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expand coverage by PRTs, help disband illegal armed groups, and build fiscallysustainable military and police forces bound by the rule of law.INSURGENCYAfter years of claiming that greater American and Afghan casualties are either signs of“desperation” by foundering terrorists or the result of more aggressive U.S. tactics thatare pushing opposition fighters out of their safe havens, the U.S. government has nowadmitted that the insurgency is growing and be<strong>com</strong>ing more effective. U.S. and Afghangovernment casualties caused by the insurgency are higher in 2005 than in any previousyear (see figure 1). Insurgent activities have increased in lethality, with increased use oftactics seen in Iraq, including suicide bombings, which the Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA) estimates have quadrupled in the past year, and improvised explosive devises,whose use has doubled. According to Ahmed Rashid, a Pakistani journalist based inLahore, “In the past few months, at least thirty attacks have killed nearly one hundredpeople in Afghanistan, including NATO peacekeepers and a Canadian diplomat.” 6Afghanistan and the Arab world have now switched places: whereas before 9/11 Arabjihadists created a base for terrorism in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq now provides atraining and testing ground for new jihadi tactics, which have spread to Afghanistan.The Coalition and the Afghan government have disagreed over the diagnosis ofthe insurgency and the strategy against it. The United States is largely relying oncooperation with Pakistan for action against al-Qaeda and Taliban sanctuaries in thatcountry, although President Bush has noted that more needs to be done. 7 The Coalition isalso waging aggressive campaigns against insurgency sanctuaries in Afghanistan andtrying to increase development and governance efforts in areas of Taliban activitythrough PRTs and civil affairs projects. Although during his March 2006 visit PresidentBush praised both President Karzai and President Pervez Musharraf as staunch allies inthe war on terror, the two presidents were waging an active war of words against each6 Ahmed Rashid, “He’s Wel<strong>com</strong>e in Pakistan,” Washington Post, February 26, 2006.7 “Bush Praises Pakistan Terror Role,” BBC News, March 4, 2006.7

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