January Bulletin 2012.cdr - City Montessori School

January Bulletin 2012.cdr - City Montessori School

January Bulletin 2012.cdr - City Montessori School


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OMonthly <strong>Bulletin</strong> of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> ( ), Lucknow, India <strong>January</strong> 2012Personality DevelopmentWIAYDEILLUNITETHEWRVol III Issue 7<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> is theWorld’s Largest <strong>City</strong> <strong>School</strong>with over 42,000 studentsPrice Re. 1/-U N E S C O<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>is the Recipient of the2002-UNESCO Prizefor Peace EducationONLDTHINKGLOBALLYACTGLOBALLYPostal Regn. GPO/LW/NP-56/2012-14Regn. No. UPENG/2009/28201CMS Broader & Bolder Education prepares a child for decision-making Global Careers,decision-making Global Professions and decision-making Global Positions12th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World concludes'Lucknow Declaration' emphasizes creation of a 'New World Order'Dr Gandhi receives the Asian Nobel PrizeGusi Peace Prize in The PhilippinesThe 12th International Conference ofChief Justices of the World on Article 51of the Constitution of India came to agrand conclusion here at CMS KanpurRoad auditorium. The Conference wasorganized by <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>from 9 to 12 December 2011. Itconcluded with Chief Justices, Judgesof Supreme Court, legal luminaries andpeace promoters from 70 countries ofthe world signing the LucknowDeclaration after four days of hecticactivity, intense pondering on globalissues and prolonged discussions.The Lucknow Declaration reads :Whereas terrorism has become arecurring phenomenon leading toconstant danger to life and landscapesaround the world as the terrorists canstrike at anytime, at any place, and nocause, grievance, real or imaginary, canjustify terrorism; and that there isdanger of nuclear technology falling inthe hands of terrorists or non-stateQuanta Science Festival organized byCMS Chowk Campus from 19 to 22November 2011. Prizes were given awayby the CMS Founder-Director,Dr Bharti Gandhi at a glittering prizedistribution ceremony. Earlier, on 19November, the 4-day InternationalScience Festival 'Quanta-2011'organized by CMS, Chowk wasinaugurated by Chief Guest, Mr D SMishra, IAS, Principal Secretary to ChiefHeidehof Stiftung, Germany seized the Minister of UP at the CMS Kanpur RoadOverall Championship at the four day auditorium. (see details on page 6)CMS, Mahanagar organized aneducational festival 'Innerscape - 2011'for mentally and physically challengedchildren from 21 to 23 December at theCMS Kanpur Road auditorium.Approximately 300 participants fromvarious states of India arrived atLucknow to participate in Picture aPuzzle, Paint my Canvas, Sculpturistic,debate, Computer skills, Paint BrushBasket decoration, Quiz and otherexciting contests.entities, exposing the entire world tounprecedented danger and danger oflarge scale war.And whereas global warming andclimate change is a matter of seriousconcern, in spite of many high levelmeetings of world leaders under the UNFramework Convention on ClimateChange, and now a new ray of hope hasemerged with the recent Durban accord,yet continuous dedicated efforts areimperative both at national andinternational level to reduce the causeswhich lead to global warming andclimate change.And whereas many countries have largestockpile of nuclear armaments capableof destroying not only all life on earthbut also changing the landscape of theearth while the ultimate objective ofdestruction of Weapons of MassDestruction is nowhere in sight;(contd.On page -4)German team sweeps the medals at International ScienceFest Quanta 2011 organised by CMS ChowkTalents sparkle at Innerscape-2011organised by CMS Mahanagar Campus IDr Jagdish Gandhi being honoured withGusi Peace Prize by the PresidentThe President of the Philippines, HisExcellency, Benigno S. Aquino IIIhonoured two Indians, Dr JagdishGandhi, Founder of CMS and H.E.,Mr M K Narayanan, Governor of WestBengal with the Gusi Peace Prizepopularly referred to as the Asian NobelPrize, the highest civilian honour in thePhilippines at a special ceremony heldin Manila on 24 November 2011.Dr Gandhi stated that the Gusi PeacePrize is not an honour bestowed onlyupon him but more importantly, uponthe 42,000 students of CMS as well asthe 3000 teachers and staff members ofthe institution and all the parents whohave dedicated their efforts to furtherthe noble cause of World Unity andWorld Peace. The Gusi Peace Prize isgiven at international level toindividuals or group who havedistinguished themselves in society as arole model by making outstandingcontribution and relentless efforts in thefield of World Peace and HumanRights.10 countries of the world to participate in CISV Campbeginning on December 28Children's International Summer cultivate and foster global brotherhood,Village Camp titled 'Greenville Camp' world peace and world unity amongbegins at CMS Kanpur Road on children at an early age as also crossDecember 28, 2011. Young children of cultural friendships in a multilingual11 to 12 years from Brazil, Costa Rica, and multicultural world.Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway,Sweden, USA and India are arriving atHuman Rights DayLucknow to participate in this month CMS Aliganj II celebrated Humanlong camp. Each delegation comprises Rights Day on 24 December with afour children - 2 boys and 2 girls with a series of competitions for students heldgroup leader. Junior Counsellors of 15- on 18 December. Children participated17 years of age from Brazil, Colombia, in painting, elocution, reading, spellbeeNorway, USA and India will also be and poetry writing competitions besidesparticipating in this international camp.exposing their creative abilities. TheSports Day of the Campus was alsoThe main objective of a CISV camp is to celebrated on this day.Sports for World PeaceCMS Indira Nagar celebrated WorldPeace Day and Sports Day with greatpomp and show at the Railway Stadium,Charbagh on 16 December Chief Guest,Dr D. K. Gupta, VC., Chattrapati SahujiMaharaj Medical College inauguratedthe Sports Day by unfurling the SportsFlag. Children exhibited their talents invarious sports events.Marching towards World Unity and PeaceChief Minister of Sabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka,Mr Mahiepala Herath inaugurates ICSQCC 2011The four day 'International Conference ofstudents' Quality Control Circle'(ICSQCC-2011) convened by CMS,Kanpur Road was inaugurated on 30November by the Chief Minister ofSabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka, MrMahiepala Herath. Mrs Ajantha Herathwife of Mr Herath, was the Special Gueston this occasion. (see details on page 6)See Final ExaminationsScheme on page 2CMS was founded in the year 1959 and has since dedicated 52 years to World Unity and World Peace<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>Head Office: 12 Station Road, Lucknow, IndiaTelephones: 0091-522-2638738, 2638606, 2638483, 2637655, 2637691, 2637658; Fax: 0091-522-2638008, 2635497 E-mail: info@cmseducation.org; Website: www.cmseducation.org

CMS BULLETIN-GUIDANCE EXAMINATION SCHEME & GUIDANCE DECEMBER JANUARY 2011 2012 (2)ckydksa dks thou dh ijh{kk ikl djus ds fy, Hkh rS;kj djsa!& Mk0 txnh'k xk¡/kh] f'k{kkfon~ ,oa laLFkkid&izcU/kd(1) ckydksa dks thou dh ijh{kk ikl djus ds fy, D;ksafd vkt ds cPps gh dy vius ifjokj] lekt] blfy, gesa vius ckyd dks tSlk cukuk gS mlds cuh jg ldrh gSA fdlh us dgk Hkh gS fd &^ lalkjHkh rS;kj djsa % vkt dk le; dM+h izfrLi/kkZ dk ns'k rFkk fo'o ds Hkfo"; fuekZrk cusaxsA blfy, gesa fy, gesa igys Lo;a gh oSlk cuuk gksxkA vxj dksbZ ds ekuo ek= dh leL;kvksa dk gy dsoy lekule; gSA gj {ks= esa Hkkjh izfrLi/kkZ gSA thou ds çR;sd cPps dh uhao dks etcwr djus ds fy, cpiu cPpk cpiu ls vius ifjokj esa bZ'oj dh çkFkZuk dks :i ls dkuwu ds ikyu esa gh fufgr gSA* blds lkFkizkjEHk ls ysdj var rd euq"; dks dbZ ijh{kkvksa ls ls gh mls mldh okLrfodrkvksa ds vk/kkj ij ns[krk gS] ifjokj ds lHkh lnL;ksa dks vkil esa gh gesa cPpksa dks fo"k;ksa dh loksZÙke f'k{kk nsus dsgksdj xqtjuk iM+rk gSA xhrk esa Jhd`".k Hkxoku us HkkSfrd] lkekftd rFkk vk/;kfRed rhuksa çdkj dh izseiw.kZ O;ogkj djrs gq, ns[krk gS] esgur ds lkFk lkFk gh mUgsa fu;eksa ij pyuk Hkh fl[kkuk pkfg,Adgk gS fd ^^thou ,d la?k"kZ gS] ,d pqukSrh gS] mn~ns';iw.kZ ,oa larqfyr f'k{kk nsuh pkfg,A ifjokj ds lHkh lnL;ksa dks dke djrs gq, o ijke'kZ cPpksa dks fl[kkuk pkfg, fd os vius ?kj] Ldwy rFkkijh{kkLFky gS] j.k{ks= gS&bldk lkeuk djuk gksxk] (4) mn~ns';iw.kZ f'k{kk ds ek/;e ls gh ,d lqUnj ,oa djrs gq, ns[krk gS rks cM+k gksdj og Hkh mlh izdkj lekt rhuksa ds gh fu;eksa dk ikyu djsaA bllsijh{kk nsuh gksxh] la?k"kZ rc rd pysxk tc rd lH; lekt dk fuekZ.k laHko % gesa çR;sd cPps dks dk vPNk O;ogkj djrk gSA blds foijhr ;fn og muds vanj U;k; ,oa dkuwu ij pyus ds lkFk ghlk¡l pysxh] blfy;s la?k"kZ ls Hkkxuk ugha fLFkj lHkh fo"k;ksa dh loksZÙke f'k{kk nsdj mUgsa ,d vPNk cPpk ?kj] Ldwy rFkk lekt esa v'kkafr ns[ksxk] muds izfr lEeku dh Hkkouk Hkh fodflr gksxhAgksdj mldk lkeuk djukA** blfy, xhrk esa MkWDVj] bathfu;j] U;kf;d ,oa ç'kklfud vf/kdkjh rdZ&fordZ vkfn ns[ksxk rks og oSlk gh [kjkc cu (10) vtqZu dh rjg eNyh dh vk¡[k dks Hksnus dhijefirk ijekRek }kjk fn;s x;s bl xwrs gq, Ldwyksa dh ;g uSfrd vkSj gSA D;ksafd lkekftd Kku ds vHkko esa tgk¡ ,d vksj (7) lHkh /keZ xzaFkksa esa nh xbZ f'k{kk;sa i`Foh ijijekRek us euq"; dks Lora= bPNk 'kfDr ds lkFk ghlkekftd ftEesnkjh gS fd og cPpksa dks cpiu ls cPpk lekt dks lgh fn'kk nsus esa vleFkZ jgrk gS vk/;kfRed lH;rk dh LFkkiuk ds fy, gSa % fopkjoku cqf) Hkh ns j[kh gSA fopkj'khy cqf) dsgh dsoy fu/kkZfjr fo"k;ksa dh ijh{kkvksa dks ikl djus rks ogha nwljh vksj vk/;kfRed Kku ds vHkko esa og /keZ] f'k{kk ,oa U;k; o dkuwu dk y{; bl i`Foh ij ek/;e ls og izR;sd dk;Z ds vfUre ifj.kke ijds fy, gh rS;kj u djs cfYd cPpksa dks muds lEiw.kZ xyr fu.kZ; ysdj vius lkFk gh vius ifjokj] vk/;kfRed lkezkT; dh LFkkiuk djuk gSA gekjk fopkj dj ldrk gSaA tks O;fDr fopkjoku gksrs gq,thou esa vkus okyh ijh{kkvksa dks lQyrkiwoZd ikl lekt] ns'k rFkk fo'o dks Hkh fouk'k dh vksj ys ekuuk gS fd bZ'oj ,d gS] /keZ ,d gS rFkk lkjhHkh viuh cqf) dk lnqi;ksx ugha djrk og i'kqordjus ds fy, Hkh rS;kj djsAtkus dk dkj.k Hkh cu tkrk gSA blfy, çR;sd cPps i`Foh ,d ns'k rFkk bl ij jgus okys lHkh ekuo(2) thou dh ijh{kkvksa dks ^iw.kZ xq.kkRed O;fDr* dks loksZÙke HkkSfrd f'k{kk ds lkFk gh lkFk mls ,d ek= ,d gh ijefirk dh larkuas gSaA xhrk] f=iVd]gks tkrk gSA blfy, gesa çR;sd cPpksa dks cpiu lsgh lgh vkSj xyr dk fu.kZ; djus ds fy, mldsvklkuh ls ikl dj ysrk gS % tc ge fdlh ckyd lH; lekt esa jgus ds fy, loksZÙke lkekftd ckbZfcy] dqjku] xq: xzaFk lkfgc rFkk fdrkcsfopkjoku cqf) dh {kerk dks vkSj vf/kd fodflrdks mlds thou dh ijh{kk ds fy, rS;kj djrs gSa rks f'k{kk rFkk vkt dh cky ,oa ;qok ihjuk vkfn bl i`Foh ds lHkhO;fDr cuk fn;k] mlh fnu gekjh f'k{kk dk dfBukbZ;ksa ,oa la?k"kksZa dk lQyrkiwoZd lkeuk yksxksa ds fy,] fcuk fdlh HksnHkko ds cuk;k gSAçR;sd ckyd dks mn~ns';iw.kZ ,oa larqfyr vFkkZr~okLrfod mn~ns'; Hkh iw.kZ gks tk;sxkA blfy, gesa djus ds fy, mls lkekftd ,oa vk/;kfRed f'k{kk blfy, gesa ijekRek dh f'k{kkvksa dks tkudj ml HkkSfrd] lkekftd rFkk vk/;kfRed rhuksa izdkj dhckydksa dks Ldwyh ijh{kkvksa dks rS;kjh ds lkFk gh Hkh nsuh pkfg, D;ksafd HkkSfrd f'k{kk tgk¡ ,d vksj ij pyuk pkfg,A blds lkFk gh ijekRek dh f'k{kk;sa çnku dj mls iw.kZ xq.kkRed O;fDr cuk;saAlkFk mUgas thou dh ijh{kkvksa dks ikl djus ds fy, ckyd dks vPNk dSfj;j çnku djus esa lgk;d f'k{kkvksa dks yksxksa esa ckaVuk Hkh gekjk Lo/keZ gSA D;ksafd iw.kZ xq.kkRed O;fDr gh iw.kZ xq.kkRedHkh rS;kj djuk pkfg,Agksrh gS ogha lkekftd ,oa vk/;kfRed f'k{kk mlds ijekRek gekjk LFkk;h firk gSA vkSj pwafd ijekRek izca/kd cu ldrk gS] fQj og pkgs ftl Hkh {ks= esa(3) ckyd ds thou dks lQy cukus dh vk/kkjf'kyk thou dks vPNk cukus ds lkFk gh mls le; ,oa lkjh l`f"V dk Hkyk djrk gS blfy, gekjk drZO; tk;sas vius nkf;Roksa dks iwjh dq'kyrk ds lkFkgesa cpiu esa gh j[kuh pkfg, % ,d dq'ky bathfu;j ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds vuqlkj cqf)eÙkkiw.kZ fu.kZ; ysus esa Hkh yksd dk dY;k.k djuk gSaA vius cPpksa dks lEikfnr djsaxkA bl izdkj ;fn ?kj] ifjokj rFkkogha gksrk gS tks ,d HkO; bekjr ;k Hkou ds fuekZ.k lgk;rk iznku djrh gSA uQjr dh Tokyk ls cpkus ds fy, /keZ xzaFkksa esa fn, lekt ckyd dks iw.kZ xq.kkRed O;fDr cuk nsa rks ogesa mldh uhao dks lcls T;knk egRoiw.kZ ekurs gq, (6) ?kj] Ldwy rFkk lekt ds okrkoj.k dks bZ'ojh; x, Kku dks çR;sd cPps dks nsdj muesa U;k;] lkjs lalkj dks cny dj ,drk ds lw= esa fijks nsxkAmls etcwr cukrk gSA bl izdkj etcwr uhao ij cuk;sa % cpiu esa fdlh cPps }kjk viuh vk¡[kksa o lerk] d:.kk] HkkbZpkjk] R;kx ,oa ân;ksa dh ,drk blfy, lekt esa ldkjkRed ifjorZu ykus ds fy,cus gq, Hkou dks vki ftruk pkgs mruk Å¡pk cuk vius dkuksa ls lqudj tks vuqHkwfr izkIr dh xbZ gksrh vkfn tSls bZ'ojh; xq.kksa dks fodflr djuk pkfg,A ifjokj] Ldwy rFkk lekt dks ,drkc) gksdj vktldrs gSaA lkFk gh bl izdkj ls cuh gqbZ bekjr vU; gS dkykUrj esa ogha lc phtsa ml cPps ds dk;ksZa esa (9) leL;kvksa dk gy dsoy leku :i ls dkuwu ds dh cky ,oa ;qok ih

WORLD JUDICIARY — CMS REPUBLIC DAY TABLEAU 2011 JANUARY 2012 (3)fo'o ,drk ij vk/kkfjr x.kra= fnol ijsM 2012 esa iznf'kZr gksus okyh flVh eksUVsljh Ldwy dh >k¡dhx.krU= fnol 26 tuojh 2012 ds ikou ds ckn fo'o ds cPps Xyksc ls lUns'k ns jgs gSa tfLVl dh fcfYMax dkvolj ij flVh eksUVsljh Ldwy] y[kuÅ bl fd bZ'oj ,d gS] /keZ ,d gS rFkk ekuo tkfr n`'; fn[kk;k x;k gSAo"kZ fo'oO;kih leL;kvksa dk lkFkZd lek/kku ,d gS vkSj ge lc ,d gh ijefirk ijekRek bl n`'; ls ;g lUns'kizLrqr djrs gq, ^^pyks nqfu;k¡ dks LoxZ cuk;sa dh larkusa gSaAizlkfjr gks jgk gS fdge izse ls vkSj I;kj ls** ij ,d vn~Hkqr >k¡dh lh-,e-,l- dk ekuuk gS fd fdlh Hkh euq"; ekuo tkfr dksizLrqr djus tk jgk gSA lh-,e-,l- dh ;g dk HkkX; fo|ky; ds Dykl :eksa esa gh xk¡dh lEiw.kZ lekt>k¡dh dk e/; Hkkx lkjs fo'o dks çse vkSj lkoZHkkSfed thou&ewY; rFkk ¼Universal ,oa fo'ks"kr;k cky ,oa ;qok ihk¡dh dks ns[kdj dksbZ HkhgSA U;k; rFkk ,drk ds fopkjksa ls vksrizksr Understanding½ nsdj mUgsa ¼x½ fo'o dh ukxfjd ;k ,d Hkh ckyd vius eu esa ;gfo|ky; ds cPps ^^pyks nqfu;k¡ dks LoxZ cuk;sa lsok ds fy, ¼Service to the World½ izfrKk djrk gS fd eSa ¼i½ mn~ns';iw.kZ f'k{kk dsge izse ls vkSj I;kj ls] loZ ds lg;ksx ls loZ rS;kj djus ds lkFk gh ¼?k½ ^lHkh phtksa esa }kjk lekt ds vU/kdkj dks feVkus] ¼ii½ds lgdkj lsA vkt nqfu;k¡ esa vusdksa gSa mRd`"V* ¼Excellence in all thing's) uQjr vkSj vkilh nq%[kksa dh vfXu ls tyrhleL;k;sa] vkvks feytqy dj yxu ls mudks cukuk gSAgqbZ ekuork dks cpkus] ¼iii½ fo'o ,drk ,oalqy>k;sa] lkjs >xM+s nwj djnsa] vkvks ge>kadh ds vafre Hkkx ls ;g lUns'k izlkfjr gks ¼iv½ fo'o 'kkfUr ds fy, dke djrs gq, fo'olalkj ls] pyks nqfu;k¡ dks---!** xhr ij lewgjgk gS fd lkjs lalkj esa LoxZ dh LFkkiuk ds dks izse] I;kj] lg;ksx] lgdkj rFkk ,drk dsu`R; izLrqr dj jgs gSaA lh-,e-,l- dk ekuukfy, ,d U;k;iw.kZ fo'o O;oLFkk cukus dk lw= esa fijksÅ¡xk rks ;g >kadh vius mn~ns'; esagS fd çse] lg;ksx o U;k; dh lgk;rk ls lkjsle; vc vk x;k gSA bl n`'; esa uhnjyS.M lQy gksxh vkSj gekjk iz;kl lkFkZd gksxkAfo'o dks LoxZ cuk;k tk ldrk gSA blh n`'; ds gsx esa fLFkr b.Vjus'kuy dksVZ vkWQ>k¡dh xhrpyks nqfu;k¡ dks LoxZ cuk;sa geizse ls vkSj I;kj ls]loZ ds lg;ksx ls] loZ ds lgdkj ls]pyks nqfu;k¡ dks---!vkt nqfu;k¡ esa vusdksa gSa leL;k;sa]vkvks feytqy dj yxu ls mudks lqy>k;sa]lkjs >xM+s nwj djnsa] vkvks ge lalkj ls]pyks nqfu;k¡ dks---!Hkwyk gSa deksZa dh 'kq)h vkt dk vkneh]vkt mlds vkpj.k esa vk x;h gS deh]vkvks ge ;g n`'; cnysa vius ln~O;ogkj ls]pyks nqfu;k¡ dks---!Ny] diV] bZ";kZ vkSj uQjr] LokFkZ] csbekuhdjnh gSa bu nqxZq.kksa us Hkz"V ftUnxkuh]vkvks tx dks ge lq/kkjsa jkt;ksx izdkj lspyks nqfu;k¡ dks---!vkvks ge yk;sa txr esa ,slk ifjorZu]fo'o dk gj ,d ?kj cu tk;sa uUnu ou]lkjs }kjs f[ky mBs [kqf'k;ksa ds oUnu okj lspyks nqfu;k¡ dks---!Pre-Primary ArtChildren's Creative TalentMy Favourite GameMy favourite game is cricket. My favouritecricketor is Mahendra Singh Dhoni. He is anamazing player and is also the captain of the IndianCricket team. I also have a dress of the IndianCricket team. I have two pads, gloves, halmet, a bigbat and a beautiful ball. Every Sunday I play cricketand often our team wins.I watch almost every one-day cricket match ofIndia. I like playing cricket very much.—Mahendra JethaniIII B, Kanpur RoadReal OrnamentsMany people wear ornaments or fine clothes so thatthey may look nice. These things can get lost orwear out. But there are other kinds of ornamentswhich never get lost. Truthfulness, honesty,courtesy are more valuable ornaments which makeperson more lovable, let us try to crave for these realornaments which we can carry with pride.— Medha Navya DwivediVB, Aliganj IPollutionThe problem of pollution has become very seriousin recent years. Our future generation will sufferfrom the harmful effect of pollution if we do nottackle the problem now. There are different formsof pollution, such as, water pollution, foodpollution and noise pollution. Besides water and airpollution, we also face the problem of noisepollution. Vehicles produce noises all the time andthese noises are generally deafening. Today we cutdown trees and plants. Trees and plants turncarbondioxide into oxygen. The air does not getpurified in the absence of trees and plants. Whenforests are cut down, we face the problem of soilerosion too. The pollution of air and water willaffect our health badly.— Jeny ChaudhariIV E, Aliganj IImportance of Values in EducationMy Just as favourite academic game education is cricket. is important My for favourite one tocricketor attain a good is standard Mahendra of Singh living, value Dhoni, education he is an isamazing vital for one player to live and a humane his also and the peaceful captain of life. IndianCricket Today, the team. world I also is developing have a dress fast of and Indian people Cricket areteam. becoming selfish. Values which are an essential partI of have life, two are losing pads, gloves, their importance. halmet, a big People bat and think abeautiful only about ball. themselves. On every They Sunday give no I play consideration cricket. Ito won other first people. prize in a cricket competition.People I watch do almost not consider every one-day moral values cricket an matches important ofIndia. part of I their like playing lives because cricket they very are much. not taught aboutthese moral values in their childhood. —Mahendra JethaniChildren should be given values III-B, education Kanpur Road at anearly age as they are quick learners.At CMS, value education is imparted to studentsfrom the <strong>Montessori</strong> Class. CMS aims at making itsstudents good and smart. “Good” means that thesoul should be divine, ‘Smart’ means that the outerappearance should be proper, which results in selfconfidence.Hence we see that the value of moral education isvery high and it is of great importance. It should beimparted to each and every child to make him/herboth good and smart.—Shreya JaiswalIX E, Kanpur RoadThe RainbowLook at the rainbow,What a lovely showViolet, green, indigoLook at the rainbowYellow, red, orange, blueLet's join hands, me and youShining in the sky,Giving us a smile,The colours of a rainbowMake the sky glow.— Arisha KhanIV D, Aliganj Campus-IChiti Chandola, whose 3rd prize winning article was published inNovember 2011 <strong>Bulletin</strong> is a student of CMS Mahanagar I"I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask: "Mother, what was war?"" --Eve Merriam, writer

CMS BULLETIN- INTERNATIONAL EVENTS JANUARY 2012 (6)International Science Festival, Quanta 2011organised by CMS Chowk CampusThe 4-day International Science Festival 'Quanta-2011' competitions including Debate, Insight (sculpting fromorganized by CMS Chowk Campus was inaugurated computer junk), Acta-Mathematica (maths quiz), Aquaamidst a grand ceremony by Chief Guest, Mr D S Challenge (A water craft race), Mental Ability Test andMishra, IAS, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister of UP Science and Astronomy Quiz etc. Some of the expertsat CMS Kanpur Road auditorium on 19 November. The from various countries participating in Quanta were: Drpresence of about 500 budding scientists, scientists Alexander Urban, Principal of Heidehof Foundation,and experts from 21 countries including Bangladesh, Germany; Mr Mike Trezecieski, JDS Uniphase ResearchBrazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Engineer, Hong Kong; Prof. Vinicius Ramos Da Silva,Germany, Hong Kong, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Chairman, International Science Olympiad; Mr RichardMalaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, South Murrary Seagris and Ms Lori Marilyn Schuster fromKorea, Sri Lanka, Sultanate of Oman, Thailand and India Canada; Mr Arkady Brook from Russia and Mrs Farida,created a mini world filled with the feelings of unity and Principal of Beacon House <strong>School</strong>, Pakistan etc.brotherhood. On this occasion, CMS students The four-day event concluded on 22 November withpresented a scintillating educational-cultural prize distribution ceremony held at CMS Kanpur Roadprogramme in honour of the experts and young auditorium. Founder-Director of CMS Dr Bharti Gandhiscientists from various countries. The audience was lit the lamp to inaugurate the closing cum prizethrilled in watching this programme and clapped distribution ceremony of Quanta-2011 and honouredheartily in appreciation. The programme began with an the winners of various events with trophies, medalsAll Religion and World Peace Prayer. A World and certificates. Students of Heidehof Stiftung,Parliament presentation on this occasion showed Germany grabbed the Overall Championship trophystudents discussing global issues and trying to find showing their supremacy over others whereas Baltheir peaceful solution.Bharti Public <strong>School</strong>, New Delhi was the first runner upThe spate of competitions began in right earnest with and CMS Chowk Campus and Moscow Chemicalthe participants enthusiastically jumping into the fray Lecyum, Russia jointly grabbed the second runner upand eagerly displaying their talents in various trophy.Science brings us together - The Computer ContestACTA-MATHEMATICA QUIZDEBATE-I (AGAINST)First Anukool Srivastava, Ashish Agarwal CMS Rajajipuram campus First Vikrant Yadav Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, Bhagwanpur, VaranasiSecond Ankit Raj, Nikhil Choudhary Motilal Nehru Public <strong>School</strong>, Jamshedpur Second Madhurima Maji Kerala Samajam Model <strong>School</strong>, JamshedpurThird Shubham Anand, Mohit Ojha MPVM Ganga Gurukulam, Allahabad Third Anshuman Dandriyal St. Joseph's Academy, DehradunMENTAL ABILITY QUIZDEBATE-II (FOR)First Agam Agarwal CMS Chowk campus First Rakhilya Mekhtieva Slavic-Anglo-American <strong>School</strong>, RussiaSecond Hyungjun-Cho Ulsan Science High <strong>School</strong>, South Korea Second Ankit Agarwal DBMS English <strong>School</strong>, JamshedpurThird Archit Sharma Gyan Vihar Public <strong>School</strong>, Mandesar Third Soumita Tripathy Vidya Bharati Chinmaya Vidyalaya, JamshedpurSCIENCE QUIZDEBATE-II (AGAINST)First Pragya Chawla, Pragya Tiwari Bal Bharti Public <strong>School</strong>, New Delhi First Saahil Khare Delhi Public <strong>School</strong>, BhopalSecond Tirtho Daas, Vineeta Kumari Sinha Gulmohur High <strong>School</strong>, Jamshedpur Second Shiraley Chandra CMS Aliganj, LucknowThird Carina Lammle, Lorenz Eberhardt Heidehof Stiftung, Germany Third N. Chitrangada Sunbeam <strong>School</strong>, Varuna, VaranasiAQUA-CHALLENGE (RACE-A)INSIGHT (Sculpting from the computer junk)First Andrey Batasov, Danila Doronin Moscow Chemical Lyceum, Russia First Sebastian Heni, Nicolas Muller Heidehof Stiftung, GermanySecond Akshay Gupta, Pranay Handa Bal Bharti Public <strong>School</strong>, New Delhi Second Mani Shekhar Jha, Kavita Kumari Motilal Nehru Public <strong>School</strong>, JamshedpurThird Prashant Saxena, Shivang Mehrotra CMS Chowk campus Third Shams Ahmed, Anirudha Majumdar Campion <strong>School</strong>, BhopalAQUA-CHALLENGE (RACE-B)First Marcel Schantz, Florian Belschner Heidehof Stiftung, GermanySecond Shams Ahmed, Anirudha Majumdar Campion <strong>School</strong>, BhopalThird Andrey Batasov, Danila Doronin Moscow Chemical Lyceum, RussiaDEBATE-I (FOR)First Simren Herm-Singh Heidehof Stiftung, GermanySecond R Sanjana Sacred Heart Convent <strong>School</strong>, JamshedpurThird Rahul Bose St. Xavier's <strong>School</strong>, BokaroResultsBangladesh, Cyprus, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan,Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Turkey, UK, USA,and India registered their presence and participationat this august event. Quality experts from variouscountries enlightened the audience with theirthoughts and ideas and gave an insight into the worldof Quality Circles especially in relation to students.Besides this, the students of various countriesparticipated in the exciting contests including casestudy presentations, quality quiz, collage, debate,poster and slogan and skit presentation spreadingthe message of 'Quality Concept in Education'throughout the world.Several renowned Quality experts like Dr Syed Ali,Participants of Quanta 2011 from India & abroadFirst Runners-up Championship TrophyBal Bharti Public <strong>School</strong>, New DelhiChampionship TrophyHeidehof Stiftung, GermanyInternational Convention on Students' Quality Control Circlesorganized by CMS Kanpur Road CampusThe 4-day 14th International Convention onStudents' Quality Control Circles (ICSQCC-2011) wasorganized by CMS Kanpur Road at the campusauditorium from 30 November to 3 December 2011.This historic International Convention wasinaugurated by the Chief Minister of SabaragamuwaProvince of Sri Lanka, Hon'ble Mr Mahiepala Herathand his wife Mrs Ajantha Herath was the Guest ofHonour on the occasion. Principal of CMS KanpurRoad campus Dr Vineeta Kamran was the Convenerof ICSQCC 2011.World renowned quality experts and as many as 134student teams from 12 countries of the world vizAsst. Group Supervisor, John Hopkins University,USA, Mr Jeff Dewar, President, Quality Digest, USA,Mr David Hutchins, Chairman, DHI International,U.K., Mr A. M. M. Khairul Bashar, Vice President,Bangladesh Society of TQM, Dhaka, Bangladesh, ProfDinesh Chapagain, Chairman, QUEST, Nepal, Dr HayalKoksal, President, Turkish Centre for <strong>School</strong>s ofQuality, Turkey, Mr Andre Lim, CEO, Quality SystemTraining, Singapore and Mr Madhukar Narrain,Chairman, MSQCC, Mauritius etc. were present atthe ICSQCC 2011 organized under the aegis of QCIInternational, USA, QC Forum of India and WorldCouncil for Total Quality and Excellence in Education."I am neither an Athenian nor a Greek. I am a citizen of the world." --Socrates

CMS BULLETIN- CAMPUS BUZZ JANUARY 2012 (7)Rajendra Nagar Campus IGupta, Hubashiya, Samaksh Ahuja,Astha Agarwal and Anjeer Gupta sangthe song 'Hum Vatan Ke NaujawanHain.'Bhavisha Teckchandani, aClass I won the first prize ininter-school solo dance andface make-up contestsorganized by KolkataS w a r n k a r K a l y a n a r t hA ten-member students' team of the Samiti. These competitions wereCampus won the first prize in inter- attended by the students of severalschool group singing contest organized renowned schools in which this talentedby Uttar Pradesh Gandhi Smarak Nidhi. tiny-tot of CMS mesmerized the judgesTeam comprising Arnav Chaturvedi, and audience with her perfect dancingMuttasar Abbas, Kiran Singh, Prerna and artistic talents winning the firstSharma, Lakshya Chaturvedi, Ayush prizes.Gomti Nagar Campus IVersha Singh, Kindergarten first prize in art competition organizedwon first prize in inter- by St. Teresa's College.school art competition Aanya Bahukhandi, Dev Singh,organized by the St. S h u b h a n g i A g a r w a l , N i m i s hTeresa's College, Lucknow. Priyadarshi, Akash Gupta, AdityaAnuja Trivedi of Class IX Agarwal and Neelansha Trivedi wonwon the third prize in 4x100m realy and prizes in different events at inter-schoolsecond prize in 1500m and 800m race in event Reflection organised by SpringUP UK ASISC Regional level Athletic Dale College. Mallika Navin of VII DChampionship 2011 organised by won the first prize in a competitionColvin Taluqedar's College. She also organised by Krishna Bihari Smritiwon the second prize in UP UK ASISC Sansthan, Lucknow.Regional Basketball championship andwas awarded student of the year Award2010-2011 by the Times of India.Anmol Mishra of Class IX won the firstprize in inter campus BiologyOlympiad organised by CMS QAID.He also ranked among top ten finalistsfrom India in Horlicks Wizkidscompetition and secured the firstposition is school in National ScienceOlympiad organised by ScienceOlympiad Foundation.Twinkle Kapoor of Class VII won the Aditya Agarwal and Neelansha Trivedi,second prize at VIBGYOR VIVA two outstanding students won the firstorganised by Vibagyour High, prizes in inter-school computer andLucknow. Syed Adnan Akhtar and Raj elocution contests. These contests wereKrishna of Class XI B won the third organized in 'Reflections 2011'prize and Amritanshu Raj of IX G won organized by Spring Dale College.the second prize in INDEX 2001 intercollegesparticipated in this contest.Students of several leading schools andschool Science Exhibition 'Pragyan'organised by IIM, Lucknow.CMS students proved their superiorityMallika Naveen of VIII D won first with their marvelous display of oratoryprize in dance organised by Krishna skills and command over computerBihari Smriti Sansthan, Lucknow. technology. The organizers rewarded theAvishek V. Singh and Aishani Vaidya winners with attractive prizes andrespectively of Class V and III won the certificate.first prize in essay writing and thirdprize in elocution respectively in 'Jashne-Bachpan'organised by G.D. GoenkaPublic <strong>School</strong>, Lucknow. Pre-primarystudents won the first prize in Englishplay in the same event.Aditi Kovid and Syed Adnan Akhtarwon the first prize in Calligraphy, MindMapping and Creative Ideas at IIDorganized by CMS Jopling RoadCampus.Versha Singh of Kindergarten F won theKatyayan Rajmeet of ClassVI C secured the secondposition in inter-campusNTSE organized by CMSQuality Assurance andInnovations Department.Samridh Joshi of VIII Hsecured second prize ininter campus physicsOlympiad.Anushka Mukherjee of VI-Iwon the secondprize in college making atLiterary Fest organized bythe Millennium <strong>School</strong>.Shashwat Sinha, SamrahKanpur Road CampusAsharfabad CampusFatima, Dhaval Shree, Harsh Rai andDiksha Tewari were awardedparticipation certificates for theirparticipation in different contests.Samridh Joshiand Harsh Raiwere the firstrunners up inthe first writtenr o u n d o fBournvita Quiz Contest organized byDerek O' Brien and Associates. UmangMishra, Astha Pandey, Parth Pandeyand Skand Rajmeet were awardedparticipation certificates.Sumati Sharma won the first prize in Abbas Zaheer won the bronze medal in'Razz Matazz,' the talent show and group long jump in Viva Athletic Meet. Aditicomprising Areeba Nazim, Sakina, Shukla of Class V won the second prizeYameena Jafri, Aksa and Adnan won the in classical competition in Mediasecond prize in singing contest at Mindprints organised by InternationalVibgyor Viva held on 18 November. <strong>School</strong> of Communication.Anika Bhaskar of Class XI-D won thesecond prize in essay writing Contest;Mohd. Adil Ansari won the third prize inportrait drawing and Swastik KumarMaurya won the third prize in postermaking competition at IID 2011organized by CMS Jopling Road.Shiralay Chandra of XII B won thesecond prize in debate competition atQuanta International 2011 organized byCMS Chowk Campus.Devanshini Dubey of Class XI wonthe first prize in debate competition atInternational Convention on QualityGomti Nagar Campus IIShrey Shukla, a Class IIstudent of CMS Gomti NagarCampus II won InternationalPeace Pals Art Exhibitionfinalist award for the agegroupof 5 to 7 years andelevated the school's flag high oninternational front. This InternationalExhibition had been organized by theWorld Peace Prayer Society, New Yorkfor which entries were received from thestudents of various countries.Displaying outstandingsports skills, AshwinSrivastava of Class III wonthe third prize in SkateChamp 2011 organisedduring Lucknow Mahotsav.Aakarsh Srivastava of Class III won thefirst prize in District level ChessFour students namely Arjun, Vaibhav,Shantanu Sinha and Nimesh achievedsuccess in 'Earthquake Quiz Contest'organized by National InformationCentre of Earthquake Engineering, IITKanpur. Now these achievers of CMSwill be attending the next round of thiscontest on 7 February 2011 at IITKanpur.Aliganj Campus IRajajipuram Campus IIA workshop was conducted by Pidilite at Tushar Mathur and Utkarsh Saxena ofthe Campus on 5 December 2011. All Class VI won the first prize in the groupstudents of Classes I to V participated ins i n g i n gthis workshop during zero period.c o m p e t i t i o nChildren learnt how to make colourfulorganized byChristmas tree, bells and decorativeKrishna Biharihangings etc. with the help of glassSmriti Sansthancolour, sparkle tube etc. on 7 Nov. 2011.A fruit chaat activity was held in class Rishu Ojha of Class VII A won theNursery A2 on 3 December in which consolation prize in poetry writingstudents learnt the names of differentcompetition organised by CMS Aliganjfruits besides learning new words likeCampus II on Human Rights Day.spread, salt, chaat masala, squeeze, etc.Chowk CampusZainab of Nursery III, Mahima Rai of I Mohd Sufian and Mohd. Isa of ClassB, Ana of IV E and Aman Singh of VIII D VIII won the bronze medal in teamwon the first prizes in different contest at Wizmic International 2011categories at Camel Colour Contest held organised by CMS RDSO.Mohd Isa alsoat the Campus on 10November.won a bronze in the individual contest.Students of pre-primary, primary and Frazia Hasan, Mubashshira Khan andjunior sections went for a picnic to Meraj Ahmad secured the first, secondScorpio club resort. They played games, and third prize respectively in Prashnotridanced and enjoyed the delicacies 2011 organised by Seth Vishambharprovided by the organizers.Nath group of Educational Institutions.stAt the 1 Inter-school under 16 Cricket Examination on instrumental music inCoco Cola, Prince Bhasin of Class IX violin, guitar (classical and plectrumwas declared runner up while Nadeem of guitar), piano and electronic keyboardClass X was adjudged the man of the organized by Trinity College, Londonmatch in one of the matches of the was conducted at the campus from 8 totournament.10 November.Mahanagar Campus IIIndira Nagar CampusStation Road CampusJopling Road CampusPranjal Singh of Class IX won the secondprize in FIITJEE talent SearchCompetition.Nimisha Upadhyay of Class IX won thefirst prize in essay competition organizedby Indian Institute of ToxicologyResearch as a part of their VigilanceAwareness Week 2011 celebrations.Vishal Singh and Nupur Praveen of ClassVIII respectively won the second andthird prize.Control Circles, ICQCC-2011organized by CMS Kanpur RoadCampusRDSO CampusDhananjay, a Class Vstudent secured a positionamong the 'top 50' artists outof 2000 contestants at thes t a t e l e v e l d r a w i n gcompetition organized under the aegisof Ministry of Power and Electricity,Govt. of India.This competition was organized underthe national campaign on energyconservation.C h a m p i o n s h i p . T h ec h a m p i o n s h i p w a sorganized at state level forstudents below seven yearsof age. Aakarsh alsosecured eighth position atthe state level. The championship wasorganized in Moradabad by District andState Chess Associations.Model classes were held for pre-primary, primary and junior classes in which childrendisplayed their talents and oratory skills. Parents were thrilled to watch them perform."I have long believed that the only way peace can be achieved is through world government." --Jawaharlal Nehru

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