ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

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settlements in alien lands," and colonization is the "act of imposing political dominationover foreign territory and people." 8Note that colonization is a political phenomenon anddoes not imply any imposed cultural or religious structure. I use 'colonial,' henceforth,as an adjectival form of'colony' meaning 'belonging to the colony,' not as related to'colonialism,' which refers to the "projects and practices of control marshaled ininteractions between societies linked in asymmetrical relations of power, and theprocesses of social and cultural transformation resulting from those practices." 9Turning to specifically Roman vocabulary concerns, the term 'Romanization,'signifies the deliberate imposition of a Roman political, cultural, or religious system on aforeign group of people in order to remake them in a Roman image. 10Throughout thisdissertation, I use this term only to discuss previous theories about cultural interchangebetween people; it is not compatible with the conclusions about religious exchangebetween Rome and the colonies presented in this work. I also attempt to distinguishbetween 'Rome' or 'the senate' and the individual citizens and members thereof so thatthe agency of individuals or committees in founding Roman colonies becomes clear.Bispham defines the alternative as a statist foundation, wherein there is comprehensiveplanning of colonies and complete management at the highest level of Romangovernment in order for the state to duplicate itself. 11Finally, I adopt van Dommelen'suse of 'local' to describe the populations already living in the regions where Romansfound their colonies. 12Italy was subject to waves of colonization by Etruscans, Greeks,8 Ibid. Dietler uses these terms interchangeably, as do I, with the inclusion of 'colonization effort.'9 Dietler (2005), p. 54. The adjective for 'colonialism' is 'colonialist.'10 For other cautions about this term, see Lomas (2004), pp. 199-201 and Williams (2001), pp. 93-95.11 Bispham (2006), p. 74.12 Van Dommelen (1997), pp. 305-306.4

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