Avifauna of Dudwa National Park, India.Forktail 14: 57-66.Knystautas, A.J. 1992. <strong>Birds</strong> in the CIS - <strong>Birds</strong> of the wetlands. Dutch Birding 14(1): 19-22 (plate 19,19).Moores, N. 2007. Selected records from Socheong Island, South Korea. Forktail 23: 102-124 (107).Narayan, G & Rosalind, L. 1991. New record of the Pied <strong>Harrier</strong>, Circus melanoleucos (Pennant)breeding in Assam Duars, with a brief review of its distribution. Journal of the Bombay NaturalHistory Society 88(1): 30-34.Pleasance, B. 1997. Pallid <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus macrourus breeding in Central Turkey. Sandgrouse 19(2):144-145.Rahmani, A.R. 1988. A Pied <strong>Harrier</strong>, Circus melanoleucos in Northwest Madhya Pradesh. Journal ofthe Bombay Natural History Society 85: 419- 420.Vyas, R. 1992. Pied <strong>Harrier</strong>, Circus melanoleucos (Pennant) in southeast Rajasthan. Journal of theBombay Natural History Society 89: 248.Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>Circus pygargus [Linnaeus 1758, England].NW Africa and S & C Europe E thru Caspian lowlands to Kazakhstan & upper R Yenisey. Winterssub-Saharan Africa and Indian subcontinent & Sri Lanka.Col. George Montagu (1753-1815), British Army, served in the war against the American Coloniesand later retired to Devon where he devoted himself to the study of the local wildlife.Akhtar, S.A. 1994. <strong>Harrier</strong>s in the Velavadar National Park. District Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India, winter1992/93. The Raptor 5: 51-56.Amar, A. et al 2000. Post-fledging dependency and dispersal in hacked and wild Montagu’s <strong>Harrier</strong>sCircus pygargus. Ibis 142: 21-28.Anderson, A. 1963. Montagu’s <strong>Harrier</strong> in Aberdeenshire. Scottish <strong>Birds</strong> 2: 478.Arroyo, B. 2002. Sex-biased nestling mortality in the Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus pygargus. Journal ofAvian Biology 33(4): 455-460.Arroyo, B. et al 2001. Colonial breeding and nest defence in Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus).Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 50(2): 109-115.Arroyo, B. et al 2002. Conservation of the Montagu’s <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus pygargus) in agricultural areas.Animal Conservation 5(4): 283-290.Arroyo, B.E. 1997. Diet of Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong> Circus pygargus in central Spain: analysis of temporaland geographic variation. Ibis 139(4): 664-672.Arroyo, B.E. 1999. Copulatory behavior of semi-colonial Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>s. The Condor 101(2):340-346.Arroyo, B.E. & King, J.R. 1995. Observations on the ecology of Montagu's and Marsh harrierswintering in north-west Senegal. Ostrich 66: 37-40.Arroyo, B.E. & King, J.R. 1996. Age and sex differences in moult of the Montagu’s <strong>Harrier</strong>. Journalof Raptor Research 30: 224-233.Billett, D.F. & Rees, G.H. 1984. Notes (Falcons hunting close to harriers). British <strong>Birds</strong> 77(10): 482.Bindrich, F. 2002. A dark morph Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>. Birding World 15(6): 253.15

Butet, A. & Leroux, A.B.A. 1993. Effect of prey on a predator's breeding success. A 7-year study onCommon Vole (Microtus arvalis) and Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong> (Circus pygargus) in a west France marsh.Acta Oecologica 14(6): 857-865.Butet, A. & Leroux, A.B.A. 2001. Effects of agriculture development on vole dynamics andconservation of Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong> in western French wetlands. Biological Conservation 100(3):289-295.Clark, W.S. 1988. Mystery photographs (Unusual male Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>). British <strong>Birds</strong> 81(6): 278-281.Clark, W.S. 1992. Dark-morph Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>. Dutch Birding 14(5): 178-179.Clark, W.S. 1997. Identification of pearched Montagu's and Pallid harriers. Birding World 10(7): 267-269.Clarke, R. et al 1998. World record count of roosting harriers Circus in Blackbuck national Park,Velavadar, Gujarat, north-west India. Forktail 14: 70-71.Clarke, R. 1997. Notes (Desert-roosting by harriers). British <strong>Birds</strong> 90(7): 286-287.Conzemius, T. 2002. Rätselvogel 89: Wiesenweihe Circus pygargus [Mystery Bird 89: Montagu’s<strong>Harrier</strong>]. Limicola 16(3): 185-186.Cormier, J-P. & Baillon, F. 1991. Concentration de Busards cendres Circus pygargus (L.) dans laregion de M’bour (Senegal) durant l’hiver 1988-1989 [Concentrations of Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circuspygargus (L.) in M'bour (Senegal) during the winter of 1988-1989]. Alauda 59: 163-168.Corso, A. 1999. Sexing of juvenile Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>. Dutch Birding 21(4): 189-192.Durdin, C. & Image, B. 1993. Helping harriers to fight back. Birdwatch 2(1): 12.England, M.D. 1976. Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong> retrieving displaced nestling. British <strong>Birds</strong> 69: 499.Everett, M.J. 1991. Notes (Melanistic Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>). British <strong>Birds</strong> 84(10): 438-439.Ferns, P.N. & Hinsley, S.A. 1994. Effects of raptors on the activities of Sandgrouse. Journal ofRaptor Research 28(4): 236-241.Forsman, D. & Peltomäki, J. 2007. Hybrids Between Pallid and Hen harriers - A New Headache ofBirders? Alula 13(4): 178-182.Forsman, D. 1993. Hybridising harriers. Birding World 6(8): 313.Forsman, D. 1995. Field identification of female and juvenile Montagu's and Pallid <strong>Harrier</strong>s. DutchBirding 17(2): 41-54.Forsman, D. 1995. Male Pallid and female Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong> raising hybrid yound in Finland in 1993.Dutch Birding 17(3): 102-106.Forsman, D. 1996. Nuorten ja naaraspukuisten sini-, niitty- ja arosuohaukkojen tunnistaminen [Howto seperate ringtail Hen, Montagu's and Pallid <strong>Harrier</strong>s]. Alula 2(4): 152-159.Forsman, D. 2003. Photospot: Dark morph Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>. Birding World 16(6): 258-259.Forsman, D. 2012. Featured photographer (Raptor rapture). Birdwatch 246: 44-46 (46).García, J.T. & Arroyo, B. 1998. Migratory movements of western European Montagu’s <strong>Harrier</strong> Circuspygargus: a review. Bird Study 45: 188-194.Hume, R.A. 1982. Notes (Male Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong> with broad white rump-patch). British <strong>Birds</strong> 75(9):423.Holt, P. 2001. Monthly Marathon Solution (Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>). British <strong>Birds</strong> 94(8): 398.Image, B. 1992. Notes (Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong> taking prey disturbed by farm machinery). British <strong>Birds</strong>85(10): 559.Jones, P.H. & Colling, A.W. 1984. Breeding and protection of Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>s in Anglessey,1955-64. British <strong>Birds</strong> 77(2): 41-46.Komi, P. 2008. More dark morph Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>s in Spain. Birding World 21(3): 117-120.Kylänpää, J. 2000. <strong>Birds</strong> of Dera Ismail Khan District of North West Frontier Province in Pakistan.Forktail 16: 15-28 (21).Leroux, A. & Bretagnolle, V. 1996. Sex ratio variations in broods of Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>s Circuspygargus. Journal of Avian Biology 27(1): 63-69.Lontkowski, J. & Skakuj, M. 1996. Identification (Dead ringers). Birdwatch 47: 23-29.Lontkowski, J. & von Michal Skakuj, F. 1995. Die Unterscheidung von Korn- Circus cyaneus,Wiesen- C. pypargus und Steppenweihe C. macrourus [Identification of Hen, Montagu’s and Pallid<strong>Harrier</strong>s]. Limicola 9(5): 233-275.Mauer, K.A. 1996. Mystery photographs (second-calendar year male Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>). DutchBirding 18(3): 137.Michev, T. et al 2011. The autumn migration of soaring birds at Bourgas Bay, Bulgaria. British <strong>Birds</strong>104(1): 16-37 (29).Millon, A. et al 2002. Comparative breeding biology of Hen <strong>Harrier</strong> and Montagu's <strong>Harrier</strong>: an eightyearstudy in north-eastern France. Ibis 144(1): 94-105.16

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