TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry


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SPONSORINGEvery Which Way but Loose!So you say you are serious about sponsoring. You want to share. You want toadvance. You want to grow and you want to win. Cancun is looming large andyou are determined to go. Recruiting is the ticket to it all. Successful recruitersknow that there is more than ONE way to get their message across. In fact,they will approach sharing “every which way”… until at least ONE WAY works!From sports to business to direct sales, the pro recruiters in any industry wouldagree that it often takes putting the offer or message out there three, four, ormore times before a prospect comes to the table. Doesn’t it then make sense,to deliver your invitation to join <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> more than just once and in more thanjust one way? At each show, try to incorporate ALL of these WAYS to createinterest in the<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity.• Open recruiting• Referral recruiting• Selective recruitingOPEN recruitingDeliver a recruiting talk/commercial at each show highlighting the advantages and excitement of being a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Director. Makethe guests aware that we are looking for new Directors in the area. Openly invite every guest to ask for more information. Followthrough during Order Conditioning by extending the offer to hear more about our opportunity to each guest individually; if they do nottake you up on your offer, ask them if they perhaps know someone they could recommend.REFERRAL recruitingOnce the show guests have heard your recruiting/commercial, and you’ve extended the offer to hear more, take it a step further byasking them who they know. Encourage guests to become <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> “talent scouts” and refer people they think would be good at<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> and for whom <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> could be the ideal opportunity. Remember to add that while no experience is necessary, <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> does offer a direct appointment to managers who have Party Plan experience. During Order Conditioning, individually ask eachguest/customer if they had thought of someone they could recommend to you.SELECTIVE recruitingAt most every show you will be introduced to guests that exhibit certain characteristics, qualities, and/or relate a “story” that drawsyour attention. Something about them makes your recruiting “antenna” go up! It may be the woman who is expecting and talksabout not wanting to return to her full-time job. It may be the popular fun-loving, life-of-the-party guest, or the sharp-dressed one whoexudes a flair for fashion. It could be the woman with the bubbly personality who you overhear talking about being laid-off from herjob. Whatever it is that you see or hear or learn about a person may very well place them at the top of your “Selective” recruit list.Approach the person and tell them what’s on your mind. Be sincere. Compliment them and let them know what it is about them thathas you believing they and <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> would be a perfect match. Selective recruiting is easy to do; who doesn’t like to becomplimented? It’s flattering to be told that someone genuinely likes you and wants to share with you.Select specific prospects at each show and strike up a conversation designed to spark their interest. Then suggest that you gettogether for lunch or for coffee so that you can share more about <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s business opportunity. Send them home with anopportunity tape/CD & literature. Follow through within 24 hours to arrange a meeting with them.Your hostess falls into the “selective” recruiting category. Start planting seeds at the show where you meet her and continue to talkabout the opportunity throughout the coaching process. If she expresses interest, arrange to interview her BEFORE her show so thatyou can convert the format of the presentation to an Introductory Show. Is she still on the fence? Then use the forum of her show toenroll her guests in convincing her she’d be great at <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>!You certainly don’t want to overlook a potential recruit or someone they might refer. Nor do you want to fail to notice someone whomight have been interested if only you had offered some encouragement and pursued them a little. If you approach recruiting “everywhich way”, you will avoid letting new prospects “get loose"!24 The Network

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