2009/10 ANNUAL REPORT - Bendigo Art Gallery

2009/10 ANNUAL REPORT - Bendigo Art Gallery

2009/10 ANNUAL REPORT - Bendigo Art Gallery


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BENDIGO ART GALLERY<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong><strong>ANNUAL</strong><strong>REPORT</strong>

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYBelow:Opening night, McCubbin: Last Impressions 1907 – 17from the National <strong>Gallery</strong> ofAustralia, Canberra which wascurated by Dr Anna Gray,Head of Australian <strong>Art</strong>.Secondary students used theexhibition McCubbin: Last Impressions1907 – 17 as a case study ofexemplary example of exhibitiondesign and programming and primarystudents experienced what it wasto be a plein air artist by learningto draw in nearby Rosalind Park.The school holiday program forchildren aged 4 – 14 attractedexcellent attendances as the childrenexplored ceramics, printmaking anddesign. The Kids Asia PacificTriennial toured to <strong>Bendigo</strong>attracting children and families tothe gallery. Inspirational learningoccurred with the exhibitionWhiteley’s Zoo which enabled handson and sensory activities throughoutthe exhibitions display. Childrenwere given the opportunity toexplore animal origami and variousactivities linked to the exhibitionwhich highlighted the work ofAustralian artist Brett Whiteley.Education staff offered a numberof projects targeting regional andrural students and those fromdisadvantaged backgrounds andthis program was supported by theDepartment of Education, Trainingand Early Childhood Development’sStrategic Partnerships Program.This enabled scholarship positionsto be created for VCE and secondarystudents to attend Exam Revisionand <strong>Art</strong>s Immersion Days in theholidays and for selected groups ofYear 9 – <strong>10</strong> students to experience aday out in the gallery, supported byartist talks and visits to other galleriesin the area.The new Study Designs for VCE<strong>Art</strong> and Studio <strong>Art</strong>s has createdchallenges for visual arts teachersto understand and apply newcriteria. This has been supportedby professional development activities,printed resources and user-friendlystudent activities run by ourEducation Officers.The <strong>Gallery</strong> hosted various internsand work experience studentsthroughout the year. Alex Wiberfrom the University of Sydneyresearched Accessibility inGalleries, Kaila Gollolgy Universityof Melbourne assisted with thedevelopment of the Paul GuestPrize <strong>10</strong>, Bronwyn Quill MonashUniversity assisted with the inauguralexhibition Naming <strong>Bendigo</strong> for thePost Office <strong>Gallery</strong> project spaceand Sharon Ayre from Universityof Melbourne has provided ongoingwork with the Alan Doneyphotography collection.Curator Tansy Curtin undertooka two-week visit to the UnitedStates to research an exhibition for2011. This forthcoming projectwill represent the first time the<strong>Gallery</strong> has worked with anAmerican museum.In its fourth year the Friends of<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>’s monthly <strong>Art</strong>& Tea program included wellattended talks by art historian andwriter Ross McMullin, Patrick GreenCEO Museum Victoria, collector andhistorian Dennis O’Hoy, artists MarkGalea and Emily Floyd, Manager ofthe Golden Dragon Museum AnitaJack and Embroiderer Mary Clemson.The Friends organised the annualValuation Day featuring Sotheby’svaluers and the public were invited tobring along there works of artfor assessment.The Guides continued to meetmonthly and provided the daily2pm tour for gallery visitors. This yeara comprehensive art educationprogram was coordinated by guide PatScholz in consultation with LeanneFitzgibbon. Craig Gough, JulieMillowick and members ofthe curatorial team were invited togive specialist talks throughout theyear. The Guides developed arelationship with the National<strong>Gallery</strong> of Victoria’s VoluntaryGuides Program which providedthe opportunity to attend lecturescovering a wide range of art topics,including history of art, indigenousand contemporary art. Several ofguides attended lectures by DrAnna Gray in preparation forMcCubbin: Last Impressions 1907 – 17and then provided visiting groupswith informative tours of thisimportant exhibition.Films were shown in conjunctionwith the Star Cinema that specificallylinked to exhibitions including Picnicat Hanging Rock, The Man from SnowyRiver and Pretty in Pink.McCubbin: Last Impressions 1907 – 17included tours by the exhibitioncurator Dr Anna Gray, presentationsby guest speakers includingHumphrey Clegg, Assistant Curatorfrom the National <strong>Gallery</strong> of Victoria,artist and educator Helen Brack,a wine tasting event with Max Allen.Late night openings were offeredfor various exhibitions and theseevents included music, wine tastingsand special after hour viewings. Incelebration of The 80s exhibitionthe <strong>Gallery</strong> hosted the Pleasuredomeevent in December. Throughout theyear staff continued to offer tours ofstorage areas and informative talksabout the care and conservation ofthe collection.The integration of Vernon CMScommenced allowing for greaterresearch and development of thecollection and provides an importantresource for staff for curatorialand public enquiries, provenanceresearch, exhibition developmentand enhanced collection records.Sandra Bruce, Curator of CityHistory and Collections joined thegallery team and we are lookingforward to the projects that she willunveil in the recently refurbishedPost Office <strong>Gallery</strong> located in theformer post office in Pall Mall. Thisexhibition space will showcase thehistory and collections of the cityand region through an annualexhibition program. Improvementsto the building have included therestoration of the interior rightground floor wing to its originalstate, the addition of state-of-the-artenvironmental controls and lighting,and an external ramp for the use of<strong>Gallery</strong> and Visitor InformationCentre patrons. Post Office <strong>Gallery</strong>is scheduled to open in spring 20<strong>10</strong>.Lastly, the format for the annualreport was recently reviewed. In thefirst part of the document we haveincluded the financial report at year'send of the <strong>Gallery</strong>’s operating budgetin order to provide a clear view of<strong>Gallery</strong> expenditure and revenue andultimately the contribution that theCity of Greater <strong>Bendigo</strong> providesfor <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>.Part two of the report provides anoverview of the activities of theBoard of Management, its investmentportfolio with the list of acquisitionsand importantly the membershiplisting. The acquisitions ultimatelybecome the property of the City atthe conclusion of each financial yearand I am very pleased to be able toreport that this year the collectiongrew in value by $1,383,300.We look forward to highlightingour new acquisitions in the nearfuture alongside our diversetemporary exhibition program;a program that has cemented ourreputation as a leader within thecultural sector.Karen QuinlanDirector6 7

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYEXHIBITIONSArchibald Prize 09An <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> of New SouthWales Touring Exhibition30 May – 12 JulyAustralia’s most extraordinary art event,the Archibald Prize, first awarded in1921, is one of this country’s oldest andmost prestigious art awards. From itsoutset, the Archibald Prize has arousedcontroversy while chronicling thechanging face of Australian society.Numerous legal battles and muchdebate have focused on the evolvingdefinitions of portraiture. <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong><strong>Gallery</strong> was pleased to participate inthe tour of the Archibald Prize as theexclusive Victorian venue, presentedby the Principal Sponsor, Myer.A Camera on the SommeA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>Travelling Exhibition14 June – 2 AugustThe First World War was anindustrial war of global proportionsthat looms large in the Australiannational psyche. It was into this worldconflict that two young brothers fromcentral Victoria, Jack and Bert Grinton,found themselves, serving in thetrenches of France and Belgium. 90years later an extraordinary find cameto light. Inside a biscuit tin stored fordecades in a shed on the Grintonfarm – and headed for the rubbish –was a large collection of negatives andphotographs; images taken by Jackand Bert Grinton between 1916 and1919 with the cameras they carriedduring the war. This collection is aunique addition to the historicalrecord, capturing people and placesoften overlooked by official warphotographs while also highlightingthe development and artistry ofamateur photography.<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> showcasedthis hugely personal and importantphotographic record in A Cameraon the Somme.<strong>Art</strong>hur Guy MemorialPainting PrizeA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition9 August – 27 September<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> hosted thefourth <strong>Art</strong>hur Guy MemorialPainting Prize (AGMPP) in <strong>2009</strong>.The most outstanding work as judgedby the selection panel was awardedan acquisitive cash prize of $50,000,making the award the richest openpainting prize in Australia. Mr AllenGuy C.B.E initiated the Prize inhonour of his late brother <strong>Art</strong>hur Guy.The exhibition was pre-selectedand the Prize awarded by a panel ofselectors including three independentjudges, a representative for the Guyfamily and the Director, <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong><strong>Gallery</strong>. The winner for <strong>2009</strong> wasVictorian artist Jan Nelson.Shaun GladwellApology to RoadkillA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition22 July – 26 AugustShaun Gladwell critically engagespersonal history, memory andcontemporary cultural phenomenathrough performance, video,painting and sculpture. His worksfeature BMX bikers, skateboarders,capoeira and breakdancers in a varietyof urban and natural environments.Gladwell completed AssociateResearch at Goldsmiths College,University of London, in 2001and has since undertaken numerousresidencies and commissions. Gladwellrepresented Australia at the VeniceBiennale in <strong>2009</strong>. Apology to Roadkillis from Gladwell’s recent videoseries MADDESTMAXIMUS andis influenced by the Australian desertlandscape, Mad Max movies, as wellas the artist’s own experiences inoutback Australia.Celebrating CeramicsA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition1 – 30 SeptemberCeramics Victoria Inc celebrated its40th year of operation in <strong>2009</strong>. Tocoincide with this celebration the<strong>Gallery</strong> presented a small display whichshowcased selected works from thecollection of contemporary ceramics.Colour by numbersMark GaleaA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition5 September – 18 OctoberThis exhibition presented a selectionof recent work by Mark Galea,including sculptures that built upon hisfascination with colour and the formof the grid. Galea brought elementsof nostalgia, memory and play into thegallery, with rectangular forms thatcommand the space with their exactingconstruction and carefully stainedwooden surfaces. This exhibitionprovided an excellent opportunityto consider the works by Galea in thepermanent collection in the greatercontext of the artist’s practice.The edge of reasonAustralian womenphotographersA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition3 October – 22 NovemberFor decades, female photographershave been at the forefront ofAustralian contemporary photography.Their work often explores the moreinternal, psychological and intimateaspects of life, love and loss. Theedge of reason presented a selection ofworks by female photographers from<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>’s collection andincluded artists such as RosemaryLaing, Patricia Piccinini and JulieMillowick. Themes in the exhibitionexamined a gamut of emotions andideas. The edge of reason…? We justflew past it.Working throughturning pagesThe artist’s booksof Robert Jacks24 October – 29 NovemberRobert Jacks has been making artist’sbooks as a key element of his practicesince the mid-1960s. These booksrange from one-off works tomultiples and editions using a varietyof printing techniques from handstamping and etching to collage,photography and other media. Insome cases individual books servedas working documents in thedevelopment of other projects,remaining as the central trace formore ephemeral bodies of work.While Jacks is primarily recognisedas a painter, his practice has alwaysincluded the production of sculpturalworks, as well as prints, drawings andworks in other media. The productionof books as both an end in themselves,and as a site for the developmentof painting, sculptural and conceptualwork is an essential, but underexamined,aspect of Robert Jacks’continuing practice. Thisexhibition examined the full rangeof Jacks’ work in the field of artist'sbooks and also explored the differentways this work relates to his practiceas a whole. The exhibition wascurated by Peter Anderson.The 80sA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition28 November – 17 JanuaryThis exhibition celebrated the1980s in art and fashion. <strong>Art</strong>isticmovements included PostModernism, Neo-Expressionism,Neo-Geo and Neo-Pop. It was alsothe decade that saw an increase in thepopularity of printmaking and therise in the number of art schools andenrolments. <strong>Art</strong> embraced ‘the now’and popular culture and highlightedpolitical and social issues of the time.Drawn from the collection, The 80stransported <strong>Gallery</strong> vistors ‘Back tothe Future’ with the decade thatnever really went away.Hello Dolly: The MariePrideaux CollectionA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition5 December – 31 JanuaryThis exhibition drew on theextraordinary doll collectionof the late Marie Prideaux, the resultof decades of dedicated collecting.It explored the development of dollmakingprocesses and featuredexamples of rare and fascinating dollsfrom around the world. Hello Dollywas a fascinating glimpse into alifetime of passionate collectingresulting in the creation of a vastand hugely significant collection.Whiteley’s ZooA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition16 January – 28 FebruaryWhiteley’s Zoo, an intimate exhibitiondesigned specially for children, focusedon Brett Whiteley’s zoo animal works.Brett Whiteley (1939–1992) was oneof the most recognised Australianartists of the 20th century. Duringhis early working life in London,Whiteley concurrently worked on twocontrasting themes – the dark, sinisterChristie series and a collection ofdrawings, prints, sculptures andpaintings that featured animals fromLondon’s Regent Park Zoo. Animalsrepresented Whiteley’s earliest interestin a visual iconography within hiswork and his fascination with theenergy, intelligence and lives ofanimals – a theme that continuedthroughout his working life. Theexhibition featured a menagerie ofmonkeys, giraffes, hippos and hyenasand the series explored confinementas a formal device; portraying anemotional response to how animalsfeel and what they know.8 9

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYLOANS ANDPUBLICATIONSHilda Rix NicholasThe man for the jobA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition23 January – 5 AprilThis exhibition focused on theAustralian images of Rix Nicholas’scareer. The exhibition title came froma statement made by Rix Nicholasherself in 1922 when discussing thenew direction in her work: ‘It has notbeen done to any extent … and Ifeel I am the man for the job.’ Herimages of both men and women inAustralian pastoral scenes challengedthe male-dominated culturaland artistic establishment andeffectively isolated her fromcontemporary Australian femaleartists’ practice. Her aim however wasto present these works to Europeanaudiences and in 1925–26 she wasthe first female Australian artist tohave a solo exhibition in both Parisand London with the exhibitionthen touring to regional galleriesthroughout the United Kingdom.Emily Floyd: TheCultural Studies ReaderA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition6 February – 28 MarchStructured around the chapterheadings in Simon During’s CulturalStudies Reader, Emily Floyd's workis a sprawling metropolis populatedby a multitude of rabbits. The artistdescribes it as a self-conscious culturallandscape proposing ‘38 topics for agroup show’. Continuing her analysisof the ritual relationships betweenartists and institutions and the waythat artists generate language, thisinstallation is a self-consciouslyallegorical work about discourse,power and community. Divided intoisland groups, the rabbits appear tobe continually thwarted from leavingtheir designated discourses. The <strong>Gallery</strong>acquired this work in <strong>2009</strong> and thisexhibition was the first time thework was dislayed at the <strong>Gallery</strong>.Excellence of Ware<strong>Bendigo</strong> PotteryMajolica 1879 – 1911A Bundoora Homestead <strong>Art</strong>Centre Touring Exhibition6 March – 9 May<strong>Bendigo</strong> Pottery is one of Australia’sbest known potteries but an aspectof its history has been neglected.Majolica wares were popular inWestern Europe in the late 19thcentury. It was produced by a fewAustralian colonial potteries. However,the finest quality and quantity wereproduced by the <strong>Bendigo</strong> Pottery from1879 to 1911. <strong>Bendigo</strong> Potteryregularly won medals and certificatesfor its pottery internationally. Thisexhibition traced the range of majolicawares that emerged from <strong>Bendigo</strong>Pottery and included works frompublic and private collections revealingsome extremely rare examples.McCubbin: LastImpressions 1907 – 17A National <strong>Gallery</strong> ofAustralia Exhibition24 April – 25 JulyFrederick McCubbin is one of theforemost Australian impressionists,most well known for his images of thebush. This exhibition traced the radicalchanges in his work after he viewed theworks of the European masters JMWTurner and Claude Monet in London.The exhibition featured works from allthe major galleries in Australia inaddition to rarely publicly displayedworks from private collections.<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> was the exclusiveVictorian venue for this exhibition.Sunday’s ChildHeirlooms from theEmbroiderers GuildA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Exhibition29 May – 18 JulySunday’s Child featured a selectionof christening robes and dressesfor infants as part of the 50thanniversary celebrations for theEmbroiderers Guild, Victoria.Based in Melbourne, the Guild aimsto promote embroidery in all its forms,encourage the exchange of skills andensure the conservation of the worksin its collection. A highlight of theexhibition was the greatly admiredAyrshire work, which consists ofdelicate floral designs (flowering)on very fine cotton muslin and lawn.TRAVELLING EXHIBITIONA Camera on the SommeA <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>Travelling ExhibitionIpswich <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>, Queensland23 January – 21 March 20<strong>10</strong>McClelland <strong>Gallery</strong> + SculpturePark, Langwarrin, Victoria25 April – 27 June 20<strong>10</strong>OUTWARD LOANSCORPORATECity of Greater <strong>Bendigo</strong>The CapitalOUTWARD LOANSEXHIBITION<strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> ofNew South WalesRupert Bunny: artist in Paris21 November 09 –21 February <strong>10</strong>National <strong>Gallery</strong> of Victoria26 March – 4 July 20<strong>10</strong>Rupert BUNNY, The SunBath, c1913, oil on canvas.Purchased 1949Carrick HillAdrian Feint: Cornucopia1 August – 1 November 09Adrian FEINT, Right hand, lefthand, 1955, oil on board. DrJA Neptune Scott BequestFund 1955Creswick MuseumDaryl and Joan Lindsay23 January – 09 May <strong>10</strong>Daryl LINDSAY, TheThames, London, c1948,watercolour. Purchased 1948.Heide MUSEUM OFMODERN ARTCubism and Australian <strong>Art</strong>21 November 09 –8 April <strong>10</strong>Rah FIZELLE, Interlude,c1938, oil on canvas.Purchased 1963Geelong <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>Adrian Feint: Cornucopia5 December 09 – 14February <strong>10</strong>Adrian FEINT, Right hand, lefthand, 1955, oil on board.Dr JA Neptune Scott BequestFund 1955McClelland<strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> +Sculpture ParkJohn Ford Paterson21 February – 18 April <strong>10</strong>John Ford PATERSON,Hauling in the Seine, 1888,oil on canvas. Purchased 1888MorningtonPeninsulaRegional <strong>Gallery</strong>Master Landscapes of theMornington Peninsula9 December 09 –8 March <strong>10</strong>Penleigh BOYD, Portsea(Fisherman’s Beach), 1920, oilon canvas. Gift of Mr and MrsAL Newson 1977National <strong>Gallery</strong>of AustraliaMcCubbin: Last Impressions1907 – 1714 August – 1November 09<strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> of WesternAustralia12 December 09 –29 March <strong>10</strong><strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>24 April – 25 July <strong>10</strong>Frederick McCUBBIN, ASpring Pastoral, c1908, oil oncanvas. Gift of Dr JosephBrown under the TaxationIncentives for the <strong>Art</strong>s Scheme1995National <strong>Gallery</strong>of VictoriaJohn Brack Retrospective24 April – 9 August 09John BRACK, Yes, No,1983 – 4, oil on canvas. Gift ofthe Bank of Melbourne 1997National <strong>Gallery</strong>of VictoriaShared Sky13 March – 2 August 09Ludwig BECKER,Venus, Luna, Jupiter, <strong>Bendigo</strong>,November 4th, 1853, 1855,colour lithograph. RHSAbbott Bequest Fund 1989Ludwig BECKER, Donati’sComet as seen at Melbourne,on October 11th, 1858, 1859,colour lithograph. Gift ofRalph Moran 1990National Portrait<strong>Gallery</strong>Idle Hours3 December 09 –7 February <strong>10</strong>Agnes GOODSIR, Girl withcigarette, c1925, oil on canvas.Bequest of Mrs Amy E Bayne1945.Max MELDRUM, Sonata,c1936, oil on linen. Purchasedwith the assistance of theCaltex-Victorian Government<strong>Art</strong> Fund 1982Perth Institute ofContemporary <strong>Art</strong>sWhy we do the things we do20 August – 4 October 09Emily FLOYD, The CulturalStudies Reader, 2001, acrylicand chalk on wood. Gift ofthe artist under the CulturalGifts Program <strong>2009</strong>Anne & GordonSamstag Museumof <strong>Art</strong>Colliding Worlds9 April – 9 August 09Patricia PICCININI, TheYoung Family, 2003, silicone,acrylic, human hair, leather,timber. RHS Abbott BequestFund 2003<strong>10</strong> 11

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYOperationINWARD LOANSEXHIBITIONSArchibald Prize <strong>2009</strong>30 May – 12 July <strong>2009</strong>From the collectionof the artists:Anthony Bennett; Ann Cape;Adam Chang; Mike Chavez;Jun Chen; Zhansui KordelyaChi; Yvette Coppersmith;Sam Cranstoun; LeeanneCrisp; Ngaire Joan Devenport;Vincent Fantauzzo; FuHong, David Griggs; PeterHanley; Robert Hannaford;Nicholas Harding; CherryHood; Paul Jackson; JasperKnight; Richard Larter; SamLeach; Mathew Lynn; AbbeyMcCulloch; Angus McDonaldAlexander McKenzie; GuyMaestri; Nick Mourtzakis;Richard Onn; David Paulson& Michael Nelson Jagamara;James Powditch; BenQuilty; Megan Roodenrys;Paul Ryan; Jenny Sages;Megan Seres; Garry Shead& Adrienne Levenson; MarkThompson; Jan Williamson;Michael ZavrosA Camera onthe Somme14 June – 2 August 09From the collections ofDorothy Hammer and JeanGrinton, <strong>Bendigo</strong> RSLMilitary Museum andEaglehawk Heritage SocietyThe <strong>Art</strong>hur GuyMemorial PaintingPrize9 August – 27 September 09From the collectionof the artists:John Beard; Kate Bergin;Fergus Binus; Daniel Boyd;Jon Campbell; NadineChristensen; Brett Colquhoun;Peter Daverington; ChrisDyson; Craig Easton; VincentFantauzzo; Prudence Flint;Juan Ford; Louise Forthun;Neil Haddon; Stephen Haley;Nick Hall; Katherine Hattam;Euan Heng; Lily Hibberd;Amaya Iturri; GladdyKemarre; Sam Leach; RhysLee; Loongkoonan; DaneLovett; Tim McMonagle; JanMurray; Jan Nelson; JonathonNichols; Louise Paramor;Bundit Puangthong;David Ralph; StevenRendall; Wilma Tabacco;David Wadelton; Lucy Ward;Darren Wardle; Anna WhiteMark GaleaColour by Numbers5 September –18 October 09From the collection of theartist and a private collectionWorking throughturning pages: Theartist’s books ofRobert Jacks24 October –29 November 09From the collection of theartist and a private collectionFrederick McCubbinThe Pioneer28 November 09 – 17January <strong>10</strong>From the collection of theNational <strong>Gallery</strong> of VictoriaThe 80s28 November 09 –17 January <strong>10</strong>Including work from aprivate collectionHello Dolly:The Marie Prideauxcollection5 December –31 January <strong>10</strong>From a private collectionWhiteley’s Zoo16 January – 28 February <strong>10</strong>From the collections of:National <strong>Gallery</strong> of Australiaand National <strong>Gallery</strong> ofVictoriaHilda Rix NicholasThe man for the job23 January – 5 April <strong>10</strong>From collections of: <strong>Art</strong><strong>Gallery</strong> of South Australia;Bega Valley <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>;Centre Pompidou, Paris,France; National <strong>Gallery</strong>of Victoria; NewcastleRegion <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>; NewWalk Museum and <strong>Art</strong><strong>Gallery</strong>, Leicester, UK;Orange Regional<strong>Gallery</strong>; Queensland <strong>Art</strong><strong>Gallery</strong>; Rix Wrightcollection; Wesfarmerscollection, Perth and privatecollections in UK, ACT,NSW and VICExcellence of Ware:<strong>Bendigo</strong> PotteryMajolica 1879 – 19116 March – 9 May <strong>10</strong>From various public andprivate collectionsMcCubbin: LastImpressions 1907–1724 April – 25 July 20<strong>10</strong>From various public andprivate collectionsINWARD LOANSCORPORATEC+ BUS (Super for theConstruction and BuildingIndustries)PUBLICATIONSMark GaleaColour by numbersPublished September <strong>2009</strong>Working through/turning pagesThe artist’s books of Robert JacksPublished October <strong>2009</strong>Hilda Rix NicholasThe man for the jobPublished January 20<strong>10</strong><strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Budget Revenue Expenditure Net (Unfav)<strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Administration 137,500 1,575,353 (1,437,853)Conservation/Framing <strong>10</strong>,000 <strong>10</strong>,000 (0)Shop Sales/Purchases 240,000 120,300 119,700Education 63,000 89,208 (26,208)Hire/Functions 8,600 0 8,600Exhibitions 268,050 370,356 (<strong>10</strong>2,306)<strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Cafe 25,000 12,500 12,500Total 752,150 2,177,717 (1,425,567)Year End Actual Result Revenue Expenditure Net (Unfav)$ $ $<strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Administration 143,398 1,596,747 (1,453,349)Conservation/Framing 14,091 17,<strong>10</strong>8 (3,017)Shop Sales/Purchases 208,018 133,321 74,696Education 69,406 91,263 (21,857)Hire/Functions 5,735 316 5,418Exhibitions 604,388 546,665 57,723<strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Cafe 22,727 4,968 17,759Total 1,067,762 2,390,388 (1,322,626)City of Greater <strong>Bendigo</strong>ABN 7414 9638 16412 13

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYPEOPLEATTENDANCEDirector & SecretaryKaren QuinlanAdministrationCoordinatorCarolyn McMillanSenior CuratorCollectionsand ResearchTracy Cooper-LaverySenior CuratorProgramsand AccessLeanne FitzgibbonCuratorTansy CurtinCuratorCity Historyand CollectionsSandra Bruce(from 19.11.09)ReceptionistSimone BloomfieldRegistrarJacqui Woolf<strong>Gallery</strong> TechniciansNeil GodfreyNoah Grosz(from 7.9.09)Desk AttendantsJanine Langley (casual)Kate McCabe(until 13.7.09)Kim RossSusan ShearerDiane ThompsonTegan Wheeldon(from 21.9.09)<strong>Gallery</strong> AttendantsZoe-Ann ArnoldMichelle BaileyJason GoodJanine LangleyVicki NankervisDiane ThompsonTegan WheeldonTechnical SupportJason GoodCuratorial VolunteersSharon AyreKaila GolloglyBronwen QuillJeff ReynoldsAlex WiberFriends of <strong>Bendigo</strong><strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> CommitteeOffice BearersMargaret Bowden, PresidentMargo McEvoy,Vice PresidentCarol McCooke, SecretaryNancy Wyatt, TreasurerFriendsGwen BloomfieldJoy BrownChris CarswellMary ClemsonJoy DewAlison EllwoodJune HayesAnn HorrocksEunice HoyneHelen LentenHelen LynchElsie PageChristine PascoeMargaret PetersLizzie RockefellerJenny RutherfordJanet ThomsonBev WildChris Wood<strong>Gallery</strong> GuidesHelen Hickey, Senior GuideGlenys Anthony, DeputyGuide/SecretaryPat Scholtz, ProfessionalDevelopmentPat AnquetilCarol BattenMargaret BourkeJill BreadenHelen CampbellTrish ChurchillSue DavidsonCarol FordMerle HallJeanette HansonDorothy HouldenPeter JacksonJenni KennedyMarg LenaghanGlenice McCarthyRuth NeathJean Eve ParadiseAnn ParrisValerie PhillipsTrish PilleyNorah RigbySue RobinsonJulie SpurlingJudith StaudteBrenda Stevens-ChambersRosemary StewartJenny TraceyJanet TuckerSue WilliamsRoger WilliamsDarylle WilsonMarion WrightMonthAttendanceTotalGeneralPublicJuly 28,416 27,420 633 363August 6,266 4,554 760 952September 5,022 3,916 502 604October 6,559 5,164 825 570November 4,655 3,696 421 538December 6,558 5,339 401 818January 8,158 7,181 319 658February 4,528 3,690 295 543March 6,415 5,417 482 516April 7,422 6,333 270 819May 13,191 11,719 997 475June 14,621 13,415 663 543Totals 111,811 97,844 6,568 7,399<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> 2008/09July 28,416 8,414August 6,266 5,469September 5,022 6,117October 6,559 6,955November 4,655 3,737December 6,558 11,117January 8,158 17,962February 4,528 17,422March 6,415 34,074April 7,422 4,516May 13,191 7,137June 14,621 36,014Total 111,811 158,934Daily average 307.17 436.63General public 97,844 134,387Students 6,568 15,941Special Groups 7,399 8,606StudentSpecialGroupsTravelling ExhibitionA Camera on the SommeIpswich <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>23 January – 21 March9,976McClelland <strong>Gallery</strong> + Sculpture Park25 April – 27 June14,848Education OfficersHelen AttrillMargot FeastCommitteeMaggie AntramLeila BryantVal ComerfordPatti CottonDorothy GrahamDale LittleBetty StuartThe above gives details of attendance.Those of the previous year are givenfor comparison.14 15

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>COLLECTIONPRESIDENT'S<strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYIt is a great pleasure to write this report.Again, I can report a highly successfulyear. Much has been achieved. Excellentexhibitions, activities and programspresented throughout the year. I thankour members and the wider communityfor continued strong support of <strong>Bendigo</strong><strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>.Major exhibitions throughout theyear have been the Archibald Prize,A Camera on the Somme, <strong>Art</strong>hur GuyMemorial Painting Prize, The 80s, HildaRix Nicholas: The man for the job andMcCubbin: Last Impressions 1907 – 17.Our Director and staff are to becongratulated on the presentationof these exhibitions and the otherexhibitions curated during the courseof the year. Our exhibition, educationand supporting programs are of a highstandard and always well received.<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> is indeed fortunatethroughout its history to benefit fromsignificant support, this year is noexception. I thank, on behalf of the<strong>Gallery</strong>, Baillieu Myer AC, RupertMyer AM, the Guy family, Hon PaulGuest QC, Rod Fyffe, Barbara Tucker,David Thomas, Lynne Lumsden, JudyNoble, Frances Courtney, Michel,Jennifer and Elizabeth Kemp, TonySpurling, Helen Bruinier and familyand the Helen MacPherson Smith Trust.The <strong>Gallery</strong> also enjoys gifting froma number of donors who wish toremain anonymous. I thank all for suchgenerous support through gifts and loansof works.the British High Commissioner, HerExcellency Baroness Valerie Amos, andBritish Consul General Mr Stuart Gilland other distinguished guests.The <strong>Gallery</strong> was saddened by thepassing of long-time supporter andLife Governor Dr Joseph Brown AO.The <strong>Gallery</strong> was also saddened by thepassing of Dr Colin R Laing, also a LifeGovernor of the <strong>Gallery</strong>. Both had madesignificant contributions to our <strong>Gallery</strong>and will be greatly missed. On behalfof the Board, I thank all volunteers,the Friends led by President, MargaretBowden and the Guides led by SeniorGuide, Helen Hickey, for their mostimportant contributions to the life of the<strong>Gallery</strong>. I thank my Board colleagues fortheir strong and important contributionto the <strong>Gallery</strong>.I thank Director, Karen Quinlan forher continued excellent leadership of<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>. Karen has nowcompleted ten years of distinguishedservice as Director. I also thank thestaff for their dedication, skill andgreatly appreciated work throughoutthe year. The <strong>Gallery</strong> enjoys an excellentrelationship with the City of Greater<strong>Bendigo</strong>. I thank the Mayor, Cr RodCampbell, Councillors, CEO CraigNiemann, Stan Liacos and Officersfor their strong support of the <strong>Gallery</strong>.The partnership is a key element in thesuccess of <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>.John E HiggsPresident16 17The <strong>Gallery</strong> was pleased to host visits byThe Premier The Hon John Brumby,MP, Minister for the <strong>Art</strong>s, The HonPeter Bachelor, MP, Minister forTourism, The Hon Tim Holding, MP,Far Left:Jan NelsonWalking in tall grass (Tom) <strong>2009</strong>oil on linen<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>Winner <strong>2009</strong> <strong>Art</strong>hur Guy Memorial Painting PrizeCourtesy of the artist and Anna Schwartz <strong>Gallery</strong>, MelbournePhotograph: Ian Hill

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYACQUISITIONS<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong>CERAMICSGIFTSKwirak CHOUNGKorea 1962Large bowl form 2008-09stoneware, natural ashdeposits, woodfiredanagama styleGift of Rod Fyffe <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.26Don COURTAustralia 1952Harvest Moon 2008wood-fired stonewareGift of Rod Fyffe <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.27Victor GREENAWAYAustralia 1947Hemispherical form on blackbanded column c2008-09porcelain, coloured glazes,ceramic pencilGift of Rod Fyffe <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.28Open bowl form, diminishedrim, on black banded columnc2008-09porcelain, coloured glazes,ceramic pencilGift of Rod Fyffe <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.29Bucchero, tall spiral formc2008-09Italian volcanic clay, polished,smoke-fumedGift of Rod Fyffe <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.30Fiona FELLAustralia 1966Weather the vane 2008stoneware, paperclay and glazeGift of Rod Fyffe <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.31Cheryl BURGESSAustralia 1948Two bowls 2008–9porcelain, pierced and woodfiredGift of Rod Fyffe <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.34.1-2Wendy JAGGERAustralia 1965Bowl, eucalyptus bell <strong>2009</strong>porcelain, double etched,polishedGift of Rod Fyffe <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.35Maria VANHEESAustralia 1968Untitled <strong>2009</strong>earthenware, soda firedGift of Rod Fyffe <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.36Tania ROLLONDAustralia 1973Bottle <strong>2009</strong>porcelain, oxides, stains,ceramic pencilGift of Rod Fyffe 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.01Tatiana Gvozdetskayaborn Kazakhstan 1958 arrivedAustralia 1990Engagement 2008stoneware, handbuilt andwheel thrown, matt frittedglazesGift of Rod Fyffe 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.02Janet MANSFIELDAustralia 1934Tall Teabowl 20<strong>10</strong>woodfired stonewareGift of Rod Fyffe 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.<strong>10</strong>Jar 20<strong>10</strong>woodfired stonewareGift of Rod Fyffe 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.11Greg DALYAustralia 1954In turn vase c1993porcellaneous stoneware,lustre resist decorationGift of Rod Fyffe 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.12DECORATIVE ARTSGIFTS<strong>Art</strong>ist UNKNOWNEngland 19th centuryFooted bowl with handle c1844silverGift of Lynne Lumsden andJudy Noble, great-granddaughtersof Charles Heape20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.08Christobel COURTNEYAustralia active 1890–1930Collection of enamels,watercolours, embroideriesand ephemera c1900–19<strong>10</strong>Gift of Frances Courtney 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.16.1-63PAINTINGSPURCHASESNadine CHRISTENSENAustralia 1969Geography 2008acrylic on boardThe Gift of Grace and AlecCraig <strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.23Hilda RIX NICHOLASAustralia 1884–1961In the bus (Dorothy Richmondon horseback) 1927oil on canvasThe Gift of Grace and AlecCraig, <strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.24Stephen BUSHAustralia 1958The Lure of Paris #22 2002oil on linenThe Gift of Grace and AlecCraig, <strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.09GIFTSJan NELSONAustralia 1955Walking in tall grass (Tom) <strong>2009</strong>oil on linenWinner <strong>2009</strong> <strong>Art</strong>hur GuyMemorial Painting Prize<strong>2009</strong>.22Dorothy BRAUNDAustralia 1926The last supper 1966oil on canvasGift of the artist under theCultural Gifts Program <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.32Albert TUCKERAustralia 1914–1999The kiss 1989oil on canvasGift of Barbara Tucker underthe Cultural Gifts Program<strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.33Roger KEMPAustralia 1908–1987Organised forms 1960–65enamel on masoniteGift of Michel, Jennifer andElizabeth Kemp under theCultural Gifts Program 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.17PHOTOGRAPHYPURCHASESAnne ZAHALKAborn Australia 1957Karo, performer <strong>2009</strong>type C photographRHS Abbott BequestFund <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.20Julie RRAPborn Australia 1950Escape artist: Castaway 2 <strong>2009</strong>digital print on archivalrag paperRHS Abbott BequestFund <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.21Rosemary LAINGAustralia 1959a dozen useless actions forgrieving blondes #5 <strong>2009</strong>type C photographThe Gift of Grace and AlecCraig, <strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.25John H. JONES(active 1860s)Jones’s Photographs of AustralianSceneries (1862)albumen paperstereographs, travel casemounted on cardincluding an additional 42nineteenth century stereographsRHS Abbott BequestFund <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.38.1-166GIFTSAndrew BROWNEAustralia 1960Seven apparitions #1 – 7 2008photopolymer photogravureson paperGift of the artist through theCultural Gifts Program 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.13.1-7PRINTS & DRAWINGSPURCHASESSamuel Thomas GILLborn Great Britain 1818arrived Australia 1839died 1880Zealous Gold Diggers,<strong>Bendigo</strong> July 1 st ’52 1852ink on paperNewson Bequest Fund <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.18Iso (Isobel) RAEAustralia 1860–1940Quarries Etaples 1917watercolourThe Gift of Grace and AlecCraig, <strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.14GIFTSThomas de KESSLER1925 Hungary arrivedAustralia 1950 died 2008The soldier resting 1959etchingGift of Diana de Kessler 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.03Samuel Thomas GILLborn Great Britain 1818arrived Australia 1839died 1880Diggers auction, Eagle Hawk,<strong>Bendigo</strong> 1852From The Victoria GoldDiggings and DiggersAs They AreMelbourne: Macartney& Galbraith, 1852planographic lithograph,printed in black inkGift of David Thomas 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.06SCULPTUREPURCHASESMatt CALVERTAustralia 1969Peter stared into thevast unknown <strong>2009</strong>laminated toughened glassThe Gift of Grace and AlecCraig, <strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.07Louise WEAVERAustralia 1966Auk (In advance of the glacier)20<strong>10</strong>hand crocheted lambswooland cotton perle thread overtaxidermied AukRHS Abbott Bequest Fund20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.15GIFTSEmily FLOYDAustralia 1972The Cultural Studies Reader2001 acrylic and chalkon woodGift of the artist under theCultural Gifts Program <strong>2009</strong><strong>2009</strong>.19David NOONANAustralia 1969Untitled 2008screen printed jute onplywood with steel basedimensions variableGift of the HelenMacpherson Smith Trust 20<strong>10</strong>as part of the HelenMacpherson SmithCommission for theAustralian Centre forContemporary <strong>Art</strong>, awardedto David Noonan in <strong>2009</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.04Untitled 2008screen printed jute onplywood with steel basedimensions variableGift of the HelenMacpherson Smith Trust 20<strong>10</strong>as part of the HelenMacpherson SmithCommission for theAustralian Centre forContemporary <strong>Art</strong>, awardedto David Noonan in <strong>2009</strong>20<strong>10</strong>.0518 19

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYTREASURER'S<strong>REPORT</strong>Below:Rosemary Lainga dozen useless actions for grieving blondes #5 <strong>2009</strong>type C photograph<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>. The Gift of Grace and Alec Craig,<strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria <strong>2009</strong>. Courtesy of the artist and Tolarno Galleries.This report commences with animportant statement of clarification.In previous annual reports the financialstatements have related only to thefunds controlled by the elected Boardof Directors, with no reference to thesignificant contribution made annuallyby the City of Greater <strong>Bendigo</strong>. Theincome revenue that is controlled bythe Board of Directors is essentiallyderived from the investment of estatesthat have been bequeathed to the<strong>Gallery</strong>, and from subscriptions paidby our ever-increasing membership.These funds are allocated by the Boardtowards the acquisition of works of art,conservation and framing and otherexpenditure that promotes the <strong>Gallery</strong>and the recognition of art generally.<strong>Gallery</strong> Membership has increasedsignificantly to in excess of 1400members. This reflects the communityinterest in the <strong>Gallery</strong> and has becomea significant source of revenue.Each year the budget adopted by theCity of Greater <strong>Bendigo</strong> includes anallocation of funds to the <strong>Gallery</strong>, tobe used for staff salaries and on-costs,maintenance of the building andother day to day managementexpenses. These funds are controlledby the <strong>Gallery</strong> Director. In return,the City gains some return from the<strong>Gallery</strong> Shop and those exhibitionswhich attract an entry fee.Whenever the Board purchasesa work of art, be it a painting,drawing, or sculpture the ownershipof it is transferred to the City, andbecomes a public-owned asset.This system of co-operation betweenthe City Council and the <strong>Gallery</strong>Board of Directors has been in placesince 1996 and has been a majorfactor in the remarkable success ofthe <strong>Gallery</strong> over that time. Includedin this report, therefore, is an additionalpage which provides an outlinesummary of the financial supportprovided by the City during <strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong>.Matters of interestfor <strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong>The Board spent more than $320,000on acquisitions, conservation andframing. This is probably the highestallocation of funds in the history ofthe <strong>Gallery</strong>.We continued to benefit from the Estateof RHS. Abbott, which ismanaged by Sandhurst Trustees Ltd.A total of $<strong>10</strong>4,000 was received, whichis comparable with previous years. Thecapital of the Estate is not included inthe Statement of Financial Position.The other major source of incomecomes from the investment of the bequestfrom the Estate of Grace OdelineOddy Craig. A very significant portionof the dividends received from the listedshares purchased over recent years isdirectly attributable to this bequest.Our share portfolio had a marketvaluation of $4,203,750 at 30 June20<strong>10</strong>, even though we have had towrite off $292,037 from an investmentmade four years ago in a ManagedProperty Fund, which was severelyimpacted by the global financial crisis.Despite this, the portfolio’s valuation at30 June 20<strong>10</strong> was higher than theprevious year, due to the soundadvice we received from our broker,David Julian of E.L. & C. Baillieu Ltd.In the <strong>2009</strong> Treasurer’s Reportmention was made of theagreement with the Guy familyto transfer their very significantdonation to <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>Foundation. The investment of thisdonation covers the $50,000 <strong>Art</strong>hurGuy Memorial Painting Prize, whichwas awarded in <strong>2009</strong> and will beevery two years thereafter.Indemnification andInsurance of Directorsand OfficersThe company has indemnified allDirectors and the Manager in respectof liabilities to other persons (otherthan the company or related bodycorporate) that may arise from theirposition as Directors or Managerof the company except where theliability arises out of conductinvolving the lack of good faith.Disclosure of the nature of the liabilityand the amount of the premium isprohibited by the confidentialityclause of the contract of insurance.The company has not providedany insurance for an auditor of thecompany or a related body corporate.PROCEEDINGS ON BEHALFOF THE ENTITYNo person has applied for leave ofCourt to bring proceedings on behalfof the entity or intervene in anyproceedings to which the entityis a party for the purpose of takingresponsibility on behalf of the entityfor all or any part of those proceedings.The entity was not a party to anysuch proceedings during the year.Auditors’ independencedeclarationThe lead auditor’s independencedeclaration for the year ended30th June 20<strong>10</strong> has been receivedand can be found on page 34 ofthis report. Signed in accordancewith a resolution of the Boardof Directors.Gordon J McKernTreasurerABN 74 149 638 164Dated this 9th day of September 20<strong>10</strong>20 21

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYFOUNDATIONFINANCIAL<strong>REPORT</strong>Your directors present this report forthe financial year ended 30 June 20<strong>10</strong>.After BalanceDate EventsNo matters or circumstances havearisen since the end of the financialyear which affected or may significantlyaffect the operations of the company,the results of those operations or thestate of affairs of the company, infuture years.The Foundation was establishedin February 2008. The Foundationenables the <strong>Gallery</strong> to undertakespecial initiatives and projects whichwould not otherwise be possible.During <strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> through theinvestment income from a bequest fromthe Guy family, the biennial $50,000acquisitive <strong>Art</strong>hur Guy Memorial PaintingPrize was awarded to Jan Nelson'sWalking in Tall Grass (Tom).Above:Hilda Rix Nicholas exhibition.The Foundation supported this exhibitionwith financial assistance for internationalloans and conservation.Foundation ObjectivesAcquisitionsSupport the acquisition of art forthe collection.CommunitySupport the participation of thecommunity in the life of the <strong>Gallery</strong>.ConservationSupport the conservation of worksof art within the collection.ExhibitionsSupport major exhibitions, eventsand special programs.EducationSupport educational programs andresources which will directly serve theneeds of students and <strong>Gallery</strong> visitors.InfrastructureSupport major capital works’programs including storage, stafffacilities and exhibition space.ResourcesSupport publications that enhanceaccess to the <strong>Gallery</strong>’s collectionand temporary exhibition program.Support the professional developmentof staff.TechnologySupport the application of interactivetechnology.UniversalSupport the <strong>Gallery</strong> in any otherway deemed appropriate by theFoundation.All donations to the Foundationare fully tax deductible.DirectorsThe name of each person who hasbeen a director during the year andon the date of this report are:Mr John Higgs(President)Ms Julie Millowick(Vice President)Mr Gordon McKern(Treasurer)Mr Brian BakerMr David CollinsCr Rod FyffeMr Craig GoughMs Rosemary McKenzieMr Garry QuinnDirectors have been in office since thestart of the financial year of this reportunless otherwise stated.Company SecretaryNo person held the position ofcompany secretary at the end of thefinancial year. The minute secretaryis Carolyn McMillan.Principal activitiesThe principal activities of the companyduring the course of the financial yearwere conducting <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>.No significant changes in the natureof the entity's activities occurredduring the financial year.Operating ResultsThe deficit of the entity amountedto $204,<strong>10</strong>0 (<strong>2009</strong>: $244,004 deficit).SignificantChanges in Stateof AffairsNo significant changes in the entity'sstate of activities occurred duringthe financial year.FutureDevelopmentsNo matters or circumstances havearisen since the end of the financialyear which affected or may significantlyaffect the operations of the company,the results of those operations or thestate of affairs of the company, infuture years.EnvironmentalIssuesThe entity's operations are notregulated by any significantenvironmental regulation undera law of the Commonwealth orof a state or territory.22 23

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYboardmembersINFORMATION ONDIRECTORSThe names and details of thecompany's directors who heldoffice during or since the end of thefinancial year:Mr John E HiggsPresidentQualifications:MA Education, BA TPTCExperience:Director and Member of Board,Melbourne Recital Centre sinceNovember <strong>2009</strong> Member Vice-Chancellor's <strong>Art</strong> Advisory Board,La Trobe University, Former head ofeducation Studies, La Trobe University<strong>Bendigo</strong>, Current Chairman <strong>Bendigo</strong><strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Foundation, FormerPresident of the Friends of <strong>Bendigo</strong><strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Inc., Former Chairmanof Board Girton Grammar School,Former President of <strong>Bendigo</strong> JockeyClub and current Committee Member.Board member from 1984 – 1999,Re-elected 2000. Chairman, Boardof Management, La Trobe UniversityVisual <strong>Art</strong>s Centre.Special Responsibilities:Member of the Board ExecutiveCommittee and Board FinanceCommitteeMs Julie D MillowickVice PresidentQualifications:MAExperience:Lecturer in Charge of Photojournalism, La Trobe University,<strong>Bendigo</strong>. Board member ofCastlemaine State Festival since2001. Board member of BallaratInternational Foto Biennale since2004, and currently President. Workin collections of the NGA, NGV,State Library of Victoria, NationalLibrary of Australia. Board membersince 2004.Mr Gordon J McKernTreasurerQualifications:O.A.M., F.A.I.C.D.Experience:Founder and current ChairmanMcKern Steel Pty. Ltd. FormerChairman Envirozel Ltd. Trusteeof <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Foundation.Former Chairman Coliban Water,Sandhurst Trustees Ltd., V/LinePassenger Corporation and SpencerStreet Station Authority, formerCommissioner City of Greater<strong>Bendigo</strong> and Chief CommissionerShire of Mitchell. Board membersince 2002.Special Responsibilities:Member of the Board ExecutiveCommittee and Board FinanceCommittee.Mr Brian BakerDirectorExperience:Property Consultant. Director of BrianBaker Pty Ltd. Former Director of A.T Cocks & Partners, Ballieu KnightFrank and Capital & Counties(Australia) Pty Ltd. Board membersince 2000.Special ResponsibilitiesMember of the Board FinanceCommitteeMr David CollinsDirectorQualifications:Dip. <strong>Art</strong> + Design Grad Dip EdExperience:Director of Faculty Human &Business Services, Former Headof Centre Health Pathways &Community Services and Headof Centre Hospitality & Design at<strong>Bendigo</strong> Regional Institute of TAFE.Former member of BRIT Board ofDirectors. Board member since 2002.Cr Rod FyffeDirectorExperience:Councillor, Golden Square Ward,City of Greater <strong>Bendigo</strong>. Councillorformer City of <strong>Bendigo</strong> 1983 – 1994.Elected represent Fortuna Ward in1996 and re-elected in 1999 and 2002.Councillor of Golden Square Ward2004 and 2008. Mayor City of Greater<strong>Bendigo</strong> 2003/04 and 2004/05.Member of the Management Boardof the Municipal Association ofVictoria. Teacher mathematics at<strong>Bendigo</strong> Senior Secondary College.Board member since March <strong>2009</strong>.Mr Craig GoughDirectorQualifications:MA Fine <strong>Art</strong>, ASSOC AT, THCExperience:<strong>Art</strong>ist. Formerly Head of Fine <strong>Art</strong> andHead of Painting Monash University,Caulfield Campus. Board membersince 1999.Ms Rosemary McKenzieDirectorQualifications:BA, MPH, PGDip HlthPromExperience:Research fellow and lecturer,Centre for Health Policy,Programs and Economics, Schoolof Population Health, The Universityof Melbourne, Former memberand Deputy President, Councilof <strong>Bendigo</strong> College of AdvancedEducation. Former member andPresident, Board of Directors,3CCC-FM, Goldfields CommunityRadio. Board member since 2008.MR GARRY QUINNDirectorQualifications:LLBExperience:Barrister and Solicitor, Trustee of<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Foundationand trustee of <strong>Bendigo</strong> Health CareGroup Foundation Charitable Trust.Former Director of <strong>Bendigo</strong> HealthCare Group and Former of La TrobeUniversity <strong>Bendigo</strong> Regional AdvisoryBoard. Board member since 1995.Special Responsibilities:Member of the Board ExecutiveCommitteeMeetings of DirectorsDuring the financial year, 11 meetings of Directors were held.Attendance by each director were as follows:Number eligibleto attendNumberattendedMr John Higgs 11 8Ms Julie Millowick 11 9Mr Gordon McKern 11 11Mr Brian Baker 11 9Mr David Collins 11 11Cr Rod Fyffe 11 8Mr Craig Gough 11 <strong>10</strong>Ms Rosemary McKenzie 11 8Mr Garry Quinn 11 824 25

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYStatement of Comprehensive Incomefor the year ended 30 June 20<strong>10</strong>30 June 20<strong>10</strong> 30 June <strong>2009</strong>Notes $ $Revenue 3 467,334 529,063Profit/(loss) on disposal of investments 4 6,194 (340,626)Impairment of investments 1(f) (292,037)Acquisitions and Conservation (322,017) (325,874)General administration expenses (63,574) (<strong>10</strong>6,567)Deficit before income tax expense (204,<strong>10</strong>0) (244,004)Income tax expense 1(b) - -Deficit after income tax expense (204,<strong>10</strong>0) (244,004)Other Comprehensive IncomeRevaluation of Investments 1(f) 276,098 (<strong>10</strong>5,270)Total Other Comprehensive Income 276,098 (<strong>10</strong>5,270)Total Comprehensive Income 71,998 (349,274)Statement of Financial30 June 20<strong>10</strong> 30 June <strong>2009</strong>Position as at 30 June 20<strong>10</strong>Notes $ $Current AssetsCash and cash equivalents 5 361,<strong>10</strong>9 958,386Trade and other receivables 6 70,692 73,503Total Current Assets 431,801 1,031,889Non-Current AssetsInvestments 7 4,202,750 3,523,970Other Assets 8 31,818 31,818Total Non-Current Assets 4,234,568 3,555,788Total Assets 4,666,369 4,587,677Current LiabilitiesTrade and other payables 5,000 4,500Total Current Liabilities 5,000 4,500Total Liabilities 5,000 4,500Net Assets 4,661,369 4,583,177EquityFinancial asset reserve 12(a) 269,938 (12,354)Retained earnings 4,391,431 4,595,531Total Equity 4,661,369 4,583,177Statement of changes in equityfoR the year ended 30 June 20<strong>10</strong>RetainedEarningsFinancialAssetReserveTotal$ $ $Balance at 1 July 2008 4,994,420 496,123 529,063Profit attributed to the entity (244,004) (403,207) (340,626)Other comprehensive income (154,885) (<strong>10</strong>5,270) (260,155)Balance at 30 June <strong>2009</strong> 4,595,531 (12,354) 4 ,583,177Profit attributed to the entity (204,<strong>10</strong>0) 6,194 (197,906)Other comprehensive income - 276,098 276,098Balance at 30 June 20<strong>10</strong> 4,391,431 269,938 4,661,369Statement of CASH FLOWFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 June 20<strong>10</strong>30 June 20<strong>10</strong> 30 June <strong>2009</strong>Notes $ $Cash flows from operating activitiesReceipts from membership fees and bequests 259,420 318,371Interest received 36,329 62,869Dividends received 193,915 89,244Cash paid to suppliers and for acquisitions and conservation (398,415) (427,941)Net cash generated from operating activities 9(b) 91,249 42,543Cash Flows From Investing ActivitiesPayments for available for sale financial assets (688,526) (2,698,468)Proceeds from sale of available for sale financial assets - 2,032,416Net cash used in investing activities (688,526) (666,052)Net decrease in cash held (597,277) (623,509)Cash at the beginning of the financial year 958,386 1,581,895Cash at the end of the financial year 9(a) 361,<strong>10</strong>9 958,38626 27

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERY1. Statementof significantaccounting policiesThe Directors have prepared thefinancial statements on the basisthat the entity is a non-reportingentity because there are nousers who are dependent on itsgeneral purpose financial reports.This financial report is thereforea special purpose financial reportthat has been prepared in orderto meet the requirements of theCorporations Act 2001 .The financial report has beenprepared in accordance withthe mandatory AustralianAccounting Standards applicableto entities reporting under theCorporations Act 2001 and thesignificant accounting policiesdisclosed below, which the Directorshave determined are appropriate tomeet the needs of members. Suchaccounting policies are consistentwith the previous period unlessstated otherwiseThe financial report is for <strong>Bendigo</strong><strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> as an individual entity,incorporated and domiciled inAustralia. <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> isa company limited by guarantee.The following is a summary of thematerial accounting policies adoptedby the entity in the preparation ofthe financial report. The accountingpolicies have been consistentlyapplied, unless otherwise stated.Basis of preparationReporting basis and conventionsThe financial report has beenprepared on an accruals basisand is based on historical costs,modified, where applicable, bythe measurement at fair value ofselected non-current assets, financialassets and financial liabilities.(a) RevenueRevenue from the sale of goodsis recognised upon the deliveryof goods to customers. Dividendrevenue is recognised when theright to receive a dividend has beenestablished. Interest revenue isrecognised when earned. Donationsand bequests are recognised asrevenue when received unless theyare designated for a specific purpose,where they are carried forward asprepaid income on the balancesheet. All revenue is stated net ofthe amount of Goods and ServicesTax (GST).(b) Income taxNo provision for income tax has beenraised as the entity is exempt fromincome tax under Division 50 of theIncome Tax Assessment Act 1997.(c) Goods andServices Tax (GST)Revenues, expenses and assets arerecognised net of the amount ofgoods and services tax (GST), exceptwhere the amount of GST incurredis not recoverable from the taxationauthority. In these circumstances, theGST is recognised as part of the costof acquisition of the asset or as part ofthe expense. Receivables and payablesare stated with the amount of GSTincluded. Cash flows are presentedin the Cashflow Statement on a grossbasis, except for the GST componentof investing and financing activities,which are disclosed as operatingcash flows.(d) Cash and cashequivalentsCash and cash equivalents includescash on hand, deposits held at-callwith banks, other short-term highlyliquid investments with maturitiesof three months or less, and bankoverdrafts.(e) Comparative figuresWhere required by AccountingStandards, comparative figureshave been adjusted to conformto changes in presentation forthe current financial year.(f) Financial InstrumentsInitial recognition and measurementFinancial assets and financial liabilitiesare recognised when the entitybecomes a party to contractualprovisions to the instrument. Forfinancial assets, this is equivalent tothe date that the company commitsitself to either purchase or sellthe asset (trade date accounting isadopted). Financial instruments areinitially measured at fair valueplus transaction costs.Classification and subsequentmeasurementFinance instruments are subsequentlymeasured at fair value. Fair valuerepresents the amount for which anasset could be exchanged or a liabilitysettled, between knowledgeable,willing parties. Where availablequoted prices in an active market areused to determine fair value.The effective interest method is usedto allocate interest income or interestexpense over the relevant period andis equivalent to the rate that exactlydiscounts estimated future cashpayments or receipts (including fees,transaction costs and other premiumsor discounts) through the expectedlife (or where unable to be reliablypredicted, the contractual term)of the financial instrument to thenet carrying amount of the financialasset or financial liability. Revisionsto expected future net cash flowswill necessitate an adjustmentto the carrying value with aconsequential recognition of anincome or expense in profit or loss.(i) Financial assets at fair valuethrough profit or loss.Financial assets are classified at 'fairvalue through profit or loss' whenthey are held for trading forthe purpose of short term profittaking. Such assets are subsequentlymeasured at fair value withchanges in carrying value beingincluded in profit or loss.(ii) Loans and receivablesLoans and receivables are nonderivativefinancial assets with fixedor determinable payments that arenot quoted in an active marketand are subsequently measuredat amortised cost.(iii) Held-to-maturity investmentsHeld-to-maturity investments arenon-derivative financial assets thathave fixed maturities and fixedor determinable payments, and it isthe entity's intention to hold theseinvestments to maturity. They aresubsequently measured at amortisedcost.(iv) Available-for-sale financial assetsAvailable-for-sale financial assets arenon-derivative financial assets that areeither not capable of beingclassified into other categories offinancial assets due to their nature,or they are designated as such bymanagement. They compriseinvestments in the equity of otherentities where there is neither a fixedmaturity nor fixed or determinablepayments.(v) Financial liabilitiesNon-derivative financial liabilities(excluding financial guarantees)are subsequently measured atamortised cost.Fair ValueFair value is determined based oncurrent bid prices for all quotedinvestments. Valuation techniques areapplied to determine the fair value forall unlisted securities, including recentarms length transactions, reference tosimilar instruments and option pricingmodels.ImpairmentAt each reporting date, the entityassesses whether there is objectiveevidence that a financial instrumenthas been impaired. In the caseof available-for-sale financialinstruments, prolonged decline inthe value of the instrument isconsidered to determine whetheran impairment has arisen. Impairmentlosses are recognised in the IncomeStatement.DerecognitionFinancial assets are derecognisedwhere contractual rights to receiptof cash flows expires or the assetis transferred to another partywhereby the entity no longer has anysignificant continuing involvementin the risks and benefits associatedwith the asset. Financial liabilitiesare derecognised where the relatedobligations are either discharged,cancelled or expired. The differencebetween the carrying value ofthe financial liability, which isextinguished or transferred to anotherparty and the fair value of theconsideration paid, including thetransfer of non-cash assets or liabilitiesassumed, is recognised in profitor loss.(g) Greater <strong>Bendigo</strong>City Council - AssetsDuring the year ended 30 June1996, <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>entered into an agreement withthe Greater <strong>Bendigo</strong> City Counciltransferring.- All real property contained inthe <strong>Gallery</strong> Premises located at42 and 43 View Street <strong>Bendigo</strong>;- All paintings, prints, sculptures,decorative arts, artefacts and otherart objects- All equipment and other chattelsin its possession or ownership(h) Greater <strong>Bendigo</strong> CityCouncil - OperationsAn agreement between <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong><strong>Gallery</strong> and the Greater <strong>Bendigo</strong> CityCouncil entered into during theyear ended 30 June 1996 providesthat <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> receivesincome from bequests, investmentsand members subscriptions. <strong>Bendigo</strong><strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> is entitled to purchaseworks of art from its own resources.However, such purchases of works ofart become property of the Greater<strong>Bendigo</strong> City Council.(i) Adoption of newand revised accountingstandardsDuring the current year the Companyadopted all of the new and revisedAustralian Accounting Standards andInterpretations applicable to itsoperations which became mandatory.The adoption of these standardshas impacted the recognition,measurement and disclosure of certaintransactions. The following is anexplanation of the impact theadoption of these standards andinterpretations has had on thefinancial statem of <strong>Bendigo</strong><strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>.AASB <strong>10</strong>1: Presentationof Financial Statements.In September 2007 the AustralianAccounting Standards Board revisedAASB <strong>10</strong>1 and as a result, there havebeen changes to the presentationand disclosure of certain informationwithin the financial statements. Belowis an overview of the key changesand the impact on the Company’sfinancial statements.Disclosure impactTerminology changes – The revisedversion of AASB <strong>10</strong>1 contains anumber of terminology changes,including the amendmen the namesof the primary financial statements.Reporting changes in equity – Therevised AASB <strong>10</strong>1 requires all changesin equity arising from transactionswith owners, in their capacity asowners, to be presented separatelyfrom non-owner changes in equity.Owner changes in equity are to bepresented in the statement of changesin equity, with non-owner changesin equity presente statement ofcomprehensive income. The previousversion of AASB <strong>10</strong>1 required thatowner changes in equity and othercomprehensive income be presentedin the statement of changes in equity.Statement of comprehensive income– The revised AASB <strong>10</strong>1 requires allincome and expenses to be presentedin either one statement, the statementof comprehensive income, or twostatements, a separate incomestatement and a statement of28 29

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYcomprehensive income. The previousversion of AASB <strong>10</strong>1 required onlythe presentation of a single incomestatement. The Company’s financialstatements now contain a statementof comprehensive income.Other comprehensive income –The revised version of AASB <strong>10</strong>1introduces the concept of ‘othercomprehensive income’ whichcomprises of income and expensesthat are not recognised in profitor loss as required by otherAustralian Accounting Standards.Items of other comprehensive incomeare to be disclosed in the statementof comprehensive income. Entitiesare required to disclose the incometax relating to each component ofother comprehensive income. Theprevious version of AASB <strong>10</strong>1 didnot contain an equivalent concept.(j) Critical AccountingEstimates and JudgmentsThe Directors evaluate estimatesand judgments incorporated into thefinancial report based on historicalknowledge and best available currentinformation. Estimates assume areasonable expectation of futureevents and are based on current trendsand economic data, obtained bothexternally and within the company.No significant estimates orjudgements were used in the 30June 20<strong>10</strong> financial statements.(k) AccountingStandards issued but notyet mandatoryCertain new accounting standardsand interpretations have beenpublished that are not mandatoryfor the 30 June 20<strong>10</strong> reporti period.The Company’s assessment of theimpact of the new standards andinterpretations is set out below.Company’s 30 June 2012 financialstatements are not expected tohave any impact on the financialstatements.(ii) AASB <strong>2009</strong>-5 Furtheramendments to AustralianAccounting Standards arisingfrom the Annual ImprovementsProcess affect various AASB’sresulting in minor changes forpresentation, disclosure, recognitionand measurement purposes.The amendments, which becomemandatory for the Company’s 30June 2011 financial statements, arenot expected to have a significantimpact on the financial statements.2. Financialrisk managementThe Company's activities expose itto a limited variety of financial risks:market risk (including currency risk,fair value interest risk and price risk),credit risk, liquidity risk and cashflow interest rate risk. The company'soverall risk management programfocuses on the unpredictabilityof financial markets and seeks tominimise potential adverse effectson the financial performance ofthe entity. The entity does not usederivative instruments.Risk management is carried outdirectly by the Board of Directors andsenior management(i) Market RiskThe Company does not haveexposure to transactions denominatedin a currency other than Australiandollars.(ii) Price RiskPrice risk relates to the risk that thefair value of future cash flows of afinancial instrument will fluctuatebecause of changes in market priceslargely due to demand and supplyfactors for commodities.The Company is exposed tosecurities price risk on investmentsheld for trading or for medium tolonger terms. Such risk is managedthrough diversification of investmentsacross industries.(iii) Credit RiskThe Company has no significantconcentrations of credit risk.(iv) Liquidity RiskThe Company has no significantliquidity risk.(v) Cash flow and fair valueinterest rate riskThe Company has no significant cashflow and fair value interest rate risk.Net Fair ValuesThe fair values of financial assets areapproximate to their carrying valuesas presented in the balance sheet.Fair values are those amounts atwhich an asset could be exchangedbetween knowledgeable parties in anarm's length transaction.Financial AssetMaturity Analysis20<strong>10</strong>Within1 Year1 to 5yearsOver5 yearsTotal CashFlowCash and cash equivalents 59,066 - - 59,066Term loans 302,043 - - 302,043Other investments - 4,202,749 - 4 ,202,749Net Inflow 361,<strong>10</strong>9 4,202,749 - 4 ,563,858<strong>2009</strong>Cash and cash equivalents 136,386 - - 136,386Term loans 822,000 - - 822,000Other investments - 3,523,970 - 3 ,523,970Net Inflow 958,386 3,523,970 - 4 ,482,3563. Revenue fromordinary activitiesOperating activities:- Membership fees- Bequests- Donations20<strong>10</strong> <strong>2009</strong>Notes $ $52,026<strong>10</strong>4,000-34,930<strong>10</strong>8,000-Total revenue from operating activities 156,026 148,430)Non-operating activities:- Dividends and franking credits received- Interest received- Trust distributions received- Transfer from <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> Foundation- Sundry income193,91536,32976,528-4,53689,24492,272170,08422,5176,516Total revenue from non-operating activities 311,308 380,633Total revenues from ordinary activities 467,334 529,063(i) AASB 124 Related PartyDisclosures (revised December <strong>2009</strong>)simplifies and clarifies the intendedmeaning of the definition of arelated party and provided partialexemption from the disclosurerequirements for government relatedentities. The amendments, whichbecome mandatory for The4. Profit/(loss) ondisposal of investmentsUnrealised gain on prior years investments brought to account - 62,581Profit/(loss) on disposal of investments 6,194 (403,207)5. Cash assets6,194 (340,626)Cash at bank and on hand 59,066 136,386Term deposits and cash investments 302,043 822,000361,<strong>10</strong>9 958,38630 31

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERY6. Trade and otherreceivablesAccrued InterestOther debtors20<strong>10</strong> <strong>2009</strong>Notes $ $<strong>10</strong>,00060,69229,40344,<strong>10</strong>0Total revenue from operating activities 70,692 73,5037. Financial Assets<strong>10</strong>. Auditors' remunerationAmounts received or due and receivableby the auditor of the company for:- audit & review services- other services in relation to the company20<strong>10</strong> <strong>2009</strong>Notes $ $5,000-4,500-5,000 4,500NON-CURRENTAvailable-for-sale financial assets 7a 4 ,202,749 3 ,523,9704 ,202,749 3 ,523,970a. Available for sale financial assets comprise:- Listed investments, at fair value- shares in listed corporations / trusts4 ,202,749 3 ,523,970Available-for-sale financial assets comprise investments in the ordinaryissued capital of various entities. There are no fixed returns or fixedmaturity dates attached to these investments.8. Other AssetsLansell Piano 31,818 31,8189. Statement of cashflows(a) Reconciliation of cashCash at bank and on handTerm deposits59,066302,043136,386822,00011. Director and Relatedparty disclosuresThe names of Directors who haveheld office during the financialyear are:Mr Brian BakerMr David CollinsCr Rod FyffeMr Craig GoughMr John HiggsMs Rosemary McKenzieMr Gordon McKernMs Julie MillowickMr Garry QuinnTransactions between related partiesare on normal commercial terms andconditions no more favourable thanthose available to other persons unlessotherwise stated.No Director or related entity hasentered into a material contractwith the company. No Director'sfees have been paid as the positionsare held on a voluntary basis.12. Reserves14. Events After theBalance Sheet DateNo information has been receivedafter the balance date aboutconditions that were existing atreporting date that are amaterial consideration whichrequire reporting15. Segment reportingThe company operates as an artgallery in one geographical locationbeing <strong>Bendigo</strong> Victoria.16. Registered office/Principal place ofbusinessThe registered office andprincipal place of business is:Registered office42-48 View Street<strong>Bendigo</strong> VIC 3550Principal place of business42-48 View Street<strong>Bendigo</strong> VIC 3550DIRECTOR'S DECLARATION1. The Directors of the entitydeclare that: The financial statementsand notes, as set out on pages 20to 33, are in accordance with the:a. comply with AustralianAccounting Standards and theCorporations Regulations 2001; andb. give a true and fair view of thefinancial position as at 30 June 20<strong>10</strong>and of the performance for theyear ended.2. In the Directors’ opinion thereare reasonable grounds to believethat the entity will be able to payits debts as and when they becomedue and payable.This declaration is made inaccordance with a resolution ofthe Board of Directors.Signed in accordance with aresolution of the Board of Directors.361,<strong>10</strong>9 958,386(b) Reconciliation of loss from ordinary activities aftertax to net cash provided by operating activitiesOperating Deficit (204,<strong>10</strong>0) (244,004)Non cash items:- Unrealised Loss on available for sale assets 2 92,037 340,626(a) Financial Asset ReserveThe financial asset reserverecords revaluation increments anddecrements (that do not representimpairment write-downs) that relateto financial assets that are classifiedas available-for-sale.17. Members' Guarantee<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> is acompany limited by guarantee,with the liability of each memberin the event of winding up notexceeding $50.John E Higgs, PresidentChanges in assets and liabilities:- Decrease/(Increase) in receivables- Decrease/(Increase) in other assets- (Decrease)/Increase in payables2,221590500(29,176)(29,403)4,50091,248 42,54313. Contingent liabilitiesThere were no contingent liabilitiesat the date of this report to affect thefinancial statements.Gordon J McKern, TreasurerDated this 9th dayof September 20<strong>10</strong>.32 33

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYINDEPENDENTAUDITOR'S <strong>REPORT</strong>MEMBERSWe have audited the accompanyingfinancial statements of <strong>Bendigo</strong><strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> (the company), whichcomprises the statement of financialposition as at 30 June 20<strong>10</strong> and thestatement of comprehensive income,statement of changes in equity andstatement of cash flows for the yearthen ended on that date, a summaryof significant accounting policiesand other explanatory notes and thedirectors’ declaration.The Responsibility of the Directorsfor the Financial StatementsThe directors of the companyare responsible for the preparationand fair presentation of the financialstatements in accordance withAustralian Accounting Standards(including the Australian AccountingInterpretations) and theCorporations Act 2001. Thisresponsibility includes designing,implementing and maintaininginternal controls relevant to thepreparation and fair presentation ofthe financial statements that are freefrom material misstatement, whetherdue to fraud or error; selecting andapplying appropriate accountingpolicies; and making accountingestimates that are reasonable in thecircumstances.Auditor's ResponsibilityOur responsibility is to express anopinion on the financial report basedon our audit. We conducted ouraudit in accordance with AustralianAuditing Standards. These AuditingStandards require that we complywith relevant ethical requirementsrelating to audit engagements andplan and perform the audit to obtainreasonable assurance whether thefinancial report is free from materialmisstatement.An audit involves performingprocedures to obtain audit evidenceabout the amounts and disclosuresin the financial statements. Theprocedures selected depend on ourjudgement, including the assessmentof the risks of material misstatementof the financial statements, whetherdue to fraud or error. In makingthose risk assessments, the auditorconsiders internal controls relevantto the entity's preparation and fairpresentation of the financialstatements in order to design auditprocedures that are appropriatein the circumstances, but notfor the purpose of expressingan opinion on the effectiveness ofthe entity's internal control. Anaudit also includes evaluating theappropriateness of accountingpolicies used and the reasonablenessof accounting estimates made by thedirectors, as well as evaluating theoverall presentation of the financialstatements.We believe that the audit evidencewe have obtained is sufficient andappropriate to provide a basis for ouraudit opinion.IndependenceIn conducting our audit we have metthe independence requirements of theCorporations Act 2001.Auditor's OpinionIn our opinion, the financialstatements present fairly, in allmaterial respects, the financialposition of <strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> asof 30 June 20<strong>10</strong>, and its financialperformance and cash flows forthe year ended in accordance withthe Corporations Act 2001 and theAustralian Accounting Standards(including Australian AccountingInterpretations).David HutchingsAndrew Frewin & Stewart61-65 Bull Street, <strong>Bendigo</strong>, 3550Dated this 9th day of September 20<strong>10</strong>LIFE GOVERNORSHIPMs Willi CarneyDr S ChazanMr B ClemsonMr Pat Corrigan AMMr R DeaneMr Rod FyffeMrs Margaret GuyMr John HiggsMr Robert Jacks AO& Mrs Julienne JacksMrs M KempMr Alun Leach-JonesMr HF LeanMr Reginald MacDonald OAMMr GC MarksMr Baillieu Myer AC& Mrs Sarah MyerMr W NuttallMrs Dorothy RaltonProfessor Jenny ZimmerLIFE MEMBERSHIPDr AT BatistichMr William E BeresfordMr DW BoltonMs Margaret BowdenMrs Helen BruinierMr Peter Burch BMMr M CallipariMr Kevin CarneyMr Terry CarrollMiss MA CourtisMrs Gloria CourtisMr KP CourtisDr R De NardoMr & Mrs W DeleccaMr WJ DerhamMr Peter Di SciascioMr & Mrs AE EllinghausMr Bruce &Mrs Alison EllwoodMr ER EwersMr L Farrell &Ms C HowlandMr JW FosterMr Rod FyffeMrs S GarvinDr JE GaultMs Rose GrantDr Michael Grounds &Dr Elizabeth SinclairMrs Margaret GuyMr J HoganMrs J HowardMr RJ HyettMr M IvesMrs B JohnMr John LazenbyMr JA LerkMiss E MathisonDr D McAlpineMr Gordon McKern OAMMs Marika McMahonMrs Lola Miller AM BEMMrs T MitchellMr JGM Moffatt AM KSJMrs Jan MonroMr Ralph MoranMs PC MoranMr & Mrs McG. W. MorseMr Baillieu Myer AC &Mrs Sarah MyerMr Dennis O’HoyMr & Mrs E OrmerodMrs Ann ParrisMrs Helen PatersonMr RA PennoMr A PowneyMrs CH PryorMrs Heather PurtillLindsay RobertsMs Elizabeth RockefellerMrs Patricia Van EmmerikEDUCATION MEMBERSAxedale Primary SchoolBallarat Secondary College,Barkly Campus<strong>Bendigo</strong> Senior SecondaryCollege<strong>Bendigo</strong> South East CollegeBraemar CollegeBridgewater Primary SchoolBRITCalifornia Gully Primary SchoolCamp Hill Primary SchoolCastlemaine Secondary CollegeCastlemaine Steiner SchoolCatholic CollegeCoolock CampusCharlton CollegeChrist The King AnglicanCollegeClarkefield Primary SchoolCohuna Secondary CollegeComet Hill Primary SchoolCreek Street Christian CollegeCrusoe Secondary CollegeDonald High SchoolEaglehawk Secondary CollegeEast Loddon P12 CollegeEchuca CollegeGirton Grammar SchoolGisborne Secondary CollegeGolden Square KindergartenGolden Square Primary SchoolHome Education NetworkKennington Primary SchoolKyneton Secondary CollegeLa Trobe University,Education DepartmentMacKillop CollegeMaiden Gully Primary SchoolMaryborough Education CentreMcGuire College, SheppartonMildura Senior CollegeNotre Dame College (Library)Payika CollegeRochester Secondary CollegeSpring Gully Primary SchoolSt Kilian’s Primary SchoolSt Mary’s Primary SchoolSt Monica’s Primary SchoolStrathdale Childcare CentreStrathfieldsaye Primary SchoolWeeroona CollegeWhite Hills Primary SchoolMEMBERSBrett & Jody AbelBarry & Joyce AckermanDenise AcocksAnn AdamGerry & Kate AdamsJ AddlemEugene & Maria AielloCordelia Aiello-Green & FamilyFelicity AitkenGillian AlbersRobbie & Ksenija AlexanderDon & Deidre AllanGail AllanGraeme & Marg AllanJacinta Allan MPGreg AllenMaree AllenJim & Angela AllenPaul AllenMarion AllenSusan AllisonRuth AndellShiralee AndersenKerrie AndersonMoya AndersonGeraldine AndersonClare AndersonLeigh & Alison AndreaMarg AndreaJulie AndrewsP Andruchow & Tony MorrisAna M AngelBarbara AnnisonPat AnquetilHarley Anstee & Desmond DalyPhilip & Glenys AnthonyMaggie AntramAM ArbuckleTrish ArmstrongCatherine Armstrong &Mark PirieMurray ArnottChristine ArnottJoan AspinallRon AttrillJacinda AugustesBrett & Yvonne BahenDonna BaileyKaren BakerBrian & Faith BakerAmy BakerPeter & Anne-Maree BakerAshlee BakerMary BakesClare BallRobert Ball & N StoneRoma BalwinHardip BangerEnid BarclayDr J Bardsley & W RadfordRoss BaringJan BarkellDr Andrew Barling &Mary WooldridgeDoug & Tali BarrettNevena BarrettJohn & Angeline BarryTerry & Pam BartelsMari Basile-Li-DonniGwen BaskettNicholas & Jackie BateNorm BatesonCarol BattenChris & Carol BattyNance BawdenWilliam & Marg BeasleySusan BeattieBrent & Wendy BeazleyMary-Anne BeckIan & Ann BeckerlegBronwyn BeerP & F BeggsMichael & Patricia BellAnn Bennett34 35

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYDulcie BennettRod & Heather BennettAnn BergBarney & Diane BeroldRichard & Helen BesleyWendy Betts & Neroli BettsNirmalene BeutlerSue BewsellIan BickfordCliff BinksMargaret BioracDr RW BirrellGraham & Elaine BishopMalcolm & Gwenyth BishopRobert & Leanne BlackDiane BlairIan & Deborah BlakeLynette BlanchWayne Blandford &Dot DawsonStephen BlissRobert & Cate BlumCarol BoagAlan & Gail BoddyHelen BodycombDr John & Nancy BomfordRobert BoniwellNoreen BoordJeffrey Booth & M BoothMary Boromeo & J BoromeoLinda BothamMarilyn BotwoodGary & Sandra BoucherMargaret BourkeCarmel BourneDanny BousounisRosemary BowmanJan Boynton & Alex MaloneGwen BradburyJohn & Ros BradburyJudith BradburyRex BramleighKay BransonJohn & June BrasierJill BreadenClinton Breeze & Elaine WatsonCatherine BrennanMichael & Anne BrignellJoan BrimacombeWarrick Broad &Rebecca PatonJudi BromagePaul Brotchie & Susan SandfordSam & Tania BroughamLaurie & Joy BrownJude BrownKevin & Merill BrownJohn & Janke BrownDr John BrownLaurie & Peta BrownGeoff & Jeanette BrownLA & JK BruinierJohn Brumby & RosemaryMcKenzieSally BryantDavid & Kiren BuckinghamClive & Janice BucklandTrevor & Wendy BudgeD & F BuergerDawn BuffhamDr Paul & Heather BuncleAllan & Diane BunnettJane BunneyRussell Burdett & Fiona LushSuzanne BurgessSandra BurnsDr Thomas & Hazel BurtonMike Butcher & Dr Y CollinsPeter Butler & Jenny GogolinAnn BuzzaDr Adrian & Lyn ByrneDaniel ByrneAngela Cahill & M OerlemansNoela T CainAnne CaldwellCA CallaghanAlicia CallaghanLeigh & Frances CallinanRob CameronR Cameron & A HoganAnn CampbellGraeme & Helen CampbellMegan CampbellColin & Pam CampbellBrett & Berni CampbellKaitlin CampbellHelen CampbellPeter Campbell & Jill RussellShiela CangleyGarry & Susan CannonRose CapuanoElizabeth CarkeekRick & Anne CarlileBrian & Beth CarneyDarren CarnieSue CarolanJoan CarrAdrian CarrAlister Carr & Lori PeacockJenny CarringtonRay Carrington & AntoinettePrenticeKaren CarterBeverley CarterAngela CarterBrian CarverRobyn CaryBrenda ChambersAJ ChampionDr Andrew Chan & FamilyAilene CharltonTony Chay & Louise MatthewsTom Cherry & Debra ChandlerJanet ChisholmGlenn & Alison ChristianTrish ChurchillAnna Clabburn & DylanThorntonAnn ClarkIan & Michelle ClarkAimee ClarkNeil ClarkDr Trevor Clark & CherylBentleyMarcia ClementsAnnette ClemmentsGreg & Emma ClohesyRuth CloseIan & Maureen CoatesLulu CockramDiana CohnD & H CoiaAndrew & Joan ColdwellJohn CollerLynne CollierYvonne CollierJennifer CollierJenni CollinsDavid & Vanessa CollinsJulie CollyerJerry ColvinPM ComerfordValda ComerfordDavid Conley & Janet RussellMC ConnKym ConnellAnn-Maree ConnersWilliam & Bridget ConroyDeborah ConwellNorma CookSue CookAnika CookJulie CookeTerry & Di CooperAnne CooperLynne CooperDr Andrew Cope & J TudorGordon Cope-WilliamsDr Murray & Samantha CordellLiz CordellJohn & Lyn CornishTherese CostelloePatti CottonBruce & Robin CottrillMurray CouchWilliam & Pam CoulterPeter Covington-ThomasGary Cowdery & OliverCowderyMr & Mrs AD CowlingJohn & Jeanette CoxValerie CoxVivienne CoxDr Peter Cox & Sarah CoxLynne CoyleEllen CoyleDianne CrawfordMichael & Linda CrawfordKen & Marian CrazeEwen Crockett &Deborah FabbroTrevor Crockford &Leigh IndianDarryl CromptonDr Karen CrookJohn & Julie CroweJennifer CrowleMichael CullinGreg & Tricia CurrieNorman Dack & Grae DackDack FamilyIan Dallas & Judy HallAlan & Myrtle DarbyFrances DavernBrian & Yvonne DaveyStewart & Sandra DaveySue DavidsonJohn & Zenaida DavidsonCled & Penny DaviesLyn DaviesChristina DaviesRosemary DaviesOwen & Pam DaviesJill DaviesNaarah DawesAnthony DawsonPrue DayJeanette DazkiwPhilip De AraugoDirk & Liz De MooreKevin de Vries & L FabianDavid & Bronnie DeanIan & Rosie DeanGalena DebneyDr Craig & Liz DeedD DegenhardtMJ DennettPaulie Dennis &Amy HarringtonMargaret Vera DentAnna & John DentonChristine DerbyDr D & B DevidasJoy DewJennifer DillonProf Peter Disler & Sally DislerLawrence & Deidre DobellLouise DoddrellAngela DoleMaureen DonovanDoug DoranBeverley DownieDavid & Meg DownieKevin & Janette DoyleDianne DraperJudy DrewMartin & Beverley DriscollMarion DrummondDr Alan & Angela DudleyLinda DuffyMarianne DunnWG & IR DunnKristen DyerShelley DyettChris & Narelle EarlTom & Faye EarnshawScott & Rebecca EatonJennifer EbswothG Eckersley & Michele HarrisPhilip & Sally EddyBrian Edebohls & Sue JamesJohn & Ruth EdelstenLawrie & Judith EdwardRebecca EdwardsJefferey & Sandra EdwardsDr Wolfgang & RozlynEffenbergTheresa EganMichael & Maureen EganPeter & Shirley ElliottJonathon EllisChristopher EllisDarryn & Diane EllisCliff & Norma EllisRussell EnglishChristopher & Melissa EpworthPaul Epworth & Linda EpworthSuzanne EreautRicky & Sharan ErmelJim & Coral EvansRichard & Judith EvansJune EverardEvery & Trinette EveryFrances FallonDr Quentin Farmar-Bowers &Jane FisherEstelle FarrarShelley FawdryJenny FeissClare FennessyCarol FenselauJoan FergusonPC FeruglioRex & Judi FisherDi FisherLeslie Fisher & Kylie ClarkDr Allyn Fisher & M WrightS FitzpatrickCarmel FitzpatrickWilliam & Amanda FlemingJason & Collette FletcherChristine FletcherBrian FlorenceFrank & Margaret Mary FlynnCharles & Yvonne FoleyGraeme & Greta ForbesAnn ForbesPeter & Debbie ForbesCarole FordGlenn & Barb FordhamPeter Foreman &Dr N StratfordWM & BJ ForsythRoberta FosterPeter & Clare FountainGail FowlerJohn & Mary FoxGary & Rosemary FraserBelinda FraserMichael FrazerElaine FrenchNell FrysteenSusan FurnessEstelle FyffeDr C Fyffe & J McCubberyFiona GaingerRoss GalvinPhilip & Mary Grace GambinEllen GammonLida GartonPeter & Jessica GarvinDiane GeeLyn GerdsenVivian GeyerMary GibbsJoanne GibbsJohn W & Julie A GibsonMichael & Linda GibsonMary GibsonNeil GibsonLyn GilbertNoreen GillMaureen GillDee GillLee GillespieH.D. GillespieKen GilmoreMaria GirardiNeil & Sandrah GladmanLorraine GlazebrookMelissa GleisnerPeter & Jenny GoddardJanene GoddenThea GodenziRobert & Louise GoldsmithMr & Mrs Donald GoldsworthyJE Goodchild-CuffleyBenjamin & Michelle GoodeDavid & Margaret GoodwinRod GooldDr John & Kathryn GoreyWarwick GormanCraig Gough & W StavrianosMalcolm GouldHelen GourlayAlexa GowerDorothy GrahamLyn GrahamDugald & Annabelle GrahamHelen GraingerJanet GrayMarino & Jenni GrebloPaul Greblo & Karen SorensenNatalie GreenRon & Ilze GreenJanetta GreenFrank GreenTrudy GreenAlastair & Brenda GreenallSharon GreenawayDamian & Ellen GriffinShirley Ann GriffinLorraine GriffithsDr Mark GussyJane Gustus-Callanan &Angie LausselTrish GuthrieJanine HaddowCliff HaleRoma ME HaleyMurray D HallValerie HallMarg HallMerle D HallHilma HallamDenis & Joan HalpinJenni HamKaye HamiltonBrendan & Lindee HamiltonJoan HandleyJohn Handley & Janet SpinkRodney & Jeanette HansonMargaret HansonDr Jackson & Dr Jo HardingPeter & Suzanne HardingJacquelyn HardwickJohn & Ann HardyDale HardyAnn C HargreavesMarina HaritosTrudi HarleyVicki Jude HarrisCatherine HarrisSusan HarrisonSamuel Harrison & L BryantPhilippa HartneyShane Hartney & S OakesMik Hartshorn & Lisa CoxSuzette Hartwell &Margo HartwellDianne Harvey &Ronald HowlandP Haskett & M FordElizabeth HatchardLester & Sandra HawPrue HawkeySue HawkeyErroll & Jan HayOwen Hayden &Leonie DickinsLissa HayesJune HayesFaye HaymanDianne HaynesJohn HaythorneJo HaythorneElizabeth HeathcotePeter & Catherine HekmeijerGreg & Jane HellstenJosephine HennessyRichard HensonTom HentyElaine HerbertMax & Joy HermanHelen HerrickDavid & Antoinette HewittHelen HickeyAndrew Higgs &Ellie-Jean HiggsDavid HillsPeter HillsDion HintonPaula HintonPat HoareGeoff & Christine HockingP & J HockingDr Lesley & Richard HodgsonErin HokinKaren HollandAnnette HollandR & H HollisDr Chris Holmes & Dr KMartensKerry HoltM HooperWendie HooperHamish & Georgina HopeDr Louisa Hope & Gary MollerBeth HopkinsDr Pat HoranAnn HorrocksJulie HoughDorothy HouldenNoel & Ann HoweGraeme Howie &Kerry WhelanEunice HoyneKen & Wendy HubbardTony & Amanda HubberJoolee HughesDave & Eliza HughesJulia HughesShirley HumphreysBarrie & Joan HunterAndrew HuntleyJudy HutchinsTim & Cathy HutchisonGeorge HuttonChris HydePeter & Marlene HyettTrevor & Lynn HylandLisa IngersollCarole IngersollRoberta IrelandHazel IresonNeale IrvingMargaret IserM IvankaDianne JackChris JacksenRobert & Sandra JacksonNeil & Michelle JacksonPeter & Jenni JacksonRowena Jackson & Kim JacksonLinda JacobsGunther JakitschDr Mark & Sue JallandRosemary JamesThomas & Nic JamesKietha JamiesonSonia JardineLois JasperRosalind JeanCatherine JenkinAndrew & Margaret JenkinIrene JenkinsGeoff Jenkins & Louise HarveyJohn Jennings & D KellyLaureen JinksWin JodellWarwick & Yvonne JohansonDennis & Philippa JohansonBlyth & Josephine JohnsonDavid & Eve JohnstonDr R Findlay &Maureen JohnstonDr Helen JonasAnthea JonesRev H JonesJohn JonesChris & Jane JonesC JordanMichael JordanPauline JubbRobert & Christine JubberGlenys Judd & Lisa JuddElly JukesMargaret JusticeStephen & Julie KairnTony KaneMargaret Kane & Jeanette ClarkAlex Karam & Jan LawsonBarry & Helen KeaneDianne KeatingJ Keating & J WantrupNola Keech & Helen KeechSherold KelleherBill Kemp &Helen Varner-KempCraig KendalHeather KennedyPeter & Jennifer Kennedy36 37

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>BENDIGO ART GALLERYPatricia KennedyGeoff & Ann KerrMarie KerrJanet KerrJoan Kerr & Eliza McKennaMal & Sue KerstingNeil & Jane KeyteMorva KidricNoel KilbyJudy KingRuth KingDr & Mrs NC KingE Kingerlee & F KingerleeLinda KirkmanPaul & Clare KirkpatrickDr Wallace & Joan KirsopChris Kirtley & Karin FlynnM & C KlavinsStan KluzekAntony Knichala &Tanya BytschkauCarol KnowlesJeffrey & Alison KnowlesJosephine KnoxJanet KristenAlistair & Christine LaityPatrizia LamaroAlison LamaroPeter LamaroKeith LambRussell & Veronica LambSuzanne LambJulie LancashireJohn & Lynnette LaneVictor & Margaret LaneMarion LangJoanna Langdale & VernLangdaleEileen LangridgeBrian Lauder & J GreenwayYolette LaventureMichael & Karen LaveryThomas C LaveyDarryl LaveyRobert LawrenceDr JR Lawry & MI LawryJim & Susan LawsonDrew Lawson & Fiona GardnerDavid & Tanya LeaDianne LeachJane LeahyJanet LebekMark & Helen LeesBeverley LeesonAudrey LeheyJean LehmannEvelyn LehmannMargaret & Annie LenaghanJennifer LenaghanDr Christopher & Yuliya LenardHelen LentenDr S & A.W.D. LepperVirginia LesterJohn & Jennifer LethleanTony & Luisa LethleanDon LevershaRichard LevyMichael & Carola LewisDavid LewisDr Elizabeth LewisRay & Moira LewisBryan Lewis & Julie HopperElsie L’HuillierStan Liacos & Dr Ewa PiejkoPeter & Dale LittleDr Keith & Joanne LivingstoneBronwyn LockhartMargaret LoftHilary LoftusGeoff Logan & Richard LayMilton LongPeter & Helen LongRoz LongJordana LoryJune LoryColin & Valerie LovejoyVen Tenzin LozangJanine LudemanJohn & Elaine LudemanTom & Libby LukeS & C Lyddy-MeaneyHelen LynchDavid & Gina MacauleyDr Peter & Helen MacCallumFiona MacdonaldElaine MacdonaldMalcolm & Aileen MacdonaldMalcolm & Brenda MacdonaldAnna MacgowanH Mackechnie & S HoggKenneth & Leila MacKinnonVictoria MactierJeffrey Maddock & WillyMaddockBruce & Helen MainkaDr Stewart & Doris MalcolmNeil & Jan MalingFred & Susan MalleyDr J & S ManderLyla ManigianRobyn MannesJames MannixAlma MannixAnn MaraldoKen & Sharon MarchingoJane Sara MarksGeorge & Rosemary MarriottMonsignor Frank MarriottSheryn Marsden & B PhillipsRose MartinPam MartinKevin & Suzanne MartinMichael Martin & P ‚Joan‘ BellDamien MasonRobert & Pamela MasonA MathesonGraham MathewsRobert & Pauline MathrickRobert & Jennifer MatthewsKeryn Matthews &Alix MatthewsJD MayNigel May & Stella StuthridgeMr & Mrs CB MayorHelen MayorIan & Ann McAlpinRoger & Mercia McBurneyM H McCabeJane McCaigAlan & Beverley McCaigElaine McCannGlenice McCarthyValerie McCarthyTim McCartinMr & Mrs McCaskillSue McClureBrian McColl & Mary PalmerNancy McColl BowenCarol McCookeChristopher &Heidi McCormackDr D & Y McCredieHelen McCubbinLorraine McDowallElaine McEvoyMichael & Marga McEvoyKevin McGrathSuzanne McIntoshDr Lawrence McIntosh &Dr Viola SutherlandH.M. McIntyrePeter McKean & Janet CropleyClaire McKellarPaul McKenna & Jillian KerrDavid & Lisa McKenzieCarolyn McKenzieMarc McKenzie & Susan LovellSimon & Susana McKeownGreg McKerlie & D JohnstonSteve & Lorraine McKerrowTerrence & Alison McKiterickMarilyn McKnightDr Dugald McLellanJane McLennanCarolyn McLennanChristine McLeodKen McLeodChristopher McLoughlinJohn & Beth McMahonFiona McMahonJoe & Denise McMahonHelen McMaster-SmithDagmar McNamaraGail McNaultyDJ McPhersonJohn McPhersonKirstie McRobertThomas McVicarClive McWatersWilma MeggsJane MelhuishTony MellorEmily MerchantJane MerchantGlen & Joyce MertensGeorgina MeyerJack Michael & Deb BartelsGeoff MichellKay MiddlemisDr Gregory MilesRohan & Amanda MillarJoan MillardJulie MillowickJill Millson & B GutteridgeIan & Ceri MilneCarol MilneSusannah MilneAnne MilteDavid & Jennifer MitchellKeith & Josephine MitchenerMaxwell Mollard &K MackenzieKaye MoloneyIan & Rosemary MonottiElli MonroJill MonroJohn Monteath & Claire WillsBarry & Dorothy MoonAnne MooreHA MoorsDeb MoreheartChris & Lyn MoreyGeraldine MorganJanet MoritzLee & Wendy MorrisBetty MorrisAnn MorrisAndrew & Lyndal MorrisKen & Doris MorrisonJanette MorrisonAlexander MorrisonWendy MortonJohn Morton & Joan MullenP Morton & J KennedyTimothy Moss &Marcus GardnerCrawford & Annette MouatChris Moule & Vivien PellsTerry Mounsey & Lynn RoderMeredith MountfordLeah Mow-YoffeeTrish MudgeOtto & Helga MuellerDavid Muir & R MuirJohn Mulder & Anne HepnerKim MullerJanet MullerPenelope MullinsMark & Louise MulqueenGlenda MurdochPaul MurphyFiona MurrayAnne MurrayCharles MurrayHelen MurrayP Murrowood & A ShanahanFA & HR MuskJessi MustonNicole NagleJH NapierHelen NashPaul & Ruth NeathJohn & Ailsa NeilGraham & Barbara NeivandtMary E NesbitVivien NewtonSusan NewtonGlenys NewtonKathryn NeylonSharon NiblettDr Ray & Marcia NicholAthol Nicholas & Heather FryJames & Gillian NichollsRev David Nichols &D McMillanCraig & Jill NiemannClaire NihillHeather NixonDr Andrea NoarJacqueline NoonanJW NorrisNancy NorrisPaul NorthamLeigh NortonEL & AS NuttallBruce Oakman &Dr Barbara CoishPaula O’BeckettChris & Joan O’BrienBarry & Bev O’BrienJohn & Elizabeth O’BrienRita O’BrienMaureen O’ConnellAnn O’ConnorMartin O’Connor &Harriet BarriteBrendan O’DonoghueJudy O’DonoghueEllen O’GallagherPaul O’Hare & Jo-anne StarrM.J. & J.S. OliverMargery OliverJohn & Jennifer OlverSimon O’MallonBelinda O’MearaStephen O’Neil &Frances GibsonGraham Opie &Heather CattanachBrian Kenneth &Margaret OrchardPaul & Barbara O’ReganDiana Orinda BurnsShirley OrrSally OsborneTrevor Osborne &Kay OsborneLesley OsenieksSuzie O’SheaFran O’SullivanDeirdre OuthredElsie PageDouglas & Rosalie PallingAndrew PalmerJean Eve ParadiseKerry ParkerAilene ParkerLyn ParkerYvonne ParsonsErica PascoeChristine PascoeFran Pascoe &Helen ByrneIan & Linda PatersonJulie PateyJanette PatfordLouise PayneGeoff & Ruth PaynterGreg PayntingJudith PearmainValerie PearsonChristopher &Susan PearsonEliza PenderPaul PennoDr Travis & Hiranthi PereraGraeme PerryEdith PerryPeter PerryMichelle PerryJaclyn PetersMark & Kaye PetersenDavid PetersenJulie PhelanValerie PhillipsNorman PhillipsKrista PhillipsGeoffrey & Fay PhillipsAndrew Pickles &Jasmine VendargonGraeme & Patricia PilcherLiam PilcherRebecca PilcherTrish PilleyAlexander PinksterKevin Pittman & Anita LoweRudolf PlantenJohn & Chris PloogLeonie PlunkettKen & Anne-Maree PoffengerDr Ian Poker & L PokerRodric PolaJohn Pollock & B RossGlenn Pomeroy &Anna KelliherBernadette PompeiJoan PonsfordTerry & Helene PorterDenis & Myra PotterMark & Maureen PowerDr Vaughan & Sue PrainHans PrangePaul PrendergastLaurie & Mary PrestonSusan PriceDouglas PringleRonda ProwseM & N PruterGeoff & Pam PryorDavid Pugh & J U’renDr Andrew Purcell &T Nielsen-PurcellMurray & Emelita PurkissLyle PyersEllie QuickGJ QuinnJim & Sue-Ellen RadfordNatalie RadomskiScott RamsayIlse RamsayValentine RatnayekeScott RaysonMary RebbechiKeith & Merike RedenbachJudy Redmile & Sue FarrowBill & Heather RedmondElizabeth RedmondSharon ReevesLyn ReidNB & J ReidFabian & Elsa ReidPaul & Mary ReidBarbara ReillyClaire ReynoldsPhil & Kathy RiceNoel T RichardsPamela Richards &E Richards-JonesDavid & Louise RichardsonMr & Mrs Richardson-CollinsK & M RichmondHeather RidgeNorah RigbyL & M RiggallMartin Rimmon & RachelHannanDenise RobertsHazel RobertsEmily RobertsPeter RobertsTim & Diane RobertsonVal RobertsonAlice RobinsPam RobinsonEvi RobinsonSue Elizabeth RobinsonPaul & Alida RobinsonAnnette RobinsonRachael RoesslerSue RogersJanet RogersJim & Pauline RolfeCarl Rolfe & Zerin KnightClaire RoperRobert & Pippa RorkeDanny RoseMichael & Gill RosierSally Ann RoutledgeJohn RoweCarol RoweWendy RoweTom RowlesS RuddockJeff & Judith RuffMargaret RuleJoan RuleChris & Bernadette RuleFrances RussellJennifer RutherfordPeter RyallPaul & Jennie RyanPaul & Trudi RyanGary & Jenni RyanBernadette RyanCynthia Ryan-SchauerJohn & Rhonda RyeEve SalterDes SamsonJan SavageJohn Savage & S SinnattPrue SayerSamara ScarffKen ScarffMichael & Brenda SchaeferDr David Schepisi &Dr Christine SchepisiGlen SchierAxel & Pat ScholzLyn SchroederJohn SchutzSally ScottCheryl ScullyDr Peter & Dianne SearleTom SeddonFrances SeidelRobert SeipoltBarbara SemlerDiane SemmensRosalind SemmensMaxine SempleBill & Sandra SempleDianne SeniorKerrie Sens & Lushelle SensK SessionsAnn ShanahanMarie SharkeyMR SharpeRobert & Dawn ShawEdna ShawG SheehanDr Charles & Dr Peta SherlockAnne SherwoodTony SherwoodJesse Sherwood & Jenny StewartJudy ShuterPenny SilverDebra SimmondsTerry & Lorraine SimmonsJan SimpsonMark SimpsonAndrew Sinclair &Sonia CollardIsobelle SirianniRoger & Tina SlatterTracey SlingsbyTony SmarkElaine SmartAndrew & Kate SmithAnne SmithAndrea SmithJoan SmithLouise SmithDr Diana SmithGraham & Jan SmithAnne SmithShaneen SmithGarry & Stephanie SmithIan & Diana SmithDr John SmithMegan SmithMaureen SmithKay Smith & Russell PilleyAlan Smith & G SaundersHeather SomervilleAlan & Margot SpaldingDr Michael & Lyn SpillaneRod & Gillian SpittyT & R SpurlingPeter & Julie SpurlingJack & Pam SquireLorraine StaehrJohn StanistreetPeter & Merril StanleySamantha StantonJudith StaudteLeonie SteadPeter & Anne StephensMargaret StephensBeverley StephensDavid Stephensen& Dr Sue JeavonsMarjory Stevens38 39

<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>10</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>Candy StevensMr & Mrs W StevensonJohn & Rosemary StewartG StewartIan Stewart & Regina ClarkPatricia StirlingEthel StirlingMartin StokesStephen & Jennifer StreetKaren StringerTherese StrudwickBetty StuartCliff Stubbs & MaureenO’ConnorJohn StylesMarlene SullivanRichard Sullivan &Prue McAdamRhonda SuttonMurray & Mary SweeneyDenis Sweetnam &Helen ChristofisJan SwiftJudy SwiftGlen SwineyGillian SymondsAnn Szappanos & V SzappanosNeil & Catherine TaitDr Lyn Talbot & DavidStuchberyDr HM & JE TamanikaPeter TangeyMarilyn TangeyJenny Tatchell & Pauline SpeedyErma TattersallLois TaylorFr Joe TaylorFiona Taylor & Meg TaylorAEA TeagueJ & J Teh & E TehMakarand & Madhavi TembePeter & Nicky TepperLaurie & Paula ThatcherG ThomasMelville & Carolyn ThomasGlenda ThomasMary ThomasKaren ThomasDr Faith ThompsonBrian J ThompsonCarl ThompsonSasanna ThomsonSteven & Natasha ThomsonHelen ThomsonJanet ThomsonJean ThornePatrick,Glenda, Caitlin ThwaitesElizabeth TilleyLiz TobiasDr John Togno & Dr J ParrattDr Helen Tom & V SawenkoRobert & Jenny ToonPhyllis ToyColin & Jennifer TraceyLeo & Charron TrainorRosalie TrapnellAnna TraversoEliza TreeWendy TregenzaJanice TresizeLee-Anne TrewarthaFrances TrioloMellanie TrowellJanet TuckerDr Philip & Elizabeth TuneDr Sandra TunleyGJ TuoheyPaul TurnbullJS & AC TurnbullKen Turnbull & Sarah TurnbullGarth & Marlene Rae TurnerPhillip TurnerDick Turner & Jan LancasterAnne TweedW & L TyackPeter TyndallInes TysonRob & Valerie UpsonSheenah Van EckW & E Van EmmerikSjef Van OosterwijckWillem & Gail Van ZeistRosalie VanstanKim VartiainenNancy VaughanBjorn & Sue VedelsbyLinda VeroneseAdrian & Glenda VerrinderChris Vigor & David CrockerWes & Pam VineAnita Von BibraDenise WachHeather WalkerDianne WallWilliam & Maree WallaceDuncan Wallis & E BryantPaul & Kathy WalshTricia WalshJosephine WalshMark Walters &Dianne DempseyHelen WansinkJane WarneGary & Judy WarnestJenny WarrenLarisa WasiljewJohn & Kaye WatsonKate WattsDr Peter Wearne & Polly ShawHelen WebbKathryn WeedonDr Michael & Christine WeetchP Weinstock & L BoutardAnn WeirJohn & Patricia WellardJack Wellard & JosephinePonsfordJohn & Gillian WellsMark & Leonie WeragodaNorm & Janice WestEilish WhelanJohn & Frances WhelanDavid WhiteJoanne WhiteKeith WhiteStephen WhiteAustin White & Leonie JoyceKate WhitecrossLynette WhitecrossHaidee WhitsedAlexandra WiberNorm & Bev WildMaurice & Margaret WildJune WildeAnne WilkinHarvey & Carol WilkinsPaul & Kelli WilkinsonAndrew Wilkinson &Dr Siobhan DobellHelen WilliamsWallace & Irene WilliamsJohn & Susan WilliamsRoger & Joy WilliamsJames WilliamsGreg & Helen WilliamsGerald & Pam WilliamsonE WillmanAthol Willoughby OAM &J O’DonnellDarylle WilsonElaine WilsonAD WilsonDr & Mrs RG WilsonMichele WithamMichael WolfeGeorge & Chris WoodWalter & Helen WoodVince WoodSandra WoolseMargaret WraightNola WrightNancy WyattChristina YaoRobert & Kerrin YatesRobert & Anne YoungJoan ZakulaMarlene ZeuschnerPeter & Georgina ZurcasMartin Zweep & Carolyn LongRight:Stephen BushThe Lure of Paris #22 2002oil on linen<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>The Gift of Grace and Alec Craig,<strong>Bendigo</strong>, Victoria 20<strong>10</strong>Courtesy of the artist andSutton <strong>Gallery</strong>, MelbournePhotograph: Ian Hill40

<strong>Bendigo</strong> <strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> is proudly ownedand operated by the City of Greater<strong>Bendigo</strong> with additional supportprovided by <strong>Art</strong>s VictoriaCorporate SponsorsMedia Sponsor<strong>Bendigo</strong><strong>Art</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>42 VIEW STBENDIGOVICTORIA 3550T 03 5434 6088F 03 5443 6586

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