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More oxford <strong>books</strong> @ www.OxfordeBook.<strong>com</strong><strong>Fore</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>urdu</strong> <strong>books</strong> <strong>visit</strong> <strong>www.4Urdu</strong>.<strong>com</strong>150FROM NOVELIST TO PHILOSOPHER, 1944–1957New Yorkers in any argument: “Many are the people who laughed at mydescription of her dialectical invincibility, only later to try their handsand join me among the corpses on the Randian battlefield.” Rand beganwith the basics, establishing agreement on primary axioms and principles.She came out on top by showing how her opponent’s ideas andbeliefs contradicted these foundations. This approach was particularlyeffective on those who prided themselves on logic and consistency, asdid Greenspan. He remembered that “talking to Rand was like startinga game of chess thinking I was good, and suddenly finding myself incheckmate.” Greenspan was hooked. 42Greenspan’s attraction to Rand was fairly standard for those drawninto her orbit. As she had for Rothbard, Rand exposed Greenspan topreviously unknown intellectual treasures, “a vast realm from which I’dshut myself off.” Before meeting Rand, Greenspan was “intellectuallylimited . . .”: “I was a talented technician, but that was all.” Under Rand’stutelage he began to look beyond a strictly empirical, numbers-basedapproach to economics, now thinking about “human beings, their values,how they work, what they do and why they do it, and how theythink and why they think.” His graduate school mentor, Arthur Burns,had given Greenspan his first exposure to free market ideas. Randpushed him further, inspiring Greenspan to connect his economic ideasto the big questions in life. Now he found that morality and ethics hada rational structure that could be analyzed and understood, just like theeconomy or music, his first passion. Primed to accept Rand’s system byhis devotion to mathematical thought, Greenspan was soon an enthusiasticObjectivist. His friends noticed the change immediately, as hebegan flavoring his conversations with Objectivist vocabulary and theRandian injunction “check your premises.” 43Unlike most members of the Collective, who were students, Greenspanstood out as an established professional with a successful economic consultingbusiness. He was in the rare position of being able to teach Randsomething. While she dominated the others, when it came to Greenspan“it was the reverse, he was the expert, she was learning from him,” remembereda friend. 44 His firm, Townsend-Greenspan, charged huge sums forthe information it synthesized about all aspects of economic demand.Greenspan was legendary for his ability to <strong>com</strong>b statistical data, analyzegovernment reports, and ferret out key figures from industry contacts.

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