ANSALDO ENERGIA Power Generation Solutions

ANSALDO ENERGIA Power Generation Solutions ANSALDO ENERGIA Power Generation Solutions
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<strong>ANSALDO</strong> <strong>ENERGIA</strong><strong>Power</strong> <strong>Generation</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>Ansaldo Energia is a global supplier of turn-key powerplants and offers the full set of the most reliable andbest performing solutions available today.Ansaldo Energia is one of the few companies in theworld able to offer a broad range of products as manufacturerof all the main power plant components, supplyingwhole plants as well as power blocks in bothopen and combined cycles.Ansaldo Energia is fully acknowledged today as an EPCfor turnkey projects, and therefore as a global plantengineering contractor.Ansaldo Energia, whose customers include public bodies,independent power producers and industrial companies,is an independent operator with fully proven,proprietary technologies.Ansaldo Energia has references on all five continentsand enjoys an outstanding reliability record.<strong>Power</strong> Plant Flexibilityand OptimizationToday power plant operational flexibility is a key successfactor to ensure economic return in a liberalized market fornew and existing fossil power plants. Ansaldo Energia providesand develops tailor-made solutions to enhance powerplant operational flexibility by leveraging the full breadth ofexperience accumulated from previous projects.All products and plants are designed to offer:•high flexibility•maximum safety•state-of-the art control systems•highly environmental-friendly features such as zeroliquid discharge•remote diagnostics and assistanceThis is obtained through the accurate and effective simulationof both processes and plant components during thedesign and test phases, and thanks to the quality of theautomation systems and I&C, supplied both for turnkeyplants and components. Taking care of the customer’sneeds during the entire lifetime of the supply is the startingpoint for Ansaldo Energia in every project and in eachrelationship.Thanks to full-cycle experience and a flexible approachto power projects, the company’s role can range fromOriginal Equipment Manufacturer to parts & servicesupplier, and from general contractor to co-developer.All the main new plants are also covered by importantcontracts for service and long term maintenanceassistance.This scenario has translated into more than 33,000MW installed in the first decade of the new century.Ansaldo Energiaand equipmentAnsaldo Energia state-of-the-art power generation technologystems from about a century of experience in thevarious engineering fields.Ansaldo Energia invests constantly and increasingly toprovide significant resources for development programmes,particularly in relation to combustion, thermofluiddynamics, automation and special materials.One example of this is growing market demand for highefficiency and low emissions, which has led to thedevelopment of the cutting-edge VeLoNOx burnersand to a series of new patents for use in all upgradedgas turbines models.

Service OfferingThe Ansaldo Energia service offering leveragesadvanced technologies, field expertise and flexibility inrelationships in order to enable utilities and plant managersto optimize plant efficiency and reliability, thusreducing operating and life cycle costs.In addition, Ansaldo Energia can offer service activitiesfor third party equipment thanks to its OSP businessline, which combines the expertise of the OEM with theflexibility of the ISP.Ansaldo Energia has chosen to focus on customer servicesin order to combine the proven design expertise,manufacturing capabilities and commissioning skills ofits New Units business line with excellence in the aftersalephase, thanks in particular to rapidity of responseand intervention, technical capabilities and expertise, ahigh quality supply chain, and well known flexibility inmatching customer needs.The complete range of activities covers gas turbines,steam turbines, generators and complete open/combinedcycle plants, with services which are tailored tothe individual requirements of the customer:•Long Term Service Agreements (LTSA)•Field Service (Planned Maintenance,Emergency Interventions)•<strong>Solutions</strong>/Upgrades•Spare parts•Repair Activities•Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics•Second hand <strong>Power</strong> Plants/Equipment relocationsThe company’s experience of long term collaborationswith its customers is demonstrated by current activeengagements: more than 40 gas turbine LTSAs on 68units, 26 LTSA Customers in 12 countries, totallingmore than 22 GW.Gas TurbinesThe gas turbine offering is entirely based on fully proven,proprietary technology. Ansaldo Energia gas turbines arefully competitive in terms of all market drivers in theheavy duty segment: efficiency, power output, reliability,operational flexibility and emission levels.Gas turbines ranging from 70 MW to more than 290 MWare continuously improved by a dedicated R&D team.Ansaldo Energia has received orders for more than 150gas turbines and 27 GW worldwide, with an installedfleet exceeding 6 Million Operating Hours.Steam TurbinesAnsaldo Energia offers a comprehensive portfolio ofhighly reliable, efficient and operationally flexible steamturbines for all fossil-fired power plant applications (combinedcycles, steam power plants and geothermal, cogenerationand industrial applications), with output up to800 MW. Ansaldo Energia has extensive design, manufacturingand installation experience, with more than1,200 units in service or on order totalling 89 GW.Of these more than 300 units are rated above 100MW.Turbo GeneratorsAnsaldo Energia experience in the design and constructionof turbogenerators up to 1220 MVA dates back to1920: it covers mainly gas, steam, and gas & steam forsingle shaft configurations and geothermal applications,and offers a wide range of air-cooled, hydrogen-cooledand hydrogen/water-cooled turbogenerators, creating acomprehensive portfolio of highly reliable, efficient andoperationally flexible machines.Since 1950, more than 700 units (over 300 in the lastten years) have been manufactured, for a total installedgenerating capacity of over 100 GVA.

San Severo 1 x 400 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Contract: San SeveroClient: En Plus S.p.A. (Atel)Type of supply contract: EPC ContractCountry: ItalySite Type: GreenfieldService Agreement: LTSACommercial operation: 2011Configuration:400 MW (1+1) Single shaft CCGTGENSTHRSGCond.The information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresSan Severo is composed of a 1+1 combined cycle unit insingle shaft configuration with air condenser for electricalenergy production. The expected plant efficiency is over57%. This power plant is equipped with the new flexibilitypackage to fulfil the new energy market requirement.The minimum technical load of the gas turbine, thanksto the new VeLoNOx TM burners, will be lower than the 45%.In this plant the new proprietary ZLD system has beenimplemented to reduce the fresh water consumption andto comply with the local regulation that prohibits any liquideffluents emission from the industrial sites. This systemallows an industrial water recover of about the 98%.Gas TurbineAE94.3A x 280 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: natural gasSteam TurbineMT15 x 135 MW - 50 Hz118/30.3/4.63 bar - 546/536/265°CGenerator50THR - L63 - 470 MVA - 20 kV - 50 Hz - H 2 cooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels with RH, natural circulation,drum type with integrated deareator.Cooling SystemAir Condenser, single row, 24 modules, double speed type.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Bayet 1 x 400 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Contract: BayetClient: 3CB SAS (Atel)Type of supply contract: EPC contractCountry: FranceSite Type: GreenfieldService Agreement: LTSACommercial operation: 2011Configuration:400 MW (1+1) Single shaft CCGTGENSTHRSGCond.The information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresBayet is a 1+1 combined cycle unit in single shaft configurationwith air condenser for electrical energy production.The expected plant efficiency is over 57%.This power plant is equipped with the new flexibility packageto fulfil the energy market requirement.The minimum technical load of the gas turbine, thanksto the new VeLoNOx TM burners, will be lower than the 45%.Moreover this plant is designed to hold also wide rangeof ambient temperatures. It is also to highlight themethod of participation to the primary and secondaryfrequency regulation that involves also the steam turbine.Gas TurbineAE94.3A x 280 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: natural gasSteam TurbineMT15 x 135 MW - 50 Hz118/30.3/4.63 bar - 546/536/265°CGenerator50THR - L63 - 470 MVA - 20 kV - 50 Hz - H 2 cooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels with RH, natural circulation,drum type with integrated deareator.Cooling SystemAir Condenser, single row, 24 modules, double speed type.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Turano Lodigiano 1 x 800 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Turano Lodigiano 1 x 800 MWCombined Cycle <strong>Power</strong> PlantThe Turano Lodigiano/Bertonico power plant, situatednear Lodi in northern Italy, is owned by Sorgenia S.p.A.,an important private operator on the Italian market forelectric power and natural gas, with a strong focus onrespect for the environment and “clean” energy.The plant is located in a recently reclaimed industrialarea that was previously occupied by a refinery demolishedin the early 1980s, and there are plans to re-qualifythe surrounding area by developing industrial and artisansites nearby.In April 2008 Ansaldo Energia was awarded the EPC contractto build the power plant on a turnkey basis and aLong Term Service Agreement (LTSA) to maintain the 2gas turbines and relative generators. In 2009 the customer,based in part on positive experience gained at Turano,awarded Ansaldo Energia a similar contract for thesister plant in Aprilia (Province of Latina).The power plant comprises a combined cycle with twogas turbines and one steam turbine (2+1 configuration),delivering a nominal output of 800 MW.The work assigned to Ansaldo Energia as EPC Contractorincluded the design, supply, on-site installation, startupand testing of the entire power plant, comprising themain components in the power block.The turnkey supply of which Ansaldo Energia is in chargealso covers the gas station, the thermal cycle, the auxiliarysystems, including one auxiliary boiler and a waterdemineralisation and recover plant (ZLD), the HV, MVand LV electrical equipment, including one metal-cladgas insulated switchgear (GIS) for connection to theTerna substation, the plant automation system (DCS)and the design and implementation of civil works for theentire plant. Third parties commissioned directly by thecustomer developed the natural gas feeding system andthe high voltage electric substation.The distinctive features of the project are its focus onenvironmental issues and excellent operating flexibility,which are critical success factors for power producerstoday, who are faced with an ever more competitive marketand a society increasingly aware of environmentalproblems. A combined cycle solution plus Ansaldo Energiatechnology delivers excellent plant performance withlow atmospheric emission impact. The class 4 AE94.3Agas turbine with VeLoNOx burners has been successfullytested on other power plants and the base load efficiencymeasured during testing was higher than 57%,with CO and NOx emissions much lower than 30 mg/Nm 3 .The results of plant efficiency tests at partial load wereequally satisfactory. The management of water resourceswas also a key focus and the plant has a Zero Liquid Discharge(ZLD) water treatment system that reduces theinput of process water from wells, as well as a powerfulair condenser used to condense the steam without resortingto external water resources for cooling.Although the power plant is situated in an industrial areaaway from population settlements, the design meets

specific architectural requirements to ensure environmentaland landscape integration in such a way as toreduce visual and acoustic impact. The buildings areclad in panels that insulate from and absorb sound,which represent one of the main visual features of theplant, along with the big hexagonal concrete stack about100 m high and the brick red colour used for variousplant sections, recalling the natural colours of the areasurrounding the plant. So far as power generation is concerned,the plant has been designed to meet the voltageand frequency regulation requirements of the Italiantransmission network as stipulated by Terna (the ItalianNational Grid operator), while on a functional level theplant has been designed to deliver maximum operatingflexibility in accordance with legal atmospheric pollutantemission criteria. The customer can vary load on a dailybasis in peak hours and during the weekend. Rapidplant start up allows the customer to begin generatingpower quickly, as well as to operate with different plantconfigurations and variable loads, providing a rapid andflexible response to network demand.The project was given the “Notice to Proceed” by the customerin April 2008 and construction work began in February2009. A constant focus on the real needs of thecustomer and the climate of proactive collaborationestablished, together with technical expertise and carefulplanning and monitoring of work, have made it possibleto achieve the general project objectives and,specifically, plant delivery (PAC issued by customer Sorgenia)in just 30 months from the NTP. Site work (civilworks, electromechanical assembly, start-up activitiesand testing) involved up to about 850 people on site inpeak periods and was performed in such a way as to ensurethe health and safety of both its own workers, andthose of associated companies and sub-contractorsworking on site.With the final hand-over of the plant to the customer,planned for November 2010, the Long Term ServiceAgreement covering maintenance will come into effect.Under the terms of this contract Ansaldo Energia is committedfor 7+7 years to managing and performing routinemaintenance and repair work on the 2 gas turbinesets, undertaking to maintain performance values withminimum deterioration and high turbo generator availabilityvalues for the entire duration of the contract.The agreement also entails operating parameter loggingand remote monitoring 24/7 from the diagnostic controlroom at Ansaldo Energia’s Genoa production facility.

Contract: TuranoLodigianoClient: SorgeniaType of supply contract: EPC ContractCountry: ItalySite Type: GreenfieldService Agreement: LTSACommercial operation: 2010Configuration:800 MW (2+1) Multishaft CCGENGENGENGTSTGTHRSGCond.HRSGThe information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresTurano Lodigiano is a 2+1 combined cycle unit with aircondenser for electrical energy production. The expectedplant efficiency is over 57%. The plant minimum technicalload, thanks to the new VeLoNOx TM burners, will be aboutthe 50%. This power plant is characterized by an architectonicalcover solution for the main components and for theHRSG stack to minimize the environmental impact andpromote the plant acceptance and territorial integration.Moreover, to reduce the environmental impact, the newproprietary ZLD system has been implemented to reducethe fresh water consumption and to comply with the localregulation that prohibits any liquid effluents emission fromthe industrial sites. This system allows an industrial waterrecover of about the 98%.Gas TurbineAE94.3A x 277.2 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: natural gasSteam TurbineRT30 x 268 MW - 50 Hz123/28.5/4.9 bar - 544/549/231°CGeneratorGT units: TRY - L56 - 330 MVA - 18 kV - 50 Hz - air cooledST unit: TRX - L56 - 330 MVA - 18 kV - 50 Hz - air cooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels with RH, natural circulation,drum type with integrated deareator.Cooling SystemAir Condenser, single row, 24 modules, double speed type.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Batna 250 MWOpen Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Moncalieri 1 x 389 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Contract: MoncalieriClient: IrenType of supply contract: EPC ContractCountry: ItalySite type: RepoweringService Agreement: LTSACommercial operation: 2008Configuration:400 MW (1+1) Multishaft CCThe information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.GENGENGTSTHRSGCond.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresMoncalieri is a 1+1 combined cycle unit for electrical andthermal energy production. It is connected to Torino districtheating grid and can produce a thermal power of over 260MWt. Moncalieri is the repowering of an existing 141 MWconventional unit and it is able to work not only in combinedcycle configuration but also as a conventional cyclethanks to the piping connections to the existing firedsteam generator. During the commissioning phase thenew authomatic start-up sequence was successfullytested and applied to this plant. Due to transportationconstraints, the gas rurbine was assembled at site.Gas TurbineAE94.3A x 265 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: natural gasSteam TurbineExisting ST x 130 MW - 50 Hz85/24.5/3.68 bar - 536/536/221°CGeneratorGT unit: WY23Z-109LL - 300 MVA - 19 kV - 50 Hz - aircooledST unit: WX21Z-092RR - 170 MVA - 15.75 kV - 50 Hz - aircooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels with RH, natural circulation, drumtype with integrated deareator.Cooling SystemSurface condenser.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Rizziconi 2 x 385 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Contract: RizziconiClient: Rizziconi Energia (EGL)Type of supply contract: EPC ContractCountry: ItalySite type: GreenfieldService Agreement: LTSA (GTF)Commercial operation: 2008Configuration:800 MW 2x(1+1) Multishaft CCGENGENGENGENGTSTGTSTHRSGCond.HRSGCond.The information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresRizziconi is composed of 2 x (1+1) combined cycle unitsin multi shaft configuration with air condenser for electricalenergy production. The plant efficiency is over56%. These two units were designed to be as much aspossible similar to Sparanise combined cycle units formaintenance and operating reasons.Gas TurbineAE94.3A x 263 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: natural gasSteam TurbineMT15 x 132 MW - 50 Hz118/31/4.6 bar - 549/558/236°CGeneratorGT units: WY23Z-109LL - 300 MVA - 19 kV - 50 Hz - aircooledST units: WY21Z-092LLT - 170 MVA - 15.75 kV - 50 Hz -air cooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels with RH, natural circulation, drumtype with integrated deareator.Cooling SystemAir Condenser, multi row, 21 modules, double speed type.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Escatron 1 x 800 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Contract: EscatronClient: EnelType of supply contract:Supply & install. of power blockCountry: SpainSite type: BrownfieldService Agreement: FA (Field Activity)Commercial operation: 2008Configuration:Multishaft CC (2+1) 800 MWGENGENGENGTSTGTHRSGCond.HRSGThe information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresEscatron is a 2+1 combined cycle unit. Ansaldo Energiasupplied the entire power block composed of the two gasturbines with their generators, the two HRSGs and thesteam turbine with its generator. Escatron was the firstsuccessful application of the new AE94.3A upgradedmodel. Due to trasportation constraints, the gas turbinewas assembled at site.Gas TurbineAE94.3A x 267 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: natural gas/oil distillate as back up fuelSteam TurbineRT30 x 273 MW - 50 Hz124/27.8/4.86 bar - 548/553/229°CGeneratorGT units: WY23Z-109LL - 300 MVA - 19 kV - 50 Hz - aircooledST unit: WX23Z-109LL - 300 MVA - 19 kV - 50 Hz - aircooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels with RH, natural circulation, drumtype with integrated deareator.Cooling SystemSurface condenser with closed cooling tower, suppliedby Enel.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Sparanise 2 x 385 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Contract: SparaniseClient: Calenia Energia (EGL)Type of supply contract: EPC ContractCountry: ItalySite type: GreenfieldService Agreement: LTSA (GTF)Commercial operation: 2007Configuration:800 MW 2x(1+1) Multishaft CCThe information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.GENGENGENGENGTSTGTSTHRSGCond.HRSGCond.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresSparanise is composed of 2x(1+1) combined cycle unitsin multi shaft configuration with air condenser for electricalenergy production.The plant efficiency is over 56%. The measured plantavailability during the first period of operation is well overguaranteed figure. The plant often works delivering a±20% band as secondary frequency regulation.Sparanise is the first Italian power station realised forEGL: it has been designed to get the maximum respectfor the natural and human environment; so advancedtechnology guaranteed high efficiency and emissionsbelow European regulation limits, while innovative architecturalsolutions met client's request to reduce sightimpact. Both the high efficiency and the high availabilityhelp the customer to get as much as possible returnfrom his investment.Gas TurbineAE94.3A x 263 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: natural gas.Steam TurbineMT15 x 132 MW - 50 Hz117/31.1/4.6 bar - 549/558/236°CGeneratorGT unit: WY23Z-199LL - 300 MVA - 19 kV - 50 Hz - aircooledST unit: WY21Z-092LLT - 170 MVA - 15.75 kV - 50 Hz -air cooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels with RH, natural circulation, drumtype with integrated deareator.Cooling SystemAir Condenser, multi row, 21 modules, double speed type.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Leinì 1 x 385 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Contract: LeinìClient: AceaElectrabelType of supply contract: EPC ContractCountry: ItalySite type: GreenfieldService Agreement: LTSACommercial operation: 2007Configuration:400 MW (1+1) Multishaft CCGENGENGTSTHRSGCond.The information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresLeinì is a 1+1 combined cycle unit in multi shaft arrangementwith air condenser for electrical and thermal energyproduction. The plant efficiency is over 56%. The plant isable to discharge a total thermal energy for district heatingand cogeneration for industrial application of 200 MWt.Gas TurbineAE94.3A x 265 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: natural gasSteam TurbineRT20 x 128.5 MW - 50 Hz115/31/4.6 bar - 545/553/236°CGeneratorGT unit: WY23Z-109LL - 300 MVA - 19 kV - 50 Hz - aircooledST unit: WX21Z-092LLT - 160 MVA - 15.75 kV - 50 Hz -air cooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels with RH, natural circulation, drumtype with integrated deareator.Cooling SystemAir Condenser, single row, 18 modules, double speed type.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Vado Ligure 1 x 781 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Contract: Vado LigureClient: Tirreno <strong>Power</strong> (Suez/Sorgenia)Type of supply contract: EPC ContractCountry: ItalySite type: Brownfield/RepoweringService Agreement: LTSACommercial operation: 2007Configuration:800 MW (2+1) Multishaft CCGENGENGENGTSTGTHRSGCond.HRSGThe information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresVado Ligure is a 2+1 combined cycle unit obtained repoweringthe existing heavy oil fired block of Vado Ligurepower plant. This choice allowed for the client a greatsaving in terms of efficiency, spaces and emissions withoutconsidering that the steam turbine and its auxiliaries,the existing pedestal, the sea water condenser and thesteam turbine generator were overhauled and refurbishedto be reused in the new unit.Moreover the new automation system based upon fieldbus technology was successfully tested.Gas TurbineAE94.3A x 264 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: natural gasSteam TurbineRT x 267 MW - 50 Hz126/31/4.2 bar - 551/556/244°CGeneratorGT units: WY23Z-109LL - 300 MVA - 20 kV - 50 Hz - aircooledST unit: ATH 370000/2 - 370 MVA - 20 kV - 50 Hz -H 2 /H 2 O cooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels with RH, natural circulation, drumtype with integrated deareator.Cooling SystemSea water surface condenser. The circulating water systemuses the existing sea water intake and sea water dischargechannel with new circulating water pumps.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Rosignano 1 x 388 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Contract: RosignanoClient: AceaTractebelType of supply contract: EPC ContractCountry: ItalySite type: BrownfieldService Agreement: LTSACommercial operation: 2007Configuration:400 MW (1+1) Single shaft CCGTGENSTHRSGCond.The information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresRosignano is a 1+1 combined cycle unit in single shaftarrangement. This brownfield power plant shares someauxiliary facilities with the existing CCU supplied byAnsaldo Energia in 1996. It is the first 400 MW EPC insingle shaft configuration supplied by Ansaldo Energia.Its efficiency is over 56%.Gas TurbineAE94.3A x 263 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: natural gasSteam TurbineMT15 x 133.5 MW - 50 Hz117/31 4.6 bar - 558/558/234°CGenerator50THR - L63 - 480 MVA - 20 kV - 50 Hz - H 2 cooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels with RH, natural circulation, drumtype with integrated deareator.Cooling SystemSurface condenser with closed cooling tower.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Voghera 1 x 400 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Ferrera Erbognone2 x 400 MW + 1 x 250 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Palnt

Ferrera Erbognone <strong>Power</strong> PlantService activities performed by Ansaldo Energiawithin the Long Term Service AgreementIn 2001 Ansaldo Energia was awarded the Long ThermService Agreement ( LTSA ) to perform services on thegas turbine, steam turbines and relevant generatorsof the entire Enipower combined cycle fleet.The time frame validity of the above mentioned Contractis from the PAC of each power plant up to theachievement of 50 KEOH of each Gas Turbine.The main deliveries of the LTSA are the following:• Planned maintenance activities on GT, ST,Generator, bypass valves, HVAC• Unplanned maintenance activities• Spare parts initial stock and stock replenishment• Strategic spare parts (spare rotor, Hub, turbineblade carrier, rotor cover)• Gas turbine blades and vanes refurbishment• Remote monitoring and diagnostic• Warranties: Availability, <strong>Power</strong> & Efficiency, EmissionsAll the power plant units are continuously monitoredby Ansaldo Energia with the purpose to supply an effectiveremote diagnostic assistance in the areas ofthermodynamic (<strong>Power</strong> Output, Efficiency, Turbine InletTemperature, etc.), vibrations, emissions, combustionanalysis.The remote monitoring system is also the main toolto support the predictive maintenance.Among the Enipower fleet, Ferrera Erbognone representa bright example of the first power plant installedand then in operation, and having the AE94.3A gasfired turbine as well as the AE94.2K gas turbine fedwith syngas.

Up to now, in the frame of the LTSA, Ansaldo Energiaalready performed in Ferrera Erbognone the followingactivities of planned maintenance:• N. 5 Gas Turbine Major Overall• N. 1 Gas Turbine Hot Gas Path Inspection• N. 4 Generator Major Overall• N. 5 Steam Turbine minor inspection (valve inspection)• N. 24 minor inspection of gas turbine and generatorObtaining excellent performance both in term of outageperiod and machine setting, gaining the Client’sappreciation, having often exceeded the availability targetguaranteed in the Contract.During the LTSA period Ansaldo Energia proposed toEnipower several upgrading and TILs with the aim toimprove power output, flexibility, reliability and to reduceemissions.The main improvements ordered by Enipower and implementedby Ansaldo Energia in Ferrera Erbognonepower plant were:• CMF+: Compressor mass flow increase for powerincrease• Fogging system for power increase• VeLowNox for emission reduction• Inlet Guide Vanes with Hydraulic actuatorfor improve reliability and flexibility• Third accelerometer for vibration monitoringin order to improve the reliability• Several software and hardware implementationin order to improve load ramps, primaryand secondary frequency support, turn down.

Contract: Ferrera ErbognoneClient: EnipowerType of supply contract: Supply & install.of power blockCountry: ItalySite type: GreenfieldService Agreement: LTSA (GTF)Commercial operation: 2003, 2004Configuration:800 MW 2x(1+1) Multishaft CC +250 MW (1+1) Multishaft syngas CCThe information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposes only. Product descriptions and content may changein consideration of specific market situations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided at any time for technicalor commercial reasons.GENGENGENGENGENGENGTSTGTSTGTSTHRSGCond.HRSGCond.HRSGCond.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresThe contract of Ansaldo Energia with Enipower signed a milestonein terms of size, contents, services and Customer. Enipoweris the electric power operator with an important network of petrochemicalsplants spread across Italy providing, ideal locations fornew capacity…and with this contract planning 8 combined cyclesfor installation in four industrial areas owned by the group,will deliver a total of about 3,850 MW. The plant, the first of four,rated 1,050 MW featuring two natural gas unit rated about 800MW and a 250 MW syngas unit. One of the key factor of AnsaldoEnergia’ success was the maintenance and assistance proposalformulated using innovative criteria. Maintenance and assistancealone are worth roughly a quarter of the entire contract amount.The plant also highlights the growing trend in power generationmachinery demand for high base load plant.Gas Turbine1 x AE94.2K x 167 MW, 2 x AE94.3A x 258 MW - 50 HzMain fuel: syngas (AE94.2K), natural gas (AE94.3A).Steam TurbineST for 2x(1+1) CC: MT15 x 131.5 MW - 50 Hz117/30.8/4.8 bar - 559/559/234°C;ST for (1+1) CC: 1 x 88 MW - 50 Hz95/29/6.5 bar - 510/510/260 °CGeneratorGT units: WY23Z-109LL - 300 MVA - 19 kV - 50 Hz- air cooledST units: WX21Z-092LLT - 170 MVA - 15.75 kV - 50 Hz- air cooledGT Syngas unit: WY21Z-092LLT - 200 MVA - 15.75 kV- 50 Hz - air cooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorOut of Ansaldo Energia Scope of supply.Cooling SystemOut of Ansaldo Energia Scope of supply.16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655

Servola 1 x 172 MWCombined Cycle<strong>Power</strong> Plant

Contract: ServolaClient: Elettra GLTType of supply contract: EPC ContractCountry: ItalyRepowering: BrownfieldService Agreement: LTSACommercial operation: 2001Configuration:200 MW (1+1) Multishaft syngas CCThe information contained in this publication is provided for illustrative purposesonly. Product descriptions and content may change in consideration of specific marketsituations. Ansaldo Energia may make changes to the descriptions provided atany time for technical or commercial reasons.GENGENGTSTHRSGCond.Main characteristicsPlant main featuresServola combined cycle power plant is a 1+1 configurationwith sea water surface condenser for electrical and thermalenergy production. The main feature to highlight of thisplant is that it is designed to fire waste gas from steel industrysuch as BFG (blast-furnace gas) and COG (coke-ovengas). These two fuels are burnt into the combustion chamberof the gas turbine together with natural gas.The BFG flow is of about 112000 Nm 3 /h and the COG flowis of about 19000 Nm 3 /h. The system is equipped with agas turbine model dedicated to this application with twocompressors on its axial line. Thanks to the solution adoptedthis plant has a CIP6 certification. Finally the plant candischarge industrial steam for cogeneration use.The most important benefit is the use, as fuel, of wastegas from steel industry, mixed with natural gas.Gas TurbineAE94.2K x 109 MW - 50 Hz including two stages: LP axialand HP centrifugal waste compressors (22 MW)Fuel: waste gas from steel industry (BFG and COG) mixedwith natural gasSteam Turbine1 x 70 MW - 50 HzHP: 76/9.2 bar - 517/285 °CGeneratorGT & compr.: WY21Z-073LLT - 141 MVA - 15 kV - 50 Hz -air cooledST unit: WY18Z-066LLT - 94 MVA - 11.5 kV - 50 Hz -air cooledHeat Recovery Steam GeneratorThree pressure levels: HP level to feed the steam turbine;IP level to feed the steam turbine and/or for thecogeneration industrial; the third LP level is to dearatethe condensate flow.Cooling SystemSea water surface condenser16152 Genova - Via N. Lorenzi, 8 - ItalyPhone: +39 010 6551 - Fax: +39 010 655 6209E-mail: - -

Ansaldo Energia has over 150 years experience inthe electrical and mechanical engineering business.It is a global player in the power generation sectorwith an installed capacity of over 177,000 MW.Ansaldo Energia offers the full range of manufacturing,engineering, contracting and service activities, aswell as a flexible approach to power projects.Steam Fossil fired, Gas Turbine and CombinedCycle, Hydroelectric, Geothermal and Nuclear <strong>Power</strong>Plants, supplied turnkey, in separate lots or by components.The Quality Systems, certified as complying with ISO9001 by a recognised certification society, cover allaspects including, design, planning, manufacture,testing, inspection, installation and servicing.Stampa Microart’s Spa - Recco (Ge) - 06/2007 Petergraf16152 Genova - Italy - Via N. Lorenzi, 8Phone. +39.010.6551 - Fax +39.010.6556209E-mail:

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