An Industrial Water Impact Index case study - Veolia Water Solutions ...

An Industrial Water Impact Index case study - Veolia Water Solutions ... An Industrial Water Impact Index case study - Veolia Water Solutions ...
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Innovative wastewater treatment is critical to ensuring a future with sufficientand clean water, a robust and secure economy, and an ever-improving qualityof life. These goals are only attainable if growth and improvement, and theaccompanying strain that they place on limited natural resources, is supportedwith sustainable practices.Introduction2This case study reviews how CONSOL EnergyInc., a leading energy sector company,partnered with Veolia Water, one of theworld’s leading water treatment services andtechnologies companies, to develop a state-ofthe-artmine water treatment facility.The facility integrates chemical precipitation, reverseosmosis and thermal technologies developed by Veoliato maximize the recovery of clean water for return to theenvironment. A design-build-operate project deliveryapproach is used that allows CONSOL to focus on itscore business while ensuring facility performance to thehighest standards. The result is an enhancement of waterresources in the Monongahela River basin in NorthernWest Virginia, which is the exact intent of sustainability,to protect the environment whilesupporting economic and quality oflife needs.To provide an accurate measure of thebenefit provided by the facility, theWater Impact Index was applied. TheWater Impact Index is a comprehensivewater footprint indicator developed byVeolia Water. It integrates all the aspectsof the water cycle, including waterquality, water availability in the localenvironment, and volume to providean accurate measure of environmentalbenefit.This case study describesseveral elements ofCONSOL’s mine watertreatment project, includingthe treatment process, anintroduction to the WaterImpact Index, and theapproach used to measurethe benefit that treatmentdelivers to the MonongahelaRiver basin.A WHITE PAPER BY VEOLIA WATERRaw WaterFeedTankCONSOL’s mine watertreatment facility nearMannington, West Virginia“ Partnering withVeolia on thisproject providesCONSOL with aturnkey systemcoupled withproven operatorcapabilities”– Katharine A. FredricksenCONSOL ENERGYAerationCrystallization TankClarifierAL PrecipitationSludge HoldingTankDewateringEquipmentSolidsProject DescriptionCONSOL’s mine water treatment facility is located nearMannington, West Virginia, and will treat mine waterfrom its Blacksville #2, Loveridge, and Robinson Runmines. Total design capacity is 3,500 gallons per minute(gpm) for a centralized facility. The system applieschemical precipitation, reverse osmosis and thermaltechnologies that include:• pretreatment with softening and precipitationchemistry• clarification and filtration polishing• sludge dewatering• reverse osmosis (RO) and return of the purifiedpermeate stream to the river basin• pretreatment of the RO reject with softening andprecipitation chemistry• evaporation of the softened stream and returnSolidsof the distillate to the river basin• crystallization of the brine stream• crystallizer solids dewateringThis combination of technologies results inzero liquid waste as well as solids residuals thatare safe for landfill, as shown in the block flowdiagram below. More importantly, it improveseffluent quality such that it not only meets theregulatory requirements, but leads to overallimprovement of the local water resource as willbe described below.MultimediaFilterDewateringEquipmentR.O. FeedTankR.O.EvaporatorFeed TankCrystallizationTankClarifierEvaporatorCrystalizerFeed TankCrystalizerProduct WaterFinalEffluentTank

Technological innovation is not the only special aspectof this project. Cutting edge thinking also underscoredCONSOL’s approach to project execution. After reviewingmany options CONSOL selected a design build operate(DBO) project delivery approach. The approach providesa complete scope of services and maintains long termresponsibility for performance through a single solutionssupplier, in this case Veolia. The cornerstone of DBOproject delivery is Veolia’s ability to take full responsibilityfor design, installation, and performance. DBO servicesare provided to maintain performance at the designbasis, including capacity, effluent quality, availability,design build expense, operations expense, and projectschedule. On the performance end, Veolia provides adedicated management, operations and maintenancestaff providing 24/7 coverage, operations, preventiveand corrective maintenance, and chemicals and residualsdewatering. Together these commitments are deliveredthrough a performance guarantee that is contractuallysupported by Veolia for the complete term of the project.CONSOL is protected from any shortcomings in plantperformance, which are now the responsibility of Veolia.Assessing the Effect on the Water Resource:the Water Impact IndexMost water footprint assessments focus on volume, avalid indicator to raise awareness but not necessarilysufficient to represent the impact on a water resource. Inthis particular case, measuring only water quantity wouldbe misleading in that influent and effluent quantities arenearly equal, as depicted below. The influent volumesare projected to be 3,505 gpm or 1.840 billion gallons peryear, and the corresponding effluent volumes are 3,490gpm or 1.835 billion. This is essentially the same amount ofwater as CONSOL currently discharges from these mines.Consequently, an assessment based on volume alone doesnot accurately reflect the benefit to the water resourcefrom this project.Recognizing that water footprint assessments based onvolume alone were no longer adequate, researchers atVeolia embarked on the development of an assessmenttool that incorporates multiple variables that areimportant to the viability of the local water resource.In addition, Veolia wanted to develop an indicator that canRecognizing that water footprint assessments based on volume alone were no longeradequate, researchers at Veolia embarked on the development of an assessmenttool that incorporates multiple variables that are important to the viability of thelocal water resource. The result of Veolia’s effort is the Water Impact Index.Veolia Integrated SolutionTreatment FacilityRaw WaterFeedTankAerationCrystallization TankClarifierMultimediaFilterR.O. FeedTankR.O.Product WaterFinalEffluentTankBlacksville No. 2Loveridge3505 gpmAL PrecipitationSludge HoldingTankDewateringEquipmentEvaporatorFeed TankCrystallizationTankClarifier3490 gpmRobinson RunSolidsEvaporatorCrystalizerFeed TankSolidsDewateringEquipmentCrystalizerThe results ofa volume-basedmeasurementLandfillMannington•MonongahelaBasin3A WHITE PAPER BY VEOLIA WATER

Innovative wastewater treatment is critical to ensuring a future with sufficientand clean water, a robust and secure economy, and an ever-improving qualityof life. These goals are only attainable if growth and improvement, and theaccompanying strain that they place on limited natural resources, is supportedwith sustainable practices.Introduction2This <strong>case</strong> <strong>study</strong> reviews how CONSOL EnergyInc., a leading energy sector company,partnered with <strong>Veolia</strong> <strong>Water</strong>, one of theworld’s leading water treatment services andtechnologies companies, to develop a state-ofthe-artmine water treatment facility.The facility integrates chemical precipitation, reverseosmosis and thermal technologies developed by <strong>Veolia</strong>to maximize the recovery of clean water for return to theenvironment. A design-build-operate project deliveryapproach is used that allows CONSOL to focus on itscore business while ensuring facility performance to thehighest standards. The result is an enhancement of waterresources in the Monongahela River basin in NorthernWest Virginia, which is the exact intent of sustainability,to protect the environment whilesupporting economic and quality oflife needs.To provide an accurate measure of thebenefit provided by the facility, the<strong>Water</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Index</strong> was applied. The<strong>Water</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Index</strong> is a comprehensivewater footprint indicator developed by<strong>Veolia</strong> <strong>Water</strong>. It integrates all the aspectsof the water cycle, including waterquality, water availability in the localenvironment, and volume to providean accurate measure of environmentalbenefit.This <strong>case</strong> <strong>study</strong> describesseveral elements ofCONSOL’s mine watertreatment project, includingthe treatment process, anintroduction to the <strong>Water</strong><strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Index</strong>, and theapproach used to measurethe benefit that treatmentdelivers to the MonongahelaRiver basin.A WHITE PAPER BY VEOLIA WATERRaw <strong>Water</strong>FeedTankCONSOL’s mine watertreatment facility nearMannington, West Virginia“ Partnering with<strong>Veolia</strong> on thisproject providesCONSOL with aturnkey systemcoupled withproven operatorcapabilities”– Katharine A. FredricksenCONSOL ENERGYAerationCrystallization TankClarifierAL PrecipitationSludge HoldingTankDewateringEquipmentSolidsProject DescriptionCONSOL’s mine water treatment facility is located nearMannington, West Virginia, and will treat mine waterfrom its Blacksville #2, Loveridge, and Robinson Runmines. Total design capacity is 3,500 gallons per minute(gpm) for a centralized facility. The system applieschemical precipitation, reverse osmosis and thermaltechnologies that include:• pretreatment with softening and precipitationchemistry• clarification and filtration polishing• sludge dewatering• reverse osmosis (RO) and return of the purifiedpermeate stream to the river basin• pretreatment of the RO reject with softening andprecipitation chemistry• evaporation of the softened stream and returnSolidsof the distillate to the river basin• crystallization of the brine stream• crystallizer solids dewateringThis combination of technologies results inzero liquid waste as well as solids residuals thatare safe for landfill, as shown in the block flowdiagram below. More importantly, it improveseffluent quality such that it not only meets theregulatory requirements, but leads to overallimprovement of the local water resource as willbe described below.MultimediaFilterDewateringEquipmentR.O. FeedTankR.O.EvaporatorFeed TankCrystallizationTankClarifierEvaporatorCrystalizerFeed TankCrystalizerProduct <strong>Water</strong>FinalEffluentTank

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