TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry


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On a “STAR SEARCH”…With over 40 years of successful directsales experience, Sales Vice PresidentPat Hemmings, from Ohio, joined<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> after “flunking retirement”…(according to Pat)!SPONSORINGIn her own eyes, she is a wife, a mom, anda grandma who simply LOVES to addsparkle to people’s lives! Of course, she isreferring to “recruiting”; the art of sharing<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> with everyone that she meets.She says she looks for clusters of peoplejust like clusters of stars! At the LasVegas Convention, Pat spoke about HOW she recruits and theattendees in the audience had the privilege of benefiting from hermany years of successful business-building philosophy and techniques.Some thoughts on recruiting from Pat Hemmings:“Recruiting is like breathing…it comes naturally…just try asking people who they know. Look for a‘Twinkling Star’…the one who has a twinkle in her eye. She’s the one who said ‘no’ the first time,perhaps, ‘no’ the second time…and then when you follow up, try asking her if this is her ‘YES’ day!Then there is the ‘Smiling Star’…the one with a smile on her face. Think of the retired person or awidow that has the seasoning of life experiences, but still has a smile. Perhaps find a shy person…<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> can give a shy person something to smile about!Look for ‘Falling Stars’….a person who might have lost their job. Maybe it’s someone who wants toquit their job. Perhaps this is our ‘Future Star’!Seek the ‘Small Stars’…someone with no time…a busy person. Ask her if she would like to have anevening out with the girls and get paid for it too! These people can become ‘Shooting Stars’! Oncethey are appreciated, they will be noticed, just like a shooting star!”Pat also suggested that we seek new recruits anywhere and everywhere: Waiting rooms at Doctor’soffices, receptionists, clerks in stores, waitresses, at class reunions, ball games, anywhere there aregroups of people! Step out of your own world and get out and find some ‘Stars’ that are looking forwhat <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has to offer! Offer the opportunity to everyone; share the appeal of the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>lifestyle – it can be irresistible!Pat shared a thought which might sum it up when it comes to the decisions people make.“A woman finds the time for the things she wants to do or she finds an excuse.” Oh, so true!Thank you, Pat, for your insight into all the unique and different qualities that make up the “Stars” of<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, and for reminding us that a woman will always find time for her priorities!APRIL 2007 23

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