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More oxford <strong>books</strong> @ www.OxfordeBook.<strong>com</strong><strong>Fore</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>urdu</strong> <strong>books</strong> <strong>visit</strong> <strong>www.4Urdu</strong>.<strong>com</strong>LOVE IS EXCEPTION MAKING 229Her critique had little to do with colonialism, fascism, imperialism,or the other evils leftists laid at the feet of the United States. Rather,she argued that the only justification for war was national self-defense,and Vietnam did not meet this criterion. Although she was opposed toCommunism, Rand did not buy the domino theory that guided policymakers,whereby any nation that became Communist was seen topotentially topple its neighbors in the same direction. In the fashionof the prewar right, Rand saw hostilities in Vietnam as unrelated to lifein the United States. To her, the <strong>more</strong> potent threat lay at home, wherestatists and socialists disguised as liberals might destroy the freedoms ofAmerica.Rand saw the draft as a sure sign that freedom was already in gravedanger. She was deeply opposed to the draft and its implications forsociety. “Of all the statist violations of individual rights . . . the militarydraft is the worst,” she told her audience. “It negates man’s fundamentalright, the right to life, and establishes the fundamental principle of statism—thata man’s life belongs to the state, and the state may claim it by<strong>com</strong>pelling him to sacrifice it in battle. Once that principle is accepted,the rest is only a matter of time.” 35 Rand coupled her attack on the statistdraft with an impassioned defense of young lives wasted by the war. Ifpotential inductees turned to drugs or “the beatnik cult” in response tostate enslavement, who could blame them? She was incensed that noneon the right had joined her offensive; instead, she observed incredulously,it was only “the extreme left” who had demanded repeal of thedraft. Rand argued that opposition to the draft should be the provinceof conservatives, “the alleged defenders of freedom and capitalism.” 36Framed as a statist violation of rights, conscription fit seamlessly intoher larger opposition to coercion and the initiation of force.Before long, opposition to the draft became a key part of the Objectivistworldview, despite Rand’s active discouragement of draft resistance. Shehad little sympathy for those who publicly protested the draft, favorablyquoting Persuasion, a magazine published by NBI students, “Onedoes not stop the juggernaut by throwing oneself against it.” 37 Her positionwas nuanced, or some might say contradictory: against the draft,and against the war, and against the protestors too. Some of this wasmerely cultural. Raised in the high European tradition, Rand viscerallyobjected to the messiness of the bohemian student protestors. Their

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