AR 611-1 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army

AR 611-1 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army

AR 611-1 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army

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IndexT h i s i n d e x i s o r g a n i z e d a l p h a b e t i c a l l y b ytopic and subtopic. Topics and subtopics areidentified by paragraph number.References are to paragraph numbers exceptwhere specified otherwise. (Definitionsof technical terms are found in theglossary)Changes to the MOCS Documentation required,2–2 Effective dates, 3–4 Evaluati o n a n d c o o r d i n a t i o n , 3 – 1I m p l e m e n t a t i o n c y c l e s , 3 – 2 I n i t i a t i n gc h a n g e s , 2 – 2 , 2 – 3 , 2 – 4 P o s i t i o n d o c u -mentation, 3–6, 3–7Classification and utilization of females Fema l e o f f i c e r s , 4 – 7 F e m a l e w a r r a n tofficers, 5–4 Female enlisted, 6–2Classification of officers AMEDD, chap 4,sec III Chaplains, chap 4, sec IV JAG,chap 4, sec V US<strong>AR</strong>, chap 4, sec VI<strong>AR</strong>NG, chap 4, sec VIIClassification of warrant officers MOSCclosed to women, DA Pam <strong>611</strong>–21, partII, chap 6, sec IV MOSC, 5–6 SQI codes,5–10 ASI codes, 5–11Classification of enlisted CMF, 6–3 MOSspecifications, DA Pam <strong>611</strong>–21, part IIICMFs, 6–3 SQI codes, 6–7 ASI codes,6–8, 6–9 Aptitude area scores, 6–9C o o r d i n a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s C o o r d i n a t i o nof MOCS proposals, 2–4D e s i g n a t i o n o f b r a n c h e s / f u n c t i o n a l a r e a ,4–23Implementing instructions, 3–5Objectives MOSC objectives, 1–5Position documentation, chap 3, sec IIProposed changes Proposals for changes tothe MOCS, 2– 2, 2–3, 2–4Requirements MOCS requirements, 1–6Standards of grade Officer positions, 4–28Grade authorization factors, 4–29 Warrantofficer positions, 5–14, Factors ofg r a d e c o d i n g , 5 – 15 E n l i s t e d p o s i t i o n s ,6–14 Factors of grade coding, 6–16W a r r a n t o f f i c e r s D e f i n i t i v e a p p l i c a t i o n ,5 – 2 C l a s s i f i c a t i o n s y s t e m , 5 – 3 S Q I s ,5–10 ASIs, 5–11 Reporting codes, 5–12<strong>AR</strong> <strong>611</strong>–1 • 30 September 199727

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