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More oxford <strong>books</strong> @ www.OxfordeBook.<strong>com</strong><strong>Fore</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>urdu</strong> <strong>books</strong> <strong>visit</strong> <strong>www.4Urdu</strong>.<strong>com</strong>BIG SISTER IS WATCHING YOU 171requests to reprint the speech. The Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporationasked permission to reproduce the speech “for internal distributionto supervisory personnel.” The <strong>com</strong>pany explained, “We feel that thismaterial is very much in line with some of the economic principles wehave been disseminating.” 7Businessmen were attracted both to the content of Rand’s ideas andtheir unification into a cohesive, integrated whole. One executive toldthe management of his <strong>com</strong>pany that Rand could help them “probedeeper into the philosophic and economic causes of the decline of freedom.. . . Miss Rand explains <strong>com</strong>pletely the inseparability of right moralaction, private property, free economic activity and rational action. Eachis proven to be inextricably woven into the others. And as one reads andgrasps the proofs she offers as the absolute, and always superiority ofa free society, he begins to see why so many of our efforts to thwartcollectivism, welfare ism, etc., fail so miserably.” 8 Rand offered both anexplanation for any antibusiness sentiment and an action plan for thefuture. This <strong>com</strong>bination bowled over Clement Williamson, presidentof Sealol Incorporated in Providence, Rhode Island, who told her, “afteryears of trying to arouse business leaders to conviction and action in thefield of government and politics, I feel that I now have the key whichwill eventually unlock the tremendous potential available in this group.Nowhere in my literature researching have I found the one answerexcept in this philosophy of yours.” 9 Rand’s readers felt that she hadpenetrated to the root causes of the regulatory and social environmentthat bedeviled them.In Rand business had found a champion, a voice that could articulateits claim to prominence in American life. Invitations to symposia andconferences began to stream in. Rand was recruited to speak at a meetingof the National Industrial Council on the “Ethics of Capitalism,”and three times presented at the week-long seminar of the President’sProfessional Association, an organization affiliated with the AmericanManagement Association. Two professors at the Columbia BusinessSchool excerpted Atlas Shrugged in a textbook and invited her to addressa course on the conceptual and institutional foundations of modernbusiness. Business could even offer Rand an intellectual platform ofsorts. The Atlantic Economic Review, published by a Georgia businessschool, invited Rand to contribute to a symposium on The Organization

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