Curriculum Vitae - INFN - Torino Personal pages

Curriculum Vitae - INFN - Torino Personal pages

Curriculum Vitae - INFN - Torino Personal pages


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<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong>Grazia Luparello<strong>Personal</strong> Data:Surname LuparelloNameGraziaAddress via Portofino 30/42, 10135 <strong>Torino</strong>Telephone +39 0113910032Mobile +39 3920182152E-mailluparell@to.infn.itNationality italianDate and Place of Turin, 18/07/1983BirthEducation and Training:01.01.08 − today Ph.D. Student in PhysicsFacoltà di Scienze matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong>My research activity is related to the Zero Degree Calorimetersdeveloped by the Turin group for the ALICE experiment at theLarge Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.September 2007September 2005July 2002Master Degree in Physics of Fundamental InteractionsFacoltà di Scienze matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong>Mark: 110/110 cum LaudeTitle of the thesis: Messa a punto finale dei Calorimetri a ZeroGradi per l’esperimento ALICE (Commissioning of the ZeroDegree Calorimeters for the ALICE experiment).Bachelor in PhysicsFacoltà di Scienze matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong>Mark: 110/110 cum LaudeTitle of the thesis: Analisi dati dei test di invecchiamento diRPC alla GIF del CERN (Data analysis of the ageing tests ofRPCs at GIF at CERN)Diploma di Maturità Scientifica P.N.I.(Scientific High School level diploma)Liceo Scientifico Statale “N. Copernico” of TurinMark: 100/100

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> - Grazia Luparello 2Research activity:HardwareSoftwareDetector Control System(DCS)I participated in the commissioning on surface of the ZeroDegree Calorimeters. I participated in the characterization ofthe photomultipliers studying their absolute gain and their responseas a function of the high voltage applied.After the installation of the ZDCs in the LHC tunnel I participatedin the final commissioning phase of the detector withcosmic rays and laser (data-taking in the framework of theALICE DAQ system) and in the tests to evaluate the linearityof the full electronic chain.I am imvolved in the analysis of the performance of the ZDCsin proton - proton collisions in the framework of the ALICEanalysis tool AliROOT. Particularly, I am studying the possibilityof using the ZDCs to identify diffractive events in p - pcollisions. For this purpose I am using both local simulationswith different generators and official Monte Carlo productionson CAF.I am developing the code for the offline analysis of the ZDC datawhich will be inserted in the official ALICE analysis train.I am responsible of the Detector Control System of the ZDCs.I am involved in the development and maintenance of the DCSfor the ALICE ZDCs and for this purpose a continuous interfacewith central DCS team is needed.Teaching:2008 − 2009 Tutor of the Precorso di Analisi Matematica e Geometria (precourseof mathematical analysis and geometry) of the Physicscurricula c/o Facoltà di Scienze matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong>.2004 − 2007 Part-time undergraduate assistant c/o Facoltà di ScienzeMatematiche, Fisiche e Naturali dell’Università degli Studi di<strong>Torino</strong>, in the courses named Laboratorio 1 and Laboratorio 2(mechanics and thermodynamics experiments).Other activities:16.03.08 − 17.04.09 Tutor c/o Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong> for Scienze dal Vivo (cycleof seminaries on classical physics and particle physics for highschool students).07.01.09 − 13.01.09 Assistant c/o Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong> for Tre mattineall’Università (lessons and experiments of classical physics forhigh school students).

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> - Grazia Luparello 330.09.07 − 30.11.08 Explainer c/o InfiniTO, the Planetarium of Turin.10.03.08 − 11.04.08 Tutor c/o Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong> for Scienze dal Vivo (cycleof seminaries on classical physics and particle physics for highschool students).07.01.08 − 12.01.08 Assistant c/o Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong> for Tre mattineall’Università (lessons and experiments of classical physics forhigh school students).20.03.07 Tutor c/o Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong> for the InternationalMasterclass for High School Students.09.04.07 − 18.05.07 Tutor c/o Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong> for Scienze dal Vivo (cycleof seminaries on classical physics and particle physics for highschool students).03.04.06 − 19.05.06 Tutor c/o Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturalidell’Università degli Studi di <strong>Torino</strong> for Scienze dal Vivo (cycleof seminaries on classical physics for high school students).Conferences and Workshops:• XCV Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisica, 28th September - 3rd October 2009,Bari (Italy)http://www.sif.it/SIF/it/portal/attivita/congresso/xcv• Quinto Convegno Nazionale sulla Fisica di ALICE, 12th - 14th September 2009,Trieste (Italy)http://www.ts.infn.it/eventi/AliceItalia2009/index.php• EDS’09:13th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering,29th June-3rd July 2009, CERNhttp://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=41547• Workshop soft diffractive physics al LHC, 25th-26th June 2009, CERNhttp://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=62531• Quark Matter Italia, 22nd-24th April 2009, Roma (Italy)http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/QMItalia/index.html• XLVII International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, 26th-30th January 2009,Bormio (Italy)http://panda.physik.uni-giessen.de:8080/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=7• IV Convegno Nazionale sulla Fisica di ALICE, 28th September - 1st October 2008,Palau (Italy)

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> - Grazia Luparello 4• XCIV Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisica, 22nd-26th September 2008, Genova(Italy)http://www.sif.it/SIF/it/portal/attivita/congresso/congressoxcivSchools:• 65th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics: LHC Physics,16th-29th August2009, St. Andrews (Scotland)http://www.ippp.dur.ac.uk/Workshops/09/SUSSP65• XIX Giornate di Studio sui Rivelatori, 10th-13nd February 2009, <strong>Torino</strong> (Italy)http://www.gsr.unito.it/• International School on Quark Gluon Plasma and Heavy Ion Collisions, 8th-14thDecember 2008, <strong>Torino</strong> (Italy)http://personal<strong>pages</strong>.to.infn.it/ nardi/QGPSchool/index.html• Frascati Spring School ”Bruno Touschek”, ”Entering the LHC era”, 12th-16th May2008, Frascati (Italy)http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/lnfss/08/• XVIII Giornate di Studio sui Rivelatori, 19th-22nd February 2008, <strong>Torino</strong> (Italy)http://www.gsr.unito.it/Publications:• N. De Marco et al., Comissioning and calibration of the Zero Degree Calorimetersfor the ALICE experiment, IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 160(2009) 012060Presentations:• Risposta dei Calorimetri a Zero Gradi di ALICE in collisioni proton-protone”, XCVCongresso SIF, 2nd October 2009, Atti del XCV Congresso della Società Italiana diFisica• Selezione di eventi diffrattivi in p-p mediante lo ZDC, Quinto Convegno Nazionalesulla Fisica di ALICE, 12th September 2009, Trieste, Italy• Physics performance and status of the ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeters, XLVIIInternational Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, 27th January 2009, Bormio (Italy)• Messa a punto e calibrazione dei calorimetri a zero gradi per l’esperimento ALICE,XCIV Colgresso SIF, 25th September 2008, Atti del XCIV Congresso della SocietàItaliana di Fisica

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> - Grazia Luparello 5Computing skills:Operative SystemsLan-ProgrammingguagesSoftwareLanguages:Mother TongueOther LanguagesExcellent knowledge of Windows and GNU/Linux.Excellent knowledge of C++ and Root.Good knowledge of Java.Microsoft Office, Open Office, Latex, Mathematica, Photoshop,GIMPItalianEnglishReading skills: excellentWtiting skills: excellentVerbal skills: excellentPreliminary English Test (PET) in June 2006.SpanishReading skills: goodWriting skills: basicVerbal skills: basicPursuant to Article 13, Act 675/96 (Privacy Law), I hereby agree to the handling of my personal data.Turin, 18 April 2009Grazia Luparello

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