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More oxford <strong>books</strong> @ www.OxfordeBook.<strong>com</strong><strong>Fore</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>urdu</strong> <strong>books</strong> <strong>visit</strong> <strong>www.4Urdu</strong>.<strong>com</strong>312 NOTES TO PAGES 92–9545. Jane E. Thompson to AR, August 21, 1944, ARP 036–01A; Betty Andree to AR,February 23, 1946, ARP 036–01C; AR to DeWitt Emery, May 17, 1943, Letters, 42.46. Thad Horton to AR, December 18, 1945, ARP 036–01H; Louise Bailey to AR,August 15, 1950, ARP 036–01H; Jane E. Thompson to AR, August 21, 1944, ARP 036–01A.47. Herbert A. Bulgerin, in Bobbs-Merrill to AR, August 23, 1943, ARP 102–17x; PFCGerald James to AR, July 29, 1945 ARP 036–01B. For Rand’s response to James, see Letters,228. Mrs. Leo (Edna) Koretsky to AR, January 10, 1946, ARP 036–01A.48. AR to DeWitt Emery, May 17, 1943, Letters, 73.49. Ayn Rand, “Dear Mr.———,” undated fund-raising letter, circa 1942, ARP146-PO4.50. Ruth Austin to AR, undated, 1946, ARP 036–01F. Rand’s responses to Austin arein Letters, 287–89, 293–96, 303–4. Alden E. Cornell to AR, 1947, ARP036–01D; Edward W.Greenfield to AR, October 15, 1957, ARP 100–11x. As the historian Alan Brinkley notes, evenat the height of the New Deal there was a strong popular impulse to “defend the autonomyof the individual and the independence of the <strong>com</strong>munity against encroachments fromthe modern industrial state.” Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and the GreatDepression (New York: Knopf, 1982), xi. In 1935, 60 percent of Americans told the Galluppolling organization that government relief expenditures were “too great,” and during therecession of 1937, only 37 percent supported increased state spending “to help get businessout of its current slump.” Although these early polls must be treated with caution,the antigovernment attitudes they register, across a variety of topics and years, cannot beignored. See Alec M. Gallup, The Gallup Poll Cumulative Index: Public Opinion, 1935–1997(Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 1999), especially 1–197. In his brief discussion ofRand, Michael Szalay links The Fountainhead’s antistatism to similar attitudes in GertrudeStein and Ernest Hemingway. Szalay, New Deal Modernism: American Literature and theInvention of the Welfare State (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000), 75–121.51. Excerpt from James Ingebretsen letter to Leonard Read is included in Read toAR, December 17, 1943, ARP 139-F1x; John Chamberlain, A Life with the Printed Word,(Chicago: Regnery Gateway, 1982), 136.52. Ayn Rand and Oswald Garrison Villard, “Wake Up America: Collectivism orIndividualism: Which One Promises Postwar Progress?,” Cincinnati Post, October 19,1943. The article was part of a syndicated series developed by Fred G. Clark for theAmerican Economic Foundation and it ran nationwide in October 1943. Ayn Rand,“The Only Road to Tomorrow,” Reader’s Digest, January 1944, 88–90. Rand was furiousto discover that the published article had been altered from her original, primarily bysoftening her language and omitting mention of Stalin as a totalitarian dictator. See ARto DeWitt Wallace, December 8, 1943, ARP 138-C4x. Rand had sold the article to theCommittee for Constitutional Government, a conservative organization headed for atime by Norman Vincent Peale. The CCG placed her article in Reader’s Digest and splitthe fee with her. See Ed Rumely to AR, November 1, 1943, ARP 138-C4x. The ideologicalorientation of Reader’s Digest is described in Joanne P. Sharp, Condensing the Cold War:Reader’s Digest and American Identity (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,2000). AR to Archie Ogden, May 6, 1943, Letters, 67.

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