Spiritual Warfare and Territorial Spirits (~5.5 MB) - Moriel Ministries

Spiritual Warfare and Territorial Spirits (~5.5 MB) - Moriel Ministries Spiritual Warfare and Territorial Spirits (~5.5 MB) - Moriel Ministries


when no man can work” (John 9:4). Therewill be an hour of darkness and testing atthe end of the world before Jesus comes.And thirdly – finally, with the adventof the Antichrist, all human governmentswill, for at least a 3-1/2year period, be given into his hand.Those are the three ways that God throwsback these powers.The Example of Italy andJapanNow when these powers fail to functionas God intended them, when thechurch stops preaching the Gospel, whenChristians stop praying for the government,or when the Holy Spirit is grieved, theseancient territorial spirits will resurface.We all know that the governmentof Italy has had nearly 50 governmentssince the end of the Second World War.We know about the Mafia in Sicily andthe kinds of corruption that has been endemicin the Italian government. And weknow the Vatican’s involvement with it,with the Sidona scandal and the Bancode Ambrosiano bankruptcy. The Vaticanpaid hundreds of millions of dollarsto buy its way out of it. And then Calviand these people were murdered in London,over 200 murders, with the Vaticanat the center of it -- this kind of treachery.That is exactly what transpired inimperial Rome. There is chronic politicalinstability in the Italian government,the kind of corruption brought about bythe Mafia and organized financial corruptionwithin the Roman Catholic Church...Remember the Roman Catholic Church’sbank is called “The Ministry of ReligiousWorks”. If you’ve been to Italy, you’veseen “Banco Spiritus Sancti”, the “Bankof the Holy Spirit”, it is the tenth biggestbank in Italy. And the Vatican bank is one ofthe largest commercial banks in the world,and one of the largest merchant banks.This goes back to the Middle Ageswith the merchant banking families ofItaly, of Florence, Florenzia, and Venice:the Borgesi family, and the Lombardifamily, and the Medici family. They wereall rivals to get their man into the papacybecause the papal port was a brokeragehouse for merchant banking. But theroots of this go back to Imperial Rome.The political instability, the hyperinflationeven, was endemic in ancientRome, the continual corruption and theinvolvement of the Pontiff . Remember,the Pope’s title is “Pontiff”, but the titleof the emperor was “Pontificus Maximus”.The Pope just took the title of theemperor as the head of the Pantheon ofRome, Rome’s Pagan religion. The rootsJacob Praschof this are, again, the same territorialspirits that existed in imperial Rome thathave come in to modern Italy throughthe papacy, through the Mafia, throughcorruption in the Italian government.The management philosophy in Japanesecorporations is based on the old Shogunmodel. It’s tied into Shintoism. Emperorworship is almost blind allegiance tothe Shogun. That is the management philosophyunderlying Japanese corporations.In the Second World War it expresseditself through Japanese Imperialism which,if you can fathom it, was in many waysworse than the Nazis -- certainly crueler.They believed they were the descendantsof the Sun God and therefore they were geneticallysuperior to the other Asians in thesame as the Germans believed they weregenetically superior to the Jews becauseof the way Hitler used Nietzsche’s ideasof the “Ubermensch”, the “superman”,etc. Same idea. These are the same principalitiesyou find in the Shogun mentalityand in Shintoism, Japanese Buddhism.Israel’s HistoryIf Israel has a history of anything, it’scontinual rebellion against God. Jacob’sname was changed to “Israel”, “he whohas wrestled with God”. Jacob wrestledat Penuel with the Angel of the Lord(Gen. 32:24-32), the One the Talmudcalls the “Metatrone”, “He who dwellsat the center of the throne”. It is an angelwith divine properties who is associatedwith the Messiah. Without doubtthe angel that Jacob wrestled with wasthe preincarnate Christ. The “Angel ofthe Lord” is a christophony: an Old Testamentmanifestation of the Lord Jesus.Jacob wrestled to the end of thenight. Now “the night”, in the Bible,is a metaphor – if you don’tknow – for the Great Tribulation:“Watchman, watchman, howfar is the night?” (Is. 21:11)“Is he coming in the secondwatch of the night or thethird?” (Lk. 2:38)“He’s coming like a thief in thenight”. (1 Th. 5:2)The virgins needed oil in theirlamps to see in the night. (Matt.25:1)The night has to do with the Tribulationat the time of the end. Jacob goes allContinued: Feature Articlethe way through it. The church doesn’t, butJacob does. The Jews go through the Tribulation.It illustrates the point. It’s called“the time of Jacob’s trouble” in Jeremiah.The rebellion seen among the Jewishpeople conveys the same thing. Their resistanceto the Gospel has to do with the sameresistance they had to their own prophets.Always remember this when you’re prayingfor Jewish people: The problem of unsavedJewish people is not that they don’tbelieve that Jesus is the Messiah. The factthat unsaved Jewish people do not believeJesus is the Messiah is not their problem.That is the tragic result of their problem.Their problem is they don’t believe theTorah. Jesus said directly, “If you believedin Moses, you’d believe Me also”(John 5:46). Their problem is they’re inrebellion against the Tanakh, they’re inrebellion against the Mitzvot, they’rein rebellion against the Law of Moses.Their rejection of Jesus is the result of it.Israel has one of the highest abortionrates of any developed country, some wouldsay the highest. God warned Israel aboutsacrificing their children as the Gentilesdo. Now understand this: God’s judgmentfell on Israel before the Babylonian captivitybecause they were sacrificing theirchildren to demons – “Molech worship”.In most western countries, and in Israel,if you were to take all of the major clinicalreasons for abortion and put them together,altogether they would only accountfor a small percentage of the abortionsperformed. Most abortions are non-therapeutic.In other words, they’re performedfor social and economic considerations.Jesus called this “mammon worship”(Matt. 6:24; Lk.16:13). Make nomistake about it, non-therapeutic abortionis very much associated with demonworship. These abortions are the modernequivalent of when babies were sacrificedto Molech in the ancient world. AndIsrael has gone the way of the nationsand is particularly guilty. It has one ofthe highest abortion rates of any country.Japan’s is absolutely astronomical.The Example of GermanyAnd then there’s Germany. Hitlerwas a madman – we all know that – butwhen Sir Winston Churchill wrote aboutthe Germans, he referred to them usuallyas “the Huns” or “the Teutonic Tribes”.Churchill had a very good and acutesense of history. He understood that whenyou look at the Holocaust, the Blitz, andthe Blitzkrieg, that is what the Germansalways did. That’s what the Huns did,what the Visigoths did, what the ancientGermanic tribes did – they always didJune 2007 • Moriel Quarterly

when no man can work” (John 9:4). Therewill be an hour of darkness <strong>and</strong> testing atthe end of the world before Jesus comes.And thirdly – finally, with the adventof the Antichrist, all human governmentswill, for at least a 3-1/2year period, be given into his h<strong>and</strong>.Those are the three ways that God throwsback these powers.The Example of Italy <strong>and</strong>JapanNow when these powers fail to functionas God intended them, when thechurch stops preaching the Gospel, whenChristians stop praying for the government,or when the Holy Spirit is grieved, theseancient territorial spirits will resurface.We all know that the governmentof Italy has had nearly 50 governmentssince the end of the Second World War.We know about the Mafia in Sicily <strong>and</strong>the kinds of corruption that has been endemicin the Italian government. And weknow the Vatican’s involvement with it,with the Sidona sc<strong>and</strong>al <strong>and</strong> the Bancode Ambrosiano bankruptcy. The Vaticanpaid hundreds of millions of dollarsto buy its way out of it. And then Calvi<strong>and</strong> these people were murdered in London,over 200 murders, with the Vaticanat the center of it -- this kind of treachery.That is exactly what transpired inimperial Rome. There is chronic politicalinstability in the Italian government,the kind of corruption brought about bythe Mafia <strong>and</strong> organized financial corruptionwithin the Roman Catholic Church...Remember the Roman Catholic Church’sbank is called “The Ministry of ReligiousWorks”. If you’ve been to Italy, you’veseen “Banco Spiritus Sancti”, the “Bankof the Holy Spirit”, it is the tenth biggestbank in Italy. And the Vatican bank is one ofthe largest commercial banks in the world,<strong>and</strong> one of the largest merchant banks.This goes back to the Middle Ageswith the merchant banking families ofItaly, of Florence, Florenzia, <strong>and</strong> Venice:the Borgesi family, <strong>and</strong> the Lombardifamily, <strong>and</strong> the Medici family. They wereall rivals to get their man into the papacybecause the papal port was a brokeragehouse for merchant banking. But theroots of this go back to Imperial Rome.The political instability, the hyperinflationeven, was endemic in ancientRome, the continual corruption <strong>and</strong> theinvolvement of the Pontiff . Remember,the Pope’s title is “Pontiff”, but the titleof the emperor was “Pontificus Maximus”.The Pope just took the title of theemperor as the head of the Pantheon ofRome, Rome’s Pagan religion. The rootsJacob Praschof this are, again, the same territorialspirits that existed in imperial Rome thathave come in to modern Italy throughthe papacy, through the Mafia, throughcorruption in the Italian government.The management philosophy in Japanesecorporations is based on the old Shogunmodel. It’s tied into Shintoism. Emperorworship is almost blind allegiance tothe Shogun. That is the management philosophyunderlying Japanese corporations.In the Second World War it expresseditself through Japanese Imperialism which,if you can fathom it, was in many waysworse than the Nazis -- certainly crueler.They believed they were the descendantsof the Sun God <strong>and</strong> therefore they were geneticallysuperior to the other Asians in thesame as the Germans believed they weregenetically superior to the Jews becauseof the way Hitler used Nietzsche’s ideasof the “Ubermensch”, the “superman”,etc. Same idea. These are the same principalitiesyou find in the Shogun mentality<strong>and</strong> in Shintoism, Japanese Buddhism.Israel’s HistoryIf Israel has a history of anything, it’scontinual rebellion against God. Jacob’sname was changed to “Israel”, “he whohas wrestled with God”. Jacob wrestledat Penuel with the Angel of the Lord(Gen. 32:24-32), the One the Talmudcalls the “Metatrone”, “He who dwellsat the center of the throne”. It is an angelwith divine properties who is associatedwith the Messiah. Without doubtthe angel that Jacob wrestled with wasthe preincarnate Christ. The “Angel ofthe Lord” is a christophony: an Old Testamentmanifestation of the Lord Jesus.Jacob wrestled to the end of thenight. Now “the night”, in the Bible,is a metaphor – if you don’tknow – for the Great Tribulation:“Watchman, watchman, howfar is the night?” (Is. 21:11)“Is he coming in the secondwatch of the night or thethird?” (Lk. 2:38)“He’s coming like a thief in thenight”. (1 Th. 5:2)The virgins needed oil in theirlamps to see in the night. (Matt.25:1)The night has to do with the Tribulationat the time of the end. Jacob goes allContinued: Feature Articlethe way through it. The church doesn’t, butJacob does. The Jews go through the Tribulation.It illustrates the point. It’s called“the time of Jacob’s trouble” in Jeremiah.The rebellion seen among the Jewishpeople conveys the same thing. Their resistanceto the Gospel has to do with the sameresistance they had to their own prophets.Always remember this when you’re prayingfor Jewish people: The problem of unsavedJewish people is not that they don’tbelieve that Jesus is the Messiah. The factthat unsaved Jewish people do not believeJesus is the Messiah is not their problem.That is the tragic result of their problem.Their problem is they don’t believe theTorah. Jesus said directly, “If you believedin Moses, you’d believe Me also”(John 5:46). Their problem is they’re inrebellion against the Tanakh, they’re inrebellion against the Mitzvot, they’rein rebellion against the Law of Moses.Their rejection of Jesus is the result of it.Israel has one of the highest abortionrates of any developed country, some wouldsay the highest. God warned Israel aboutsacrificing their children as the Gentilesdo. Now underst<strong>and</strong> this: God’s judgmentfell on Israel before the Babylonian captivitybecause they were sacrificing theirchildren to demons – “Molech worship”.In most western countries, <strong>and</strong> in Israel,if you were to take all of the major clinicalreasons for abortion <strong>and</strong> put them together,altogether they would only accountfor a small percentage of the abortionsperformed. Most abortions are non-therapeutic.In other words, they’re performedfor social <strong>and</strong> economic considerations.Jesus called this “mammon worship”(Matt. 6:24; Lk.16:13). Make nomistake about it, non-therapeutic abortionis very much associated with demonworship. These abortions are the modernequivalent of when babies were sacrificedto Molech in the ancient world. AndIsrael has gone the way of the nations<strong>and</strong> is particularly guilty. It has one ofthe highest abortion rates of any country.Japan’s is absolutely astronomical.The Example of GermanyAnd then there’s Germany. Hitlerwas a madman – we all know that – butwhen Sir Winston Churchill wrote aboutthe Germans, he referred to them usuallyas “the Huns” or “the Teutonic Tribes”.Churchill had a very good <strong>and</strong> acutesense of history. He understood that whenyou look at the Holocaust, the Blitz, <strong>and</strong>the Blitzkrieg, that is what the Germansalways did. That’s what the Huns did,what the Visigoths did, what the ancientGermanic tribes did – they always didJune 2007 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

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