Chapter 1 - Introduction - Green Line Extension Project

Chapter 1 - Introduction - Green Line Extension Project

Chapter 1 - Introduction - Green Line Extension Project


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Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.DRAFTrange of alternatives considered consistent with the Purpose and Need of thestudy.If a decision is made to pursue Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding forimprovements in the Beyond Lechmere Northwest Corridor study area, theplanning process for the project would need to conform to the FTA’s planningand project development guidelines. This MIS/AA has been prepared followingFTA guidelines for such documents, to maintain eligibility for FTA funding forthe project.1.6Community Involvement1.6.1 Advisory GroupTo ensure that local concerns and issues were addressed as part of the planningprocess, an Advisory Group was established to work with the Study Team andmeet regularly throughout the study period. The Advisory Group consisted ofproject stakeholders, including elected officials, businesses, and residents, as wellas representatives from the areas of education, environment, labor, socialservices and transportation. This group represented the various interests ofCambridge, Somerville and Medford; assisted the MBTA in identifying projectgoals and objectives; provided insight on local concerns and issues; reviewedproject documents; and conducted outreach to promote community involvementin project-related meetings.1.6.2 Public MeetingsThe MBTA hosted a series of community meetings in October and November2004 to update residents on the progress of the study and to receive input onalternatives under consideration. A meeting was held in each community -Cambridge, Somerville and Medford - and was coordinated with city officials.Interpreters were provided at the Cambridge and Somerville meetings for thosemembers of the public requiring such services. An Open House was held priorto each meeting for members of the Study Team to answer questions from thepublic and for the public to review study materials.MIS 8-05 - <strong>Chapter</strong> 1 1-5 <strong>Introduction</strong>August 2005

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