Migration of a Chosen Architectural Pattern to Service Oriented ...

Migration of a Chosen Architectural Pattern to Service Oriented ... Migration of a Chosen Architectural Pattern to Service Oriented ...


Chapter 3. Architectural Patterns 401. The first and the most elaborated source of architectural patterns is a seriesof books by Frank Buschmann. The series consists of five volumes[22][71][45][20][21]. The first volume provides general information aboutArchitectural Patterns and Design Pattern. It provides also some descriptionsof example patterns. The next three volumes describe patterns forspecific domains like concurrency or resource management. The last volumesummarizes all the presented knowledge and introduces pattern languages,which provide motivation for usage of many different patterns together.The series provides comprehensive description of a number of patterns. Thenumber to large to consider during this study, therefore some selection hasto be conducted. The selection is based on description of the patterns. Itchooses only patterns that are clearly named as architectural. The selectedpatterns are presented in the next section.2. The second source is an article written by Nail B.Harrison and Paris Avgeriou.The document “Analysis of Architecture Pattern Usage in LegacySystem Architecture Documentation”[38] presents results of analysis of fortyseven documentations of systems. The document includes information aboutpattern grouping, number of applications of particular patterns as well asfound mutual interaction between patterns and amount of those interactions.The document was selected because it describes architectural patternsin real systems.3. The last source presents results of architectural pattern categorisation elaboratedby Paris Avgeriouis [8].The main purpose of the document is togroup patterns into pattern languages. In order to conduct grouping intolanguages, the author presents definitions and example usage of architecturalpatterns.3.1.4 Identified Architectural PatternsFilter 2: Extraction of architectural patternsFilter 3: Removal of once appearing architectural patternsAnalysis of the selected literature sources identifies thirty two patterns.patterns are listed in the table 3.1.ThePattern name F.BuschmannNeil B.HarrisonP.AvgeriouLayers ! ! !Pipe and filters ! ! !Blackboard ! ! !Continued on Next Page. . .

Chapter 3. Architectural Patterns 41Pattern name F.BuschmannNeil B.HarrisonP.AvgeriouBroker ! ! !Model View Controler ! ! !Presentation –Abstrac-! ! !tion –ControllerMicrocernel ! ! !Reflection ! !Interceptor ! ! !Reactor !Proactor !Half–sync / half–async ! !Leader Follower !Shared repository ! ! !Domain object !Messaging ! !Message channel !Client – Server ! ! !Explicit invocation ! ! !Plug – in !Peer–to–Peer ! ! !C2 ! !Publisher–Subscriber ! !State transition !Interpreter !Active repository ! !Remote Procedure Call ! !Implicit Invocation ! ! !Indirection Layer !Batch Sequential !Virtual Machine !Rule–Based System !Table 3.1: Summary of architectural patterns investigationThe check marks set in the table 3.1 mark the existence of a particular patternin a specific source. Gray rows mark patterns that were mentioned in only one

Chapter 3. <strong>Architectural</strong> <strong>Pattern</strong>s 41<strong>Pattern</strong> name F.BuschmannNeil B.HarrisonP.AvgeriouBroker ! ! !Model View Controler ! ! !Presentation –Abstrac-! ! !tion –ControllerMicrocernel ! ! !Reflection ! !Intercep<strong>to</strong>r ! ! !Reac<strong>to</strong>r !Proac<strong>to</strong>r !Half–sync / half–async ! !Leader Follower !Shared reposi<strong>to</strong>ry ! ! !Domain object !Messaging ! !Message channel !Client – Server ! ! !Explicit invocation ! ! !Plug – in !Peer–<strong>to</strong>–Peer ! ! !C2 ! !Publisher–Subscriber ! !State transition !Interpreter !Active reposi<strong>to</strong>ry ! !Remote Procedure Call ! !Implicit Invocation ! ! !Indirection Layer !Batch Sequential !Virtual Machine !Rule–Based System !Table 3.1: Summary <strong>of</strong> architectural patterns investigationThe check marks set in the table 3.1 mark the existence <strong>of</strong> a particular patternin a specific source. Gray rows mark patterns that were mentioned in only one

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