2010 annual report - Texas Southern University

2010 annual report - Texas Southern University

2010 annual report - Texas Southern University


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PreSIDent’s messageA renaissance is a rebirth or revival, not only of classicallearning, but of achievements, goals, and strivings for higherideals. Those in the midst of a renaissance commit to beinggreat in their time, often surpassing their former accomplishments.<strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>University</strong>, then, is boldly andproudly in the midst of a Renaissance of Excellence.European nations enjoyed a renaissance in the 1500s sopowerful that it lifted them out of the Dark Ages. In thiscountry, the 1920s and 30s brought to a once obscure sectionof New York a revival of art, dance, and literature, aswell as social and political action so strong that it was celebratedas the Harlem Renaissance. And closer to home,on the campus of <strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>University</strong>, there existsa rebirth of academic excellence, a revival of cutting-edgeeducational programming, and a resurrection of campusinitiatives that combine to offer all <strong>University</strong> stakeholdersa tangible piece of our modern day renaissance.This rebirth was evidenced in <strong>2010</strong> by <strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Southern</strong><strong>University</strong>, its students, faculty, staff and alumni, showcasingan expansion of academic offerings, student supportservices, alumni involvement, and groundbreaking collaborations.This revival is bringing new life to campus in the form ofthe Urban Academic Village, a freshman and sophomoreenhancement program aimed at increasing retention andgraduation rates, and funded by Houston Endowmentthrough a $2.74 million grant. As well, the <strong>University</strong>’sfacilities master plan, led by our executive director of buildingsand grounds Darrell Bunch, has been initiated to createa campus that supports student learning and is a welcomingand inviting location for students, alumni, and visitors.This renewal has taken tangible form in persons of I’sisGreen, a sophomore early childhood bilingual educationmajor, and Alfonso Arteaga, a junior physics/maritimetransportation double major. These two dynamic studentleaders possess such a well-rounded trove of skills andpassions that their impact can be felt in classrooms andboardrooms, as well as ballrooms.great issues and challenges of our time. Dr. Huan Xie, forexample, is breaking new ground in the world of cancerdrug delivery systems through nano-technology, joiningmany of her colleagues committed to making a differencein academia and the “real world.”Moreover, alumni such as Harry E. Johnson, Frazier Wilson,and Noreen Khan-Mayberry are making a profoundimpact in our nation’s capitol, overseas and into the galacticstratosphere.Still, as the iconic Harlem Renaissance intellectualscholar/activist Dr. W.E.B. DuBois once said, “Now is theaccepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenientseason. It is today that our best work can be done andnot some future day or future year. It is today that we fitourselves for the greater usefulness of tomorrow. Today isthe seed time; now are the hours of work; and tomorrowcomes the harvest and the playtime.”We celebrate with great pride our multiple expressionsof excellence renewed. Their presence sends a powerfulmessage of the ongoing path <strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>University</strong>continues to forge toward the goal of becoming one of thenation’s premier urban-serving institutions of higher education.Yet, we are not content to rest on our laurels.As excited as we are about the Renaissance of Excellencethat we are currently enjoying, members of the TSUcommunity, to a person, are even more excited about therenaissance to come. Every facet of university operationsreflected our growth in <strong>2010</strong>. This FY <strong>2010</strong> Annual Reportexpounds upon the many initiatives at <strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Southern</strong> thathave met and even surpassed the high standards of yearspast. It is this commitment to persistently strive to improveour academic offerings, student support systems, campusenvironment and overall standing in the community thatcontinues to attract top students, faculty, staff, alumni andcommunity partners to our institution. With the commitmentand hard work of everyone at <strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Southern</strong><strong>University</strong>, we are confident that today’s Renaissance ofExcellence will reverberate for generations to come.The <strong>University</strong>’s resurrection of academic excellence hasmoved from idea to action through the work of countlessfaculty members performing research critical to the3

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