ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

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Helua; quipraeter minime populare ministerium, agro adsignando sociis quernpopulus Romanus suum iudicasset cumplebem offendissent, neprimoribusquidem patrum satis accepti, quod nihil gratiae cuiusquam dederant, vexationesadpopulum iam die dicta ab tribunis, remanendo in colonia, quam testemintegritatis iustitiaeque habebant, vitavere. Livy 4.11The new consuls were Marcus Fabius Vibulanus and Postumius AebutiusCornicinen. The previous year was regarded by the neighbouring peoples,whether friendly or hostile, as chiefly memorable because of the trouble taken tohelp Ardea in its peril. The new consuls, aware that they were succeeding mendistinguished both at home and abroad, were all the more anxious to obliteratefrom men's minds the infamous judgment. Accordingly, they obtained a senatorialdecree ordering that as the population of Ardea had been seriously reducedthrough the internal disturbances, a body of colonists should be sent there as aprotection against the Volscians. This was the reason alleged in the text of thedecree, to prevent their intention of rescinding the judgment from being suspectedby the plebs and tribunes. They had, however, privately agreed that the majorityof the colonists should consist of Rutulians, that no land should be allotted otherthan what had been appropriated under the infamous judgment, and that not asingle sod should be assigned to a Roman till all the Rutulians had received theirshare. So the land went back to the Ardeates. Agrippa Menenius, T. CluiliusSiculus, and M. Aebutius Helva were the triumvirs appointed to superintend thesettlement of the colony. Their office was not only extremely unpopular, but theygave great offence to the plebs by assigning to allies land which the Romanpeople had formally adjudged to be their own. Even with the leaders of thepatricians they were out of favour, because they had refused to allow themselvesto be influenced by any of them. The tribunes impeached them, but they avoidedall further vexatious proceedings by enrolling themselves amongst the settlers andremaining in the colony which they now possessed as a testimony to their justiceand integrity. (Trans. Roberts)Cales: (Livy 8.16.12-14)consules creati sunt T. Veturius Sp. Postumius. etsi belli pars cum Sidicinisrestabat, tamen, ut benejicio praeuenirent desiderium plebis, de coloniadeducenda Cales rettulerunt; factoque senatus consulto ut duo milia quingentihomines eo scriberentur, tres uiros coloniae deducendae agroque diuidundocreauerunt K. Duillium T. QuinctiumM. Fabium. Livy 8.16.12-14.The consuls elected were T. Veturius and Spurius Postumius. Although there wasstill war with the Sidicines, they brought forward a proposal to send a colony toCales in order to anticipate the wishes of the plebs by a voluntary act of kindness.The senate passed a resolution that 2500 names should be enrolled, and the threecommissioners appointed to settle the colonists and allocate the holdings wereCaeso Duillius, T. Quinctius, and M. Fabius. (Trans. Roberts)251

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