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More oxford <strong>books</strong> @ www.OxfordeBook.<strong>com</strong><strong>Fore</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>urdu</strong> <strong>books</strong> <strong>visit</strong> <strong>www.4Urdu</strong>.<strong>com</strong>THE REAL ROOT OF EVIL 125seemed confused, asking, “What relation could a lie about Russia havewith the war effort?” Later she asserted, “I don’t believe the Americanpeople should ever be told any lies, publicly or privately. . . . Why weren’tthe American people told the real reasons and told that Russia is a dictatorshipbut there are reasons why we should cooperate with them todestroy Hitler and other dictators?” 64 She had a real point to make abouthonesty in politics, but because she failed to appreciate the wartime contextof Song of Russia, her testimony did little to support the inquiry intoCommunist subversion of American movies. Nor was the <strong>com</strong>mitteeinterested in hearing Rand’s take on The Best Years of Our Lives, decliningto ask her to testify a second day.In retrospect Rand had mixed feelings about her appearance. Sheworried about the morality of government inquiries into Americans’political beliefs, assuring herself in private notes that the investigationwas warranted because the <strong>com</strong>mittee was inquiring into the fact ofCommunist Party membership, not the belief in Communist ideals.That fellow travelers or Communist sympathizers would be swept upinto the dragnet did not worry her. What bothered her was the ineffectivenessof the whole event, which seemed little <strong>more</strong> than a charadeto get Congress off Hollywood’s back. Later Rand became convincedthat the hearings had triggered a reverse blacklist against the friendlywitnesses. After HUAC’s investigation many of her conservative friends,including Albert Mannheimer, had great difficulty finding work in theindustry. 65Following her appearance in Washington Ayn and Frank continuedon to New York, where she had scheduled a full gamut of literary activities.Chief among her goals was research for Atlas Shrugged. As the storydeveloped Rand determined that railroads and steel, pillars of the modernindustrial economy, would lie at the center of her story. As in TheFountainhead, she conducted painstaking research to make her storyaccurate. Her primary contact was with the New York Central Railroad.She grilled the vice president of operations, took a guided tour of GrandCentral and its underground track systems, and <strong>visit</strong>ed a constructionsite in upstate New York. The highlight of her <strong>visit</strong> was a ride to Albany,where she was permitted to ride in the cab of the train’s engine, anoccasion that prompted the normally reticent Frank to declare, “You’remarvelous!” In an effusive letter to Paterson, Rand described how the

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