ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

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dwelling Ligurians in 187 BCE, after which he disarmed the Friniates, another tribe ofLigurians, and moved them from the mountains to the plains.Lepidus dedicated thetemple to Diana, along with the temple to Juno Regina, in 180 BCE near the CircusFlaminius, which was outside of the pomerium as well as in a well-populated area ofRome. 40Through this conspicuous placement of his temple to Diana, Lepidus wasadvertising to the Roman citizens that he had called upon the Latin goddess of thewilderness while fighting the barbarians of the hills, and she had answered him. He wasdeclaring his own role as protector of the civilized Roman people from barbarians, one ofthe border issues that were inherent to the worship of Diana.The religious situation in Luna complements the religious message that Lepiduspresented to the Roman people. Three years after Lepidus dedicated his temple to Dianain Rome, he led colonists to the port of Luna. This was the same port from which theRomans had led campaigns against the Ligures and had deported 47,000 Ligurians in 181and 180. 41 It was also the portal to economic activity for the entire region. 42 The Pisans,the Etruscans who originally controlled the port, 43 certainly prospered through trade inmarble and timber from the sixth through the third centuries. Indeed, the Pisans probablywere sorely disappointed when a colony of 2,000 Roman citizens settled at Luna; this39 Livy 39.2 ff.40 Livy Livy 40.37.8-9, 38.1-7,41.1-4.42 Rossignani (1995), p. 64.43 Livy 41.13.4-5: Lunam colonia eodem anno duo milia ciuium Romanorum sunt deducta. triumuirideduxerunt P. Aelius Lepidus Cn. Sicinius; quinquagena et singula iugera et semisses agriin singulos dati sunt, de Liguribus captus ager erat; Etruscorum ante quam Ligurum fuerat.205

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