Revaisd tender for moradabad sewerag.pdf - Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam

Revaisd tender for moradabad sewerag.pdf - Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam Revaisd tender for moradabad sewerag.pdf - Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam




URBAN WORKS UNIT, U.P. JAL, NIGAM,MORADABAD.TENDER FORPREPARATION, SUBMISSION AND CLEARENCE FROMMOEF, GOI OF FEASIBILITY REPORT (FR) ANDDETAILED PROJECT REPORT (DPR) OFSEWERAGE WORKS IN MORADABAD TOWN OFUTTAR PRADESH1. Cost of Complete Set of Tender Document Rs. 5000.00 +VAT @13.5% + 500/-PostalCharges (If Tender Document Requiredby Post)2. Earnest Money Rs. 100000.00Sold to :M/s. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Received cash/Bank Draft No. …………………….. Payable at ……………………................ Date………………… Amount Rs. …………… Vide money Receipt No. .................…………………………. Date…………………… Place : MoradabadIssued by :CASHIER DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT PROJECT MANAGER

2. Completed <strong>tender</strong> along with all necessary documents shall be dropped by the firms in anyof the <strong>tender</strong> boxes kept at above offices on 05-09-2012 up to 3:00 pm. No <strong>tender</strong> will bereceived by hand.3. The <strong>tender</strong> documents may be dispatched by registered post <strong>for</strong> an additional cost of Rs.500.00 but in such a case, the department will not be responsible <strong>for</strong> any postal delay or lossof document.4. Bidders are advised to visit Moradabad Nagar be<strong>for</strong>e quoting their offer.5. Earnest money <strong>for</strong> the amount shown in above table in column 3, duly pledged in the nameof Project Manager, Urban Works Unit, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad, should be submittedwith <strong>tender</strong> document in a separate envelop failing which the <strong>tender</strong> document will not beopened. The earnest money may be submitted in the <strong>for</strong>m of FDR / CDR / Bank Guaranteeof a nationalized bank / NSC issued from a post office. The envelop will also containexperience certificate <strong>for</strong> having prepared DPRs as described at serial 1 and average annualturnover required at serial 2 of PRE–REQUISIT FOR PROSPECTING FIRMS. The secondenvelop shall contain the <strong>tender</strong> document along with financial offer.6. All taxes whatever applicable at the time of payment shall be deducted from the bill of theFirm/individual.7. The U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids withoutassigning any reason.8. A pre-bid meeting will be held on 27-08-2012 at 12 hours noon in the office of the ChiefEngineer (Moradabad Zone), U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad to reply the queries of the bidders,Queries received after 27-08-2012 will not be entertained. The decisions taken andproceedings of this meeting shall become a part of the <strong>tender</strong> document and shall beapplicable to all bidders.9. This <strong>tender</strong> document may be downloaded from U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> submitted with a non refundable D.D. of amount Rs. 5675/- only asshown in column 4 of about table along with earnest money and all other necessarydocuments.10. In case of any discrepancy in <strong>tender</strong> document issued from the office in hard copy and onedownloaded from <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> website. The hard copy of the office shall be final.PRE–REQUISIT FOR PROSPECTING FIRMS-1. The firm should have prepared similar DPRs <strong>for</strong> estimated cost not less than Rs.250.00 crores under JNNURM, NRCD/NGRBA, World Bank, Asian DevelopmentBank, JICA or any State Govt. Programme in any state in Union of India in last threefinancial years including the year ending 31st March 2012.2. Average annual turnover of the firm/individual should be more than Rs. 50.00 lacs.3. The firm should have proprietary rights of the software of the design of <strong>sewerag</strong>esystem.4. The firm should have either of the software i.e. Sewer Gems, Sewer cadd <strong>for</strong> design& estimation of sewer system.5. Consultants/firms should be registered in company act & have service tax andincome tax registration.TERMS AND CONDITIONS-1. The FR and later On DPRs shall be prepared on latest guide lines circulated byNational River Conservation Directorate (NRCD), New Delhi in “ Guidelines <strong>for</strong>preparation of Project Reports”2

2. Firms must provide factual and reliable in<strong>for</strong>mation supported by documents abouttheir financial strength and technical competence including experience in providingservices <strong>for</strong> similar projects, availability of qualified and experienced professionaland certificate of proprietary right of software of the design of <strong>sewerag</strong>e system.3. The firms must quote their rates in firm amount ( not as a percentage.) inclusive ofall taxes.4. The successful firm will have to enter in an agreement with U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> within10 days of calling to do so on a 100 Rs non judicial stamp paper.5. The FR/DPR shall be prepared as per U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>/L.S.G.E.D./P.W.DSpecifications, relevant I.S. Codes and CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage and SewageTreatment.6. The firm shall make presentations of their scheme be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>/Nagar<strong>Nigam</strong>/State Project Management Group (SPMG) / Project Management Group(PMG) etc. All expenses shall be borne by the firm.7. The firms shall send their representatives every <strong>for</strong>tnightly or as required by theoffice of the Project Manager Urban Works Unit U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> Moradabad todiscuss about the work.8. All expenses of the visits of the representatives of the firms shall be borne by thefirm itself.9. In case of any holiday falling on dates of submission/pre-bid meeting the bid shall besubmitted/opened, the pre-bid meeting shall be held on next working day.(R.K. Sharma)Project ManagerEndt. No & Dated : as above.Copy to the following <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation.1. Deputy Director, State Project Management Group, Lucknow.2. P.S. to Managing Director, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, 6-Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow.3. Chief Engineer (Ganga/Urban), U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, 6-Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow.4. Chief Engineer (Moradabad Zone), U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> Moradabad5. Chief Engineer Inspection Wing/E&M, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Lucknow6. Secretary (Management) U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, 6-Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow.7. The Public Relation Officer, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, 6-Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow in Six copiesalong with C.D. and the in<strong>for</strong>mation on required Per<strong>for</strong>ma <strong>for</strong> publishing this NoticeInviting Tender (NIT) in the well circulated National English/Hindi news papers publishedfrom Delhi, Lucknow & Mumbai.8. Superintending Engineer, VIIIth Circle, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Aashiyana Colony, Near OHT,Moradabad.9. District Magistrate, Moradabad.10. Nagar Ayukt, Nagar <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad.11. Office Notice Board.12. Guard File.13. M/s ..............................................Project Manager3

GENERAL IMPORTANT NOTES1. The <strong>tender</strong>ers are advised:-A. To visit the site so as to ascertain the local conditions, existing drainage, existing water supply,natural ground slope <strong>for</strong> approximation of the quantum of work to be carried out <strong>for</strong> preparing theDPR and FR.B. To quote the rates strictly as per the language of Schedule-G and <strong>tender</strong>ers should not quote orwrite any condition which is not required in Schedule-G or anywhere in the document.C. To read carefully the specifications, terms and conditions, work out their own quantities andrates from the drawing and site conditions be<strong>for</strong>e quoting the rates.D. To well acquaint themselves with the nature of work, the underground water table, the existingwater / sewer lines / electrical lines or cable / telephone lines or cable / data cable, irrigationminors, road, rail crossing & falling of trees and incoming drainage water flows through thealignment and should include in their rates sufficient allowances to meet all expenses to divertthe flow of existing arrangements cable etc., strengthen the existing surface and sub-surfaceutilities which may get open during execution or any damages to water supply, sewer linescables or any other structure during execution of work, as no claim shall be entertained on thisground after award of works.E. To quote the comprehensive cost as no extra claims shall be entertained.2. The quantities are approximate and can vary to any extent on either side. No extra claim shall beentertained on this account. The contractor will be paid on the basis of the actual work, done by him.3. Tenders with absurd rates are liable <strong>for</strong> rejection.4. Payment shall be made according to the payment breakup schedule given in this document.5. U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>/ L.S.G.E.D/ P.W.D. specifications, relevant I.S. codes, CPHEEO Manual onSewerage shall be followed during <strong>for</strong> preparation of the DPR and FR.4

CHAPTER – 1Brief Scope of Work and Instruction to the Bidders1.0 SCOPE OF WORK :Preparation of Feasibility Report (FR) of <strong>sewerag</strong>e works of Moradabad Town as per guide lines ofNational Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) getting it cleared from Ministry of Environment andForest (MoEF)/GoI and then preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the remaining three<strong>sewerag</strong>e zones of Moradabad Town taking into consideration the existing Sewerage Works available inthe Zones. Including all survey and investigation, collection of all necessary data, dischargemeasurement of existing drains, geo technical investigations etc. all complete. Preparation of allnecessary drawings, index plan on digital maps and finally submission of all the above works, afterclearance from MoEF, in eight hard copies and one soft copy. The DPR shall be prepared in its complete<strong>for</strong>m. The DPRs may be prepared in phases i.e. one DPR <strong>for</strong> each Zone or two or more zones may beclubbed together in a single DPR conditioned that the total cost of such DPR may not exceed Rs. 300crores. The scope of work also includes all survey & investigation works and presentation of the contentsof the FR and DPR at all <strong>for</strong>ums required in the process of getting them cleared from MoEF GoI.2.0 Time Schedule and Earnest Money Deposit:Sl.No.(i)(ii)(iii)Description Unit CompletionPeriodSurveying and leveling of additional areaPreparation of Feasibility Report (FR)(Including collection of all necessary data)Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR)of any one ZoneKmMonthsMonthsTwoMonthsThreeThreeAmount <strong>for</strong>EarnestmoneyDepositRs1,00,000.00(One lakhonly)(iv)Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR)of remaining Zones/areaMonthsFour3. RATES:The firms must quote their rates including cost of everything like salary, bonus, social cost, cost ofleave, over heads, fee or profit, travelling allowance, daily allowance, preparation of drawingoperation and maintenance of supporting equipments etc as no extra claim <strong>for</strong> any other item shallbe entertained. The firms will quote their rates <strong>for</strong> complete works as per language of <strong>for</strong>m-J. Thefirms will submit the FR and DPR in two draft copies to <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> Engineers and after incorporatingtheir suggestions will get their approval be<strong>for</strong>e getting it checked at other levels.The firms should keep in view the fluctuation in market rates during the time of acceptance of theirproposal and during the entire period of execution of contract, being a firm <strong>tender</strong>, no extra claims,whatsoever, will be entertained on this account.Once the <strong>tender</strong>s have been opened, no request <strong>for</strong> consideration of any alteration in their offer shallbe entertained.Rate shall be given in firm amount (not as a percentage) inclusive of all taxes.All taxes what so ever applicable at the time of payment shall be deducted from the bill.5

4.0 QUALIFICATION OF THE BIDDER:Eligibility criteria <strong>for</strong> the consultant firms intend to participate in bidding process is as under:-It should be well versed with Moradabad town, especially about the <strong>sewerag</strong>eworks.The firm should have prepared similar DPRs <strong>for</strong> total estimated cost not less thanRs. 250.00 crores under JNNURM, NRCD/NGRBA, World Bank, AsianDevelopment Bank, JICA or any State Govt. Programme in any state in Union ofIndia in last three financial years including the year ending 31st March 2012.Average annual turnover of the firm/individual should be more than Rs. 50.00 Lacs(The firms will submit attested photo copies of their balance sheet <strong>for</strong> last threeyears previous to the current financial year in support of their average annualturnover).The firm should have proprietary rights of the software of the design of <strong>sewerag</strong>esystem.The firm should have either of the software i.e. Sewer Gems, Sewer CADD <strong>for</strong>design & estimation of sewer system.Consultants/firms should be registered in company act & have service tax andincome tax registration.The firm must have at least following staff on their rolls(i) Two Civil Engineer at least holding M. Tech or equivalent degree and having 8years of experience in the field of construction, planning, designing and preparationof DPRs.(ii) Two Civil Engineer holding B. Tech or equivalent degree and having at least 5years of experience in the field of construction, planning, designing and preparationof DPRs.(iii) One Mechanical Engineer holding B. Tech or equivalent degree and having atleast 5 years of experience in the field of designing of sewage treatment plants.(iv) One Electrical Engineer holding B. Tech or equivalent degree and having atleast 5 years of experience in the field of designing of electrical works of SewagePumping Stations and Sewage Treatment Plants.(v) One Sewerage network design expert having at least 15 years experience indesigning of <strong>sewerag</strong>e networks.5.0 TERMS & CONDITIONS:A. PURCHASE OF TENDER DOCUMENTS:The <strong>tender</strong> document may be purchased from following offices during working hours (10 am to 5 pm) on anyworking day from 13-08-2012 to 22-08-2012 by submitting a non-reimbursable / non refundable demand draft ofRs. 5675/- drawn in favour of the Project Manager, Urban Works Unit, U.P <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad, payable atMoradabad. Cash payment will not be entertained:-(v) Project Manager, Urban Works Unit, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad, B-168 Jigar Colony, (Phone No.0591-2435230), Mobile No.:- 9473942622(vi) Superintending Engineer, VIII Circle, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Behind Over Head Tank, Ashiyana Colony(Phase-I), Moradabad. (Phone No. 0591-2450652), Mobile No.:- 9473942618(vii) Chief Engineer (Moradabad Zone), U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, TA-39, Ashiyana Colony (Phase-I), Moradabad.(Phone No. 0591-2453350)(viii) District Magistrate, Moradabad.6

B. RIGHT TO REJECT:The Engineer reserves the right to reject any or all <strong>tender</strong>s without assigning any reasons thereof.6.0 BIDDING DOCUMENTS:6.1 The bidders are required to examine carefully the contents of the bid documents. Failure tocomply with the requirements of bid submission will be at the bidders own risk. Bids whichare not substantially responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents will berejected.6.2 All bidders are in<strong>for</strong>med that where a <strong>tender</strong> deviates in any respect from the condition etc.specified in this <strong>tender</strong> documents and gives his own terms/conditions (other than those in<strong>tender</strong> documents), his bid will be taken as a conditional bid which is liable to be rejected.7.0 EARNEST MONEY:7.01 Earnest Money of Rs. 1,00,000/- (One Lack) valid <strong>for</strong> a minimum period of 180 days (fromthe date of opening of <strong>tender</strong> in the <strong>for</strong>m of FDR / CDR / Bank guarantee of a Nationalizedbank or NSC issued from Post Office duly pledged in favour of the Project Manager, UrbanWorks Unit, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad, should be put in a separate envelop andtagged to the sealed envelop containing the bids.7.02 The earnest money of unsuccessful bidders will be returned as promptly as possible. Thelocking period shall not exceed more than 180 days after the bid opening date.8.0 Mobilization Advance:Mobilization advance @ 10% of the contract value is admissible which may begiven immediately after signing of the agreement against Bank Guarantee of therequisite amount issued by a Nationalized Bank on prescribed <strong>for</strong>mat.8.1 Recovery of Advance: Recovery of the entire sums paid as mobilization advanceshall be made from the contractor‟s bills. Recovery of 50% the sum paid asadvance shall be made from the first bill and rest 50% from second bill.9.0 SECURITY DEPOSIT:The successful bidder will have to deposit a security amount of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Ten Lack) in the<strong>for</strong>m of FDR/CDR/Bank Guarantee from any nationalized bank / NSC issued from post office dulypledged in favour of “Project Manager, Urban Works Unit, U.P <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad” within tendays of calling to do so. The earnest money submitted by the successful bidder will be refunded aftersigning of the agreement. However the security deposit will be kept with the client and will berefunded only after satisfactory completion of work and after approval of the DPRs from thecompetent authority i.e. Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) Government of India (GoI).10. MODE OF SUBMISSION OF BIDS:10.1 A two-envelope <strong>tender</strong>ing procedure shall be adopted. Contractors are to submitsimultaneously two sealed envelopes.Envelop – A shall include the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as described at Sr. No. 7above, experience certificates, List of qualified & experienced professional presently in therolls of the firms. Resume of the technical personals. Financial strength of the firm (balance7

sheet of last three financial year preceding the financial year of issue of this notice) andother documents in support of their credentials.Envelop - B will contain the <strong>tender</strong> document. Including all <strong>for</strong>mats given in the documentfield properly. Following in<strong>for</strong>mation supported with documents:-In<strong>for</strong>mation regarding their experience in works of similar nature and complexity.Certificate of proprietary right of the software of the design of <strong>sewerag</strong>e system.Rates quoted by the firm <strong>for</strong> preparation of FR and DPRs. (Including all charges <strong>for</strong>collection of all data and all taxes.) in the <strong>for</strong>mats given in this <strong>tender</strong> documentThe authorized representative of the firm will sign each page of the <strong>tender</strong> document as atoken of acceptance of the terms and conditions and other in<strong>for</strong>mation given in the <strong>tender</strong>document failing which the <strong>tender</strong> will be considered incomplete.Both envelops shall be kept in a sealed envelope and shall be opened in the presence ofbidder's/or their representatives who choose to attend.10.2 Tenders shall be received in the <strong>tender</strong> boxes kept at following offices up to 3:00 PM on 05-09-2012 and shall be opened the same day in the office of the DM Moradabad the same dayat 4 pm.(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)Project Manager, Urban Works Unit, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad, B-168 Jigar Colony, (Phone No.0591-2435230), Mobile No.:- 9473942622Superintending Engineer, VIII Circle, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Behind Over Head Tank, Ashiyana Colony(Phase-I), Moradabad. (Phone No. 0591-2450652), Mobile No.:- 9473942618Chief Engineer (Moradabad Zone), U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, TA-39, Ashiyana Colony (Phase-I), Moradabad.(Phone No. 0591-2453350)District Magistrate, Moradabad.10.3 In case the date of receiving / opening of the <strong>tender</strong> is declared a public holiday, the <strong>tender</strong>sshall be received / opened on the next working day. And also if the last date <strong>for</strong> sale of<strong>tender</strong>s is declared a public holiday, the <strong>tender</strong>s will be sold up to previous working day only.11.0 CLASSIFICATION OF TENDERERS:If the <strong>tender</strong> is made by an individual it shall be signed by the individual with his full nameand current address underneath.11.1 If the <strong>tender</strong> is made by a firm in partnership, it shall be signed by all partners of the firm withtheir full names and current addresses, or by a partner holding the power of attorney by thefirm <strong>for</strong> signing the <strong>tender</strong> in which case a certified copy of power of attorney shallaccompany the <strong>tender</strong>. A certified copy of the partnership deed, current address of allpartners of the firm shall also accompany the <strong>tender</strong>.11.2 If the <strong>tender</strong> is made by a limited company or a limited corporation it shall be signed by aduly authorized person holding the power of attorney <strong>for</strong> signing the <strong>tender</strong> in which case acertified copy of the power of attorney with evidence of its currency shall accompany the<strong>tender</strong>. Such limited company or corporation may be required to furnish satisfactoryevidence of its existence be<strong>for</strong>e the contract is awarded11.3 All witnesses and securities shall be persons of status and probity and their full names,occupations and addresses shall be stated below their signatures.12.0 SCHEDULE OF PRICES:12.1 The <strong>tender</strong> should quote their rates/ cost given in schedule „G‟ .8

12.2 All duties, taxes and other levies under the contract/MoU or <strong>for</strong> any other clause shall beincluded in the rates/prices/the total bid prices submitted by the bidder, and the evaluationand comparison of bids by the owner shall be made accordingly.13.0 PREPARATION OF TENDERS:The <strong>tender</strong>er is required to study carefully the <strong>tender</strong> documents and prepare his <strong>tender</strong> to complywith all the provisions thereof, submission of a <strong>tender</strong> shall be taken as an evidence andconfirmation that the <strong>tender</strong>er has acknowledged all the provisions of the <strong>tender</strong> documents and hasfully acquainted himself with site conditions and all factors which may influence the preparation of his<strong>tender</strong> <strong>for</strong> the work up to its completion.13.1 Tender <strong>for</strong> the works shall be submitted in the <strong>for</strong>m provided in the Tender Document andshall be completed in accordance with the requirements of the documents. The <strong>tender</strong> shallbe disqualified if complete in<strong>for</strong>mation as called <strong>for</strong> in the <strong>tender</strong> documents is not fullyfurnished.13.2 The <strong>tender</strong> shall be prepared in ink and legibly written. Overwriting shall not be allowed,corrections should be avoided but if indispensable, the portion to be corrected shall bescored through under signature of the Tenderer and written afresh.13.3 The <strong>tender</strong> is to be signed at all places indicated in the <strong>tender</strong> documents and whererequired, the signature is to be duly witnessed the persons signing on behalf of the <strong>tender</strong>ermust have legal authority to do so and if subsequently asked <strong>for</strong> the Tenderer shall have tosatisfy the Owner about the same.13.4 Stamp duty charges shall be borne by the <strong>tender</strong>er at the prevailing rate at the time of awardof the work. The contract agreement will be executed on non judicial stamp paper of thevalue of Rs. 100/- along with Rs. 2/- Revenue stamp.14.0 VALIDITY OF TENDER:The <strong>tender</strong> shall be valid <strong>for</strong> a period of not less than One hundred twenty (120) days from the dateof opening of the <strong>tender</strong>.Normally allotment of the work shall be decided within 120 days. However due tocircumstance/reasons requiring extension of validity of period, all the bidders will be required toextend the validity period including extension of validity period <strong>for</strong> Security Money Deposit <strong>for</strong> theextension period demanded by the Engineer.15.0 BIDS OPENING AND EVALUATION15.1 BIDS OPENING:The envelope containing the <strong>tender</strong> documents shall be opened in the office of DM,Moradabad by the Project Manager, Urban Works Unit, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad orhis authorized representative in the presence of bidders or their representatives who chooseto attend.15.2 BIDS EVALUATIONOn comparison of financial bid which are according to the requirements of the <strong>tender</strong>documents will be evaluated and after working out final cost of various <strong>tender</strong>s, <strong>tender</strong> willbe awarded to most suitable <strong>tender</strong>er.9

15.3 The owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all <strong>tender</strong> or to waive any <strong>for</strong>mality,minor deviation, or omission without assigning any reasons thereof.15.4 Any political/administrative pressure by the contractor upon the owner, of canvassingdirectly or indirectly in favour of his offer, will render his <strong>tender</strong> liable to rejection. Such<strong>tender</strong>er will be debarred from participating in any <strong>tender</strong> in respect of the works of U.P <strong>Jal</strong><strong>Nigam</strong>.10

FORMS REQUIRED TO BE FILLED AND SUBMITTED BY THE BIDDER‣ Letter of Application‣ FORM (1)‣ FORM (2)‣ FORM (3)‣ FORM (3A)‣ FORM (3B)‣ FORM (3C)‣ FORM (4)‣ FORM(5)‣ FORM(5A)‣ FORM(6)‣ FORM (7)General In<strong>for</strong>mationGeneral Experience RecordParticular Experience RecordDetails of Contract of Similar Nature & ComplexityDetails of Contract of Similar Nature & Complexity <strong>for</strong> U. P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>Client Certificate Regarding Per<strong>for</strong>mance of ContractorSummary SheetPersonnel CapabilitiesCandidate SummaryLitigation HistoryAffidavit Pro-<strong>for</strong>ma11

LETTER OF APPLICATION(Letterhead of the Contractor/ bidder including full postal address, telephone no. fax no. telex no.e-mail and cable address)To,Project Manager,Urban Works Unit,U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>,Moradabad - 244001.Date …………Dear Sir,Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of………………………………………………………….……………………………………. (hereinaftercalled “the firm / Contractor)” and having reviewed and fully understood all the pre-qualificationin<strong>for</strong>mation provided, the undersigned hereby apply to be pre-qualified by yourselves (UPJN) as afirm / Contractor/ bidder <strong>for</strong> the following contract.Sl. No.Contract Name2. Attached to this letter are copies of original documents defining.(A)The firm / contractor/ bidder‟s legal status.a) Its principal place of business, andb) Its place of incorporation ( <strong>for</strong> Contractor/ bidders which are corporations) or itsplace of registration (<strong>for</strong> Contractor/ bidders which are partnerships or individuallyowned firms)3. You (UPJN) and/ or your (UPJN‟s) authorized representatives are hereby authorized to conductany inquiries or investigations to verify the statements, documents and in<strong>for</strong>mation submitted inconnection with this application, and to seek clarification(s) from our banker(s) and client(s)regarding any financial and technical aspects. This Letter of Application also serves asauthorization <strong>for</strong> any individual or authorized representative of any institution referred to in thesupporting in<strong>for</strong>mation, to provide such in<strong>for</strong>mation deemed necessary and as requested byyour selves to verify statements and in<strong>for</strong>mation provided in this application, such as theresources, experience and competence of the firm / contractor/ bidder.12

4. You (UPJN) and your (UPJN‟s) authorized representative may contact the following persons <strong>for</strong>further in<strong>for</strong>mation.General and Managerial InquiriesContact –1 Telephone- 1Contact – 2 Telephone –2Personal InquiriesContact –1 Telephone- 1Contact – 2 Telephone –2Technical InquiriesContact –1 Telephone- 1Contact – 2 Telephone –2Financial InquiriesContact –1 Telephone- 1Contact – 2 Telephone –2Note- Application by sub-contractors should be provide on a separate sheet the requestedin<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> each sub-contractor and the bidder (Applicant) shall have the agreement ofassociation with the Sub-contractor.5. This application is made in the full understanding that.a) Tenders/ bids by the contractor(s) / bidder(s) will be subject to verification of allin<strong>for</strong>mation submitted <strong>for</strong> pre-qualification at the time of <strong>tender</strong>ing/ bidding.b) You (UPJN) reserve the right to:Amend the scope of work and value of any contract(s) <strong>tender</strong>ed under thisproject. andReject or accept any application, cancel the <strong>tender</strong>ing process, and/or reject allapplications, andc) You (UPJN) shall not be liable <strong>for</strong> any such actions and shall be under no obligationto in<strong>for</strong>m the Prime contractor/ bidder of the grounds <strong>for</strong> such actions.13

5. All the statements made and in<strong>for</strong>mation supplied in the <strong>for</strong>m 1 to 8 and accompanyingstatements are true and correct.6. The undersigned declare that the statements made and the in<strong>for</strong>mation provided in the dulycompleted application are complete, true, and correct in every detail.SignedFor and on behalf of (name of PrimeContractor/ bidder)NameSignedFor and on behalf of (name of PrimeContractor/ bidder)NameSignedFor and on behalf of (name of subcontractor)NameSignedFor and on behalf of (name of subcontractor)NameSignedFor and on behalf of (name of PrimeContractor/ bidder)NameSignedFor and on behalf of (name of subcontractor)NameContractors are advised to submit only required testimonials and certificates with theirapplications.14

APPLICATION FORM (1)General In<strong>for</strong>mationAll Individual firms applying to be qualified are requested to complete this <strong>for</strong>m.Where the Contractor/bidder proposes to use named subcontractors <strong>for</strong> critical components of theworks, the following in<strong>for</strong>mation should also be supplied <strong>for</strong> the specialist subcontractor(s)1.Name of the firm/ Contractor/ Specialist sub contractor1. Head office address2. Telephone Contact Person3. Fax Telex4. Place of incorporation/ registration Year of incorporation/ registrationSignature / Seal15

APPLICATION FORM (2)General Experience RecordName of firm / contractor/ bidderAll individual firms are request to complete the in<strong>for</strong>mation in this <strong>for</strong>m. The in<strong>for</strong>mation suppliedshould be the annual turnover of the Prime contractor, in terms of the amounts billed to clients <strong>for</strong>each year <strong>for</strong> last three years of work in progress or complete.Annual Turnover Data (Consultancy only)YearTurnover2011-20122010-20112009-2010Signature / Seal16

APPLICATION FORM (3)Particular Experience RecordName of the firm /ContractorTo be (pre) qualified; the Prime contractor shall be required to pass the specified requirements set<strong>for</strong>th in this <strong>for</strong>m, as set out in the NIT / pre-qualification data.A separate page, using the <strong>for</strong>mat of Form (3A), the Prime contractor is requested to list allcontracts of similar nature and complexity as the contract <strong>for</strong> which the prime contractor wishes toquality, and undertaken during the last 3 years. The in<strong>for</strong>mation is to be summarized, using Form(3A) <strong>for</strong> each contract completed and its time of completion or under execution by the Primecontractor.The amounts and periods should be consistent with those specified in the Qualifying Requirementsspecified in the Pre-qualification Data.Where the firm / contractor proposes to use named subcontractors <strong>for</strong> specialized items/ workscomponents of the works, as specified in this document (instructions to applicant) the in<strong>for</strong>mationin the following <strong>for</strong>ms should also be supplied <strong>for</strong> each subcontractor.17

Name of the Consulting firm / ContractorAPPLICATION FORM (3A)Use a separate sheet <strong>for</strong> each contract1. Number of ContractName of Job2. Name of Employer/ client3. Address of Employer/ client4. Nature of work and special featuresrelevant to the job contract <strong>for</strong> which theConsulting firm/ contractor wishes to prequalify5. Contract role ( check one )6. Value of the Total contract/ Sub contract7. Date of start as per contractDate of start ( actual )8. Date of completion as per contractDate of completion ( actual )9. Contract/ Sub contract duration ------------Years ----------Months10. Specified requirements11. For consulting firm/ contractor, indicatingapproximate amount and nature ofsubstantial work undertaken by subcontract, if anyAll applicants should insert any specific contractual criteria required <strong>for</strong> particular operations.Signature / Seal18

Name of the Consulting firm / ContractorAPPLICATION FORM (3B)FR/DPR completed <strong>for</strong> UP <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>Use a separate sheet <strong>for</strong> each contract1. Number of ContractName of Job2. Name of Employer/ client3. Address of Employer/ client4. Nature of work and special featuresrelevant to the job contract <strong>for</strong> which theConsulting firm/ contractor wishes to prequalify5. Contract role ( check one )6. Value of the Total contract/ Sub contract9. Date of start as per contractDate of start ( actual )10. Date of completion as per contractDate of completion ( actual )9. Contract/ Sub contract duration ------------Years ----------Months11. Specified requirements11. For Consulting firm/ contractor, indicatingapproximate amount and nature ofsubstantial work undertaken by subcontract, if anyAll applicants should insert any specific contractual criteria required <strong>for</strong> particular operations.Signature / Seal19

APPLICATION FORM (3C)Client Certificate Regarding Per<strong>for</strong>mance of ContractorName of Address of the Client ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Details of Works executed by Shri / M/S…………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………1 Name of work brief particulars2 Agreement No. and Date3 Date of commencement of work4 Stipulated date of completion5 Actual Date of completion6 Details of compensation if levied <strong>for</strong>delay, if any7 Tendered amount8 Gross amount of the work completed9 Name and address of the authority underwhom works executed10 Whether the contractor employedqualified Engineer / Consultants duringpreparation of DPR?11 (i) Quality of work (indicate grading)(ii) Amount of work paid on reducedrate basis if any12 (i) Did the contractor go <strong>for</strong> arbitration?(ii) If yes, total amount of claim(iii) Total amount awarded13 Comments on the capabilities of thecontractor(a) Technical Proficiency(b) Financial soundness(c) Mobilization of adequate T&P(d) Mobilization of manpower(e) General behaviorOutstanding/ V. Good /Good/ PoorOutstanding/ V. Good /Good/ PoorOutstanding/ V. Good /Good/ PoorOutstanding/ V. Good /Good/ PoorOutstanding/ V. Good /Good/ PoorOutstanding/ V. Good /Good/ PoorNote : All columns should be filled in properly.This certificate should be obtained not below the rank of executive engineer.Signature of the Reportingwith Official SealOfficer20

APPLICATION FORM (4)Summary SheetCurrent Contract Commitments / Works in ProgressName of the firm / ContractorFirm / contractor to an application should provide in<strong>for</strong>mation on the current commitments under allcontracts that have been awarded or <strong>for</strong> which a letter of intent and acceptance has been receivedor <strong>for</strong> contacts approaching completion but <strong>for</strong> which a full completion certificate has yet to beissued.1.Name ofContractAddress ofthe clientTotal Valueof ContractValue ofoutstandingworkEstimatedcompletionperiodDate of Startof work asper contract2. / Seal21

APPLICATION FORM (5)Personnel CapabilitiesName of the firm / Contractor1. Title of PositionName of prime candidate2. Title of PositionName of prime candidate3. Title of PositionName of prime candidate4. Title of PositionName of prime candidate5. Title of PositionName of prime candidate6. Title of PositionName of prime candidateSignature / Seal22

APPLICATION FORM (5A)Candidates SummaryName of the firm / ContractorPositionPrime CandidateCandidate In<strong>for</strong>mation1. Name of the Candidate2. Professional qualificationPresent Employment1. Name of Employer2. Address of EmployerTelephone Contact (Manager/ Personnel office)FaxTelexJob Title of candidate Years with present EmployerSummarize professional experience over the last 20 years; in reverse chronological order indicateparticular technical and managerial experience relevant to the Project.From To Company/ Project/ Position/ Relevant technical andmanagement experience23

APPLICATION FORM (6)LITIGATION HISTORYName of ApplicantApplicants should provide in<strong>for</strong>mation on any history of litigation or arbitration resulting fromcontracts executed in the last 5 years or currently under execution.YearAward FOR or AGAINSTApplicantName of client, cause of litigation,and matter in disputeDisputed amount(current value,Indian rupees)Note : If any in<strong>for</strong>mation in this schedule is found to be incorrect or concealed, the bid willbe summarily rejected.24

APPLICATION FORM – 7'kiFk i=eSa ------------------------------------------iq= Jh ------------------------------ fuoklh ¼LFkkbZ irk½---------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼vLFkkbZ irk½ --------------------------------------------------------------- dk fuoklhgw¡A eSa 'kiFkiwoZd fuEu ?kksÔ.kk djrk gw¡ %&1- eSa m0 iz0 ty fuxe dk ,@ch dk iathd`r Bsdsnkj gw¡@ugha gw¡A ¼m0 iz0ty fuxe }kjk fuxZr lEcU/kh izek.k i= lyXu fd;k tk;s½ esjs ikl i;kZIr py vkSj vpylEifÙk gS vkSj O;olkf;d :i ls eS a ¼m0 iz0 ty fuxe½ ds dk;ks± dks iwjk djus ds fy, l{ke vkSjleFkZ gw¡A esjs ikl vko';d e'khus vkSj midj.k vkfn Hkh gSa rFkk eq>s bl dk;Z dk i;kZIr vuqHko gSA2- m0 iz0 ty fuxe] eqjknkckn }kjk eqjknkckn uxj dh ,Q0vkj0 ,oa Mh0ih0vkj0 cukus ds dk;Z dhfufonk fuxZr dh x;h gS] foHkkx }kjk fu/kkZfjr izk:i ij fufonk Hkj jgk gw¡A3- esjs }kjk fn;s tk jgs izek.k i=] pfj= izek.k i=] gSfl;r izek.k i=] vk;dj izek.k i=] O;kikj djizek.k i=] chM flD;ksfjVh izek.k i=] chM dSfiflVh izek.k i=] t+ekur /kujkf'k vkfn dk izek.k i=rFkk vU; lalaxr vfHkys[k vkfn ewy :i ls fufonk i= ds lkFk layxu dj fn;s x;s gSaA4- esjk iSu ua0 & ---------------------------gSA ¼vk;dj foHkkx }kjk iznÙk izek.k i= layXu fd;k tk;s½5- esjs fo:) vijkf/kd eqdn~neksa dk fooj.k fuEu izdkj gSA ;gha iwjk fooj.k fn;k tk,Av- eqdn~nek uEcj % ------------------------------------c- /kkjk;sa % ---------------------------------------------l- Fkkuk % ----------------------------------------------n- tuin % --------------------------------------------;- U;k;ky; ¼tgk¡ eqdn~nek py jgk gS½ % -------------------------------------6- eSa m0 iz0 ty fuxe vFkok jkT; ljdkj ds vU; foHkkxksa }kjk CySd fyLVsM Bsdsnkj dh es a ughavkrk gw¡A eSa vijkf/kd xfrfof/k;ks a] ekfQ;k rFkk xS axLVj xfrfof/k;ks a vkSj laxfBr vijk/k djus dhxfrfof/k;ks a vkSj vlkekftd dk;ks± vkfn esa fyIr ugha gw¡A eSa ekfQ;k vkSj vijk/kh ugha gw¡A esjkpky&pyu] dk;Z rFkk vkpj.k mÙke gSA7- esjs fo:) tuin esa rFkk izns'k es a dksbZ Hkh eqdn~nek ntZ ugha gSajktif=r vf/kdkjh}kjk izekf.krikliksVZ lkbt dkuohure QksVksxzkepLik fd;k tk,8- ;fn Bsdk izkIr djus ds i'pkr esjs fo:) ekfQ;k xfrfof/k;ks a@vlkekftd xfrfof/k;ks a o laxfBrvijkf/kd xfrfof/k;ksa es a fyIr gksus ds ckjs es a dksbZ f'kdk;r ik;h tkrh gS rks l{ke vf/kdkjh25

dks ;g vf/kdkj gksxk fd og esjk Bsdk@vuqcU/k fujLr dj nsa] bl ij eq>s dksbZ vkifÙk ugha gksxhAesjs }kjk ;fn foHkkx@jkT; ljdkj ds fo:) dksbZ vijkf/kd d`R; fd;k tkrk gS vFkok ljdkjh /kudk xcu fd;k tkrk gS rks l{ke vf/kdkjh dks ;g vf/kdkj gksxk fd og esjs fo:) vijkf/kdeqdn~nek fu;eks a ds vUrxZr ntZ djk;sA9- eSa vuqcU/k dh 'krks± ds vuqlkj le; ls iwjh xq.koÙkk ds lkFk rFkk fu/kkZfjr fof'kf"V;ksa ds vuq:i dk;Ziwjk d:¡xk vkSj foHkkx dks iwjk lg;ksx iznku d:¡xkA10- esjk dk;Z ,oa vkpj.k mÙke gSA11- eSa 'kiFkiwoZd ?kks’k.kk djrk gw¡ fd esjk LFkk;h irk vkSj vLFkkbZ irk fuEu izdkj gS %&¼v½ LFkk;h irk ¼nwjHkk’k lfgr½ % ----------------------------------------------------------¼c½ vLFkk;h irk ¼nwjHkk’k lfgr½ % ----------------------------------------------------------12- eSa 'kiFkiwoZd ?kks’k.kk djrk gw¡ fd eSa mijksä irs ij jgrk gw¡ rFkk foHkkx }kjk iznku fd;s x;s dk;Z dsiwjk gksus rd esjs fdlh irs es a lkekU;r% dksbZ ifjorZu ugha gksxk ;fn vifjgk;Z ifjfLFkfr;ksa es a fdlhirs es a ifjorZu gksrk gS rks bldh lwpuk eSa rRdky lEcfU/kr izkf/kd`r vf/kdkjh vkSj ft+ykeftLVªsV@dysDVj dks nw¡xkA13- eSa ;g Hkh ?kks’k.kk djrk gw¡ fd foHkkx ds ftl dk;Z ds fy, esjs }kjk Bsdk fy;k tk jgk gS mldslkis{k py ,oa vpy lEifÙk dh gSfl;r izek.k i= ft+yk eftLVªsV@dysDVj ¼tuin dk uke fy[kktk;s½ ------------------- }kjk izkIr djds ewy :i ls layXu fd;k tk jgk gSA ;g Hkh ?kksÔ.kk djrk gw¡ fdbl gSfl;r izek.k i= dk mi;ksx vU; dk;ks± ds fy, ugha fd;k tk;sxkA14- eSa viuh iw.kZ tkudkjh es a iwjs gks'kks&gokl es a] LoLFk fpÙk ls iwjh lR;fu"Bk ls rFkk LosPNk ls ;g'kiFk i= fy[k dj ns jgk g¡wA bZ'oj esjh enn djsAfnukad % 'kiFkh dk iwjk gLrk{kj ---------------------iwjk uke %uksV %& 1- ;g Lo?kks’k.kk i= #- 100@& ¼#-,d lkS½ ds LVkEi isij ij uksVjh }kjk lk{;ksa dh mifLFkfr esalR;kfir djkrs gq, fn;k tk;sxkAirk %2- vlR; 'kiFk&i= nsuk ,d laxhu vkSj laKs; vijk/k gSA3-lEcfU/kr O;fä }kjk ikliksVZ lkbt dk viuk QksVksxzkQ] tks jktif=r vf/kdkjh }kjk izekf.krgks 'kiFk&i= ds Åij fu/kkZfjr LFkku ij pLik fd;k tk;sxkA4- ;g ?kks’k.kk VS.Mj MkD;wesaV ij gLrk{kj djus okys O;fDr }kjk nh tk;sxhA26

1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETIONS:1.0 TERMS:CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT(PART-I)The important terms which shall be used in the contract documents are defined herein. The terms shall havethe meanings described- below which shall be applicable to both the singular and plural thereof and whereapplicable, masculine or feminine in gender.1.01 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDUM:Written or graphic notices issued prior to submission of the <strong>tender</strong> which modify or interpret the contractdocuments.1.02 TENDER / BID:The offer or proposal of the <strong>tender</strong>er submitted in the prescribed <strong>for</strong>m setting <strong>for</strong>th the prices <strong>for</strong> the work tobe per<strong>for</strong>med and the details thereof.1.03 TENDERER I BIDDER:Any person, firm, corporation or organization submitting a <strong>tender</strong> <strong>for</strong> the works.1.04 OWNER:The term owner means the UP. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> represented by the Chairman/Managing Director/ChiefEngineer/Superintending Engineer or any other officer authorized by the Managing Director of U.P. al<strong>Nigam</strong>.1.05 EMPLOYER:The term Employer means the Superintending Engineer, VIII Circle, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad.10.6 ENGINEER:The term Engineer shall mean the Project Manager / Executive Engineer appointed by the owner toundertake the duties and powers, assigned to the Engineer by these specifications acting directly or throughhis authorized representatives. The term Engineer is referred to throughout the contract documents, as ifsingular in number. and means the Engineer or his authorized representative including the Engineers,employees, agents and consultants.10.7 ENGINEER'S REPRESENTATIVE:Engineer's representative means any Project Engineer / Assistant Engineer /Assistant Project Engineer/Junior Engineer appointed from time to time by the Owner or Engineer to per<strong>for</strong>m the duties as set <strong>for</strong>thwhose authority shall be notified in writing to the Contractor by the Engineer.1.08 CONSULTANT:Consultant is the firm or persons, whose expertise has been sought by the owner, to execute the works set<strong>for</strong>th in this document with full specification.27

1.09 CONTRACTOR:.The Contractor is the person, firm, corporation, joint venture/ consortium or organization identified as such incontract Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number andmasculine in gender. The term contractor or his authorized representative applies to both.1.10 SUB-CONTRACTOR:The Sub-Contractor is the person, firm, corporation named in the contract as a sub contractor <strong>for</strong> a part ofworks or any person to whom a part of works has been subcontracted with the consent of the Engineer andthe legal successors in title to such person, firm, corporation, but not any assignee of any such person, firmand/ or corporation.1.11 SUPPLIER:The supplier is the person, firm, corporation named in the contract as a supplier <strong>for</strong> supply of material,equipment etc. whom has been contracted <strong>for</strong> supply of material, equipment etc. with the consent of theEngineer and legal successors in title to such person, firm, corporation but not any assignee of any suchperson, firm, corporation.1.12 PROJECT:The project is the total contract work designed <strong>for</strong> or by the owner of which the work per<strong>for</strong>med orconstructed under the contract document may be whole or part thereof.1.13 CONTRACT DOCUMENT:The Contract Document consists of the Contract Agreement, the notices, instruction and terms issued to<strong>tender</strong>ers in the Instructions to Tenderer <strong>for</strong> the submission of Tenders. the Contractor's Tender, the TenderSecurity, the Notice of Award, the Notice of proceed, the General Conditions of Contract, the Specifications,the Per<strong>for</strong>mance Bond, the Drawings, addenda and corrigendum and all communications between the owneror Engineer and the <strong>tender</strong>er.1.14 CONTRACT PRICE:The total money payable to the Contractor under the Contract Documents, be<strong>for</strong>e award is termed as cost ofContract <strong>for</strong> submission of Earnest Money/Security Deposit. But the actual Contract price will be the cost ofContract at the time of award plus cost of any variation during the execution, as agreed upon.1.1-5 CONTRACT TIME:Contract time is the number of consecutive calendar months <strong>for</strong> satisfactory completion of the work1.16 DRAWlNGS:The Drawings or exact reproduction which show the scope and character of the work to be executed andwhich have been approved by the owner, and are appended to, the contract Documents. The terms Drawingand Plan have the same meaning as the term Drawings unless otherwise stated or specified.1.17 WORKS:The expression "works" or ·work· where used in these conditions shall, unless thereby something in thesubject or context repugnant to such construction, to be .construed to mean the work or the works contractedto be executed under or in virtue, of the contract, whether temporary or permanent and whether original.altered substituted or additional.28

1.18 TEMPORARY WORKS:Temporary works means all temporary works of every kind required <strong>for</strong> the per<strong>for</strong>mance of the contract1.19 STANDARDS:It refers to Indian-Standards issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards. AU materials and workmanshipwhich <strong>for</strong>m part of this project shall con<strong>for</strong>m to the relevant up to date amendment or in its absence anyother Standards. as the Engineer may approve or direct. Equipment Materials or workmanship, having notincluded in I.S. Specifications can be according to other standards of CPHEEO manual which ensuresequivalent. if not higher ·quality and which are acceptable by the owner be<strong>for</strong>e award of the work or duringexecution of the work.1.20 CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT:Contractor's equipment means all equipment appliances or things of what-so-ever nature required <strong>for</strong>executions, completions or maintenance of works or temporary works, but does not include materials andother things intended to <strong>for</strong>m the permanent work or the part there of.1.21 NOTICE OF AWARD:The written notice by the owner to the Contractor/consultant that the Contractor / consultant is thesuccessful Tenderer and that upon compliance with the conditions precedent to be fulfilled by the Contractorwithin the stated time, the owner will execute the Contractor Agreement.1.22 NOTICE TO PROCEED:The written notice by the Engineer to the Contractor/ consultant authorizing him to proceed with the work andestablishing the date of commencement of the work.1.23 SURETY:The term surety refers to the banks that join with the contractor in assuming the liability <strong>for</strong> the faithfulper<strong>for</strong>mance of the works and <strong>for</strong> the fulfillment of all obligations pertaining to the works in accordance withthe contract documents by issuing the Bonds required by the contract documents, which Bonds are legallyen<strong>for</strong>ceable.1.24 BONDS:Tender and per<strong>for</strong>mance Bonds i.e. Earnest Money Deposit and per<strong>for</strong>mance Security Deposit and otherinstruments of security furnished by the <strong>tender</strong>/contractor and his surety in accordance with the ContractDocument, being legally valid in India and payable on demand to the owner.1.25 VARIATION ORDER:A written order to the Contractor signed by the owner or the Engineer ordering and authorizing an addition,deletion or revision in the works, or an adjustment in the Contract price or the Contract Time.1.26 INTERPRETATIONS:The word imparting the singular only shall also include the plural and vice versa unless it is repugnant to thecontext.29

In these conditions and in the specifications which are here to attached the term. “The CHIEFENGINEER” shall mean the Chief Engineer, (Moradabad Zone) U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad “TheSuperintending Engineer “ shall mean the Superintending Engineer, VIII Circle, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>,Moradabad, herein after called “EMPLOYER”. “The PROJECT MANAGER” shall mean the ProjectManager, Urban Works Unit, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad herein after called the “ENGINEER”.“Works or Work” where used in these conditions and specifications shall unless there be somethingeither in the subject or context repugnant to such conditions be construed and taken to mean “Work”by or by virtue of the contract contracted to be executed whether temporary or permanent andwhether original, altered substituted or additional.2. TIME FOR COMPLETION OF WORK:The time allowed <strong>for</strong> carrying out the work shall be as given on page 05 and shall be strictly followedby the contractor and shall be reckoned from the date of the receipt of the written order tocommence the work.3 CONTRACTOR’S LIABILITY TO PAY COMPENSATION:The works shall, through-out the stipulated period of the contract be proceeded with all the duediligence (time being deemed to be the essence of the contract) and the contractor shall pay ascompensation an amount equal to one percent <strong>for</strong> every week that works remain un commenced, orunfinished after the stipulated date of the contract. And further to ensure good progress during theexecution of the work the contractor shall be bound to complete one fourth of the whole of the worksbe<strong>for</strong>e one fourth of the whole time allowed under this contract has elapsed, one half of the worksbe<strong>for</strong>e one half of such time has elapsed and three fourth of such work be<strong>for</strong>e three fourth time haselapsed. In the event of the contractor failing to comply with this condition he shall be liable to paycompensation as mentioned in this clause. PROVIDE ALWAYS that the entire amount ofcompensation to be paid under the provision of the clause shall not exceed 10 (Ten) percent of thecost of works.4. RIGHT OF BREACH OF CONTRACT:In any case in which any clause or clauses of these conditions the contractor shall have renderedhimself liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole of the security deposit (Whetherdeducted in one sum or deducted by installment) the Engineer on behalf of the Chairman of <strong>Uttar</strong><strong>Pradesh</strong> <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> shall have power to adopt any of the following clauses as he may deem bestsuited in the interest of Government / U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>:(a)(b)To rescind the contract (of which rescission notice in writing to the contractor under the handof the Engineer shall be conclusive evidence) and in which case the security deposit of thecontractor together with such sum or sums due to him under the contract shall stand<strong>for</strong>feited and be absolutely at the disposal of the Engineer.Determine the contract and call in other contractor, or employ daily labour to dismantle badwork if necessary (the bad work to be certified by the Engineer whose decision shall be final)and to renew and complete the said works and pay the cost of such contractor <strong>for</strong> dailylabour and price of materials required <strong>for</strong> such dismantling, renewing and completion out ofthe said security deposit or such sum or sums as may be due to the contractor under thiscontract, and if such cost be more than the amount made up the security money and thesum or sums due to the contractor under this contract the difference between it and the summade up by the security money and the balance due to the contractor as a<strong>for</strong>esaid shall bea debt due from the said contractor.30

In the event of either of the above courses being adopted by the Engineer, the contractorshall have no claim to compensation <strong>for</strong> any loss sustained by him by reason of his havingpurchased or procured any materials, or entered into any agreements, or made any advanceon account of, or with a view to the execution of the work or the per<strong>for</strong>mance of the contract.And in case the contract shall be rescinded under the provision a<strong>for</strong>esaid, the contractorshall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum <strong>for</strong> any work there<strong>for</strong>e actually per<strong>for</strong>medunder this contract, unless and until the Engineer shall have certified in writing theper<strong>for</strong>mance of such work and the value payable in respect thereof, and he shall only beentitled to be paid the value so certified.5. NON-EXERCISE OF CONTRACTOR LIABILITY TO PAY COMPENSATION:In any case in which any of the powers confirmed upon the Engineer by clause 4 thereof shall havebecome exercisable and the same shall not constitute a waiver of any of the conditions hereof, andsuch power shall not withstand by exercisable in the event of any future case of default by thecontractor <strong>for</strong> which by any clause or clauses hereof he is declared liable to pay compensationamounting to the whole of his security deposit and the liability of the contractor <strong>for</strong> past and futurecompensation shall remain unaffected. In the event of the Engineer putting in <strong>for</strong>ce either of thepowers (a) or (b) vested in him under the preceding clause, he may, if he so desires, takepossession of all or any tools, plant, materials and store in or upon the site thereof or belonging tothe contractor or procured by him intended to be used <strong>for</strong> the execution of the work or any partthereof paying or allowing <strong>for</strong> the same in account at prevailing market rates, such rates to becertified by the Engineer whose certificates thereof shall be final otherwise the Engineer may issuenotice in writing to the contractor or his other authorized agents to remove such tools, plants,materials or stores from the premises (within a time to be specified in such notice, and) in the evenof the contractor failing to comply with any such requisition, the Engineer may remove them at thecontractor‟s expenses or sell them by auction or private sale on account of the contractor and at hisrisk in all respects, and the certificate of the Engineer as the expenses of any such removal, and theamount of the proceeds and expense of any such sale shall be final and conclusive against thecontractor.6. EXTENSION OF TIME:If the contractor shall desire an extension of time <strong>for</strong> completion of the work on the ground of hishaving been unavoidably hindrances in its execution, or any other ground, he shall apply in writingon prescribed <strong>for</strong>mat to the Engineer within seven days after the date of hindrance on account ofwhich he desires such extension as a<strong>for</strong>esaid, and the Engineer shall, if in his opinion has beenbrought <strong>for</strong> on reasonable grounds shall decide <strong>for</strong> such extension of time, if any, as may, in hisopinion, be necessary and proper.7. ENGINEER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION:On completion of work the contractor shall be furnished with a certificate by the Engineer of suchcompletion, but no such certificate shall be given nor shall the work be considered to be completeuntil the works shall have been measured up by the Engineer whose measurement shall be bindingand conclusive against the contract and the contractor shall have to remove from the premises onwhich the work has been executed all scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish and cleaning off alldirt and debris in, upon or about the premises of which he may have had possession <strong>for</strong> the purposeof the executing the said works. If the contractor fails to comply with the requirement of this clauseas to removal of scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish and cleaning off all dirt and debris on orbe<strong>for</strong>e the date fixed <strong>for</strong> the completion of the work the Engineer may at the expense of thecontractor remove such scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish and dispose of the same as hethink fit and clean off such dirt and debris as a<strong>for</strong>esaid and the contractor shall <strong>for</strong>th with pay theamount of all expense so incurred and shall have no claim in respect of any such scaffolding or31

surplus materials as a<strong>for</strong>esaid except <strong>for</strong> any sum actually realized by the sale thereof afterdeducting the a<strong>for</strong>esaid expenses.8. PAYMENTS:On measurement of the works done <strong>for</strong> the convenience of the contractor, interim payment shallordinarily be made but final payment shall not be made until the whole of the work shall have beencompleted and completion drawings has been prepared and a certificate <strong>for</strong> the completion of thework given. Provided always that the Engineer may refuse to advance such payments if in hisopinion the progress of the “Works” or the conduct of the contractor is not satisfactory or thecontractor has in any other way done or neglected to do anything so as to make it doubtful whetherthe works will be completed by him in accordance with the contract. But all such interim paymentsshall be regarded as payments by way of advance against the final payments only and not aspayments <strong>for</strong> works actually done and completed and shall not preclude the requiring of bad,unsound and imperfect or unskillful work to be removed and taken away or re-constructed or reerectedor be considered as an admission of the due per<strong>for</strong>mance of the contract or any part thereofin any respect of the accruing of any claim, nor shall it conclude, determine or affect in any way thepowers of the Engineer under these conditions or any of the account or otherwise, or in any otherway vary or affect this contract. The final bill shall be submitted by the contractor within one month ofthe date fixed, <strong>for</strong> completion of the work otherwise the Engineer‟s certificate of the measurements(due notice having been given be<strong>for</strong>ehand to the contractor of the date of such measurement) and ofthe total amount payable <strong>for</strong> the works accordingly shall be final and binding on all parties.9. BILL TO BE SUBMITTED ON PRESCRIBED FORM:The contractor shall submit all bills on the prescribed <strong>for</strong>ms to be had on application at the office ofthe Engineer and the charges in the bill shall always be entered at the rates given in the Schedule ofRates hereto attached or in the case of an extra work ordered in pursuance of these conditions andnot mentioned or provided <strong>for</strong> in the <strong>tender</strong> at the rates hereinafter to be approved by the competentauthority on the basis of schedule of rates of U.P <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>.10. STORES SUPPLIED BY GOVERNMENT: Deleted11. MATERIALS AND PLANT OF CONTRACTOR: DeletedAll materials brought by the contractor upon the site of the works shall be deemed to be the propertyof the owner and shall not on any account be removed from the site of the works during theexecution of the works and shall at all times be open to inspection by the Engineer. The Engineer onthe completion of the works or upon the stoppage of the works as provided <strong>for</strong> in clause 14 of thiscontract shall have an option of taking over any such unused materials at prevailing market rates,with the provision that the price allowed to the contractor shall not exceed the amount originally paidby him <strong>for</strong> the same, as he (the Engineer) shall desire upon giving a notice in writing under hissignature and within fifteen days of the completion of the works to that effect, and all materials not sotaken over by the Engineer shall have no claim <strong>for</strong> compensation on account of any such materialsas a<strong>for</strong>esaid which are not so taken over by the said Engineer, unused by him (the contractor) or <strong>for</strong>any wastage in or damage to any such materials.12. WORKS TO BE EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS:The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in a most substantial andworkmanlike manner both as regards materials and otherwise in every respect in strict accordancewith the specification. The contractor shall also confirm exactly, fully and faithfully to the drawing andinstructions in writing relating to the work signed by the Engineer.13. ALTERATION IN SPECIFICATIONS OF DRAWINGS:32

The Engineer shall have powers, to make any alterations in, or additions to the originalspecifications, drawings and instructions that may be appear to him to be necessary or advisableduring the progress of the work and the contractor shall be bound to carry out the work inaccordance with any instructions which may be given to him in writing signed by the Engineer andsuch alteration shall not invalidate this contract, and any additional work which the contractor may bedirected to do in the manner above specified as part of the work shall be carried out by thecontractor on the same conditions in all respect on which he agreed to do the main work. The rates<strong>for</strong> the additional or extra works shall be least of the following:(i)(ii)The rates derived from the <strong>tender</strong>ed rates <strong>for</strong> same item of the contract.The rates derived from the U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> Schedule of rates of the year in which thework actually done <strong>for</strong> the District Moradabad.If the additional work includes any class of work <strong>for</strong> which rate can not be derived as above thensuch class of work shall be carried out at rates to be agreed upon between the Engineer andcontractor in writing prior to the work being taken in hand. The time <strong>for</strong> the completion of the workshall be extended if supplied <strong>for</strong> by the contractor in writing in the proportion that the additional workbears to the original contract work and the certificate of the Engineer shall be conclusive as to suchextension.Provided Always that if the contractor shall commence work or incur expenditure in regard there tobe<strong>for</strong>e the rates shall have been determined as lastly therein-be<strong>for</strong>e mentioned, then and in suchcase he shall only be entitled or be paid in respect of the rates as a<strong>for</strong>esaid according to such rate orrates as shall be fixed by the Engineer. In the event of a dispute the decision of the Chief Engineershall be final.14. NO COMPENSATION FOR ALTERATION IN OR REDUCTION OF WORK TO BE CARRIED OUT:If any time after the commencement of the works the Chairman of U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>/ Engineer throughthe Project Manager shall <strong>for</strong> any reason what-so-ever not require the works there of as specified inthis contract to be carried out, the Engineer shall give notice in writing of the fact to the contractorand upon the receipt of such notice in writing the works under this contract shall cease and thecontractor shall have no claim to any payment or compensation what-so-ever on account of anyprofit or advantage, which he might have derived from the execution of the works in full but which hedid not derive in consequence of the full amount of the works not having been carried out neithershall he has any claim <strong>for</strong> compensation by reason of any alterations having been made in theoriginal specifications, drawings and instructions which shall involve any curtailment of the work asoriginally contemplated.15. ACTION AND COMPENSATION PAYABLE IN CASE OF BAD WORK: DeletedIf it shall appear to the Engineer or his subordinate in-charge of the work that any work or part hasbeen executed with imperfect or unskilled workmanship or with materials of any inferior descriptionor that any materials or articles provided by the contractor <strong>for</strong> the execution of the works areunsound or of a quality inferior to that contracted <strong>for</strong> or otherwise not in accordance with the contractthe contractor shall on demand in writing from the Engineer specifying the work, materials or articlescomplained of, <strong>for</strong>th-with rectify, remove demolish and reconstruct the work so specified, in whole orin part as the case may require, or as the case may be, remove the materials, or articles so specifiedand provide other proper and suitable materials or articles at his own proper charge and cost, and inthe event of his failing to do so within a period to be specified by the Engineer in his demanda<strong>for</strong>esaid, then the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one percent or suchsmaller amount as the Chief engineer(whose decision in writing shall be final) may decide on theamount of the cost of the whole work <strong>for</strong> every day not exceeding ten days, while his failure to do so33

shall continue, and incase of any such failure the Engineer may rectify remove, demolish andreconstruct the works, or remove and replace with others, the material or articles complained of asthe case may be at the risk and expense in all respects of the contractor and such expenses may bededucted from such sum as may be due to the contractor or may become due to him and from hissecurity deposit. A certificate by the Engineer as to the amount of the expenses incurred shall befinal and binding upon the contractor.16. WORK TO BE OPEN TO INSPECTION: DeletedAll works under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of this contract shall at all timesbe open to the inspection of the Engineer or his subordinate and the contractor shall all times duringthe usual working hours and at all other times of which reasonable notice of the intention of theEngineer or his subordinate to visit the works shall have been given to the contractor, either him- selfbe present to perceive on‟ instructions or have a responsible agent duly accredited in writing ,present <strong>for</strong> that purpose. Orders given to the contractor‟s agent shall be considered to have thesame <strong>for</strong>ce as if they have been given to the contractor directly and will be considered as binding onthe contractor.17. NOTICE TO BE GIVEN BEFORE WORK IS COVERED UP: DeletedThe contractor shall give not less than five days notice in writing to the Engineer, or his dulyauthorized person <strong>for</strong> recording the measurement of any work, in order that the same may bemeasured, and correct dimensions thereof be taken be<strong>for</strong>e the same is so cover up or place beyondthe reach of measurement. If any work shall be covered up or placed beyond the reach ofmeasurement without such notice having been given or consent obtained, the same shall beuncovered at the contractor‟s expenses and no payment or allowance shall be made <strong>for</strong> such workor the materials with which the same was executed.18. CONTRACTOR LIABLE FOR DAMAGE DONE AND IMPERFECTIONS:If the contractor or his work people or servants shall break, deface, injure or destroy any part of abuilding in which they may be working or any building, road, fence, enclosure or grassland orcultivated ground continuous to the premises on which the work or any part of it is being executed,or if any damage shall happen to the work while in progress from any cause what-so-ever or anyimperfections become apparent in it within 18 months after the final certificate of its completion shallhave been given by the Engineer as a<strong>for</strong>esaid, the contractor shall make the same good at his ownexpense or in default the Engineer may correct the same and made good by other workman anddeduct the expense (<strong>for</strong> which the certificate of the Engineer shall be final) from any sums that maybe then or at any time thereafter may become due to the contractor or from his security deposit.19. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY LABOUR, PLANT, LADDERS, SCAFFOLDINGS: DeletedThe contractor shall supply at his own cost all labour, skilled and un-skilled and all things necessary(except such special things, if any, as may in accordance with the specifications be supplied fromthe Engineer‟s stores) such as plants, tools, appliance, implements, ladders, cordage, tackle,scaffolding, shoring, strutting, pumps, boilers, fuel oils, packing, derricks, boring tools, winches andpower as well as all other apparatus and temporary works requisite <strong>for</strong> the proper execution of thework, whether original, altered or substituted and whether included in the specifications or otherdocuments <strong>for</strong>ming part of the contract or referred to in those conditions or not which may benecessary <strong>for</strong> the purpose of satisfying or complying with the requirements of the Engineer as to anymatter as of which under these conditions he is entitled to be satisfied, or which he is entitled torequire together with carriage here to <strong>for</strong> and from the works. The contractor shall also supplywithout charge the requisite number of persons and things necessary <strong>for</strong> the purpose of setting outthe works, and counting, weighing and assisting in the measurement and examination at any timeand from time to time, the work done, or materials, supplied by him. Failing his doing so the same34

may be provided by the Engineer at the expense and risk of the contractor and the expense (ofwhich the certificate of the Engineer shall be final) may be deducted from any money due tocontractor under this contract or from his security deposit. The contractor shall also provide at hisown expense all necessary fencing and lights required to protect the public from accident and shallassume all liability <strong>for</strong> and indemnify the Owner against all actions or suits arising out of or inconnection with the carrying out the works whether such actions are brought by members of thepublic neighboring owners or workman employed on the works save only actions <strong>for</strong> permanentinterference with casements to which the site may be subject at law or inequity or otherwise arisingout of Owner‟s title to the site. The contractor shall carrying out the works other legal enactmentsapplicable to them and If shifting of telephone, cable or water line etc. is necessary, he should in<strong>for</strong>mthe department well in advance. The correspondence (letters) shall be issued by UPJN, butcontractor shall be responsible <strong>for</strong> early & timely approval in writing from the concerned department/company. The fees shall be payable by UPJN (not the claims by department <strong>for</strong> damage done totheir property during execution of works. No extension of time shall be admissible <strong>for</strong> unreasonabledelay in seeking permission from the concerned department/ company). The contractor shall beresponsible <strong>for</strong> the adequacy, strength and safety of all shoring, strutting, curbing, bonding, brickwork, masonry, concrete, permanent or temporary, appliances, matters and things furnished by him<strong>for</strong> the purpose of this contract.20. FEMALE LABOUR: Deleted21. WORKS NOT TO BE SUBLET WITHOUT SANCTION:This contract or any part hereof shall not be assigned or sublet without the written approval of theEngineer and if the contractor shall assign or sublet his contractor attempt to do so or becomeinsolvent or commence any insolvency proceeding or make any composition with his creditors or,attempt to do so, or if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite, reward or advantage, pecuniary orotherwise, shall either directly or indirectly be given, promised or offered by the contractor or any ofhis servants or agents to any public officer or person in the employ of <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> in any way relatingto his office of employment or if any such officer or person shall become in any way directly orindirectly interested in the contract, the Owner may there upon by notice in writing rescind thecontract and the security deposit shall there upon stand <strong>for</strong>feited and be absolutely at the disposal ofthe said Chairman and the same consequences shall ensure as if the contract had been rescindedunder clause 4 here of, and in addition the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid <strong>for</strong>any work that has already been per<strong>for</strong>med under this contract.22. SUM PAYABLE BY WAY OF COMPENSATION: Deleted23. WORKS TO BE UNDER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER:All works under the contract shall be executed under the direction and subject to the approval in allrespects of the Engineer who shall be entitled to direct at what point or points and in what mannerthey are to be commenced and from time to time carried on.24. DECISION OF OWNER TO BE FINAL:Except where otherwise specified in this contract, the decision of the Owner <strong>for</strong> the time being shallbe final, conclusive and binding on parties to the contract upon all question relating to the meaningof the specifications, drawings and instructions herein be<strong>for</strong>e mentioned and as to the quality ofworkmanship or materials used on the work, or as to any other question, claim right matter or thing,what-so-ever, in any way dressing out of or relating to the contract drawings, specifications,estimates, instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the works or the35

execution or failure to execute the same, whether arising during the progress of the work or after thecompletion or the sooner determination there of the contract.25. ACTION WHERE NO SPECIFICATION:In the case of any class of work of which there is not mention in the specification such work shall becarried out in all respects in accordance with the instructions and requirements of the Engineer.26. CONTRACTOR TO EMPLOY COMPETENT AGENTS AND FOREMAN:During the execution of the works and until the work is completed in all respect as per satisfaction ofthe Engineer, the contractor shall employ competent person as may be necessary <strong>for</strong> the properexecution of the “Works” who shall be engaged constantly on the works to ensure propermanagement and efficient control.27. RECEIPT OF SECURITY MONEY:27.1 The successfull contractor / bidder will have to deposit a sum of Rs. 10 Lacs with the ProjectManager, Urban Works Unit, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>, Moradabad. This said sum shall be held assecurity <strong>for</strong> the due per<strong>for</strong>mance of all the conditions and stipulations of this contract and theEngineer is empowered to deduct from time to time from such security money, all or anysum or sums which may become due from the contractor as liquidated damages <strong>for</strong> thebreach of any or all the covenants or provisions of this contract. If not confiscated under theprovisions of this contract, the security money or such balance there of as may be left aftermaking the deduction or deductions a<strong>for</strong>ementioned will be returned to the contractor afterthe final certificate of the completion of the works shall have been given by the Engineer andafter the Engineer shall have satisfied himself that all the terms of the contract have beenduly and faithfully carried out by the contractor.27.2 Fixed Deposit Receipts/ CDR/Bank guarantee of any Nationalized Bank/NSC shall beaccepted as security money provided that all such fixed deposit receipt/Bank guaranteemust be pledged in the name of the Project Manager, Urban Works Unit, U.P. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>,Moradabad and that they will be accepted as security on the conditions that <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> willhold the deposit at the risk of the depositor and will not be liable in the event of the lose ofthe security due to failure of the bank or to any other cause and that the loss will fall on thedepositor who will have to deposit fresh security.28. COMPENSATION TO WORKMEN:28.1 In every case in which by virtue of the provisions of section 12, sub-section (1) of theworkmen‟s compensation Act, 1923 <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> is obliged to pay compensation to a workmanemployed by the contractor or by any sub contractor from him in the execution of the saidwork <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> will recover from the contractor the amount of the compensation as paid andwithout prejudice to the right of <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> under section 12, sub-section (2) of the said Act,<strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part there of by deducting iteither from the security money deposited by the contractor at his credit under clause 27 ofthese conditions or from any other sum due by <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> to the contractor whether underthis contract or otherwise.28. 2 <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under section 12, subsection(1)of the said Act, except on the written request of the contractor and upon his giving36

to <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> full security <strong>for</strong> all costs <strong>for</strong> which <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> might become liable inconsequence of contesting the claim.Signed by the Contractor.Signed on behalf of the Chairman of <strong>Uttar</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong>.Designation of the Officer.37

DATA SHEET & SPECIFICATIONS1.0 Moradabad NagarMoradabad is a District and Commissionery head quarter which lies between 28°20'Latitude and 78°04' longitude. It is situated on the bank of river Rain Ganga. Moradabad is onNational highway no, 24 and 157 kms from Delhi and 336 km away from Lucknow. It is divisionalHead quarter of Northern Railway and has big container yard. City is well connected to DelhiLucknow, Saharanpur, and Aligarh by rail system. The main city is bound by River Ram Ganga inNorth-East and by River Gagan in South-West. Chandausi-Moradabad-Saharanpur railway linecrosses the city almost in the center dividing it in two parts. The city is moderately undulatinghaving a maximum level difference of about 14 m. The average annual rainfall is about 1000mm/year. The temperature varies from 25°C to 45°C in summer. The composition of soil is finesand mixed with clay and kankar. The ground water level generally varies from 3 to 6.5 m. belowground level. Maximum and minimum ground levels are 202 m and 188 m. respectively. HFL ofriver is 193.20 m at Railway Bridge of Ramganga river near Katghar railway station.STATUS OF WATER SUPPLY, SEWERAGE, DRAINAGE & SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENTWORKS:-WATER SUPPLYMoradabad city has a well developed pipe water supply system. The source of watersupply <strong>for</strong> the city is ground water. The city is fed through a network of 680 Km pipe line & 51 wells. At present Rate of water supply in the city is 135 LPCD.SEWERAGE SYSTEMIt is assessed that the city generates about 89 M.L.D. sewage. There is a very old<strong>sewerag</strong>e system in some parts of the town which is almost defunct and not functioning at present.Moradabad Development Authority & U.P. Avas Vikas Parishad have laid sewer line in thecolonies developed by them but no treatment plant has been constructed. The sewage of wholecity is being discharged in to River Ramganga & Gagan through 24 nos. major drains. Toovercome the environmental problems due to insanitary & hygienic conditions, a master plan of<strong>sewerag</strong>e system <strong>for</strong> year 2043 has been prepared in which the whole city has been segregated infour Zones. The area situated between Chandausi-Moradabad-Saharanpur railway line andRamganga River comprises of Zone 1 & 2 and the area situated between Chandausi-Moradabad-Saharanpur railway line and River Gangan comprises of Zone 3 & 4. Zone-1 comprises of the oldcity area from Katghar to PAC Tiraha. For Zone-1 a Sewerage scheme having 264 kms sewer line,11 Sewage Pumping Stations & one Sewage Treatment Plant of 58 MLD capacity <strong>for</strong> an estimatedcost of Rs. 279.91 Cr. is under execution funded by NGRBADRAINAGEMoradabad city has very limited and inefficient Drainage system, due to which, open drainsalso carry the sewage which ultimately discharge into the river Ram Ganga and Gagan. During themonsoon, the storm water drainage severally affects almost the entire city. There are many areasas Peetal basti, Indra colony, Khushhalpur & Miyan colony, where problem -during monsoonbecomes acute due to water logging. There are 24 major drains within the city limits in which allthe storm water as well as waste water of the existing city flows.38

SOLIDWASTE MANAGEMENTSolid waste management is probably the most critical area in Moradabad. MoradabadNagar <strong>Nigam</strong> is responsible <strong>for</strong> collection, transportation & disposal of all solid waste generated inthe city. The garbage collection from the bins is extremely irregular. On the other hand. a normalsolid waste management process namely waste storage & segregation, Primary & secondarycollection & west processing & disposal are by & large missing. Presently waste is collected &disposed off on open land. To improve the system, a solid waste management project amountingto Rs, 1315.70 Lacs has been sanctioned under U.I.D.S.S.M.T Programme & is under execution.MASTERPLANNINGThe city is bounded by River Ram Ganga in the North-East & River Gagan in the West-South. The master planning within the regulated area of master plan has been done to take care offuture requirement. Assuming that project will be completed in four years. Base year, midyear &design year has been adopted as 2013, 2028 & 2043 respectively.POPULATION PROJECTIONThe Projection of population has been worked out, taking in to consideration the censuspopulation figures <strong>for</strong> the year 2001 and earlier decades, by various methods given in Manual ofWater Supply. After comparing the results of population projection by these methods the projectionof population obtained by incremental increase method looked realistic and has been adopted <strong>for</strong>master planning of <strong>sewerag</strong>e system. The figures obtained by incremental increase method <strong>for</strong> thetown <strong>for</strong> different years are given as below-Base year (2013) - 820000Mid Year(2028) - 1137000Design Year(2043) - 1558000Zone wise population worked out <strong>for</strong> Master Planning of <strong>sewerag</strong>e system is as follows-ZONE WISE POPULATIONYEAR 2013 2028 2043ZONE1 491654 556786 616376ZONE2 84649 147795 205000ZONE3 117955 244522 418769ZONE4 125742 187897 317855TOTAL 820000 1137000 1558000INTERCEPTION FACTORAn interception factor of 0.8 as per Manual of Sewerage & sewage Treatment. December1993, Government of India, has been adopted. Rate of water supply <strong>for</strong> design of <strong>sewerag</strong>esystem has been adopted as l35 L.P.C.D.SEWAGE GENERATION39

Quantity of Sewage expected to be generated in different years has been worked outtaking into consideration rate of water supply @ 135 I.p.c.d. and interception factor as 0.8Total sewage generated in each Zone is given in the following table:-S.No. ZONE Projected population Sewage flow (MLD)2013 2028 2043 2013 2028 20431 ZONE1 491654 556786 616376 53.10 60.13 66.572 ZONE2 84649 147795 205000 09.14 15.96 22.143 ZONE3 117955 244522 418769 12.74 26.41 45.234 ZONE4 125742 187897 317855 13.58 20.29 34.33TOTAL 820000 1137000 1558000 88.56 122.80 168.26Total approximate area of Moradabad city:- 85 Sq. KmTotal approximate area <strong>for</strong> which DPRs are to be prepared:- 50 Sq. KmTotal approximate area <strong>for</strong> which fresh surveying is to be done:- 10 Sq. KmTotal approximate length of sewer line available in different pockets of the city:- 50 KmTotal length of road is not available with the client this figure may be obtained from Nagar<strong>Nigam</strong>.The data given above is indicative only. The Consultant will have to work out the figures afresh.40

GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION OF DPRScope of WorkPreparation of Feasibility Report (FR) of <strong>sewerag</strong>e works of Moradabad Town as per guide lines ofNational Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA)/ World Bank getting it cleared from Ministry ofEnvironment and Forest (MoEF)/GoI and then preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of theremaining three <strong>sewerag</strong>e zones of Moradabad Town taking into consideration the existingSewerage Works available in the Zones. Including all survey and investigation, collection of allnecessary data, discharge measurement of existing drains, geo technical investigations etc. allcomplete. Preparation of all necessary drawings, index plan on digital maps and finally submissionof all the above works, after clearance from MoEF, in eight hard copies and one soft copy. The DPRshall be prepared in complete manner..The DPRs may be prepared in phases i.e. one DPR <strong>for</strong> eachZone or two or more zones may be clubbed together in a single DPR conditioned that the total costof such DPR may not exceed Rs. 300 crores. The scope of work also includes all survey &investigation works and presentation of the contents of the FR and DPR at all <strong>for</strong>ums required in theprocess of getting them cleared from MoEF GoIGUIDELINES(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)(x)(xi)Provision of integrated sewer network up to house-property line in place of drain interceptionand diversion..Dovetailing with existing works is compulsory. This will ensure optimal utilization ofresources on priority basis.Design, Build & Operate (DBO) model <strong>for</strong> efficient operation and maintenance (O & M) ofRiver Conservation schemes.First 5 years O & M cost to be in-built in the project cost.Stakeholder consultation at the stage of <strong>for</strong>mulation and implementation of the project.Active association of ULBs in project <strong>for</strong>mulation and sitting of important infrastructures suchas STP, PSs etc.Emphasis on recycling and reuse of treated sewage, there should be an endeavor tomaximize the use of treated sewage.Degree of treatment linked to availability of fresh water in river.(ICT) tools and software <strong>for</strong> project planning and design. In order to improve scientific andengineering design and planning, good quality maps and computer aided design arenecessary.Adoption of innovative and best technology options <strong>for</strong> treatment of sewage. Life cycle studyof technology options along with detailed analysis in respect of per<strong>for</strong>mance will bemandatory.Study of Environmental & Social Assessment and remedial measures, if required.41

Chapters Descriptioni. Table of Contentsii. List of Abbreviationsiii. Salient Features Of The Projectiv. Executive Summary1 ABOUT THE PROJECT AREA1.1 Authority <strong>for</strong> preparation of project1.2 Description of the project areaBrief history of the townGeographical LocationClimateTopographyDrainage channelsAdministrative divisionsCommercial aspectsIndustrial activitiesEducational activitiesCultural activitiesReligious activitiesSocio –Economic statusTown ManagementSoil characteristicsSuggestive Structure of the DPRs1.3 Population within the project areaCensus population of the last 5 decades, area, no. of households, growth rate, density ofpopulation, ward wise population projection.Slum population of the last 5 decadesDetails of future population projections as per the City Master Plan1.4 Status of water supplyActual Water supply from different sources ward wise, Population covered and rate of watersupplied in different areasProposals <strong>for</strong> augmentation of water supply system1.5 Status of existing waste water disposal worksExisting worksWorks under executionWorks sanctioned but not yet started1.6 Status of drainsNos. & details of drainage channelsWaste water flow carried by drains,Details of measurement of flows in drains along with copies of test reportsWaste water characteristics of different drains,Details of measurement of Waste water characteristics along with copies of test reports1.7 River water qualityWater quality of the river u/s, d/s and at outfalls of drains discharging into the riverDetails of measurement of the quality of river water along with copies of test reportsMethodology followed <strong>for</strong> flow measurement and quality characteristics42

Water quality standards of river water quality1.8 Justification of the project <strong>for</strong> pollution abatement of the river2 APPROACH and status of existing works2.1 Description of <strong>sewerag</strong>e districts2.2 Design ConsiderationsDesign periods of various componentsNorms <strong>for</strong> rate of water supply2.3 Population within the project areaCensus population of the last 5 decadesDetails of future population projections as per the City Master Plan/ward wise projection.Population Projections of each district/zone in design years2.4 Water SupplyActual Water supply from different sources ward wise, Population covered and rate of watersupplied in different areasProposals <strong>for</strong> augmentation of water supply systemRate of water supply in each district2.5 Sewage GenerationInterception FactorSewage Generation in each district/zone in design years as per norms of rate of water supplySewage Generation in each district/zone in design years as per projected actual flows indrainsSewage Generation in each district/zone in design years as adopted2.6 Status of existing waste water disposal worksExisting worksWorks under executionWorks sanctioned but not yet startedDetails of proposed renovation, up gradation, augmentation etc of the existing <strong>sewerag</strong>eworks3 Design Details of proposed works3.1 Design CriteriaDesign periods of various componentsNorms <strong>for</strong> rate of water supply3.2 Sewer networkHydraulic Design of Sewer Network, District wiseDesign of sewer Bedding3.3 Sewage pumping stationsHydraulic Designs of Sewage Pumping StationsDesign of capacities of Pumping Plants of sewage pumping stationsDesign of capacities of GeneratorsDesign of Economical sizes of Rising Mains3.4 Sewage treatment plantsCapacities of STPsCharacteristics of raw water43

Characteristics of treated effluentDisposal of treated effluentLife Cycle Cost analysis <strong>for</strong> different technologies of treatment of wasteCalculations <strong>for</strong> land required <strong>for</strong> various componentsHydraulic Design of Sewage Treatment Plant, component wiseElectrical Load List of S.T.PsSewer networkHydraulic Design of Sewer Network, District wise/zone wiseDesign of sewer BeddingLand required <strong>for</strong> various components3.5 Other provisionsHouse connectionsLandStaff QuartersReinstatement of roadsDesign of sewer BeddingPermission from Forest, Railways, Telephone etc departments4 Environmental Impact assessment of works5 Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)6 Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)7 Implementation programme8 Institutional ArrangementCapacity of ULB – financial, material, human resources related to implement, operate andmaintainthe WWMSProposed strengthening plan9 Financial and ECONOMIC AnalysisAbstract of Cost estimatesCost sharing of the projectSchedule of demand of fundsEconomicsEstimate of Annual O&M Cost of Sewerage Works <strong>for</strong> 5 yearsO&M Recovery Plan <strong>for</strong> 15 yearsBreak up of Cost of works(component wise) and its schedule of executionSchedule of fundingEstimate of Cost of Annual O&M of Sewer LinesEstimate of Cost of Annual O&M of Sewage Pumping StationsEstimate of Cost of Staff Required <strong>for</strong> O&M of MPS/IPSEstimate of Cost of O&M of MPS/IPSEstimate of Cost of Annual Electric Consumption <strong>for</strong> Running Sewage Pumps MPS/IPSEstimate of Cost of Annual O&M of D.G. Sets – MPS /IPSEstimate of Cost of Annual O&M of STPsRequirement of Staff <strong>for</strong> O&M of MPS / IPSRequirement of Staff <strong>for</strong> O&M of STPs10 ANNEXURES44

Data collected as mentioned in chapter 2Executive Summary of City Development PlanExecutive Summary of City Sanitation Plan, as approvedExecutive Summary of FR, as approvedApproval of City Sanitation Plan by the State GovernmentApproval of City Sanitation Plan by NRCDApproval of Feasibility Report by the State GovernmentApproval of Feasibility Report by NRCDTest Reports of River Water Quality, including those by CPCB, SPCB and other agenciesTest Reports of Discharge of drainsRates of Land Acquisition in and around the town (copy of rates be attached in support)Approved Labour Rates applicable in the project areaApproved Material Rates applicable in the project areaSchedule of Rates <strong>for</strong> the District / Town <strong>for</strong> various itemsSub Soil characteristics and Water DataRates of PWD <strong>for</strong> reinstatement of roadsBudgetary Offers of various components11 ESTIMATESUnit Estimate of Manhole, size wiseUnit Estimate of Boundary WallUnit Estimate of Steel GateUnit Estimate of House Connection from property Line up to Sewer LineUnit Estimate of Gully PitsAbstract of Cost of Sewerage Works (Including Sewers, Rising Mains, IPS, MPS & STPs)Estimate of Cost of Sewer Lines, <strong>sewerag</strong>e district wiseEstimate of Cost of Civil Works of MPS, pumping station wiseEstimate of Cost of Civil Works of IPS, pumping station wiseEstimate of Cost of Rising Mains of MPS / IPS /STP, pumping station / STP wiseEstimate of Cost of Civil Works of Sewage Treatment Plant, STP wiseEstimate of Cost of Civil Works of various components of Sewage Treatment Plant, STP wiseEstimate of Cost of Laboratory cum Office BuildingEstimate of Cost of Staff Quarters Required <strong>for</strong> STPs//MPS/ IPSEstimate of Cost of Land Acquisition <strong>for</strong> Sewerage WorksEstimate of Cost of Boundary WallEstimate of Cost of Permission from Forest DepartmentEstimate of Cost of Shifting of Electric Cables, Lines etc./ Telephone Poles, Cables etc.Estimate of Cost of Special T&PEstimate of Cost of EM Works, component wise12 DRAWINGSMap of the Country and State showing the location of the townCity map and surrounding area (based on Survey of India map)Satellite imagery showing plan of the city including roads, water bodies etcMap of the city showing River Basin and details as mentioned in chapter 3District Map showing Polluted citiesMap of the city showing drains, their outfall points, land useContour plan of the city in appropriate scale and contour intervalMap of the city showing existing and proposed water supply worksMap of the city showing existing <strong>sewerag</strong>e worksPlan of proposed Sewers showing GLs, ILs, Diameters etc.L-Sections of SewersManholes45

Sewage Pumping Stations (plan, sections)Sewer Bedding DetailsSite Plan of STP indicating land requirement <strong>for</strong> design yearOutline drawings of recommended STP technology structure covering hydraulic flow andbroad with dimensions, levelsANYTHING ELSE REQUIRED BY NGRBA / WORLD BANK FOR CLEARENCEOF THE PROJECT AND ALLOTMENT OF FUNDS46

Check List <strong>for</strong> FR and DPRsS.No. Parameters Yes( )1 Details of total sub-projects proposed <strong>for</strong> the city2 Executive Summary3 Monitoring of DPR preparation at higher levels4 Preparation of digitized map giving complete details5 Consultations with stakeholders6 Current river water quality status along the city7 Life cycle cost analysis <strong>for</strong> selecting treatment options8 Justification <strong>for</strong> proposed pipe material.9 Acquisition of land -10 Inclusion of O&M cost <strong>for</strong> first 5 years of completion in theestimate11 Confirmation of State Government/local body to share 30% cost12 Inclusion of resource recovery component in the proposal13 Completion schedule14 Programme of public education and awareness15 Programme of training and capacity building16 Use of latest SORs <strong>for</strong> preparation of cost estimates17 Justification of cost estimate18 Assessment of quality and quantity of wastewater as perguidelines19 Inclusion of all features on the city map as mentioned in relevantparagraph20 Review of sewer system designed by consultant at the level ofdepartment21 Analysis of centralised vs decentralised options <strong>for</strong> locating STPs22 Life Cycle Cost analysis <strong>for</strong> technology of STP23 Public acceptance <strong>for</strong> house connections24 Provision of dedicated feeders <strong>for</strong> uninterrupted power supply25 List of grossly polluting industries with their current status andmonitoring plan26 Projections of improvement in river water quality aftercompletion of the project and proposal <strong>for</strong> per<strong>for</strong>mancemonitoringNo(x)47

PREPARATION OF FEASFFIILITY REPORT OF SEWERAGESCHEMES4.1 It has already been stated in chapter 1 that <strong>for</strong> Non Sewerage Schemes, Feasibility Reports (FR) are not requiredand the DPRs may be prepared after the CSP has been approved. For Sewerage Schemes, Feasibility Reports need to beprepared <strong>for</strong> which the guidelines are given below. .4.2 OBJECTIVES OF FEASIBILITY REPORT (FR)The objective of preparing Feasibility Report is to identify, from amongst a number of feasible options, SewerageScheme of a project whose implementation will reduce the pollution of the river and improve its water quality to thedesired level more specifically, the Feasibility Report will help to achieve the following objectives:i. Identify all point sources of pollution of the river in a cityii. Assess how the pollution of the river affects the stake holders.iii. Work out details of all feasible alternative systems to address the issue of pollution and achieve theobjective of the improvement of the river water quality. The alternatives are worked out to the level ofdetails that enables the comparative evaluation of alternatives and identification of the optimal system.iv. FR would facilitate to prepare a workable or implementable plan.v. All possible hindrances such as from public resistance, sitting of major industries, environment and socialconcerns may be eliminated through option analysis at FR stage.4.3 DEVELOPING OPTIONS FOR SEWERAGE SCHEMESThe approach should be based on Centralized as well as decentralized collection and treatment of sewage.4.3.1 Utilizing an existing systemIn the drainage areas and districts where there is an existing system of waste water management, which appears capableof being repaired, refurbished, upgraded and mode missed the feasibility of augmenting to a degree that the waste watersatisfies the prescribed standards by the time it reaches the river should be examined. Every component of the systemshould be evaluated as to its designed per<strong>for</strong>mance, present per<strong>for</strong>mance, designed capacity and present capacity, usefullife left. If it is found that the system can be brought to a satisfactory state and will be sustainable, the items of work:that are needed should be identified and the details worked out and costs estimated.4.3.2 Covering the Area with Sewer NetworkUnder this system the Drainage District is covered with sewers and every house isconnected to the sewers.i. Centralized SystemThe wastewater is conveyed to a centralized STP from where it could be ; suitably disposed of into theriver or used <strong>for</strong> irrigation. Or, Locating the STP further away where land at cheaper-rates is availableandcheaper technology can be adoptedii.Decentralized SystemThe waste water of each Sewerage District is carried in sewers or in drains or partly in sewers and partlyin drains to a treatment plant designed <strong>for</strong> that district which constitutes a decentralized Treatment48

System. In the decentralized approach, the Sewerage District could be small envisaging collection,treatment and disposal of wastewater in the neighborhood itself involving smaller quantity of wastewater.A decentralized system could result in drastically curtailing the length and diameters of trunk sewers, inreduction of the depth at which the sewers should be laid and in reducing the number of places where IPS should beinstalled. This may reduce the capital cost.4.3.3 Using Open Drains in Areas Having Septic TanksSome Drainage Areas may have Septic tanks. The effluent from the Septic tanks is partially treated and couldsatisfy conditions <strong>for</strong> being permitted to flow in open drains. Further conveyance and treatment is open to options asbelow:i. It can be allowed to flow in the open street drains to the storm water drains. Be<strong>for</strong>e the - drains join-sthe river, the waste water can be taken to a STP <strong>for</strong> being treated.ii. A network of sewers is laid so that the effluent from the septic tanks and other waste water is carriedin them to a STP <strong>for</strong> treatment.iii. For the Drainage Areas that do not have septic tanks, sewers will need TO be laid and housesconnected to carry "wastewater through a hierarchy of drains 10 a STP. It has then to be handled as -discussed above.4.3.4 The status of the wastewater management system in the city may be presented in the following table.Where necessary a note stating the status of the component, its per<strong>for</strong>mance against the designed per<strong>for</strong>mance andwhether it should be repaired, refurbished or modernized, should be appended.Table 4.1: Existing Status of Waste Water ManagementSewageDistrictsDrainageArea Nameandnumber ofdrains inthe districtSewerage Districtscovered with sewers andSTPSate ofSewersState ofSTPSewerage Districts Not Covered withSewer and STPSepticTankDischargeof wastewater inthe streetdrain sOxidizationpond/AeratedlagoonRemarks1 2 3 4 5 6 7 849

4.4 DESIGN PERIODSDesign periods <strong>for</strong> Sewerage mains and STPs have been often debated due to Cost considerations. Keeping inview the resource constraints and optimum utilization of assets a modular approach may be followed <strong>for</strong> these facilities.The Year of expected commissioning of the project shall be taken as the Base Year <strong>for</strong> design of variouscomponents of the projects. Design periods of various components may be adopted as under:Table 4.2 : Design PeriodsS.NO.Component Design Period (Yrs) Remark1 Land acquisition 30 Land will be required to add STP modules‟ later.Accordingly, land should be acquired.2 Sewerage Mains 303 Pumping Stations - 30 Cost of civil works is economical <strong>for</strong> Fool designcivil worksperiod.4 Pumps 15 Considering modular approach.5 STP 10 Construction may be done with modular approach-in aphased manner as the population grows.6 Rising mains 30 In case of low velocities, dual rising mains to beexamined.7 Effluent disposal 30 Provision of design capacities In the initial stases itselfis economical.4.5 FUTURE POPULATION4.5.1 Design PopulationCorrect and realistic projections of population <strong>for</strong> design of various components must be done to optimizecosts. Floating population in respect of cities having cultural, tourism of religious importance may be consideredjudiciously.4.5.2 Population ProjectionsFor each Sewerage District, population should be collected from census records (or the years 1971,1981,1991,2001,2011.The base year shall. be taken as year of completion of the project. The population projections <strong>for</strong> the base, after10 years, mid and design years shall be made considering, the past decadal growths using different recognized methodssuch as:-(i) Arithmetical Increase Method(ii) Incremental Increase method(iii) Geometrical increase method(iv) Simple Graphical Projection method(v) Semi-Log Graphical method(vi) Ratio method50

(vii) Land use and Future Density Method - This shall also be carried out at micro level <strong>for</strong> individual wardsdepending upon the growth potential of individual wards in consultation with Local Body, DevelopmentAuthority (if any) and City Country Planning DepartmentFuture population, which appears to be more realistic and acceptable, shall be adoptedgiving proper justification <strong>for</strong> the same.4.6 SEWERAGE MASTER PLANNING I SEWERAGE DISTRICTSMaster Plan of the city shall be prepared <strong>for</strong> Sewerage, if not prepared earlier considering the topographyand geographical features, ridge lines, alignment of drains, Railway tracks, major roads, National Highways,encroachments, quicker construction and commissioning of works and availability of land <strong>for</strong> SPS and STP etc., thewhole city shall be divided into a number of Sewerage Districts. Attempt should be made to avoid long sewers, assewers will not be required to be laid at large depths and also Intermediate Pumping Stations would be avoided orreduced. To the extent possible, pumping should be avoided. This may entail a larger number of small STPs as againstlarge STPs but fewer in number.The design of works in these districts shall be carried out in an integrated manner taking into considerationthe most optimum options from techno-economic perspective with respect to interception of waste water, alignment ofsewers, sewage pumping stations and sewage treatment 'plants etc. Topography of the area, gradient, obstructions etc.shall be taken into account while planning the interception and diversion of waste water of the contributory areas.4.7 RATE OF WATER SUPPLYAccording to the guidelines of Govt. of India, which are applicable all over the country, following water supply rates areto be adopted.Table 4.3: Recommended Per Capita Water Supply Levels <strong>for</strong> Designing Schemess.No.123SClassification of cities I citiesCities provided with piped water supply but withoutSewerage systemCities provided with piped water supply but Seweragesystem is existing/contemplatedMetropolitan and Mega cities provided with piped watersupply where Sewerage system is exiting/contemplatedRecommended MaximumWater Supply Levels (Ipcd)70135150NOTE:-1. In urban areas, where water is provided through public stand posts, 40 lpcd should be considered.2. Figures exclude "Unaccounted <strong>for</strong> Water (UFW), which should be limited to 15%.51

3. Figures include requirements of water <strong>for</strong> commercial, institutional and minor industries. However, bulk supply tosuch establishments should be assessed separately with proper justification.4. However, the actual rate of supply of water should be supported with availability of water in the town4.8 STATUS OF EXISTING WATER SUPPLYIt shall be ensured that the existing water supply or under execution, has the potential to meet the waterdemand of the projected design population at the rate specified in the above table. DPR shall not be approved unlessassurance to this effect is received.4.9 PER EAPITA SEWAGE FLOWThe observed dry weather flow reaching the sewer system is less than that the per capita water consumptiondue to loss of some water in leakage and evaporation. Generally 80% of water supply is expected to reach the sewersystem, <strong>for</strong> calculating the water consumed, the ground water extracted should also be added to the piped water supply.4.10 GROUND WATER INFILTRATIONAs per guidelines laid down by GOI, suggested estimates <strong>for</strong> ground water infiltration <strong>for</strong> sewers laid belowground water table are:Table 4.4 Ground Water InfiltrationInfiltration Minimum MaximumLiters/km.d 500 5000With improved standards of workmanship and quality and availability of various construction aids, thesevalues should tend to the minimum, rather than the maximum. These values should not mean any relaxation on thewater tightness test requirements.4.11 RIVER WATER QUALITY4.1I.1Water Quality Standards <strong>for</strong> RiversWater Quality Standards <strong>for</strong> rivers as per CPCB classification of Designated Best Use criteria of the rivers <strong>for</strong>bathing are as under:Table 4.5 Water Quality Standards <strong>for</strong> RiversParametersStandardspH 6.5 to 8.5BOD3 (mg/1) of lessDO5 mg/1 or moreFecal coli <strong>for</strong>mDesirableMaxm. Permissible500 (MPN/100ml)2500 (MPN/100 ml)52

4.11.2 Actual Water Quality of the RiverChemical quality of water of river uf-s and .us of the city as monitored during investigations shall be tabulatedas under and commented upon:Name of Monitoring Agency:Date of monitoring:Place of monitoringTable 4.6 Actual Water Quality of the RiverParameters U/S D/S of the citypHBOD (mg/1)DO (mg/1)Fecal coli <strong>for</strong>mMaxm. PermissibleComments on river water quality on the basis of the above shall be given.4.11.3 Provisions <strong>for</strong> River GangaRiver Ganga has been given the status of the National River and the National River Ganga River Basin Authority(NGRBA) has been set up. The NGRBA is an empowered planning, financing, monitoring and coordinating authority<strong>for</strong> the River Ganga River <strong>for</strong> effective abatement of pollution and conservation of the River Ganga in keeping withsustainable development needs.A River Ganga Basin Management Plan is being developed involving exhaustive studies in the entire basin, Works inthe River Ganga Basin will need to be taken up in accordance with those proposed in the Management Plan.However, in the meanwhile the effluent standards have been made more Stringent, <strong>for</strong> critical stretches of River Ganga,by the Ministry of Environment, Government of India on 3.220 I0 as in the table below (Copy of OM dt, 3.2.10attached as annexure 3)Table 4.7: Effluent Standards prescribed by NRCD, Ministry of Environment,Government of India:Parameters Units Effluent Standards <strong>for</strong> discharge Effluent Standardsinto water bodies<strong>for</strong> discharge onExisting Standards Standards landrevised on3.2.10pH 5.5-9.0BOD Mg/1 30 20 100TSS Mg/1 50 30 200FecalColi <strong>for</strong>msMPN.100 ml Desirable- 1,000Permissible- 10,000Desirable- 1,000Permissible- 10,00053

4.12 QUALITY OF WASTE WATERFor sewers, a 30-year design perspective is proposed. Actual flows measured through field investigationsshould be projected <strong>for</strong> this period. Similarly <strong>for</strong> STPs and pumping stations, flows should be projected taking intoconsideration the population of the respective design period. The figure arrived at following the method given inparagraph 6.7 should be adopted if there is discrepancy between the two projections.4.13 SEWAGETREATMENT PLANTS4.13.1 TechnologyIn the NRCD document "Compendium of Treatment Technologies" published in 2009, the technologies havebeen evaluated on1. Per<strong>for</strong>mance,2. Energy requirement,3. Resource requirements and associated costs,4. Land requirements.5. Annualized cost also has been worked out.This compendium may also be referred <strong>for</strong> selection of an appropriate sewage treatment technology. It impliesthat depending on the desired water quality of the effluent of the STP, land requirement, availability of electricity andfunds available, the technology that appears feasible should be selected using the matrix given in Compendium ofTechnologies.4.13.2 Options For Locating STPs(i)(ii)The following options have to be generally considered <strong>for</strong> locating STPs:(a) One, with a decentralized approach, which would envisage collection, treatment and disposalwastewater in the neighborhood itself.(b) The second option involves conveying the collected wastewater to a centralized STP from where it couldbe suitably disposed of into the river or used <strong>for</strong> irrigation,(c) Locating the STP further away where land at lower rates is available and inexpensive technology can beadoptedAll the options have to be analyzed in the right perspective taking into consideration capital and recurring costsand views of stakeholders. Proper justification should presented in the DPR <strong>for</strong> the selected option.4.14 Working out Land RequirementSewers are laid on the road side on publicly owned land. Hence no land is required to be acquired <strong>for</strong> sewers.However, land is required <strong>for</strong> Intermediate Pumping Stations and Sewage Treatment Plants. In the above referredCompendium, the land required <strong>for</strong> treatment plants has been given. It should be used to estimate the land required <strong>for</strong>STPs. Land required <strong>for</strong> IPS should also be worked out.54

4.15 RESOURCE RECOVERYWater is scarce. To the extent possible after use it should be reused or recycled to the extent it is feasible. If itis not feasible other methods of resource recovery arei. Sale of sludge as manureii. Sale of treated water <strong>for</strong> irrigation, horticultureiii. Pisiculture etciv. Generation of electricityv. Carbon Credit4.16 SELECTION OF BEST OPTIONThe best option is to be selected as per component wise details of various feasibleoptions.4.17 COST ESTIMATESAt the stage of preparing Feasibility Report, detailed designing may not be possible <strong>for</strong> want of relevant data.Quotations <strong>for</strong> supply of bought out items such as STP, pumps and motors, sewer pipes should be obtained fromreputed suppliers. The cost of other items as are on the schedule of rates of the concerned works department of the Stateshould be used to work out the costs.Sewage pumping and treatment need uninterrupted electricity supply. There<strong>for</strong>e average duration of supply ofelectricity should be ascertained so that the number of hours during which the DG set will need to be operated can beknown.4.18 LIFE CYCLE COSTThe most cost effective and feasible option may be selected through their life cycle cost analysis. The costcomponents that should be included are the following:a) Capital (One time cost)i. Landii. Cost of procurement of the various components of the System. --b) Recurring (Annual)i. Energy (Electricity & Diesel)ii. Manpower Cost in Operation and maintenance111. Consumables 'iv. Repair and Maintenancev. Resource Recovery (negative cost.)4.19 FACTORS IN SELECTION OF SYSTEM OF WASTE WATER MANAGEMEI'TFactors which affect the selection of system are given below:i. Feasibility of utilizing an existing wastewater management system with necessary repairs, renovation,up gradation and modernization.55

ii. Where new systems are to be established, the availability of land is a critical factor. In a district ifsuitable land of the required-size is not available <strong>for</strong> installing STP, the waste water must be carried toa place where land <strong>for</strong> the STP is available.iii. Availability of electricity- It is crucial as a Centralized system usually involves a long interceptionsewer necessitating laying of sewers at considerable depth and installation of intermediate pumpingstations. These require power and since in most states there is shortage of power, standbyarrangements in the <strong>for</strong>m of DG sets have to be provided <strong>for</strong>. Thus centralized system involves highcapital cost and high O&M cost.iv. Here are pros and cons of Centralized and Decentralized Systems. They should be carefully analyzedand compared. Life Cycle costs of different systems should be compared.v. The capacity of the ULB - financial, material, human resource related to implement Operate andMaintain and manage the pollution The ability and willingness of the people to meet their obligations to system the system etc.vii. Over the life cycle of the system, the net present value of annual costs shouldviii. Be worked out of systems that are considered feasible and on that basis the system found to cost theleast should be selected.Based on the above factors the most suitable system may be selected.4.20 PREPARING DRAWINGSThe drawings of works proposed should be incorporated in the FeasibilityReport.56

DETAILED PROJECT REPORTS OF SEWERAGE SCHEMES5.1 . GENERALThe Feasibility Report would have selected the most suitable system <strong>for</strong> pollution abatement. The design of theselected system and its components should be done following these guidelines.NGRBA guidelines provide <strong>for</strong> the River Ganga basin, that apart from conveying sewers, pumping Stationsand STPs, these items should also be included in the projects in unsewered areas to make the city fully sewered. UnderNRCP also, branch and lateral sewers and house connections up to the property land are to be proposed to ensurecomprehensive coverage.Designs of all these facilities should be based on standard procedures laid down in CPHEEO manual. In theevent of absence of guideline in the manual on a particular aspect, standard books, State /CPWD manuals may befollowedSelection of pipe materials like G RP / DI etc shall be as per site conditions.Existing <strong>sewerag</strong>e works should be dovetailed with the proposed scheme.Provision of dedicated feeders <strong>for</strong> SPS and STPs is essential to ensure round the clock operation. The DPRshould contain the details of such feeders like the length of the cable from the power source, specifications oftrans<strong>for</strong>mers and estimated cost. NRCD would not consider funding proposals, which do not comply with thisrequirement.5.2 Improving an Existing SystemIf a decision is taken to improve an existing system of waste water management by repairing, refurbishing,upgrading and / or modernizing, the items of work that are needed should be identified and the details worked out andcosts estimated5.3 Design Parameters Covered in Chapter on Feasibility ReportThe details of the following items have been given in Chapter on "Preparation of Feasibility Report ofSewerage Schemes" and, there<strong>for</strong>e, are not being repeated here:I. Design PeriodsII. Future Population & Population ProjectionsIII. Sewerage Master Planning / ZoningIV. Rate of Water SupplyV. Status of Existing Water SupplyVI. Per Capita Sewage FlowVII. Ground Water InfiltrationVIII. River Water Qualitya) Water Quality Standards <strong>for</strong> Riversb) Actual Water Quality of the River57

5.4 QUANTITY OF WASTE-WATER '\,For sewers, a 30-year design perspective is proposed. Actual flows measured through field investigationsshould be projected <strong>for</strong> this period: -Similarly <strong>for</strong> STPs and pumping stations, flows should be projected taking intoconsideration the population of the respective design-period. The figure arrived at following the method given inparagraph 6.7 should be adopted if there is discrepancy between the two-projections.There should be permanent arrangement <strong>for</strong> measuring discharge in drains.5.5 SEWAGE QUALITY FOR STP DESIGNPast experience indicates that normative values of parameters like BOD and SS have been taken <strong>for</strong> influentsewage despite actual quality characteristics having been established through field investigations. Such considerationsresult in over design of STPs with higher cost implications. This must be avoided .and actual influent quality with anappropriate mark up only be considered <strong>for</strong> design purposes. For adopting BOD levels above ISO mg/l, properjustification must be provided.Parameters <strong>for</strong> the quality of wastewater (Values of BOD and SS) shall be adopted on the basis of actualquality of wastewater in coming at STPs / sewage pumping stations under O&M in the town / other towns in thevicinity under Similar situation.5.6 SEWERSLayouts of Sewerage mains or sub-mains 'should be prepared maintaining minimum depths and shortest flowdistances with laterals proposed in the DPRs. Gravity flows must be preferred over pumping mains as far as possible tominimize pumping costs.a) Sewers shall be designed crown meeting crown. Drops shall be avoided at junction points. The plans should showbasic details such as GLs, contours, major drains, their points of outfall, diameter and invert levels of sewersprovided, especially at the junction points.b) The layout of trunk sewer should be properly highlighted and be shown bold .on the plans and the design chart. .c) Wherever it is not possible to generate self-cleansing velocity, flushing of sewer lines should be carried out atregular intervals. The requirement and number-of flushing vans available with the O&M agency may be reviewedand provision <strong>for</strong> the same, if required, may be made in the estimate to be submitted.d) Suitable bedding should be provided below sewers to safeguard them against possible settlement as per the guidelines suggested in the Manual on Sewerage & Sewage Treatment-of CPHEEO.e) Soil investigation and test bores should be carried out at suitable intervals along the alignment of sewers toascertain the type of soil at different depths and behavior of the ground water table and bearing capacity of theSoil. The design of bedding may be done based on the actual ground conditions.f) A plan of action <strong>for</strong> giving sewer connections year wise during the implementation period of the work shall ,beprepared and a suitable provision be made in the byelaws to en<strong>for</strong>ce compulsory sewer connections and usercharges on the beneficiaries. The DPR may be prepared to achieve 100% house connections-<strong>for</strong> the present58

population within the project implementation period. This is, necessary "to assure flows in the sewer network andoptimum utilization of' STP capacity.g) Provision may be made in the DPR <strong>for</strong> house connections from the property lines up to the sewers includingcutting and reinstatement of roads. This will also eliminate cutting of roads from time to-time.h) Suitable – sewage-cess / tariff I tax and sewer-connection fee may be imposed on the beneficiaries to recover atleast the O&M cost of the project to start with. However, full cost recovery at the earliest should be aimed ati) Design criteria as stipulated in CPHEEO Manual may be followed.5.7 SEWAGE PUMPING STATIONSDesign of pumping stations should take into consideration the lean, average and peak flows. Pumpingconfiguration should be appropriate <strong>for</strong>-effective-pumping of sewage in any of these flow conditions.Submersible sewage pumps are now available and being extensively used, which are more economic in termsof both capital and running cost besides being operation friendly.The following configuration of sewage pumps may be adopted:Table5.I: Configuration of Sewage PumpsLength of RisingMainWhere rising main islong and where head" losses arethe dominant factorWhere rising main isshort and static head isdominantPumpsPeak Flow/2 pumpsNon Peak Flow pumpsPeak Flow/4 pumpsnos.No. of Pumps3 nos.(Including 1 standby) 2(including 1 standby)6 nos.(including 2 standby)Accordingly the size of sump may be configured5.7.1 Hydraulic Retention Time shall be taken as 3.75 minutes of design peak flow <strong>for</strong> design of sump. Pump shouldbe designed on self priming mode.5.7.2 To ensure constant running of pumping stations, diesel operated generating sets may be proposed at eachpumping station, if dedicated feeder line is not available.5.8 RISING MAINSMost economical size of rising main is to be determined by comparing the capitalized cost of different pipesizes. However, the size of pipe selected should be such that self-cleaning velocity is attained at least during peak hours.5.9 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT (S) (STP)5.9.1 Technology59

The choice of technology option <strong>for</strong> sewage treatment is of great importance. The NRCD has published in2009, ''Compendium on Sewage Treatment technologies". Among other things, this document throws light .onper<strong>for</strong>mance levels and O&M-costs of various technologies being tried out presently by various authorities.Techno-economic evaluation should be carried -out through life cycle cost analysis of these options. Thisanalysis should include capitalized costs; less revenue from resource recovery, recycling, by-product utilization etc.Ease of 0 & M, time required to construct and <strong>for</strong> achieving the desired objectives and costs of mitigation of anyadverse environmental impacts must be considered on the costs assigned fur the alternatives. Best option arrived fromthe LCC analysis should be selected and details should be presented in the DPR.5.9.2 Discharge of treated effluentSTP projects are to be <strong>for</strong>mulated taking in to account recycling / reuse of effluent <strong>for</strong> irrigation, industrialpurposes etc. The option of discharging the STP effluent in to the river should also be considered.All key parameters should be explained with detailed justification in the DPR.5.9.3 Options <strong>for</strong> locating STPs(ii)(ii)(iii)(iv)The following options have to be generally considered <strong>for</strong> locating STPs:-(a) One, with a decentralized approach, which would envisage collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater inthe neighborhood itself.(b) The second option involves conveying the collected wastewater to a centralized STP from where it could besuitably disposed of into the river or used <strong>for</strong> irrigation.(c) Locating the STP further away where land at lower rates is available and inexpensive technology can beadopted -All the options have to be analyzed in the right perspective taking into consideration capital and recurring costsand views of stakeholders. Proper justification should be presented in the DPR <strong>for</strong> the selected option.The proposed sites should be marked on the Map.The Notification dated 14th September 2006 of MoEF makes EIA mandatory <strong>for</strong> new township projects ofcertain categories. This provision must be complied with <strong>for</strong> new colonies under advice of NRCD.Also, it should be ensured that land would be acquired within reasonable time.5.10 RESISTANCE FROM HOUSE OWNERSA problem that is likely to be faced in respect of branch/lateral sewers is the resistance from house owners who alreadyhave septic tanks and may not be inclined to make fresh investment <strong>for</strong> house connections. Public resistance is alsolikely in respect of Sewerage routes and STP locations. All these issues need to be addressed through public education;awareness and participation at the required stage of the project to encourage house owners to take house connections,implementing agencies may consider offering beneficiary-friendly payment terms.60

5.11 DEDICATED FEEDERS AND GENERATORSAvailability of uninterrupted power <strong>for</strong> continuous operation of pumping stations and STPs needs to beensured. Diesel .generation sets have not helped the situation due to high cost of operation. Provision of -dedicatedfeeders <strong>for</strong> PSs and SIPs is essential to meet the programme objectives. DPR should contain the details of such feederslike the length of the cable from the source of power, specifications of trans<strong>for</strong>mers, and estimated cost. However,capacity is to determined on the basis of requirement.5.12 OBJECTIVES, PERFORMANCE PARAMETERSAND RISK FACTORSThe objectives and outcome of the project in terms of abatement of pollution of the river and improvement ofwater quality and of environment improvement should be clearly spelt There should be per<strong>for</strong>mance parameters of thesystem as a whole and of each component so that the effectiveness can be monitored and evaluated.5.13 PERFORMANCE PARAMETERSThere should be per<strong>for</strong>mance parameters of each project component i.e., Primary, Secondary and Tertiarytreatment and the system as a whole so that the effectiveness can be monitored and evaluated.Sub-system alternatives <strong>for</strong> major components such as Sewage and MSW should include the alternatives ofCentralized Systems and Decentralized systems.Since the systems consisting of sewers involving pumping stations, and STPs are complex and are energy andCapital intensive, the guidelines may· be followed <strong>for</strong> designing the components of the system.5.14 COST ESTIMATESBased on survey and investigation, data collection and design criteria, detailed estimates may be prepared,under the following subheads:(CW Stands <strong>for</strong> Civil Works)(EM Stands <strong>for</strong> Electrical and Mechanical WorksTable 5.2: Cost Estimates of Land Acquisition <strong>for</strong> Sewerage SchemesSNo.ItemsAmount,Rs LacsAnnexureTotalCWEM1 2 3 4 51 Estimate of cost of land acquisition <strong>for</strong> construction ofSTPs including approach road2 Estimate of cost of land acquisition <strong>for</strong> construction ofMPS including approach road61

3 Estimate of cost of land acquisition <strong>for</strong> construction ofIPS including approach roads4 Estimate of cost of land acquisition <strong>for</strong> laving of sewerlines5 Estimate of cost of land acquisition <strong>for</strong> laying of.rising mains6 Estimate of cost of· land acquisition <strong>for</strong>construction-of-effluent channels of STPs7 Estimate of cost of. land acquisition <strong>for</strong> othermiscellaneous purposesGrand TotalTable 5.3: Estimate of Cost of Sewerage Works - District Wise (Including Sewers, Rising Mains, IPS, MPS &STPs)SNo.ItemsAmount, Rs LacsCW EM Total1 2 3 4 5Estimate of cost <strong>for</strong> sewer lines, sewage pumpingstations and sewage treatment plantsEstimate of cost <strong>for</strong> sewer linesEstimate of cost of MPSEstimate of cost of IPSsEstimate of cost of rising main of MPSEstimate of cost of rising main of IPSEstimate of cost of Renovation .and Replacement ofSewers & ManholesEstimate of cost of Renovation and Replacement ofSewers & ManholesEstimate of cost of STP (--mld).Estimate of cost of renovation I up gradation of existingSTP (---mld)Grand Total62

Details of measurementsSewersDetails of earth work, Timbering, Road Cutting &Reinstatement of Roads in sewer work etc,Details of average depth of sewers & Excavation in )'sewer workDetails of length of sewers at different depthsDetails of length of sewers under sub-soil waterDetails of Bedding in sewers workDetails of different type of Manholes and SewerConnecting ChambersOther itemsSewage Pumping StationsIPSMPSSewage Treatment PlantsSTP at ----Rising MainsFor MPS at ------For IPS at ---Other items, if anyTable 5.4 Estimate of-Cost of Sewer Lines in Zone-SNo.Items Qty Amount, Rs LacsCW EM Total1 2 3 4 5 6Sewer lines of dia ---mm to ---mm, including63

cutting of roads, temporary reinstatement of roadsManholes, sewer connecting chambers etcPermanent reinstatement of roadsShifting of telephone, electric & othercables/lines,Shifting and reinstatement of house water supplyand sewer connectionsCrossing of railway tracks etc.Other miscellaneous works (mention)Table 5.5: Estimate of Cost of MPS I IPSSNo.Items Qty Amount, Rs LacsCW EM Total1 2 3 4 5 6MPS/IPSRising mains of MPS/IPS (dia/length/type)Diesel generatorsFire fighting equipmentsSpecial T&P, spares etc,Boundary wall, Steel gate etc. around the campusElectrification within campusRoads, drainage and culverts etc within campusWater Supply arrangement with in campusPlantation and Development of campusOther itemsGrand TotalTable 5.6 Details of sewage Pumping StationsS. No. Location of MPS/IPS Size Depth of floorBGL, mAvg. Designdischarge, mld64

Table 5.7: Details of Pumping PlantsS.No.Location of MPS/IPS No. of Pumps Type ofpumpsHead * BHPof eachOtherdetailsTable 5.8: Details of GeneratorsS. No. Location ofMPS/IPSNo. ofGeneratorsGeneratorcapacity in KVAOther detailsGrand TotalTable 5.9: Estimate of Cost of Sewage Treatment Plant at -----SItems Qty Cost Rs LacsNo.CW EM Total1 2 3 4 5 6STP (mId)Rising main from STP to carry treated effluent(dia/length/type)Channel to carry treated effluentLaboratory cum office buildingStaff quarters <strong>for</strong> STPOffice FurnitureLab Equipments,Fire fighting equipmentsSpecial T&PBoundary wall, Steel gate etc. around STPcampusElectrification within S1P I MPS campusRoads, drainage and culverts etc within STP/MPS campusWater Supply arrangement in STP I MPS campusPlantation and Development of STP I MPScampusOther itemsGTTable 5.10: Estimate of cost of Laboratory cum office BuildingItem Unit Quantity Plinth Rate of Amountarea construction1 2 3 4 5 6Laboratory cum office building65

Table 5.11: Estimate-of Cost of Staff Quarters Required <strong>for</strong> STP ( --- mld)/MPSI IPSS.NoStaff <strong>for</strong> which staff qtrs areadmissible as per NRCD normsType ofthe staffPlintharea ofRate ofconstructionAmountRs. lacsStaffNos. Quarter each Rs. Per sqmto beprovided,as perNRCDnormsquarter,as perNECDnorms,sqm1 2 3 4 5 6 7`Table 5.12 Detail of Rising MainsS. No. Location of MPS / IPS/ STPDischargepointDia,mmLength, m Type OtherdetailsTable 5.13: Estimate of cost land AcquisitionS. No. Land required <strong>for</strong> Size of plotreqd, M 2Areareqd,haRate ofland, Rslacs/bectAmountrequired,Rs lacsRemarks1 2 3 4 5 6 7IPS at --------Approach road <strong>for</strong> IPsMPS at -------Approach road <strong>for</strong> MPSSTP at ------Approach road <strong>for</strong> ST{Effluent channelSewage Farm ChannelSewer LinesRising mainsOthersGrand Total66

Sample table of contents of ESA(Environmental and Social Assessment)TOC <strong>for</strong> Preparation of Environmental and Social Assessment with Management Plan / chapter in DPR <strong>for</strong>„Low Category‟ ProjectExecutive Summary1. Background1.1 Ganga Clean Up initiatives1.2 The Ganga River Basin Programme1.2.1 World Bank Assisted Project1.3 Project Component1.3.1 Institutional Development1.3.2 Priority infrastructure investments2. Project Description2.1 About the City/town2.2 Existing Sewerage Facility (With photographs)2.2.1. Works completed under Ganga Action PlanPhase I2.2.2. Works completed under Ganga Action PlanPhase II2.2.3. On-going works on <strong>sewerag</strong>e under JNNURM/UIDSSMT/State sponsored2.2.4. Works approved under NGRBA2.2.5. City Sewerage Plan (It should include District wise arrangement and status of SewageTreatment in the state)2.3 Need of the Project2.4 Location of Proposed Sewerage Project (with location Map and source)2.5 Proposed Sewerage System2.5.1 Components of Proposed Sewerage Work (As applicable)i) STP ii) Pumping Stations iii) Lifting Stations iv) Sewer pipes v) Manholesvi) House Connections vii) Any other2.5.2 Implementation Schedule2.5.3 Financing Cost summary sheet should be attachedi) Cost Summary Sheet of each of the proposed budget components67

ii) Cost summary sheet of proposed sheet3. Approach and Methodology3.1 Approach (Flow chart describing the steps adapted <strong>for</strong> Project inpact Assessment)3.2 Screening Activity <strong>for</strong> Project impact Assessment where Environment and Social in<strong>for</strong>mation<strong>for</strong>mat should be included.3.3 Screening Conclusion4 Regulations and legal Framework4.1 Applicable laws and Regulations – EnvironmentalThe following laws and regulations are applicable to the environmental and social aspects of theinvestments implemented under the programPolicy and regularity frame work of Govt. of IndiaEnvironmental policies and regulation of the respective state Govt.Legislations applicable to construction activities4.2 Applicable Laws and Regulations – SocialNational Tribal Policy 2006National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy 2007Land (acquisition) Act 1894 (as amended)Forest Rights Act 20064.3 Other legislations applicable to sub-projects under NGRBA5. Baseline Status5.1. Baseline Environmental5.1.1 Physiography and Topography5.1.2 Climate5.1.3 Geological and Geophysical features5.1.3.1 Soil (quality of soil sample)5.1.4 Ambient Air quality (latest air quality data with graph)5.1.5. Noise Environment5.1.6 Water Environment5.1.6.1 Surface water68

Surface water quality with recent data5.1.6.2 Ground WaterGround Water QualityPre-Monsoon qualityPost Monsoon quality5.1.7 Storm Water Drainage (Map showing the drainage system in town/ respective district)5.1.8 Waste Water managementWaste Water characteristics5.1.9 Soil Waste Management (Solid Waste generation in <strong>sewerag</strong>e district or complete townas applicable)5.1.10 Biological Environment5.1.10.1 Green Cover with photographs, agriculture with GIS map5.1.10.2 Flora5.1.10.3 Fauna5.2 Baseline Social Economic StatusDemographic data : Word wise census population and projected populationWord wise population density(Location map, GIS map should be included)Literacy Rate, Work Participation Rate etc.5.3 Details of social survey –sample HH survey to given socio-Economic baseline, Sanitation practices,willingness to connect etc. of the population in project area.Environmental and Social Impacts5.4 Potential Environmental ImpactsDuring design phase – AnticipatedDuring construction phasei. Environmental sensitive areasii. Air qualityiii. Water quality69

iv. Noise qualityv. Soil qualityDuring operation phasei. Air qualityii. Water environmentiii. Noise qualityiv. Soil quality5.5 Potential Social Impacts5.5.1 During construction phasei. Impact on human healthii. Traffic congestioniii. Impact on livelihoodiv. Impact on existing utility servicesv. Safety hazardsvi. Elevated noise levelsvii. Failure to restore temporary construction sitesviii. Disturbance in daily routine5.5.2 Social impacts during operation phasei. Leakage and pipe burstii. Noise pollutioniii. Maintenance work5.6 Conclusion6 Mitigation and Management plan6.1 Environmental management planA. Pre-construction-design and locationB. Construction phaseCOperation PhaseActivityPotential negativeDurationofMitigationResponsibleimpact / concernimpactmeasuresAgency6.2 Social Management PlanA. Pre-construction-design and locationB. Construction phaseC. Operation Phase70

6.2.1 Mitigation measures adopted by locals during similar nature of project activitiesActivity Potential negative Duration of Mitigation Responsibleimpact / concern impact measures Agency6.2.2 Consultation framework <strong>for</strong> participatory planning and implementation of mitigation plan6.2.3 Assessment and capacity of institutions and mechanisms <strong>for</strong> implementing social developmentaspects and social safeguard plans, recommend capacity building measures.6.2.4 Develop monitoring. Sand evaluation mechanisms to assess social development outcomes.6.3 Cost in<strong>for</strong>mation of Environmental & Social Management PlanPhase Component ofESMPTotal ESMP cost7 Social Development outcomes and issue8 ConclusionsMitigationMeasureCostincluded inDPR7.1 Social development outcomes of the projects with photographsCost Details ifprovidedDPR7.2 Social development issues in project area and possible interventions by the project.AnnexureList of TablesList of figuresinIf cost no includedin DPR then costestimation/Remarks71

SCHEDULE -A(SCOPE OF WORK)Preparation of Feasibility Report (FR) of <strong>sewerag</strong>e works of Moradabad Town as per guide lines of National GangaRiver Basin Authority (NGRBA)/ World Bank getting it cleared from Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF)/GoIand then preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the remaining three <strong>sewerag</strong>e zones of Moradabad Towntaking into consideration the existing Sewerage Works available in the Zones. Including all survey and investigation,collection of all necessary data, discharge measurement of existing drains, geo technical investigations etc. allcomplete. Preparation of all necessary drawings, index plan on digital maps and finally submission of all the aboveworks, after clearance from MoEF, in eight hard copies and one soft copy. The DPR shall be prepared in holisticmanner..The DPRs may be prepared in phases i.e. one DPR <strong>for</strong> each Zone or two or more zones may be clubbedtogether in a single DPR conditioned that the total cost of such DPR may not exceed Rs. 300 crores. The scope ofwork also includes all survey & investigation works and presentation of the contents of the FR and DPR at all <strong>for</strong>umsrequired in the process of getting them cleared from MoEF GoI.SCHEDULE – B(DRAWINGS)Moradabad Town has been segregated in four zones in the master planning done <strong>for</strong> <strong>sewerag</strong>e works of thetown. These four zones have been named as zone no. I,II,III and IV. In zone no. I <strong>sewerag</strong>e works are underexecution <strong>for</strong> a cost of Rs. 279.91 Crores funded by NGRBA. The Drawing showing whole city and all the zones isavailable in the office and may be obtained during office hours (10 am to 5 pm) on any working day. The drawingdoes not contain newly developed area in all zones of the town which is to be added by surveying and leveling.The interested firms may inspect the town on any working day.SCHEDULE – C(DRAWINGS TO BE SUBMITTED)List of drawings to be supplied by the contractor with the <strong>tender</strong>…..NIL………SCHEDULE – D(LIST OF SAMPLES TO BE SUBMITTED)NilSCHEDULE - E(TESTS)NilSCHEDULE - F(TIME OF COMPLETION)The complete work as specified herein shall be completed as per schedule set <strong>for</strong>th elsewhere in this <strong>tender</strong>document.The contractor‟s responsibility shall, however, not end until the FR and DPR(s) are approved by the competentauthority and ready <strong>for</strong> allotment of funds by GoI.72

SCHEDULE – G(FINANCIAL BID)Sl.No.Name of work Unit Quoted pricePreparation and submission ofFeasibility Report (FR) of<strong>sewerag</strong>e works of MoradabadTown followed by DetailedProject Report(s) (DPRs) of thecomplete <strong>sewerag</strong>e works ofzone-II, III and IV of the town asper latest guide lines of NationalGanga River Basin Authority(NGRBA)/ World Bank. Gettingthem cleared from Gov. of U.Pand then from Ministry ofEnvironment and Forest (MoEF)GoI. Including all survey andinvestigation, collection of allnecessary data, dischargemeasurement of existing drains,geo technical investigations etc. allcomplete. Preparation of allnecessary drawing, index plan ondigital maps and finally submissionof all the above works afterclearance from MoEF in eight hardcopies and one soft copy. TheDPR shall be prepared incomplete manner.JobIn figuresIn wordsRates Dictated ByProject ManagerSignature of Contractor73

SCHEDULE – H(ADDITIONAL ITEM RATES)All extra or additional work done or substituted work in place of work omitted by order of Engineer shall bevalued at the rates and price set out in the contract, if in the opinion of the Engineer same shall be applicable. Ifthe contract does not contain any rates or prices applicable to the extra or additional work, then the rates shall beminimum of the following:(a)(b)Derived from the <strong>tender</strong>ed/contract rates of the contract of similar class of work.Derived from the UP. <strong>Jal</strong> <strong>Nigam</strong> schedule of rates, valid at the time of opening of <strong>tender</strong>.If the rates cannot be decided as above <strong>for</strong> additional/extra work, then such class of work shall be agreedupon between the Engineer and contractor in writing prior to the work being taken up in hand.SCHEDULE – I(DEPARTMENTAL ISSUE RATES OF MATERIALS)NilSCHEDULE – J(SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT)The payment term shall be –1. After completion of survey and collection of data – 20 %2. After approval of Feasibility Report (FR) by NRCD – 20%3. After approval of DPR of one zone by NRCD – 20%4. After approval of DPR of second zone by NRCD – 20%5. After approval of DPR of third zone by NRCD – 20%74

APPENDIX G - FORM OF ADVANCE PAYMENTS GUARANTEEBank Guarantee <strong>for</strong> Advance Payment_________________________________ [Bank’s Name, and Address of IssuingBranch or Office]Beneficiary: ______________________ [Name and Address of Client]Date: ________________ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE No.: __________________________We have been in<strong>for</strong>med that [name of Consulting Firm] (hereinafter called "the Consultants") hasentered into Contract No. [reference number of the contract] dated [insert date] with you, <strong>for</strong> theprovision of [brief description of Services] (hereinafter called "the Contract").Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, an advance payment inthe sum of [amount in figures] ([amount in words]) is to be made against an advance paymentguarantee.At the request of the Consultants, we [name of Bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you anysum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [amount in figures] ([amount in words])1 upon receiptby us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Consultantsare in breach of their obligation under the Contract because the Consultants have used the advancepayment <strong>for</strong> purposes other than toward providing the Services under the Contract.It is a condition <strong>for</strong> any claim and payment under this guarantee to be made that the advancepayment referred to above must have been received by the Consultants on their account number___________ at [name and address of Bank].The maximum amount of this guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amount of the advancepayment repaid by the Consultants as indicated in copies of certified monthly statements which shallbe presented to us. This guarantee shall expire, at the latest, upon our receipt of the monthlypayment certificate indicating that the Consultants have made full repayment of the amount of theadvance payment, or on the __ day of ___________, 2___,2 whichever is earlier.1 The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the advance payment and denominatedeither in the currency(ies) of the advance payment as specified in the Contract, or in a freely convertiblecurrency acceptable to the Client.2 Insert the expected expiration date. In the event of an extension of the time <strong>for</strong> completion of the Contract,the Client would need to request an extension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must bein writing and must be made prior to the expiration date established in the guarantee. In preparing thisguarantee, the Client might consider adding the following text to the <strong>for</strong>m, at the end of the penultimate75

Consequently, any demand <strong>for</strong> payment under this guarantee must be received by us at this office onor be<strong>for</strong>e that date.This guarantee is subject to the Uni<strong>for</strong>m Rules <strong>for</strong> Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458._____________________[signature(s)]Note: All italicized text is <strong>for</strong> indicative purposes only to assist in preparing this <strong>for</strong>m and shall bedeleted from the final product. paragraph:76

Form of Per<strong>for</strong>mance Security Bank Guarantee………………………………… Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office…………………………….………………. Beneficiary: ……………………..………………………….Name and Address of Employer …………………………..………………………………… Date:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………….. Per<strong>for</strong>mance Guarantee No. :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..We have been in<strong>for</strong>med that …………….…….. name of the Consultants ………..…….. (hereinaftercalled “the Consultants”) has entered into contract No. ………..…………….. reference number of theContract ……..… dated ….…….. with you, <strong>for</strong> the execution of ………………..…….. name of contractand brief description of Works ………………(hereinafter called “the Consultants”).Furthermore, we understand that according to the conditions of the Contract, a per<strong>for</strong>manceguarantee is required.At the request of the Consultants, we…………name of the Bank ………….…….. hereby irrevocablyundertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of …..……………. name ofthe currency and amount in figures* …………….….. (……..……… amount in works……………….………..) such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in whichthe Contract Price is payable, upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by awritten statement stating that the Consultants is in breach of its obligation(s) under the contract,without your needing to prove or to show grounds <strong>for</strong>your demand or the sum specified therein.This guarantee shall expire, no later than the …………..………. Day of …………………………….. **,and any demand <strong>for</strong> payment under it must be received by us at this office on or be<strong>for</strong>e that date.This guarantee is subject to the uni<strong>for</strong>m Rules <strong>for</strong> Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458,except that subparagraph (ii) of Sub-article 20(a) is hereby excluded.…………………..………………………………………………….Seal of Bank and Signature(s)77

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