Spartan Times Vol 3 - The USARAK Home Page - U.S. Army

Spartan Times Vol 3 - The USARAK Home Page - U.S. Army

Spartan Times Vol 3 - The USARAK Home Page - U.S. Army


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793rd MP BN “SPARTAN” NewsletterWinter 2011U.S. <strong>Army</strong>VIIIInside this issue:BN CDR 3CSM 4HHD, 793rd MP 528th MP CO 6This past year has seen the793rd MP BN uncase thecolors here on Fort Richardson,Alaska from Germany.This established our footprint here on post in whichthe Arctic Military PoliceBattalion (Provisional) onceheld.793rd Year in ReviewFort Irwin, California for atraining cycle. <strong>The</strong> 164th MPCO also took part in a trainingcycle down at NTC. <strong>The</strong>valuable skills learned willassist and guide them throughtheir upcoming deploymentto Afghanistan in support ofOperation Enduring Freedom.the new Battalion OperationsFacility (BOF), CompanyOperations Facility (COF),Barracks, and Motor Pool.<strong>The</strong> week was highlighted bythe 69th Anniversary MilitaryPolice Ball held in downtownAnchorage October 1,2010.164th MP CO 7472nd MP CO 8545th MP CO 9SPARTANHEROS15-16Special points ofinterest: Spice WarningSince that uncasing ceremony,the Soldiers of the<strong>Spartan</strong> Battalion have beentraining hard to remain proficientin their warrior tasksand drills.In May, we saw the redeploymentof the 545th MPCO in support of OperationIraqi Freedom. This was atwelve month long deployment.<strong>The</strong> Battalion sent Soldiers asObserver/Controllers to theNational Training Center at<strong>The</strong>re has been more outstandingnews from our Soldiersstationed at Fort Wainwright.<strong>The</strong> 472nd redeployedin August and thispast fall they were recognizedthroughout the United States<strong>Army</strong> Pacific (USARPAC) asbeing the best Military PoliceCompany. This is also referredto the Brigadier J.P.Holland award.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Spartan</strong> Battalionhosted ―<strong>Spartan</strong> Week‖ inwhich the ribbon was cut for<strong>The</strong> 164th MP CO has beenin the run phase of their trainingas they are preparing todeploy to Afghanistan in supportof Operation EnduringFreedom.As the 793rd MP BN startsthe new year, we have to taketime out to thank each Soldierand their family memberswho make it possible to dothe things that we do here inAlaska. SPARTAN Honors

From the BN Commander<strong>Page</strong> 3I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Years! May all of your NewYear’s resolutions come true!In March, the 164 th Military Police Company will deploy to Afghanistan in supportof Operation Enduring Freedom. <strong>The</strong>ir training and deployment preparation is themain effort for the battalion. We have a couple of major training events, block leave,Family Readiness Group training and before you know it we will be saying our goodbyesat the deployment ceremony on 14 March 2011 at 1:00pm in the Lee ReserveCenter. We wish the Soldiers the best of luck and a safe return. For the Families, the164 th MP Company Rear Detachment is already up and running and along with the Battalion will be there ifyou need anything. <strong>The</strong>y have been training very hard to ensure that every Soldier is ready to fight and win.Both the 472nd and 545th MP Company are providing law enforcement to JBER and Fort Wainwrightand preparing their Soldiers for the next time they are called upon by the <strong>Army</strong>. <strong>The</strong> 28 th MP DET has assumedthe mission of providing law enforcement support and continues to keep our Families and communitysafe at Fort Wainwright. In addition to working the regular Battalion missions, the HHD will be heading to thefield to work on tactical operations in an arctic environment.I have talked about this in the past, but I want to continue to get the message out to every Soldier andFamily Member. High risk behavior has been increasing in the <strong>Army</strong> and I need all of your help in getting themessage out that this type of behavior will not be tolerated. This includes drug use, suicidal ideations, or activitiesthat are beyond what a normal Soldier would perform. Battle buddies need to listen to each other andlet their leadership know if something does not sound right. Leaders at all levels need to stay engaged. Onelife is too many and Suicide is forever. Remember, the impact you will have on others, before you conduct ahigh risk activity. We are here to help, just ask!This has been one of the coldest winters on record, which is keeping Soldiers and their Families indoorsinstead of enjoying the wonderful winters that Alaska has to offer. I challenge all of your to get out ofyour house or barracks rooms and enjoy the indoor activities that installations and surrounding communitieshave to offer. And as you are heading out the door, grab a buddy or make a new friend by asking someone togo to an activity with you. You still need to ensure that we perform the correct risk assessment for every taskwe perform in cold weather, not only on the job, but also at home. Make sure that our Family Members andfriends are dressed properly for the weather and that we have emergency kits in each of our vehicles in case weare stranded. We are all subject matter experts on safety and cold weather skills, so it’s up to us to help ourFamily and friends to stay safe this winter.On January 17, 2011, CSM Epps and I glowed with pride and admiration to be part of the <strong>Spartan</strong> Battalionwhen we witnessed over 60 Soldiers and Family Members support the 50 Bikes for 50 kids volunteerevent to help under privileged kids assemble and receive a brand new bicycle. I am amazed and humbled eachday by the determination and dedication displayed in every formation and by every Soldierand Family Member in this Battalion. Thank you for what you do for our Nationand our communities. SPARTANS!LTC Oberlander<strong>Spartan</strong> 6

From the BN CSM<strong>Page</strong> 4Happy New Year, 2011 is here and 2010 is now a page in history. I hope thateveryone had the chance to truly enjoy the holidays with their family and friends.This holiday season was a milestone in our unit’s history. For the first time in thepast 6 years, there was only one Soldier from the Battalion deployed over the holidayseason. SSG Hastings from the 28 th MP Detachment deployed to Afghanistan inDecember. We are confident that he will do an exceptional job and look forward tohis safe return. I want to thank all of our Soldiers and Families for a great 2010. Asa Battalion, we were very safe for the year. Our accident totals were very low andwe have to thank our Soldiers and Families for their efforts. <strong>The</strong>re is no moreimportant task to me than our Soldier’s and Families' safety. Let’s work hard tomaintain the momentum into 2011!This past year has truly been a year of change for the Battalion. <strong>The</strong> Battalion deployed and redeployedthe 472 nd and redeployed the 545 th . All units changed commanders and 1SGs, and the JBER transitionis well under way. Not to mention the fact that we moved into the new Battalion Complex at JBER andalso moved the Arctic Titans into the newest and most modern barracks complex on Fort Wainwright. Wewill continue our robust training regimen for the 164 th MP Company as we prepare them for their upcomingdeployment. This remains the Battalion’s primary focus and will take the support of all units to make thetraining successful.Congratulations are in order for SGT Cavanaugh and SPC Ysasi both from the 545 th MP Company asthe Battalion and 3 rd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade NCO and Soldier of the Quarter for 1 st Quarter FY2011. Starting next quarter we will run boards both at JBER and Fort Wainwright at the Battalion and Brigadelevel. <strong>The</strong>se Soldiers are truly exceptional and will represent the Brigade in the upcoming U.S. <strong>Army</strong>Alaska NCO and Soldier of the Quarter board for JBER. This quarter 3 rd MEB will begin holding quarterboards for the Fort Wainwright units.Now that winter is upon us, we all must make an additional effort to maintain our physical fitness.Not only is this one of the most popular new year’s resolutions it is also imperative to the readiness of ourunit. As the weather gets colder we will sometimes lose the ability to run outside and do some to the traditionalfitness activities. I encourage you all to continue to improve your fitness by modifying your unit programsand participating in some of the exciting outdoor sporting events. Look for those activities that willpush you to your training heart rate for at least 30 minutes. Things like snow shoeing, cross country skiing,swimming, and road marches are great exercises which can help keep us fit. Let’s all stay on top of this sowe can continue to excel.Until next quarter, have a very safe and Happy New Year!HOOAH!CSM Epps<strong>Spartan</strong> 7―Achievement with Honor‖

HHD, 793rd MP BN “Gladiators”<strong>Page</strong> 5By CPT Michael Pasquale“Gladiators”Left: Soldiers of HHDpose for a picture afterthe Halloween―costume‖ Run.HHD CDR: CPT PasqualeHHD 1SG: SFC PierceRight: MAJNewman takesaim with his M4during a recentrange to maintainfamiliarization.HAIL2LT Erin Still - MP BOLC2LT Samual Wellborn - BOLCSFC Snyder - Ft. BraggFAREWELLCPT Howell - 3MEB1LT Ian Nash - 4/25 INFMSG Dementer - 109th Trans.SFC McCloskey - 3MEBLeft: SPC Scott conducting radio telephone operator dutiesduringa field exercise with the 164th MP CO. This exerciseconcluded with a live fire event.Above: Soldiers collected and disturbed more than 700 toysin support of Operation Toy Drop. <strong>The</strong>se toys weredonated to Anchorage Foster Care Program.

28th MP DET “Arctic Guardians”<strong>Page</strong> 6By 1LT Luke PlanteLeft: SPC Grimmsticks SGT Baumgarthwith an Intravenousneedle as SPC fromthe 472nd MP COensures that the propertechniques are followed.This trainingwas conducted as partof Arctic WarriorTraining. This classwas focused on AdvancedCombat LifeSaving.28th CDR: CPT Flynn28th 1SG: SFC JarveauxLeft: Soldiers take theircommands from thetower during a recent M4range to maintain theirqualification.HAILSGT Michele Hancock - 1/25SPC Megan Schlosser - 258thMP COAbove: SFC Jarveaux, CPT Flynn, and SFC Eastwoodtake part in a Change of Responsibility. SFC Jarveaux isthe 28th Military Police Detachment First Sergeant.Above: SSG Hallisy and SSG Slaughter grapple using combativesduring an annual training requirement.

164th MP CO “Arctic Enforcers”<strong>Page</strong> 7By 2LT Dan Frebel164th CDR: CPT Gehri164th 1SG: 1SG BlackHAILSFC Smith - Ft. Sam HoustonSFC Wells - GermanyAbove: CPT Christopher A. Gehri receives the 164th MP Company Guidon from LTC Oberlanderat the Change of Command Ceremony on Dec. 4, 2010Above Left: Soldiers provide security during an air assault mission during their Squad Lanes Training in preparation fortheir upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. Above Right: SPC Phillips and Seijemai pose for a picture while attendingCWLC from 03-15DEC.Right: <strong>The</strong> company focuses on dismountedmovement techniques during the week of 13 DEC. toprepare for their upcoming deployment.

472nd MP CO “Arctic Titans”<strong>Page</strong> 8By 1LT Kurt Boehm472nd CDR: CPT Nelson472nd 1SG: 1SG SuisHAIL2LT Muckelroy, Jessica - BOLC2LT Stosberg, Stephen - BOLC2LT Moon, Christine - BOLCSFC Roberts, Derrick - 1/25SFC Meyers, Joseph - Ft. BraggAbove: 1st PLT Soldiers integrate recentlylearned Combatives skills in apractical exercise during Level 1 Certificationin October. <strong>The</strong> training followedLaw Enforcement Certification preparesSoldiers for the possible dangers of CommunityLaw Enforcement.Above: Soldiers fire from the kneeling-supportedposition on the M9 Qualification Range. Despitethe adverse conditions, 35 fires qualified with 18shooting Sharpshooter or Expert. Soldiers also hadthe opportunity to familiarize on the M500 Shotgun.Above: LTC Oberlander, CPT Nelson, CPT Howell, andFirst Sergeant Suis prepare to pass the guidon during the472D MP Company Change of Command. CPT Scott Nelsonassumed command from CPT Anthony Howell on 09November. CPT Nelson and his family are now welcomemembers of the Arctic Titans.Above: 472D MP Company Soldiers erect the Arctic 10 ManTent during ALIT II. Soldiers braved -25 degree temperatures totrain on tasks including lighting an arctic stove and preparing animprovised shelter.Left: Leadership from the 472D MP Company serve Soldiers atthe DFAC on Thanksgiving Day. Soldiers from all FWA unitshad the opportunity to get ham from CPT Nelson, Commander,as well as stuffing and turkey from 1LT Byers, 2LT Muckelroy,

545th MP CO “Arctic Defenders”<strong>Page</strong> 9By 1LT John SniderAbove: Soldiers of 1stPlatoon conductedroom clearing proceduresat the M.O.U.Tsite to maintain theirproficiency.545th CDR: CPT Randolph545th 1SG: 1SG IvacicLeft: Soldiers participatedin ―Punch Hungerin the Face Campaign‖which collected anddonated 2,145 poundsof canned goods andnon-perishable items tothe Food Pantry of Wasilla,Alaska. This foodwas distributed to familiesin need.HAIL2LT Ben Malinowski - BOLCFAREWELLSFC Elton - Fort Leonard WoodAbove: Erica Deaton the Family Readiness Group Leader of the545th MP CO is recognized for her outstanding leadership and supportfor the Soldiers and their families.Above: Soldiers of the 545thassist HHD Soldiers in bringing intoys for a local Anchorage charity.<strong>The</strong>se toys provided familiessome extra holiday cheer thisyear.

Chaplain’s Corner<strong>Page</strong> 10A new year is here! 2010 isnow history. 2011 is now ourpresent reality and, for the nextseveral months, our future.I never paid too much attentionto the changing of years. I thinkI’ve only ever watched the balldrop in <strong>Times</strong> Square once ortwice in my life. Most years, Iwas snugly tucked away andprobably snoring when the clockstruck midnight on January 1.What I’ve learned from mywife, though, is that the new yearis a great time for reflection onthe previous 365 days that havegone by. How did I spend mytime? Did I accomplish goals anddreams I had set out for last year?Did I fail at something and needimprovement in some areas of mylife? Did I actually followthrough and accomplish my newyear’s resolution?Along with reflection on ourpast year, we can look to our yearahead with the dreams and planswe’d like to see through. January1 and December 31 providerather simple parameters forplanning purposes.It’s rather popular to call thisplanning ―making new year’sresolutions.‖ Even the governmentgets involved in this one.USA.Gov listed some of themost popular resolutions a fewweeks back. It’s list includedissues such as getting out ofdebt, eating better, getting fit/losing weight, spending moretime with family, volunteering,etc.Now, whether you call yourplanning for this year a resolutionor not is not the issue. Howyou follow through with it is.Franklin Covey (of daily plannerfame) notes that 1/3 of resolutionsare broken by the end ofJanuary...less than 31 days ofsticking to a commitment, andthat about 80% of all resolutionsare broken by year’s end.So how can we be effectivein remaining true to the planswe make? My best suggestionis don’t do it alone. Havesomeone to work with you atmaking your plan (s) become areality. If it’s a personal goalthat no one can ―help‖ with,use that partner to hold youaccountable.One of the things that newyear’s resolutions/plans revealsto us is that we aren’tvery good at effecting changeon our own power. Seekstrength from God to give youthe ―stick-to-it-iveness‖ youneed to make dreams cometrue. Spend some time inprayer each day to receive thewisdom and guidance fromabove that we all need. Actually,come to think of it, thatsounds like a pretty good resolutionitself.ChaplainCPT (CH) HovanChaplain’s AssistantSGT DanielsOffice Telephone:907 - 384 - 1388Chapel OneChapel Two7137 Fighter Dr 9431 Luke AveJBER-Elmendorf JBER-Elmendorf(Next to the Kashim Club) (Across street from Chapel Center)Chapel Center Soldiers’ Chapel10427 Kuter Ave JBER-RichardsonJBER-Elmendorf (Across from <strong>Army</strong> HQ Bldg)(Across parking lot from Post Office)Hours of OperationChapel Center, 0730-1630 Mon-FriSoldiers’ Chapel, 0900 – 1700 Mon-FriFamily Life Center (JBER-Richardson, Bldg 658) 384-LIFE (5433)0900-1700 Mon-FriJBER-Richardson Catholic Priest 384-2124 For emergency assistance after hours, call the JBER Command Post, 552-3000]JBER-Elmendorf Catholic Priest 552-4422 <strong>Army</strong> Command Center: 384-6666

Family Readiness Support Assistant<strong>Page</strong> 11793rd MP BN FRSA:Schehera Carter907 384 1318Schehera.carter@us.army.mil<strong>Spartan</strong> Childbirths3 Nov - Emma Tucker15 Nov - Raymond Lingley18 Nov - Quindarius Cobb22 Dec - Samantha Reale30 Dec - Deveion Bivins Jr.25 Jan - Arianna Kahly25 Jan - Jackson FinkelsteinHappy New Year all!In 2010 there were many different fundraisers, FRG meeting and Family events. To include Holiday partiesranging from traditional to non-traditional, a great deal of fun.With the beginning of a New Year there comes many more exciting and new challenges for our Soldiers andfamily member to achieve.<strong>The</strong> 164th Military Police Company is gearing up for deployment, and all 793rd Military Police BattalionFamily members and Soldiers are invited to take active part in their support during this time.It is always a great pleasure to meet the Family members and Soldiers in which I help. Please feel free to contactme with any questions and or concerns.Respectfully,- Schehera CarterLeft: SPC Krull from the545th MP CO, takes time outfor a home cooked meal byFRG members within the793rd MP BN. Krull was onduty patrolling Joint BaseElmendorf-Richardson.Above: Shana Hovan, daughter of CPT (CH)Hovan tells Santa what she wants for Christmas.Scholarship Program MG James Ursano Scholarship ProgramUnmarried Dependent children or soldiers; active duty, retired, and deceased pursuing an undergraduatedegree. Stateside Spouse Education Assistance ProgramDependent spouses and widows of active duty or retired Soldiers in order to pursue an undergraduatedegree or for training to increase their occupational opportunitiesAcademic year 2011-2012 scholarship application is available on line starting on01 December through 01 April 2011. www.aerhq.org

Family Readiness Support AssistantVIII <strong>Page</strong> <strong>Page</strong> 12 12Are You Prepared for Winter?Road TripsHave a winter storm kit prepared foremergency situations. <strong>The</strong> biggestworry is getting caught in the car in awinter storm—winterize your car andbe prepared! Think about travelingwith someone instead of going alone.boots, hats, scarves, sweaters, andblankets. Dress in layers of lightweightbut warm clothing Carry extrawater and non-perishable high energyfoods with you. Stay tuned to the TVor radio coverage for the latestweather updates.easily because kids sweat. <strong>The</strong> sweatcan chill them quickly when it getsexposed to the cold air as they removelayers.Before you leave, check your lights,oil level, brakes, and be sure you haveenough antifreeze and a full tank ofgas in your car. Let someone elseknow where you’re going and whenyou should arrive at your destination.Have extra clothing within the car—School District InformationChildrenLayering is a good idea. Moistureweakens fabrics and clothing as wella clothing that’s made for the sports.Remember that regulating body temperatureis more difficult in youngerchildren. Hypothermia can occur moreAnchorage School Districthttp://www.asdk12..org/January17th - Martin Luther King Jr. HolidayFebruary16/17 - Parent - Teacher Conferences21 - Presidents DayMarch7-11 - Spring BreakMatanuska Susitna Borough Schoolhttp://www.matsuk12.us/matsu/site/default.aspJanuary17th - Martin Luther King Jr. HolidayFebruary14th - Extended Parent Conference DayMarch14-18 - Spring BreakFairbanks North Borough School districthttp://www.k12northstar.org/January14th - Early dismissal17th - Martin Luther King Jr. HolidayFebruary21/22 - Parent-Teacher ConferencesMarch14-18 - Spring BreakTriCare InformationAvoid long waits on the phone, register and setup user name and password, on www.tricareonline.com/welcome.do. Fast, simple, and convenient.Also, book acute, routine, and wellness appointments online for Family Practice, Pediatrics, Flight Medicineand Optometry at: www.tricareonline.com/welcome.do.

Stay Safe This Winter<strong>Page</strong> 13Winter offers a multitude of options for a good time. However, winter also offer the possibility for accidentsand injuries. It is important to be cognizant of these hazards.Driving is an integral part our daily lives. Vehicles bring us towork and to our favorite places to dine, shop, and other fun thingsthat we do. Proper supervision and inspection of equipment andclothing is necessary to ensure a fun, yet safe experience. Followthese tips for a better driving experience: Check weather and road conditions prior to starting yourtravel Ensure you vehicle is properly equipped:- Snow tires with proper inflation- No mechanical issues- Proper eight oil and coolantGet a feel for how your vehicle handles on snow and iceTravel is especially dangerousAlways have a survival kit in your car to include:- Warm clothing and blankets - Spare fan belt- Food and Water - Jumper cables- Candles and matches - First aid kit- Flares/Hazard panels - FlashlightDespite the cold, Alaska offers a beautiful setting to get outsideeven in the winter. This cold, however, creates the potential fordisaster. It is important to know the signs, symptoms, and remediesfor cold weather injuries, as well as how to prevent them.Follow these tips to be safe outside this winter.Follow the acronym COLDC: Keep clothing cleanO: Avoid overheatingL: Keep clothing loose and dress in layersD: Keep clothing dryWatch out for your kids. Too often we ensure that we arebundled up correctly and neglect to ensure that our childrenare following the guidelines as well.PLAN AHEAD: Always expect the worst. If you think itsonly cold enough to wear a light jacket, have a heavier onethat you can put on. A few steps outside are not enough todetermine what clothing you really need.For more information see your unit Safety Officer or visit <strong>USARAK</strong> Safety at:https://portal.usarpac.army.mil/usarak/staff/SafetyOffice/default.aspxOr the US <strong>Army</strong> Safety Center at: https://safety.army.mil/

Say “No” to Spice<strong>Page</strong> 14Spice is not safe. Known by many street names — K2,Bliss, Black Mamba, Bombay Blue, Blue Lotus, Fake Weed, Genieand others.Spice is a mixture of herbs and spices that is typicallysold in tobacco shops, convenience stores, and over the Internet.Usually it comes labeled as incense not intended for human consumption.During the past year several <strong>USARAK</strong> Soldiers havebeen taken to the emergency room after having life-threateningreactions to Spice. Increased heart rate and increase blood pressure are common effects of Spice use. <strong>The</strong>long-term effects of its use on humans are not fully known.Spice is not legal. <strong>USARAK</strong> Policy Memorandum #21 makes the use, possession, and distributionof Spice illegal for all Soldiers assigned to <strong>USARAK</strong>. Also, the DEA recently declared the chemicals inSpice to be Schedule 1 Controlled Substances— the most dangerous category of illegal drugs! This actionmakes the use, possession, and distribution of Spice illegal for everyone in the United States.Soldiers in <strong>USARAK</strong> are subject to court-martial if caught with Spice. Think before you smoke. Ifyou use Spice, you will be caught. Ask yourself, is it worth the risk to your health, your life and your career!For more information see you <strong>USARAK</strong> Provost Marshal Office at:https://portal.usarpac.army.mil/usarak/staff/<strong>USARAK</strong>_PMO/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx

U.S. <strong>Army</strong>793rd Military Police Battalion724 Postal Service Loop #7200Fort Richardson, AK 99505BN Staff Duty: 907-384–2123Newsletter Editor:1LT Jared F. Budenski907-384-2402SPARTAN HONORS<strong>Spartan</strong> Soldiers within the CommunityLeft: ILT Budenski,CPT Mixon, and 1LTFaggert take a plungeduring the 2nd AnnualPolar Plunge to raisefunds for the Alaska SpecialOlympics.Assist, Protect, and Defend793rd MP BNUpcoming EventsAbove: SPC Coello of the 545th MPCO flies during a recent AlaskaWrestling Association match to raisefunds for the Special Olympics andthe Boy Scouts of America. Coellowhose wrestling name is ―ChainsawCharlie‖ won this match.10 FEB - Hail/Farewell3 MAR - Right Arm Night1 APR - Dining Inn/Classroom Dedication18 MAY - BN Dining InnRecommended Winter Reading:Military Classic: Devil at myHeels by Louis Zamperini andDavid RensinNon-fiction: Stones into Schoolsby Greg MortensonHistory: <strong>The</strong> Accidental Guerilla;Fighting Small Arms in aMidst of a Big One by DavidKilcullenRequired Reading: <strong>The</strong> ResilienceFactor by Karen Reivichand Drew ShatteMade to Stick by Chip Heath andDan HeathAbove: SFC Camba (164th MPCO) and SFC Poplin (545th MPCO) had the luck of the draw inCopper Basin, Alaska.Above: SGT Wilson of the 545th MPCO donates a Tonka dump truck in supportof Operation Toy Drop. HHD alongwith 545th MP CO donated toys to helpfamilies and children within the AlaskaFoster Care Program.

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