TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry


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BOOKING18 The NetworkBecome a Booking Champion!With a successful direct sales career spanning22 years, Senior Division manager, Fran Siegel-Hendricks (Rohr organization), has accumulatedpersonal sales totaling OVER one million dollars!$1,000,000 + and growing!Fran would be the first to acknowledge that booking and holding shows is the key to high sales.Selling to a group of people instead of to just one person at a time results in multiple orders andgreater exposure to recruit and to book MORE shows. Who better to share her expertise in the art ofobtaining bookings than this true “booking champion”? At February’s convention, the attendees inthe audience all benefited from her sage advice and booking prowess as Fran shared the followingmessage…“I’ve always believed that we need to learn how to communicate effectively with each and every person at our shows. Communicationmeans sharing and exchanging information, ideas and suggestions. There is a communication process we can follow to increase theresults of our bookings. When you learn this simple process, along with the best dialog to use to bring the prospect to a positivedecision of having a show, you will have mastered the art of communicating. You can consider yourself a “Booking Champion”.The process begins to unfold during order conditioning. EVERYONE who places an order with you, must be offered the opportunityto host a show. SUGGEST dating a show to each guest. As you hand the guest the receipt for their purchases you start the fourstep system:Step 1 - Suggest having a show and offer a choice of two dates.Step 2 - If the answer is “NO”, ask “WHY?”.Step 3 - Overcome the objection.Step 4 - Offer the choice of dates again.In Step 1, here are a few ways to suggest hosting a show & date choices.‘You were so much fun; I’d love to have you as one of my special Hostesses, would next week or the week afterbe best for you?’ (Wait for an answer)‘Have you been thinking of who you’d like to invite to your show? I have one opening next week and one the following week,which is best for you?’‘We still have a few items left on your wish list. I’d like to spoil you by helping you get them and more free whenyou have your show. Do you prefer weekdays or weekends?’‘You are so personable I just know you are going to invite me to your home to have a jewelry show. Would youlike to have your show in the daytime or the evening?’In Step 2, if the answer is ‘NO’, ask ‘WHY’ she has reservations about having a show. Listen to her objection.In Step 3, it’s important to study the common objections we hear most often and learn effective ways to overcome them. A ‘NO’ withan objection is usually just indicating her fear of having a show. Reassure her. Let her know that with your help she could have asuccessful show. Once you have overcome the objection, immediately offer the choice of dates again, which completes Step 4.Practice the process at every show with everyone. The system will become second nature to you; your confidence will increase asyour results increase. It’s a powerful feeling to know you can depend on your ability to communicate to the prospect what a greatopportunity it is to be a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> hostess. After all, this is a booking business and you want to become a Booking Champion!”Besides continuing to operate her own <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> career, this true <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> champion is helping to rebuild the livesand homes of her family and friends who lost so much in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. She is focused on re-establishing<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> in and around her home area of New Orleans and she is committed to helping her community moveforward towards a stable, financially-sound future.We appreciate YOU and your words of wisdom, Fran! Thank you forsharing your formula for success!

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