AR 611-1 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army

AR 611-1 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army AR 611-1 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army


job evaluation that should measure the degree of skill, responsibilityand other requirements. Considerations involved in grading are inparagraph 6–16.6–18. Relationship between CMF and Command SergeantMajor (CSM)All CMF figures show a line or normal progression leading to CSM.This MOS is at the top of the enlisted career field. As such, itidentifies the senior NCO in the headquarters of units, commands ororganizations at battalion or higher level or TDA units in which acommander has the authority to impose disciplinary action under theUniform Code of Military Justice over 300 or more enlisted personnel.(Note: Enlisted soldiers under the commander’s authority includethose authorized by unit TDA, those in TDA or MTOE ofsubordinate units and assigned students, trainees and patients.) AllCSM and their positions are graded E9. All CSM positions must berequested and approved by DA ODCSPER (DAPE-PRP).6–19. Relationship between enlisted and warrant officerMOSa. Personnel are appointed to warrant officer by the Secretary ofthe Army. Warrant officer status is achieved when an individualsoldier applies for warrant officer appointment, successfully passes ascreening board and completes the warrant officer entry course andappropriate technical certification training. The location and lengthof training varies based on MOS.b. Selection procedures and training requirements apply to appointmentin the Active Duty of the United States, Army Reserve orin the Army National Guard, with or without concurrent call toactive duty. In limited instances, technical certification training maybe waived by successful completion of diagnostic testing administeredby the MOS proponent. Appointment to warrant officer is onlyaccomplished when the MOS proponent certifies that the individualsoldier is competent to perform as a warrant officer in a specificMOS.c . W a r r a n t o f f i c e r M O S r e l a t e t o e n l i s t e d s p e c i a l t i e s b u t a r ebroader in scope. Some warrant officer MOS have a single enlistedfeeder MOS; however, most warrant officer MOS have multipleenlisted feeder MOS. Enlisted personnel are eligible to apply forwarrant officer training and appointment after meeting minimumMOS requirements published annually in the warrant officer procurementcircular (DA Circular 601 series). There are no provisionsfor direct appointment to warrant officer status without completingthe requirements identified above.d. The primary publications governing warrant officer appointmentare AR 135–100, AR 135–210, AR 601–100, AR 601–210,DA Pam 600–11, and DA circulars in the 601 series. DA alsomakes other periodic announcements by message concerning theWarrant Officer Career Program.22 AR 611–1 • 30 September 1997

Figure 6-1. Average grade distribuiton chartAR 611–1 • 30 September 199723

job evaluation that should measure the degree of skill, responsibilityand other requirements. Considerations involved in grading are inparagraph 6–16.6–18. Relationship between CMF and Command SergeantMajor (CSM)All CMF figures show a line or normal progression leading to CSM.This MOS is at the top of the enlisted career field. As such, itidentifies the senior NCO in the headquarters of units, commands ororganizations at battalion or higher level or TDA units in which acommander has the authority to impose disciplinary action under theUniform Code of Military Justice over 300 or more enlisted personnel.(Note: Enlisted soldiers under the commander’s authority includethose authorized by unit TDA, those in TDA or MTOE ofsubordinate units and assigned students, trainees and patients.) AllCSM and their positions are graded E9. All CSM positions must berequested and approved by DA ODCSPER (DAPE-PRP).6–19. Relationship between enlisted and warrant officerMOSa. Personnel are appointed to warrant officer by the Secretary ofthe <strong>Army</strong>. Warrant officer status is achieved when an individualsoldier applies for warrant officer appointment, successfully passes ascreening board and completes the warrant officer entry course andappropriate technical certification training. The location and lengthof training varies based on MOS.b. Selection procedures and training requirements apply to appointmentin the Active Duty of the United States, <strong>Army</strong> Reserve orin the <strong>Army</strong> National Guard, with or without concurrent call toactive duty. In limited instances, technical certification training maybe waived by successful completion of diagnostic testing administeredby the MOS proponent. Appointment to warrant officer is onlyaccomplished when the MOS proponent certifies that the individualsoldier is competent to perform as a warrant officer in a specificMOS.c . W a r r a n t o f f i c e r M O S r e l a t e t o e n l i s t e d s p e c i a l t i e s b u t a r ebroader in scope. Some warrant officer MOS have a single enlistedfeeder MOS; however, most warrant officer MOS have multipleenlisted feeder MOS. Enlisted personnel are eligible to apply forwarrant officer training and appointment after meeting minimumMOS requirements published annually in the warrant officer procurementcircular (DA Circular 601 series). There are no provisionsfor direct appointment to warrant officer status without completingthe requirements identified above.d. The primary publications governing warrant officer appointmentare <strong>AR</strong> 135–100, <strong>AR</strong> 135–210, <strong>AR</strong> 601–100, <strong>AR</strong> 601–210,DA Pam 600–11, and DA circulars in the 601 series. DA alsomakes other periodic announcements by message concerning theWarrant Officer Career Program.22 <strong>AR</strong> <strong>611</strong>–1 • 30 September 1997

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