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Power-Sharing - Goftaman.com

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efforts.” 18 In response to Afghan concerns that PRTs were building projects that thegovernment had no budget to operate, the Coalition now reviews projects to align themwith Afghan government priorities. But the Coalition’s development activities are stillnot integrated into the coordination procedures of the civilian aid donors, nor are militaryofficers the best development partners for local administration.Re<strong>com</strong>mendation:• PRTs should be reconfigured to support governance and development moreeffectively, by including more political officers and development specialists fromNATO member countries, a possible role for the European Union. Thedevelopment funds disbursed by PRTs should be subject to the same criteria foreffectiveness as other assistance; those funds would be more effective ifdisbursements were accountable to provincial administration and elected councils,as through a trust fund.<strong>Power</strong>-holder ImpunityStabilization of the country will eventually require an end to the impunity of powerholders. Despite several homicides by U.S. officials and contractors, and crimes byAfghan power holders including land grabbing, forced marriages, human trafficking,drug trafficking and other abuses, none of the guilty have received significant sanctions.Re<strong>com</strong>mendations:• The United States must impose meaningful punishment on its personnel andcontractors for homicides and torture of detainees.• The Afghan government, with the support as needed of the Coalition and NATO,should begin a process to arrest powerful Afghan criminals (not just apolitical orpro-Taliban drug traffickers, as in the past year) and either punish or extraditethem.18 Islamic Government of Afghanistan, “Terms of Reference for the Combined Force Command and ISAFPRTs in Afghanistan,” January 27, 2005.19

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