AR 611-1 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army

AR 611-1 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army AR 611-1 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army


Appendix AReferencesSection IRequired PublicationsAR 140–158Enlisted Personnel Classification, Promotion, and Reduction. (Citedin paras 3–2 and 6–12.)AR 600–3The Army Personnel Proponent System. (Cited in paras 1–6, 1–14,and 2–4.) AR 600-13 Army Policy for the Assignment of FemaleSoldiers. (Cited in paras 1-6 and 3- 6.)AR 600–200Enlisted Personnel Management System. (Cited in paras 6–9, 6–12and 6–13.)AR 601–210Regular Army and Army Reserve Enlistment Program. (Cited inpara 6–19.)AR 611–6Army Linguist Management. (Cited in paras 4–2, 5–6 and 6–6.)NGR 600–200Enlisted Personnel Management. (Cited in paras 3–2 and 6–12.)DA Pam 611–21Military Occupational Classification and Structure SystemSection IIRelated PublicationsA related publication is merely a source of additional information.The user does not have to read it to understand this regulation.AR 25–30The Army Integrated Publishing and Printing ProgramAR 71–32Force Development and Force Documentation - ConsolidatedPoliciesAR 135–100Appointment of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of The ArmyAR 135–101Appointment of Reserve Commissioned Officers for Assignment toArmy Medical Department BranchesAR 135–133Ready Reserve Screening, Qualification Records System, andChange of Address ReportsAR 135–210Order to Active Duty as Individuals During PeacetimeAR 351–5U.S. Army Officer Candidate SchoolAR 600–8–104Military Personnel Information Management/RecordsAR 601–50Appointment of Temporary Officers in the Army of the UnitedStates Upon MobilizationAR 601–130Officer Procurement Programs of the Army Medical DepartmentAR 614–185Requisitions and Assignment Instructions for OfficersDA Pam 600–11Warrant Officer Professional DevelopmentDA Pam 600–3Commissioned Officer Development and Career ManagementSection IIIPrescribed FormsDA Form 5643–RPhysical Demands Analysis Worksheet. (Prescribed in para 2–3.)DA Form 7174–RMOCS Proposal Checklist. (Prescribed in para 2–3.)Section IVReferenced FormsDA Form 2Personnel Qualification Record-Part I (for Army Reserve Use Only)DA Form 2–1Personnel Qualification Record—Part IIDA Form 67 seriesOfficer Evaluation ReportsDA Form 3725Army Reserve Status and Address VerificationDA Form 4037Officer Records BriefDA Form 4213Supplemental Data for Army Medical Service Reserve OfficersDA Form 5178–RProject Development Identifier and Project Development SkillIdentifierSF Form 88Report of Medical ExaminationAR 145–1Senior ROTC Program: Organization, Administration and TrainingAR 335–15Management Information Control SystemAR 350–41Training in UnitsAR 351–1Individual Military Education and Training24 AR 611–1 • 30 September 1997

GlossarySection IAbbreviationsACactive componentADTactive duty for trainingAITadvanced individual trainingAMCU.S. Army Materiel CommandAMEDDArmy Medical DepartmentAOCarea of concentrationARNGArmy National GuardARPERCENU.S. Army Reserve Personnel CenterASIadditional skill identifierAUGTDAAugmentation TDABABachelor of ArtsBOIPBasis of Issue PlanBSBachelor of ScienceCADcourse administrative dataCGCommanding GeneralCMFcareer management fieldCNGBChief, National Guard BureauCOLColonelCSMCommand Sergeant MajorCTCODEControl codeCTUconsolidated TOE updateCW5Chief Warrant Officer FiveDADepartment of the ArmyDCPCdirect combat probability codeDCSPLANSDeputy Chief of Staff for PlansDoDDepartment of DefenseECPengineering change proposalFAfunctional areaHQDAHeadquarters, Department of the ArmyIRRIndividual Ready ReserveJAGCJudge Advocate General CorpsJTAJoint Tables of AllowancesJOINJoint Optical Information NetworkLIClanguage identification codeMACOMmajor Army commandMFAmedical functional areaMOBTDAM o b i l i z a t i o n T a b l e o f D i s t r i b u t i o n a n dAllowancesMOCSmilitary occupational classification structureMOSmilitary occupational specialtyMOSCmilitary occupational specialty codeMTOEM o d i f i e d T a b l e s o f O r g a n i z a t i o n a n dEquipmentNCOnoncommissioned officerOCAROffice of the Chief, Army ReserveODorganizational documentationODCSINTO f f i c e o f t h e D e p u t y C h i e f o f S t a f f f o rIntelligenceODSCPERO f f i c e o f t h e D e p u t y C h i e f o f S t a f f f o rPersonnelODCSLOGO f f i c e o f t h e D e p u t y C h i e f o f S t a f f f o rLogisticsODCSOPSO f f i c e o f t h e D e p u t y C h i e f o f S t a f f f o rOperationsOJEon-the-job experienceOJTon-the-job trainingOTSGOffice of The Surgeon GeneralPDIProject Development IdentifierPERSCOMU.S. Total Army Personnel CommandPMADP e r s o n n e l M a n a g e m e n t A u t h o r i z a t i o nDocumentPMOSprimary military occupational specialtyPOIprogram of instruction POSC-Edit Personneloccupational specialty code-EditQQPRIQ u a l i t a t i v e a n d Q u a n t i t a t i v e P e r s o n n e l R e -quirements InformationRCReserve ComponentSGstandards of gradeSGMsergeant majorSIskill identifierSIDPERSS t a n d a r d I n s t a l l a t i o n / D i v i s i o n P e r s o n n e lSystemSQIspecial qualification identifierTAADSThe Army Authorization Documents SystemTDATable of Distribution and AllowanceTOETable of Organization and EquipmentTPUtroop program unitAR 611–1 • 30 September 199725

Appendix <strong>AR</strong>eferencesSection IRequired Publications<strong>AR</strong> 140–158Enlisted Personnel Classification, Promotion, and Reduction. (Citedin paras 3–2 and 6–12.)<strong>AR</strong> 600–3The <strong>Army</strong> Personnel Proponent System. (Cited in paras 1–6, 1–14,and 2–4.) <strong>AR</strong> 600-13 <strong>Army</strong> Policy for the Assignment of Female<strong>Soldier</strong>s. (Cited in paras 1-6 and 3- 6.)<strong>AR</strong> 600–200Enlisted Personnel Management System. (Cited in paras 6–9, 6–12and 6–13.)<strong>AR</strong> 601–210Regular <strong>Army</strong> and <strong>Army</strong> Reserve Enlistment Program. (Cited inpara 6–19.)<strong>AR</strong> <strong>611</strong>–6<strong>Army</strong> Linguist Management. (Cited in paras 4–2, 5–6 and 6–6.)NGR 600–200Enlisted Personnel Management. (Cited in paras 3–2 and 6–12.)DA Pam <strong>611</strong>–21Military Occupational Classification and Structure SystemSection IIRelated PublicationsA related publication is merely a source of additional information.The user does not have to read it to understand this regulation.<strong>AR</strong> 25–30The <strong>Army</strong> Integrated Publishing and Printing Program<strong>AR</strong> 71–32Force Development and Force Documentation - ConsolidatedPolicies<strong>AR</strong> 135–100Appointment of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of The <strong>Army</strong><strong>AR</strong> 135–101Appointment of Reserve Commissioned Officers for Assignment to<strong>Army</strong> Medical Department Branches<strong>AR</strong> 135–133Ready Reserve Screening, Qualification Records System, andChange of Address Reports<strong>AR</strong> 135–210Order to Active Duty as Individuals During Peacetime<strong>AR</strong> 351–5U.S. <strong>Army</strong> Officer Candidate School<strong>AR</strong> 600–8–104Military Personnel Information Management/Records<strong>AR</strong> 601–50Appointment of Temporary Officers in the <strong>Army</strong> of the UnitedStates Upon Mobilization<strong>AR</strong> 601–130Officer Procurement Programs of the <strong>Army</strong> Medical Department<strong>AR</strong> 614–185Requisitions and Assignment Instructions for OfficersDA Pam 600–11Warrant Officer Professional DevelopmentDA Pam 600–3Commissioned Officer Development and Career ManagementSection IIIPrescribed FormsDA Form 5643–RPhysical Demands Analysis Worksheet. (Prescribed in para 2–3.)DA Form 7174–RMOCS Proposal Checklist. (Prescribed in para 2–3.)Section IVReferenced FormsDA Form 2Personnel Qualification Record-Part I (for <strong>Army</strong> Reserve Use Only)DA Form 2–1Personnel Qualification Record—Part IIDA Form 67 seriesOfficer Evaluation ReportsDA Form 3725<strong>Army</strong> Reserve Status and Address VerificationDA Form 4037Officer Records BriefDA Form 4213Supplemental Data for <strong>Army</strong> Medical Service Reserve OfficersDA Form 5178–RProject Development Identifier and Project Development SkillIdentifierSF Form 88Report of Medical Examination<strong>AR</strong> 145–1Senior ROTC Program: Organization, Administration and Training<strong>AR</strong> 335–15Management Information Control System<strong>AR</strong> 350–41Training in Units<strong>AR</strong> 351–1Individual Military Education and Training24 <strong>AR</strong> <strong>611</strong>–1 • 30 September 1997

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