ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

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Mutina and Parma were also colonized this year by Roman citizens. Twothousand men were settled in each colony on land which had recently belonged tothe Boii, formerly to the Tuscans. Those at Parma received eight iugera each,those at Mutina, five. The allocation of the land was carried out by M. AemiliusLepidus, T. Aebutius Parrus and L. Quinctius Crispinus. (Trans. Roberts)Saturnia: (Livy 39.55.9)et Saturnia colonia ciuium Romanorum in agrum Caletranum est deducta.deduxerunt triumuiri Q. Fabius Labeo C. Afranius Stellio Ti. SemproniusGracchus, in singulos iugera data dena. Livy 39.55.9Saturnia, also, a colony of Roman citizens, was founded under the supervision ofQ. Fabius Labeo, C. Afranius Stellio and Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus. Teniugera were assigned to each colonist. (Trans. Roberts)Aquileia: (Livy 39.55.5-6, 40.34.2-3; CIL I 2 .621)Mud agitabant, uti colonia Aquileia deduceretur, nee satis constabat, utrumLatinam an ciuium Romanorum deduci placer et. postremo Latinam potiuscoloniam deducendam patres censuerunt. triumuiri creati sunt P. Scipio NasicaC. Flaminius L. Manlius Acidinus. Livy 39.55.5-6They were at the time discussing the question of sending colonists to Aquileia,and the question was whether they should make it a Latin colony or send Romancitizens. It was finally decided that the colony should consist of Latin settlers. Thecommissioners for superintending the settlement were P. Scipio Nasica, C.Flaminius and L. Manlius Acidinus. (Trans. Roberts)Aquileia colonia Latina eodem anno in agrum Gallorum est deducta. tria miliapeditum quinquagena iugera, centuriones centena, centena quadragena equitesacceperunt. tresuiri deduxerunt P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica C. Flaminius L.Manlius Acidinus. Livy 40.34.2-3Aquileia, a city situated on land belonging to the Gauls, received this year a bodyof Latin colonists; 3000 infantry soldiers were settled there, and each man wasallotted 50 iugera, the centurions 100, and the cavalry men 140. The supervisorsof the settlement were P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica, C. Flaminius and L. ManliusAcidinus. (Trans. Roberts)L. Manlius L. f. Acidinus trivvir Aquileiae coloniae deducundae CIL I 2 .621L. Manlius Acidinus son of Lucius, commissioner for leading out the colony ofAquileia. (Trans. Coles)Graviscae: (Livy 40.29.1-2, CIL I 2 .l p200 = Inscr. Ital. 13.3.70a)261

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