Migration of a Chosen Architectural Pattern to Service Oriented ...

Migration of a Chosen Architectural Pattern to Service Oriented ... Migration of a Chosen Architectural Pattern to Service Oriented ...


Chapter 5. Guidelines 134(b) Assign a temporary identifier to created asset. Format of the id ofthe temporary asset is not specified. It does not matter for temporaryassets.(c) if asset is meant to be persisted, generate a proper (unique) identitynumber, otherwise do not generate a number.(d) Persist selected assets.The rationale for having Business Process Logic “clean” from non- flowrelated code is usage of Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) toorchestrate processes. BPEL allows only to design a process flow and thelanguage syntax does not allow introducing any code (like Java, C#) withinprocess. It is a graphical/xml language that bases on invocation of previouslydefined services.Output: Two addition documents are created as a result of application ofthis steps. Those documents are:(a) WSDL –defines available request and response SOAP messages. LinksXSD schema and sets some technology related parameters like Port-Types and bindings.(b) BPEL –this document defines the process, invoked services and theiroperations.11. Identify all statefull services and decide if their state can be deferredApplied SOA pattern: State RepositoryApplication: Considered migration example have no asynchronous or longliving processes.Output: No new services are implemented in case of this project becausethere are no long living processes. The implementation also does not containany process that consumes a lot of resources. An implementation of a staterepository would be similar to implementation of other basic services.12. Identify current points of access to the migrated systemApplied SOA pattern: FrontendsApplication:Considered project is neither large nor User Interface sensitive.Only a few people use current application and they got used to currentinterface. Introduction of a complex presentation layer will not pay off atall, therefore a simple migration of View Layer towards Frontend Layer issufficient.

Chapter 5. Guidelines 135Output: During this step, GUI was migrated to Frontend Project. TheProject contains the original GUI and some Business Objects that werecreated based on XML schema.13. Identify all the places in user interface where a continuous feedback fromapplication to end user is providedApplied SOA pattern: UI mediatorApplication: Available documentation and implementation does not requireany functionality providing continuous feedback to end users.Output: There is no implementation regarding this pattern.5.4.1 ResultsThe guidelines presented previously were a base for migration of the student’sproject. Purpose of the this migration was didactic. It was meant to illustrate anexample application of the guidelines. The migration was conducted according tothe sequence listed above. As a result of migration, an asset storing process wascreated. This is also the only fully implemented process in the migrated project(see BPEL 5.19, deploy model 5.20). The migrated process consists of followingsteps:1. Create Asset object via UI2. Retrieve the highest stored Asset id in the database3. Generate unique identifier for the entity4. Store the entity

Chapter 5. Guidelines 134(b) Assign a temporary identifier <strong>to</strong> created asset. Format <strong>of</strong> the id <strong>of</strong>the temporary asset is not specified. It does not matter for temporaryassets.(c) if asset is meant <strong>to</strong> be persisted, generate a proper (unique) identitynumber, otherwise do not generate a number.(d) Persist selected assets.The rationale for having Business Process Logic “clean” from non- flowrelated code is usage <strong>of</strong> Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) <strong>to</strong>orchestrate processes. BPEL allows only <strong>to</strong> design a process flow and thelanguage syntax does not allow introducing any code (like Java, C#) withinprocess. It is a graphical/xml language that bases on invocation <strong>of</strong> previouslydefined services.Output: Two addition documents are created as a result <strong>of</strong> application <strong>of</strong>this steps. Those documents are:(a) WSDL –defines available request and response SOAP messages. LinksXSD schema and sets some technology related parameters like Port-Types and bindings.(b) BPEL –this document defines the process, invoked services and theiroperations.11. Identify all statefull services and decide if their state can be deferredApplied SOA pattern: State Reposi<strong>to</strong>ryApplication: Considered migration example have no asynchronous or longliving processes.Output: No new services are implemented in case <strong>of</strong> this project becausethere are no long living processes. The implementation also does not containany process that consumes a lot <strong>of</strong> resources. An implementation <strong>of</strong> a statereposi<strong>to</strong>ry would be similar <strong>to</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> other basic services.12. Identify current points <strong>of</strong> access <strong>to</strong> the migrated systemApplied SOA pattern: FrontendsApplication:Considered project is neither large nor User Interface sensitive.Only a few people use current application and they got used <strong>to</strong> currentinterface. Introduction <strong>of</strong> a complex presentation layer will not pay <strong>of</strong>f atall, therefore a simple migration <strong>of</strong> View Layer <strong>to</strong>wards Frontend Layer issufficient.

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