2010 annual report - Texas Southern University

2010 annual report - Texas Southern University

2010 annual report - Texas Southern University


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Renaissance AcademicsA World of Opportunity at TSU OnlineLast year, several new online degree programs were launched, offeringgreater flexibility and opportunity to current and potential students:• The online Masters in Public Administration (eMPA) degreeprogram focuses on human resources, public policy, emergencymanagement and non-profit management and administration.• Offered through the Business Administration department,the online Master of Information Science (MIS) program’smission is to train information systems professionals and managersto keep up with future demand in the field.• The Online Executive MBA (eMBA) is the only program inHouston that explores relevant issues and challenges faced bymanagement in the energy sector. The 36-hour online programis designed to meet the challenges of mid-career professionalswho wish to pursue an MBA degree while balancing their busyprofessional and personal lives.• The Master of Public Administration, and the onlineMaster in Curriculum and Instruction with a specializationin Bilingual Education offer new possibilities for professionalswho plan to attain a graduate degree while maintainingtheir professional careers.• The Department of Administration of Justice in conjunctionwith Wiley College now offers a Master of Science inAdministration of Justice (MSAJ). The pilot program thatbegan last fall will eventually accommodate 25-30 studentsvia videoconferencing and online courses. The MSAJ is thefirst master’s degree to be offered at Wiley College located inMarshall, <strong>Texas</strong>.A Good Prognosis for Studentsof the Health ProfessionsLast November, <strong>Texas</strong> Chiropractic College (TCC)and <strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>University</strong> forged an academicpartnership that will facilitate the admission andacademic transfer of students from TSU to TCC.The partnership will ensure a seamless transitionof students seeking to complete their Bachelor ofScience degree from TSU while simultaneouslypursuing a Doctor of Chiropractic degree throughTCC. Future and current TSU students will be ableto complete both degrees in six years, with the firstthree occurring at TSU and the final three at TCC.And by extending our health sciences programs tothe <strong>Texas</strong> Medical Center, students of the healthprofessions will gain access to new opportunitiesin their chosen fields. Our newly formed partnershipwith Houston Community College (HCC)will soon facilitate the transfer of pharmacy techstudents from HCC into the College of Pharmacyand Health Sciences.6<strong>Texas</strong> Chiropractic College and <strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>University</strong> havesigned an articulation agreement. Seated, from left to right:TCC President Dr. Richard G. Brassard and TSU Provost andVice President for Academic Affairs and Research Dr. SunnyOhia. Standing from left to right: TSU Assistant Professor ofEnvironmental Health Dr. Astatkie Zikarge, TCC Vice Presidentof Academic Affairs and Program Development Dr. Al Adams,TCC Dean of Enrollment Management Dr. Fred Zuker, TSUalumni and current TCC students Lee Lister and April Payne,TSU Department of Health & Kinesiology Faculty Dwalah Fisher,TSU Head Athletics Trainer and Instructor John Harvey and TCCProvost Dr. Clay McDonald.

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