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More oxford <strong>books</strong> @ www.OxfordeBook.<strong>com</strong><strong>Fore</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>urdu</strong> <strong>books</strong> <strong>visit</strong> <strong>www.4Urdu</strong>.<strong>com</strong>154FROM NOVELIST TO PHILOSOPHER, 1944–1957have been wanting to help me, I think . . . and wanted to contribute tomy relaxing about that kind of thing,” he reflected later. But at the timehe felt “terribly un<strong>com</strong>fortable.” Another violent clash between her andMises spelled the end of their relationship. Rand and Mises arguedover conscription, which Rand saw as tantamount to slavery. Mises, hiseyes on history, argued that only conscription could prevent the riseof dangerous mercenary armies. After the argument Rand telephonedCornuelle. She wanted him to make a choice:“You have to make a decision. You’re either going to continue to be mydisciple or his.” I said, I’d rather duck. She said, “you can’t.” And that wasit. I never spoke to her again after that. . . . She didn’t want me to agreewith her. She wanted me to discontinue my relations with von Mises as away of showing I was on her side. 50Rand now began to demand allegiance from those around her. Shehad made “the most consistent arguments” on behalf of a fully integratedsystem and cast out those who did not acknowledge her achievement.The Collective, and Nathaniel Branden in particular, were her replacement.The bond between the two had grown fast and thick. In New YorkBranden became not only Rand’s “brain mate” but her teacher, as hebegan to push her philosophical ideas into the realm of psychology.Branden’s major innovation was the theory of “social metaphysics.” Hedeveloped this concept to describe a person whose frame of referencewas “the consciousness, beliefs, values, perceptions of various otherpeople.” 51 Branden translated the qualities Rand had celebrated in hernovels into psychological terms. In The Fountainhead Howard Roark’sstoic disregard for the opinions of others could be understood as a dramatizedideal, a standard that could inspire despite its unreality. Recastas a psychological syndrome, the same idea became dangerous, becauseit suggested that the abnormal should be normal. Essentially, “socialmetaphysics” made everyday human concern with the thoughts andopinions of others problematic and pathological. It was a judgmentaland reductive concept, a pejorative label that both Branden and Randbegan using freely.Branden’s new idea was doubly destructive because he employedit during therapy sessions with members of the Collective and otherinterested patients. Indeed, Branden had first derived the idea after

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