TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry


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PROMOTIONLIVE YOUR DREAMS!Dawnette Dobrick joined <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> as a Sales Vice President in 2006. Once she heard the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>opportunity, she quickly shared what she had discovered with everyone who would listen, and herbusiness soared! As a result, in less than a year, Dawnette, along with her husband and partner, Al,qualified for the position of Company Vice President.At February’s Convention, Dawnette recounted that as a young girl, she always dreamed that when shegrew up she would be a successful business woman, a wife and a mother. She envisioned herself with athriving career, earning a six-figure income, but being able to stay home with her family. (When youthink about her dream, it actually looks as if she was dreaming of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, but just didn’t know ourname!) After trying out several business ventures, including selling real estate, she happened upon directsales and finally found her niche! Once she arrived on the door step of Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, she KNEWshe was home!With a growing family, including two small boys, she is now able to enjoy the best of all worlds. Dawnetteloves helping other women (and all people) realize their potential. But, it ALL started with a dream! Beloware some steps that Dawnette suggests each person take when striving to live their OWN dream:· Determine YOUR own dream!· Make your dream specific in terms of what you want your life to look like; how much money do youwant to earn with <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>?· You must take the first step towards achieving your dream.· You must believe that you can achieve your dream.· You must continue to visualize your dream, just as you would look at a map to guide you to yourdestination.· Keep your focus on your dream. Cut out pictures from magazines and create a “vision board”where you can look at your goals and dreams daily.Use the power of positive thinking to support your dream. According to a quote from Henry Ford,“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, either way, YOU are RIGHT!”Dawnette showcased two people that had a dream: Shirley LeVin and Oprah Winfrey. She pointedout that both of these highly successful women started from humble beginnings and each had adream! Through various circumstances and after many years of perseverance and hard work, thesetwo women have each achieved their dream! Even though they both experienced obstacles (being toldthat they couldn’t make it), they persisted and went on to become very successful in their respectivefields and continue today to help other women achieve their dreams!Dawnette closed with challenging our Convention audience to determine their dreams and goals! Sheasked them to “write their own weekly check”; to enter the amount that they wanted to earn from <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong>! She declared to the audience, “The Time is NOW! To Have a Dream…Create a Vision!...Set aGoal!...Make a Plan!...and PLAN to WORK!” She gave everyone in the Convention audience theopportunity, the inspiration, and the tools to establish their own path for 2007 and beyond! Our thanks,Dawnette, for sharing your vision for all who choose to live their dreams!30 The Network

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