TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry


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· Mention Mother’s Day gift shopping in every conversation.· Past Hostesses – re-book them or ask them to call on the guests whoattended their show and take orders.<strong>TPW</strong>· Host your own show(s).· Try to make the new bookings you add to <strong>TPW</strong> be double or triplehostess shows.· Suggest to <strong>TPW</strong> hostesses that they “partner-up” with a friend; two shows at once!· Hold a multiple hostess event.· Place your OWN order for Mother’s Day gifts.· Don’t wait until the last minute to compile and submit orders. Send them in as you receive them so the task isnot overwhelming and to avoid any last-minute deadline panic!· Ask your family for their support and assistance during your contest. Depending on the age of your children,you might assign them little jobs so they feel a part of your effort and then offer a treat or reward at the end ofthe campaign to show your appreciation for their cooperation.<strong>TPW</strong> Recognition and RewardsAbsolutely EVERYONE can get into the spirit of giving their best performance. Every <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r with total personalsales of $500 to $999 during Top Performance Weeks, will be rewarded with a catalog gift certificate. And then thereare the phenomenal awards you can receive for exerting extra effort during this two-week contest! For personal salesstarting at $1000 and up, you can earn the stunning and unique Fabulous Fusion Gems necklace, earrings and bracelet.With one recruit, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> will present you with the matching ring. One MORE recruit, and you’ll be gifted with astunning new designer outfit!Take it up a notch and you’ll find yourself in the running for one of the top ten positions company-wide in sales and/orone of the top ten recruiters company-wide! What a thrill it will be to have YOUR name be announced as you arecalled to Convention stage where your name card is placed in a drawing with the other nine top achievers! There willbe TWO drawings for $500 cash; one for the top ten in personal sales and one for the top ten in personal recruiting…not to mention the custom-designed French crystal vase that will be awarded to the Number One Top Performer insales and in recruiting! And we haven’t even begun to describe all the AMAZING awards for GROUP performance!Carefully study your <strong>TPW</strong> contest brochure and set your goal to be a Top Performer in Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>!Life AFTER Top Performance WeeksTake a glimpse into the near future. Yes, you were amazing! You accomplished more, far more, during those <strong>TPW</strong>dates than you ever accomplished before in any other two-week timeframe. You worked it and worked it. You haddouble and triple shows, multiple hostess events, and big home shows with lots of people in attendance. You arrangedpersonal one-on-one shopping appointments and set up displays whenever you did not have a show or appointment.You had your agents out gathering orders for you and even your husband and kids got into the act. You searched forand found recruit prospects and now have tons of leads generated by the Referral Rewards offer for April.Good job! And the size of your check will reflect all your extra effort. But, now is NOT the time to kickback and rest onyour laurels. You fired up the engine and got it going at full steam, so don’t throw it back into idle. You are on a roll!You have the momentum you need to make a lot of things happen. Cancun is closer than ever; you can almost taste it.Your promotion to the next level is calling to you.The key to realizing your immediate goals is to follow through on all the progress and prospects you made during <strong>TPW</strong>.Plan a Hostess Appreciation Party and an Opportunity event. Set up interviews and Intro shows for all those recruits.Call back every hostess and customer who helped you win your <strong>TPW</strong> awards. Thank them and strike up a conversationabout <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. There are bookings and recruits in that crowd; just follow through and follow up.Keep your fire stoked. Maintain that burning desire that motivated you to win all those fabulous <strong>TPW</strong> awards. Inactuality, if you work it right, the leads and prospects you developed DURING <strong>TPW</strong> will actually net sweeter resultsAFTER <strong>TPW</strong> is over. Follow through and work your leads and you will take your business WAY over the TOP!Yes, life after <strong>TPW</strong> can be very, very good indeed!APRIL 2007 3

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