ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

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Purcell, N. "Becoming Historical: The Roman Case," in Myth, History, and Culture inRepublican Rome: Studies in Honor ofT.P. Wiseman, edd. D. Braund and C. Gill.Exeter, UK: University of Exeter Press, 2003; pp. 12-40.Quilici Gigli, S. "La Valle del Sacco nel Quadro delle Comunicazioni tra Etruria e MagnaGrecia/'SE XXXVIII (1970): 363-366.Raaflaub, K.A. "Between Myth and History: Rome's Rise from Village to Empire (theEighth Century to 264)," in A Companion to the Roman Republic, edd. Rosensteinand Morstein-Marx. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2006; pp. 125-146.Rackham, H. trans. Pliny Natural History Vol. II. Cambridge, MA and London: HarvardUniversity Press, 1942. (Loeb)Rasmussen, S.W. "Review of C.M.C. Green, Roman Religion and the Cult of Diana atAricia," BMCR 2007.10.49.Rawson, E. "The Literary Sources for the Pre-Marian Army," PBSR 39 (1971): 13-31.. "Religion and Politics in the Late Second Century B.C. at Rome," Phoenix 28.2(1974): 193-212.Renfrew, C. "The archaeology of religion," in The Ancient Mind: Elements of CognitiveArchaeology, edd. C. Renfrew and E. Zubrow. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1994; pp. 47-54.. "Towards a Framework for the Archaeology of Cult Practice," in TheArchaeology of Cult: The Sanctuary at Phylakopi. London: The British School ofArchaeology at Athens, Suppl. 18,1985; pp. 11-26.Richardson Jr., L. A New Topographical Dictionary of Rome. Baltimore and London:1992.Ridgway, F.R.S. "Review: Italian Votive Bronzes," Classical Review n.s. 51.2 (2001):362-364.Riva, C. and S. Stoddard. "Ritual Landscapes in Archaic Etruria," in Approaches to theStudy of Ritual: Italy and the Ancient Mediterranean, ed. Wilkins. London:Accordia Research Centre, 1996; pp. 91-109.Rizzello, M. "II medio corso del fiume Liri: la dinamica degli insediamenti sorani dall'etaferro al periodo archaico," Terra dei Volsci. Annali 1 (1998): 7-36.. ISantuari della Media Valle del Liri, LV-ISecolo a.C. Sora: Centro di StudiSorani "Vicenzo Patriarca," 1980.Roberts, Rev. C. trans. Titus Livius: The History of Rome, Vol. 1-6. Ernest Rhys, ed.London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1905.316

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