WASHING MACHINES - Laundry Equipment

WASHING MACHINES - Laundry Equipment

WASHING MACHINES - Laundry Equipment

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<strong>WASHING</strong> <strong>MACHINES</strong>LM 8 - 11LM 14 - 18 - 23

LM SERIESTHE WINNINGCHOICE!IMESA LM series washing machine are the ideal laundrysolution for hotels, restaurants, hospitals, retirement homes,Coin-op laundries, wellness centres, …The new high spin washer is the result of important designstudies and use the latest technologies to satisfy the customerfrom any point of view: high machine reliability, high qualityresults, ergonomics, simplicity of use.Available in a wide model range, the IMESA LM Series is themost flexible on the market: the user can create by himself thewashing programs in a very simple way!Studied to last: a reliable structure and high quality components! We are proud ofour product reliability in which we trust so much to grant the best warranty condition:24 MONTHS TOTAL WARRANTY!Superlative performances100% Customer satisfactionGUARANTEEGUARANTEE ★ ★GUARANTEEGUARANTEE GUARANTEE ★100%SATISFACTIONHigh stability: Thanks to the new IMESA Power BalanceSystem (PBS), the perfect balance is assured also with difficultor partial loads.Half load programs: The user can create also half loadprograms, the washing machine is automatically adjusting thewater level and the detergent consumes to avoid wastes.Preferred programs list: The most used 10 programs aresaved in a menu, so the user can start them very quickly.Motorized door lock: once the door is set ajar, the systemblock it at the program start.GSM REMOTE SYSTEM: a modern system wich allows toupdate the software, to modifiy programs, to download newprograms, to make a machine check from remote. This systemallows to reduce the intervention time!

LM SERIESTHE ATTENTION TO THE DETAILIS OUR STRENGTHGSM remote systemReduction of intervention timeIM8 Computer equipped with touch screenInteraction with the washing machine is made easierby the use of easy to understand icons.USB Door on machine control panelEasier data transfer from the PC to the machineand from a machine to the otherErgonomic angled control panelNo reflections on the touch screenPOWERED BALANCE SYSTEMMotorized door lockHigh safety and ergonomicsPOWERED BALANCE SYSTEMDrum and outer drum inStainless steel AISI 304No rust stains on the linenDrain valve on machine frontThe space between outer drum and drain valveis reduced to the minimum, so water anddetergent wastes are avoidedPOWERED BALANCE SYSTEMRemovable below frontal panelThe below frontal panel can be removed tomake easier the drain valve and shockabsorbers maintenance.Power Balance SystemHorizontal and vertical shock absorber: the machinestability and a low noise level are assured.

HIGH LEVEL SAFETYQUALITY RESULTSIMESA LM series washing machine uses the latest tehcnologyto assure high quality results to the customer.NO FABRICS STRESSThanks to the inverter use the drum speed can be controlled andthe spin acceleration is gradually made, in this way themechanical stress to the linen fabrics is avoided.NO LINEN SHOCKSWater is gradually heated in order to avoid thermal shocks to thelinen. Thanks to the “water balanced load”, the washing machineloads cold alternate to hot water reaching the set temperaturein a very quick and precise way. Using the hot water comingfrom the hydraulic system, the program length is shorter and theenergy consumes are reduced.USER SAFEIMESA pays a special attention to the user safety.EMERGENCY STOP BUTTONIMESA washing machines are equipped with an emergencystop button which shuts off the machine when pressed.MOTORIZE DOOR LOCKIMESA Washing machines are equippedwith an innovative and automatic doorclosing system, which recognizes thedoor set ajar and locks it when theprogram starts; until this moment the usercould open again the door to insert or takeout linen. While the program is runningthe door is blocked and it can be openedagain at the end of the program when it isautomatically unlocked by the system.The door stay locked if thetemperature inside the drum is higherthen the set safety values.IMESA washing machines are designedin compliance with European Law in force.IMESA washing machines are respectingthe USA import standards.IM8: SIMPLY TOUCHIM8 is the new innovative control system which equips IMESA LM series washingmachine. It is not a simple microprocessor, but a real computer which enables theLM series to easily suit the customer laudry needs and exigencies.The machine is absolutely userfriendly thanks to the use of ICONS,which can be easily understood and,also, thanks to the IM8 ability to dialogin more languages.The user needs only to select thewished application and then follow theinstructions visulized on the screen.Thanks to the high resolution, the LCD can reproduced multimedia files,pictures, advertisings, user notices, etc.While the program is running, the screen shows all the operation in execution andnot only: selecting the suitable application, it is possible to access to the chosenprogram parameters and modify them.AN ENDLESS LIST OF SOLUTIONIM8 allows to create, to modify, to naanyway, can create own program in aif the program must be saved or simpIM8 has an expandable memory: theincreased.PREFERRED LISTIn order to avoid to scroll a verycomposed a preferred programs liautomatically by the computer and aHALF LOAD PROGRAMDuring the program creation, it is pthe computer will optimize automaticavoiding wastes.EASY PROGThis application allows the user to crquestions. The program can be namEXPERT PROGThis application allows the technpersonalising each program paramalso the most hard request can be s

ERGONOMICA AND RELIABILITYINNOVATIVE ERGONOMICSIMESA LM series washing machine was designed to makeeasier the user job.HUGE LOAD DIAMETERIMESA washing machines has a big loading diameter whichallows to easily load and unload also bulky linen.AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENINGDoor closing and opening ask fora small user intervention, as thisoperation are automatically controlledby the machine.ANGLED CONTROL PANELThe control panel angle was designed to avoid unpleasantreflections on the touch screen:30°for LM 14, LM 18, LM 23 e 45° for LM 8 and LM 11.STRONG RELIABILITYIMESA LM series washing machine was designed payingattention to each single detail and manufactured using only highquality components: this machine has been made to last duringthe time!PBS SYSTEM: HIGH STABILITYPBS is the IMESA exclusive shock absorbersystem, studied to bear high stress mantainingthe machine balance even in the most criticalsituationPOWERED BALANCE SYSTEMFRONTAL SEALThe bearing house is equipped with a frontal seal in siliconcarbide which stops the water saving the bearing good workingfor thousands cycles.IMESA washing machines are respectingthe Russian import standards.IMESA washing machines are respectinghe Water Regulation Advisory Schem,so they are suitable to UK Market.Name and to save up to 200 programs. The user,a very simple and intuitive way and he can chooseply used and lost.e program number, therefore, can be considerablyy long program list, IM8 enables the user tolist: 5 are chosen by the user, 5 are chosenare the most used.possible to decide for the half load. In this caseically the water level and the detergent consumecreate his own program answering to few simplemed and saved to be used again later.EASY DATA TRANSFERThanks to the USB door, it is very easy the total or partial programdownload from the technician PC into the machine computer: acommon USB key is enough for an immediate data transfer.EASY MAINTENANCEThe washing machine is equipped with a self diagnostic ssystemwhich controls the correct machine working. Water loading/unloadingand heating operation must be done in a sfety time set by the factoryand modifiable by the service centre.IM8 computer anables the technician to dialog with the inverter andproceed with possible necessary parameter changes directly formthe touch screen.If something prevents the correct program running, the anomaly issignalled on the screen. All the shown allarms are kept in memory tomake easier the technician diagnose.GSM CONTROLThanks to the GSM Remote Assistance, the washing machinecontacts the technician by itself nofitying a maintenance request.This system, also, anables the service centre to dialog with thewashing machien to make a previous diagnosis, to up- and downloadprograms, to update the software.nician to compile the program line by line,meters. Thanks to the expert program systemsatisfied.

IMESALMLM SERIESLAUNDRYSTARTHE STAINLESS STEEL DURABILITYSide, above and frontal panels in stainless steel AISI 304.FREE-STANDINGNo ground fixing are requested to install the washingmachines, which can be correctly positioned just operatingon the adjustable rubber feet.ModelLM 8LM 11LM 14LM 18LM 23Capacity(1:10)8 Kg11 Kg14 Kg18 Kg23 KgHeatingElectricDirect or Indirect steamHot WaterElectric / SteamOption:- Detergent pumps: to grant a precise detergent measuring, the washing machine can be equipped with automatic detergentpumps.- Hard water: on request, the machine can be equipped with a third water inlet valve to manage hard water.- Water recovery system: the water used in the last rinse can be used in the following cycle- No - overflowing system: a sensor close the water inlet valve and open the drain valve if there is water on the ground.GSM REMOTEASSISTANCE:BECAUSE TIMEIS MONEYThe acceptance of the GSM remote system brings big advantages:- Shorter time of intervention means savings in laundry stop costs!- Customized programs can be up- and downloaded by remote: theintervention time is quicker and the tehcnician tryp is no more necessary.- The software updating can be made by remote: the latest technology is alwaysavailable.- The manufacturer warranty starts from the installation moment.

IMESA: A LIFE BY YOUR SIDEImesa is a leading company in the production of laundry equipment. We achieved this goal thanks to more than 40 years of totalcommitment to the continuing challenges to satisfy the growing technological expectation of human beings and meetings changesin lifestyle.Innovation, quality, safety, versatility, service and reliability: IMESA success is based on this six concepts. Innovation intechnology and proposal. Quality guranteed by an UNI EN ISO 9001 certified production system. Safety of products certified byqualified operational organisation in various part of the world. Versatility and flexibility which allows many possibilities ofcustomisation. Reliability thanks to the solid product structure.Customer satisfaction is IMESA main achievement. Thanks to an international and professional net of distributor and to a welltrained service net, IMESA can assure a global service in Italy, in Europe and in all the world.During the offer step, IMESA distributors offers a complete support in the correct equipment choice and complete the job with afinancial analysis of the investment as well as with the project.IMESA can deliver in a very short time thanks to equipment stock in many countries: Italy, Spain, French, Portugal, Algeria,Hungary, …The wide service net can assure a quick technical assistance in case of necessity and the spare parts can be easily purchasedin IMESA official website.

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