ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

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that encompassed the area from the colony's forum, up the eastern face of Monte SanCasto, to the summit of the citadel. 144Overall, it seems that the Latin colonists adoptedthe local gods and embellished this sacred complex.The main temple of Sora (Temple A) probably stood adjacent to the forumboarium, which was still used as a livestock market even within living memory. 145Currently, the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta overlies the podium of the third centuryBCE temple and incorporates the ancient walls in its foundations and inner structures. 1Several different plans have been posited for this temple: three-ce//ae, 147 one cella withalae, m or a single cella. 149 The latter two plans are based on the actual remains insteadof an assumption that this temple is a capitolium. For the purposes of this discussion, it isnot important whether there were alae or not. The attribution of this temple is uncertainand will be discussed below.Behind and four meters above the cathedral lie the remains of the podium from asecond temple (Temple B). This temple was smaller than its contemporary, Temple A,and a street of approximately four meters in width ran between the two. 150 It is probablethat the street formed a sort of via sacra for processions to the two temples. 151The144 Rizzello (1980), p. 87. See Mezzazzappa (2003), fig. 21, p. 125 for an archaeological map of Sora.145 Private conversation with Dr. Alessandra Tanzilli, curator of the Museo della Media Valle del Liri, whoremembered visiting the market in her childhood. The forum has not been formally excavated, however, soits attribution and use in antiquity is conjectural.146 Mezzazzappa (2003), pp. 101-103.147 Zevi-Gallina (1978), p. 64.148 Mezzazzappa (2003), p. 103. The alae are based on the existence of a piece of wall between the leftnave and central aisle of the cathedral. This wall has since been demolished. (Ibid. n. 32)149 A. Tanzilli (forthcoming). The single cella plan is on display in the newly-remodeled museum exhibiton the Republican colony.150 Mezzazzappa (2003), p. 104.151 Ibid, pp. 122-123.184

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