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More oxford <strong>books</strong> @ www.OxfordeBook.<strong>com</strong><strong>Fore</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>urdu</strong> <strong>books</strong> <strong>visit</strong> <strong>www.4Urdu</strong>.<strong>com</strong>LOVE IS EXCEPTION MAKING 235agree, because I didn’t think that physics was corrupt. I could see theinterest in me dying down in her eyes.” 49 Rand could turn her charismaon and off at will, charming those who paid her proper homage whilefreezing out those who did not.For every NBI student who found Rand harsh or was the target of anunprovoked rage, there is another who remembers Rand’s sensitivityand caring. Jan Richman, a Los Angeles NBI representative, describedher first meeting with Rand: “[She] said that I should take my glasses off.I took them off, and she said, you have very beautiful eyes. You shouldn’thide them behind glasses; get contact lenses. I remember I felt like crying.”Martin Anderson, the author of a controversial book that attackedfederal urban renewal programs, The Federal Bulldozer, was a professorat Columbia Business School when he and his girlfriend attended an NBIlecture they saw advertised in the New York Times. There he befriendedAlan Greenspan, who invited him to several smaller events with Rand.Anderson remembers Rand as a “pussycat,” a warm and caring figure. Itwas Rand, alone out of a late-night café crowd, who noticed his troubleand helped prepare his coffee when a broken arm left him unable toopen a package of cream. When Rand learned about his up<strong>com</strong>ing weddingshe asked to be invited and presented the couple with a weddinggift. Older, professionally ac<strong>com</strong>plished, and married, Anderson wasinsulated from the groupthink and gossip of younger NBI students. Hisengagement with Objectivism was purely intellectual. Rand helped himclarify and unify his long-standing political beliefs, shaping them intoa cohesive and integrated whole that helped direct his future work inRepublican politics. 50There seemed to be two Objectivisms: one that genuinely supportedintellectual exchange, engagement, and discourse, and one that was asdogmatic, narrow-minded, and stifling as Rand’s harshest critics alleged.And the closer one got to New York, the <strong>more</strong> repressive the atmospherebecame, Objectivists noticed. 51 For all their emphasis on reason,Rand and NBI instructors met intellectual disagreement with invective.Sometimes the two sides of Objectivism alternated with stunning speed,leaving Rand’s followers unsure where they stood. A college student whowould pursue a philosophy doctorate at the University of Rochester, andthen a professorial career at Tulane, took Leonard Peikoff’s NBI lectureseries in the summer of 1965. He and several advanced students met

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