TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry

TPW - Park Lane Jewelry


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· Mention Mother’s Day gift shopping in every conversation.· Past Hostesses – re-book them or ask them to call on the guests whoattended their show and take orders.<strong>TPW</strong>· Host your own show(s).· Try to make the new bookings you add to <strong>TPW</strong> be double or triplehostess shows.· Suggest to <strong>TPW</strong> hostesses that they “partner-up” with a friend; two shows at once!· Hold a multiple hostess event.· Place your OWN order for Mother’s Day gifts.· Don’t wait until the last minute to compile and submit orders. Send them in as you receive them so the task isnot overwhelming and to avoid any last-minute deadline panic!· Ask your family for their support and assistance during your contest. Depending on the age of your children,you might assign them little jobs so they feel a part of your effort and then offer a treat or reward at the end ofthe campaign to show your appreciation for their cooperation.<strong>TPW</strong> Recognition and RewardsAbsolutely EVERYONE can get into the spirit of giving their best performance. Every <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r with total personalsales of $500 to $999 during Top Performance Weeks, will be rewarded with a catalog gift certificate. And then thereare the phenomenal awards you can receive for exerting extra effort during this two-week contest! For personal salesstarting at $1000 and up, you can earn the stunning and unique Fabulous Fusion Gems necklace, earrings and bracelet.With one recruit, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> will present you with the matching ring. One MORE recruit, and you’ll be gifted with astunning new designer outfit!Take it up a notch and you’ll find yourself in the running for one of the top ten positions company-wide in sales and/orone of the top ten recruiters company-wide! What a thrill it will be to have YOUR name be announced as you arecalled to Convention stage where your name card is placed in a drawing with the other nine top achievers! There willbe TWO drawings for $500 cash; one for the top ten in personal sales and one for the top ten in personal recruiting…not to mention the custom-designed French crystal vase that will be awarded to the Number One Top Performer insales and in recruiting! And we haven’t even begun to describe all the AMAZING awards for GROUP performance!Carefully study your <strong>TPW</strong> contest brochure and set your goal to be a Top Performer in Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>!Life AFTER Top Performance WeeksTake a glimpse into the near future. Yes, you were amazing! You accomplished more, far more, during those <strong>TPW</strong>dates than you ever accomplished before in any other two-week timeframe. You worked it and worked it. You haddouble and triple shows, multiple hostess events, and big home shows with lots of people in attendance. You arrangedpersonal one-on-one shopping appointments and set up displays whenever you did not have a show or appointment.You had your agents out gathering orders for you and even your husband and kids got into the act. You searched forand found recruit prospects and now have tons of leads generated by the Referral Rewards offer for April.Good job! And the size of your check will reflect all your extra effort. But, now is NOT the time to kickback and rest onyour laurels. You fired up the engine and got it going at full steam, so don’t throw it back into idle. You are on a roll!You have the momentum you need to make a lot of things happen. Cancun is closer than ever; you can almost taste it.Your promotion to the next level is calling to you.The key to realizing your immediate goals is to follow through on all the progress and prospects you made during <strong>TPW</strong>.Plan a Hostess Appreciation Party and an Opportunity event. Set up interviews and Intro shows for all those recruits.Call back every hostess and customer who helped you win your <strong>TPW</strong> awards. Thank them and strike up a conversationabout <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. There are bookings and recruits in that crowd; just follow through and follow up.Keep your fire stoked. Maintain that burning desire that motivated you to win all those fabulous <strong>TPW</strong> awards. Inactuality, if you work it right, the leads and prospects you developed DURING <strong>TPW</strong> will actually net sweeter resultsAFTER <strong>TPW</strong> is over. Follow through and work your leads and you will take your business WAY over the TOP!Yes, life after <strong>TPW</strong> can be very, very good indeed!APRIL 2007 3

4 The NetworkCan You Cancun? Yes, you can!Join <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> for the fun, festivities and fiestas in Cancun! This is an all-inclusive vacation! As a guest of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>,EVERYTHING is paid for! Just pack your bag and we will take it from there! Your travel, your luxurious resort hotel, yourmeals, room service, snacks, tours, drinks …ALL drinks… (Can you say, “Uno, dos, tres, margaritas, por favor!”?) are takencare of! Come along to Cancun... This is going to be the BEST <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> trip ever!Get your recruits off to a “Fast Start”!Remind each new recruit that they have their own respective first six weeks to sponsor one or two new qualifiedrecruits and to submit at least $2,000 in personal sales to earn Fast Start Bonus Points* toward the Cancun trip contest.Help them chart their way and take them with you on your Cancun vacation! (See contest brochure for full detailsand qualifications.)Destination: CANCUN!Let’s GO to Cancun! Ready for some well-deserved R&R? Look no further than the fabulous Moon Palace Golf &Spa Resort for action and entertainment. This is resort living on a grand scale! The Palace boasts two of the largestlagoon-style pools in all of Mexico. Each winds its way along the beach for more than 650 feet with Jacuzzis andswim-up bars along the way. The new Jack Nicklaus Signature Course offers golfers championship greens “on par”with some of Mexico’s top courses. If you are in need of decadent pampering, there are beautiful spa facilities, both atthe on-site salon and at the adjacent Moon Spa & Golf Club.A unique feature of The Palace is that you, their guest, are invited to visit and utilize the facilities at her sister resorts inCancun. Party at your home resort, the Moon Palace, and then venture out and over to another Palace hotel for achange of scenery. (Although, in CANCUN the scenery is spectacular everywhere you look!) Try out the pool, thebeach, the activities and entertainment at different properties!<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> is making plans to prepare the most AMAZING and UNFORGETTABLE vacation for you. Focus on winning.We want to party with YOU in Cancun! .What Will YOU Do in Cancun?The sun, the sea, the fun, the food, the fiestas! In Cancun the choices of things to do are endless!This is a vacation paradise!Ah, but there’s more! Why not go wind-surfing, scuba diving, snorkeling, boating, or deep-sea fishing … something youare longing to try for the first time or repeat again. When you’ve taken in enough of that fabulous ocean surf, you canshop ‘til you drop! There are fabulous stores with stunning and unique resort wear all over this shopper’s paradise!Then there’s sightseeing! On foot, on motorbike, by car or bus or even on horseback, there are sights on your vacationthat are not to be missed! Check out the historic sites and awe-inspiring ancient ruins. Then be sure to grab anafternoon siesta so you are ready to party ‘til the wee hours! Cancun is renowned for its exciting nightlife! And howmuch more fun it will be to party all night with your <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> friends and family!Join us in Cancun for the trip of a lifetime!

Spring forward intoApril wearing...SPRING BLING!Spring is here and summer is on the horizon! Brighten up your wardrobe withsome new BLING in the colors of the season! Sparkling emerald-cut genuineCZ earrings… in a set of THREE perfect-for-spring-summer colors!SALESFor Customers … a super Bonus Buy!SPRING BLING earrings (#8971)What a great deal! All three pair for one low processing fee!Customers placing a minimum $30.00 order may purchase Spring Blingpierced earring set (includes clear, lilac, and pink) for a processing feeof just $14.00 plus tax! In fact, a qualifying customer may buy one SpringBling earring set for EVERY $30.00 (net) they purchase!(Item #8971)Spring Bling earring offer is extended until the final Wednesday commission date in April. Orders reflecting this specialshould be processed in Home Office by April 25, 2007.FUN FASHION FACTSA wardrobe of earrings... BLING it on!!This season the BUZZ is all about color! Something amazing happens whenyou use a multi-color, multi-stone necklace to accessorize. Prove it to yourself.Go to your closet with Surreal necklace in hand and hold it up againstdifferent outfits. It is such a unique necklace in its own right, but there are somany different hues in Surreal that it beautifully accents everything from paisleyand prints to a wide variety of solid colors. The moonstones radiate an opalescentblue-gray lavender cast. The cords blend with khaki and beige linen. Thepink gems are pure femininity. It is striking worn with a pure white outfit.Think outside the box; it doesn’t have to “match”, it has to complement!Your Way necklace, available in both goldtone and silvertone, is a terrificwardrobe basic. It easily serves as a replacement for Medley chain (nowdiscontinued) and its longer length offers a wide variety of accessorizingoptions. Use it to layer, loop, and mix with other necklaces and/or pearls. Itcan suspend any pendant with a bail (long chains with pendants are so very“IT” right now!) Double a Your Way chain, attach an enhancer, and anchor thelooped necklace with a Snap Ring.The teal blue hues of Riviera ensemble is obviously gorgeous worn with an outfit that contains that same color. But tryit with summer white and see how it pops! Another color with which Riviera looks fantastic is orange, melon, or peach.On the color scheme scale, orange and blue are complementary colors, so try Riviera with an orange summertimeoutfit for a high-fashion look! (And don’t forget to slip on Mandarin ring for a flash of orange sparkle!)APRIL 2007 5

SALESGetting the most from“The Wish List”The Wish List serves as a work sheet for show guests to determine potentialchoices for their order. To facilitate writing, clip each Wish List to a lapboard or a piece of cardboard. Ask your hostess to distribute one to eachguest just before the show begins. You can give the hostess a roll of ticketsand instruct her to dispense them to guests as they get excited aboutadding to their Wish List!After your Opening Talk and before introducing the first jewelry item, explainthe Wish List to the guests.“As I show you my jewelry, I’ll be telling you the name of each item. Whenyou see an item or ensemble that you like, write its name on your Wish List.Then later, you’ll have a list of your favorites so you can easily look up theprices. The Wish List IS NOT your order form. It’s merely your worksheet. You can always add to or subtract from the list, so jot down ALLthe items that appeal to you for yourself… or possibly for gifts! And onemore thing… Sue has a roll of tickets for a special drawing we’ll hold later.The more excited you get about adding to your Wish List, the more ticketsshe’ll give you! Ready to start?”Proceed through your jewelry presentation encouraging guests to add names to their Wish List. Later in theshow, just BEFORE you invite the guests up to your display table to try-on and shop provide the finalinstructions for the Wish List.“I know that you’ve started your Wish List with the items I’ve shown so far. As you shop at my table and lookthrough the catalog, continue to write down the names of any additional items you are considering. Wecan add and subtract from the list, but it gives me a starting place to show you the best way for you to save themost money. Remember, this is only a work sheet; not your order form. And, keep our $12.00 Bonusitems program in mind. I will be around to help each of you and to write your order for you so that I canexplain how you can get the most jewelry for the money!After the Try-on Shopping time, as the first guests return to their seats and appear to be near completing theirWish Lists, begin approaching each person individually to initiate the Order Conditioning process. (See Guideto Success.)The first step of order conditioning is to determine the guest’s order. With your date book, Hostess packets,pen/pencil, a catalog, price listing, and a calculator, approach a seated guest, smile, take a seat next to her, andreach for her Wish List while saying, “May I help you with your Wish List?”Take note of the items she selected. It indicates the style of jewelry that appeals to her. As you fill in any missingprices on the items on her list, comment on her choices. “I see you like the new trends in earrings.” or, “Ah,you’re a glamour-girl! I love sparkle too!” “So obviously, you favor golden jewelry?” She may ask questions.She may want your opinion. Be friendly and helpful and make suggestions while you total the prices ofEVERYTHING on her list.6 The Network

SALESYes, add up everything to arrive at a grand total. At least, that’s the wayto start. Why? Two reasons. First, it is somewhat insulting to “assume”that she cannot purchase everything on her list. Second, ask yourself,“What’s a better deal? What’s a better bargain?... a $50 item for $12.00,or a $200 item for $12.00?” Look at it another way. Let’s say a customer listed a $30 item, a $20 item and a$50 item. If you add the $20 to the $30 item to total a $50 order and then offered the $50 item as a $12.00bonus, the customer would only realize a $38 discount. However, by adding the $20, $30, and $50 item togetherto total $100, the customer would be entitled to three $100 value bonus items for $36.00 more. Endresult would be a $264.00 savings. Easy to see which is a better “deal”!The two biggest mistakes made in structuring an order is to prejudge the buyer and to try to “finesse” an orderthat will give her the most expensive item on her list as her bonus item. If she doesn’t want to purchase ALL theitems on her list, she will surely tell you so once you total the order.So, start by quickly tabulating a grand total and then smile and say, “Sue, if you were to take everything youlisted, it would be $212.00, and you would THEN be able to go back through the catalog and select THREEMORE ITEMS valued up to $212 EACH and take them as bonuses for just $12.00 each… that would be anextra $636 in jewelry value for just $36.00 more! How would THAT be?”Typically there will be two types of responses.1. “Wow! You mean I could get three of those Sizzlin Sorbet bracelets for $12.00 each? I could giveone to my mom and one to my mother-in-law as Mother’s Day gifts, and still have one for myself! OK,that’s great!”Or …2. “Oooh, I just can’t spend THAT much.”When you get the first response, write the order, collect payment, and proceed to Step Two of Order Conditioning(suggest she book a show).When you get the second response, say, “No problem. Let’s revise the selections.” Now is the time to lower hertotal and work the order to allow her the highest priced item(s) on her list as $12.00 Bonus Items. Rework thetotals and say, “How about if you selected these three items to make the ensemble complete. That would be$96.00. Then you could take these three as $12.00 Bonus Items?” She agrees. Write the order. Collect thepayment. Then say, “I’d love to give you the rest of the items on your list. Let’s plan a show together and you’llhave these plus a whole lot more!” You are now in Step Two of Order Conditioning.Move from guest to guest and assist them in determining theirorder. Not every order is cut and dry. Sometimes the guestwill want to add to their order to achieve a higher total to beeligible for the Bonus Items they are striving for. You can showthem items that complement their selections, refer to yourascending order price list for the amount they need to spend,and/or suggest the purchase of a Gift Card. Be flexible andhelpful. If their shopping experience with you and <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> isa pleasant one, they will be your customer again and again.And THAT is your objective. You want every customer toremember YOU and <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> each and every time they arein the market for new jewelry! Now hold that drawing and sendone of your happy customers home with a special gift!APRIL 2007 7

SALESSwing into Spring!Time to renew! Time to refresh! Time to go shopping! Give your display a lift and a fresh new look. Adda spray of silk flowers and/or a new tablecloth. Do the same for yourself! The stores are full of beautifulnew clothes in spring colors; the perfect backdrop for your stunning <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> jewelry! Nothing makesyou feel prettier, polished, and more self-confident than a new outfit to wear to your shows. And, ofcourse, you have the perfect <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> accessories to add the finishing touch! Book one “extra” showthis month, designate it as your “shopping show”, earmark the commission for an outfit and treat yourselfto something new for your spring wardrobe!The Main Event! The top-selling season for accessories is Spring! It is estimated that inAmerica, over one billion dollars will be spent on fashion jewelry and accessoriesin the next few months! Get YOUR share of the business!8 The NetworkEaster is April 8 th. Place colorful Easter eggs in a basket of cellophane Eastergrass or scatter a few across your display. The eggs can be used for a bookinggame ( explained below.) A stuffed toy bunny can “model” one of yourensembles. Mention that a gift of jewelry in a little girl’s Easter Basket will thrillher far more than candy eggs and marshmallow peeps! Point out a coupleitems that are perfect for the younger set like Tabby or Nicole Lynn earrings.The same goes for teens and t’weens; they may no longer crave a chocolatebunny, but one never outgrows their love of jewelry!Easter Egg-stra GamePurchase large plastic eggs that open in the center. Insert a note in each that describes a prize. (Useone or two $50 HRCs, incentive jewelry such as tennis bracelets from the supply department, a “Free”Spring Bling ring – you pay the fee, a “Free” Thank You Award – you pay the fee, etc.)At your show, pass a basket of Easter eggs around and encourage each guest to book a show. Explainthat those who say “Yes” to hosting a party may choose an “EGGS-TRA” prize egg. At the end of theevening everyone who books can open their egg and they will receive the surprise written on the noteinside as an EXTRA reward over and above the credit and awards they earn at their show. Write their“eggs-tra” gift in your datebook on their show date.Mother’s Day is May 13 th , and <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has the perfect presents! Ourcatalog is full of fabulous jewelry that any woman would love to receive as agift! Display a Mother’s Day greeting card as a reminder for guests. Suggestcustomers choose the items they want for themselves and then somethingspecial for “Mom” as well. Don’t forget to mention the purchase of<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Gift Cards so that Mom can choose what she likes best from ourcatalog. In your presentation mention mothers, grandmothers, Godmothers,mother-in-laws and all the special women in their lives. During order conditioning,at the time of item selection close with… “Was there anything elseyou were looking at? Perhaps a gift or gift card for Mother’s Day?”

SALESGems for YouINTRODUCING…”Gems for You!” This one page flyer has been developed to assist you in keeping Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>visible to your contacts. It can be sent via email to past, present and potential customers and hostesses…. Anyone withwhom you would like to connect. Please remember email is not a replacement for personal contact! “Gems for You” isa supplemental form of communication that can be used in conjunction with personal phone calls and direct contact!Gems for You is available from the “Field Interface” section at myparklane.com. Simply click on the “Downloads”section and then “Training Forms”. Gems for You is provided as both a PDF and JPG file.10 The Network

SALESOur thanks to Division ManagerDebbie Fowler (Nichols organization)who submitted a cleverway to announce <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’spresence in Hollywood duringThe Academy Awards.“I figured I should promote the factthat <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> was invited to theOscars!”I have my “Who Do You Know” flipchart in a presentation folder thatallows me to slip in new pages asour specials change. I took theprint program on my computerand designed what looks like abig section of filmstrip. At the topof the page of it I put. “What didthe STARS pick?” Then in themiddle I put the shot of Scott withSamantha Harris, the host of theTV show, Dancing with the Stars.(The other celebrity photos canbe added to the filmstrip, as well.)<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>at the Oscars<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> was proud to be invited to participatein the "Ultimate Nominee Gift Bag & CelebrityGifting Suite" in the Hollywood Hills surroundingthe 2007 Academy Awards.The Award Suites were created to raise awarenessand money for the Creative Coalition. Thetheme for the event was "Green Suite" ecofriendlyproducts. <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offered "Guilt FreeGlam" to celebrities including Rap Stars, RockStars, A-List Actors, comedians, sports celebs,movie producers, talk show hosts and magazineeditors to name a few!Academy Awards Top 5 Picks from the Stars1. Belair Necklace2. Grand Necklace3. Signature Jet Bracelet4. Center Stage Bracelet5. Opera NecklaceI start by telling the show gueststhat <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> was invited to theOscars! I printed out the picturefrom our website of the announcementof the stars favorite fiveitems and placed it at the end ofthe Flip Chart! I am finding thatthe guests listen to my “Who DoYou Know” presentation evenmore attentively to find out what<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> jewelry the “STARS”liked best!”12 The Network

SPRING BLINGFor Hostesses … Say “Yes!”BOOKING<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> is all-about the PARTY-people! When a woman gathers afew friends together, the fun and fashion take over! The rewards forhosting a party are fantastic, and, right now we have a special EXTRAoffer….A hostess who says “YES!” to holding a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> show can “dazzle up”with SPRING BLING ring! (#8967) For the small processing fee of$10.00 plus tax, a hostess may choose a Spring Bling ring in clear, lilac,or pink! Spring Bling “Say Yes” ring is a limited-time offer, so spreadthe word and watch the bookings “spring” up!A frame of glittering clear micro-mini CZ’s surround the asschercutcubic zirconia center stone and embellish the sides of the silvertone ring shank.• Spring Bling Say “Yes” ring offer is extended through the final commission date in April. Orders must be processedin Home Office by April 25 th , 2007.• Spring Bling ring (#8967) is available in sizes 5,6,7,8,9. Specify color choice: clear, lilac, or pink.And there’s MORE for Hostesses …It’s beautiful, it’s a bracelet, and it’s aBonus Buy!An exquisite parade of channel-set baguettes in the softpastels of the season are punctuated with square princess-cut clearCZ’s. This amazing designer-inspired bracelet looks SO real!No one would ever guess that your hostess was able to purchase it fora processing fee of just $29.00 plus tax!(We can keep a secret!)For just $29.00, your hostess can have the look of the real thing fora really great price! But, we can even do better. How does FREEsound?With minimum $500 net show sales and one datedbooking, your hostess receives her favorite colorSPRING BLING bracelet absolutely FREE!• Spring Bling bracelet is available in clear, sheer lilac, or baby pink. Specifycolor choice.• Spring Bling bracelet offer is extended through the final commission date inApril. Orders must be processed in Home Office by April 25 th , 2007.Use Item # 8968 when Spring Bling bracelet is purchased,Use Item #1000 when Spring Bling bracelet is awarded as a FREE bonus gift.APRIL 2007 13

BOOKINGGET UP & GO Getaway Vacation for Hostesses!You get to go on vacation with <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, and now so can your hostesses!With a $300 show and three bookings held within 30 days, your hostess will qualify for aFREE 3-day, 2-night getaway vacation!They have their choice of a wide variety of destinations from coast to coast. They canselect a getaway that is near enough for a driving road trip, or they can select a destinationin another part of the country.• Refer to the Get Up & Go brochure for full getaway details.• Apply for the qualifying hostess’s travel voucher on a Booking Gift Claim form after the thirdbooking is held.Get Up & Go RECRUIT!A vacation getaway! What a great way to turn your hostess into a new recruit! You’llhave them excited about traveling and about owning a lot of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> jewelry. Now thatshe has the vacation idea down-pat, tempt her with Cancun, and encourage her to join<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> as a Director!With her show of $300 and 3 bookings she is so close to qualifying to receive a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> kit! Turn her show into anIntro Show by pointing out how easy it is to get started in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>… Just $33.00 registration, $500 in net sales, and asix-booking line-up. Come on, Get Up and GO recruit your hostess!14 The NetworkEXTRA, EXTRA! It pays to REACH!Enroll your hostesses in your Top Performance Weeks mission. In fact,EVERY week of the year you should coach each hostess to reach for the topand motivate her to achieve high show results. As long as she’s dated ashow, she may as well go for it all! Encourage her to take full advantage of allthat <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> is offering her. While there is NO LIMIT on the amount of order credit or booking awards she can earn,inspire her to MAX OUT every EXTRA special offer. During Top Performance Weeks there are even MORE specialsand extras than ever, but even on a week that’s NOT a designated “push” week it makes sense for a hostess to take itto the top!• In addition to earning $20.00 per order (no limit!), she should aim for no less than ten orders so that she qualifiesfor the EXTRA prize of a Remembrance ring or earrings.• In addition to earning credit for every booking (no limit!) she should aim for no less than three bookings to beheld within 30 days of her show. Not only will she earn a Three Booking Gift of her choice (valued up to $100),but those same three bookings can qualify her to receive (with her show net sales of $300) the EXTRA prize ofa Get Up & Go getaway vacation!• Point out that with at least one booking and raising the net sales of her show up to $500 or more, she will alsoreceive the fabulous Spring Bling CZ bracelet as an EXTRA reward.• Now, factor in yet another EXTRA available exclusively to hostesses who hold their show on one of the two TopPerformance Weeks: “BOGO” on the Hostess Only Collection! For every Hostess Only item she purchases,a hostess may take another Hostess Only item of equal or lesser value for free!Our hostess plan is "Five Star", and then some! With at least ten orders totaling $500 or more and a minimum of threebookings, your hostess can TAKE IT ALL! … ALL the credit and ALL the awards and ALL the EXTRAS!Remember that most people will reach no higher than your expectations.Expect the best from and for every hostess and help her deliver a top-notch show!

Thank You Awards…Wear One and Wait for the “Wows”!BOOKINGWhether you are off to a show or just running out to do errands, when you dress to leaveyour house, always wear at least ONE of the items designated as <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s hostess“Thank You Awards”. Counting all the items in all the different color choices, you have 23different options from which to choose. (OK, so you can easily wear MORE than one!)While you are out and about, it’s a sure bet that you and your jewelry will be noticed!When you receive a compliment on a Thank You Award, smile and say, “Thank you! Ilove it too! Actually I give these away as “Thank Yous” to women who like jewelry!”Chances are she’ll respond, “Huh? You GIVE them away?”Continue the conversation. Be friendly and enthusiastic; not pushy. Here’s a potentialdialogue, but you must listen to how they respond and adjust what you say accordingly.If the person is working, (a store clerk, etc.) be respectful of their time. Your objective isto arrange to meet with them when they have some time to spare.“Sure. At a ladies-night-out party. They just gather a few friends together to look at myjewelry collection and then THEY get to do all THEIR shopping for FREE! (If it’s a RINGthey noticed, now is a good time to take it off and have her slip it on HER finger!) “Thisring is a Thank You gift just to get them started… My hostesses get a lot more than this!In fact, most receive $300 to $400 in free jewelry!”She might say, “Is it expensive?” You could reply, “That’s the best part about <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>jewelry; we have an unbelievable sale! Say, how about YOU? You look like a jewelrylover!I’d love to order one of these rings for you… or maybe you should see THE REST ofthe ‘Thank You’ items before you decide which one you’ll take to get you started on your free shopping spree?! Do you get a breakor lunch hour? I have catalogs in the car; we could grab a cup of coffee and I’ll show you more of the line! ”When you do meet with her, bring a Five Star hostess brochure and a couple rollers of jewelry. Save the catalog for hostess coaching.Once she says “yes” and sets her show date, is soon enough to turn over a catalog! Be confident. Our hostess plan is FIVESTAR! Know that when you convince someone to host a show/party, they will not be disappointed! In fact, they will be overwhelmedby how much jewelry they receive as rewards!So, wear those Thank You Awards. You’ll THANK yourself later when your date book is full of new bookings!World-renowned actress and Hollywood legend, Audrey Hepburn, wrote the followingwhen asked to share her “beauty tips”. Years later, upon her death, it was read aloudas part of her eulogy.For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed,revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Never throw out anyone.Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at theend of each of your arms.As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself,and the other for helping others.APRIL 2007 15

BOOKINGSPRING AHEAD with a glimpse at the month of May!16 The NetworkOnce you have filled in most of your April calendar with shows, consider offering the final dates inApril and the whole first week of May as a special time to hold a show with a fun and festivetheme… It’s CINCO DE MAYO!Anytime’s a great time to party with <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, but Cinco de Mayo is the perfect occasion to add afestive twist. Stretch out the celebration. Dedicate several days before May 5 th and several daysafter May 5 th as your Cinco de Mayo “Fiesta” party dates. You may want to use the actual date ofMay 5 th for a multiple hostess event like a “Fiesta Fashion Show” or, at the very least, reserve the 5 thfor a double or triple hostess “Fiesta” show!· Where to begin? Visit your local craft and party and dollar stores to see what they offer in theway of Mexican and fiesta theme props, decorations, and favors. Meet with teammates andbrainstorm. Don’t make it complicated; just simple and fun with a dash of extra effort! Hereare a few ideas to seed your creativity.· Make up special Date Cards for each applicable date in and around May 5th, and decoratethem with the theme.· Use a Piñata as a centerpiece for displaying your special date cards, drawing prizes, etc.(Accessorize the critter, of course!)· You could suggest margaritas, salsa and nachos as basic refreshments. Easy!(You might even offer to bring the margarita mix!)Next, design a simple, but fun, invitation insert to promote the Cinco de Mayo Fiesta theme and shopfor stickers to affix to your invitation envelopes. You could offer tickets in FIVES for a variety of easyto-accomplishchallenges. Here’s an example to get you started on your insert...In honor of Cinco de Mayo let’s kickoff the month of May with fun,fashion, and friends at my <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> <strong>Jewelry</strong>Fiesta!You will receive FIVE special drawing tickets for EACH of the following:· R.S.V.P. within the next FIVE hours!· Arrive on time… (give or take FIVE minutes!)· Wear at least FIVE items of jewelry to the show. (Yes, rings count!)· Bring a friend… (or FIVE!)· Bring an absentee outside order.· Bring anything you already own with a Cinco de Mayo or Mexican theme!· BYOMG – (Bring your own margarita glass!)· Call ahead and date your own <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> jewelry show! (Okay, TEN tickets for THAT!)Please attend! This is no time for a “siesta”!Get up and come to my FIESTA!

SUPER-SIMPLIFIED SHOW!Creating a fun, easy-to-follow, organized <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> jewelry show is essential to shaping a successful <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> business. As Directors, what we really do is show jewelry and take orders! Sound easy? It should. ItIS easy! The excitement begins once the jewelry is unveiled! Sales Vice President, Julyn Panicola (Fearorganization) took the Las Vegas Convention attendees through clear-cut guidelines to make sure each <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> show is organized and fun, yet simple and easy to follow. We want guests and hostesses to see our showsand say…. “I could do that! That looks fun and easy!” Once the “easy-seed” is planted, recruiting interest willmost likely “sprout”! Below is an overview of the guidelines Julyn presented for keeping shows simple, yetsuspenseful and successful!• All successful <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs follow the 51-year proven method for conducting their shows; it’s called“The <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Way”.• Make your show an event that can be duplicated.• Have your kit always in “show order”. Carry only current in-line pieces; clean, sparkling, and ready fordisplay.Limit your kit to 70 items maximum and carry a ring tray. As you accumulate additional line jewelry,create a second kit as an alternate. This allows you to keep your shows exciting, fresh, and interestingas you move through a booking chain.• Carry a variety of styles, so people can get a glimpse of the types of jewelry that you have available.• Organize your rollers into categories; gold items, silver items, colorful beads, glitz and glamour jewelry.• Add some “high end” items like La Jolla and Signature bracelets and refer to them as items they can select as their $12 Bonus Item.This will encourage larger initial orders. Use words such as “substantial” (as opposed to expensive) to describe higher priced items.• Choose in advance the days that you want to offer for booking dates. Control your calendar. This helps you look very professional; readyfor business and in charge!• Use note cards to assist you with your presentation, so you won’t forget any important points. This will help you stay on track.• Keep a “show face”! Just as athletes keep a “game face”, you will want to present your best smile and “park your problems at the door”!Your hostess deserves 100% of YOU!When you are about to begin your show business, here are a few handy hints:• Arrive 30 minutes ahead of the show time. When you walk in with ONE bag of jewelry, your hostess will immediately be impressed withthe lightweight nature and the ease of your business. (Hint: This will plant a subtle recruiting seed!)• Spend some time chatting with and getting to know the guests as they arrive. Once you begin your show, you are now acquainted withthem. They are more apt to see you as a friend than as the “jewelry salesperson”. Orders and bookings will happen faster and easierwith them considering you as the “friend” of their hostess.• You may want to display ONE Hostess Only or ONE Three Booking Gift item on a side table as an “interest-creator”. Catalogs are tuckedaway in your kit bag until it’s time to shop and place orders. You want the guests to totally focus on your jewelry as you present the itemsby unrolling the rollers and showing one ensemble at a time.• For a controlled and simplified show, it is suggested that you utilize the “roller method” as opposed to laying out in advance or pre-displayingyour jewelry.• Showing the jewelry one ensemble at a time, one roller at a time, creates suspense and excitement among the guests. This methodis also a means of “crowd control”…. Guests that are waiting for the next piece of jewelry to be unveiled are focused on YOU and the jewelry!• Start your show with a simple and concise opening talk. Cover the main points of our company history, our jewelry line, our savings planand our guarantee. Guests want to see the jewelry! Be brief!• Make sure each of your guests has a Wish List before you begin your presentation. As you show the jewelry, instruct them to write downthe names of the items they LIKE. “Like” and “Want” are key words here… There is no buying nor selling involved! That’s why it’s calleda Wish List! You are allowing the seeds of desire to be planted!• As you present your jewelry, have each guest (and the hostess) model an ensemble and ask them to wear it throughout the remainderof the show presentation. The real excitement starts when the modeling begins!• An easy phrase to use as a response when asked about the price of an item is: “Each item in our line can be regular price, $12.00, orFREE! We’ll look it up together in the catalog later.” (Thank you, Julyn, for that catchy phrase!)• Create a short booking and recruiting “commercial” to present after you show your jewelry. Once the guests have seen the jewelry, theyare more apt to want to know how they can get it ALL and/or how they can become a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> representative. Be prepared!• An easy, concise way to show it all is to use the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Flip Chart. This can be ordered from the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> supply department ordownloaded from <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s website.• Use the $50 Referral Reward certificates following your recruiting and booking talks or after you show the Flip Chart. This is the time yourguests are thinking about what they have seen and who they know. They may want to refer themselves! (Note: In April, the $50 certificatefor a qualified referral has been enhanced. You may offer a Three Booking Gift! See Sponsoring Section for details.)As you continue on to the order-taking portion of your show, remember that the jewelry will sell itself! You should focus on obtaining booking datesfor your hostess! She deserves the full benefits of our Hostess Five Star program. As you visit with each guest, ask for a booking and then guideyour conversation towards the benefits of becoming a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Director. Tell each guest that you would like to explain what <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has tooffer! With the many recruiting seeds you have planted throughout your show, you can practically guarantee that your guests will have questionsabout the business! Think recruiting and sponsoring! Keep your show on-track and on-purpose and FUN! With these simple guidelines, the resultswill be there for you, every time!Thank you, Julyn, for presenting the guidelines for conducting a super-simple yet successful show!<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs would do well to emulate your All-Star approach!APRIL 2007 17

BOOKING18 The NetworkBecome a Booking Champion!With a successful direct sales career spanning22 years, Senior Division manager, Fran Siegel-Hendricks (Rohr organization), has accumulatedpersonal sales totaling OVER one million dollars!$1,000,000 + and growing!Fran would be the first to acknowledge that booking and holding shows is the key to high sales.Selling to a group of people instead of to just one person at a time results in multiple orders andgreater exposure to recruit and to book MORE shows. Who better to share her expertise in the art ofobtaining bookings than this true “booking champion”? At February’s convention, the attendees inthe audience all benefited from her sage advice and booking prowess as Fran shared the followingmessage…“I’ve always believed that we need to learn how to communicate effectively with each and every person at our shows. Communicationmeans sharing and exchanging information, ideas and suggestions. There is a communication process we can follow to increase theresults of our bookings. When you learn this simple process, along with the best dialog to use to bring the prospect to a positivedecision of having a show, you will have mastered the art of communicating. You can consider yourself a “Booking Champion”.The process begins to unfold during order conditioning. EVERYONE who places an order with you, must be offered the opportunityto host a show. SUGGEST dating a show to each guest. As you hand the guest the receipt for their purchases you start the fourstep system:Step 1 - Suggest having a show and offer a choice of two dates.Step 2 - If the answer is “NO”, ask “WHY?”.Step 3 - Overcome the objection.Step 4 - Offer the choice of dates again.In Step 1, here are a few ways to suggest hosting a show & date choices.‘You were so much fun; I’d love to have you as one of my special Hostesses, would next week or the week afterbe best for you?’ (Wait for an answer)‘Have you been thinking of who you’d like to invite to your show? I have one opening next week and one the following week,which is best for you?’‘We still have a few items left on your wish list. I’d like to spoil you by helping you get them and more free whenyou have your show. Do you prefer weekdays or weekends?’‘You are so personable I just know you are going to invite me to your home to have a jewelry show. Would youlike to have your show in the daytime or the evening?’In Step 2, if the answer is ‘NO’, ask ‘WHY’ she has reservations about having a show. Listen to her objection.In Step 3, it’s important to study the common objections we hear most often and learn effective ways to overcome them. A ‘NO’ withan objection is usually just indicating her fear of having a show. Reassure her. Let her know that with your help she could have asuccessful show. Once you have overcome the objection, immediately offer the choice of dates again, which completes Step 4.Practice the process at every show with everyone. The system will become second nature to you; your confidence will increase asyour results increase. It’s a powerful feeling to know you can depend on your ability to communicate to the prospect what a greatopportunity it is to be a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> hostess. After all, this is a booking business and you want to become a Booking Champion!”Besides continuing to operate her own <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> career, this true <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> champion is helping to rebuild the livesand homes of her family and friends who lost so much in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. She is focused on re-establishing<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> in and around her home area of New Orleans and she is committed to helping her community moveforward towards a stable, financially-sound future.We appreciate YOU and your words of wisdom, Fran! Thank you forsharing your formula for success!

It’s TIME for YOU to MOVE UP!Every rung up <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s ladder of success holds moreexcitement and rewards than the one before it. As youascend in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> you have the ability to increase yourearning power by leaps and bounds.ADVANCEMENTFashion Directors, make April YOUR month to go to Branch Director! Personallysubmit a minimum of $1,000 and sponsor one qualified recruit. Receive a commissionraise and begin earning override.Stepping up to ManagementWe want you to make the most for your time! Branch Directors and all levels above areencouraged to take the next step. Carefully review your Business Opportunity brochure.See where you are now and analyze the advantages offered at the next level.Know what is available in terms of earning potential and perks.Now, design a plan to achieve your promotion. Take two months… any two consecutivemonths, and determine exactly what you and your team need to accomplish during thecommission dates within that two-month time frame. The Business Opportunity brochuredefines the requirements for you to earn your promotion.In Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> there is an entire network of leaders andcompany officials that want to see you realize your dreams. Talkto your upline management team about your goals and objectivesand enlist his/her support. Meet with your team members andinspire them to help you and the organization advance in status bystriving for their own respective promotions. Make it a move youall make together!Go for it! Make THIS month count. April’s production can becombined with March or with May to generate your promotionqualifications.Don’t waste a minute of your month!Reach out and promote up!APRIL 2007 19

ADVANCEMENTYour Future Awaits! Step Up!Picture yourself arriving at this summer's Convention with a prestigiousnew title and position!Every person who promotes up at least one level between the February 2007 Conventionand mid-July 2007,will be honored on stage at the Convention in Chicago in July 2007!We want to congratulate YOU on your promotion!Step up the ladder and step up to the stage!IMPORTANT REMINDER! Promotions that take effect from February's Convention through July 18th, 2007 will be honored on stage. Notethat it takes one week to process a promotion, therefore final qualifications and anApplication for Promotion form must be signed by the lead manager and received in Home Office byJuly 11th for a promotion to be in place by July 18th.LEADERSHIP CHALLENGEContest dates: February 7th, 2007 through July 18th, 2007For most Fashion Directors, qualifying to advance to Branch Director is a monumental and exciting event. It is theirfirst step toward building a long and lucrative career in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. That first promotion is a benchmark of achievementand propels the new Branch Director toward a thrilling and bright future. Promotion to Branch Director represents thefirst major accomplishment in a string of successes yet to come.Leaders inspire their team members to realize their potential and advance their career. Leaders who motivate FashionDirectors to step up to Branch Director can qualify to receive a special gift selected for them by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Founder,Shirley LeVin. Meet the assigned number of Branch Director promotions for your level, and you’ll receive recognitionand a special gift from Founder, Shirley LeVin. Encourage others to reach for their dreams, and yours will come trueas well!YOUR LEVELYOUR GOALDivision 4 developed Branch DirectorsSenior Division 8 developed Branch DirectorsSales Vice-President12 developed Branch DirectorsCompany Vice-President18 developed Branch DirectorsBe the "LEADING LEADER"!The manager at each level who exceeds their goal by the most new Branch Directorpromotions will each receive a special award at Convention.Lead the field in Branch promotionsand take center-stage in Chicago!20 The Network

Attention all entrepreneurs, “mom-trepreneurs”…actually ANYONE who would like to try a lucrative,flexible, fun business opportunity!Whether someone is looking to convert their spare time into extra money, seekinga great part-time job with flexible scheduling, needs a job that allows them to earnwhile being a stay-at-home Mom, or is in search of a high power, high-paying,prestigious career, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> can fill the bill.SPONSORINGEveryone should be encouraged to test-drive the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity. TheCompany makes it EASY to get started. All that is asked of a new recruit is to try itfor six shows. That’s it. After six shows, we are confident that they will fall in love withthe business, the jewelry, and all the new friends they make. Follow these basic initialsteps when starting a new director recruit.• Create interest.• Conduct an interview with management assistance.• Complete the Application and kit order. The new director pays the $33.00fee which covers registration and kit trans/ins. The booking line-up can be added to the reverse side of the Applicationafter the Intro Show is held.• The manager conducts an Introductory Show for the benefit of the new recruit. The goal of the Intro Show is to obtaina six booking line-up for the new director. The Intro Show can count as one of the six bookings as it should be submittedin the name of the new director recruit.• When the Director has secured their booking line-up, they attend an Initial Training Class. Observing a couple moreshows offers additional training.We ask prospects to take our business and “try it on for size”, and now, during the month of April, they will havetwo SIZES of kits from which to choose! Either way we are confident that <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> will be the perfect fit!Standard Kit: $1,000 value– Submit $500 in net sales, the commission on which will be withheld to satisfy the cost of the kit. Commission will be paidon sales over $500.00.Once the registration is paid and their six-booking line-up is dated, there is no out-of-pocket expense for the basic Standardkit. The commission earned on the first $500 in net sales they submit is withheld to satisfy the cost of the kit. In most instances,the kit is paid for by the sales of the Intro Show! The new Director starts earning full commission at sales of $501.00.They own the kit and it is theirs to show and wear.Deluxe Kit:$2,000 value– Purchase outright for $249.00 plus tax and earn commission on all sales.For the career-minded, entrepreneurial spirited individual who wants to start withevery advantage, the Deluxe kit offers twice as much jewelry as the Standard kitcontains. The new Director pays their $33 registration, obtains a six-booking lineup,and purchases their Deluxe kit up front. They earn commission from dollar oneof their net sales. They own the kit and it is theirs to show and wear. When a newrecruit opts for the Deluxe Kit option, indicate their choice clearly on their Agreementand forward to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> with their Registration fee and full payment (plus tax) fortheir kit.After obtaining their kit (Standard OR Deluxe), a new Director has many opportunitiesto build their kit with additional samples for free through the Super Start andSuccess Builders programs.• The Deluxe Kit option is a limited time offering and is available throughout April 2007.• The Kit Supplement option that was offered previously is not available in April.APRIL 2007 21

SPONSORINGSpring Into Action!'Tis the season for job-seekers!Put your opportunity out there frontand center. Exposure is key rightnow. Sign up for any opening to setup a display or booth and staff it withshifts of the bubbly, personableDirectors on your team.HELP WANTED!Spring and summer is prime time forevents! With the nice weather here(or soon to be) outdoor markets,craft shows, fairs, festivals, exposand community events are happeningevery week. Sign up! Spreadthe word! <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s flexibleopportunity has something foreveryone and can fit ANY lifestyle!• College students on breakare looking for part-time workfor a few months.• College students may belooking for an internship; whatwould give them a betterexperience in marketing than<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>? Do you realizethat some internships don’tPAY anything! With <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> they would have abusiness of their own and aprofit check every week!Look into it!• College grads are looking forjobs. They need money,NOW!• The school year is windingdown and teachers will belooking for part-time opportunities.• When school is out forsummer, most Moms will bemore than ready to get out ofthe house few nights a weekto “escape” the kids!Who do they know?Enroll others in your mission to spread the word about <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s phenomenalopportunity. Appoint talent scouts. Ask people WHO they know that theythink would make a good <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Director.<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offers a reward to anyone who refers a prospective director whogoes on to qualify. Normally our Referral Reward is a $50 certificate that maybe redeemed toward the fabulous jewelry in our regular catalog line. However,during the month of April, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has upped the offer!Instead of the $50.00 certificate, you may offer any one of the options inour exquisite Three Booking Gift Collection! During April, this specialoffer replaces the standard Recruit Referral reward.After her referral qualifies, your “talent scout” may claim ONE item from theThree Booking Gift collection. They may choose, Diamond Dream watch, oneof the Three Booking Gift rings, or ONE regular catalog item valued up to$100.00!HOW TO CLAIM THE AWARD· Complete a standard Referral Reward certificate with the detailsabout the recommender and their referral.· Attach an order form indicating the ONE item they selected,write “FREE” in the price column and charge the $5.00 transportationfee (attach the $5.00 payment).· Submit to Home Office immediately upon the new April recruit’squalification ($1,000 net + non-commissionable sales within 4weeks following their April start date).This month, all a person has to do to earn one of the exclusive Three BookingGifts is provide the name of someone who ultimately goes on to qualify as a<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Director. They can even refer themselves!Included in your Network mailing is a sheet promoting this special offer. Pasteit onto a poster and display it at your shows. Refer to it when you presentyour Flip Chart and recruiting talk. You can also run copies and enclose onein each hostess packet. In fact, when a hostess who obtains three bookingsat her show is having a tough time deciding upon the ONE Three Booking Giftshe’ll select, this is a way for her to have TWO! She can refer a friend, orrefer herself as the perfect candidate to become a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Director!Spread the word. This is a one-month offer only!To qualify a referral must submit their first $500 net sales on a Wednesday commission date in April2007 and go on to process a total of $1,000 net + non-commissionable sales within four commissiondates following their start date. Only one recommender can be rewarded for referring a Director.See catalog for complete Three Booking gift collection.22 The Network

On a “STAR SEARCH”…With over 40 years of successful directsales experience, Sales Vice PresidentPat Hemmings, from Ohio, joined<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> after “flunking retirement”…(according to Pat)!SPONSORINGIn her own eyes, she is a wife, a mom, anda grandma who simply LOVES to addsparkle to people’s lives! Of course, she isreferring to “recruiting”; the art of sharing<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> with everyone that she meets.She says she looks for clusters of peoplejust like clusters of stars! At the LasVegas Convention, Pat spoke about HOW she recruits and theattendees in the audience had the privilege of benefiting from hermany years of successful business-building philosophy and techniques.Some thoughts on recruiting from Pat Hemmings:“Recruiting is like breathing…it comes naturally…just try asking people who they know. Look for a‘Twinkling Star’…the one who has a twinkle in her eye. She’s the one who said ‘no’ the first time,perhaps, ‘no’ the second time…and then when you follow up, try asking her if this is her ‘YES’ day!Then there is the ‘Smiling Star’…the one with a smile on her face. Think of the retired person or awidow that has the seasoning of life experiences, but still has a smile. Perhaps find a shy person…<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> can give a shy person something to smile about!Look for ‘Falling Stars’….a person who might have lost their job. Maybe it’s someone who wants toquit their job. Perhaps this is our ‘Future Star’!Seek the ‘Small Stars’…someone with no time…a busy person. Ask her if she would like to have anevening out with the girls and get paid for it too! These people can become ‘Shooting Stars’! Oncethey are appreciated, they will be noticed, just like a shooting star!”Pat also suggested that we seek new recruits anywhere and everywhere: Waiting rooms at Doctor’soffices, receptionists, clerks in stores, waitresses, at class reunions, ball games, anywhere there aregroups of people! Step out of your own world and get out and find some ‘Stars’ that are looking forwhat <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has to offer! Offer the opportunity to everyone; share the appeal of the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>lifestyle – it can be irresistible!Pat shared a thought which might sum it up when it comes to the decisions people make.“A woman finds the time for the things she wants to do or she finds an excuse.” Oh, so true!Thank you, Pat, for your insight into all the unique and different qualities that make up the “Stars” of<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, and for reminding us that a woman will always find time for her priorities!APRIL 2007 23

SPONSORINGEvery Which Way but Loose!So you say you are serious about sponsoring. You want to share. You want toadvance. You want to grow and you want to win. Cancun is looming large andyou are determined to go. Recruiting is the ticket to it all. Successful recruitersknow that there is more than ONE way to get their message across. In fact,they will approach sharing “every which way”… until at least ONE WAY works!From sports to business to direct sales, the pro recruiters in any industry wouldagree that it often takes putting the offer or message out there three, four, ormore times before a prospect comes to the table. Doesn’t it then make sense,to deliver your invitation to join <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> more than just once and in more thanjust one way? At each show, try to incorporate ALL of these WAYS to createinterest in the<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity.• Open recruiting• Referral recruiting• Selective recruitingOPEN recruitingDeliver a recruiting talk/commercial at each show highlighting the advantages and excitement of being a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Director. Makethe guests aware that we are looking for new Directors in the area. Openly invite every guest to ask for more information. Followthrough during Order Conditioning by extending the offer to hear more about our opportunity to each guest individually; if they do nottake you up on your offer, ask them if they perhaps know someone they could recommend.REFERRAL recruitingOnce the show guests have heard your recruiting/commercial, and you’ve extended the offer to hear more, take it a step further byasking them who they know. Encourage guests to become <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> “talent scouts” and refer people they think would be good at<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> and for whom <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> could be the ideal opportunity. Remember to add that while no experience is necessary, <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> does offer a direct appointment to managers who have Party Plan experience. During Order Conditioning, individually ask eachguest/customer if they had thought of someone they could recommend to you.SELECTIVE recruitingAt most every show you will be introduced to guests that exhibit certain characteristics, qualities, and/or relate a “story” that drawsyour attention. Something about them makes your recruiting “antenna” go up! It may be the woman who is expecting and talksabout not wanting to return to her full-time job. It may be the popular fun-loving, life-of-the-party guest, or the sharp-dressed one whoexudes a flair for fashion. It could be the woman with the bubbly personality who you overhear talking about being laid-off from herjob. Whatever it is that you see or hear or learn about a person may very well place them at the top of your “Selective” recruit list.Approach the person and tell them what’s on your mind. Be sincere. Compliment them and let them know what it is about them thathas you believing they and <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> would be a perfect match. Selective recruiting is easy to do; who doesn’t like to becomplimented? It’s flattering to be told that someone genuinely likes you and wants to share with you.Select specific prospects at each show and strike up a conversation designed to spark their interest. Then suggest that you gettogether for lunch or for coffee so that you can share more about <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s business opportunity. Send them home with anopportunity tape/CD & literature. Follow through within 24 hours to arrange a meeting with them.Your hostess falls into the “selective” recruiting category. Start planting seeds at the show where you meet her and continue to talkabout the opportunity throughout the coaching process. If she expresses interest, arrange to interview her BEFORE her show so thatyou can convert the format of the presentation to an Introductory Show. Is she still on the fence? Then use the forum of her show toenroll her guests in convincing her she’d be great at <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>!You certainly don’t want to overlook a potential recruit or someone they might refer. Nor do you want to fail to notice someone whomight have been interested if only you had offered some encouragement and pursued them a little. If you approach recruiting “everywhich way”, you will avoid letting new prospects “get loose"!24 The Network

Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Celebrates 52 Years of Success!Start the year 2008 with a big...NEW YEAR CASH BONUS!Qualification Period: Business processed on Wednesday commission dates in 2007*PERSONAL SALES BONUSQualify for a CASH BONUS equal to10 % to 20%of your total 2007 annual* PERSONAL NON-COMMISSIONABLE salesQualification Requirements:• Sponsor twenty (20) or more personal qualified recruits.• Submit personal net plus non-commissionable sales asindicated and receive your bonus check at the first 2008 Convention.$15,000 total net plus non-commissionable personal sales = 10 % bonus on personal non-commissionable sales$25,000 total net plus non-commissionable personal sales = 20 % bonus on personal non-commissionable salesWith annualnon-commissionable sales of:$ 2,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 20,000.00BONUS EXAMPLENO LIMITS!10% Bonuswill be:$ 200.00$ 500.00$ 1,000.00$ 2,000.0020% Bonuswill be:$ 400.00$ 1,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 4,000.00EXECUTIVE MANAGER GROUP SALES BONUSSr. Divisions and Vice-Presidents may qualify for a New Year CASH BONUS equal to1 % to 2%of your total 2007 annual GROUP NON-COMMISSIONABLE salesQualification Requirements:• Meet your personalized group recruiting goal andreceive your bonus check at the first 2008 Convention._____annual personal group qualified recruits (personalized goal) = 1% bonus on total group non-commissionable sales_____annual personal group qualified recruits (personalized goal) = 2% bonus on total group non-commissionable salesRULES• No one sub-manager or group may account for more than 50% of a bonus qualifier's group recruiting goal.• A qualified recruit must start with their first sales volume processed within the contest dates and go on to submit min. personal net /non commissionable sales of $1,000 within four commission dates following their start date or by the last commission date in December2007 (whichever comes first).• Manager bonus is paid on group and personal non-commissionable volume.• Award qualifiers must attend the first 2008 Convention to receive their bonus.• Award qualifiers must have minimum personal sales activity of $500.00 net / non-commissionable sales processed on the commissiondates within each month of December 2007 and January 2008.Qualifier must be active and fulfilling the obligations and expectations of their position. Qualifier(s) must be active, exclusively representing Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>,and fullfill the obligations of their position. <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> reserves the right to disallow any prize application if the person presenting the application is inactive or is notperforming at the function of his/her level. If it is subsequently determined that a prize recipient was not eligible, then such recipient shall reimburse the companyfor the value of such prize, plus ten percent (10%) to cover the company's expenses.APRIL 2007 25

CONVENTIONJewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’sSummer 2007 ConventionChicago - July 27 th and 28 thExperience The Brilliance of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>!Be dazzled by the brilliance of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s jewelry, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’sprograms, and <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s representatives. From coast to coast theywill come to Chicago and convene to create an incredible, aweinspiringConvention!Convention will be hosted at the glamorous Hyatt Regency O’Hare.Even the hotel <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> selected for our Convention is “brilliant”!From the sparkling pink mirrored towersof this grand hotel to the dazzling chandeliersof its sensational meeting hall ballroom, everything about Summer 2007 Conventionwill be first class! Contact the hotel to reserve your room. Chicago is a superpopularsummertime destination city and the hotel will fill quickly. Act now!It’s TIME to sign up!Register for July Convention and submit your $129.00 registration fee by the earlyregistration deadine of May 30th, 2007 and you will receive this outstanding watch asa FREE GIFT! This sparkling jewel-encrusted special occasion timepiece is befittingthe “brilliance” of a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Convention attendee. Qualify for yours by registering now.You will treasure it always as a keepsake reminding you of every incredible SECONDyou spent in Chicago at <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s Summer 2007 Convention!Convention made it “Click”!The February Convention in Las Vegas made a big impact on Branch Director Sandi Hughes (New York). Shereturned home and hit the ground running, fueled by enthusiasm and anxious to put the new ideas she learnedinto play. Within a few weeks after Convention she had five definite recruit leads and is currently working onstarting them with Intro Shows. Cancun… here she comes! Sandy writes…“Desire, not experience will get you what you want.” When I heard this quote at the Convention,something “clicked” in me and made me believe, “I can do this!” I realized that there is absolutely noreason why I am not walking up on stage and receiving every prize and award. Every person in <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> has the same opportunity to earn the same prizes and make the same money.”Since I have come home from Las Vegas, I am using the “Party in a Bag” idea and it is working verywell. Orders are coming in and my sales and shows are keeping me busy. Also, I am meeting withfriends and colleagues who have purchased jewelry from me in the past and sharing our fantasticnew line with them.The convention’s enthusiasm and the excitement of the unveiling of the new jewelry collection hasbeen a tremendous boost to my morale and to my business. I am looking forward to the July conventionin Chicago when my name will be called – many, many times!26 The Network

<strong>Lane</strong>tte Souder-Tapia &Lisa BrownLisa Brown, Area Manager (Tammra Gravesorganization) lives in San Diego, California. Sheis part of a fast-growing team led by newly-promotedDivision Manager, <strong>Lane</strong>tte Souder-Tapia.CONVENTIONLisa is a perfect example of just how much theConvention experience can impact the business of someone who is new to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>.Listen to Lisa’s words as she describes her FIRST Conventionexperience!“I run a school age daycare out of my home in which I have 14 children every day. I am alsoa realtor, so when <strong>Lane</strong>tte told me she had just started a new business two weeks earlier, and asked if I would have ajewelry party at my house, I replied with ‘Oh <strong>Lane</strong>tte, I’m so busy’. But to support my friend in her new venture, ofcourse I had that party, and oh, how my life has changed ever since!I was so impressed with the jewelry I wanted to earn everything for free. I started asking <strong>Lane</strong>tte lots of questions.‘How many parties would I have to have to get everything? How much money do you make partying? etc.’ So, after myparty, <strong>Lane</strong>tte explained how to get lots of free jewelry, get paid to wear it, and THEN she told me how I had just earnedmy starter kit worth $1,000! I said, ‘Are you kidding me? That’s the easiest business I’ve ever started!’ I have beenself-employed my entire adult life. And I thought I was too busy! Starting <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> on Nov. 6 th , 2006, was one of thebest decisions I’ve made.Then I was told about the upcoming Las Vegas Convention. I said well, ‘I won’t know anyone and I’m to new to thebusiness’. Again, there was <strong>Lane</strong>tte saying, ‘I’m going, you can go too, invite a friend, we’ll share a room and drivetogether’. So of course I went to the Convention. That was the second best decision I made.I came home from The Las Vegas Convention a new person. I met so many positive people with great attitudes.Everyone was so helpful and nice to others. It made me want to be a better person, not only to other <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs, butto everyone. I was inspired from hearing the different speakers share about the personal success you canachieve with the company and was amazed to hear how fast you can grow and promote. I was alsoimpressed with the LeVin family and how involved they all are. I felt like I was part of a small family business. It justso happens that this small family business has thousands and thousands of family members. I start every one of myparties by telling the guests about this wonderful family’s story and how it all started.Before the convention I just wanted lots of free jewelry (who doesn’t) and a little extra cash. Since going to the conventionI have an entire new set of goals. Within three weeks of returning from convention I went from Branch Director toArea Manager. Now I want to be a Division Manager with a huge team of wonderful women with me.Oh! And the great ideas we came home with! One of my favorite ideas from convention was, ‘Party in a bag’. Send acute little bag with a catalog, order forms, one roll of jewelry, a drink and a snack to work with your family,friends, anyone and everyone. They take it to work with them on a Monday and return it to you on a Friday, and voila!...You had 5 parties in one week without leaving your house!We were so excited by what we learned at convention! The six hour ride home from Las Vegas was all about brainstorming.There were five of our team members in the car and did we ever come up with somefantastic ideas! Here are some of them: Have a table at job fairs to attract recruits, advertise with women’s groups,labels on your catalogs to explain the great pricing details (bonus items) and how they can receive FREE jewelry, andlast but not least....ALWAYS, ALWAYS dress your family and friends in Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> and send them with plentyof business cards whenever they are going out anywhere. Our team is closer than ever and we all support each otherfully. A TEAM THAT WORKS TOGETHER SUCCEEDS TOGETHER!!!”That says it all, Lisa! Your enthusiasm shines right through your words! Congratulations on your successand keep on growing! With your excitement it’s a sure bet that, for you, the BEST is yet to come!APRIL 2007 27

28 The Network

Katie Agelis“I just wanted to extend a personal message to theentire <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> family. I started as a FashionCONVENTIONDirector in March 2006, and told my recruiter, TinaLebron, that I only wanted to do one show a week. Isaid I didn’t want any pressure, nor any out-of-pocket investment. It was Tina’s softapproach and unbelievable LOVE of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> that convinced me and my husband thatI should give <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> a try. I have two beautiful children, Gabby (3 years old) and Peter(21 months), and I love being with them, but we saw <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> as a way for me to getout of the house for a little ‘ME TIME’. Plus, we were looking for a way to supplementour family’s income.Before becoming a full-time ‘Mommy’, I was a retail manager for 11years and in retail for 13years. My husbandis a New York City Police Officer who works two jobs so I was able to be home with our children. As the costof living went up, unfortunately his pay did not, so it got a little scary. We talked about me going back towork in retail, but we knew the end result would be a minimum of 44 hours a week and giving half, if not more,of my income to pay for two kids in daycare. .....And then I was blessed; I found <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. I am sure thereare countless stories like this out there, but I really wanted to express my love for this business and for thiscompany!In just eight months, I advanced from Fashion Director to Division Manager. I won the Puerto Vallarta trip!(I took the alternate cash prize.) And, it went right down to the wire on Jan.31 st , but I qualified my 20th recruitto earn my CASH JACKPOT BONUS of $1500, which I received at the Vegas Convention! These are justthe EXTRA perks; the real reward is the personal growth I’ve gained, the encouragement I’ve received, andall the personal touches the company and my managers provide. I spent 11 years with my prior company,and never received any recognition. Even when I went on maternity leave, I did not even get a congratulationscall or card about the birth of my child. In <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, I have felt appreciated… recognized…rewarded. Rightdown to receiving congratulatory phone calls! It’s great to pick up the phone and be told “You’re doing a GREATJOB!”<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> is always making me (and I am sure everyone else) feel so important and special. I tell my groupall the time it is virtually impossible to be ‘loser’ in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. The Company offers so many ways to win; somany contests and rewards to reach for that just by trying, anyone and everyone can be a winner plus have$$$$ in their pocket! My team has grown so much over the last couple of months thanks to the ‘buddy system’.It is so rewarding to watch members of my group start where I did and move up at their own pace.<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has truly made a difference in my and my family’s life. I have a successful business and still getto enjoy my Family Life! I was so honored to have earned a place at the executive manager’s meeting atConvention and I’m looking forward to the next Convention to experience more excellent training, receiveexciting new jewelry, and be challenged by new contests and the next dream trip destination! Thank you toArthur and Shirley for starting this “idea” of business style, and to the rest of the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> family for continuingthe dream. Thank you to Sue Mruz, who is an outstanding Company Vice-President with so much HEART,and of course, thank you to Tina Lebron for generously sharing this awesome opportunity with me.”Sincerely,Katie AgelisDivision Manager (Long Island, New York)Lebron/Mruz organizationAPRIL 2007 29

PROMOTIONLIVE YOUR DREAMS!Dawnette Dobrick joined <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> as a Sales Vice President in 2006. Once she heard the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>opportunity, she quickly shared what she had discovered with everyone who would listen, and herbusiness soared! As a result, in less than a year, Dawnette, along with her husband and partner, Al,qualified for the position of Company Vice President.At February’s Convention, Dawnette recounted that as a young girl, she always dreamed that when shegrew up she would be a successful business woman, a wife and a mother. She envisioned herself with athriving career, earning a six-figure income, but being able to stay home with her family. (When youthink about her dream, it actually looks as if she was dreaming of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, but just didn’t know ourname!) After trying out several business ventures, including selling real estate, she happened upon directsales and finally found her niche! Once she arrived on the door step of Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, she KNEWshe was home!With a growing family, including two small boys, she is now able to enjoy the best of all worlds. Dawnetteloves helping other women (and all people) realize their potential. But, it ALL started with a dream! Beloware some steps that Dawnette suggests each person take when striving to live their OWN dream:· Determine YOUR own dream!· Make your dream specific in terms of what you want your life to look like; how much money do youwant to earn with <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>?· You must take the first step towards achieving your dream.· You must believe that you can achieve your dream.· You must continue to visualize your dream, just as you would look at a map to guide you to yourdestination.· Keep your focus on your dream. Cut out pictures from magazines and create a “vision board”where you can look at your goals and dreams daily.Use the power of positive thinking to support your dream. According to a quote from Henry Ford,“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, either way, YOU are RIGHT!”Dawnette showcased two people that had a dream: Shirley LeVin and Oprah Winfrey. She pointedout that both of these highly successful women started from humble beginnings and each had adream! Through various circumstances and after many years of perseverance and hard work, thesetwo women have each achieved their dream! Even though they both experienced obstacles (being toldthat they couldn’t make it), they persisted and went on to become very successful in their respectivefields and continue today to help other women achieve their dreams!Dawnette closed with challenging our Convention audience to determine their dreams and goals! Sheasked them to “write their own weekly check”; to enter the amount that they wanted to earn from <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong>! She declared to the audience, “The Time is NOW! To Have a Dream…Create a Vision!...Set aGoal!...Make a Plan!...and PLAN to WORK!” She gave everyone in the Convention audience theopportunity, the inspiration, and the tools to establish their own path for 2007 and beyond! Our thanks,Dawnette, for sharing your vision for all who choose to live their dreams!30 The Network

PROMOTIONDawnette DobrickCompany Vice-PresidentsCertain people cross your path, touch your heart, and your life is allthe better for it. Such is the case with Dawnette and Al DobrickJewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> is proud to announce this dynamic team’spromotion to the executive position of Company Vice-President.With close to 10 years of experience and a multi-million dollarproducer in another direct sales firm, a year ago, Dawnette Dobrickfound herself open to listening to what <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> had to offer.Her motives were pure and unselfish. She wanted an opportunityshe could be passionate about offering others; a plan that shecould sincerely promote without hesitation. She wanted the finest,preeminent opportunity out there. In short; she was seeking“The Best”.Scott said that when he met Dawnette, he was instantly impressed.He could tell she was an empire-builder … a confident and talented leader who had a clearvision of what she wanted to accomplish. In spite of her strengths and previous achievements,she was humble enough to be willing to place her trust in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> and follow withblind faith.She joined <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> the day of her interview and it has been a non-stop flight to the topever since. In eight short months she, with the support of her husband and business partnerAl, has built an amazing team of over 400 people. As the Dobrick organization has grown,so has the number of leaders who have risen from within the team. New leaders are consistentlyemerging, and the momentum their ascension creates inspires more growth. And,Dawnette LOVES it! She finds the greatest joy in seeing others achieve their goals.Her passion and enthusiasm and zest for life are overwhelming. Dawnette thinks BIG… anddoes things in a BIG way, but it is the SIZE of her heart that is her true strength. Everythingshe says and does radiates the love and compassion she feels for others. And it shows inthe loyalty and love she gets back from her team. Just ask anyone who knows her and you’llhear the same story…. committed, honest, genuine, positive and upbeat… a businesswoman who operates with integrity and a commitment to sharing with others.SHE was seeking out the best… In Dawnette, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> got the best! All of us in theCompany and in the Field congratulate you both, Dawnette and Al, on your promotion to thelevel of Company Vice-President. We look forward to watching as you continue to make allyour dreams come true!APRIL 2007 31

RECOGNITIONHALL OF FAME February 2007TOP PERSONAL SALES ACHIEVERSFASHION DIRECTORS & BRANCHES1. Michele Ihrke2. Dayna Rocchi3. Jennifer Andrus4. Margaret Guido5. Johanna Aracena6. Rhonda Moore7. Nina Vander Broek8. Delma Yanez9. Lia Milstead10. Viviana RomoM A N A G E R S1. Kay Demmer2. Aleta Howell3. Dawn Sommers4. Ada Torres5. Tracie Morelli6. Shirley Ellwein7. Robbie Boshart8. Lori Brekke9. Jane Chellino10. Melody KralCompany-wide RecognitionFEBRUARY 2007 HONOR ROLLTOP PERSONAL RECRUITERSBRANCH DIRECTOR:1. Lisa Brown2. Carmen Moreno3. Maria Macrina CordovaREGION/AREA:1. Pamela Lohmiller2. Martha Rodriguez3. Rosa RodriguezDIVISION:1. Martha Cantu2. Concepcion Noriega3. Olaya DominguezSENIOR DIVISION:1. Gabriela Aguilar Navarrete2. Jenean Tripp3. Shirley EllweinSALESVICE-PRESIDENT1. Sherry Clifton2. Blanca Rdz de Guillen3. Patricia HemmingsTOP GROUP RECRUITERSREGION/AREA:1. <strong>Lane</strong>tte Souder Tapia2. Pamela Lohmiller3. Laura LoyaDIVISION:1. Olaya Dominguez2. Pamela Broaddus3. Elizabeth MartinezSENIOR DIVISION:1. Jenean Tripp2. Carmen Coello3. Maria SolerSALESVICE-PRESIDENT:1. Jerry Tripp2. Blanca Rdz de Guillen3. Emily VallejoCOMPANY VICE PRESIDENT1. Javier Garcia2. Sue Mruz3. Daphne Douglas

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