ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

ProQuest Dissertations - Historia Antigua

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Bononia, 154 as did the Fulvii in the foundation and monumentalization of Potentia andPisaurum. 155There was a known feud between M. Aemilius Lepidus and one of the Fulvii, M.Fulvius Nobilior, inimicitiae inter M. Fulvium et M. Aemilium consulem erant (Livy38.43.1), which they only resolved in 179, when the jointly held censorship forced anaccord. 156M. Aemilius Lepidus, during his consulship of 187, charged M. FulviusNobilior with improper assault on Ambracia. Among the other charges, theAmbracians complained that:et, quod se ante omnia moueat, templa tota urbe spoliata ornamentis;simulacra deum, deos immo ipsos, conuolsos ex sedibus suis ablatos esse;parietes postesque nudatos, quos adorent, ad quos precentur et supplicent,Ambraciensibus superesse. Livy 38.43.6.And, what distressed them more than anything else, their temples had,throughout the entire city, been stripped of their ornaments. The statues ofthe gods - no, the gods themselves - had been torn from their dwellings andcarried off, and all that the Ambracians had been left for their worship, andfor their offerings of prayers and supplications, were bare walls and doorposts. [Yardley, trans.]In opposition to Lepidus and these charges, the other consul, G. Flaminius, defendedNobilior through the assertion that Nobilior's actions against Ambracia were commonduring a state of war. Gaius Flaminius also happened to be one of the commissioners tofound Aquileia (183-1). This disagreement over the way in which a conquered people154 Livy 37.46.9-47.2, 57.7-8. Salmon (1970), p. 186 n. 171 Salmon notes that the advocates of the Latincolonization in Cisalpine Gaul were more likely the Valerii than Cato the Censor because of theirprominence on this board.155 Livy 39.44.10 and 41.27.156 Livy 40.45.6-46.16. Q. Caecilius Metellus, along with the leaders of the senate and a large body ofcitizens, implored the two to set aside their feud. Aemilius complained that Nobilior had twice rejected himas a candidate for consul when he had been sure to win, whereas Nobilior complained that Aemiliuswrongly attacked him regarding his treatment of the Ambracians (Cf. Livy 38.43.If.), but both agreed to setaside their differences.157 See previous footnote.92

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