Real-Time GPU Silhouette Refinement using adaptively blended ...

Real-Time GPU Silhouette Refinement using adaptively blended ...

Real-Time GPU Silhouette Refinement using adaptively blended ...


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the technique described in [3]. We address three issues:evaluation of PN-triangle type patches on vertex shaders,adaptive level of detail refinement and elimination of poppingartifacts. We have proposed a simplified PN-triangletype patch which allows the use of pre-evaluated basisfunctionsrequiring only one single texture lookup (if wepack the pre-evaluated basis functions into the fractionaland rational parts of a texel). Further, the use of a geometricrefinement level different from the topological refinementlevel comes at no cost since this is achieved simplyby adjusting a texture coordinate. Thus, adaptive level ofdetail comes at a very low price.We have shown that our method is efficient and we expectit to be even faster when texture lookups in the vertexshader become more mainstream and the hardware manufacturersanswer with increased efficiency for this operation.Future <strong>GPU</strong>s use a unified shader approach, whichcould also boost the performance of our algorithm since itis primarily vertex bound and current <strong>GPU</strong>s perform thebest for fragment processing.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank Gernot Ziegler for introducing usto the histogram pyramid algorithm. Furthermore, we aregrateful to Mark Hartner for giving us access to the sourcecode of the various silhouette extraction algorithms. Finally,Marie Rognes has provided many helpful commentsafter reading an early draft of this manuscript. This workwas funded, in part, by contract number 158911/I30 ofThe Research Council of Norway.References[1] P. Alliez, N. Laurent, and H. S. F. Schmitt. Efficientview-dependent refinement of 3D meshes <strong>using</strong>√ 3-subdivision. The Visual Computer, 19:205–221, 2003.ICS conf. on Graphics hardware, pages 99–104,2005.[4] M. Bunnell. <strong>GPU</strong> Gems 2, chapter 7 Adaptive Tessellationof Subdivision Surfaces with DisplacementMapping. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005.[5] D. Card and J. L.Mitchell. ShaderX, chapterNon-Photorealistic Rendering with Pixel and VertexShaders. Wordware, 2002.[6] W. Donnelly. <strong>GPU</strong> Gems 2, chapter 8 Per-Pixel DisplacementMapping with Distance Functions. AddisonWesley Professional, 2005.[7] C. Dyken and M. Reimers. <strong>Real</strong>-time linear silhouetteenhancement. In Mathematical Methods forCurves and Surfaces: Tromsø 2004, pages 135–144.Nashboro Press, 2004.[8] G. Farin. Curves and surfaces for CAGD. MorganKaufmann Publishers Inc., 2002.[9] M. Harris. <strong>GPU</strong> Gems 2, chapter 31 Mapping ComputationalConcepts to <strong>GPU</strong>s. Addison Wesley Professional,2005.[10] A. Hartner, M. Hartner, E. Cohen, and B. Gooch.Object space silhouette algorithims. In Theoryand Practice of Non-Photorealistic Graphics: Algorithms,Methods, and Production System SIG-GRAPH 2003 Course Notes, 2003.DraftDraft[11] H. Hoppe. Progressive meshes. In ACM SIGGRAPH1996, pages 99–108, 1996.[12] T. Isenberg, B. Freudenberg, N. Halper,S. Schlechtweg, and T. Strothotte. A developer’sguide to silhouette algorithms for polygonal models.IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,23(4):28–37, July-Aug 2003.[2] T. Boubekeur, P. Reuter, and C. Schlick. Scalartagged PN triangles. In Eurographics 2005 (ShortPapers), 2005.[3] T. Boubekeur and C. Schlick. Generic mesh refinementon <strong>GPU</strong>. In ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPH-√[13] L. Kobbelt. 3-subdivision. In ACM SIGGRAPH2000, pages 103–112, 2000.[14] D. Luebke, B. Watson, J. D. Cohen, M. Reddy, andA. Varshney. Level of Detail for 3D Graphics. ElsevierScience Inc., 2002.13

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