TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry


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<strong>Lane</strong>tte Souder-Tapia &Lisa BrownLisa Brown, Area Manager (Tammra Gravesorganization) lives in San Diego, California. Sheis part of a fast-growing team led by newly-promotedDivision Manager, <strong>Lane</strong>tte Souder-Tapia.CONVENTIONLisa is a perfect example of just how much theConvention experience can impact the business of someone who is new to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>.Listen to Lisa’s words as she describes her FIRST Conventionexperience!“I run a school age daycare out of my home in which I have 14 children every day. I am alsoa realtor, so when <strong>Lane</strong>tte told me she had just started a new business two weeks earlier, and asked if I would have ajewelry party at my house, I replied with ‘Oh <strong>Lane</strong>tte, I’m so busy’. But to support my friend in her new venture, ofcourse I had that party, and oh, how my life has changed ever since!I was so impressed with the jewelry I wanted to earn everything for free. I started asking <strong>Lane</strong>tte lots of questions.‘How many parties would I have to have to get everything? How much money do you make partying? etc.’ So, after myparty, <strong>Lane</strong>tte explained how to get lots of free jewelry, get paid to wear it, and THEN she told me how I had just earnedmy starter kit worth $1,000! I said, ‘Are you kidding me? That’s the easiest business I’ve ever started!’ I have beenself-employed my entire adult life. And I thought I was too busy! Starting <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> on Nov. 6 th , 2006, was one of thebest decisions I’ve made.Then I was told about the upcoming Las Vegas Convention. I said well, ‘I won’t know anyone and I’m to new to thebusiness’. Again, there was <strong>Lane</strong>tte saying, ‘I’m going, you can go too, invite a friend, we’ll share a room and drivetogether’. So of course I went to the Convention. That was the second best decision I made.I came home from The Las Vegas Convention a new person. I met so many positive people with great attitudes.Everyone was so helpful and nice to others. It made me want to be a better person, not only to other <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs, butto everyone. I was inspired from hearing the different speakers share about the personal success you canachieve with the company and was amazed to hear how fast you can grow and promote. I was alsoimpressed with the LeVin family and how involved they all are. I felt like I was part of a small family business. It justso happens that this small family business has thousands and thousands of family members. I start every one of myparties by telling the guests about this wonderful family’s story and how it all started.Before the convention I just wanted lots of free jewelry (who doesn’t) and a little extra cash. Since going to the conventionI have an entire new set of goals. Within three weeks of returning from convention I went from Branch Director toArea Manager. Now I want to be a Division Manager with a huge team of wonderful women with me.Oh! And the great ideas we came home with! One of my favorite ideas from convention was, ‘Party in a bag’. Send acute little bag with a catalog, order forms, one roll of jewelry, a drink and a snack to work with your family,friends, anyone and everyone. They take it to work with them on a Monday and return it to you on a Friday, and voila!...You had 5 parties in one week without leaving your house!We were so excited by what we learned at convention! The six hour ride home from Las Vegas was all about brainstorming.There were five of our team members in the car and did we ever come up with somefantastic ideas! Here are some of them: Have a table at job fairs to attract recruits, advertise with women’s groups,labels on your catalogs to explain the great pricing details (bonus items) and how they can receive FREE jewelry, andlast but not least....ALWAYS, ALWAYS dress your family and friends in Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> and send them with plentyof business cards whenever they are going out anywhere. Our team is closer than ever and we all support each otherfully. A TEAM THAT WORKS TOGETHER SUCCEEDS TOGETHER!!!”That says it all, Lisa! Your enthusiasm shines right through your words! Congratulations on your successand keep on growing! With your excitement it’s a sure bet that, for you, the BEST is yet to come!APRIL 2007 27

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