Migration of a Chosen Architectural Pattern to Service Oriented ...

Migration of a Chosen Architectural Pattern to Service Oriented ...

Migration of a Chosen Architectural Pattern to Service Oriented ...


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Chapter 3. <strong>Architectural</strong> <strong>Pattern</strong>s 663. Popularity <strong>of</strong> architectural patterns in real systems – presents occurrences<strong>of</strong> particular patterns in real systems.4. Representatives <strong>of</strong> categories in real systems – this section presents application<strong>of</strong> filter removing patterns that do not exist in pairs with otherarchitectural patterns. The guidelines elaborated in this thesis shall be useful.This also means that the guidelines should be as much applicable aspossible. What in turn means that the migrated pattern should be popular- <strong>of</strong>ten used. Not <strong>of</strong>ten used patterns reduce usability <strong>of</strong> the guidelinesbecause they cannot be applied frequently.3.3.1 Definition <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pattern</strong> LanguageRobert S. Hanmer and Kristin F. Kocan present [37] broad studies on mutualinteraction <strong>of</strong> patterns. They provide following definition <strong>of</strong> pattern language:<strong>Pattern</strong> languages are collections <strong>of</strong> patterns that can be used <strong>to</strong> build somethinglarger than any individual pattern can be used <strong>to</strong> build. They present two criteriawhich define complete pattern language:1. “Morphologically complete (i.e., complete enough that an entire solution canbe seen from only the patterns present in the language)”2. “Functionally complete (i.e., the language contains patterns that resolve allthe new forces introduced by the use <strong>of</strong> the languages patterns). ”According <strong>to</strong> Robert S. Hanmer and Kristin F. Kocan [8]definition <strong>of</strong> patternlanguage should contain following parts:1. Abstract - provides high-level understanding <strong>of</strong> the pattern language. Thispart is usually a few sentences long.2. Map - The map is a non-cyclic graph presenting patterns as nodes andrelations between them as arcs. The arcs are directional. Arrowhead pointthe pattern that is influenced by the pattern on the opposite side <strong>of</strong> the arc.Each pattern presented on the map should contribute <strong>to</strong> the patterns thatare in relation with this pattern.3. Description - the description presents order <strong>of</strong> application <strong>of</strong> all the patternscreating the pattern language.4. <strong>Pattern</strong>s(a) Name - the name <strong>of</strong> the pattern(b) Problem - the problem that needs <strong>to</strong> be solved(c) Context - in fact, this is a cause <strong>of</strong> the problem

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