Mission Design for the CubeSat OUFTI-1

Mission Design for the CubeSat OUFTI-1 Mission Design for the CubeSat OUFTI-1

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CHAPTER 55.3 Orbit perturbationsThe Keplerian orbit, considering only the earth gravitational force and thesatellite fictitious centrifugal force, provides an excellent reference but, for amore accurate study, we need to take into account some minor effects thatmake deviate the nominal orbit.We classify these variations of orbital elements in three main categories:• the secular variations: they are a linear variation of the element. Theireffect cumulates in time and therefore they are the cause of changing shapeand orientation of the orbit.• the long-period variations: they are those with a period greater than theorbital period.• the short-period variations: they have a period less than the orbital period.They can usually be neglected.In the sequel, three main effects will be considered: the earth’s oblateness, theatmospheric drag and the solar radiation pressure.5.3.1 The earth’s oblatenessThe gravitational potential in the Keplerian theory corresponds to that of anuniform sphere or, equivalently, to that of a punctual mass:V = − µ r(5.14)Unluckily, the earth isn’t a perfect sphere and its mass isn’t uniformly distributed:therefore some secondary effects are produced. To take them intoaccount, a more accurate model is necessary. We introduce, besides the radialcoordinate r representing the distance from the center of the earth, the latitudeλ and the longitude φ. The complete expression of the earth gavitationalpotential becomes:( ∞XnX n(C nmcos (mλ) S mnsin (mλ)) P nmsin (φ)#)V (r, φ, λ) = − µ r1 −n=2" Re nJ nP nsin (φ) +rm=1The coefficient C nm et S nm are constant while P nm sin (φ) are the associatedLegendre functions.The gravitational potential can be so expressed as a sum of infinite terms thatcan be classified into three groups (fig.5.13): Re• if m = 0 the potential depends only on the latitude. This effect, calledzonal harmonics, takes into account the earth oblateness. Often we callsC m0 = J m .rGalli Stefania 40 University of Liège

CHAPTER 5.MISSION ANALYSIS• if m = n the potential depends only on longitude. This effect, calledsectorial harmonics, is used to consider the difference in density betweenthe oceans and the continents. They are also called C mm = J mm• if m ≠ n and m ≠ 0 the potential depends both on latitude and longitude.This effect, called tesseral harmonics, is used to take into account greatmass concentration (Ex. the Himalaya).Figure 5.13: Earth oblateness and not uniform mass effect: zonal harmonics(left), sectorial harmonics (middle) and tesseral harmonics (right)The most important effect is the J 2 : all the others are usually neglected withthe exception of the J 22 effect that needs to be considered for geostationary orbit.In OUFTI-1 case, the only harmonic considered is J 2 : its principal effectsare the secular motions of the ascending node and of the perigee.The motion of the ascending node and therefore the variation of its right ascensionΩ occurs because of the added attraction of earth’s equatorial bulge, whichintroduces a force components toward the equator. The resultant accelerationcauses the satellite to reach the equator before the crossing point for a sphericalearth. The secular nodal variation of Ω can be numerically evaluated with theformula:˙Ω = −9.9639 ( ) 3Re 5degcos(i)(1 − e 2 ) 2 aday(5.15)The secular motion of perigee occurs because the force is no longer proportionalto the inverse square radius and the orbit is consequently no longer aclosed ellipse. It can be expressed as:˙ω = −9.9639 ( ) 3 (Re 5(1 − e 2 ) 2 2 − 5 )a 2 sin2 (i)5.3.2 The atmospheric dragdegday(5.16)For low earth orbit, the effect of the residual atmosphere is often the mainperturbation. Drag acts in the opposite direction of the velocity vector andGalli Stefania 41 University of Liège

CHAPTER 5.MISSION ANALYSIS• if m = n <strong>the</strong> potential depends only on longitude. This effect, calledsectorial harmonics, is used to consider <strong>the</strong> difference in density between<strong>the</strong> oceans and <strong>the</strong> continents. They are also called C mm = J mm• if m ≠ n and m ≠ 0 <strong>the</strong> potential depends both on latitude and longitude.This effect, called tesseral harmonics, is used to take into account greatmass concentration (Ex. <strong>the</strong> Himalaya).Figure 5.13: Earth oblateness and not uni<strong>for</strong>m mass effect: zonal harmonics(left), sectorial harmonics (middle) and tesseral harmonics (right)The most important effect is <strong>the</strong> J 2 : all <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs are usually neglected with<strong>the</strong> exception of <strong>the</strong> J 22 effect that needs to be considered <strong>for</strong> geostationary orbit.In <strong>OUFTI</strong>-1 case, <strong>the</strong> only harmonic considered is J 2 : its principal effectsare <strong>the</strong> secular motions of <strong>the</strong> ascending node and of <strong>the</strong> perigee.The motion of <strong>the</strong> ascending node and <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> variation of its right ascensionΩ occurs because of <strong>the</strong> added attraction of earth’s equatorial bulge, whichintroduces a <strong>for</strong>ce components toward <strong>the</strong> equator. The resultant accelerationcauses <strong>the</strong> satellite to reach <strong>the</strong> equator be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> crossing point <strong>for</strong> a sphericalearth. The secular nodal variation of Ω can be numerically evaluated with <strong>the</strong><strong>for</strong>mula:˙Ω = −9.9639 ( ) 3Re 5degcos(i)(1 − e 2 ) 2 aday(5.15)The secular motion of perigee occurs because <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>ce is no longer proportionalto <strong>the</strong> inverse square radius and <strong>the</strong> orbit is consequently no longer aclosed ellipse. It can be expressed as:˙ω = −9.9639 ( ) 3 (Re 5(1 − e 2 ) 2 2 − 5 )a 2 sin2 (i)5.3.2 The atmospheric dragdegday(5.16)For low earth orbit, <strong>the</strong> effect of <strong>the</strong> residual atmosphere is often <strong>the</strong> mainperturbation. Drag acts in <strong>the</strong> opposite direction of <strong>the</strong> velocity vector andGalli Stefania 41 University of Liège

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