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More oxford <strong>books</strong> @ www.OxfordeBook.<strong>com</strong><strong>Fore</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>urdu</strong> <strong>books</strong> <strong>visit</strong> <strong>www.4Urdu</strong>.<strong>com</strong>ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 289Paula Baker gave the manuscript two terrific readings at different stagesin the project. James Kloppenberg’s <strong>com</strong>ments and questions fortifiedmy final revisions.I am also grateful to the many audiences who listened to me presentvarious pieces of my research, starting with attendees at the Capitalismand Its Culture Conference at the University of California, Santa Barbara.Gregory Eow arranged a <strong>visit</strong> to the Rice University History Department,where I learned from Thomas Haskell’s probing questions. Audiencemembers, panelists, and <strong>com</strong>mentators at meetings of the AmericanHistorical Association, the Organization of American Historians, thePolicy History Conference, and the Davis Center for Russian StudiesSixtieth anniversary symposium shaped and strengthened my interpretations.Thanks to David Farber and Michelle Nickerson for sparkingmemorable discussion at the AHA. Kathleen Frydl, Abena Osseo-Asare,Jo Guldi, and Daniel Immerwahr helped polish my postdoctoral work.David Kennedy offered valuable advice on publishing. Though I amnot a client of hers, Susan Rabiner generously offered her counsel atseveral points.At the Hoover Institution Martin Anderson and Tibor Machan supportedmy work and offered me their insight into Rand, as did BobHessen. I am also grateful to Kenneth Jowett. Andy Rutten and KatherineMangu-Ward guided me through the world of modern libertarianism.Ron Unz gave me access to his database of libertarian periodicals, andAndrew Kirk helped me track down an elusive Rand citation. During acritical hour John Judis turned up at Stanford and gave me three unforgettablewords of writing advice.My greatest discovery was Jane Barnes, who pushed me to excel withtact and verve. This book is immeasurably better for her hard workand sharp insight. Will Schulman gamely played the role of informedgeneral reader and offered excellent feedback as the manuscript developed.Shoshana Milgram shared her Rand expertise with me on severaloccasions. Joan Rosenberg offered me lodging in Irvine numeroustimes, making my research trips infinitely <strong>more</strong> pleasant, as did JasmineKerrissey. In Charlottesville my colleagues in the History Departmentprovided a wonderfully supportive atmosphere for the last days of writing.Guy Ortolano and Carmen Pavel critiqued my drafts and cheeredme on. With unfailing good humor and scrupulous accuracy, Stephen

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