ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua
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MinervaThe worship of Minerva throughout the colonies in Italy also boasted diverse origins thatlent the goddess different attributes according to the needs and choices of herworshippers. If the local population worshipped a military or political version of thegoddess, then the colony absorbed that goddess into the new pantheon, as in Luna andPaestum. Minerva served instead as a forum or perhaps commercial deity in the coloniesof Aquileia, Ariminum, and Sora. Finally, the goddess took on characteristics of hereastern counterpart in Luceria. Thus, the cult to Minerva throughout Italy speaks to theflexibility of religious interpretation and the importance of local deities in each colonialreligious system.In the midst of a description of the Insubres' preparations for war in 223 BCE,Polybius refers to a temple of Athena.oi 8E TCOV Ivooufipcov TTPOEOTCOTES 8ECOPOUVTE$ auETa0ETov ouaav Tr|v£-TTl(3oAf|V TCOV 'PcOHaiCOV, EKpiVCCV TfjS TUXHS Aa[3ETv TTEipaV KOtlSiccKtvBuvEuaai Trpos auTous 6AoaxEpco$. ouvaGpoiaavTEs ouv cmdaas (TCCSuTrapxouoas BuvdjiEis) ETTI Tairrov Kai xag XP U °°S onuEias xds 6tKivr|TousAEyouevaj KOSEAOVTES EK TOU Tfjs ASnvas ispou Kai TaAAaTtapaoKEuaoaiiEvoi BEOVTCOS UETCI TOUTO TE8appr|K6Tcos Kai KaTaTTAnKTiKcosavTEOTpaTOTTsSEuoav TCNS TTOAEMIOIS. Polyb. 2.32.6The chieftains of the Insubres, seeing that the Romans were determined to attackthem, resolved to stake everything on bringing their enemies to a decisive battle.They gathered all their forces, took down the golden standards which are knownas 'the immoveables' from the temple of Athena, and made all other preparationsfor war. (transl. Scott-Kilvert)This temple was probably located in the Insubrian capital of Mediolanum (Milan). 50Polybius' presentation of the preparations for war, including the golden standards ofcustoms to be transferred to the colonies under the Empire, but there is no evidence for such a phenomenonduring the middle Republic.50 Walbank(1979),p. 143 n. 1.209

Athena, indicates that the Insubrian goddess was a goddess of war and victory, much asthe Roman Minerva. 51The statue of Minerva in the pedimental sculpture at Luna depictsthe goddess in her armor. 52Thus, in choosing to found a cult to the Capitoline Triad, thecolonists in Luna not only flattered their patron, Lepidus, through his connection to JunoRegina, but they forged a link to their Gallic neighbors, who also worshippedMinerva/Athena as a military goddess.In Paestum, the cult of Minerva more obviously overtook the local worship ofAthena. The great temple to Athena in the Greek colony of Poseidonia stood at the top ofa slight rise overlooking the city. It was built at the end of the sixth century BCE.Anarchaic small temple, dating to c. 580 BCE, stood beside the Athenaion. The attributionto Athena is based on votives found near the temple: terracotta statuettes of a female deitywearing a helmet or bearing a round shield with the head of a Gorgon. 54The Latincolonists transferred their worship at this sanctuary to the corresponding Roman version,Minerva. Two artifacts were found in the North Sanctuary with the word "Menervae"inscribed on them: the lip of a dolium {[M]enerv[ae] ILP 7) and a large block{[MJenervae ILP 5 = CIL I 2 3147). 55The continuation of worship of the same goddess atthe same shrine probably allowed a point of common culture between the Latin colonistsand their Greek and Lucanian neighbors.51 Caes. B Gall. 6.17.2 also comments on a Gallic goddess that corresponds to Minerva. On the syncretismof Minerva with a Celtic goddess: Mastrocinque (1991), p. 221 ff.; Chirassi Colombo (1976), p. 204 ff.;Cantarelli (1987), p. 101 ff.; Cenerini (1992), p. 105; Scheid (1992), p. 35; and on Celtic Minerva: DeVries (1982), p. 107 ff.52 See Strazzula (1992), Tav. IVa, Andreen C:2.5j Greco, D'Ambrosio, and Theodorescu (1996), p. 34.54 Ibid. p. 142.55 Torelli (1999b), pp. 52-53.210

MinervaThe worship of Minerva throughout the colonies in Italy also boasted diverse origins thatlent the goddess different attributes according to the needs and choices of herworshippers. If the local population worshipped a military or political version of thegoddess, then the colony absorbed that goddess into the new pantheon, as in Luna andPaestum. Minerva served instead as a forum or perhaps commercial deity in the coloniesof Aquileia, Ariminum, and Sora. Finally, the goddess took on characteristics of hereastern counterpart in Luceria. Thus, the cult to Minerva throughout Italy speaks to theflexibility of religious interpretation and the importance of local deities in each colonialreligious system.In the midst of a description of the Insubres' preparations for war in 223 BCE,Polybius refers to a temple of Athena.oi 8E TCOV Ivooufipcov TTPOEOTCOTES 8ECOPOUVTE$ auETa0ETov ouaav Tr|v£-TTl(3oAf|V TCOV 'PcOHaiCOV, EKpiVCCV TfjS TUXHS Aa[3ETv TTEipaV KOtlSiccKtvBuvEuaai Trpos auTous 6AoaxEpco$. ouvaGpoiaavTEs ouv cmdaas (TCCSuTrapxouoas BuvdjiEis) ETTI Tairrov Kai xag XP U °°S onuEias xds 6tKivr|TousAEyouevaj KOSEAOVTES EK TOU Tfjs ASnvas ispou Kai TaAAaTtapaoKEuaoaiiEvoi BEOVTCOS UETCI TOUTO TE8appr|K6Tcos Kai KaTaTTAnKTiKcosavTEOTpaTOTTsSEuoav TCNS TTOAEMIOIS. Polyb. 2.32.6The chieftains of the Insubres, seeing that the Romans were determined to attackthem, resolved to stake everything on bringing their enemies to a decisive battle.They gathered all their forces, took down the golden standards which are knownas 'the immoveables' from the temple of Athena, and made all other preparationsfor war. (transl. Scott-Kilvert)This temple was probably located in the Insubrian capital of Mediolanum (Milan). 50Polybius' presentation of the preparations for war, including the golden standards ofcustoms to be transferred to the colonies under the Empire, but there is no evidence for such a phenomenonduring the middle Republic.50 Walbank(1979),p. 143 n. 1.209

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